Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 335
________________ OCTOBER, 1873.] GADDAK INSCRIPTIONS 301 ocean! Dévântikamanita vodyAvithisthita paratah Ramachandrah || MadvaránjA[b] paramahfpa-tiAmpitopamapániyapornrå pushkariņt krita vamsaja va pâpâdapêtamanasôbhuvibhavibhopah Vanam cha Namdanasâmyam nånápushpalatávfi. Yê palayanti mama dharmmamimam samagram tam || Kim jalpêna bahun& gråva(ma)pråkkrava- têshAmh maya virachito s mjalirisha mardhni | layabihyami-ba Yadyatsamasta[m] tattatsa- BallAladêranfipatêrádésadagnisarmman rachita masta mapi tasya nirmmanam || Tasya bhagavatas- Sasanapaddhatirêsha Sarasvatasårvvabhaumêna || characharagaroh SrievayambhůtrikCtesvaradê. Vasyårgaramgabhôgakhardasphuţitajirnnôdhdhá TRANSLATION. (ddha)-radyarttham vidyâdânârttham tapodhana Hail! May that deity (Vishņu),--the most exbrahmanidibhôjanarttham Beļvolatrisatántarggata cellent of the race of Yada; the husband of hoxhbAļalunâmadhêyagrámam pûrvvaprasidhdha Fortune; he who, being the abode of the quality of goodness, tenderly preserves the three worlds,(ddha)simasamanvitam nidhinikshêpa-jalapasht confer supreme happiness upon you! May the naramadisahitam tribhogy&bhyamtaramashtabhô deity, as a King, imposing his commands upon the gatêja(jah)svâmyayukta[m] sulkadam Adisa kala heads of all chieftains, protect, as long as the sun dravyāpårjjanôpêtam Sakansipakålåtitasamvatsara and moon may last, the earth encircled by the sa-ishu chaturddasadhikêshvêkadasasu arkatô pi 1114 varttamânaparidhårisamvatsarâmtargga- In former times there was in this world he who tamdragoáirahapanrnrnamilyên Sane charavaro Bộ. bore the name of Sri-Yadu; in his family was born magrahaņê tasya Kalamukha-charyyasômesvara even the Unborn, Hari, . for the parpose of Busdôvaprasishyasya Vidyacharanadêvasishyasya sa- taining the burden of the earth. In his lineago tyaváky&paranámadhôymys SrimadAcharyyasidh- there were many heroes, possessing well-known dhA(ddha)ntichandrabhshanaparditadêvasya pereputations ; good people still read in the Parkņas dapraksha-lanam kritve rajna rjakfysirapya of their wonderful achievements. namguļiprekshaniyam sarvvanamasyar kitve dhe In course of time there was born in that race raparvvakar bhaktyd dattavên || Asya cha dharm certain king named Sala, who, b.ving gained a masya sarakshanê phalamida-mudAharanti sma title for his family, caused even Yada, the first of tapômahimasakshatkritadharmmasthitayo Manvs. it, to be forgotten. For when, in the city of dayð maharshayaḥ || Bahubhirvvasudha bhukta Sasakapura, with the words "Slayt, o Sala," he was commanded by a certain ascetic to destroy rajabhiḥ Sagaradibhiḥ | Yasya yasya yada bha tiger that had come to devour him in the permistasya tasya tada phalam | Ganyante parsavo formance of his religious rites, he slew it and bham@rgganyantê vpishțivindavaḥ | Na ganyato acquired the name of Hoysala. From that time Vidhatrapi dharmmasamrakshanê phalam || Ape forth the name of Hoysaļa was attached to his race, ha-ratah samartthasyâpyudásinasya tairova cha and the emblem on its banner, causing fear to its paritarh phalamudAhşitam || Svadattah paradattam foes, was a tiger. va yo harêta vasumdharam | Shashtim varsbasa- Other kings (of his race) having roled his kinghasrani vishta-yåm jậyatê kfimih || Paradattam dom, at length there was a king named VinayAditya. tu yo bhamimupahim setkadachana Sa labdhô vå- His son was king Ereyanga, celebrated for vir. ranaih påsaih kshipyatê půyasonite || Kulâni tåra- tues possessed in common by no others. yetkarta sapta sapta cha sapta cha Adhô s To him there were born two sons, BallAls and dhah patayêddharttâ sapta sapta cha sapta cha || Vishnuvardhana, whose younger brother was UdaApi Gamgaditirtthêshu hamturggåmathava dvi- yaditya. Glorious, intent upon the welfare of jam | Nishkritiḥ syậnna dévasvabrahmasvahara- created things, worshipped by mankind, like the 1 nrinam || Vindhyâtavishvatöy&su sushkakota sun and moon they cast a lustre over everything. rabkyinah Kfishrasarppáh hijậyante dåvadravy He (BallAla)f. the mighty one, charging with paharakAh || Karmmana manas& vacha yaḥ Bar his horse a lordly elephant in the van of battle, martthô pyapêkhshatê | Sa syttadaiva chandala overturned Jagadders and despoiled him of his [b]sarvvadharmmåbahishkpitah||Atha ôvaha Rama Bovereignty chandrah Samanyo yam dharmmasturnnripa The older of the two having ruled the kingdom, rin kald kalê pålaniyo bhavadbhiḥ after him his younger brother also, Vishņuvar. sarv nêt&nbhavinah pårtthivêrndranbhyo bhdyôyachate dhana, reigned for a long time. For the sake of (ensuring the continuance of) his power, he gave • Vishna, who became incarnato, m Krinhos, in 1 The constraction here is very obscure. In the preceding the race of Yado. verse we have the relative pronoun in the dual, referring to t oy, imperative of hoyyu or poyyu (Canarese), to the two brothers: here the relative is in the singular and is bent, ball. The name is also spelt Poysal Oy AD&. without an antecedent. From the following verse, however, and Poynana. the elder brother, Bal1414, appears to be referred to.


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