Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue Of Manuscripts Vol 19 Part 02
Author(s): Hiralal Rasikdas Kapadia
Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GOVERNMENT COLLECTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE INSTI POONA FOUNDED 1917 jAsva nAvadhItamasta Vol. XIX : Part II Section II : Narratives Part II: Svetambara Works = Published by Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute = 1977 PART - Two Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE GOVERNMENT MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE MANUSCRIPTS DEPARTMENT OF THE BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, POONA STITU? POONA SE FOUNDED 1917 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1977 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Copies can be had direct from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 4 (India) DIAMOND JUBILEE 1917-1977 Printed and published by Dr. R. N. Dandekar, M.A., Ph.D., at the Bhandarkar Institute Press, Bhandarkar Oriental Rosoarch Institute, Poona No. 4 ( India ) Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute COMPILED BY Prof. H. R. KAPADIA, M. A., JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY Volume XIX Section II: Narratives Part II: Svetambara Works Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute * POONA 1977 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES OF GOVT. MSS. Volumes Published Rs. Ps. Vol. I, Part I-Vedic Literature, Samhita and Brahmanas, compiled by the Professors of Sanskrit, Deccan College, Poona, 1916 20-00 Vol. II, Part I-Grammar ( Vedic and Paniniya), compiled by Dr. S. K. Belvalkar, 1938 15-00 Vol. VII, Part 1-Dharmasastra, compiled by Dr. H. D. Sharma, 1975 40-00 Vol. IX-Vedanta, compiled by Dr. S. M. Katre - Part 1, 1949 15-00 , Part II, 1955 15-00 , Part III, 1963 15.00 Vol. XII- Alamkara, Samgita and Natya, compiled by Dr. P. K. Gode, 1936 15-00 Vol. XIII-Kavya, compiled by Dr. P. K. Gode ,, Part 1, 1940 15-00 Part II, 1942 15-00 ,, Part III, 1950 15-00 Vol. XIV, Nataka, compiled by Dr. P. K. Gode, 1937 15-00 Vol. XVI, Part I-Vaidyaka, compiled by Dr. H. D. Sharma, 1939 15-00 ,, part II--Tantra, 1976 50-00 Vol. XVII-Jaina Literature and Philosophy (Agamika Literature ), compiled by Prof. H. R. Ka padia Par I, 1935 15-00 Part II, 1936 15.00 Part III, 1940 15-00 Part IV, 1948 15-001 , part V, 1954 15-001 Vol. XVIII-Jaina Literature and Philosophy (Logic, Metaphysics, etc.), compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, 1952 20-00 Vol. XIX, Sec. I-Hymnology, compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia Part I, 1957 Part II, 1962 20-00 Vol. XIX, Sec. II, Part I Narratives (Svetambara Works), compiled by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, 1967 20-00 16.00 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The publication of the Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts, which had been suspended for some time, was resumed in 1975, and two volumes - one relating to Dharmasastra ( Vol. VII, Part I) and the other to Tantra (Vol. XVI, Part II) were published since then. The Institute has vigorously pursued this activity, and we are particular happy to have been able to issue two volumes of the Descriptive Catalogue during the year of the Diamond Jubilee of the Institute. The present volume ( Jaina Literature and Philosophy: Narratives : Svetambara Works) has been prepared, like the other volumes relating to Jainism, by the veteran scholar, Professor H. R. Kapadia, to whom our grateful thanks are due. In spite of his advanced age, Professor Kapadia is sufficiently energetic and hopes to complete the remaining part of the work assigned to him. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Poona November 10, 1977 R. N. Dandekar Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS (D) Narratives (1) The Svetam bara Works ( Nos. 322-557 ) PAGES 1-2. 2-4 4-7 : 7-8 9 9-10 10-12 12-13 334 No. 322 Nandadvatrimgikacatuspadi 323-324 Nandayantikatha 825-326 Nandisenarasa 327-328 Nandopakhyana 329 Namaskaraphala (?) 330 Namaskaramantramahatmys 331 Namaskaramahatmya 332 Namaskaramahatmyakatha 333 Namaskararasa ( Navakararaga ) [Rajasimha-Ratnavati-rada ] Nara-Narayanananda-mabakavya 335 Naravarmabhupacarita 336 Narmadasundarirasa 337 Nalakatha ( Nalakaba ) Nalakathanaka 339 Nala-Davadanti-rasa 340 - Do - (Nala-Davadanti-copaz) Nalayana [ Kuberapuraua ] [ Sukapatha ) 342 -Do - (dif.) Nagakumaracarita 344 -Do - (dif.) Naginikatha 346 Nabhakarajakatha Nabhakarajacaritra 348 Neminathacaritra 349 Neminatharasa 350 Nemisagara-upadhyaya-nirvanarasa 351 Pancagaticatuspadi (Pancagaticopai) 338 13-14 14-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-22 22-23 23-25 25-26 27-28 28-30 341. 343 45 345 30 347 30-32 32 32-33 34-35 35-36 36-38 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ viii Contents No. PAGE 352 38-39 40-46 46-47 360 48-49 49-52 52-89 53-55 .55 56 56-58 58-59 60 Pancadandata patracatuspadi (?) 353-358 Pancadandata patraprabandha 359 Pancasatiprabodhasambandha. Padmacarita ( Paumacariya ) [Rabavacariya) 361 Padmacaritra [ Ramayana ] 362 Padmacaritracatuspadi (Padmacaritracopai) 363 Padmaprabhacarita (Paumappahacariya ) 364 Padmakarakatha [ Sayanadanakatha ] 365 Padmakarakatha 366 Padmanandamabakavya [Jinendracarita 1 367 Padmanandasata [ Vairagyasataka ] 368 Parikatha 369 Parisista parvan [ Sthaviravalicarita 1 370-375 - Do - 376 Paryusanaparvabhasa 377. Parvatithivicara [ Ratnasekhara-Ratnavati-katha ] 378-379 Pandavacaritra 3801 Papabuddhimantri-kathanaka [Kamagbatakatha ] 381-385 Parsvanathacaritra 386 - Do - (dif.) 387-388 Parsvanathacaritra 389 : Pala-Gopala-Kathanaka 390 Punyapalarasa 391 Pujastakakatha (Puyatthayakaha ) 392-393 Pratyekabuddhacatustayacaritra 394 Pratyekabuddhacatusta yarasa 395-397 Pratyekabuddhacarita (Patteyabuddhacariya) 398 Pratyekabuddhacaritra 60-61 62-70 70-71 71-72 73-76 76-77 77-85 85-86 86-89 90 90-92 92-94 94-96 95-98 98-100 101 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 399 400 401-404 Pradyumnacaritra 405 406-407 408 409 410 411-412 413-414 427 428 432 433 Pratyekabuddhacaritra (dif.) Pradesakatha - Do (Prakasas I-II ) [ Munja-Bhoja-Bhima-prabandha ] 415-416 Prabandharaya [ Bhojaprabandha ] Prabhanjanacatuspadika 417 (Prabhanjanacopai) Contents 440 441 442 443 444 445 Prabandhakosa [ Caturvimsatiprabandha ] [ Prabandhamrtadirghika ] Prabandhakosa 418 419-426 Priyankaranrpakatha Priyankaranrparasa - Do (dif.) 446 447 - Do (I-XI) - Do (I-V) (IX-XXIV) - Do Prabandhacintamani 429-431 Priyamelakacatuspadi ( Priyamela kacopai) [Simhalasutacopai ] Phalgunacaturmasavyakhyana with tabba Bappabhattisurikatha (Bappahattisurikaha) Prabhavakacarita [ Purvarsicaritra ] 434-435 Bappabhattisuricaritra 436-439 Balinarendrakhyanaka Balibhadrakatha Buddhirasa [Hitasiksaprabuddharasa ] Brahmadattakathanaka Bhaktamarastotramahatmya Bharatabahubalicarita Bharatarasa [ Bharatacatuspadi ] (Bharatacopai) Bharatesvara-Bahubali-svadhyayavrtti [ Kathakosa] Bhavya kutumbakatha ix PAGE 101-102 102-103 103-110 111-114 114-116 117 117-118 118-119 119-122 123-124 125-127 127-128 128-130 130-137 138 139-140 140-144 144-146 146-147 147-150 150-153 154 154-156 156-157 157-159 159-161 161-162 163-164 164-165 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents 452 PAGE 165 166-167 167-168 168-169 169-170 171-172 172-173 174-175 175-177 177-178 178-180 180-182 454 460 182-184 184-185 448 Bhavanasandhi [ Bhavana-sandhi ] 449 Bhimakumarakatha 450 Bhojaprabandha 451 - Do - ( dif. ) Mangalakalasacaritra 453 - Do - ( dif.) - Do - ( dif.) 455 - Do - (dif.) 456 Manipaticarita 457 Matsyodararasa 458 Madana-Dhanadeva-rasa 459 Madanabharmarasa Madanarekhakatha [ Mayanarehakaha ] 461 Madanarekhacaritra 462 Madanarekhagatisandhi [Mayanarehasatisandbi] 463-469 Malayasundaricarita - Do - ( dif. ) 471 Mallisvamicarita [Mallinathacaritra 1 472 Mallisvamicarita 473-474 Mahabala-Malayasundari-katha Mahabalakhyana [ Mahabalarasa ] 476 Mahaviracarita (Mahaviracariya ) ["Duriyarayasamira'thotta ] 477 Mahasaticarita ( Mahasaticariya ) [ Mahasatisandhi) 478-479 Mahipala katha [ Mabivalakaha ] 480 Mahipalacaritra [ Mahivalacaritta 1 481 Manatunga-Manavati-rasa 482-483 Mitracatuskakatha 484 Munipaticatuspadi [ Munipaticopai ] 485-486 Munipaticarita ( Munivaicariya ) 487-488 Munipaticaritragaroddbara 489 Munipatiparthivacaritra (Munivaipatthivacariya ) 470 185-186 186-195 195-196 196-198 199-200 200-203 203-204 475 205-206 206 207-209 209-210 210-212 212-214 215-216 216-218 218-220 220-222 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents x PAGE 222-223 223-225 225-226 226-228 228-230 231-233 233-235 235-238 238,239 239-240 241 241-243 No. 490 Munisuvrata-jinendra-caritagatagatha 491 Muladevakatha (Muladeva kaha ) 492 Mrgasundarikathanaka 493-494 Mrgankalekhacaritra 495-496 Mrgavaticarita [ Dharmaraga ] 497-499 Msgavaticaritra [ Mrgavaticopai ] 500 Mrgavatyakhyana 501 Megbaduta 502 Meghanada katha 503 Megbamalavratakhyanaka [Ambudamalikavratakathanaka ] 504 Merutrayodsikatha 505 - Do - with artha 506 Mauktika-karpasika-prabandha (Moti-kapasiya-prabandha ) , 507 Maunaikadasimahatmya 508 Yasodharacaritra 509 Yasodhasacaritra 510 - Do - (dif.) (Jasodharacari) 511-512 - Do - ( dif. ) 513 - Do - ( dif.) 514 - Do - ( dif. ) 515 Yasobhadrasuricaritradi 516 Raghuvilasa 517-518 Ratnacudakatha 519-520 Ratnacudaprabandha 521 Ratnacuda-Manicuda-catuspadi (Ratnacuda-Manicula-copai ) 522 Ratnapalarasa 523 - Do - (dif. ) 524 Ratnasekharanara patikatha (Rayanaseharanara vaikaha ) Parvatithivicara [ Parvatihiviara ) - 525 Ratnasekharanrpakatha 526 Ratnasekhara-Ratnavati-katha ( Parvatithivicara ) [ Parvatibiviyara ] 243-244 244-245 245-246 247-248 248-249 250-252 252-254 254-258 258-260 260-261 261-263 263-265 265-267 267-269 269-270 271-272 272-273 273-274 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xii Contents No. 527 528 PAGE 275-276 276-277 278-279 279-280 530 531 532 280 535 Ratnasekhara-Ratnavatirasa Ratnasarakumaracaritra 529 Ratnasarakumararasa Rajasimhakumarakatha with tabba Rajavalivaktavyata Ratribhojanadogacatuspadi (Ratribhojanadosacopai) - [Jayasenacatuspadi ] [ Jayasenacopai ] 533 Rama-Krsna-catuspadi 534 Ramacaritra [ Padmacaritra ] - Do - [ Ramayana ] 536 - Do - 537 Ramayasorasayana Ramayana ( Ramacaritra ] 539 Rupakamala with avacurni 540-546 Rupasenakatha 547 Revatikatha 548 - Do - (dif.) 549 Robinamunicatuspadi (Rohinamunicopai) 550 Rohinyasokacandrakatha 551 Rauhineyakatha 552 Laghutrisastisalakapurusacaritra 553 Lalitangacaritra 554-556 Lilavaticatuspadi (Lilavaticopar) 557 Lilavati-Sumativilasa-rasa 281-282 282-284 285-286 286-287 287-288 288-290 290-292 293-295 295-301 301 538 302 302-303 304-305 305-306 306-312 312-314 314-319 319-321 322 SUPPLEMENT Vol. XVII, Pt. 4 558=1425 ( a ) Ajnatanamadheya (?) ( Aunayanamadhejja )(?) 559=1342 ( a ) Adijinesvarajanmabhiseka ( Ajijinesarajammabhiseya ) Vol. XVIII, Pt. 1 560=43 (a ) Saptanayacatuspadi (Sata nayani copai ) 322-323 324 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents xiii PAGE 325 325-326 326-327 327-328 328-329 329-330 330-334 335-339 339-340 340-341 No. 561 =15 (a) Anyayogavyavacchedadvatrimsikavacuri [ Mahaviradvatrimsikavacuri ] Vol. XIX, Sec. 1, Pt. 1. 562=25 (a ) Agamastuti (?) (Agamathui) (?) 563=54 (a ) Ksimandalastotra 564=56 (a) - Do - ( dif.) 565=72 ( a ) Rsimandalastotravivarana 566 = 60 (a) Rsimanda lastotra [ Siddhacakrastavana ] 567-569=120 ( a ) - 120 ( c ) Ganadharasardha ataka (Ganaharasaddhasayaga ) 570--571=120 (d) - 120 (e) Ganadhara sardhagataka with vrtti 572=120 (f) Ganadharasardhasatakavstti (?) 573=124 (a ) Gurugunasamstavalava (Gurugunasanthavalava ) [ Gurustuti ( Guruthui) ] 574=124 (b) Gurugunasamstavalava (Guruguna santhavalava) [ Gurugiti ( Gurugii)] 575=131 (a ) Gurusatpada ( Guruchappaya ) 576=131 (b) Gurustuti 577=136 ( a ) Gauraksetrapalanisaui 578=158 ( a ) Catusgastiyoginimandalastuti (Causatthijoginimandalathui ) [ Catuhsastiyoginiyantra ( Causatthijoginijanta ) ] 579=158 (b) Catussastiyoginimantrastotra 580=158 (C) Catussastiyoginistuti 581 = 250 ( a ) Devakaba 582=262 ( a ) Namaskaragita ( Navakaragita ) 583=273 ( a ) Navapadastuti 584=274 (a) Nabheyajinastuti 585=284 (a) Neminathastuti 586=289 ( a ) Pancakalyanakastuti (Pancakallanathui) 587=321 (a ) Parsvajinastuti 341-342 342-343 343-344 344-345 345-346 347 347-348 348-449 349-350 351-353 353-354 354-355 355-356 356-357 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ xiv Contents No. 588 = 334 ( a ) Parsvanathastuti (Pasanahathus) PAGE 357-358 358-359 359-360 360-361 361-362 362-363 Vol. XIX, Sec. 1, Pt. 2 589=365 ( a ) Bhaktamarastotra 590=413 ( a ) Mahavirastuti 591 = 413 (b) - Do - (dif. ) 592=413 (c) - Do - (dif.) (Mahavirathui) [Vardhamanastuti ][ Parasamaya. timirastuti ] 593=427 ( a ) Yugadidevastuti (Jugaidevathui) 594=446 (a) Vimsativiharamanajinanamaskarasara ( Visa viharamanajinanamukkarasara ) 595 =446 (b) Vimsativiharamanajinastavana (Visaviharamanajinathavana ) 596 = 446 (C) Vimsativiharamanajinastavana ( Visaviharamana-jinastavana ) [ Visi ] 597 =519 ( a ) Samsaratarayanastavana (?) (Samsaratarayanathavana (?) 598=542 (a) Sarvajinastuti 363-364 364-365 365-369 369-370 371 Vol. XIX, Sec. 2, Pt. 1 372-373 373-374 374-377 377-378 379 599=11 (a) Anantakirtikatha 600=16 (a) Amaracandrakathanaka 601 =32 (a) Asokacandra-Rohini-rasa 602=110 ( a ) Kamaghatakatha [ Papabuddhi Dharmabuddbi-katha ] 603=131 (a) Kumarapalacarita (pada 1-6 vivsti) 604 =131 ( b ) Kumarapalacaritavivsti [Dvyasrayavrtti ] 605 =131 (c) Kumara palacarita ( pada 1-16 ) vivrti 606 =153 ( a ) Kurucandrakatha 607=215 ( a ) Candralekhakatha 608=278 ( a ) Dipasikhakatha 609 = 299 ( a ) Dhanasenakatha 380 381 381-382 382-383 383-384 384-385 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents XV No. PAGE Vol. XIX, Sec. 2, Pt. 2 610=333 (a) Namirajarsisandhi (Nami-rayarisi-sandhi ) 385-386 611=334 ( a ) Nara-Narayanananda-mabakavya 386-387 612=338 ( a ) Nalakathanaka 387-388 613=344 ( a ) Nagadatta katha 388 614=358 ( a ) Pancadandatapatraprabandha [ Vikramarkacaritra ] 389-590 615=360 ( a ) Padmacaritra 390-391 616 =360 (b) - Do - 391 617=379 (a ) Pandavacaritra 392 618=381 ( a ) Parsvanathacaritra 393-394 619 - 391 ( a ) Psthvidharaprabandha [ Pethadacaritra ] along with Jhanjhanaprabandha and tabba 394-395 620=442 ( a ) Bshatpunyabavacana 395-396 621=448 ( 8 ) Bhavan@sandhi 396-398 622=448 (b) - Do 398 623 =455 ( a ) Manicadanopakatha 399 624=472 ( a ) Mahapadmakumarakatha 399-400 625 = 526 ( a ) Ratnasekhara-Ratnavatikatha [ Parvatithi-vicara ] 400-401 626=527 ( a ) Ratnasara katha 401-402 627=538 (a) Rupakamala 402-406 628=539 ( a ) - Do - with avacurni 406-408 629=552 ( a ) Lalitangakatha 408 409 SUPPLEMENT II 630=90 (a ) Kathakosa 410 631=90 (b) - Do - 411 632=90 (C). - Do - 412 633=134 ( a ) Kumara palacarita ( Praksta-Dvyasraya ) 413-414 634=171 (a ) Khumanarasa 414-415 635=440 ( a ) Bilhanapancasikacopai 415-416 636=515 ( a ) Yogivao (?) 416-417 Complement 418 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY VOLUME XIX SECTION 11: NARRATIVES PART II The Svetambara Works ( contd.) (a) nandadvAtriMzikAcatuSpadI Nandadvatrimsikacatuspadi ( raaainiging ) ( Nandabatrisicopai ) 1630. No. 322 1891-95. Size. -- 9 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 14 folios ; 9 lines to a page ; 30 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, brittle and grey; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; space between the two lines coloured red; 15 foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; red chalk used to mark out the numbering of the verses ; fol. 1a blank; so is fol. 140; edges of some of the foll. gone; bits of paper pasted to foll, 1", 15 and 145; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed in 20 Samvat 1560. Age.- Samvat 1667. Author.- Simhakusala, pupil of Joanasila and grand-pupil of Hemavimala Suri. Subject.-- A Gujarati poem pertaining to Nanda. Cf. Nandabatrisi 25 composed by Samalabhasta. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [322. Begins.- fol. 1b ||em0 // OM namaH // zrIgaNapataye namaH // // Agama veda purANaM / jANatA je narA hIyaM maga / jaM jaM kavita kavIaNataM sArada tuha pasAu yAo // 1 // pahilaM praNamuM sarasvatI / bhagavatI lIlavilAsa / zrIjinavara zaMkara namuM / mAgu buddhiprakAza // 2 // ApI avirala buddhidhaNa / janma niraMja deha / naMdabatrIsI je suNau / carita racuM paNa teha // 3 // etc. Ends. - fol. 14 'tapa'gacchanAyaka eha muNi(bi)dajayazrI hemvimlsuriNd| jJAnazIla paMDita suvicAra / tasa zIsa kahai eha vicAra / / 70 // saMvata panara sAThA ( 1560) majhAri / caitra zudi terasa guruvAra / je nara vidura vizeSai suNai / siMghakuzala INi para Ima bhaNai // 71 // bhaNatAM guNatAM lahIi buddhi buddha sakala kAjanI siddhi / buddhi phalIi vachita sadA buddhi nitu nava nava saMpadA // 72 ( 172 ) // Iti zrInaMdabatrIsIcaupaIkathA saMpUrNamiti / / bhagnapuSTikaTIgrIvA / urddhadRSTiradhomukhaM kaSTena liSyate zAstraM / yatnena paripAlayet // 1 // saMvata 1667 varSe / zAke 1533 pravartamAne / dikSaNAyane gate zrIsUrye / mAhAmAMgalAdapauSamAse / zuklapakSe tRtIyAyAM punyastithau zani. vAsare // adye zrI bokaDIyAM'vaTaMke / amarazizyamunigauvarddhanapaustikA AtmArthe liSyataM // 'siitaamhu'dNgaat|| aghazrIdalapatarAjye // shrii|| Reference.- Published in Buddhiprakasa in A. D. 1916 in May to July. For extracts and an additional Ms. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 103-104). 20 26. nandayantIkathA Nandayantikatha No. 323 1898-99. Size.- 11 in. by 4; in. Extent.- 12 folios; 16 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 323. ] The Svetambara Works Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with frequent TEHETS; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; space between these pairs coloured red : red chalk used to mark out the num- 5 bering of the verses ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; in several cases the unnumbered sides decorated in the centre with a spot in red colour while the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; yellow pigment rarely used; edges of a good many foll, partly gone; condition on the jo whole tolerably good; complete ; 527 verses. Age.- Pretty old. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.-- A story of Nandayanti narrated for pointing out the pro wess of Sila ( chastity ). Begins.- fol. 1. // 50 // atha prAha prabhurdAnarUpamukto(7)pi mAnavaH / zIlasaubhAgyasaMpannaH siddhilakSmyA niSevyate // 1 tadadhaHkRtakalpaha(Tu)kAmadhenumahAnidhi / zIlaratnaM jayatyekamanekasukhakAraNaM // 2 etc. matveti dhImatA zIlaM zIlanIyamanArataM / naMdayaMtI janaM tatra naMdayaMtInidarzanaM // 6 etc. Ends.- fol. 12 zIlena vizvamapi nNdyNtyaa| budhaizcaritraM zuci naMdayaMtyA // vibudhya kAmeSu nimiilniiy| sadaiva zIlaM parizIlanIyaM // 26 iha zIlamahimahimakarakaranikarasahodaraM saraMgAyAM / saMsadi zazaMsa jinapatiravataMsamasamaM samAcaraNe // 527 iti zIlaviSaye naMdayaMtIkathA samAptaH // zubhaM bhavatu zrIsaMghasya // 30 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 IS 4 nandayantI kathA No. 324 Size. 10 in. by 48 in. Extent. 13 folios; 15 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. 5 Description. Country paper thick, tough, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gas; small, quite legible; uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand margin twice; once as 1, 2 etc. and once as 7-8, 709 etc.; in the left-hand margin in letter-numerals corresponding to the latter as under : tat 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 30 Fai 0 55 Age. 20 - Begins.-- fol. 14 // 50 // OM namo zrIvItarAgAya // * f etc. as in No. 323. etc.; Ends. fol. 13b [ 324, Nandayantikatha 1315. 1887-91. hrA there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; a figure drawn ; condition very good; complete; 526 verses in all. Pretty old. zIlena vizvAmapi etc. up to zIlaM parizIlanIyaM // 26 ( 526 ) as in No. 323. This is followed by the line as under :iti naMdayaMtIkathA // 6 // 6 // N. B. For further particulars see No. 323. nandiSeNarAsa No. 325 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 14 folios; 13 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Nandisenarasa 1485. 1887-91. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 325.1 The Svetambara Works Description. - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional FAINTS; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; numbers for verses, their dandas etc. written in red ink ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in red ink; space between these pairs S coloured red; edges ruled singly in red ink ; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 1a blank ; so is fol. 140; in the left-hand margin the title is written as naMdiSeNarAsaH; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; edges of 10 several soll. slightly gone, condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete ; composed in Samvat 1725 at Rajanagara. Age.- Samvat 1762. Author.- Jnanasagara, pupil of Manikyasagara. For his additional works see D CGCM ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1, p. 74). 15 Subject.-A story of Nandisena, son of Srenika in Gujarati in verse. This is based upon various works such as Mahanisiha ( VI ), Upadesamalavrtti, Rsimandalavrtti & Viracaritra of Hemacandra Suri. Begins.- fol. 10 56 // zrIjinAya namaH // dUhA // sUta sIdvA(ddhA)ragha(tha) bhUpanau / varadhamAMna jiNacaMda / praNamu teha paramesarU / ucchaka paramANaMda // 1 // naMdiSeNa munivara taNA / gAtAM guNa ulhAsi / sevaka saMbhArI karI / deyo vacanavilAsa // 2 // etc. Ends.-fol. 13b gacche aMcali' girUA gacchanAyaka etc. up to Rddhi sIddhi nIti gehi re // 17 // as in No. 326. This is followed by the line as under :-- bhavi sUtra bhaNau mnrNgi|| sarvagAthA 283 // iti zrInaMdiSeNa- 30 capaI saMpUrNa // sarvagAthA zlokasaMkhyA // 421 // saMvat 1762 varSe mAgazirazudi 15 dine somavAsare // zrI rAjapura'madhye zrIneminAthaprazAdAt pUjyazrIpazrIvizAlasomasUriprasAdAt paM.zrIsiddhasomagaNilaSItaM zrA.. bhIvelibAIvAMcanArtha // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu / zrIrastuH // shrii|| . 25 . Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [325. Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss, see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, pp. 71-73 & Vol. III, pt. 2, pp. 1133-1134). 5 nandiSeNarAsa Nandisenarasa 1631. No. 326 1891-95. Size.-91 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 11-1-10 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper somewhat tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters ; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in red ink ; dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. IIP blank ; red chalk used ; condition very good ; the ist fol. missing; othervise com. plete; composed in Samvat 1725%3 yellow pigment used for making corrections. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 2* abruptly AvAsa / dIhaM sukha dehanaI ho / lAla // dI0 // 6 // vINA vaMsa mRdaMga / tUra siuM saravadA ho / lAlA / tU. nATaka caMga sUraMga batrIsa badhasi sadA ho lAla // ba0 7 etc. Ends.