Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 297
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1873.] THE NALADIYAR. 267 niradro devatâ. [Aham eva kala iti bijam ; treatises already reduced to form. Separate nâ 'har kala iti saktih, kilakan mrityunjayo. collections of passages of this nature natupasthâne viniyogah.]* " Atha 'to yogajihvå me rally formed an indispensable weapon to the madhuvadinî. Aham eva kalo na "ham kalasya polemical sectaries of the day; and, like all ritam satyam"-[ity asya mantrasya Yama systematists in India, the collectors were possessrishih; anushtap chandah; Kalagnirudro de- ed of the notion that the number of the Upanivata mrityunjayopasthåne viniyogah.] shads must be one of what they esteem fortunate, "ritam satyam param brahma parusham or as possessing mystical properties. Thus the krishnapingalam Muktikopanishad puts the number at 108; a fi ûrdhvaretam virûpå ksham višvarůpâya vai vourite number, especially in S. India, & and namah which was also much used by the Buddhists. But Om varavrishabhaphenakapaline pasupataye these collections were made in different parts of namo namah (varavrishabhaphenakapalaya India, and it would not be everywhere easy to pasupataye svaha! om! aum! hrîm ! śrîm!) iti make up any number of real Upanishads; thus smrite (yadi smpi"] mrityulangale, brahmaha spurious ones, or even favourite devotional tracts, 'brahmahi bhavati; abrahmachari subrahma- would be included to make the number of the chari bhavati gurudâragâmî agamî bhavati collection perfect, and different collections would (suvarnasteyi asteyi bhavati]; surpayi apayi | vary much in the separate tracts they included. bhavati. Ekavarena japtvå ashtottarasabasra- It does not appear that in any part of India the Jakshagayatrijapaphalâni bhavanti; ashtau brîh- Upanishads are reckoned at a higher number maņîn grâhayitvå brahmalokam avápnoti. than 108, but at present there are about 17011 Yadi kasyacha na brúyật, khitri kuthit kunakhi separate works recognised as Upanishads in all bhavati. Yam anena grihniyâd andho bhavati; India. Colebrooke (Essays, I. p. 91) put the shadbhir masaih pramiyate, 'mantro naśyati- number of them at 52, which seems to be a ity iha Mahadevo Vasishthah. Benares calculation. It is not difficult to explain how this magical The name mrityulángala is puzzling. It canformula as well as the Garuda Upanishad) not possibly be translated "halitus mortis," as came to be included in the list of Upanishads. Anquetil has done, probably having mistaken At the fall of Buddhism the Upanishad doc- one Persian word for another which looks much trine or mystical teachings of the older Vedic the same. What, however, it is really intended Schools became of great importance to the to mean is difficult to say. Ulukhalangala can new sects which then came into existence. only have one meaning, and msity alargala is Some of these Upanishads no doubt existed perhaps also obscene; the Tantrio tracts are separately; others were contained in Vedic full of such allusions. THE NALADIYAR. BY THE REV. F. J. LEEPER, TRANQUEBAR. (Continued from page 218.) CHAPTER 8.-Patience. swelling waves, will not regard impatient be1. Good lord of the cool hills festooned with haviour as praise orthy, but baseness only. springs! speak not at all with a fool. If a fool 3. Will the hard words uttered (in reproof) speak, he will speak only to injure you. To slip by friends be more evil than the sweet words away from him, and to avoid him by any means of strangers speaking with joy, 0 lord of the in your power, is good. 2. When inferiors speak cool shore of the mighty ocean, where the beauimproper words, the patient hearing these words tiful winged insects turn over all the flowers, is patience indeed. The earth, surrounded with if they get men who understand the consequence * The passages in brackets show the variations or addi- but the Telugu and Tamil Brahmans differ in the selections of the longer recensio. tion. It is always said that there are 108 Sirs temples in I am from this compelled to follow No. 7210 alone, M 8. India, and this number is met with repeatedly. the Grantha MS. is so broken as to be useless. || Prof. Max Müller (z. d. d. M. G. XIX. pp. 137 ff.) I Svitri kashtht (P) mentions 149; to these (in my Catalogue, pp. 59 ff.) I 9 The Upanishads in S. India are always said to be 108. added 5, and Dr. Haur (Brahma und die Brahmanente


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