Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 232
________________ 212 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1873. believe kera to be rather a corruption of karya." ing i ory. The difficulty, however, may not be so So Prof. Lassen is not quite so positive as my absolute as Lassen seems to have thought. In critic represents. Prof. Weber (Hla, p. 38), treat- some instances such an influence is doubtful. The ing of the changes of a into e, says that it changes supposition is, therefore, quite allowable, that the 60 sometimes under the influence of a following y, Prakrit past part. form kalo (in Msichchk. Calc. as sejja (sayyd); achchhera (sischarya); maha keram edn. for kado) might be the original of the form ke. (mama keyite). This does not show that he is more lao or kerao. This was my theory formerly, which positive than Prof. Lassen. The fact is that they was briefly stated by me on p. 133. Nevertheless are both too cautious and too well-informed my critic insinuates that I made thee of kelaka scholars to commit themselves to such a dog. to be a modification of the Sanskrit ri; and then matic statement on insufficient data. I do not he proceeds to knock down the man of straw of his know on what grounds Prof. Hoefer may have own creation. (And, by the way, what are we to upported the traditional interpretation, as unfor- think of a Prakrit form keta, to which my critic nately I am not able to refer to his work. But thinks krita might change P) Further on Dr. that it is the true interpretation the modern ver- Pischel says that I "believe that in some naculars conclusively prore. In Marathi the examples kerala has become a sort of aflix; if equivalent of krita is keld, and in the Low-Hindi this be true, it ought not to be inflected, as it it is kaild (or kayald or kaïld). Now keld or kuila really is," like all other adj. nouns. Now the are contractions or modifications of the Prakrit substance of what I said was this, that in some kelao (or kelo), or kerao (or kero); and it follows instances kerala has no (predicative) meaning, that the Prakrit kerao or kero are also equivalente but merely determines the case of another noun, of the Sanskrit leritaka or krita. The interchange and that in this respect it had become like an of r and l is so common that it needs no remark. affix (see p. 130). Now this is altogether a difIts extreme frequency in the modern vernaculars ferent thing from what Dr. Pischel attributes to shows that in colloquial Prakrit it must have me. That keraka is an adj. noun and treated as been even more frequent than in literary Prikrit. such, I know very well; in fact, it is the whole The l of kelao is a substitute for d, and d again for drift of my second essay to prove that the Hind: the Sanskrit t; namely, krita becomes kada, and genitive post-positions are curtailments of such kada becomes kela or kelaa. This disposes of an adj. noun (see p. 125). one of the two difficulties of Prof. Lassen, which Again, Dr. Piechel adduces a number of other was the r in keraka in the place of the Sanskrit t. words, as kajjam, kichchan, etc., which he says This assumes that the form kelao is the earlier are used exactly in the same way as I say one; but even if the other form kerao be thought keraṁ or kerakan is. This is again a misthe earlier, ther can be explained by the help of understanding. What I maintain is, that keraka the modern vernaulars. The Low-Hindi has still is used very often pleonastically, or to form a & past part. kard for Sanskrit krita (just as mard periphrastical genitive, as amhakerao for amhanan. for mrita, dhard for dhrita, etc.). Here we have Now the words instanced by Dr. Piechel are in the place of the Sanskrit t, however it may not used pleonastically; for if omitted in the have originated. For my own part I am inclined sentences quoted, the sense of the latter would to believe the origin to be this. In Prakrit, roots be incomplete or none at all; and, moreover, they in ri not uncommonly form the past part. pass. are used to form a periphrastical dative, not a with the connerting vowel i (comp. Lassen, genitive. These means of forming & periphrastic Inst. Prakrit. p. 363); thus bhri has bharita, dhri dative are well known. Keran is one of them. has dharita, etc. (I give the full phonetic ground- But kerans in this particular use was irrelevant to forms). Thus keri would form karita, that is, in my purpose. Dr. Pischel will find it discussed Prakrit kario (or kariao), which is actually pre- in a future paper on the dative post-positions, served in the old Hindi form karyar (e. g. Chand, which I shall try to show can be traced back XXVII. 60), and in Modern Hindi is contracted to it. to kard. Now the Prekrit forms kario or kariap As regard the three words nija, gada. say dha, would easily explain the forms kero or kerao, by they are never used pleonastically, certainly not in the translation of the vowel i into the preceding the instances quoted by Dr. Pischel; e. g. if syllable; just as achchhario contracts into ach- gadena were left out in the phrase taggadena ahildchhero. This disposes of the second difficulty of sena, its sense would become doubtful; it might Prof. Lassen (p. 118), which is that the vowel a mean both" by his desire for her" or "by her changes to . only under the influence of a follow. desire." Again if niam be omitted in the sentence "Hinc kdra-ka a karya potius depravatum crediderim"--Curiously, though no doubt wrongly, M. Williams, in his sak. p. 289, concludes from Lassen's words that he adhered to the urual derivation of keraka from the Sanskr. krita.


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