-fol. 100 gacche 'aMcali' girUmA gacchanA(ya)ka / je tapatejadiNaMda / rAjahaMsa kamalAubhari siri / gajasAgara sUri(riM)da re / 6 / bha0 punyaratnasUri tehanaI pATi / vidyamAna viraajiN| zrIguNaratanasUri gcchnaayk| dolativaMta divAjaI re // 7 bha0 / adhika pratApi tehanaI pATiM / AcAraya guNavaMta / kSamAratanasUrI zIla kSamA guNi sAdhuziromaNi saMta re / 8 // bha0 / guru gajasAgarasUrI taNA ziSya / vacanasudhArasa dhaarii| lalitasAgara budha teha taNA ziSya / mujha guru zubha sukhakArI re 9 bha0 / 20 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 327.] The svetambara Works mANikyasAgara muninI ema iN| pAmI caraNapayAsa / girayo naMdiSeNa RSi gAyo zreNikasuta suSadAya re / 10 / bha. mahAnizIthamA chaThaI adhyanaiM ima adhikAramaI bhaassyo| valI upadezamAla RSimaMDala / vRttimA vistara dASyo re| 11 / bha. hemasUrikRta vIracaritramA / ima saMbaMdha kahyo eha / tiNathI nyuna adhika je bhASyu / micchA dukaDa teha re // 12 / bha. rahio gaNikAghari te dinasaMkhyA mahAnizIthi chaI mAMhi / maI upadezamAla RSimaMDala / vRttithI ANI Ahi re / 13 / bha0 / vIracarita kahiu naMdiSeNa e / devaloke thayo dev| mahAnizIthi kahio kevala pAmyo / jANaiM te jiNadeva re // 14 // bha0 10 guNi akSara graMthAgara kIno / cyArasaI naI ekavIsa (421) / guNavaMtanA guNa larSi laSAvI lahiyo yaza sujagIsa re / 15 / bha. saMvat satarasaM paMcavIsaiM (1725) / 'rAjanagariM' kujvaariiN| kArtika vadi AThima uttarAI / siddhi yogi sukhakAriM re // 16 // bh0| dhanyAsII DhAla e solmii|nyaansaagri kahi nehiM / e rAsa bhaNaMtAM avicala thAsi / Rddhi siddhi niti gehi re| 17 / bha. sarvagAthA 284 / iti zrInaMdiSeNarAsa / saMpUrNam / paMDitazrIdevacaMdragaNipaMDitazrIvivekacaMdragaNiziSyapaMDitazrIjinacaMdra gaNibhrAtRpaM.tejacaMdralipikRtam zrI paattnn'ngre| N. B.- For additional information see No. 325. 15 309. nandopAkhyAna Nandopakhyana No. 327 1884-86. Size.-9 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 9 folios ; 11 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. 25 Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with pRSThamAtrA; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 9b blank; condition very good 30 except that edges of the last fol. slightly damaged ; complete. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [327. Age.- Not modern. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A story of King Nanda. Begins.- fol. 1 // 50 / u namo vighnavidhvaMsanAya / 'naMdapudra 'puraM nAmaM dharAmadhye mnohrN| . dhanadhAnyasamAkINaM sarvadeze manoharaMH / 1 / tatta sanmahIpAlo naMdo nAma mahAbalaH / dharmazAstrapravINazca nItivAn guNavatsalaH / 2 / etc. Ends.- fol. 9 pazcAt tena rAjJo vacanAt AtmIyaM ziro chinnaM / tadA tena rAjJA maMtriputrasya mudrA'pitA / vairocanastIrthe preSitaH // pazcAd rAjA sukhI saMjAtaH / vairocanaputro rAjJo naMdakena prasAdena rAjye sarvamudrAM karoti / tadanu rAjA nAMdika iMdratulyaM rAjyaM kurute // iti / naMdopAkhyAnaM samApta // 7 // shrii||7|| 10 Is A nandopAkhyAna Nandopakhyana No. 328 729. 1875-76. Size.--11 in. by sin. Extent.- 10 folios; II lines to a page%3 36 letters to a line. Description. -- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; white paste used in several places ; corrections made in pencil and suggested in margins by some one ; condition very good ; complete. Age.- Not modern. Begins.- fol. 1 // 60 OM namo viitraagaayH|| 'naMdapudra'puraM nAma etc. as in No. 327. Ends.- fol. 10deg pazcAt tena etc. up to iti naMdopAkhyAna samAptaM // 7 // as in No. 327. This is followed by the line as under : . zubhaM bhavatu // // shrii|| N. B.- For additional information see No. 327. 25 Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330.] The svetambara Works namaskAraphala (1) ___Namaskaraphala (?) - No. 329 ___1609 (b). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 546. Description.- Incomplete as the Ms. ends abruptly. For other 5 _details see jambUkumAracaritra [jambUkumAracatuSpadI] (Vol. XIX, ___ sec. 2, pt. I, No. 226). Author.- Not known. Subject. - This work seems to point out the prowess of Namaskara (Namskaramantra ). The ending portion mentions the to name of Sivakumara. Begins.- fol. 54 // 5 // 5 // caUdaha pUrava mAhi ja (je) sAra / pahilaM ghuri samaru nvkaar| sarasati sAmiNi samaraM sadA / goyama gaNahara bhaNai ekadA // 1 / samaru sahI navakAra pradhAna / kevalabhASita kevalajJAna / 15 jAi kaSTa pAmai saMpadA / mahAmaMtra samaru e sadA // 2 Ends.- fol. 540 seThi taNau sivakumAra / mUraSa bhaNI kIdhu parihAra / / nara dhana paNa ends abruptly. Reference.- Is it that extracts and additional Mss. of this work 20 are noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ? namaskAramantramAhAtmya Namaskaramantramahatmya No. 330 - 1316.. 1887-91. Size.- 10 in. by 48 in. . Extent. - 8 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 42 to 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and ___legible; uniform and very good hand-writing; borders 1 For three other works having this very name 9e9 Vol, XIX, sec. 1, ... pt. 1, pp. 283-285. 2 [J. L P.] Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [330. S 10 ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used profusely ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; condition very good ; complete. Age- Pretty old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject. - Stories pointing out the prowess of "Namaskaramantra", a portion of Avassaya. The last story is that of Ratnavati. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 zrIparamAtmane namaH praNamya parayA bhaktyA vIraM zAsananAyaka zrInamaskAramaMtrasya mahAtmyaM kiMciducyate ? iha lophe dRSTAMtatrayaM yathA etc. Ends.- fol. 8deg atha rAjasiMhasya pratApasiMha iti nAmnA putro jAtaH tasmai rAjyabhAraM dattvA prAMte gurUNAM samIpe ArAdhanApUrvakaM pApasthAnAni pratyAkhyAya samAdhinA mRtvA 'brahmaloke' devo jAto ratnavatyapi prAMte tathaiva samAdhinA mRtvA tatraiva devatvenotpannA tataRyutvA 'mahAvideha'kSetre dvAvapi sukule manuSyatvaM prApya zivaM prApsyata iti namaskAradRSTAMtAH saMkSepeNa nirUpitAH sfti. Then in a different band we have : ||rNgsuNdrmuneH patrANyetAni 20 namaskAramAhAtmya Namaskaramahatmya No. 331 298. 1883-84. Size.- 105 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 6 folios ; 18 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3; fol. 6deg blank; edges of several foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good%3; complete; composed at Siddhapattana; the entire woak is Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 381. j The Svetambara Works 11 divided into 8 prakasas; the extent of each of them is as under : Prakasa I foll. II III fol. IV foll. " "" "" ". " dw V VI VII 3" VIII fol. Ends.- fol. 6a " dr 1 to 1 b Ib to 24 2a 24 to 2b 2b to 4a 4a to sa sa to 6a 6a 39 Total extent 217 slokas. verses 22 "" " zrIdharmabhUmIzvarAjadhAnI / duHkarmapAthojavanI himAnI // saMdehasaMdohalatA kRpANI / " "" "" "" " fol. 1 iti zrIsiddhasenAcAryaviracite prathamaH prakAzaH // 21 Age. -- Not modern. Author. -- Siddhasena Suri. Subject. The prowess of Namaskara is here depicted. Begins. fol. 1a e 60 // 9 8 namo'stu gurave kalpatarave jagatAmapi / vRSabhasvAmine muktimRganetraikakAmine // 1 tapojJAnadhanezAya | maheMdra praNatAMhvaye / siddhasenAdhinAthAya / zrIzAMtisvAmine namaH // 2 etc. 42 52 48 16. to zreyAMsi puSNAtu jineMdravANI // 13. evaM namaskRtidhyAnasiMdhumanAMtarAtmanaH AmamRtkuMbhavat sarvakarmagraMthirvilIyate // 14 zrIhrISTatikIrti buddhilakSmIlIlAprakAzakaH / jIyAt paMca na ( ma ) skArA svaHsAmrAjyazivapradaH / / 15 / / 15 zrImanamaskAra mahAtmye 20 2$ 30 Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 15 (20 12 30 12 Jaina Literature and Philosophy siddhisena sarasvatyA' sarasvatyA 'pagAtaTe | zrI 'siddhi (ddha) cakra' mAhAtmyaM gItaM 'zrIsiddhapattane // 16 // iti zrIsiddhi (ddha) senAcAryaviracite namaskAramAhAtmye aSTama prakAzaH samAptaH zubhaM bhavatu graMthAnaM 217 // Reference. Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1911. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 202 ). Namaskaramahatmyakatha namaskAramAhAtmyakathA No. 332 Size.- 93 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 10 folios; 13 lines to a page; 34 letters to a line. Description Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters; big, clear and fair hand - writing; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used ; foll. numbered as usual ; the 1st fol. partly damaged ; edges of the first two foll. and those of the last slightly worn out ; condition fair; complete. Age.- Old. Author. -- Not known. Subject. Importance of Namaskaramantra illustrated by means of narratives of Srimati, Sivakumara, and Ratnavati. Rajasimha, Begins. - fol. 1* // 60 // navakAraikkaaksara pAvaM pheDei satta arAiM / pacAsaM ca paNa sAgarapaNasayaM samagoNI // 1 // [331. fol. 2b etc. eSaH zrInamaskAro bhAvena vidhinA saha / zrIgurudattAmnAya pUrvakaM bhUmimanovAgkAyavastrapramukhazuddhitayA japyamAnaH ... sAnidhikarA bhavaMti / yatheha loke namaskAraprabhAvena zrAvakasutAyAH zrImatyAH sAMnidhyaM jAtaM tasyAH saMbaMdhaH prakAzyate / etc. sanmaMtra paMcaparameSTipadAdhikAre / saMvarNane viracitA rucinA hitena / 1309. 1887-91. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 333.] The svetambara Works 13 sushriimtiivrkthaarcnaaprbNdh()| zrImajjinapravacanasya vco'nusaaraiH|| iti zrImatIsaMbaMdhaH prathamaH // fol. 4" iti zrIzivakumArasaMbaMdho dvitIyaH / iti paMcaparameSTinamaskArA dhikAre dvitIyakathA paripUrNA / Ends.- fol. 10' zrInamaskArasmaraNaparAyaNaH zubhadhyAnena mRtvA dazamadevaloke viMzatisAgaropamasthityA braudrapadavI prAptavAn / ratnavatyapi maraNaM prApya tatraiva devaloke sAmAnikeMdrapadaM prAptaM / tatastaddevalokAccutvA mAnuSyaM prApya prAvA lAtvA sakalakarmakSayaM kRtvA kevalajJAnamutpAdya dvAvapi mokSa yaasytH| iti zrIrAjasiMhakumArasaMbaMdhaH saMpUrNaH // namaskArarAsa Namaskararasa ( navakArarAsa) (Navakararasa ) rAjasiMha-ratnavatI-rAsa} {Rajasimha-Ratnavati-rasa} 33. No. 333 1877-78. Size. -- 104 in. by 4 in. Extent.-18 folios ; 16 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters ; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines 20 and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin ; a part of the first line written in red ink; condition very good; complete; comsed at Vatapadra ( Vadodara i. e. Baroda ) in Samvat 1755 during the spiritual regime of Vijayaratna Suri. 25 Age.- Samvat 1777. Author.-Godidasa. Subject.-- Importance of Namaskaramantra pointed out by narrat ing lives of Rajasimha and Ratnavati. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [338. Begins.- fol. 1* 560 // OM namaH // zrIgurubhyo namaH / . // dUhA // zArada zubhamatidAyinI / sArada caMdanavadana / sArada sobhAkArINI sArada sadA prasanna / 1 // sasikaranivarasamovaDi / sveta karyo siNagAra / sarasa vacana mukhi varasatI vINApustakadhAra / / 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 180 vartamAnazAsanaghaNI zrIvardhamAna jinarAyA re| sohamasvAmIpaTTaparaMpara premeM praNamuM pAyA re 9 gi0. . suvihitagaccharayaNAyaru zrIvijayaprabhasUrIIza re tAsa paTodhara jagi jayavaMtA zrIvijayaratnasUrIsa re| 10 gi0 teha taNe rAjeM e racIo navapadarAsa rasAla re Iha bhava parabhava suSano dAtA nita nita maMgalamAla re 11 gi* etc. saMvata satara paMcAvanne ( 1755) Azo zudi dazamI kujavAra re 'vaTapada' pAsa pasAuliM rAsa racyo navakAra re 13 gi0 aSSaragaNaNA graMthaI kIdhI zloka hUyA sukhadAI re sAta se upari paMcyAsI (785) lakhatAM sohalo dhA(thAya re 14 gi0 kalasa e rAza navapada bhaNaI nisuNaI maMgalamAlA tasa ghareM nava niddhi Rddhi samRddha lIlA kevala kamalA tasa ghare zrIvijayadazamI vijayamUhurata rAsa racyo atisuMdarUM prabhuM pAsa goDIdAsa pabhaNe sakala saMgha maMgala karUM 15 iti zrInavakArarAsa saMpUrNaH saMvat 1777 varSe bhAdravadi 2 dine 'bAharapura'mAme lapIkRtaM amaravijayena // // zrI Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, pp. 424-427 & Vol. III, pt. 2, p. 1377). 25 731. naranArAyaNAnandamahAkAvya Naranarayananandamahakavya No. 334 1875-76 Size.- 11 fin. by s} in. Extent. -- 48 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 37 letters to a line. 30 Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334.] The Svetambara Works Country paper thick, tough and white; Devanagari characters; big, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; white paste used ; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 1 blank; corrected * in the margins; complete; 16 cantos in all. Description. Age.-- Sarvat 1931. - Author.-- Vasantapala alias Vastupala, minister of Gujarat. Subject. A life-sketch of Nara (i. e. Arjuna) and Narayana (i. e. Krsna). For some details see A History of the Sanskrit Literature of the Jainas ( Vol. II, part I, pp. 118 - 119 ). Begins. fol. 1' // 50 // namaH sarvvajJAya Aste purI zakrapurIva madhye / vArAMnidhe' rdvAravatI' pratItA / zoNAzma vezmAzudalattamizrA 15 Ends. fol. 48b 5 yA durgabhUmIva babhau dinasya // 1 // etc. fol. 3 iti zrIgUrjarezvara mahAmAtya zrIvasaMtapAlaviracite naranArAyaNAnaMdanAmni mahAkAvye puranRpavarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH samAptaH // 1 // 2 sabhAvarNana 3 naranArAyaNasaMgamavarNana 4 RtuvarNana 5 caMdrodayavarNana 6 surApAnasuratavarNana 7 sUryodayavarNana 8 nivAsanivezavarNana 9 puSpAvacayaprapaMca: 10 subhadrAdarzanaM 11 dUtikAdyotakaH 12 subhadrAharaNaM 13 saMkulakulisaMkalanaM 20 14 arjunAvarjanaM 15 vivAhavarNanaM / to saM. 1931 varSe AzvanamAse zukapakSe trayodasyAM bhaumavAsareNa hastAkSara vyAsaH sAMkalezvara ratanajI zrI' pATaNa madhye laSu cheM par3hanArtha / 15 naranArAyaNAnaMdo nAma kaMdImudAmidaM / tene tena mahAkAvyaM vAgdevIdharmasUnunA // 40 // udbhAsvadvizvavizvavidyAlayamayamanasaH kovideMdrAcitaMdrA maMtrI baddhAMjalivoM vinayatazirA yAcate vastupAlaH / alpaprajJAprabodhAdapi sapadi mayA kalpite'smin prabaMdhe / bhUyo bhUyo'pi yUyaM janayata nayanakSepato doSamoSaM // 41 // iti zrIgUrjarezvaramahamAtyazrIvasaMtapAlaviracite naranArAyaNanaMdanAmni mahAkAvye prazastiprapaMco nAmA SoDazaH sargaH. This is followed by 30 two miscellaneous verses. Then we have :-- 25 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 15 20 16 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 334. Reference. Published in the Gaekwad's Oriental Series as No. 2 in A. D. 1916. 5 Size. 11 in. by 5 in. Extent. - 32 folios; 11 lines to a page; 37 letters to a line. Description. -- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari chara cters, big; legible and good hand-writing: borders ruled in two lines in red ink; white paste used; corrected in the margins at times; foll. numbered as usual; foll. 1 and 32b blank; complete; composed in Samvat 1412. 25 navabhUpacarita No. 335 Age. -- Fairly old. Author - Not mentioned. Subject. Naravarmabhupacarita Begins.-- fol. 1deg // 60 // Life of king Naravarman pointing out the importance of samyaktva ( i. e. right faith ). 732. 1875-76. Ends. fol. 32a AdityAdimahAmahaH samudayA yasyaikadezaM zritAH / zrI kalpadrumakAmadhenumaNayo yaddAnadAsyaM gatAH // zukladhyAnadhurAdhRtaM kathamapi zrIyoginAM gocaraH / zrImatyapadapradAya paramajyotistadeva stuve / 1 // etc. AdAsva (? ya) samyaktvamidaM gurUNAM / pArzve janA ye pratipAlayaMti / te svargamokSazrayiNo bhavaMti / yathA puruzrInaravarmabhUpaH // 9 // etc. itthaM zrIravanarmabhUpacaritaM samyaktvamUlaM mudA / zrutvA ye jinadharmanizcalaghiyo devairacAlyaprabhAH / samyaktvaM pratipAlayaMti satataM te jainaratnazriyaM / labdhvA zrIkuzalodbhavAM zivasukhaM zreyovarAH syurnarAH // 87 // Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336. ] The Svetambara Works zrIstaMbhaneza prabhupArzvanAtha prasAdata: ' staMbhana 'tIrthasaMsthaH / cakre kathA bodhi (? kR ) te'hametAM zodhyAH sadA jJairmayi suprasannaiH // 88 // saMvatsare sUryasamudracaMdra ( 1412 )mite site kArtika pUrNimAhi / kRtA kathA naMdatu puSpadantau yAvad vikAzaM gagane vidhattaH // 89 // Reference. Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1909. additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 205 ). narmadA sundarIrAsa No. 336 17 733. 1875-76. For Narmadasundarira sa Size-- rog in by 4g in. Extent.- 40 folios; 20 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters; small, clear and fair hand-writing; foll. numbered as usual; a corner of fol. 22 slightly worn out ; complete; composed in Samvat 1764 in 63 dhalas. Age. Samvat 1785. Author.-- Mohanavijaya, pupil of Rupavijaya, pupil of Manavijaya. For his additional works see DCGCM (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, p. 271 ). 5 10 C: IS 20 Subject. - A story of Narmadasundari. It depicts the prowess of " sila ". 25 Begins.-- fol. 1a prabhucaraNAMbujaraja bha ( ? ta ) NI / vajInaI huI Thoka / mAyo valI jaga jehanoMjihuM akSaraneM zloka / 1 // etc. sIla bha ( ? ) adhikAra atha namayAsuMdarIcaritra / rIsa sAtra anusArathI varNava karI sacaritra / 10 // etc. 3 [J. L. P. ] 30 Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 10 IS 18 25 nalakathA 20 ( nalakahA ) 30 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends. -- fol. 102 ' tapa 'gachagagana vikAsikadinamaNi vijayaratnasUrIsararAjyeM jI / racanA rAsa taNI e kIdhI Agraha saMghaneM prAjeM jI / 22 / zrIvije sena sUrIsarasevaka kIrtivijaya uvajhAyA jI / tasa padapaMkaja SaTpadaopama mAMnavijaya kavirAyA jI / 23 // tAsa sIsa kavikula vi ( ba ) ska (kSa) sthalaM maMDaNa bhUSaNa dIvya jI / rUpavijaya paMDita supasAI kIrti sudhAsama savya jI // 24 // yA prasAda hIneM teno mohanavijaya ullAsaI jI / DhAla karIneM gAyo narmadA kero rAsa jI / 25 // koI bhaNasyeM guNasyeM smaNasyeM te lade (he) paramANaMdA jI maMgala erApati ghara aMgaNa sobhasye yobhAvRMdA jI // 26 // vari pari maMgala lilA labdhi prakaTeM pUnyaprakAsa jI zrotA jana stuti dharayo sala ( hUM) ko mohanavacanavilAsajI // 27 // iti zrInarmadAsuMdarIrAsa saMpUrNa // saMvat 1785 pauSazu0 13 dine paM. guNavijayagaNazrIvijaya ... bhAsurIsarajIziSya zrIbelAgrAme likhitaM / Reference. -- Published by Bhimsi Manek. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, pp. 428 - 430 & Vol. III, pt. 2, pp. 1377-1378 ). [ 336. No. 337 Size. - jo++ in. by 4g in - Nalakatha (Nalakaha) 1292. 1884-87. Extent. - 12 folios; 16 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with rare pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; edges of some of the foll. gone; a corner of the last fol. worn out; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338. ] The svetambara Works 18 Age. - Pretty old. Author.-Not mentioned. Subject.-- A story of king Nala who suffered much owing to his addiction to gambling. Begins.-- fol 1 // 5 10 // jUyapasanno satto samattavittassa ja( ? )Nai viddhaMsaM / hAriyaasesarajjo iha dihaMto nalo rAyA // 1 // ranA bhaNiya bhayavaM ! ko so nalo guruNA vuttaM suNa / asthi iha 'bharaha'kkhette 'kosonala 'desaMmi 'kosalA' nayarI etc. Ends.- fol. 120 tatto gurUhiM catto / piuNA paDibohio ya AgaMtu / paripAliuM asakko / vayaM imo aNasaNaM kunni| . damayaMtIe vi kayanalANurattAi taMtao mariu / jAu nalo kubero| damayaMtI tassa puNa bhajjA / / kiMca vayavirAhaNAo / tAi surattaM imehi saMpattaM / do vi khaviUNa kammaM kameNa (mokUkhaM) lahissaMti / / ____ // iti dyUte nalakathA / / 7 / / zrIH // cha // zrI // etc. Reference.-- This work is named as "Nalakathanaka" in Jinaratna. kosa (Vol. I, p. 205) where its additional Mss. are noted. nalakathAnaka Nalakathanaka 20 356. No. 338 1871-72. Size.- II in. by 4, in. Extent.-- 11 folios; 18 to 19 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a Description. - Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva- 25 nagari characters with frequent TETETTS; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing'; borders ruled in three to four lines in black ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and 30 Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [338. unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used for marking corrections: edges of several foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. 5 Author.- Not known. ___Subject.- A story of king Nala. It points out evil effects of attach ment to gambling. Begins. - fol.1 // 50 // atha nalakathAnakaM // atra 'bharate' 'kozala' deze 'kozalA' nAma nagarI / tatra 'ikssvaaku'kulotpno| 10 niSadho nAma rAjA / tasya suMdarI nAma raajnyii| etc. 11. Ends.- fol. 11' vrataM pAlayituM azakto nalo(s)[bha]nazanaM karoti / davadaMtyA (5)pi anazanaM gRhItaM / nalo mRtvA kubero jAtaH / davadaMtI mRtvA tasya bhAryA jAtA / kiMcivratavirAdhanAt nIcadevatvaM prApto dvAvapi karma kSapitvA krameNa mokSaM yAsyataH iti dyUtaviSaye nalakathAnakaM samApta ch|| zrIrastu // karakRtamapa rAdhe kSatumahaMtu saMtu // Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 205 ). Here this work is erroneously looked upon as same as No. 337. 20 nala-davadantI-rAsa Nala-Davadanti-rasa 357. No. 339 1871-72. Size.- 93 in. by 4t in. Extent.-- 28+1-2=27 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. 25 Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; sufficiently big, fairly legible, almost uniform and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one case in two in red ink ; dandas and lines written at times in red ink; in the centre we have a square with vertical diagonals in red ink ; this square is divided into 4 small squares%3; foll. numbered in Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 339.] The Svetambara Works the right-hand margin; a piece of paper pasted to fol. 12; strips of paper pasted to some of the foll. ; condition on the whole tolerably good; foll. 26 and 27 missing and fol. 28 repeated; almost complete, for only a line or two required to complete this work; composed in Samvat 1673 at Medata. S Age.-- Not mentioned. Author.-- Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra. For his additional works see DCGCM (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, PP. 256 and 272 ). Subject. A story of Nala and Davadanti (popularly known as Damayanti) in 6 khandas. Begins. fol. 1deg // 60 // sakalapaMDita ziromaNipaMDita zrIpada mavijaya gaNigurubhyo namaH dUhA sImaMdharasAmI pramukha viharamANa jiNa vara ( vI ) sa / aDhI dIpamahaM Aja chaiM / jayavaMtA jagadIsa 1 koDa doya vali kevalI sahasa koDi doya sAdhu saMprati saMyama pAlatAM guNamaNi samudra agAdha // 2 // etc. Ends. fol. 28b (repeated) navamI DhAla rasAla ho chaTThA khaMDa taNI pUrI thaI vArU vacanavelAsa ho samayasuMdara bhaNaIM bhAvasuM / 16 / dAla gIta laTThInI sudharamasAmIparaMparA / 'caMda' kula 'vayarI' sASA / koTaka' gacche gaNa 'kharatara 'ro bhaTTAriyA subhASa / subhASa jUgapradhAna jiNacaMda prathama ziSyaziromaNi / jasa gotra 'rIhaDa' nAma sakalacaMda prasIddha ghaNI tasu ziSya pabhaNai samayasuMdara upAdhyAya isI parai vAcanAcAraja rISabhanaMdana pramukha ziSyanahaM AdaraI // 1 // 21 gotra 'golecchA' gahagahaI 'meDatA' nagara majAra / dIna dina saMgha mAhiM dIpatA || 'kharatara 'gacchasiNagAra / to 15 20 25 30 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [339. siNagAra dharma taNAM dhuraMdhara devagururAgI ghaNAM( ? j) / rAyamalla putra ratana amIpAla SetasI na(ne)tasI bhnnuN| rAjamAtA subha tAja jIhAM kiNa / netasI bhAgraha karI / caupai kIdhI samayasuMdara / [la] naladavadaMtInA carItathI / 3 / saMvata sola tihottarai (1673) mAsa vasaMta ANaMda na. This Ms. ends abruptly. Reference.-- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 349-352 & Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 855-857). nala-kvadantI-rAsa Nala-Davadanti-rasa 10 [ naladavadantIcopAi ] [Nala-Davadanti-copai] 358. No. 340 1871-72. Size.-91 in. by 4t in. Extent. -- 36 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional TEHTITS; big, fairly legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing%3B borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 1a blank; so is fol. 366; edges of the first and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; Age.-- Samvat 1800. Begins.-- fol. 10 e zrIRSabhadevajI satya chai jI // dUhA // sImaMdharasAMmI etc. as in No. 339. 25 Ends.-- fol. 360 saMgha samakSa etc. up to samayasuMdara bhaNai bhAvasuM // 16 // as in No. 339. This is followed by the lines as under : ' iti zrInaladavadaMtInI caupAI / khaMDa chaTo saMpUrNa // saMvat 1800 varSe mitI zrAyaNavadi 13 dine paM.SetasIliSitaM // zrI samadadhI'madhye // . Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 341. ] The Svetambara Works yAdRzaM pustakaM dRSTAH / tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhAM zuddhAM vA mama doSo na dIyate zrIrastuH kalyANamastuH // saMvat 1673 varSe kRtAH caupaI meDatAnagaramadhye kivI (dhI ) paropagArAya punyAya / pApAya prapIDataM sarva DhAla 37 graMtho graMthakasaMSyAt 1350 itarau 5 samayasuMdara UpAya // zrI // zrI // zrI // mAMna chaiH // zrI // 1 N. B. For additional information see No. 339. in the left-hand one as "#}*}}* ft: }}} nalAyana [ kuberapurANa ] [ zukapATha ] No. 341 Size.