Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 138
________________ 126 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1873. project of searching for the gems, and undertook a few hundred yards of the town, is the sacred to invoke the demon in charge, and point out the tank, full of sacred fish," where the founder of exact locality where the gems were lying. For the Sikh religion, Baba Nának, is said to have this purpose he made an 'Anganam' composed of rested during one of his long pilgrimages 300 ingredients supposed to produce a magic varnish, years ago, and struck with the palm of his hand a which when rubbed on a betel-leaf would show rock whence immediately burst forth a capital the locality of the treasure, and allow of the stream which has never ceased to flow. Visitors Kodangi having a personal interview with his are shown the impress on the north wall of the Satanic Highness. In these invocations it is tank of his five fingers, and this gives rise to the always customary for the priests to go into fits, name by which it is commonly known, Punja which, from being feigned, often become (unin- Sahib. tentionally) real. In this case the Kodangi ap- Sportmen must beware of fishing within a cor. pears to have beer uuusually favoured by the tain distance of this tank, or they will find them. Devil, who revealed to him all secrets, including selves in difficulties, the fish in and around it the fact that the sacrifice of the firstborn male of being religiously dedicated to the memory of the a human being was the only means of attain pious Guru ! ing the coveted treasure. This revelation was They will not however be disappointed by the Bo explained by the Kodangi to his three part- prohibition, for within half a mile of the town runs ners, one of whom having a firstborn son,' at a stream where excellent fishing can be obtained. once objected (blood was here stronger than By the side of this and other brooks water-cresses avarice), and withdrew from the co-partnership. grow in great abundance. A few ferns are also to The other three were determined on making their be found near the numerous flour-mills which are fortunes (!) and again consulted the oracle, when turned by the smaller channel or "kuttas" falling the Kodangi insisted on a human sacrifice as the into the larger stream at the bottom of the valley. only mode of obtaining the riches. The same Following its course for three or four miles till it evening the firstborn of the objecting party was joins the river Haru, the sportsman will not fail missing. He at once informed the Superintendent to bring home a capital dish of young Mârsir, of the estate, and search was made for the boy. The ruins of some old Muhammadan buildings The police were informed, and Inspector Davids as well as the tonb of one of the Queens of the and two constables proceeded to the spot and Emperor Jehôngir, are to be seen at the north side apprehended the Kodangi and another on suspi- close beneath the hill on which the shrine stands; cion. Next day the poor boy was found in a bush for this little valley with its neighbouring garden with his throat cut, and every appearance of the of Wah was always a favourite resting-place of the blood having been taken to ensure Old Nick's' Mughul Emperors during their annual migrations grace. One of the partners has disappeared, and to Kashmir. So recently as A. D. 1809, the hills he is supposed to have been the cut-throat. The to the south formed the boundary of the Kabul case is adjourned till the apprehension of the dominions in this quarter of Hindustan. Wah absconding party. This shows & depravity derives its name from an exclamation said to have amongst the Tamils not hitherto known to the been attered by the Emperor Akbar on first seeing planters.--Ceylon Times, its beauty, "Wah! Wah!” From the Trunk Line a good broad road turns off near the town to Haripur and Abbottabad, disHASSAN ABDAL. tant 24 and 41 miles respectively. Travellers from Hassan Abdal is a small town of less than 5,000 the south would however find it preferable and inhabitants, exactly halfway between Rawal Pindi shorter to turn off for Hazarah at Kala Serai, 8 miles and Atak (28 miles from each). south, near to which is the site of the ancient Prettily situated near the base of a range of hills, Taxila occupied by Alexander's army upwards of on the crest of which stands the white shrine of 2000 years ago. the Kandahari Saint, Hassan Abdula-or "Baba Coins, pieces of sculpture, heads, and other Wali," as he was generally called, it looks down relics have been occasionally disinterred from many upon a small fertile valley, through which meander feet beneath the surface, and the Lahor Museum several small rivulets shaded by the weeping now contains several figures in plaster of decided willow, oleander, mulberry, and shisham trees. Greek origin, which were obtained from this site Near the source of these streams, which is within by the Civil authorities.-Indian Public Opinion.


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