Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 257
________________ AUGUST, 1873.] MR. GOGERLY'S TRANSLATIONS. 235 19. We know that this is the ninth cause whenever he journeys from his own residence which leads to the decline of prosperity of men.O shall obtain abundance of food, and become the Bhagave! please declare the tenth : what is it means of supporting many others. that leads to that result P 2. He who never violates friendly feelings, whe20. If any old man take a young woman, with ther he visits town, country, or province, he shall breasts like unto timba-fruits, for his wife, and be everywhere treated with respect. break rest from motives of jealousy, that will 3. He who never violates friendly feelings shall e as a cause towards the decline of his be unassailed by robbers, shall receive no dishoprosperity. nour from princes, and shall escape from every 21. We know that this is the tenth cause which enemy. leads men to decline in prosperity. O Bhagava! 4. He who never violates friendly feelings shall please declare the eleventh : what is it that brings return in tranquillity to his home, rejoice in the about that result ? assemblies of the people, and be a chief among his 22. Should any individual entrust the manage- kindred. ment of his affairs to a gluttonons and prodigal 5. He who never violates friendly feelings, woman or man, or place him or her at the head of exercising hospitality to others, shall be hospitably his household, that would be a cause to bring treated, honouring others he shall be honoured about the decline of his prosperity. himself, and his praises and good name shall be 23. We know that this is the eleventh cause spread abroad. which leads men to decline in prosperity. O Bha- 6. He who never violates friendly feelings, gays! please declare the twelfth : what is it that presenting offerings to others, he himself shall leads to the said decline receive offerings, saluting others he shall receive 24. If any individual is born of royal race, but is salutations, and shall attain to honour and redeficient in wealth, and, full of ambition, aspire to nown. sovereignty here, that is a cause which will lead 7. He who never violates friendly feelings shall to a decline of his prosperity. shine as the fire, be resplendent as the gods, and 25. Therefore the wise man who has seen well never be deserted by prosperity. the causes which in this world lend to the decline 8. He who never violates friendly feelings shall of men's prosperity will lead such a life here as have fruitful cattle, abundant crops, and his chilwill entitle him to a birth in heaven. dren shall have prosperity. METTA-SUTTA, OR DISCOURSE ON GENTLENESS. 9. The man who never violates friendly feelings, Thus I heard': Buddha resided in the garden should he fall from a precipice, from a mountain, of Anathapindika in Jetavana, near SAvatthi. He or from a tree, when he falls he shall be sustained then convoked his priests and said to them: (so as to receive no injury). There are eleven advantages, Priests, result- 10. The man who never violates friendly feeling from cultivating, meditating on, becoming ings shall never be overthrown by enemies, even accustomed to, led by, established in, following as the nigrodha-tree, firmly fixed by its spreading after, and acting according to a spirit of mildness roots, stands unmoved by the winds. and freedom from passion. These eleven are, KARANIYA-MEITA-SUTTA.-THE DISCOURSE NAMED that he who acts thus sleeps sound, awakes re KARANİYA-METTA. freshed, has no evil dreams, is beloved of men, is I declare the Protection (or Paritta) by the beloved of demons, is preserved by the gods, nei- power of which the demons shall display not ther fire, poison, nor sword can injure him, he has dreadful sights; by which he who is diligently constant tranquillity, is of a pleasant aspect, will occupied by day or night may sleep securely, and die in full possession of his intellectual powers, sleeping see nothing evil. and hereafter will obtain an existence in the 1. These things must be attended to by the man worlds of Brahma. These are the eleven advant- wise in securing advantages who desires to ascerages which result from cultivating, meditating on, tain the path to Nibbana. Let him be skilful, u being accustomed to, led by, established in, follow- right, honest, mild in speech, gentle, free from ing after, and acting according to a spirit of mild. arrogance. ness and freedom from passion. 2. Let him be cheerful, contented, unencom. When Buddha had thus spoken, the priests bered with business, with little property, having were much edified. his passions under control, wise, temperate, not METTANISAMSA-SUTTA, OR ADVANTAGES OF GENTLENESS. desirous of obtaining much from those who assist 1. He who never violates friendly feelings, him. . 1. c. Who maintains under all circumstances feelings of universal kindness and gentlenes.


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