-10 in. by 32 in. Extent. 218-62=156 folios; 12 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina 15 Devanagari characters with frequent ; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the two pairs coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand one as 63, 64 etc., whereas 20 ST 23 Nalayana [Kuberapurana] [Sukapatha] 10 749. 1899-1915. DBD grA } etc.; the last numbered as standing for 218; 2 ET 25 the first 62 foll. missing; so this work commences with a part of the 16th verse of the 15th canto of the second skandha and goes up to the end; the entire work is divided into skandhas and the latter have sargas as their subdivisions; each and every fol. more or less worm-eaten; condition 30 tolerably good; unnumbered sides have a small spot in red colour in the centre only; the numbered in each of the two margins, too, Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 __Jaina Literature and Philosophy [341. 10 Age.- Samvat I429. Author.- Manikyadeva alias Manikyacandra Suri of Vata gaccha. Subject.- The story of Nala and Damayanti. This is narrated in Jo skandhas divided into 100 sargas. For details see HSLJ (Vol. II, pt. I, pp. 72-74 ). Begins.- fol. 63. lino harSa kiM harasya krissyti| 16 // nirmaryAdaM vinirmukte varuNena mahArNave / jalAMjalikriyA nUnaM jagato(s)pi bhaviSyati // 17 itthaM dikpAlakopena tvadanAdarajanmanA / asAvakAlakalpAMtastvanimittamupasthitaH / / 18 etc. Ends.-- fol. 218 etat kimapyanavamaM navamaMgalAMka sAhityasAraviduSA kavinA kRtaM yat / tasyAryakarNanalinasya nalAyanasya skaMdho jagAma dazamaH zamasaMbhRto'yaM // 22 utpattidautyavaravirazIlazUcA saMyogarAjyabhavanirvahaNAbhidheyAH / skaMdhA bhavaMti daza yasya nalAyanasya pUrNa tadetadadhunA dhanadaprasAdAt // 23 // zatasagarga nalAyanaM // 100 saMkhyA // samAptaM cedaM nalAyanaM nAma kuberapurANaM zukapATha iti // cha / / zloka 51 evaM dazamaskaMdha 143 anuSTupa // evaM sarvagraMtha saMkhyA 4224 yAvada vyomasaraHkroDe rAjahaMsau virAjataH / vibudhairvAcyamAnaiSA tAvadatu pustikA // 1 udakAnalacaurebhyo mUSakebhyastathaiva c| rakSaNIyA prayatnena evaM vadati pustikA // 2 bhagnapRSTikaTigrIvA vkrdRssttirdhomukhii| kaSTena likhitaM zAstraM yatnena paripAlayet // 3 yAdRzaM pustake dRSTaM tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate // 4 Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 342. ] The svetambara Works 25 akSaramAtrapadacca( sva )rahInaM vyNjnsNdhivivjitrephN| sAdhubhireva mama kSamitavyaM / ko na vimuhyati shaastrsmudr(2)||5 kavIzvarazrImANikyasUrikRtaH graMtho'yaM samAptaH // cha // saMvat 1429 varSe kArtikazudi 4 ravI adye ... samudre mahArAjAdhirAjazrIpIrojapAtasAhiniyuktakhAnazrIdapharakhAnamizre samasta' gUrjara 'dharitrIparipAlana- 5 baddhapratijJe satItyevaM kAle pravarttamAne 'pUrNiNamA'pakSe bha0zrIlalataprabhasUripaTTe bhaTTArakazrIhariprabhasUriziSyapaM0vayarasenastacchiSyena jJAnakalazenAtmapaThanArtha paroparakArAya ca zrInalAyanamahAkAvyasya pustakaM vyalekhi // likhitaM // lilikhe // yA kuMdeMdutuSArahAradhavalA yA svetapadmAsanA __ yA vINAvaradaMDamaMDitakarA yA shubhrvstraavRtaa| yA brahmAcyutazaMkaraprabhRtibhirdevaiH sadA vNditaa| sA mAM pAtu sarasvatI [ sarasvatI] bhagavatI niHzeSajADyApahA // 1 yAvanmerustathA pRthvI puSpadaMtau ca zAsvatau / tAvad graMthazciraM jIyAt zAsvato bhUya. The Ms. ends here. 15 Reference. - Published in " Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala in A. D. 1937. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakos'a (Vol. I, 3 p. 205). nalAyana Nalayana 294. No. 342 1871-72. Size.- 9} in. by 44 in. Extent.- 148 folios; II lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari chara. cters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible and good 25 hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual ; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly worn out; loll.1 and 1.46 blank; complete. 1 Letters are illegible. 4 [J. L. P.] Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 15 20 25 26 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 342. Age. -- Samvat 1723. Author. - Jnanasagara, pupil of Manikyasagara For his additional works see p. 5. Subject.. - Lives of Nala and his wife Damayanti. Begins. fol. 10 560 // OM namaH // zrIvItarAgAya tanmukhavAsinyai zrutadevatAyaiva (ca ) / aiM namaH // 1 rAga rAmagirI / bhAvamabuddhi dharI mani sAthaha jI / vizva saMbhAlu tribhuvananAthahUM jI / pUrava janami parevu rASyu jI / so sAmIiM dayAdharma bhASyu jI / 1 / etc. mahAsatI damayaMtI havI / teNI bhajyu zrIbhagavAMna vana mAMhi velAula thayuM / jaba dhario niramala dhyAna 7 / etc. - fol. 44 iti zrInalAyanoddhAre nalopAkhyAne krauMcakarNavadhavarNano nAma prathamaH prastAvaH etc. Ends. - fol. 146b udayavallabhajJAnasAgara nAma udayasAgara saguru karu praNAma / bAdhasAgara guru labdhinidhAna // zrI ' pUrNamA' pakSe caturthazASAyAM bhaTTAraka zrIharSa sAgarasUri tatpaTTe bhaTTAraka zrI ratanamerasUri nAzrI amarA tatpaTTe paMnAsazrIiMdrajI laSyataM 'habadapura ' madhye | saMvata 1723 varaSe kArtika vadi 11 vAra some lakSyataM iti zrInalAyana saMpUrNa / yAdRzaM pustakaM dRSTvA / tAdRzaM laSitaM mayA / yadi zuddhaM mama zuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyate / zrIlATTApale 'pUrNamA' pakSe / laSataM zrIH // zrIH // zrIrastUH // zrIH // zrIH paMnyAsazrIlAlajI celA pUjA ce0 gokala celA hIrajI saparavAra nizrI bhavAnIjI padamAvatInI rakSA // zrIH rastUH // kalyANamastUH saMbhavatuH / // zrIH // zrIH etc. Reference. No extracts are given but only additional Mss. are noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. III, pt. 2, p. 11 37 ). Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 343.] The svetambara Works nAgakumAracarita Nagakumaracarita 1437. .. No. 343 1886-92. Size.- Iod in. by 4g in. Extent.- 53+1=54 folios ; 9 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. is Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters%3 big, quite legible, uniform and very good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; some foll. have stuck together owing to the presence of gum in to the ink used ; a careless attempt made by some one to separate at least the last two foll. has damaged them; otherwise the condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat ISII; fol. 1 blank ; there is an extra blank fol. placed in the beginning. Age.- The 17th century of the Vikrama era. Author.- Dharmadhara (Dharmadhira). Subject.- Life of Nagakumara illustrating the prowess of the vow pertaining to the sth day of the bright half of a month. Begins.-- fol. 12 e 60 // OM namaH siddhebhyH|| 20 zrImaMtaM trijagadvaMdyaM saMsArAMbudhitArakaM / praNamAmi jinezAnA(nAM) vRSabhaM vRSabhadhvajaM // 1 // namo'stu vartamAnAya kevalajJAnacakSuSe / saMsArazramanAzAya kammauMghadhvAMtabhAnave // 2 // jinarAjamukhAMbhojarAjahaMsI sarasvatI mAnase ramatAM nityaM madIye paramezvarI // 3 // gautamAdIn munIn natvA zrutasAgarapAragAn / vakSye(s)ha zuklapaMcamyA phalaM bhavyasukhapradaM // 4 // etc. Ends.-- fol. 530 (? vya)tIte vikramAditye rudreSuzazi(1511)nAmani / . 30 zrAvaNe zuklapakSe ca pUrNiNamA caMdravAsare // 53 // 1 Is this a Digambara work ? Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [343. abhUt samAptisrathasya jayaMdharasu...hi / nUnaM nAgakumArasya kAmarUpasya bhUtale [pame] // 57 // ... iti zrInAgakumArasya kathAvatAre samAptA // cch|| saMvat 163.(?) varSe phAguNavadi 1 gurau likhi'......rAjAdhirAja....tadAsarAjye....purasthAne / zrIAdinAthacaityAlaye // zrI mUla'saMdhe naMdyAmnAye......'sarasvatI'gacche bha0zrIpadmanaMdidevA......bha0 zrIzubhacaMdradevAsta0 bha0 zrIjinacaMdradevA... caMdradevAstatsiSyamaMDalAcAryazrIdharmacaMdradevAsta0 paM.zrI............kIrtidevAsta0 zrIcaMdrakIrtidevA tadAmnAye / paMDelavAlAnvaye / 'DholIyA'gotre sA. devA rjadAryA deva......trAstrayaH pra. SiurAjA dvi, bAlA tR. padA . SiuMrAjabhAryA / SiuMsiri tatputrAzcatvAraH pra. sA. lAlA dvi. gorA ... tR. pAlhA ca(0) ratanA...hemA // lAlAbhA. lalatAde. pu. sAraMga sA. / padAbhAryA pATimade tatputrAstrayaH pra. sA. narasiMgha dvi0 holaa0|| tR . goidA narasiMghabhA0 nAriMga tatputradvi pra. DUMgA dvi. dhInaDA eteSAM .. , . madhye paMDitahemAkena midaM nAgakumArazAstraM paMcamIbratodyApanArtha supAtrAya AcAryazrIsiMhanaMdikasya ghaTApitaM // jJAnavAn jJAnadAnena nirbhayo(5)bhayadAnataH / annadAnAt suSI nityaM / nirvyAdhI bheSajAd bhavet // 1 // 10 Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 209). 20 'nAgakumAracaritra Nagakumaracaritra No. 344 669. 1895-98. Size.-98 in. by 51 in. Extent.--- 33 folios ; : 2 lines to a page ; 22 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper rough and greyish ; Devanagari cha racters; big, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in two or three lines indifferently mostly in black ink ; foll. numbered as usual; fol. ra blank; red chalk and yellow pigment used ; white paste, too ; condition good. 1 Letters are indistinct. 2 This is a Digambara work. So it ought to have been included in Part III of this section. Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344. 1 "Ages++ Samvat 1667. Author.--- Mallisena Suri, a poet well versed in two languages. He is pupil of Kanakasena Gani. For his additional works see H S L J ( Vol. II, pt. I, p. 71 ). Subject . - Life of Nagakumara in five cantos. Begins. fol. 1deg // 60 // OM namaH siddhebhyaH zrIne mijinamAnamya sarvasattvahitapradaM vakSye nAgakumArasya caritaM duritApahaM 1 etc. fol. 9(c) ityubhayabhASaka vicakravartI zrImalliSeNa sUriviracitAyAM nAgakumArapaMcamIkathAyAM prathamaH sargaH // cha // 1 Ends. fol. 334 The Svetambara Works 29 S to evaM nAgakumArasya proktaM varSasahasrakaM / kAle nemijineMdrasya paramAyuSkamIdRzaM // 93 // zrutvA nAgakumAracArucaritaM / zrIgautamenoditaM / bhavyAnAM sukhadAyakaM bhavaharaM puNyAzravotpAdakaM / navA taM magadhAdhipo gaNadharaM bhaktyA puraM prAgamat / zrImadrAjagRhaM puraMdarapurAkAraM vibhUtyA samam // 94 // ityubhayabhASAkavicakravartizrImalliSeNaviracitAyAM zrInAgakumAra paMcamIkathAyAM nirvANagamano nAma paMcamaH sargaH / cha / 5 iti zrInAgakumAracaritraM paripUrNi samAptaH saM. 1667varSe azvani 20 vida0 kAttekA sida 2 ravAdenaH saM. manAjI laSitaH // brahmacArazrIH / bhojA bhagareH // zrI zrI // CE 15 Reference. There is a Ms. of this work in the Mysore Oriental Library. On the basis of this Ms. an article "Nagakumaracarita, a forgotten work of Jain Mallisena " has been written 25 by Prof. K. Rangachari, M.A., B.L. and it is published as "Government Oriental Series-Class B. No. "" 7 by the : Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, in the " Com * memorative Essays" (pp. 100-114) presented to Prof. K. B. Pathak. In this article we find the summary of each of the five cantos. 30 Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [344 For the colophon of this work see "Jaina Hitaisi" .. .. ( Vol. XV, p. 20) and for additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. 1, p. 209). . - nAginIkathA Naginikatha 1310 (32). No. 345 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 334 Description.- Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA .. 1310 (1): No. 1886-92. * Author.-- Not known. 10 Subject. - A story of Nagini. It points out evil effects of practising ___deceit. Begins.-- fol. 33 AyatyapAyamadhyAyan / mAgha (1)yA vNcnaaprH| ihaiva labhate jaMturanathai nAginI yathA // 1 rAjA vijayavarmAkhyo / jajJe jayapure pure| rAjJo mAnyo dhanI gaMgadatto raMgada (? d )guNo' bhavat // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 33* nAgaH priyAvRttavirakta evaM / bhejeMtike shaandivaakrH| dIkSAM sa mRtvogratapAna kaale| lebhe divaM yAsyati nirvRtiM ca // 54 mAya(yA )yAM nAginIkathA . nAbhAkarAjakathA Nabhakarajakatha 737. - No. 346 1892-95. 25 Size.- Ion in. by 4g in. Extent.- 6 tolios ; 17 lines to a page; 58 letters to a line. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346.] The Svetambara Works 10 Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with qualsis ; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in black ink ; red chalk used to mark the numbering of the verses ; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin ; there is some blank space in recto and verso of every fol., fol. 6deg blank; every fol. more or less wormeaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete%3 composed in Samvat 1464. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Yalughugha Suri. Subject.-- A story of king Nabhaka. It points out the evil effects of utilizing deva-dravya for unwarranted purpose. Begins.- fol. 1. // 50 // saubhAgyArogyabhAgyottamamahimamatiradyA(? khyA)tikAMtipratiSTA- 15 tejo(jaH )zauryoSmasaMpadvinayanayayatrAH( ? ) saMtatiprItimukhyAH / bhAvA yasya prabhAvAt pratipadamudayaM yAMti sarve svabhAvAt / zrI jIrApalli'pArzvaH sa bha[ga]vatu bhagavAn pArzvadevo mudai( de) H // 1 zrIvIrajinamAnamya / samyag nAbhAkabhUpateH / 20 devagyAdhikAre(5)dazcaritaM kIrtayiSyate // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 6. evaM tadrAjyalokAnAM dharmazarmanirIkSaNAt / hriye vasvagriNo cUvanaiyA dharmavarjitA 91 zrInAbhAkanarAdhIzaH prapAlyeti ciraM sthirNdhii| rAjyaM prAjyaM prAMtakAle / saMsAdhyanazana sudhIH // 92 / / agA(da ) dvAdazakalpe(5)gha(tha) nRjanmAvApya setsyati / devo(s)pi prApya mAnuSyaM zAsvataM saukhyamApsyati / 93 yugmaM // zrInAbhAkanareMdrasya nizamyedaM kathAnakaM / devadravyasya dUreNa nityaM stheyaM manISimiH / 94 . devadravya Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [346: zrImadaMcha ? ca )va( ? la )gaccheza / zrIyalaghaghamUrimiH yuga yugamU (1464 )saMkhye varSoM so nirmitA kathA / 95 iti devadravyAdhikAre zrInAbhAkarAjakathA samAptA // // shrii|| // // zubhaM bhavatu // zrIzramaNasaMghAya // // shrii|| S Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 210). Here this work is said to be anonymous. nAbhAkarAjacaritra Nabhakarajacaritra No. 347 1307 (b). 1884-87. Extent.- fol. I0A to fol. 140, Description.-- Incomplete as it ends abruplty. For other details ro see Meghanadacaritra No. 1307 ( a ). ___1884-87. .. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not known. Subject.- A story of king Nabhaka. _Begins.- fol. 10deg // // 6 // 5 ihaiva 'jaMbU'dvIpe 'bharata'kSetre zrInemipArzvayoraMtare 'kSitipratiSThita pure nAbhAkanAmA nreNdrH| sabhAyAM niviSTaH // etc. Ends.- fol. 14b evaM ca pratipadamanekA upadA AdAya sevAgatabhUpatIn // sammAnayan / rAjA svalpaprayANaiH svasthAnamAgatya guruSu vihateSu tasyaiva devasya syAhAjyena vAsu. The Ms. ends abruptly. 20 neminAthacaritra Neminathacaritra No. 348 1318. 1887-91. Size- Iog in. by 4g in. Extent, 86 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and whitish; Devanagari chara cters; small, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in 25 Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 348..] The svetambara Works 33. 10 four lines in black ink; red chalk used%3; foll. numbered as usual; fol. 1 blank ; so is fol 860; complete. Age.-- Not very modern. Author.- Tilaka Suri. Subject. -- Life of Lord Nemi. Incidentally this work narrates stories s about Krsna, Balarama, Jarasandha, five Pandavas and Draupadi. Begins.- fol. 1 // 60 / u namaH zrIzrutadevyai // OM namo vizvanAthAya janmato brahmacAriNe / krmvlliivncchednemye'rissttnemye||1|| zrInemerahaMtaH kRSNaviSNo rAmasya sIriNaH / jarAsiMdhuM pratiharezcaritraM kIrtayiSyate // 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 86 evaM teSAM jalpatA hastakalpe lokAdetat karNamArge'vatIrNa / zrImannemirnivRttiM yajagAma / taistaiH sAdhaM sAdhumiH sAdhuvaryaiH // 27 zrutveti lokAd vimalAdimitvA / pAMDoH sutAste'nazanaM vidhAya / yayuH zivaM kevalamApya sarve / draupadyagAt paMcamadevalokaM // 28 // iti zrItilakAcAryaviracitaM zrIneminAthacaritraM samApta / graMthAgraM 3630 // saMyamajayagaNinA pUrNIkRtaM // 'bhRgukaccha' mahAnagare // yAdRzaM pustake dRSTaM / tAdRzaM likhitaM myaa| yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyatAM // 1 // ch|| zrI yAda 25 Reference.- In Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 217 ) this Ms. is noted. Further, Jaina Granthavali (p. 243) is mentioned. 5 [ J. L P.] Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [349. JD 15 neminAtharAsa Neminatharasa 318. No. 349 1883-84. Size.- 10 in. by 48 in. Extent. - 6 folios; 15 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent TOSHTATS ; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in both the margins ; unnumbered sides are decorated with a small spot in red colour in the centre whereas the numbered in each of the two margins, too%; in the left-hand margin the title is written as sIlarAsa0; fol. 10 blank; condition very good; complete; composed at Jalor. Age.-Pretty old. Author.- Vijayadeva Sari, pupil of Punyaratna. He is the author ___of Upadesagita. Subject. -- Life of Lord Nemi narrated for pointing out the importance of celibacy. Begins.- fol. 1deg 560 // zrIjinA // pahilau praNAma karauM jinarAi / lAgauMjI goyama gaNadhara pAi / suguruvANI valI saMbhalau / bhUlaujI akSara ANi sAvAi / rAsa bhaNisu raliyAmaNau / je suNi sA(sI)la hiyai thira thAi / kokilA je kalarava karai / mAsa vasaMta te aMbapasAi / 1 etc. Ends.-60 vInatI e hA jina vInavaDaM svamA(mI) ika SiNa amha na thAma vichoDi sIla saMghAtiiM jI prA(prI)taDI / hivaI uttarAdhyayana bAvIsamau joi vali ya anerAhI graMthathI aratha AjJA vinA je kAu hoi / viphala hojyo mujha pAtaka soi jinabhASai tima shii| syAmi durati naI dukkha sahU harau dUri / vegi manoratha mAharau pUri 20 23 30 1 This work is named as zIlarakSArAsa and zIlarakSAprakAzarAsa, too. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350.1 The svetambara Works ANasyauM saMyama Apijyo hivaI vInavai ema zrIvijayadevasUri / 70 / kai sIla akhN0|| iti zrIzIlarakSAprakAzaka zrIneminAtharAsaH / samApataH // shrii|| bAIlaSamAMpaThanArtha // Reference.-- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara's Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 148-150 & Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 596-597). 34. 0 : nemisAgara-upAdhyAya Nemisagara-upadhyaya- .. nirvANarAsa nirvanarasa No. 350 1877-78. Size-9 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 6 folios; 13 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper somewhat tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniformis and very good hand-writing; burders not ruled ; condition very good; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; complete; composed in Samvat 1672 at Ujeni ( Ujjen ). Age.- Samvat 1770. Author.- Krpasagara, pupil of Vidyasagara and grand-pupil of 20 ___Nemisagara. Subject.- A Gujarati poem narrating the life of Nemisagara Upa. ___dhyaya. Begins. - fol. 1 // 50 // zrIgurubhyo namaH sakala maMgala sakala maMgala mUla bhagavaMta zAMti jiNesara samarIyaM riddhi vRddhi savi siddhikAraNa mahimaMDalamahimAnilo pApavyApasaMtApavAraNa 'UjeNI'pura jina jayo pragaTa avaMtIpAsa kAmakuMbha jima pUraveM kaviyaNa kerI bhAsa 1 Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S To 15 20 25 -36 Jaina Literature and Philosophy nemasAgara ne misAgara nAma abhirAma kAmitapUraNa abhinavo kalpavelisama sadI (dA) kahIhaM japatAM jagi jasa vistAraM lalita lIla AnaMda lahIiM etc. Ends. fol. 64 DhAla rAga dhanyAsI jaya jaya sAdhu ziromaNI nemisAgara vara nAmo jI kAmitapUraNa surataru vAcakavRMdalalAmo jI 29 ja0 guNasAgara guNagaNa bharyo zrutasAgara zrutavaMto jI darasanasAgara dIpato lAbhasAgara budha saMto jI 30 ja0 javaDa vayarAgI jagajayo vivekasAgara jasa geho jI meghasAgara paMDitavarU kuzalasAgara sasaneho jI 31 ja0 mugatisAgara mahimA ghaNo devasAgara dIiM mAno jI paMDita gaNa muni jANIiM udayasAyara abhidhAno jI 32 ja0 suSasAgara Adara karI sa ( ? ra ) visAgara parivAro jI misAgara gurunAMmadhI lahijyo jayajayakAro jI 33 ja0 saMvata sola bihuttaraI ( 1672 ) nayara UjeNI majhAra jI mAgasira zudi bArasa dineM thuNio zrIaNagAro jI 34 ja0 [ 350. vAcaka vidyAsAgarU tAsa paMcAyaNa sIso jI ja0 vibudha kRpAsAgara kahiM pUro sakala jagIso jI 36 ( 135 ) ja0 iti zrInemisAgaro upAdhyAya nirvANarAsaH samAptaH liSitazca saMvata 1770 varSe zrAvaNavadi 5 budhe muninA jayasaubhAgyenAleSiH zubhaM bhavatuH zrIrastuH Reference. Published. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 484-485 & Vol. III, pt. 1, p. 962). paJcagaticatuSpadI (paJcagati copas ) No. 351 Size-- 91/2 in. by 4g in.. Extent. -- 23 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Pancagaticatuspadi ( Pancagaticopai ) 591. 1895-98. Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 351.] The svetambara Works 37 Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders not ruled ; yellow pigment used while making corrections; some foll. seem to have stuck together owing to the presence of gum in the inks used; a careless attempt made by some one to separate them has damaged the Ms. in the body; vide fol. 43; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; complete. Age.- Not modern. Author.- Haraji. Is he the author of bharaTakabatrIzIrAsa (V.S. 1625) 10 and vinodacovIzIkathA ( V. S. 1641)? If so, he is pupil of.. Laksmiratna, pupil of Siddha Suri of Bivandaoika gaccha. Subject. - A Gujarati poem dealing with five grades of existence, the fifth being salvation. Begins. - fol. 1 // 6 // prathama praNamuM prathama praNamuM paMca paramISTa avicala pada maMgala dIi savi jiNaMda sAradA devI nija guru zrutadevI stavaM hIi bhAva niramala dharevI sahU sAMnadhi karajo sadA savi kavipaya paNamevi . cupaI paMcai gati taNI kahUM saMbhala saMvi 1 dUhA praNami avicala pada dIi je paMcai paramISTa pAmIjai savi saMpadA suSa manavaMchita ISTa 2 etc. fol. 230 ima jAMNI samakita Adaru jima bhavasAyara lIlA taru etalai sidha taNu adhikAra svalpamAtra e kahiu vicAra 66 vItarAganA vacana viruddha je mati kalpI hui azuddha te muja micchA dukaDa valI SAmu sadA sASi kevalI 67 kahai harajI manavaMchita phalai nava na(ni)dhi rayaNa cauda tema lije nisuNi dharma karasai sadA te pAmi zivapadasaMpadA // 68 // iti paMcagativicAracupaI / / saMpUrNaH // 7 // zrIH zubhaM bhavatu 30 . . . ni Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 Jaina titerature and Philosophy (351. nissaMgaruci 1 dhamme adhammasaMkhyA 1 upadesaruci 2 'dhamme dhamasaMcA 2 AjJAruci 3 umagge maggasaMnnA 3 samakitaru(ci,4 magge umaggasaMjJA 4 bIjaruci 5 jIve ajIvasaMnnA 5 abhigamaru (ci) 6 ajIve jIvasaM 6 - vicAraruci 7 sAhU asAhUsaM 7 krIyAruci 8 asAhU sAhUsaM saMkhyeparuci 9 sute asutasaM 9 dharmaruci 10 asute sutasaMnA 10 evaM dasarucinAma / / michattaM bhave dasahA 10 po 69 pra 21 ga / dIptivijayena mukkA Reference. - It seems that neither extracts nor additional Mss. are noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. 10 15 paJcadaNDAtapatracatuSpadI (?) Paicadandatapatracatuspadi (?) 1660. No. 352 1891-95. Size.- 10 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 10 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 68 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing%3D in a majority of cases borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good; on fol. y in the left-hand margin the title is written as paMcadaMDIyA cupaI; complete; composed in Samvat 1.56; on fol. 10b three lines are written but they do not form part of this work and are moreover, written by some one else. Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 352.] The svetambara Works 39 Age. - Old. Author.- Jinahara (?) Subject. - Life of king Vikramaditya and his attainment of an umbrella having five dandas (sticks). This work is divided intos adesas. This topic is treated by Samalabhatta in his Pancadandavarta. Begins.- fol. 1. zrIsAradAyai namaH jayu (jayu ) pAsa jIrAulu / jagamaMDaNa jagacaMda / jAsa pasAi pAMmIiM / nita nita paramAnaMda / 1 / varakANai jANai sahU trevIsamu jiNeza / jeha taNI sahUi vahaI / AMNa jisI parisesa / 2 / ___After two verses we have :haMsAsaNi sarasati namI / pAmIya tAsa pasAiM / suguru mukhi huM sAMbhalI gAyasu vikramarAya / 5 / etc. Ends.