________________ Sutra and Abhidharma Six of these twenty-two triplets (Nos. 2, 7, 13, 16, 19 and 21) cover only the nama. The remaining sixteen triplets cover the entire range of phenomena, i.e. the nama and rupa. An inspection of these sixteen triplets reveals that they cover not only the phenomena, but also the nibbana, called asaskhata dhatu (the Uncompounded element), which is in the nama. The second Matika, namely the Duka-matika, is divided into two : Abhidhamma-matika and Suttanta-matika. The former consists of one hundred pairs collected in thirteen groups. Ten of these groups are called "clusters' (gochchhakas). They deal with ten kinds of Corruption and dhammas that enter into various relationships with them. The remaining three groups, called Chulantara-duka (Short Intermediate set of seven pairs), Mahantara-duka (Great Intermediate set of fourteen pairs) and Pitthi-duka (Supplementary set of eighteen pairs) treat of miscellaneous pairs of dhammas. A large number of pairs of the Mahantara-duka deal with the mutual relation of chitta and chetasikas. The first nine of the eighteen pairs of the Pitthi-duka are borrowed from the Tika-matika. This last duka closes with the pair of dhammas which are sarana and arana. Although the gochchhakas occupy a large portion of these dukas, the remaining three appear to be older. The latter contain several items common to the Matrikas of the Sanskrit Abhidharma. The gochchhakas are found only in the Pali Abhidhamma. The second division of the Duka-matika is called Suttanta-matika. It contains a list of forty-two pairs, mostly of miscellaneous nature and dealing more with dhammas related to sila, samadhi and ditthi than with nama and rupa as in the Abhidhamma-matika. We have already noted that thirty-two of its forty-two pairs are identical with the dukadhammas given in the Sangiti-suttanta of the Digha-nikaya. It may well be that it is called Suttanta-matika because it was directly borrowed from the Sangiti-suttanta. No corresponding Matrikas of the Yogachara and the Sarvastivada schools have come down to us. But it is possible 1 Dhs. 1309.