Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ 114 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1873. م م ض ظ ذ ر ز س خ د ج اب ت ث ن و هي ل م ق رو غ ف of thel the first year of Hindu new names given in the subsequent revision and lunar years accord, seven returns of the inpossessed the same property as the old, namely, tercalary or supplementary month are required that of severally indicating the number of in the course of nineteen years. Now from the the year and the order of the month by 36th to the 53rd of the cycle (both inclusive) is virtue of their numerical power. The nota- a period of nineteen years, in the course of tion, however, subsequently used was, as I learn which seven leap years occar, viz. five which from Colonel Kirkpatrick, different from the are clearly ascertained, and two which have been Ubjud. It has been called i Ubtas, an assumed. But, notwithstanding this apparent unmeaning word formed by a combination of the conformity, the two reckonings do not coincide first four letters of the Persian alphabet. By when, according to this rule, they might be the Sultan himself, however, it was called us expected to do so. The reason of this discre(Zar) The notation is this pancy no doubt is that though the months established by Tipû were ordinarily called lunar, they were not strictly so; six of the twelve months of the year consisted of thirty and the other of twenty-nine days each. And therefore the common year of 354 was neither iunar nor solar." The difference between the two schemes con I am sorry I am aot able to give the entire sists in this; in the Ubjud the numerical powers list of the years composing the cycle. The following list however contains the names of the of the letters depend on their orderin the arbitrary seventeen years over which Tipu's adminisverse referred to; whereas in the Ubtus or Zur tration extended; and these are all that I am they depend on the order of the letters in the able to collect from the work referred to. alphabet. The eleventh and twelfth months are indicated here again, as in the former scheme, Yearl Name in Name in Corresponding Correspon ding with by the first two letters of their respective names, Cycle. scheme. cycle. A. D. ra being ré + alif = 10 + 1 = 11, and rub Té + bé = 10 + 2 = 12. 36 Jebal .. Rubtaz. Sübhakrita... 1782-83 37 Zûky ... Sukh . There were also intercalary or supplementary sôbhakrita... 1783-84 Uzl 1784-85 months, called by the Sultan (S1) zayad, ad Julo Duraz... Visvavası ... 1785-86 hika in Sanskrit. As I have not met with Dullo Busd ... Parabhava ... 1786-87 any clue to the principle on which this was Má Shů Plavanga ... 1787-88 42 Kubk .. Sara ... arranged, I satisfy myself with the bare proof of Kilaka 1788-89 43 Jum Surab ... Saumya ..... 1789-90 its existence. A letter to Kümrüddin Khản is Jam Sheta ... Sâdhấraņa ... 1790-91 dated 28th Extra-Ahmedy, corresponding with 45 A dam. .Zuburjud Virôdbakkrita 1791-92 the 14th of April 1785 A. D., and another 46 Wuly ... Sehr ... Paridhvi ... 1792-93 letter addressed to Barhanuddin on the 23rd 47 Waly .. Sahir ... Pramâdîcha. 1793-94 48 Kankub. Råsikh. . Ananda ..... 1794-95 April of the same year is dated 8th Regular 49 Kuwakib Shâd ... Rakshasa ... 1795-96 Ahmedy. This instance serves as a proof of 50 Yum ... Hirase! Nala 1796-97 the existence of the intercalary month, and war. 51 Dawâm. Saz.... Pingala 1797-98 rants the inference that this month always pre- 52 Humd... Shadab . Kalayûkti ... 1798-99 ceded the regular month--for what reason does Hamid.. Bảrish.. Siddharti ... 1799. not appear. I come next to the year. The mode of cal | The remarks regarding the meaning of the culating years is by cycles of 60, as it is with names of the months apply also to those of the Hindus and with all the peoples of Southern years. They have, as before, the property of inIndia except the Muhammadans. The number of dicating the order by their initial letters. For, days is 354. Colonel Kirkpatrick says taking any name at random, say pf (Adam) “It is a known rule that to make the solar the order of it would be according to the Ubjud • The Persian letter being excluded from this scheme as well as from the Ubjud, the Persian letters and are in like manner omitted in both. the second scheme. thi | Krodhi ..... 53


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