- fol. 90 siddhasena gurunai upadesi / AcArya Avai 'soraTha' desi // kIdhau 'zatrujai' uddhAra // lIdhaDa mAnava bhavanu pAra 8 kara UpADInai dharmalAbha / siddhasena jAMNI yaha lAma / Thau vikrama yai dhana koTi / liu svAmI kahai be kara joDi 9 guru kahai dhana amhAraha ghaNUM // kahai rAjA mai kIdhuM tumha taNUM teNai jiNahara oMkAra / nagari karAvyau saMdhi udhAra / 10 vikramanA guNa hIyaui dharI // paMcadaMDItyA chatra carI // panara uchapani mAsi vaizASi // kIdhara bIjaDa dhuli pApi // 11 . bhaNai guNai nai je sAMbhalai / / teha taNAM savi saMkaTi TalaI / rAjaRddhi nai rUDI buddhi / teha pAMmai aSTai mahAsiddhi / 12 iti zrIvikramAdityarAjJaH paMcadaMDAtapatrasya paMcamAdeza saMpUrNaH zrIrastu // graM0 725 // zrIH chaH Reference. -- For extracts and an additional Ms. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol I, pp. 99-100 & Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 525-526). 30 Here this work is named as " Vikramacaritra. Paicadanda" and it is said that the name of the author is not exactly known. This author belongs to the Kharatara gaccha. - Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [353. pazcadaNDAtapatraprabandha Pancadandata patraprabandha No. 353 1315. 1884-87. Size. - 101 in. by 4; in. Extent.- 8 folios ; 18 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. 5 Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent TSHTITS; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete%3; the extent of the five adesas is as under : Adesa I i to , II . 2 ,, 40 , III 4 , 5. , IV ,, , v 7 , 20 Age.- Not quite modern. Author.- Purnacandra Suri. Subject.-.Same as noted for No. 352. Begins.- fol. 1 // 5 50 // ... dharmodyamaH sadA kAryayoM) yatprabhAvAt susNpdH| .... .. bhavaMti vikramasyaiva paMcadaMDAtapatravat // 1. tathAhi / / 'mAlavade' ujjayinyAM purI vikramAdityo rAjyaM karoti / etc. 5 - fol. 2' iti prathamamAdezo jaatH|| Ends.- fol. 8 rAjJA daMDapaMcakaM / prathamaM siddharasadaMDaM 1 / vijayadaMDa 2 viSApahAradaMDaM 3 ratnadaMDa 4 maNidaMDaM 5etad daMDapaMcakaM gaMcchikAyA samIpagaM kRtaM ratnAni c| tairdaihaiH ratnaiH kRtvA paMcadaMDacchana mahadAzcaryakArakaM nisspaadit| Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 354.] The Svetambara Works sanmUhurte rAjalokaiH purodhAdimiH paMcazabdaninAdapUrva AnIya rAjJo mUrddhi dhRtaM / ekasyAM dizi zvetaM / ekatra nIlaM / (e)katrApi pItaM / kRSNaraktaM vividhamaNimauktikakoTiyutaM upari svarNaratnamaNiSacitaM kalazapaMcakasahitaM / evaM chatraM lokairadRSTapUrva dRSTaM tadA rAjA puNyAdhiko jAtaH / 'kaliyuge ki harizcaMdro mAMdhAtA puroravA naghuSazrIrAmo yudhiSTirastaiH samAnaH / kaviki( bhi)- 5 varNitaH // asamasAhasAMkAdicaturazItibirudairaminaMdyamAnaH puNyamayaM rAjyaM pAlayAmAsaH evaM puNyArAdhanAdacintyo(5)pi saMpadaH saMpadyate / tasmAd dharma eva kaaryH|| iti vikramAdityasya paMcadaMDaprabaMdhaH // 7 // zrIpUrNacaMdrasUrikRtaH 5 // shrii| ch||7|| 10 Reference.- For additional Mss. see Nos. 354 & 355 as well as Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 224). pazcadaNDAtapatrapabandha Pancadandatapatraprabandha 1314. No. 354 1884-87. 5 Size.- 11 in. by 4} in. Extent.- 8 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrA; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders 20 ruled in two to four lines in black ink; a red thick line is drawn covering them; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3; fol. 8deg decorated with a big design of nandyavarta and its borders too have different designs ; unnumbered sides decorated with a small spot in red colour 25 in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; edges of some of the foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole good ; complete ; the five adesas begin and end as under : 1 Herein this work is named as Pancadandachatraprabandha, 6 [J. L. P.] Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 15 20 25 122 42 Age.- Old. Begins. Jaina Literature and Philosophy Adesa I foll. 1 to 2 II 2b III 4b IV V dr "" dr paJcadaNDa tapatra prabandha No. 355 dr "" dr rw Begins. fol. 1a || O || 7b "1 15 dw 4 sb 7a fol. 1(c) // 60 // na namaH sarvasiddhebhyaH // ga. dharmodyamaH sadA kAryo etc. as in No. 353. Ends. fol. 8 rAjJA daMDatrayaM gachikAyAnIya pradattaM // paMcamamAdezo jAtaH // cha // prathamaM siddharasadaMDaM etc. up to kAryaH // cha // iti vikramAditya paMcadaMDachatraprabaMdhaH / zrIpUrNacaMdrasUrikRtaH // 6 // N. B. For further particulars see No. 353. [ 354. Pancadandatapatraprabandha Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 13 folios; 18 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent gas; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two to three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably fair; complete; extent 400 slokas. Age. Pretty old. dharmodyamaH sadA kAryoM etc. as in No. 353. 172. 1872-73. Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360. 1 The Svetambara Works Ends. fol. 134 rAjJA daMDapaMcakaM etc. up to vikramAdityasya paMcadaMDa prabaMdhaH // cha // This is followed by zrIpUrNacaMdrasUrikRtaM / graMthAgraM zlo 400 // cha // N. B. - For additional details see No. 353. paJca daNDAtapatraprabandha No. 356 Size.- 12++ in. by 54 in. Extent.- 38 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.--- Country paper rough and grey; Devanagari chara-ro cters; small, bold, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too ; foll numbered as usual; complete; com - posed in Samvat 1490 at Stambhatirtha. Pancadandatapatraprabandha Age Samvat 1530. Author -- Ramacandra Suri, pupil of Abhayacandra Suri of 'Sadhupurnima' gaccha. His additional work is Vikramacaritra dated V. S. 1490. Begins. fol. 1(c) // 60 // na namaH zrIsarvvajJAya namaH // praNamya jagadAnaMdadAyakAn jinanAyakAn / gaNezAn gautamadyAMzca gurUn saMsAratArakAn // 1 sajjanAn so ( zo) bhanAcArAn zAstrabodhanakArakAn / paMcadaMDAtapatrasya kathAM vakSye samAsataH // 2 // etc. fol. 38b Ends. - 43 -- 384. 1880-81. Subject.-- A narrative in prose. It deals with the life of king Vikramaditya showing how he secured an umbrella having 20 five sticks. zrI ' sAdhupUrNimA' pakSakAnane kalpapAdapAH / zrImadabhaya caMdrAkSAH ( khyAH ) sUrayo gaNabhUrayaH // 45 // teSAM pAdaprasAdena mayA mUrkheNa nirmitaH / graMtho vidvajjanaiH so (zo) dhyaH kRpAM kRtvA mamopari // 46 // 5 15 25 30 Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 10 15 20 25 44 Jaina Literature and Philosophy zrIvikramakAlAcca (bda) 1490 (kha) nidhiratna saMkhyakaiH varSe mAghazite pakSe zuklacaturddazIdine // 47 // puSpe (ye) ravau staMbhatIrthe rAmacaMdreNa sUriNA gadyAt padyamayo'kAri prabaMdho janaraMjakaH / / 48 // yAvad bhUdharasAgarA ravizazI khaM bhUdhruvaH tArakAH dharmAdharmmavicAraNaikanipuNo yAvajjagad rAjate / tAvad vikramabhUparAjavilasatkIrttiprabhAmizrito [356. graMtho (S) jinazAzane suhRdayAM citte ciraM naMdatAt / / 49 / / iti mahAsAtvika zi (ro) maNeH zrIvikramanarezvarasya janAnaMdadAyI paMcadaMDAta pachatrabaMdha pravaraprabaMdhaH samAptaH // cha // zrI // cha // saMvat 1530 varSe zrAvaNasudi 2 somavAsare maghAnakSatre zrI zreSThataDAge zrImalluSAnarAjye // zrI' tapAgacche' bhaTTAraka zrI hemahaMsa sUripaTTe zrIhemasamudrasUripaTTe zrIzrIhemaratnasUri // paM0 zrImatisAgaragaNi // zi0 sAghurAja muniliSita ca zubhaM bhUyAt // zrI // // cha // Then in a different hand we have : zrIvimalaharSavAcaka ziSyai munivimalavAcakotaMsaiH / yo (s) citkoze muktA pratiriyamanalpaguNaiH // 1 // Reference. Published with notes by Weber at Berlin in A. D. 1877 and by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1912. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 224). Pancadandata patraprabandha 808. 1895-1902. paJcadaNDAtapatraprabandha No. 357 Size.- 93 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 62 folios; 15 to 17 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gas; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders most ly ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used to Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358. ] The Svetambara Works mark the numbering of the verses; foll. numbered in both the margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; every fol. more or less worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably fair; on fol. 1 anusvaras occurring in the first 5 liue written artistically; complete ; extent 2550 slokas. Age.-- Old. Begins. - fol. 14 e 50 // zrIsadgurubhyo namaH // 45 praNamya jagadAnaMdadAyakAn etc. as in No. 356. Ends.-- fol. 624 zrI sAdhupUrNimA etc. up to citte ciraM naMdanAt // 48 // 0 as in No. 356. Thereafter we have : zlokairanuSTaM Tu )paiH saMkhyA jJeyA likhanakovidaiH paMcaviMzatisArddhAni zatAni zlokasaMkhyayA 47 evaM graMthaH saMkhyAzlokaiH // 587 // iti paMcadaMDAtapratraprabaMdha samAptaH likhitaM bhuMNAvizrame paM0 nayadhIra - 15 ziSyeNa liSitaM zAstraM // graMthA / / 2550 / / zrIrastu || zubhaM bhavatu // yA pustake dRSTaM / tAdRza liSitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate // 1 // cha // zrI // * // zrI // cha // zrI // cha // kalyANamastu zrIsaMghasyaH // N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 356. Pancadandatapatraprabandha 608. 1884-86. 20 paJcadaNDAtapatraprabandha No. 358 Size. 8 in. by 6 in. Extent.-- 14 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite, legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders not ruled; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; condition very good; incomplete ; this Ms. seems to end abruptly. 30 Age. - Not quite modern. 25 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [358. Begins-fol. 1 // 6 // zrIgaNezAya namaH // - praNamya jagadAnadadAyakAn etc. as in No. 356. Ends.-- fol. 14 bhUpayogyamatastena dhUtaM dhUpena vAsitaM abhyaMga sarvataH zubhraM vastrayugmaM samarpita 52 paridhAya tato rAjA yojitAMjalisaMpuTaH vidhA pradakSiNaM datvA tripraNAmamathAkarot / 53 zrInAbhinaMdanaM devaM natvA prAsAdasaMsthitaM apaMDe (DaiH)rakSatairbhavya snapa The Ms. ends abruptly. N. B.- For other details see No. 356. 1215. S paJcazatIprabodhasambandha Pancasa tiprabodhasambandha No. 359 1886-92. Size.- 104 in by 48 in. Extent.- 199-3+1 = 197 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 43 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and white ; Devanagari characters with occasional TEHITIS ; small, clear and good handwriting ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered as usual ; fol. ra blank except that the following line is written on it : saMskRtaM paMcazatIprabodhasaMbaMdhanAmA granthaH kartA zubhazIla kathAkozaH. It seems that a piece of paper of the size of a fol. is pasted to fol. 1 ; a cover of the first fol, worn out condition on the whole good; foll. 2-4 lacking%; foll. 122 etc. also numbered as 1, 2 etc. in the interlinear space; fol. ISI repeated; incomplete. Age.- Not modern. Author.- Subhasila. He is said to be a pupil of any one of the following: - 25 1 For details about him see my article "zubhazIlagaNino saMkSipta paricaya" published in Jaina Dharma Prakasa (Vol. 82, No. 1). Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 359.] The Svetambara Works munisundarasUri, ratnamaNDanasUri, ratnamandiraNaNi & lakSmIsAgarasUri. For his additional works see Vol. XVII, (pt. 3, pp. 259 and 272 ). On p. 259 there is a slip for he is a com - mentator of Satrunjayakalpa and not its author. Bhojaprabandha is his work. In HSLJ ( Vol. II, pt 1, pp. s 232-233 ) a complete list is given. Subject. Narratives some of which are legendary and some historical. For further details see HSLJ ( Vol. II, pt. r, P. 233 ). Begins. fol. 1 // 60 // aI yugAdidevAdivarddhamAnau ( jinAM ) timAn kevalinaH parAMzva zrIpuMDarIkAdigurUn yatIMzca namAmyahaM bodhisamAdhihetoH 1 kiMcid gurorAnanato nizamya 4.7 kiMcinnijAnyAdikazAstratazca graMtho hyayaM pacazatIprabodha astaM styaM ) taramavaMtyAderayodhyAdezva bhUpateH / 1 evaM ba ( vada ) tastava jihvA truTitA na tato roSeNa prAha paMDita domuha nirakkhara lohamayanArAyakittIaM bhaNimo / guMjAhi samaM kaNayaM tolaMto kiM na gau si pA ( yA ) laM ? 1 ityadyatrAtAM prati vahnau cikSepa tA Reference. Published by Shantilal A. D. 1968. To 15 etc. saMbaMdhanAmA kriyate mayA nu (tu) 2 Ends. fol. 199 saMpUrNa caritraM zrutvA rAjA jagau yadi 'ayodhyA 'nagarIsthAne ' avaMtI ' sthApyate bharatacakristhAne mAM sthApaya / 'zakrAvatAra' tIrthasthAne 20 'mahaM (hA) kAla'prAsAdaM sthApaya / AdidevasthAne IzvaraM sthApaya tadA ( s) yaM graMtho varyo bhavati svarNa surabhivat evaM cet tvaM kuru tadA tulyaM koTiH / svarNasya dIyataM zrutvaitad vacanaM vajrAhata iva kSaNaM bhUtvA jagau dhaNapAlaH / meruSapayo ( : ) haMsakAkayoH kharatArkSyayoH 25 The Ms. ends abruptly. Bhagavanji Damkakar in 30 Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 15 20 25 48 309 padmacarita ( paumacariya ) [ rAhavacariya ] No. 360 5 Size. 12 in. by 47 in. Extent. 144 folios; 18 lines to a page; 75 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent gas; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 14+ blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; this central portion seems to have been exposed to fire; some of the foll. wormeaten to some extent; condition on the whole tolerably fair; complete ; 118 cantos; composed in Vira Samvat 530 i. e. Vikrama Samvat 60. Age.-- Not quite modern. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [360 Padmacarita (Paumacariya) [Rahavacariya] 360. 1871-72. siddhasurakinnaroragadaNuvai bhuvaNiMda caMdaparimahiyaM / usahaM jiNavazvasahaM avasappiNiAi titthayaraM // 1 Author.-- Vimala, pupil of Vijaya and grand-pupil of Rahu Suri of Naila kula. Subject. Life of Padma i. e. Rama according to the Jaina viewpoint. For details of this oldest available Jain epic' see my book " pAiya ( prAkRta) bhASAo bhane sAhitya " ( pp. 85-89 ). Begins. fol. 1deg // 60 // namo vItarAgAya // ajiaM vijiyakasAyaM apuNabbhava saMbhavaM bhavaviNAsaM / abhinaMdaNa ca sumahaM paumAbhaM paramasatthA (cchA ) yaM // 2etc. nAmAvaliyanibaddhaM AyariyaparaMparAgayaM savvaM / vocchAmi paumacariyaM ahANupuvi samAseNaM // 8 etc. Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 361. ] Ends. fol. 144 rAhU NAmAriu / sasamaya ( parasamaya ) gahiya sabbhAve / vijau ya tassa sIso 'NAila 'kulavaMsadiya // sIseNa tassa raiyaM rAhavacariyaM tu jjha ( sU )rivimaleNaM / sohu (U) NaM puvvagae nArAyaNarAmacariyAI // 17 The Svetambara Works jehiM suyaM vavagayamaccharehiM tabbhattibhAviyamANehiM / tANaM vivohiM vimalaM cariyaM suvu (pu) risANaM // 19 ii paumacarie paumaNigvANagamaNaM NAma zuddhadasuttarasayaM pabva samattaM // cha // iti padmacaritraM samAptamiti // cha // Reference. 49 padmacaritra [ rAmAyaNa ] Edited by H. Jacobi and published by the Jaina Dharma 10 Prasaraka Sabha in A. D. 1914. Its uddesas 27-28 & 33-35 are translated into English and published. The text (ILIX) along with its Hindi translation by Shantilal M. Vora is published in A. D. 1962 by the Prakrit Text Society as No. 6 of its series. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa 15 (Vol. I, p. 233). S Padmacaritra [ Ramayana ] 611. 1884-86. No. 361 Size. 10 in. by 41 in. Extent. 115-74-41 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional ; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; 25 borders of most of the foll. ruled in two pairs of lines in red ink; in some cases in blackish ink; red chalk profusely used; yellow pigment used at times; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 1 blank; so is fol. 115"; in the left-hand margin the title is written as qua; there is 30 some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; edges of the last four foll, 7 [J. L. P. ] 20 Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [361. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good; foll. 23 to 96 missing; so incomplete; composed in Samvat 1652 at Srimalapura; the entire work is divided into ten cantos ( sargas); the extent of each of them is as under:Sarga I foll. it to ER II , 6 , 21 III , 21 , 221 , 22 V VI VII 980 VIII IX 98b , 106. ___x , 106 , I.. IS Age.-- Samvat 1678. Author.-- Devavijaya, pupil of Rajavijaya Suri, pupil of Vijaya ____dana Suri. Subject.- Life of Ramacandra according to the Jaina tradition. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 60 // zrIjinAya namaH bhaya shriisuvrtsvaamijinedrsyaaNjnshruteH| 'harivaMzamRgAMkasya / tIrthe saMjAtajanmanaH // . baladevasya padmasya / viSNornArAyaNasya ca / prativiSNo rAvaNasya / caritaM parikIrtyate // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 114deg tatastAn tatraiva muktvA / zrIrAmamahAmuni natvA / 'naMdIzvare' aSTAhnikAM kRtvA / sIteMdro 'devakuru 'pradeze / bhAmaMDalarAjajIvaM pratibodhya tataH / svayaM 'acyuta 'devalokaM gataH // 7 // utpanne sati kevale sa zaradAM paMcAdhikA vizati / medinyAM bhavikAn prabodhya bhagavAn zrIrAmabhaTTArakaH / mAyuzca vyatilaMdhya paMcadaza cAbdAnAM sahazrAn kRtii| 30 .. zailezI(zI) pratipadya zAzvatasukhAnaMdaM prapede padaM // 1 Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 361.] The svetambara Works 51 iti zrImat'tapAgacche / bhaTTArakazrIhIravijayasUrivijayarAjye A0zrIvijayasenasUriyauvarAjye paM0zrIdevAvajayagaNiviracite / gagrabaMdhe zrIrAmacaritre zrIrAmanirvANagamano nAma dazama sargaH // 10 // samAtaM cedaM rAmAyaNaM / zrI idaM rAmAyaNaM prAyeNa / zrIhemAcAryakRtarAmAyaNaM upajIvya mayA kRtamiti / saMskRtabhASAyaiva likhitaM / satyapi prAkRtapadyabaMdha- 5 carite / tathA satyapi saMskRtapadyabaMdhacaritre / mayA AtmavinodArtha karmakSayArtha ca gadyabaMdhena kRtamiti // 7 // ___ svastIzrImat tapA'gacche bhaTTArakayugapradhAnazrIvijayadAnasUriziSyaAcAryazrIrAjavijayasUriziSyapaMDitazrIdevavijayagaNibhirviracitaM // samAptaM cedaM zrIrAmAyaNaM / 7 / / saMvat 1652varSe azvinamAse / kRSNapakSe 10 dazamyAM tithau gurupuSyayoge / zrImanmarusthalyA jyeSTasthityAM sthitena / paM0zrIdevavijayena 'zrImAlapure' nagare zrImadakabvararAjye viracitaM zrIrAmAyaNaM pratyakSaraM nirupAsya / graMthamAnaM vinizcitaM / samyak gaNanayA jJeyaM / zlokapaMcasahasrakaM // 1 padakSaraparibhRSTa mAtrAhInaM ca yad bhavet / 15 kSatavyaM tadU budhaiH sarva kasya na ssvalanA bhavet ? // 2 // akkharamattAhINaM / jaM cia paDhiaM ayANamANeNa / taM kha maha majjha savvaM / jiNavayaNaviNiggayA vANI // 3 iti prshstii|| zrIvAcakAgresaradharmasAgara kramAbja gairbudhpdmsaagraiH| etaccaritraM svadhiyA suzodhitaM vacasvivAcyaM bhavatu zriyAMya // 1 idaM budhairvAcyamAnaM ciraM jayatuH // 7 // yAdRzyaM pustake draSTvA / tAdrazya laSitaM myaa| yadi zuddhamasudha vA mama doSo na dIyate // 1 // zrI'vRddhatapA'gacche bhaTTArakazrIpazrIdhanaratnasUri / taziSyapaM0. zrI3bhAnumerugaNi / taziSyamahopAdhyAyazrI1mANikyaratnagaNi tatziSyapaM0 zrIdayAsuMdaragaNi / taziSya sadA AjJAkArI meghasuMdaralikhitaM / / saMvat 1678varSe posamAse zuklapakSe saptamIdinau rvivaasre| 30 Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - Jaina Literature and Philosophy [361. -: zrI chayutara'paragaNe zrI vidyApura'nagarapArazve zrI dhATUgrAma'madhye caturmA- sake sthitA paM0 zrIdayAsuMdara gaNi taziSyamunimeghasuMdaralikhitaM // 3 // zrIrastu // subhaM bhavatu // kalyANamustu // // cha // shrii||ch / cha / Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, pp. 331-332). 10 padmacaritracatuSpadI Padmacaritracatuspadi . (padmacaritracopaDa) ( Padmscaritracopai) 746. '! No. 362 1892-95. Size.- Iol in. by 41 in. Extent.- 44-1=43 folios; 14 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nagari characters ; big, quite legible, uniform and good handwriting ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used ; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin ; in the left-hand margins the title is variously written e. g. padamacari0 and padamacaritra; foll. numbered as usual; fol. II missing ; so incomplete ; composed in Samvat 1602 at Vikaner. Age.- Not quite modern. 20 Author.- Vinayasamudra, pupil of Harsasamudra, pupil of Siddha Suri. For his additional works see DCG CM ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, p. 264). Subject.- Life of Ramacandra i. e. Ramayana based upon that of Kalikalasarvajna Hemacandra Suri. 25 Begins.-- abruptly fol. 2a ... rajAto devatA / dIThA yAtrA jina sevatA // 25 jAtIsamaraNa sabhya majhAri / bahukaMTha sutanai de bhAra / dIkSA le tapasAthI siddhi zrIkaMTha lAdhI avicala riddhi // 26 // etc. Ends.-- fol. 44b 30 padamacaritta pahupasaro pasiddha / kIdhau hemasUri supasiddha / jeha mAMhithI e lahi vAta.kIdhI caupaI chaMdaviSyAta // 70 Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 363. 1 is as The Svetambara Works zrI 'uvaesa' gaccha guNabhUri / gaNaharaguru rayaNappahasUri / tasu anukrama siddhasUri vasiTU / baiThAM vyAppA ( pyA) guNahi gariTThA // 71 kakkasUri jayavaMta gaNesa tiha taNau pAmI upadesa / vAcaka haSaisamudra tasu sIsa / vinayasamudradda vANArIsa // 72 53 vIkAnayara vIra jiNaMda tAsu pasAyai paramAnaMda / caviha saMgha taNai suprasAdi sola biDotara 1602 phAguNa Adi // 73 kIdhI kathA e sItA taNI sIla taNI mahimA jasu ghaNI / sISai bhaNijyo chai guNa thuNI / pUrau Asa sadA manu taNI // 74 iti zrIpadamacaritracaupaI sItArAmI samApataM // zubhaM bhavatu // no no doSaH // 10 Reference. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 169-170). padmaprabhacarita ( pa umappahacariya ) No. 363 Padmaprabhacarita ( Paumappahacariya ) S 1297. 1884-87. IS Size.--10 in. by 44 in. Extent. - 166 folios; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devana gari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, 20 uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 14 blank ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; it forms a design ; yellow pigment 25 used for making corrections; in the left-hand margins the title is written as padmaprabhacaritra and padmapraca ; condition very good; complete ; extent 7233 slokas; the entire work is divided into four prastavas; the extent of each of them is as under : 30 Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [363. .5 10 Prastava I foll. to 346 , II , 34 , 780 , III , 78deg, 132* " IV , 132 ,166deg. Age.- Samvat 1650. Author.-Deva sari, pupil of Dharmaghosa Suri of Jalihara gaccha. Subject.-A narrative of Lord Padmaprabha, the six Tirthankara of the present cycle of time. This is mostly in Prakrit. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 60 // zrIpadmaprabhasvAmine namaH // ahaM // maMgalamAijiNesarabhuyadaMDalulaMtakuMtalA ditu / jaya mohahariya sAmala milaMta camariccA vilasaMtA // 1 niccaM niccalacittA je pattA saha nivAsa paumeNa / lachaNachaleNa paumA paumaMka namaha taM devaM // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 1660 kartuM na prakaTAM sphuranavata(na)vaprauDhArthadRSTiM mayA to tattvAni niveSTumatra bhagavansiddhAMta siddhAni vA / naiva khyApayituM vyadhAyi caritaM rItiM vidarbhogavAM __ bhAktiM kiMtu punaH punarna gadituM zrIpanalakSmaprabhoH // 64 unmIlaMti niraMtaramatthA saddA ya jaM na vA majjhe / te deviMdagurUNAM pasAyamahimAi mahamahiyaM // 66 tarkAnadhItya deveMdraguroH siddhAMtamAditaH zrIharibhadrasUri taM nirmame mayA // 67 aMcai sAsayatitthe nahalachI jAva rikkhakusume / hiMsasiravivaratADaMkA naMdau cariyaM imaM tAva // 68 'jAlihara'gacchata(na)hayalamayakasiridevasUrirahayami siripaumappahacarie saMmatto turiyapatthAvo // 69 / / iti zrImatpadmaprabhacaritraM samAptaM // cha / gAthAsaMkhyA // 7233 // cha / kRtiriyaM zrI jAlihara'gacchamaMDanazrIdharmaghoSasUriziSyazrIdevasUrINAmiti bhadraM // ch| Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 364.] The Svetambara Works 55 AzIrvAdo(s)ya saMghasya likhyate // kAryANAmanizaM yataH zivakarI siddhiH samAsAdyate yasmAt sarvamanorathadrumatatirvizvasya paMphulyate / bhanyajja(tha)cca manorathAtigamaho sarva samAsAdyate yuSmAkaM bhavatA chubhAzayavAM padmaprabhaH sa zriye // 1 elA yatra dayA kSamA ca lavatI satyaM lavaMga para ___ kAruNyaM kramukIphalAni viditazzUrNazca sattvodayaH / karaM munidAnamuttamaguNaM zIlaM ca patroccayA gRnhIdhvaM guNakRjjanainiMgaditaM tAMbulametajjanAH ! // 2 // saMvat 1650varSe jyeSTazuddhi 11 some laSitaM // 'sthaMbhatIrthe 10 sAhAlAlajIlakhitaM // cha / Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 234). padmAkarakathA Padmakarakatha [zayanadAnakathA ] [ Sayanadanakatha ] 823 (b). 