Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 195
________________ JUNE, 1873.) THREE COPPER PLATES. 175 ants of Wenkat ruled 234 years in twelve dy. The mother of Abdul Ali Khan seeing the palace nasties. It is still believed of Wenkat that he filled with serpents, insisted on his surrendering wanders in the jungle, and will some day again rule the fort to the Marathas. He did 80 accordingly, over the place. A Pathån succeeded these Ra- and removing three miles from Vellur there yars. The Pathån was succeeded by his son founded a place termed Abdulwaram. The rule Abdul Ali Khan, who ruled 25 years. The fort of these Marathas lasted 35 years, and their sons of Vellur was now besieged by the Marathas ruled 20 years more. A Musalman named Zulfikr headed by Tukojirao and Silojirao, who espied Khan took the fort by force and ruled 22 years. blood flowing ont of stones a mile away from the Zulfikr Khan was succeeded by a Maratha named fort. They began to worship it, and a god named Sivajirao, who had besieged the fort for three years, Puliyar issued saying –"I have been residing here and who remained on the gadi for 30 years. The for long." The Marathas hereupon built a pago. rule of his son lasted 22 years. After this Pada, Sambagavinagar, over this stone, and began thân Daud Khan, coming from Dehli, made inroads performing daily ceremonies. A village was also on Vellar and Arkat, the administration of which established here of the same name. This god he entrusted to his Vazir, and then returned to told them in a dream that if they wished to con- Dehli. The Vazir and his descendants enjoyed the quer Vellur they should worship Sarpayagam. sovereignty for 45 years. Now commenced the Thereupon proceeding to the river they built a rule of Wallajah for 3+ years, and Arkat and place called Barindavanam for the purpose. As Vellur remained in the hands of his descendants prayers began to be offered here, serpents com- until the British power appeared. Such is the .menced moving about in the fort of Vellur. | local legend. THREE COPPER PLATES FROM THE KRISHNA DISTRICT. The Acting Collector of the Krishna District few notes added from Sir W. Elliot's Gleanhas forwarded three copper Sâsanams to the ings respecting this dynasty :Madras Government, presented by the Zamindar I:-SRI RAMULU. of Nazid. The largest of the three was found Aking called Kabja Vishņu Vardhanudu, older about a year and a half ago in the Mokasa vil | brother of Satya Sri Vallabhudu, of the Manalage of Edern, near Agiripalli, where the Zamin vyasa gotra or tribe, who was a descendant of a dar lives, by a man ploughing; and the others Rishi called Hariti, who got the kingdom by virtue were found in the time of the present Zamin- of the boon of Kausika, who was nourished by dar's father. The writing on all is a mixture seven mothers named Bhamhi Maheswaryadi, and of Telugu and Sanskrit. The plates are in the who was a votary of Shanmukhudu, who Government Central Museum. The following possessed an emblem of the boar which he obtained translations were made in the Collector's by the grace of the godt and which could subjugate all enemies, who had his body purified by an office. The first and most important, gives some ablution at the end of an Asvamedha and who was a particulars of the Eastern dynasty of Chalukyas ornament of Châlukya race, reigned over the earth descended from Kubja Vishņu Vardhana, or for eighteen years. Vishnu Vardhanudul, son of Vishnu Vardhana 'the Little' or Hunchback,' Indraråja, his elder brother, reigned for nine years. the younger son of Kirtti Varma, and brother His son, Manga Yuvarija, for twenty-five years. of Satyåśråga of the Kalyani dynasty,-who His son Jayasinharaja, for thirteen years. His established for himself a new kingdom by the half-brother, king Kakatis, for six months; Vishconquest of Vengi. His successors extended ņu Vardhanudu, elder brother of Kakati, for their territories northwards from the Krishna thirty-seven years, after defeating his brother; his son, Vijayaditya Bhattårkud, for eighteen to the borders of Orissa, and ultimately fixed years; his son, Vishnu Vardhanudu, for thirty-six their capital at Rajamahendri, now Rajamandri. years; his son, Vijayaditya Bhupati, T after fight. Their emblem was the Variha linchhana or ing 108 times within the space of 124 years with Boar-signet. Some orthographical mistakes in the force of Gangarattu, and after constructing the following versions have been rectified, and a 108 Siva temples, left this world for heaven after • He conquered Vengi. A. D. 605. See Sir W. Elliot in .. | Vishnu Vardhana III.-the fourth king of the Eastern Mad. Jour. Lit. Sc. vol. xx. p. 81.-ED. line of Chalukyas.-ED. Svimi Mahigena,' according to Sir W. Elliot. Kokkili, in Sir W. Elliot's list.-ED. 1 Bhagavan Nárayana.-Elliot. Narendra Mriga RAja, in Elliot's list.


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