15 No. 364 1892-95. Extent.- fol. 4. to fol. 40. Description.- Complete. For other details sce kurucandramAntrikathA No. 154. Author.- Unknown. Subject.-- A narrative of Padmakara. It mentions the prowess of : giving a bed to a Jaina monk. Begins.- fol. 4* atha zayanadAne kathA / zrI // 'puSpapure' nagare zesvaro rAjA tatra tilakapreSThi tasya bhAryAriti suMdarI etc. 25 Ends. - fol. 4deg sukatena pitA svargasthaH putrasnehAt zayyAdikaM pUrayAti iti zrute tasya jAtaM jAtismaraNA(Na) zrAvakatvaM pratipunnaM sa prAkRtabhavA(vA)taukSya bhavasyati // iti avasyati ra athAsanAdAne kathA saMpUraNaM // Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 365. padmAkarakathA Padmakarakatha No. 365 1310 (3). 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 45 to fol. ja. Description. - Complete. For other details See Muladevakatha No. 1310 ( 1 ). 1886-92.. Author.- Not known. Subject.-- A story of Padmakara. It points out the prowess of donating a bed to a Jaina monk. Begins.-- fol. 40 arcu 199517 5411 googde FT FIQUI Tai at fato ergt etc. Ends. -- fol. 5* saraca afacer a lewata fent facudila u 3 il for 2017 (271)TA TUTI 10 padmAnandamahAkAvya Padmanandamahakavya 15 [farsana ) [Jinendracarita ] No. 366 285 (a). A. 1882-83. Size. - 10 in. by 48 in. 64 Extent.-- 256+1==257 folios; 13 lines to a page; 43 letters to a line. 20 Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional TATT ; big, clear and good hand-writing; yellow pigment used; some foll. seem to have stuck together; while separating them they have been spoiled ; ink faded in the corresponding places ; the first five foll. slightly torn to a smaller or greater extent ; foll. 52-56 slightly damaged by white ants; condition fair ; foll. numbered as usual ; fol. 20 numbered as 10; foll. 71 to 104 are also numbered as 1, 2 etc. up to 34 ; foll. Tos to practically 199 also doubly numbered; the second Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366.] The Svetambara Works 57 series being I, 2 up to 95; foll. 200 to 255 also numbered as I to 573; fol. 201 repeated; fol. 1 blank ; 18 cantos; the 19th missing; this Ms. contains caturviMzatijinendrasaGkSiptacarita ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, No. 200 ), too. Age.-- Not quite modern. Author.- Amaracandra Suri, pupil of Jinadatta Suri. Subject.-- Life of Lord Rsabha and his sons. For details see my edition of this work. Begins.- fol. 1 aI naumi sadA(ss)hatyakAraNaM sklaaiitaaN| ... 10 svakaM svastizrIjayehaM zrImanmahAnaMdamaho 1 etc.. Ends.- fol. 1990 rAjye shriivRssbhdhvjprbhupddhyaanktaanttvtH|| saMgrAmAstariputvatorthipaTalIkalpadrukalpatvataH / jJAne dharmasamuddhRtermadajayAd bodha(pra)dAnAt tridhaa| __ vIratvaM bharato(s)nubhUya paramaM prApat padaM zAstra(zva)taM // 321 iti zrIjinadattasUriziSyapaMDitazrImadamaracaMdraviracite zrIpadmAnaMdAparanAmni zrIjineMdacaritAmidhAne mahA(kA)vye vIrAMke zrI AdinAthacarite marIcisvarUpabhagavannirvANazrImatkevalotpattivarNano nAmASTAdazaH sargaH(rgaH) samAptaH // 20 so(s)jyAd vA(vo) vRSabhaprabhurbhavatalo(tau) sevA babhAraiva yA // .......: ___tAM saMtyajya vi(ci)rAd virAgalalito lokasthiti ydypi|| ekaH(ka) zAstra(zva)tamuktizArma kimapi prApat padaM yaH parA(raM) ...... ___ sAMtarbhAvabhRtA tathApi kila yaM jJAne nilInA(nvagA)t // 1 devA yAMtyamRtAzanairamaratAM zrIpadma ! veni dhruvaM / - 25 zrIdevI samadA kadApi na tatastvAM moktumutkaMThate yenAsau sukRtAmRtaiH pratipadaM saMtaryamANA tvayA ___ saMprAptetyajarAmaratvamatulaM tat tvAM kR(ku)to (mo)kSyati ? // 2 // cha / graMthAgraM // 433 5 svastizrIrjayo'bhyudayazca / / 8 [J. L. P.] Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 15 20 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [366 Reference. Edited by me and published in the Gaekwad's Oriental Series in A. D. 1932. In my edition there are 19 cantos. In this Padmanandamahakavya (canto IX, v. 68) we have the word 3. This word occurs in Naisadhacarita (XIV, 51). 58 padmAnandazata [ 'vairAgyazataka ] Padmanandasata [Vairagyasataka] No. 367 Size. 9 in. by 41 in. Extent. 6 folios; 15 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gas; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; extent 215 slokas. 1198. 1887-91. Age.- Samvat 1709. Author. Padmananda, son of Dhanadeva and a devotee of Jinavallabha Suri. Subject- Vairagya (absence of worldly desires and appetites ). Begins -- fol. 14 e60 // sakalavidvajjanacittasikhaMDija zrImahopAdhyAyazrIdharmmavijaya gaNigurubhyo nama // trailokyaM 'yugapat karAMbujaluThanmuktAvadAlokate / jaMtUnAM nijayA girA pariNanajjaH (dyaH) sUktamAbhASate / sa zrImAn bhagavAn vicitravidhimirdevAsurairarcito / vItatrAsa vilAsahAsarabhasaH pAyAjjinAnAM patiH / 1etc. Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 367.j The svetambara Works Ends.-- fol. 6a siktaH zrIjinavallabhasya suguroH zAMtopadezAmRte / zrIman nAgapure' cakAra sadanaM zrIneminAthasya ca zreSTI zrIdhanadeva ityabhidhayA khyAtaca tasyAMgaja / padmAnaMdazataM vyadhatta sudhiyAmAnaMdasaMpattaye / 2 saMpUrNedrumukhI mukhena ca nacaM (?vacana) shvetaaNshubiNbodye| zrIkhaMDadravalepane na ca na ca drAkSArasAsvAdane / AnaMdaH sa sakhe ! na ca kvacidasau kiM bhUrimirbhASite / padmAnaMdazatazruteH kila mayA yaH svAditaH svecchyaa| 103 iti zrIpadmAnaMdazataM samAtaM // graMthAgraMtha 215 saMvat 1709varSe / 10 yeSTavadi 3 gure // Then perhaps in a different hand we .. have :-- mu.zubhavijayasya idaM pratiH // cha / alpasAreSvapi sveSu siddhiH sasveva nizcitaM udgamo yajjanaidRSTaH sa tuSveSveva zAliSu 1 // hariNacaraNamA kAminInAM pratIkaM kimapi kalayataste koTayo'guDuMgAnAM pariNati rasa(?)vattA tatra naivAnubhUtA / prathamapadamatastvaM dhyehi mukA(?)NamAya // 2 // ze kaupInadhanA ta eva hi paraM dhAtrIphalaM bhuNjto| teSAM dvAri nadaMti vAjinivahAstaireva labdhA kSitistairetat samalaMkRtaM nijakulaM kiM vA bahu brUmahe ye dRSTA paramezvareNa nibhRtaM ruSTena tuSTena vA // 3 vaikuMThAbhaH prakAmaM kamalayutaziraH kuMjarAkRSTadRSTiH - kodaMDodAradhImAn nagitaparijano vizvavikhyAtasaMjJaH sauMdaryAsaktacittaH samaraNahRdayaH kaMkaNAhArayukto vIrazrIrAmacaMdrasvamiva tava ripuH kiMtu muktvAvivarNa // 4 // Reference. Published in Kavyamala (VII). For additional Mss... see Jinaratnakos'a (Vol. I, p. 235). Herein this work is named as Dhanadevasataka, too. 30 Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 5 IO . 15 CA 20 25 60 Ci parikathA No. 368 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Extent. fol. 21a to fol. 22a. Description. Complete. 1310 (1). 1886-92. [368. ekAkIbhUrupari bhrAmyan padyamAnaH pade pade / vipayAnaMtakAyeSu / jajJe tasmAt pramAdataH // 24 // iti nidrApramAdau parica ( ka ) thA // pariziSTaparvan [ sthavirAvalIcarita ] No. 369 Parikatha 1310 (20). 1886-92. For other details see Mulakatha No. Author.-Not mentioned. Subject. A story depicting the evil effects of sleep & negligence. Begins. fol. 21 magadheSu ' gorvara 'grAme puSpa sAlagRhapati / iti prasiddho dharmapAThakasya pArzvAd vinayamahimAnaM zrutvA etc. Ends. fol. 22" Parisistaparvan [Sthaviravalicarita ] 1283. 1886-92. Size 10 in. by 48 in. Extent. 53 folios; 19 lines to a page; 60 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters with Is; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; edges of almost every fol. more or less worn out; condition tolerably good; in the left-hand margin of fol. 1 ft to is written; numbers for foll. entered twice in the right-hand margin; complete; 13 cantos in all. Age. Samvat 1669. Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 369.] The svetambara Works ___15 Author.- Kalikalasarvajna Hemacandra Suri. For his additional works etc. see DCGCM ( Vol. XVII, pt. 4, pp. 154-156 ). Subject.- A supplement of Trisastisalakapurusacaritra. It furnishes us with lives of Jambusvamin and some other eminents saints who flourished after him. For further details see HS LJ ( Vol. II, pt. I, pp. 104-107) and No. 374. Begins.- fol. 1. zrImate vIranAthAya sanAthAya( yAdbhutazriyaH) (ma)hAna(na)dasarorAjamarAlAyAIte namaH // 1 // etc. 10 triSaSTizalAkApuMsAM de(da)zaparvI nirmitaa| idAnIM tu pariziSTapAsmAbhiH pratanyate // 5 // etc. - fol. 8' ityAcAryazrIhemacaMdraviracite pariziSTaparvaNi sthavirAvalIviracite mahAkAvye jaMbUsvAmipUrvabhavavarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH // 1 // etc. Ends.- fol.53a ye kecinnayanAtithitvamagaman ye vA zrutergocaraM / vaMzAsteSu tanutvamatramabhajana mUlaM punaH sthUlatAM / navyo'sau dazapUrviNo munipateH zrIvajrasUrerguro vaMzo yaH prathamaM dadhAti tanutAM sphAtiM purastAt punaH // 203 // ityAcArya zrIhemacaMdraviracite pariziSTaparvaNi sthavirAvalIracite mahAkAvye 20 AryarakSitavratagrahaNapUrvAdhigamavajrasvAmisvargagamanatadvaMzavistAravarNano nAma trayodazaH sargaH // 13 // cha saMpUrNa cedaM pariziSTaparva // 7 // saMvat naMdarasa zItakiraNe 1669 zrImat khirAlapure / maasyaagraahinnike'vlkssnvmiihstaahyugvaasre| medhAvivrajamaulisIhavijayAhvAnAM vineyo'nyaa-| dAtmIyaM pariziSTaparvanavirAt zuddhiM yathA zaktitaH // 1 // 7 // // shrii|| graMthAgraM 3412 // Reference. - Edited by H. Jacobi in the Bibliotheca Indica Series in A. D. 1891. Its second edition prepared by Leumann and Tawney was published in A. D. 1932. Extracts were 30 translated into German by J. Hertel and published in A. D. 1908. The complete edition was published by the Jaina Dharmaprasaraka Sabha in Samvat 1968. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 238). Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 3t pariziSTaparvan No. 370 Size. 10g in. by 4 in. Extent. ; 101 folios; 13 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. 5 Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional chs; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is fol. 10b except that the title etc. written on it; on fol. 1 in the left-hand side some space is kept blank probably with a view to decorating it with some illustration; yellow pigment used at times for corrections; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; edges of the first and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; in the lefthand margin on fol. 1 is written; complete; the total extent is 3774 Slokas; the entire work is divided into 13 cantos (sargas); the extent of each of them is as under : 20 25 62 30 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Sarga I foll. 1b to 17b II 17b 416 " dr "" "" "" " "" "" 39 "3 39 "" III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII tyM dd 2 2 4 ch th th th th th "" .. 416 646 76a 786 Soa 516 546 61a 64b 796 dr 84b 95b " " * * * dr "2 " 22 " 10a 51b "" 546 61 76a 786 79b [ 370. Parisistaparvan 162. 1881-82.. 846 .. 95" 101. Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 371. ] Age.-- Pretty old. Begins. fol. 1 60 // I // zrImate vItarAgAya sanAthAyAdbhutazriye etc. as in No. 369. Ends. fol. 100b The Svetambara Works ye kecinnayanAtithitva etc. up to purasthAt punaH / / 204 // as in No. 5 369. This is followed by the lines as under :-- ityAcArya zrI hemacaMdra viracite pariziSTaparvANa sthavirAvalIcarite mahAkAvye [r] rakSitavratagrahaNapUrvodhigamanatadvaMzavistAra (va) rNano nAma trayodasaH sva (sa) rgaH // samApta cedaM pariziSTaparvaNi pariziSTaparvan No. 371 jaMbUmuniprabhRti 'vajra' gaNAdhinAtha paryatusAdhujinavizvacaritra puSpaiH / sragdAmagupsitamidaM pariziSTaparvaNi ziSTAtmanAM luchitakaM taTIvanISu // cha // // cha // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu // cha // iti zrIpariziSTaparva saMpUrNa // cha // sarvagraMthasaMkhyA 3774 // cha // N. B. For additional information see No. 369. 63 Parisistaparvan 238. 1902-1907. Size.-- rog in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 51+2= 53 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 58 letters to a line. Description. - Country: paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari_characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs ; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two to three lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 5th blank ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; some of the Io 15 20 25 Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 371. foll. slightly worm-eaten ; condition on the whole good; complete ; total extent 3460 slokas ; fol. 35 repeated ; so is fol. 40; there are in all 13 sargas ; the extent of each of them is as under :Sarga I foll. 1 to 70 186 III IV V Io . VI VII VIII IX 376 )) >> 39 ) XI 408 , XII 43deg 48a ,, XIII 48* 1 514. Age.- Samvat 1476. Begins. -- fol. 10 11 c011 sitha aizatera etc. as in No. 369. Ends. - fol. 51a e farfaferra etc. up to talca: art: 11 as in No. 369. This is followed by the lines as under : # Hag: 11 3 I 1 38&o il sit: 11 3 11 7 Il sa il saMvat 1476varSe mArgasira vadi 12 gurau dine // chaH // 1.. N. B.-- For additional information see No. 369. pariziSTaparvan Parisistaparvan 161. No. 372 1872-73. Size. - 10 in. by 45 in. Extent.- 84 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. 30 Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 372.] The Svetambara Works. Description. Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent rats; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. a blank; yellow 5 pigment used for making corrections; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; white pigment used; in the left-hand margin the title is written as Raga; edges of the first and last foll, slightly gone; condition on the whole good; 10 complete; there are 13 sargas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : Sarga I foll. Ib to 12b II 12b 30b 306 Ends. fol. 84b 22 wr 9 [J. L. P. ] " "" "3 "" "" dr dw "" dr "" III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII rw 39 "" 29 "" 39 Age. Pretty old. Begins. fol. 1deg // 60 // OM namaH // "" 39 "" dw dw "" 38a 39b 42a 48a 51b 62b 65a 66a 70b $?a$?!. etc. as in No. 369. 79b dr d. 33 dr " dr dr .. 39 rd dr dr 38* 39b 42a 48a 516 626 65a 66a 70b 79b 84b. 65 IS 20 25 ye kecinnayanAtithitva etc. up to trayodazaH sargaH // cha // 30 as in No. 369. This is followed by the lines as under :saMpUrNa cedaM pariziSTaparvaH // ly gw. Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 372. jaMbUmuni etc. up to kaMThataTAvatISu // as in No. 374. Then we have :-- ASTA 2 880 ll gw 197 11 3 II ATTCHET 113 II PENTHET II 3 Il rafgaat ii sftfupra il f a li 3 ll ll 911 ( N. B.- For further particulars see No. 369. s pariziSTaparvan Parisistaparvan No. 373 612. 1884-86. Size. -- 109 in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 43 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 65 letters to a line. 10 Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent THTTS; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two to three lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; complete; extent 3460 slokas; 13 sargas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Sarga I foll. 1 to 8* II 8a , 172 III VII VIII IX A 34. ,, 36deg XI XII XIII 414 ,, 436. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 374. 1 67 The svetambara Works Age. -- Pretty old. Begins. - fol. 12 u Gong sftha aficarea etc. as in No. 369. Ends. - fol. 436 f atfafarza etc. up to 11 : : 11 3 11 11 3 Il as 's in No. 369. This is followed by the lines as under : zrIpariziSTaparvacaritraM samAtaM // cha / Figula etc. up to datlarity of ? A. 28EUR as in No. 374. N. B.- For additional details see No. 369. 10 II 111 V 6779 VI oftrategia Parisistaparvan No. 374 47 (b). 1874-75. Extent.- fol. 6464 to fol. 715EUR. Description.- Complete ; the entire work is divided into 13 sargas ; the extent of each of them is as under :Sarga I foll. 6462 to 6556 6556 , 6702 670 6762 IV 676 6778 679* 679 684* VII 684a VIII 6966 IX 6966 , 6986 6986 ,, 6996 6996 ,, 7036 XII 703* 711 , XIII 711 715! For other details see No. 255 of Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pl. 1. Age.- Samvat 1673. Begins. fol. 646 sftAd aitaient etc. as in No. 369. 6866 6866 XI 30 Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [374. - fol. 655deg ityAcAryazrIhemacaMdraviracite pariziSTaparvaNi sthi(stha)va(vi) rAvalIcarite mahAkAvye jaMbUsvAmIpUrvabhavavarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH smaaptH||ch|| -fol. 676deg ityAcArya etc. buddhisindvikathA 1 jAtyAzvakizorakakathA 2 grAmakUTa sutakathA 3 sollakakathA / 4 'maasaahs'shkunikthaa| 5 trisutkthaa| 6 viprduhitRnaagshriikthaa| 7 llitaaNgkthaa| 8 saparivArajaMbUpravrajyAvarNa no nAma tRtIyaH sargaH samAptaH // cha / - fol. 677* ityAcArya etc. jaMbUsvAminirvANavarNano nAma caturthaH srgH|| cha / - fol. 679* ityAcArya etc. prabhavadevazayyaMbhavacaritavarNano nAma paMcamaH sargaH ||ch|| .. - fol. 684 ityAcArya etc. yazobhadradevIbhAvabhadrabAhuziSyacatuSTavRttAMtaanikA putrakathA'pATalIpura'nivezaudAyimArakakathAnaMdarAjyalAbhakIrtano nAma SaSTa sargaH ||ch|| - fol. 686deg ityAcArya etc. kalpakAmAtyacaritasaMkIrtano nAma saptamaH sargaH 15. samAptaH // cha / - - fol. 696deg ityAcArya etc. zakaTAlamaraNasthUlabhadradIkSAvatacaryAsaMbhUtavijaya cANakyacaMdraguptakathAbiMdusArajanmarAjyavarNano nAmASTamaH sargaH samAptaH ||ch / - fol. 698deg ityAcArya etc. biMdusAraazokazrIkuNAlakathAsaMpratijanma rAjyaprAptizrIsthUlabhadrapUrvagrahaNazrIbhadrabAhusvAmisvargagamanavarNano nAma navamaH sargaH samAptaH // cha / - fol. 699deg ityAcArya etc. AryamahAgiriAryasuhastidIkSAsthUlabhadrasvarga gamano nAma dazamasargaH // cha / - fol. 703* ityAcArya etc. saMpratirAjacarite AryamahAgirisvargagamanaavAMta sukumAla nalinIgutma(lma ) gamanaAryasuhastisvargagamanavarNano nAma ekAdazasargaH / samAptaH // cha / - fol. 711 ityAcArya etc. vajrasvAmijanmavrataprabhAvanAvarNano nAma dvAdazaH sargaH samAptaH // cha / Ends.- fol. 715 ye kecinnayanAtithinvagamayat etc. up to trayodazaH svargaH // as in No. 369. This is followed by the lines as under : Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 375.] The Svetambara Works jaMbUprabhuprabhRti'vajra'gaNAdhinAtha. paryaMtasAdhujanacitracaritrapuSpaiH / zrag dAmaguMphitamidaM pariziSTaparvA ziSTAtmanAM luThatu kaMThataTAvanISu // 1 samAptaM pariziSTaparvacaritraM graMthAnaM 3460 bhadramastu // saMvat 1673 varape / posamAse kRSNapakSe 10 tathai bhUma N. B.- For additional information see No. 369. pariziSTaparvan Parisistaparvan 354. No.375 1871-1872. 10 Size.- Io in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 121 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines 15 in black ink ; space between the pairs coloured in vermilion colour ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; a piece of white paper pasted to fol. 1'; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; fol. ra blank ; yellow pigment used for corrections; there is some 20 space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; this Ms. ends abruptly with a part of the 204th verse of the 13th canto ( sarga); the extent of each of the 13 sargas is as under :Sarga I foll. 10 to 19* ___II , 19 , 430 ___ III , 430 IV , , v , 55 , 59* 14 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [375. Sarga I foll. 59 , VII , 68 ,, VIII , 73* IX __ , 89deg , 930 X , 93 , 9 XI , 94deg ,, XII 101 14 ,, XIII , 14 , Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 1 // 5 60 // namaH siddhaM / 1. zrImate vIranAthAya etc. as in No. 369. Ends abruptly.-- fol. 1210 evaM ziSya praziSyAdizAkhyAmirvaTavRkSavat / zrIvajrasvAmino vaMzaH prasaran byAnaze dizaH 3 (203) sAdhuparvaH supatrADhyo muktAvAsanibaMdhanaM / zrImadvA(va)jramunezaH kasya ends abruptly. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 369. 10 paryuSaNaparvabhAsa Paryusanaparvabhasa No. 376 825 (0). 1892-95. 20 Extent.- fol. 3" to fol. 4.. Description.- Complete. For other details see Caturdasasvapna _ vicara ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, No. 197 ). Author.- Lavanyasamaya. For his additional works see Vol. XIX. ___sec. 2, pt. I, No. 197. is Subject.-- Importance of 'paryusana ' parvan. Begins. fol. 3a girivari mAhi 'meru' vaDu re / nadI vaDI jima gaMga' parava 'pajUsaNa' tima vahUM re / parava savihUM mAhi caMga // 1 // etc. Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 377. ] Ends. fol. 4a The Svetambara Works iNi pari kalapa sada| vaMcAvai bhAvihaM je naranArI / muni lAvaNyasamai ima bolai nava nadhi teha ghari bArI // 7 // iti zrIpra (pa) ryUSaNAparvanI bhAsa saMpUrNaH // parvatithivicAra [ ratnazekhara - ratnavatI - kathA ] No. 377 sanatkumArakathAnaka amaracandrakathAnaka sUrarAjamadanAvalI kathAnaka halika kathAbaka [ Ratnasekhara-Ratnavati - katha ] 1201 (a). 1887-91. "" Size - 1rg in. by 42 in. Extent.- 22 folios; 15 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent as; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is some space 15 kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well so that it forms a design ; ratnazekharakathA ends on fol. ro*; complete ; the last katha is that of dIpazikha. nAgadattakathA foll. " "" "" Parvatithivicara " "" 10a to 11 11a 12b 12 14 142 162 16 17b 17b 21. " " 12 " zukakathAnaka dIpazikhakathA Age.-- Not modern. Author.-- Dayavardhana, pupil of Jayatilaka ( Jayacandra ), "" 71 21" 22b "" S 10 20 25 Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 IS 20 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 377. Subject. Narratives pointing out the importance of some of the parvans (holidays) and the tithis. There are quotations in Prakrit and Sanskrit. 72 Begins. fol. 14 60 // sayala kalANanilayaM namiUNa vaddhamANapayakamalaM / pavvatihIe viyAraM vucchAmi jahAgame bhaNio // 1 'rAyagihe ' ' guNasilae' samosaDhaM jiNavaraM mahAvIraM / puccha goyamasAmI suranarakhayariMdaya ( pa ) rivariyaM // 2 telokkanAha ! sAhamu (su) kattiya pavvaNi ? kiM phalaM tesiM ? / tabbhaMge ko doso ? bhaNai jiNo goyamA ! suNasu // 3 saMvacchara cAummAsiesa aTThAhiyA suyatihIsu / sagvAyareNa laggaIM jiNavarapUyAtavaguNesu // 4 vyAkhyA // saMvatsaraH paryuSaNAM caturmAsikatrikaM varSamadhye catuHparvvadinAni tathA ( s)TAkA zrutatithiSu paMcamI ekAdazyArAdhanaM zuklapakSe zeSaM vyaktaM // tathA // aTThamicAusi punimA ya taha ( 5 ) mAvasA havai puvaM / mAsaMmi pavvachakkaM tini ya pabvAI pakkhami // 5 pavvatihIe viyAre dihaMto rayaNaseharanivassa / samvAsi pucchANaM uttarahetuM bhaNai nAho // 6 asya kathA ciraMtanagraMthasya duravagamatvAt prAkRtatvasva / caMpUkAva prapacyate / tathAhi // asti 'jaMbUdvIpe 'bharata' kSetre samagranagaraguNapravaraM 'ratnapuraM ' nAma nagaraM etc. Ends. fol. 10a dayAvarddhanavizenoddhRtaiSA pracurA kathA | samayAMbunidhermadhyAddharitryAM jayatAcciraM // This is followed by the lines as under : zrIparvvatithidinavicAre mahApratibodhadAyinI zrIratnazekharanareMdraratnavatIkathA samAptA iti // cha // zubhaM bhavatu // cha // // cha // kalyANamastu // cha // cha // cha // cha // 30 Reference.-- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, pp. 240 and 328). Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 73 378.] The svetambara Works pANDavacaritra Pandavacaritra 443. No. 378 1882-83. Size.-- 10 in. by 43 in. Extent.-- 166-1=165 folios; 16 lines to a page; so letters to a line. S Description.-Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional Teat ; big, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three to four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered twice in the right-hand margin; bits of paper 10 pasted to corners of several foll, and strips of paper to edges of some ; condition on the whole tolerably good; the first fol. missing ; so this work begins abruptly ; it, however, goes up to the end ; 18 cantos in all. Age- Samvat 1451 (?). S Author.-- Deva prabha Suri, pupil and successor of Municandra Suri of the Maladharin gaccha. Subject.- Lives of the five Pandavas. Begins abruptly- fol. 2. tatraikaM premaraMgeNa kuraMgIbAhukAriNaM / 20 dUrA(t) kuraMgamAlau(lo)kya so(s)dhi(jyaM) vidadhe dhanuH // 25 / sa preyasI puraskRtya saMtrAsataralekSaNaH / palAyAmAsa sAraMgaH kAMdizIkamanAH puraH // 26 etc. Ends.- fol. 166 yAvat saMsAratApagyatikaramidurA vAg jinAnAM munIMdra prajJAkAMtAvagADhA vidhurayati sadA dIrghikAdarpamudrAM / tAvanirnidrakArtasvarakamalakalAM puSpadazrAMtamasyAM vizva vidvavirephArpitamahimamahAkAvyametad dhinotu // 82 iti 'maladhAra'zrIdevaprabhasUriviracite pAMDavacarite mahAkAvye baladevasvargagamanazrIneminAthapAMDavanirvANavarNano nAma aSTAdazaH sargaH 10 smaa|||| 10 [J. L. P.] Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [378. zrI'koTikA'khyagaNabhUmiruhasya zAkhA ____ yA madhyameti viditA viTapopame(s)syAH zrI prasna(na)vAhana'kule sumanomirAmaH khyAto(s)sti guccha iva 'harSapurIya'gacchaH // 1 tatrAjani zrutasudhAMbudhiriMdurociH sparddhaSNukIrtivi(vi )bhavo(S)bhayadevasUriH zAMtAtmanoppa('pya)haha ni()spRhacetaso(s)pi yasya kriyA(5)khilajagajayinI babhUva // 2 baddhakrIDa ivAvatIrya paramAghAtivivitteH kSitau / tatpadya(hAM )va(ba)racaMdramAH samajani zrIhemasUriprabhuH citraM yadvacanAmRtAni nRpatiH zrIsiddharAjaH papau vizveSAmapi lemire tanubhRtAmAyUMSi vRddhiM punaH // 3 tasya pade madanAdidveSI jayI vijayasiMhamUrirabhUt / yadvapuSi spardhAbhUllAvaNyAmRta......'4 zrIcaMdrasUrirabhavat tadIyapadabhUSaNaM guNaikanidhiH vidyAyAzca madasya ca yena vitene cirviyog(:)||5 dharmajJAnavivekasaMgha(ya)matapaHsaMketakelIgRhaM sa zrImAn municaMdrasUrirabhavat tatpaTTabhUSAmaNiH / brUmaH...karapuSkarasya mahimAM......kiM nA......rabhe gaNyaMte bata mAdRzA api janaiH saMkhyAsu saMkhyAvatAM // 6 zrIdevaprabhasUrirbabhUva taJcaraNakamalarolaMbaH / yena kalaiH kIrtiravairamito mukharIkRtaM bhuvanaM // 7 ... ...sUripaTTe zrIdevAnaMdasUrayo(s)bhUvan / ......medhA / 8 teSAM kalpa ...... viM tasme vaihAsikA dAdezAt kavimArga // vallane kalAni ...... zrIdevaprabhasUri ...... - kima pye tantra dvibudhAviziSya......yollasArthamanathyate // 9 zrIyazobhadrasUrINAM tathA byA(pR)tA dRzaH yacche tadagamat sarvavidvalokavilokyatAM // 10 // 30 1 The corresponding portion of the fol. is worn oub. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 379.] The Svetambara Works 15 jJAnaikamayaM kRtInAmasminnava(ra)so(sA)nvitaM / zrInaracaMdrasUrINAM prajJayA katakAyitaM // 11 // ......vilokanenaiva karNakrIDanavAtitheH kartumAtithyamaha~ti graMthasyAsya manIzi(SiNaH // 112 // maMgalaM mahAzrIH // 7 // zubhaM bhavatu // cha / lekhakapAThakayoH // ch||5 kalyANamastu // cha // graMthAnaM 9884 // 7 // yAdRzaM pustake dRSTaM / tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyate // lekhaka......saMvat 14...1varSe vaizAkhasupratipade bhaumavAre / pAMDavacaritrapustakaM 'staMbhatIrthe ' mahaMcAgAkena lakhitaM // 7 // maMgalamastu // 10 kalyANamastu Reference.- Published in the Kavyamala Series as No. 93 in A. D. 191 and in two parts (Part I containing 8 cantos) by Messers A. M. & Co. in one and the same year i. e. A. D. 1936. Iis Gujarati translation is published by Bhimsimha 15 Manek in A. D. 1878. For additional Mss. of the text see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 242 ). pANDavacaritra Pandavacaritra 614. No.379 1884-86. Size.-98 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 224 +1-1=224 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 36 letters to _a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA ; sufficiently big, 25 fairly legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well so that it forms a design ; several foll. more 30 or less worm-eaten ; condition on the whole tolerably Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 15 76 5 Begins abruptly.- fol. 2a 20 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [379. good; fol. 185 repeated; the first fol. is missing; so the work begins abruptly; it, however, goes up to the end; extent 10000 slokas. Age. Pretty old. yasya rAdhye trivargo (s) pi nAdhAd bAdhAM parasparaM // 22 nikhilavya sanatyAgapavitrasyApi zAMtanoH vivekino (s) pyabhUdekaM mRgavye vasanaM paraM / / 23 etc. Ends. fol. 224a yAvat saMsAratApa etc. up to graMthAsyAmasya muniSiNaH // 13 practically as in No. 378. This is followed by the line as under:zubhaM bhavatuH // kalyANamastuH // 7 // zrImastuH // 6H 6 // N. B. For additional information see No. 378. pApabuddhimantrikathAnaka [ kAmaghaTakathA ] No. 380 Papabuddhimantrikathanaka [ Kamaghatakatha] 25 Age. Samvat 1960. 765. 1899-1915. Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 6 folios; 13 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough, and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1 blank; in the left-hand margin the title is written as z; condition excellent; complete. Author. Is he Manavijaya, pupil of Jayavijaya? Subject. A narrative of Papabuddhi, a king and that of Dharmabuddhi, a minister. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .381.] The svetambara Works Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 60 // e namaH udvAhe pa(pra)thamo varaH kilAzalyAdike yo guru bhUpazca prathamo yatiH prathamakasI(tI)thezvarazcAdimaH dAtA(s)dyaH varapAtramAnyamaparaH siddho yadaMbAdimaH / saccA prathamazca yasya tanayaH so(s)svA(stvA)dinAthaH zriya 1 / Ends.- fol. 6. zrIjinadharmaprasAdabiMbapratiSThAtIrthayAtrAgurubhaktisAdhamikavAtsalya pauSadhazAlA anekadInadAnAdinAdinAdipuNyaM kRtvA tava dharmabudhimaMtrI jAtaH dvAvapi dIkSA lAtvA tapastaptvA kriyAcAritra(trA)cArAdhya kevalajJAnamutyA(tpA)dya mokSaM jagmatuH ytH| ArogyaM [rogyaM] saubhAgyaM dhanADhyatA nAyakatvamAnaMdaH 10 kRtapuNyasya syAdiha sadA jayo vAMchitAvApti 1 . iti pyA(pA)pabuddhi(dharmabuddhi)maMtrikathAnaka saMpUNNaH // lIpIkRtakamuthAlAlacaMdakA cha samata 1960rA mIti pohabadI 4 vAra magavAla // // zrI geM (?) Reference.- This work does not seem to be the same work as one 15 published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1909 and 1922. This Ms. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I ). pArzvanAthacaritra Parsvanathacaritra 140. No. 381 1866-68. 20 Size.- 10 in. by 44 in. Extent- 152 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.--Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari chara cters with occasional TEATTIS ; small, not quite legible and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; 25 foll. numbered as usual; almost every fol. more or less worm-eaten ; some very badly; condition unsatisfactory; red chalk used; foll. 43-77 wrongly bound; this Ms. is partly leather-bound and partly cloth-bound; complete; 8 cantos in all, extent 8074 Slokas ; composed in Samvat 1412. 30 Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1381. Age.-- Not quite modern. Author.- Bhavadeva Suri, pupil of Jinadeva Suri, descendant of Kalaka Suri of Khandilla gaccha. Subject.- Life of Lord Parsva, the 23rd Tirthankara of the present age. For details see "Begins " (p. 78 ) and HSLJ (Vol. II, pt. I, p. 34 ). _Begins.-- fol. 1 // 6 // OM namo vItarAgAya // nAbheyAya namastasmai yasya kramanakhAMzavaH / maulau dadhati namrANAM maMgalyAmakSatazriyaM / 1 stumaH zrIzAMtinAthAya kramachAyAdumadvaye / yasminnazrAMtavizrAMtardvadvatApo na vidyate / 2 etc. - fol. 22 iti zrIkAlikAcAryasaMtAnIye zrIbhAvadevAcAryaviracite zrIpArzva nAthacarite mahAkAvye'STasarge bhaghAMke zrIpArzvanAthaprathamadvitIyabhava. varNanaH nAma prathamaH sargaH // cha / 15 - 48 fol.' iti zrI. zrIpArzvanAthacaturthapaMcamabhavavarNano nAma dvitIyaH sargaH // - fol. 75deg iti zrI. zrIpArzvanAthaSaSThasaptamabhavavarNano nAma tRtIyaH sargaH samAptaH / / - fol. 79deg iti zrI. zrIpArzvanAthASTamanavamabhavavarNano nAma caturthaH sargaH // - fol 85deg iti zrI0 bhagavajanmakaumArivijayayAtrAvarNano nAma paMcamaH sargaH / / - fol. 119deg iti zrI. bhaga(va)dvivAhadIkSAkevalajJAnasamavasaraNadezanAvarNano nAma SaSThaH sargaH // - fol. 140deg iti0 bhagavadgaNadharadezanAzAsanadevatAvarNano nAma saptamaH sargaH / / Ends.-fol. 151 avezayana(n) svAmidaMSTrA Anacca'zca niraMtaraM / tAsAM prabhAvAt teSAM ca sadA vijayamaMgale // 93 vizvAtizAyimahimA va(dha)ru(ra)NorugedraM padmAvatIsatatasevitapAdapIThaH / aMtarbahizca duritachi(chi)danaMtazarmA daivakriyAdudayinAM zubhabhAvalakSmI // 94 // iti zrI. bhaga(va)dvihAranirvANavarNano nAma aSTamaH sargaH ||ch|| graMthAnaM 8074 1-6. Portions are abridged by a copyist engaged by B. O. R. I. 7. The portion has been abridged by a copyist... Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 381 1 The Svetambara Works graMtha sarvAgramAnena pradye (tye) kaM varNasaMkhyayA / catuHsaptatyupetAniSTasahasrAnyanuSTabhaM // zivamastu pAThakavAcakalekhakAdimahAtmanAM // saMvat 1543 varSe kArttikasadi zukravAre 14 likhataM pustakaM saMpUrNa 'nIto prA bhagnapRSTikaTigrIvA netre cAtyaMtapA (pI) Dite / kRcchreNa likhitA eSA pAlanIyA prayatnataH // yAdRzaM pustake dRSTvA tAdRzaM liSitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddha vA mama dokho (gho) na dIyate // 2 // cha // kalikuMDe mathurAyAM staMbhanake cAruvaprazaMkhapure / nAgahUde lATahUde svarNagiripramukhatIrtheSu // 1 kalikaluSagarvasarvakaSane khamaNikiraNasajaladapIThaH / ekAtapatramahimA jayati zrIpArzvanAthajinaH // 2 kalAsthAna kaLAvelA kalimAna kadarthataH / kajArthena kathitvena kalpitA na ki te jinaH // 3 AsIt svAmisudharmmasaMtatibhavo deveMdravaMdya kramaH / zrImAn kAlikasUriradbhutaguNagrAmAmirAmaH purA / jIyAdeSa tatva (va) ye jinapatiH prAsAdatuMgAcalabhrAjitmarmuniratna gauravanidhiH 'khaMDilla' gachAMbudhiH // 4 tasmiMzcAMdrakule'bhavat kuvalayobdeyaikabaMdhurya zo jyotsnApUritaviSTapo vidhuriva zrIbhAvadevo guruH // yasyAkhyAtasamAnameSa bahuzo hyAcakSamANo ( 5 ) dhunA / gacchada tucha' gUrjara 'bhuvi praSTAM pratiSTAmimAM // 5 manasi dhanavivekaH snehasaMsekadIpto dyutimatanuta yasya jJAnarUpapradIpaH / asamatamatamAMsi dhvaMsayannaMjasA (s) sau na khalu malinimAnaM kiMtu kutrApi cakre // 6 zrImAMstato vijayasiMhagururmunIMdra - muktAvalI vimalanAyakatAM tAna dyotistadujvalataraM vikarin dharitryaM / 79 citraM na yastaralatAM kalayAMcakAra // 7 10 15 20 25 30 Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Io 5 15 20 25 30 80 Jaina Literature and Philosophy dAkSiNyeka nidhi vyadhAnna sahaje deho ( s) pyahA vAMchitaM / kAruNyAmRtavAridhirna vidadhe guptau svakIyaM punaH zAMtAtmAnucaraM virasyati nijagrAheMdriyANAM gaNaM / yo vijJAta samastavasturabhavat tulyazca hemAzmanoH // 8 tadIyapaTTe jinadevasUriyanmAnase nirmaladarpaNAbhe / nirUpayAmAsa sarasvatI sa vidyA vidyAmayamAtmarUpaM // 9 sadAbhyAsavaizaprathitapRthumaMthAnamathitA / devAtatakAddhervibudhapati siddhezamahitaM / yadIyaM vAgbrahmAmRtamakRta darpajvarabharaprazAMte niHzeSakSitivalayavAdIMdramanasAM // 10 tasmAdabhUt saMcamarAdyaha( iM ) tA munIzvaraH zrIjinadevasUriH / yo dharmamAropya guNe ( Nai ) vizuddha dhyAneSuNA moharipuM bibheda // 11 AdyanAmakrameNaiva prasarpyati gurukrame / punaH zrIjinadevAkhyA babhUvuvistarayaH // 12 yeSAM pAdAruNanakhazikhArAgabhUyomirandha - / lakSmIlIlA nivAsAd vimalaguNabhRto bhejire rAjahaMsAH / AkRSTAnekalokabhramarakRtanamaskArajhaMkArava yeSAMmadyApi lo (ke) sphurati parimalo ( s) sau yazonAmadheyaH // 13 teSAM vineyavinayI bahu bhAtradeva sUriH prasannajinadevagurupramodAt / zrIpAstanAkhyanagare ravivizva ( 1412 ) varSe pArzvaprabhozvaritaratnamidaM tatAna // 14 samIkSa (kSya) bahu saMzrutvA zrutadharAnanAt / graMtho (s) yaM grathita ( : ) svalpa (:) sUtreNA mayA rasAt // 15 [ 381 kvApi dRSTAMtamAtrastu ya ( : ) ko (s) pi kathito mayA / svadhiyA so(s) pi jainAjJAnusAreNa guNechu (cchu ) nA // 16 yataH // Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 381. ] The Svetambara Works caritaM kalpitaM vA (cA) pi dvidhodAharaNaM mataM / parasmin sAdhanAyArthasyaudanasya yatheMdhanaM // 17 athavA uktaM // anAdinidhane kAle jA (jI) vAnAM citrakarmaNAM / saMvidhAnaM hi tavAsti saMsAre yatra (na) saMbhavet // 18 ato ( s) smin graMthe yannyUnamadhikaM vA kRtaM mayA / tadapyanenAdhAreNa tat kSetavyaM mayA ( mA ) khilaM // 19 zrIpArzva (rzva)caritaM taistairvarNitaM yanmahAtmamiH / icchaM (tthaM ) mayA ( s) pi yat tatropakrAMtaM dhASTaryameva tat // 20 kiMca uttuMgatuMgacaityAni mahebhyaiH kAritAni cet / tad devakulikAmapya? lpadhano na vidadhAti kaM ( kiM ) ? // 21 pUjitA yadi deveMdrairjinA maMdAradAmamiH / pUjayaMti na kiM tat tAn martyA me rucakAdibhiH ? // 22 athA (dhvA) namavatIrNA yaM gurugatyA mahAgajAH / na saMcarati kiM tatra karipotaH skhaladgatiH // 23 tanmayA (s) pi prabhorbhaktiprakarSavazacetasA / caritraM caritaM saMghAnumataM ca na duSyati // 24 yatra kiMcinmUDhatvAdalIkaM prathitaM bhavet / sarva mayi kRpAM kRtvA saMzodhyaM tanmanISibhiH // 25 nizamya samyak zrIpArzvasvAminazcaritaM varaM / bhAvikaistattAtparyArtho dhAraNIyaH sadA hRdi // 26 yataH / gurumeghavAM bibha ( ) tat sa ( ro ) vat kamalaudvalaH / dRzyate sphuTamuttAnasthalavannu rajomayaH // 27 aMgaM lavAdapi yathA- paTutAM sudhAyAH kalyANatAM bhajati siddharasasya lohaM / saccaMdanasA (sya) himatAmatitaptatailaM / jIvastathA jita (na) matasya hi siddhibhAva ( m ) // 28 Da( da ) zabhavacarapatraM pArzvabhartuzcaritraM kamalamudayanAlaM puNyalakSmIvizAlaM / 11 [J. L. P. ] 81 S 10 15 20 25 30 Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 37 ** 20 25 122 82 Jaina Literature and Philosophy pramuditamunibhRMgaM saurabhAvAravaMgaM vilasatu budhacetaHka (pa)lpate (le) nityametat // 29 graMthaH sarvApramAnena pratyekaM varNasaMkhyA ( khyayA ) / (ga:)ana(leg)tanfasszaganggui ^|| graMthasaMkhyA sahasra || 8004 // cha // zrI // - Reference. Published in Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala in A. D. 1912. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 245 ). pArzvanAthacaritra No. 382 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Description. Extent. 138 folios; 15 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Country paper thin, brittle and grey; Devanagari characters with occasional gas; big, legible, and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; the intermediate space between the two pairs coloured red; the unnumbered pages have a small spot in red colour in the centre; the numbered in the margins, too; foll. numbered as usual; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 1; fol. 1a blank; edges of foll. 1-10 and 74-138 more or less worn out; condition tolerably good; red chalk used; complete. Age. Samvat 1481. Begins.- fol. 1deg [381. nAbheyAya namastasmai etc. as in No. 381. Ends. fol. 137b Parsvanathacaritra 1321. 1887-91. avezayan svAmidaMSTrA etc. up to nityametat // 29 // as in No. 381. This is followed by the lines as under : Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 383.] The Svetambara Works graM. 6400 / akSaramAtrapadasvarahInaM vyaMjanasaMdhivivarjitamekaM / sAdhubhireva mama kSamitavyaM / ko'tra na muJcati zAstrasamudro // 1 // saM. 1481 varSe ASADhazudi 12 zanau / zrIpArzvanAthacAratraM likhitamasti sAdhusiMhagaNinA // zrI N. B.- For further particulars see No. 381. pArzvanAthacaritra Parsvanathacaritra No. 383 1386. 1887-91. Size.- II in. by 4g in. Extent.- 139 folios ; IS lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and grey ; Jaina Devana- 10 gari characters with frequent TEHETS; small, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders of some of the foll. ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink and those of the rest in three lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. I blank except IS that "bhAvAMkakAvyam kartA bhAvadevasUrI" written on it; there is: some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well so that it forms a design ; a portion on the right-hand side of fol. 16 kept blank probably with a view to decorate it with some illustration : 20 red chalk profusely used ; yellow pigment profusely used on fol. 139; edges of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; extent 6162 Slokas. Age. - Samvat 1516. Begins.- fol. 1 // 10 // ahaM siddhiH // nAmeyAya namastasmai etc. as in No. 381. Ends.- fol. 139 . avezayan svAmidaMSTrAH Anayuzca niraMtaraM / tAsAM prabhAvAt teSAM ca sadA vijayamaMgale // 93 vizvAtizAyimahimA dharaNorageMdra pdmaavtiisttsevitpaadpiitthH| aMtarbahizca duritacchidanaMtazarmA devaH kriyAdudayinI zubhabhAvalakSmIM // 95(4) . Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [383.. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIkAlikAcAryasaMtAnIyazrIbhAvadevasUriviracite mahAkAgye aSTasagarge bhAvAMke bhagavadvihAravarNano nAmASTamaH sargaH // // zubhaM bhavatu // cha // graMthAnaM 6962 evaM // saMvat 1516varSe caitrasudi 11 budhe likhitaa|| zrI'koraMTa'gacche zrInaMnnAcAryasaMtAnIyazrIkakkasaripaTTAlaMkArazrIbhAvadevasUriabhyarthanAt 'upakeza'jJAtIyasAhagovalaputra // saMvat 1516 zrI'...zrI mhmmdaavaad'ngre|| zrIsaMghapuro vAcyamAnamApUSapIyUSamayUkha kAlaM naMdatAt // N. B.-- For additional information see No. 381. 10 pArzvanAthacaritra Parsvanathacaritra No. 384 1286. 1886-92. Size.- Io in. by 41 in. Extent.-121 folios%3 IS lines to a page 3 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari chara cters with pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible and elegant hand-writing; foll. numbered as usual; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; edges of the second fol. slightly worn out; foll. 55-67 a little bit worm-eaten; foll. 115-121 partly burnt; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete. 20 Age.- Samvat 1532. Begins.- fol. 12 nAbheyAya namastasmai etc. as in No. 381. Ends.- fol. 1210 avezayan svAmidaMSTrA up to etc. aSTamaH sargaH as in No. 381. This is followed by the lines as under : saM. 1532 Azvinazudi 11 somavAsare avaMtyAM / zrI'tapA'pakSe zrIlakSmIsAgarasUri kSimAsuMdaraliSyataM leSyaka N. B.- For further particulars see No. 381. 1 Yollow pigment is applied, Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 385.] The Svetambara Works pArzvanAthacaritra Parsvanathacaritra 752. - No. 385 1892-95. Size.-98 in. by 4t in. Extent.- 146 folios ; Is lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari chara cters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in right-hand margin; numbers for foll. 1-7 entered twice as 10 usual ; foll. 18 & 146b blank; edges of the first fol. and those of the last slightly worn out; conditon good; complete. Age.- Samvat 1680. Begins.- fol. 10 nAbheyAya namastasmai etc. as in No. 381. Ends.- fol. 145. avezayan svAmidaMSTrA etc. up to nityametat // 29 // as in No. 381. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIpArzvanAthacaritraM smaaptmiti| saM. 1680 varSe bhASADhavadi 5 ravau saMpUrNamiti / yAdRzaM pustake dRSTvA tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate // 1 // . zrIrasta // kalyANaM bhUyAt N. B.- For additional information see No. 381. 15 . . 20 25 pArzvanAthacaritra Parsvanathacaritra 1320. No. 386 1887-91. Size.- 10 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 32 folios; 15 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ faina Literature and Philosophy [816. 10 Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with occasional TEATS; small, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; numbered for foll. entered twice as usual ; foll. 1. & 326 black; complete ; condition good. Age. - Pretty old. Author.- Is he Hassaaijaya? Subject. - Life of Lord Parsva. Begins.- fol. 10 nAbheyAya namastasmai yasya kramanaSAMSadaH maulirdadhAti namrANa mAMgalyAmakSatazriyaM ihaiva 'jaMbu 'hIpe iha ' bharata 'kSetre madhyamakhaMDe ' dyotanapure nAma nagaramadi tatrArivaMdo nAma rAjA karoti etc. End.- fol. 32 kevalajJAnamutpannaM ekazatavarzAyuH pAlayitvA bahunAM yatInAM . sAdhvIupAsikaupAsikAnAM dharmabhAjanaM kRtvA pazcAnmuktiM yayau vizeSato'nyazAstrAt jJeyaM / iti zrIpArzvanAthadazabhavavarNano nAma saMkSepataH caritragadyabaMdhena kRtaH saMpUrNa likhitaM / paMDita0zrIvivekavijayagaNiziSyaharSavijanena zrI 'dAMtAM'nagare bhA0 zu0 14 ravau / Reference.-- This Ms. along with some more is noted in Jinaratna kosa (Vol. I, p. 246). . 1 20 pArzvanAthacaritra Parsvanathacaritaa No. 387 815. 1895-1902. Size.- Iof in. by 47 in. Extent. - 155 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 39 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper though and white; Devanagari chara cters; big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and enges in one red ink; red chalk and 25 Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 387.] The Svetambara Works yellow pigment used; numbers for some of the full. entered twice as usual ; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged ; strips of paper pasted to fol. r; foll. 21 - 27 slightly worm-eaten; so are foll. 32-38 and several others ; fol. 61 partly torn; margins of foll. 75-82 badly damaged; 5 condition not quite satisfactory; foll. rt and rssb blank ; complete; composed in Samvat 1654. Age.- Samvat (? A. D. ) 1902. Author. Udayavira Gani, pupil of Sanghavira Gani of Tapa gaccha. Subject.- Life of Lord Parsva. Begins. - fol. 10 zrIjinAya namaH prodyatsUryasamaM surAsuranaraiH saMsevitaM nirmalaM zrImatpArzvajinaM jinaM jinapatiM kalyANavallIghanaM / tIrthezaM surarAjavaMditapadaM lokatrayIpAvanaM vaMde'haM guNasAgaraM sukhakaraM vizvaikaciMtAmaNi // 1 // etc. praNamya bhAratIM bhaktyA natvA gurupadAMbujaM / caritraM pArzvanAthasya gadyabaMdhena kIrtaye // 4 // tathAhi / 'jaMbU' dvIpAmidhe dvIpe lakSayojanavistRte dakSiNArdha 'bharata' samasti / tatra 'potanapurA' midhaM nagaraM vartate / etc. 87 vizvAtizAyimahimA dharaNI (No ) saM (ru)geMdra - padmAvatI satata sevitapAdapIThaH / aMtarbahizca duritacchidanaMtazarmA | pArzvaH kriyAdudayinIM zubhabhAvalakSmIM // 1 // Ends. -- fol. 1553 iMdrAH svasvavimAneSu 'sudharmA 'yAM parSadi aghimANavakasthaMme 20 vRttavajrasamudgake svAmidaMSTrA muMcati pratidinamAnarcuH tAsAM prabhAvAt teSAM vijayamaMgale bhavataH / 10 iti zrI' tapA' gacche zrIpUjyazrIjagaccaMdrasUripaTTaparaMparAlaMkAra zrIpUjya zrIhemavi (ma ) lasUri saMtAnIya zrIpUjyagacchAdhirAjazrIhemaso ( ma ) sUrivijayarAjye pUjya paM. zrIsaMghavIragaNiziSyapaM udayavIragaNiviracite zrIpArzvanAthagadyavaMdhalaghucaritre'STamasarge bhavadvihAravarNananirvANamahotsavavarNano nAmASTamaH sargaH saMpUrNam / 25 Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [387. zrIvIrazAsanasarovararAjahaMsa zrI'caMdra'gacchasarasIruhacaMcarIkAH / satvAdhikatvasakalArjitasadgaNaudhAH zrIpUjyasomavimalA guravo bbhuuvuH||1|| yeSAM padakSAlanavAriNA hi jva(?)rAdirogAH prazamaMti nUnaM / te pUjyapAdA vijayaMtu nityaM gacchAdhirAjAH prakaTaprabhAvAH // 2 // tatpaTTapUrvAcalasaptasaptiH bhAgyAdhiko jNgmklpvRkssH| gacchAdhipaH zrIguruhemasoma sUrIzvaro rAjatu sAdhudhuryaH // 3 // tadIyagacche gurusaMghavIra gItArthamukhyAH sakalA babhUvuH / yeSAM karasparzanato'pi mUrkhaH . prAjJo bhavet sarvakalApradhAnaH // 4 // tadIyaziSyodayavIra eva sagadhabaMdhena hi zAstrametat / kathAprabaMdhaiH sarasaM pradhAna nirUpayAmAsa guruprasAdAt // 5 // jIrNazAstrAnusAreNa graMthoyaM nirmito mayA mithyA me duSkRtaM bhUyAn nyUnAdhika....sati // 6 // sArddhapaMcasahasrANi pratyeka zlokasaMkhyayA pArzvanAthacaritrasya graMthamAnaM vinirmitaM // 7 // vedavANartucaMdrAkhyasaMkhye varSe ca proSTake / mAse ca sitasaptamyAM graMtho'yaM nirmito mudA // 8 // AcaMdrArkamayaM naMdyAn vAcyamAno budhaiH sadA / pArzvanAthaprasAdena sAtaM bhavatu vAMchitaM / saMvatcaMdragajavedabANa( 1845 )mitistapAmAse asitetarapakSe 9 navamyAM karmavAyAM(vyAM) jJavAsare / saMvat 1902 miti phAlguNa vada 2 zukra(?)vAre samAsam // Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388.] The Svetambara Works 89 Reference.- Published by the Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha in V. S. 1970. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, - p. 245). pArzvanAthacaritra Parsvanathacaritra No. 388 1322. 1887-91. Size-94 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 121 folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thick, tough and white; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled 10 in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. I' bunk 3 some of the foll. have stuck together probably due to the presence of gum in the ink used ; yellow pigment used at times ; marginal notes wiitten here and there ; condition is very good; complete. Age.- Samvat 1835. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 60 // OM namaH // ... prodyatsUryasamaM surAsuranaraiH as in No. 387. Ends.- fol. 121deg iMdrA svasvavimAneSu etc. up to graMtho(s)yaM nirmito mudA 8 20 as in No. 387. This is followed by the lines as under : AcaMdrArkamayaM naMdyAt vAcyamAno budhaiH sadA . pArzvanAthaprasAdena zAtaM bhavatu vAMcchitaM 9 saM 1835 varSe mAdhave zukla 5 jJavAsare sakalapaMDitaziromaNipa0zrI108 darzanavijayaga / ziSyapaMzrISusyAlavijayagatasiSyarAmavijayalikhitaM // 25 zrIjasolanagare zrIzAM(? tivijaya) pAThakaH ciraM jIyAt zrIrastu N. B.- For further particulars see No. 387. 12 [J. L. P.1 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 IS 90 Jaina Literature and Philosophy pAla- gopAla - kathAnaka No. 389 [ 389. Pala-Gopala-kathanaka 1345 (b). 1891-95. Extent. fol. 22a to fol. 22b & fol. 24" to fol 26". Description. Incomplete for fol. 23 is missing. For further details 1345 (a). 1891-95. see Susadhakatha No. puNyapAlarAsa No. 390 Author. Is he Jinakirti ? 1 Subject. A narrative pertaining to Pala and Gopala in Sanskrit. It illustrates bhagya. Begins.--fol. 224 ujjayinyAM mahAseno rAjA / tasya dve priye / prathamA suMdarI / aparA mahAlakSmI / etc. Ends. fol. 26* tato devena pratyakSIbhUya prazaMsito aho bhAgyaM / ihalokaparalokau nirmalIkRtau / tataH prAMte anazanena sahasrAre / kramAnmokSaH // iti bA (pA)lagopAlayoH kathAnakaM bhAgyaviSaye // cha // zrIH // Reference. For additional Mss. of this work or those of its namesake see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, pp. 248 & 396 ). Punyapalarasa 756. 1892-95. Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 18 folios; 15 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. 20 Description.-Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gas; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in 1 If so, this work is published by J. Hertel in A. D. 1917 and translated into German in Indische Erzahler (Vol. 7). It is also published in Atmanandajayagranthamala, Dabhoi in V. S. 1976. Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 390.] The svetambara Works 91 the right-hand margin ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; complete; condition very good except that edges of some of the foll, are gone; extent 700 slekas ; composed in Samvat 1539. Age.- Sarivat 1639. Author.-Haraji, pupil of Laksmiratna Vacaka, pupil of Siddha Suri of Bivandanika gacchu. His additional works are : bharaTakabatrIsIkathA V. S. 1625 vinodacotrIsIkathA V. S. 1641 paJcagaticatuSpadI (pp. 36-37 ) may be his work. Subject.- A story of Punyapala. Begins.- fol. 1. // 16 // zrIsAradAI namaH / / vAcakazrI lakSmIratnagurU(ru)bhyo nmH|| dhuri dUhA // sakala suSa pUrai sadA / nevIsamu jiNaMda / manaha manoratha pUravai / jehanai sevai cusaThi iMda // 1 yAdavasena jIvADIuM / tribhovananu je raay| kara joDI kavIyaNa bhaNai / praNamu tehanA pAya // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 18 punyapAlanu eha saMbaMdha / karma Upari e kIo prabaMdha // 42 'ratnarAsa' e bhalu kahivAi jeha suNiM nara mativaMta thAi suNayo haM(ha)vaI saMvatsara mAsa / racyu rAsa je dharI ulhAsa / 5 saMvatsara tathi Upari eka / zaMkaranetra na(ni)dhi ( 1539) suviveka mAsa digpAla tamhe suNu zukla poSa pahilI tathi gaNu / 6 25 teNai dini puSyA'rkanu yoga bIju kasyu nahi avayoga teNai dini nIpAyu rAsa je suNatAM puhacai savi Asa 7 bicaM(vaM)daNIka gaccha' girUu guNa nAMNa / zrIsiddhasUri dIpai jagi bhAMNa / cAritrapAtra sadAi sujANa / mahImaMDalI jehanI bhalI vAMNi // Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [390.. .... tAsa gacchi zrIyugapradhAna / vAcaka lakSmIratna bhanidhAna / tAsa sIsa kara joDI kahai |bhnni gaNai te savi buddhi lahai // 9 etc. muNi harajI kahai dharI ANaMda jayu rAsa jA tapai diNaMda etc. sarasati mAta prasAdi karI / amI samI vANI uccarI / dUhA zloka anaiM cupaI / pAMca saI ugaNIsA (519) huI // 17 raciu rAsa muni harajI sAra / bhaNai gaNai vizeSi vicaari| ... ekacitta je naranArI saMbhalai / nizciMteha pari aphalAM phalai // 18 // .. iti puNyapAlarAsa saMpUrNa // cha // shrii|| saM0 1639 varSe jyeSThavadi 1 some ce. harajI laSitaM // kRtaM // 'UrNAka'pure // shrii| ch|| graMthAprazlokasaMkhyA // 70 // leSakapAThakayoH ciraM jIyAt // zrIrastu // zubhaM bhavatu // zrI // cha // zrI // cha // zrI. Reference.- It seems that the following erroneous entry in Jaina Gurjara Kavio pertains to this very work in case graaft is harajI and puNyapAparAsa is puNyapAlarAsa. ___harakhalI 1639 pahelA (234 ) puNyapAparAsa (prata 1639)". 10. .. No. 391 20 pUjASTakakathA Pujasta kakatha (pUyaTTayakahA) ( Payatthayakaha ) 760. 1892-95. Size.- 12t in. by 4t in. Extent.-- 17-4=13 folios ; 18 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with frequent pRSTamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; edges of each and every fol. partly gone%3; condition tolera: bly good yellow pigment used for making corrections quite borde used; Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 381,1 The Svetambara Works 98 foll. 12-15 seem to be missing : so incomplete ; this work contains 8 kathanakas ( narratives ) in Prakrit as under:Kathanaka I foll. 1 to 3* __, 3* , 5. VI , 1 , " II . . 10 ___VIII , ? , 17. Age.-Samvat 148r. Author.-- Not mentioned. Snbject.-Stories pertaining to the eight sorts of worship and that of.** Sura-priya. Begins.- fol. 1 // 6 // // atha pUjASTake // kathA lipyate // sayalasurAsurakinnaravijAharanaravariMdadhuyacalaNaM / jacca suvaNNasarIraM paNamaha vIraM mahAvIraM // 1 kamalAsaNi nisanaM kamalamuhI kamalagabbhasamavanna / bhvnnjnnjnniytosN| jiNavANiM namaha bhattIe // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 170 20 so vi ya nriNdcNdo| dAUNaM varasuyasya niyarajjaM / paDivajjai pavvajjaM / kevaliNo pAyamUlaMmi // 46 uggaM tavovihANaM / kAUNaM saMjamaM ca suvisuddhaM / marijaNa samuppanno / paMcamakappami suranAho // 47 iya so surApayapuriso / patthAyAveNa kevalI haa(ho)| 25 bhAukkhayaMmi mariuM / saMpatto sAsayaM ThANaM // 1048 iti pUjASTakakathA surapriyakathA ca // 7 // // saMvat 1481 varSe Aso zudi 14 caturdazI gurau // zrIzrI'sAdhupUrNiNamA'pakSamaMDanapUjyazrIrAmacaMdrasUriziSyamunisomaprabhenAtmapaThanArya pUjASTakakathA liliSe // 5 // 30 Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [391. yAdRzaM pustake dRSTaM / tAdRzaM liSitaM myaa| yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyate // 1 7 // maMgalaM bhavatu // 7 // Reference. - This Ms. along with some more is noted in Jinaratna kosa ( Vol. I, p. 255 ). s pratyekabuddhacatuSTayacaritra Pratyekabuddhacatustayacaritra [catuHpratyekabuddhaprabandha] [Catuhpratyekabuddhaprabandha ] No. 392 769. 1892-95. Size.- 10% in. by At in. 10 Extent.- 32 folios ; IS lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari chara cters; small, clear and tolerably good hand-writing; foll. numbered as usual; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; all the edges coloured red; red chalk used and yellow pigment, too; a corner of fol. 18deg slightly worn out; complete; four khandas in all; 45 dhalas ; total extent 1359 $lokas ; composed at Agra in Samvat 1665. : Author.- Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra. For his works etc. see D CGC M ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1, p. 256 ). 20 Subject.- This is a work in Gujarati in verse. It describes lives of four Pratyekabuddhas viz. Karakandu, Dvimukha, Nami and Niggai ( Nagnajit). Begins.- fol. 1. 560 // dUhA // 10 // zrIsiddhArathakulatilau / mahAvIra bhagavaMta / vartamAnatIrathadhaNI / praNamuM zrIbharihaMta // 1 // etc. karakaMDU rAjA 1 dumukha 2 nAmi (3) nai niggai 4 suddha iNa nAma uttama huyA cyAre pratyekabuddha // 8 // etc. Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 393.] The Svetambara Works 95 Ends.- fol. 32b sAMbhAlatAM sukhasaMpadA bhaNatAM adhika ulAsa / ma pa dina dina saMgha udaya ghaNu e ANaMdalIla vilAsa / / 10 // ma. pUrvagAthA // 250 // iti zrIcatuHpratyekabuddhaprabaMdhe naggai pratyekabuddha caturthaH khaMDaH sNpuurnnH| saMpUrNAzcatvAro'pi pratyekabuddhakhaMDAH / sarvagraMthazloka 5 1359 // cha // // ch| Reference.- Published. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 338-342 & Vol. III, pt. I, Pp. 849-851 ). . 5 pratyekabuddhacatuSTayacaritra Pratyekabuddhacatustayacaritra io No. 393 1295. 1886-92. Size.- 98 in. by 4t in. Extent.-- 40-1-8-1 = 30 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and white; Devanagari chara cters; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered as usual; fol. I blank; foll. IS to 40 have their corners worn out; foll. 32-35 worm-eaten ; condition 20 tolerably good ; foll. 17, 22-29 & 31 lacking ; so incomplete. Age.-- Samvat 1678. Begins.- fol. 10 zrIsiddhAratha etc. as in No. 392. - - fol. 10 Agare zrAvaka dIsatA zrImala nai usavAla sa zrIvimalanAthaprasAdayI atisarasa DhAla rasAla munI0 1 Here this work is named as "cAra pratyekabuddhi copaDa". Instead of buddhi it should be buddha. Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9A Jaina Literature and Philosophy [393. saM. 1665 solaha saThaha valI bhImasAphAgaNasare prathama paMDa pUru thayu sihe yo nai budhvaare|| Ends.- fol. 40deg mA(sAM)bhalatA sukhasaMpadA etc. up to vilAsa // 250 // as in No. 392. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIpratikabudhacAri SaMDa saMpUrNa / prathama paMDa graMthAna zlo0 225 / dvitIya 255 // tRtIya 475 / caturthakhaMDe zloka 364 / e sarva thainai graMthazloka 121 sa(saM)ca(va)ta sola 78 tavarSe caitra sude 13 vAra zukra zrISabhAti' liSItaM / kalyANamastu zrIkalyANamastu / zrI. cha. zrI cha // . N. B.- For further details see No. 392. 10 Pratyekabuddhacatustayarasa pratyekabuddhacatuSTayarAsa .. No. 394 . 35. 1877-78. IS Size.--9, in by 4 in. Extent.- 19 folios ; 13 lines to a page"; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin'; fol. 1 blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; it forms a design; in the left-hand margin the title is written as pratyekabuddharAsa ; white pigment used on fol. 19; condition good; composed in V. S. 1597%3; based on Uttarajjhayana and its commentary. Age.-- Samvat 1678. 1 Here this work is named as "cAra pratyekabuddhano rAsa". Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 394.] The Svetambara Works 97 Author.- Brahmamuni alias Vinayadeva Suri. He was born in V.S. 1568 in Malava. His father's name was Padmaraja and that of his mother Sitade. He was a prince of Calukya dynasty. He was initiated as a Jaina monk by Rangamandana Gani of Ancala gaccha and was named ass Vinayadeva Suri by Vijayadeva, his satirthya. He died in V.S. 1646 at Barhanapura. His guru's name was Pasa- . canda. For details see Vinayadeva-sari-rasa composed by his pupil Manaji Rsi. This Brahmamuni has commented upon the follow- 10 ing works, in Sanskrit : (1) jambuddIvapaNNatti. (2) dasAsuyakkhandha.' (3) pakkhiyasutta. His Gujarati works are as under :1 ajAputrarAsa 2 aDhArapApasthAnaparihArabhASA(?sa) 3 uttarAdhyayana sarva adhyayana sa0 4 jinaneminAtha 44 DhAlana vIvAhalu 5 jinapratimAsthApanaprabandha 6 sudarzanazeThacaritracopai 7 sumatinAgilarAsa 8 sudharmagacchaparIkSA. There are some additional Gujarati works composed by this author. Some of them are mentioned in Jaina Gurjara 25 Kavio ( Vol. I, p. 153). Subject.- Lives of the four Pratyekabuddhas mentioned on p. 94. Begins.- fol. 1deg 60 // zrIzAravA(?dAI nmH| dUhA jiNa cauvIsai payakamala maniiM dharI ha[]rSe namesu sugUrUvacana zubha maMtra jima hiyaDA mAMhi dharesu 1 30 .. 1 See D CG CM ( Vol. XVII, pt. 1, Nos. 249-250 ). 2 See DOG CM (Vol. XVII, pt. 2, Nos. 492-493). 13 [J. L. P.] Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [394. muMnivara je jagi jAMNII pratyaya deSI buddha mana ANadiI vaMdi kari kahiisiuM tAsu prabaMdha 2 etc. * Ends.- fol. 19 ratanAkara graMha saMpa ca(va)rIsa samati caMda (1597) saMvataI jagIsa pratyayabuddha taNauM e carI bhAdiyauM mana ANadiiM karI 81 sudhAsiMdhU jasa jagatra viSyAta vela tAta vimalAde mAta zrIpAsaMcaMda guru suguNapradhAna tasa pAi seva karUM taji mAna 82 zrIuttarAdhyayaniI saMSepiI kahiu vRtti mAMhiMthI vistara lahiu tihAthI boliu e uddhAra bhaNatAM lAgai zuddha vicAra 83 jiNabhASitathI kahiu viruddha paMDita jana te karayo zuddha Agama milau kara praNAMma kara joDI vInavauM sujANa 84 'merU' mahImaMDali thira rahai sUrija na sasI jAM gayaNiiM vahai vi(ci)huM dasi ratanAgara jalabhariyAM bihUM pAsii jagatI parivariyA 85 jAM jagiI jinazAsana dhi(thi)ra dhA(thA)ha tAM e bhaNatAM citti suhAI pAMmIjai savi suSasaMpadA zrIpAsanAhasupasAiM sadA 86 / iti zrIcyArapratyekabuddharAsacaupai samApta saMvata 1678 varSe dvitIya ASADha vadi 9 ravau // cha // 7 // paMbhAyana(ta)vaM(ba)diri liSitaM // 7 // zrIrastu // cha // zrI saMghezvarA'pArzvanAthanI raSyA // Reference. - For extracts and an additional Ms. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, p. 153).' pratyekabuddhacarita . (patteyabuddhacariya) No. 395 Size.- n in. by s} in. Pratyekabuddhacarita ( Patteyabuddhacariya ) 747. 1875-76. Extent.- 215 folios; si lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. 1 Here this work is named as "cAra pratyekabuddhi copai". Instead of buddhi it should be buddha. Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306.] The Svetambara Works 10 Description.- Country paper thick, rough and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders of foll. 1-48 ruled in three lines in red ink; those of the rest unruled; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. I' blank ; the Ms. corrected, with a pencil, ins margins; the right-hand edge of fol. 1496 slightly worn out ; white paste used ; lacune on fol. 179deg; other wise complete; extent 6050. Age.- does not appear to be old. Author.-- Sritilaka Suri. Subject. - Lives of the four Pratyeka buddhas. See p. 94. Begins.- fol. 10 jassAgamapayapaMti dad laggati dhammamaggaMmi / nissaMkabhajuvijaNA taM vIrajiNesaraM namiu // 1 // taha niagurumaNusarioM kiMci vi suasAyarAu udva(da)riu / 15 patteabuddhacariaMbhaNAmi sNvegrssriaN||2|| etc Ends.- fol. 2150 jeNaM susAhUNa susAvayANaM vakkhANayaMtANa surNatayANaM / saMviggacittANa have sigdhaM saggApavaggAi suhaM avigdhaM // cha / iti zrIzrItilakAcAryaviracite pratyekabuddhacatuSTayaikatrasamAgamasaMlApApavarga- 20 gamanAvedano nAma paMcamaH prastAvaH samAptaH // graMthAnaM // 83 // tatsamAptau ca samAptaM pratyekabuddhacatuSTayacaritramiti // cha / anuSTubhAM sahastrANi paMcAzadadhikAni SaT / tasya pramANamautadakSarANyekaviMzatiH // ch|| aMkato'pi // 6050 / ma // 21 / cha // li. 'pATaNa' madhye vAzi trIkamalAla // 25 pratyekabuddhacarita Pratyekabuddhacarita 1299. No. 396 1884-87. Size- 10t in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 120 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. 30 Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 396. Description.- Country paper chin and greyish ; Devanagari chara cters with occasional &HET ; small, legible and fair handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; most of the foll. worm-eaten ; red chalk used ; a part of fol. 66 blank; complete. Begins. -- fol. 1 y OGU sA: 11 8 FA: sitja afer: 11 * FEAITAPU etc. as in No. 395. Ends.-- fol. 1200 gvi Ghiga etc. as in No. 393 up to AHTE TagecatuSTayacaritramiti // N. B. - For other details see No. 395. 10 Is fon pratyekabuddhacarita . Pratyekabuddhacarita No. 397 1395. 1891-95 Size.- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.-- 70 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 47 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and greyish ; Devanagari chara cters with occasional TEHTATS ; neither too big nor too small; legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used ; incomplete. Age.-Not quite modern. Begins.-- fol. 19 11 90 THE HEITTATUfa etc. as in No. 395. Ends. fol. 706 aha nayarassAmimuhaM naranAho sayalapariyaNasaNAho / caliUNaM saMpatto tamiMdakeUssa bhUbhAgaM // 52 // . at sige afsete ai ( ends abruptly). N. B.-- For additional information se No. 395. 20 Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 399.] The Svetambara Works pratyekabuddhacaritra No. 398 Size. 103 in. by 4 in. Extent. 16 folios; 13 lines to a page; 39 letters to a line. -Description. Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with gas; big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; yellow pigment used profusely and red chalk used; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 16b 10 blank; complete; condition good. Age.- Old. Author.- Unknown. iti samApta Subject. Lives of the four Pratyekabuddhas. See p. 94. Begins. fol. 14 uktamaSThamadhyAyanaM sAMprataM namivaktavyatAnibaddhaM etc. Ends- fol. 16 pratyekabuddhacaritra No. 399 101 Pratyekabuddhacaritra caUNa devalogAu uvaNo mANusaMmi logaMmi uvasaMta mohaNijo saraha porApAyaM jAI 164. 1872-73. 3 Reference. This work is named as Pratyekabuddhakatha in Jina 20 ratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 263 ). Here additional Mss. are noted. Pratyekabuddhacaritra 1300. 1884-87. 15 25 Size. by 4 in. Extent. 27 folios; 17 lines to a page; 51 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters; small, clear and fair hand-writing; borders indifferently ruled in three lines in black ink; foll. numbered 30 Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [39. 10 as usual ; fol. 14 blank; yellow pigment used ; lacuna on fol. 27deg; complete so far as two prakasas are concerned. Age. - does not seem to be modern. Author.- Jinavardhana Suri, successor of Jinaraja Suri of Kharatara gaccha. Subject.- Lives of Karakandu and Dvimukha, the two Pratyeka:- buddhas out of four. Begins.- fol. 10 // 6 // paM.zrIvidyAratnagaNibhyo namaH / bhuvi bhavikajanAliM prINanArtha ca saMta kuzalakamalamAlodhvAsahaM sopamAnaM / prathamajinavareMdro'nye'pi sImagharAyAH tAM te srvsNghaadhiraajH||1|| etc. karakaMDAdisAdhUnAM vairAgyarasahetave / kiMcit pratyekabuddhAnAM caritraM kIrtayiSyate // 5 // etc. Ends. -- fol. 270 vairAgyapratipanamAnasamatiH saMjAtajAtasmRtiH saMbhUtottamapUrvajanmamaNitaH svAdhyAyazuddhasmRtiH / mAyAmohamadapramAdarahitaH sAdhukriyAsaMgato ___ rAjapirdvimukho vane'pi hRtavAn pratyekabuddhazciraM // 54 // iti zrI'kharataragacche zrIjinarAjaripaTTe zrIjinavarddhanasUriviracite zrIpratyekabuddhacaritre zrIdvimukharAjarSivarNano dvitIyaH prstaavH|| Reference.- For an additional Ms. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 263). It pradezakathA Pradesakatha 1310 (21). 28 No. 400 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 22* to fol. 23". 1310(I). Description.-- Complete. For other details see No. ' 1886-92.. qAuthor.-- Not mentioned. Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 401.] The svetambara Works 103 Subject.- Life of Pradesa. It points out the importance of adora. ... tion of a guru ( teacher ). Begins.-- fol. 22 zra(zrutveti nRpatiH proce bhavadvAkyAmritena me| naSTA mohaviSAtuccha mUrchAbhUddeva nizcayaH // 1 etc. Ends.--- fol. 230 iti samAdhisudhAM budhimamadhIH - prathamakalpamavApa nRpo mRtaH / iha sa vaMditumAraditazcatuH __se(sa)hi videhamupetya zavaMgamI // 61 iti guruparicaryAyAM pradezakathA // cha / pradyumnacaritra Pradyumnacaritra IS 1301. No. 401 1884-87. Size.- Io in. by 4, in. Extent.-- 256-1=255 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrA ; big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink ; fol. 88 written on a very thin 20 and brittle paper ; perhaps so, owing to its being exposed to fire; foll. numbered twice as usual ; the unnumbered sides have a small spot in red colour in the centre only; the numbered, in the margins, too ; a piece of paper of .. the same size as a fol. pasted to foll. 1'; fol. 108, 141 and 25 192 torn in the middle; fol. II3 lacking ; foll. I. and 2560 blank ; almost complete ; based on the 8th anga and the corresponding work of the Digambaras composed in V.S. 1645 at Mandala ; on the whole, there are 12 foll. having different sorts of illustrations. Some of them are decorated 30 Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [.401. neminAtha 2a 1280 with one or more illustrations. Their Nos, along with the names of the corresponding illustrations are as uuder :Folio no. Illustration 10 vAsudeva kRSNa & 'baladeva 820 sImandharasvAmin 83. nArada RSi 1270 hiraNya & asurakumAra neminAtha & hiraNya 1370 kanakamAlA & pradyumna 138 178 satyabhAmA & her dAsI 179 'rukmiNI 2130 vAsudeva kRSNa & samudra vijaya * IS 214 kRSNa & jarAsaMdha ___Age.- Fairly old. Author.- Ravisagara Gani, pupil of Rajasagara of the Tapa gaccha. His additional works are : 1 monaikAdazIkathA V.S. 1645. 2 rUpasenacaritra V.S. 1636. Subject.-- Life of Pradyumna, a son of Vasudeva Krsna. ...: Begins.-- fol. 1 // 6 // zrIgurubhyo namaH // praNatamAnavadAnavanAyakaH prathamatIrthapatiH zivadAyakaH / vijitaduHsahamanmathasAyakaH prakurutAM matimastakaSAyakaH / 1 // etc. svakIyaparabodhArthamaSTamAMgAd gurogiraa| zrIpradyumnakumArasya caritraM tasya vakSyate // 11 // 1 His illustration is half worn out. 2. She is dressed as a saint, Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 401] The Svetambara Works 105 'jaMbU dvIpAmidhe dvIpe 'bharate' sussmaashrite| abhUcciMpApurI bhUribhUrisUrivirAjitA // 12 // etc. - fol. 4b iti paM0cakracakravartipaM0 zrIrAjasAgaragaNiziSyapaM0ravisAgara gaNiviracite zrIpradyumnacaritre zrIjaMbUsvAmipraznavarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH // Ends.-fol. 2520 varASTamAMgaM caritaM ca neme hAtmyamudvimalAcalasya / digaMbarANAM caritaM vilokya . 'pradyumna'saMjJaM vidadhe caritraM // 24 // paThiSyati zroSyati vAcayiSya tyadazcaritraM zubhabhAvato yaH / tasyaihikAmuSmikamaMgalAni prAdurbhaviSyaMtyatulAni nityaM // 25 // iti0 zrIpradyumnazAMbatapaHkaraNakevalajJAnotpattinirvANagamano nAma SoDazaH 15 sargaH . This is followed after guruparaMparAprazastipaMcAzikA by the lines as under : eteSAmanubhAvato bhagavato dhyaanaanmhaanNdtH| ___ bhAsaMpattikRtervipattyapahate duryoniduHkhApahAt / sollAsaM ravisAgaro racitavAn prajJAnusArAdidaM / zrIpradyumnacaritramatra sakalazrotRzrutizrIsukhaM // 55 etc. tasminmaMDalinAmni cArunagare SaMgArarAjottame / saMpUrNa samajAyatApracaritaM pradyumnanAmAnaghaM / saMkhyAtazca sahastrasaptakamidaM dvAbhyAM zatAbhyAM zubhaM / paMcAmbhonidhiSaNnizApati(1645)mite varSe ciraM naMdatAt // 57 // 25 iti pradyumnacaritraM saMpUrNa // graM. zlokasaMkhyA 7200 / Reference-Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 264). 14 [I. L. P.] Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [402 pradyumnacaritra Pradyumnacaritra s IO 141. No. 402 1866-68. Size.-- 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 93 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and white ; Devanagari chara cters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; bold, big, legible, fat and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; fol. 1* blank ; the preceding two foll. completely blank ; they bear the stamp " Elphinstan College Library, Bombay": numbers for foll. entered twice as usual ; several foll. worm-eaten ; otherwise condition tolerably good; complete ; composed in Samvat 1674 in I7 cantos at Surat. Age.- Samvat 1674. Author.- Ratnacandra Gani, pupil of Santicandra Gani of the Tapa gaccha. For his additional works see " A History of the Sanskrit Literature of the Jainas" (Vol. II, Part I, Pp. 99-101). Subject.- Life of Pradyumna, son of Lord Krsna. For details see HSLJ (Vol. II, Pt. I, pp. 99-101). IS 20 Begins.- fol. 1 // 6 // paM0zrIpazrIdhanaharSagaNigurubhyo namaH // rAjyalakSmIAyalakSmIrdharmalakSmIzca nissamA / yenopadiSTA lokAnAM sa jIyAd vRSabhaH prabhuH // 1 // etc. etAn zrImajinAn natvA smRtvA ca zrutadevatAM / pradyumnacaritaM vacmi yathAmati yathAzrutaM // 6 // etc. - fol. 4. iti mahopAdhyAyazrIzAMticaMdragaNiziSyazrIratnacaMdramaNivirahite pradyumnacarite mahAkAvye pradyumnacaritrotpattizrIkRSNadvArakAsthApanazrIkRSNarAjyaprAptinAradAgamanavarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH saMpUrNaH // 1 // Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 402.1 Ends. fol.92b The Svetambara Works samajaniSTa viziSyakRtAdaraH sukRtakarmaNi nirmaladarzanaH / padayugaM praNipatya mahAmatirnijakathAmajagAma maharddhimAn // 78 // zrIzAMticaMdravaravAcakadundhasiMdhulabdhapratiSThatraravAcakaratnacaMdraH / zrIviSNuputracaritaM lalitaM cakAra sargo'tra saptadazamAna ihAparuddhiM // 79 // atha prazastiH zrIvIraziSyo gaNabhRt sudharmA zrIdvAdazAMgIsamalabdhamarmA / iti phatepurasthaiH pAtasAhi zrIakabbaraiH zrIgurudarzanArthasamAhUtabhaTTArakazrI5 zrIhIravijayasIraiH saha vihAriNAM svayaMkRtakRpArasakozagraMtha zrAvaNaraMjitapAtasAhizrIakabbarANAM zrIhIravijayasUrinAmnA kArita 'jijIyA - to karanivAraNasphuranmAnAnAM tathAkAritaSANmAsikajIvAbhayadAnapradhAnasphuranmAnAnAM zrIjaMbUdvIpaprajJaptiprameyaratnamaMjUSA nAmabRhadvRttikRtAM tAtasAhizrIakabbaradApitopAdhyAyapadAnAM mahopAdhyAya zrI 5 zrI zAMticaMdragaNInAM sakalaziSyamukhyopAdhyAyazrIratnacaMdraviracite zrIbhaktAmarastava zrIkalyANamaMdira-zrIdeva-prabhozrImatdharmastava-zrIRSabhavIrastava - zrIkRpArasakoza- 15 zrIadhyAtmakalpadruma-zrIniSedha-zrIraghuvaMzamahAkAvya vRttinava bhaginInAM laghubhrAtari zrIpradyumnacarite mahAkAvye baladevadIkSAtapaHsAdhanapaMcamasvargagamanapradyumnazAMbAdikevalajJAnamuktigamanavarNano nAma saptadazaH sargaH // tatsamAptau ca saMpUrNa pradyumnacaritaM / zrImat 'tapA' gacchamahAdrumUla mAsId bhavAMbhonidhiyAnapAtraM // 1 // AsId gurustasya paraMparAyAM sAdhukriyAmArgavikAzabhAsvAn / 'AnaMda' pUvoM 'vimalA 'grasUri rbuddhyA samAnIkRtadevasUriH // 2 // 107 tatpaTTagaganaratnaM sUrizrIvijayajadAnasUrivaraH / 'AsId bhAgyanidhAnaM guNagaNanilayaH kriyApAtraM // 3 // S 20 25 30 Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 Jaina Literature and Philosophy zrIhIravijayasUristatpaTTavibhUSaNaM prazamasadanaM / AsInarapatirAzipraNataziroratnamaulikRtacarcaH // 4 // tasyApi ziSyaratnaM svastizrIvijayasenasUrivaraH / / bhAsIllabdhamahAbdhiH samarasapAtraM jgdviditH||5|| tatpaSTavaMzamukkAmaNiriva tejsvitaadigunnyuktH| zrIvijayadevasUriH zAstitamA 'tapa'gaNaM suguNaH // 6 // yaH saubhAgyaguNena smArayatitamAM ca zIlaguNayogAt / jaMbUsvAminamuccairjayatAt zrIvijayadevaguruH // 7 // zrIAnaMdavimalaguruziSyAH shriishjkushlvibudhvraaH| siddhAMtahemanikathA babhUvuruddAmanivahAH // 8 // teSAM ziSyA mukhyA vAcakavarasakalacaMdranAmAnaH / yeSAM giraM sudhAmiva nipIya bhavyAH pramodate // 9 // zrIzAMticaMdrA varavAcakeMdrA babhUvurabjaprativIravaktrAH / ziSyeSu mukhyA bahuSu pravINA steSAM gurUNAM guNabhAjanAnAM // 10 // shriimjjNbdviipprjnyptevRttirtnsvitaarH| shriimtsaahiakbbrbhuuptiprsstsulbdhbhumaanaaH|| 11 // zrImajinapravacanaprabhAvanAkRtyakaraNavidhidakSAH / bhAsan vidyAdAnaiH ziSyANAM bhUyasAM ca pUjyatamAH // 12 // teSAM gurUNAM guNasAgarANAM prasAdalezaM samavApya ckre| abhyarthitaH ziSyagaNaivinItai vRttottama vAcakaratnacaMdraH // 13 // kRtvA kRpAM mayi budhaiH parizodhanIyaM saMzodhya vItakaluSaM parivAcanIyaM / bhanyopakAravidhaye vasu lekhanIya ziSyAdipAThanapadaiH parizIlanIyaM // 14 // yugamunirasazazi( 1674)varSe mAse vijayadazamikAdivase / vAre vidhau ca vidadhau vAcakavararatnacaMdra iti caritaM // 15 // Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 403.] The svetambara Works 169 saMvat 1674 varSe AzvinamAse vijayadazamI somavAsare zrI sUratibaMdare mahopAdhyAyazrIratnacaMdragaNiviracitaM pradyamnacaritaM saMpUrNa // trisahasrAH paMcazatI punarekonasasatiH / zlokAnAmiha sarvAgraM varNAH Souza cAdhikAH // saMvat 1676 varSe caitra zudi 9 zanIzvaravAsare paMDitasakalasamAzaMgAra. 5 paMDitazrIpazrIdhanaharSi(rSa)gaNitacchiSyagaNiratnavijayenAlekhi zrI sarati' bNdre| Reference.- Published by B. B. & Company in Sarivat 1974 and later on by Umedbhai Bhurabhai in A. D. 1942. pradyumnacaritra Pradyumnacaritra 10 No. 403 770. 1899-1915. Size.- Iog in. by 4g in. Extent.- 97 folios ; I3 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari chara- IS cters; big, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used ; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual ; a piece of paper of the same size as a fol. pasted to fol. 1; strips of paper pasted to foll. 2,5,7,8', 10deg etc.; edges of foll. 36 and 97 slightly 20 worn out; otherwise condition fairly good; yellow pigment used; complete. Age.- Sanvat 1692. Begins.- fol. 12 9 60 // OM namaH siddhaM // gurubhyo nmH|| rAjyalakSmIAyalakSmI etc. as in No. 402. Ends.- fol. 96 samajaniSTa viziSya etc. up to naM. 3579 ( excluding all the verses of tarta) as in No. 402. This is followed by the lines as under : Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [403. saMvat 1692 varSe prathama bhAdrapadasitatRtIyAbudhavAre / bhaTTArakazrIpazrIvijayasenasUrIzvaraprathamaziSyapaMDitazrIpazrIsaMghavijayagaNiziSyamukhyagaNa devavijayo lilekha / svavAcanakRte ziSyapAThanakRte vaa| __N. B.- For additional information see No. 402. 5 pradhumnacaritra - -No. 404 Pradyumnacaritra 818. 1895-1902. Size.- 9% in. by 4g in. Extent.- 114-1-1= 112 folios; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. : 10 Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; big, clear and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; strips of paper pasted to edges of several foll.; some foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition tolerably good; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 66 wrongly numbered as 67; so the following numbered as 68, 69 etc.; the ust fol. lacking; otherwise complete. . Age.-Old. _Begins- fol. 20 cakrire tatra samavasaraNaM zaraNArthinAM / zaraNyaM tatkSaNAdeva maNisvarNahimAMzumiH // 18 etc. Ends.- fol. 113 samajaniSTa etc. up to vAcakavararatnacaMdra iti caritaM // 15 // as in No. 402. This is followed by the line as under : iti zrIpradyamnacaritraprazastiH // N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 402. Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 405.] prabandhakoza [ caturviMzatiprabandha ] [ prabandhAmRtadIrghikA ] The Svetambara Works Subject. (1) antarakathAsaGgraha ( 2 ) dAnapAtraMzikA ( 3 ) nyAyakandalIpaJjikA ITT Prabandhakosa [Caturvimsatiprabandha ] [ Prabandhamrtadirghika ] No. 405 Size. 103 in. by 48 in. Extent. 56 folios; 18 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequentes; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ro ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; red chalk. used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; several foll. more or less worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed in Samvat 1405 as requested by Mahanasimha, son of Jagatsimha of Delhi. IS 1279. 1884-87. 1 bhadrabAhu & varAhamihira 2 Arya - nandila 3. jIvadevasUri Age. Samvat 1527. Author. Rajasekhara Suri, pupil of Sritilaka Suri of the Mala- 20 dharin (Harsapuriya) gaccha. He is the author of the following works : ( 4 ) (5) SaDadarzanasamuccaya (6) syAdvAdakalikA 2 ratnAkarAvatArikA - paJjikA 5 25 24 prabandhas (narrations). They pertain to the following personages including 10 acaryas and 7 kings: 4 Arya - khapuTasUri 5 pAdaliptasUri 6 vRddhavAdin & siddhasenasUri 30 Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [405. 21 22 to 7 mallavAdin 16 vaMkacUla 8 haribhadrasUri 17 vikramAditya 9 bappabhaTTisUri 18 nAgArjuna 10 hemacandrasUri 19 vatsarAja & udayana 11 zrIharSa, vidyAdhara & jayacandra | 20 lakSaNasena 12 harihara madanavarman 13 amaracandrasUri ratna 14 madanakIrti 23 AbhaDa 15 sAtavAhana 24 vastupAla Begins.- fol. 1* 50 5 // rAjyAbhiSeke kanakAsanasthaH srvaaNgdinyaabhrnnaamiraamH| zriye(s)stu vo 'meru'sirovataMsaH kalpadrukalpaH prathamo jitedrH||1 vivekamuccaistaramAruroha yastato izaMgaM caraNa tatastapaH / tataH paraM jJAnamayottamaM padaM zivaM sa nemirdizatUttarottaraM // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 56 zrIvastupAlakha dakSiNasyAM dizi 'zrIparvataM' yAvat pazcimAyAM prabhAsaM' yAvat / 1 uttarasyAM 'kedAra parvata' yAvat pUrvasyAM vArANasI' yAvat / tayoH kIrtanAni sarvAgreNa trINi koTizatAni caturlakSANi aSTAdaza sahasrANi aSTa zatAni dravyagyayaH / triSaSTivArAn saMgrAme jaitrapadaM gRhItaM aSTAdRza varSANi tayoApatiH / zrIvastupAla-tejaHpAlayoH prabandhaH // cha / zrI'praznavAhana' kule 'koTika'nAmani gaNe jagadvidite / zrI'madhyamazAkhAyAM 'harSapurIyA'midhagacche // 1 'maladhAri bira(ru )va(da )viditazrIabhayopapadasUrisaMtAne / zrItilakasUriziSyaH sUrizrIrAjazeSaro jayati // 2 tenAyaM mRdugathairmugdho mugdho mugdhAvabodhakAmena / racitaH prabandhaH kozo jayatA(t ) jinapatimataM yAvat // 3 // Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 405.] The Svetambara Works tathA / 'kaTTAraghA (vI) ra 'dussAdhaM (dha) vaMzamukuTo nRpaudhagItaguNaH / 'vabUlIpura kAritajinapati sadanocchala tkIrttiH / 4 baSpa (pa) kasA dhostanayo ga ( ? gu) Nadevo ( s) jani 'sapAdalakSa' bhuvi / ta (d) bhUrnUnakanAmA tatputraH sADhako dRDhadhIH / 5 tatsUnuH sAmaMtaH sa ( t) kulatilako bhavajjagatsiMhaH / durbhikSaduHSadalanaH zrImahamadasAhigauravitaH / 6 tajjo jayati siribhavaH / SaDdarzanapoSaNo mahaNasiMhaH / ' DhilyAM' svadattavasatau graMthamimaM kArayAmAsa / 7 zaragaganamanumitAbde 1405 jyeSTAmUlA (lI ) yadhavalasaptamyAM / niH pa ( pa ) nnamidaM zAstraM zrotRdhyetrA (troH) suSaM (khaM) tanyAt // 8 zrIbhavatu / sapAdalakSIyabA (cA) hamAnavaMzo liSyate / 15 [J. L. P.] 113 5 IO saM 608 rAjA vAsudeva / 1 sAmaMtarAja 2 naradevaH 3 ajayarAjaH 6 ' ajayameru' durgakArApakaH / 4 vigraharAjaH 5 vijayarAjaH 6 caMdrarAjaH 7 goviMdarAjaH [8] suratrANasya vegava[ va ]risaranAmno jetA 8 durlabharAja: 15 9 vatsarAjaH 10 siMharAjaH suratrANasya hejivadInanAmno jeThANAkaja (je) tA 11 duryojano nisaradInasuratrANajetA 12 vijaja (ya) rAjaH 13 vaSpa ( ppa ) irAjaH zAkAMbhaya devatAprA (pra) sAdAdvemAdiSAnisaMpannaH / 14 durlabharAjaH 15 gaMDU mahamadasUratrANajai ( je tA 16 bAlapadevaH 17 vijayarAjaH 18 [vA] cAmuMDarAjaH suratrANabhaMktA 19 dUsaladevaH / tena gUrjarAnrAdhipatibaMddhA (SS) - 20 nItaH / 'ajayameru' madhye takravikrayaM kArApitaH vIsa (la) ve (de) vaH 21 sa ca strIlaMpaTa H mahAsatyAM brAhmaNyAM vilagno balAt / tacchApA ( d ) duSTavraNasaMkrame mRtaH / vR ( bR) in (t ) pRthvIrAjaH 22 vagulIsAhasuratrANabhujamaddI ( ) / AlhaNadevaH 22. sahAvadIna suratrANajitaH / analadevaH 240 jagaddevaH / 25 // vIsaladevaH 26turaSkajit / amaragAMgeyaH / 27 pAMDavadevaH 25 28 somezvaradevaH / 29 pRthvIrAjaH 30 saM0 1236 rAjyaM vIraH 1248 mRtaH / harirAjadevaH 31 rAjadevaH 32 bAlaNadevaH 33 'bAvarIyAla 'biradaM tasya / vIranArAyaNaH 34 turaSkasamasadInayuddhe mRtaH / bAhaDadevo 'mAlava'jetA 35 jaitrasiMhadevaH 36 zrIhammIradevaH 37 saM0 1342 rAjyaM 1358 yuddha (dve) mRtaH / hastI 4 hastinI 4 azvasahasra 30 durga 10 evaM prabhuH 30 satvavAn // cha // zubhaM bhavatu // zrIsaMghAyaH // saMvat 1527 varSe kArttikamAse zukapakSe paMcamyAM tithau some liSitaM // 6 // zrI // // 6 // zubhaM bhavatu // 11 eft: 11 Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 405. Reference. This Ms. utilized by me for editing this work is designated as # in the edition published by "Forbes Gujarati Sabha" as No. 12 in A. D. 1932. This work was formerly published in the Hemacandra Jaina Granthamala, Patan. It is once more published in "Singhi Jaina Series" in A. D. 1935. My Gujarati translation of this work was published by "Forbes Gujarati Sabha" in A. D. 1934. For additional Mss. see B. B. R. A. S. ( Vols. III-IV, p. 436 ). Herein there is an entry that this is also published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1913 from Jamnagar, For further Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 116 ). 15 prabandhakoza Prabandhakosa 363. No. 406 1871-72. Size.- 104 in. by 43 in. Extent.- so folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 61 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey ; Devanagari characters; small, legible and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; red chalk used ; foll. numbered as usual; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out ; almost every fol. worm-eaten to a smaller or greater extent ; some very badly; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. sob blank; condition unsatisfactory ; fol. sob blank; almost complete. Age.-- Seems to be old. .- A passage occurring on foll. 106-11' of this Ms. and supplying a list of 70 subjects studied by king Ama is reproduced in Notes (p. 172 ) to the second edition of "Dasakumaracarita of Dandin ", A. D. 1919 (Bombay Sanskrit Series Nos. X & XLII ). 20 Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 407.] The svetambara Works 11 Begins.- fol. 1. OM namo arhadbhyaH // rAjyAbhiSeke etc. as in No. 405. Ends.- fol. 50triSaSTivArAn saMgrAme jaitrapadaM gRhItaM / aSTAdaza varSANi tayordhyAvRttiH // 7 // zrIvastupAla-tejapAlayoH prbNdhH|| zrI praznavAhana'kule 'koTika'nAmani gaNe jagadvidite / zrI'madhyama'zAkhAyAM harSapurIyAmidhe gacche // 1 // 'maladhAri'birudaviditazrIabhayopapadasarisaMtAne / zrItilakasUriziSyaH sUriH zrIrAjazekharo jayati // 2 // tenAya mRdugadyairmugdho mugdhAvabodhakAmena / racitaH prabaMdhakozo jayatAjinapatimataM yAvat // 3 // 'kaTTAravIra'dussAdhavaMzamukuTo nRpaudhagItaguNaH / 'vanbUlIpurakAritajinapatisadanocchalan(t )kiirtiH||4|| vapyakasAdhostanayo gaNadevo'jani 'sapAdalakSa' bhuvi / tabhUnakanAmA tatputraH sATako dRDhadhIH // 5 // tatsUnuH sAmaMtastaskulatilako'bhavajja(gat ? )siMhaH / durbhikSaduHkhadalanaH zrImahamadasAhigauravinaH(taH) // 6 // tajjo jayati siribhavaH SaDdarzanapoSaNo mhnsiNhH| DhillyAM svadattavasatau graMthamimaM kArayAmAsa // 7 // zaragaganamanu( 1405)mitAbde ( ends abruptly ). N. B.- For further particulars see No. 405. 10 15 prabandhakoza Prabandhakosa No. 407 748 (.). 1875-76. Size.-ng in. by 5 in. Extent.- 164 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 37 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; bold, big, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; numbers for foll. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [407. IO entered in the left-hand margin ; soll, 14 & 1646 blank; white paste used profusely; Ms. corrected at times with a pencil ;- this work goes up to fol. 140*; this Ms. contains an additional work viz. prabandhacintAmaNi (prakAzaS I-2) (foll. 140-164). Age.- Samvat 1931. Begins.- fol. 10 // 6||nm: zrIsarvajJAya // rAjyAbhiSeke kanakAsanasthaH / sAgadivyAbharaNAmirAmaH / zriye'stu vo meru'ziro'vataMsaH / kalpadrukalpaH prathamo jineNdrH||1|| vivekamuJcaistaramAruroha ya stato(s)drizRMgaM caraNaM tatastapaH / tataH paraM jJAnamathottamaM padaM zriyaM sa nemirdizatUttarottarAM // 2 // yasmai svayaMvarasamAgatasaptatattva lakSmIkaragrahaNamAcarateti bhktyaa| . sapta vyadhAt phaNapatiH phaNamaMDapAn kiM vAmAMgabhUH sa bhagavAn bhavatAnmude vaH // 3 // etc. 20 - fol. 10 tatra zrIRSabhAdivarddhamAnAMtAnAM jinAnAM cakrayAdInAM rAjJAmRSINAM cAryarakSitAMtAnAM vRttAni caritAnyucyate / tatpazcAtkAlabhAvinA narANAM vRttAni prabaMdhA iti / idAnIM vayaM gurumukhazrutAnAM caturviMzateH prabaMdhAnAM saMgrahaM kurvANAH smH|| tatra sUriprabaMdhA daza / kaviprabandhAH catvAraH / rAja prabandhA sapta / rAjAMgazrAvakaprabaMdhAstrayaH / evaM caturvizatiH / etc. 25 Ends.- fol. 140+ tatsUnuH sAmaMtaH sa( )kulatilako(s)bhavajjagatsiMhaH / durbhikSaduHkhadalanaH shriimhmdsaahgaurvitH|| 6 // tajjo jayati siribhavaH SaDdarzanapoSaNo mahaNasiMhaH / DhillyAM svadattavasanau(tau) graMthamimaM kArayAmAsa // 7 // 25 // 30: N. B.-- For additional particulars see No. 405. ee Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 409.] The svetambara Works 111 prabandhakoza ( 1-11) Prabandhakosa (I-XI) 749. No. 408 1875-76. Size.- 11 in. by skin. Extent.- 67 folios; 12 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. S Description.- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; bold, big, legible and fair hand-writing%3 borders ruled in two lines in red ink ; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. I blank; corrections suggested at times in margins; white paste used; ends with to zrIharSa-vidyAdhara-jayacandraprabandha ; so the work is incomplete. Age.- Not modern. Begins.- fol. 1 // 6 // // ahaM // rAjyAmiSeke etc. as in No. 405. Ends. - fol. 67% apRcchacca taTasthAn / tairbabhaNe / mlecchadhanurddhanavAneSu magnAni 15 dhvAnAMtarANi / rAjahRdaye'hArayat / tato na jJAyate / kiM hato gato mRto ca / yavanAbhAptaH // 7 // iti shriihrss-vidyaadhr-jyNtcNdr-prbNdhH||' N. B.- For additional information see No. 405. prabandhakoza (1-5) Prabandbakosa ( I-V) 20 No. 409 1327. 1887-91. Size.-10 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 10 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Deva-25 nagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAsbig, fairly legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled 1 This is the 11th prabandha, Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 ii8 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [409. in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; foll. numbered in this blank space ; edges of several foll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good ; incomplete ; begins abruptly;' the last prabandha which is taken up is that of Padaliptacarya ( it is the fifth prabandha ). Age.- Pretty old. __Begins abruptly.- fol. 1" // 6 // eSu prathamaM bhdrbaahuprbNdhH| 2 dakSiNApathe 'pratiSTAnapure' ba(bha)drabAhu-varAhAhvau dvau dvijau kumArau nirdhanau nirAzrayau prAjJau nivasataH / tatra yazobhadro nAma caturdazapUrvI samAgataH / ba(bha)drabAhu-varAhau taddeza(nAM) zuzruvatuH / yathA bhogAMbhaM guruvRttayo bahuvidhAstaireva cAyaM bhavaH tattvasyeha kRte paribhramata re lokAH sRtaM ceSTitaiH etc. ___Ends.--- fol. 10' nAgArjunena pRSTaM kathameti pArzvanAtha / vAsukinA pAdaliptena ca proktaM / utpAvyAnaya gaganAdhvanA gato nAgArjunaH kAMtIM tatra caityaM pRcchati / tatra dhanapatiH zreSThI caityagoSThikaH tasyAne naimite(te)noktaM / pArzva rkssH| dhUrta ekasta' It ends thus abruptly. 20 N. B. - For additional information see No. 405. prabandhakoza (9-24) Prabendhakosa ( IX-XXIV ) 1302. 1884-87. No. 410 Size.- 8 in. by 127 in. Extent.-65 folios%3; 26 lines to a page3; 35 letters to a line. Description.-- Foreign paper with water-marks: (1) Pro Bono Publico, Universal Fools Cap and (2) a horse-brand with .25 1 The first 5 verses etc. are missing. 2 See p. 27 of my edition. It forms a part of the 5th prabandha, Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 411.] The Svetambara Works 119 the word Leschalls; it is thick, smooth and white; Devanagari characters; bold, neither too small nor too big, legible and elegant hand-writing ; borders unruled ; starts with Bappahbhatti's caritra and ends with that of Vastupala and Tejahpala; numbers for foll. entered twice as S usual ; white paste and yellow pigment used ; incomplete as the first 8 prabandhas are missing. Age.- Modern. Begins.- fol. 1. // 6 // // atha v(b)pph(bh)diH(ttttiH)|| ___'gUrjara' deze 'pADalApura'nagare jitazatrurAjA rAjyaM karoti sma / tatra 10 zrIsiddhasenanAmA sUrIzvaro'sti sma / sa moDhera'pure mahAsthAnazrImahAvIra- : namakkharaNAya gataH / etc. Ends.- fol. 65 triSaSTiM bArAMn saMgrAme jaitrapadaM gRhItaM etc. up to zaragaganamuni (1405)mitAbde as in No. 406. This is followed by the lines as under : jyesstthaamuuliiydhvlpNcmyaaN| niSpannamidaM zAsra zrotradhyetroH sukhaM tanyAt // 8 // ___ matisAgareNa likhitaM josi jedhamala jJAtI puskarNA brAhmaNamAravADI 'amdaabaad'mdhye| graMthAgraMtha 5000 / N. B.- For further particulars see No. 405. prabandhacintAmANa Prabandhacintamani 617. - No. 411 1884-86. Size. - 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 81 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered as 25 Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [411. usual; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly worn out; condition good ; fol. 1' blank; complete ; composed in Samvat 1361 at Vardhamanapura. 5 Age.- Not modern. Author.- Merutunga Suri of the Nagendra gaccha. He is pupil of Candraprabha and his pupil's name is Gunacandra. His additional works are: (1) mahApuruSacarita and (2) vicArazreNi. 10 Subject. The entire work is divided into five prakasas. For details . see " A History of the Sanskrit Literature of the Jainas" (pp. 224-225). In Prabandhacintamani the word "biruda" is used. It is met with in Naisadhacarita (XI, 37 ). IS Begins.- fol. 1 // 50 // OM namaH zriyai zvInAbhibhUrjinaH pAtu etc. as in No. 412. Ends.- fol. 80 duHprApeSu bahuzruteSu guNavat(d ) vRddheSu ca prAyazaH ziSyANAM pratibhAbhiyogavigamAduccaiH zrute sIdati / prajJAnAmatha bhAvinAmupakSa(kR)tiM kartuM parAmicchatA graMthaH satpura(ru)SaprabaMdhaghaTanAcakre sudhAsatravat // 1 // prabaMdhAnAM ciMtAmaNirayamupAttaH karatale [s]sya(maMtasya) bhrAMtiM racayati vi(ci)rAyopanihitaH / hRdi nyasta(:) zastAM sRjati vimalaM kaustubhakalAM tadetasmAd (granthAd ) bhavati vibudhaH zrIpatiriva // yathAzruva(taM) saMkalitaH prabaMdhai graMthau(tho) mayA maMdadhiyA(s)pi yatnAt / mAtsaryamucchArya sudhIbhireSa prAjJodhdurairunnatimeva neyH|| yAvad divi kitavAviva ravizazinau krIDato grahakapardaiH / graMthastAvanaMdatu sUribhirupadizyamAno(s)yaM // Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 412.] The Svetambara Works 121 trayodazasvabda(bda)zateSu caika. SaSTayA(s)dhikeSu kramato gateSu / vaizAkhamAsasya ca pUrNimAsyAM graMtha: samAptiM gamito mito(s)yaM // 1 // etc. - fol. 81. dhanyAM satI etc. up to pauSa as in No. 412. This is 5 followed by the lines as under : ___vezmadvAri anukapayIkanyAjananyA kRtaprokSaNaH etc. tadaiva tasya priyasya sapremaprasAdalalitAnyanusmaraMtI kalimalina(na) janaM parijihIrSurahiMsA tenaiva bhUpena samaM gamanaM cakre / iti zrIkumArapAlasya ahiMsAyA vivAhasaMbaMdhaH // 1 .. 10 . Reference.- Published by Ramachandra Dinanath Shastri in V.S. 1949. He has later on translated this work in Gujarati. This work is published by "Forbes Gujarati Sabha " in A. D. 1932 and its Gujarati translation by Durgashankar . K. Shastri in A. D. 1934. Furthermore it is published in is Singhi Jaina Series as No. I in A. D. 1933.. This work is translated by C. H. Tawney and it is published in " Bibliotheca Indica Series" in A. D. 1899-1901. The Hindi translation by Hajariprasadji Dvivedi is published in Singhi Jaina Series in A. D. 1940. 20 For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 265). prabandhacintAmANa Prabandbacintamani No. 412 249. 1873-74. Size- 84 in. by 139 in. Extent.- 240 folios%3; 18 lines to a page; 22 letters to a line. 25 1 This is named as appendix in "Singhi Jaina Series". 2 Hereid on pp. 27-28, 89 and 115 samasyas and their completions are given. 16 [J. L. P.] Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [412. IS Description. Foreign ruled paper with watermarks: (1) Dorling and Gregory, London and (2) a brand 1869%; it is thin, smooth and white; Devanagari characters ; big, legible and good hand-writing; borders not ruled; all the foll. stringed together with a cover having matter written on one side only; the back side kept blank; numbers for foll. entered in the left-hand margin there being no margin kept on the right-hand side ; foll. 19 & 105 blank ; so is fol. 106; fol. 138 arranged after 136; the Ms. corrected at times with a pencil ; almost complete. Age.- Not modern. ___Begins.- fol. 1. OM nama zrIsAradAyaiH / zrInAbhibhUrjinaH pAtu parameSTI bhavAMtakRt / zrIbhAratyA(tyo)zcaturamucitaM yaccatumukhI // 1 // etc. graMthAn vidhUya vividhAn sukhabodhAya dhImatAM / zrImerutuMgastadgagrabaMdhAd graMthaM tanotyamum // 3 // etc. zrIguNacaMdragaNezaH prabaMdhaciMtAmaNiM navaM graMthaM / bhAratamivAmirAmaM prathamAdarze'tra nirmitavAn // 5 // etc. . Ends.- fol. 239deg duHprApeSu etc. dhanyAM satImuttamavaMzajAtAM ___ labdhvA (s)dhikAM yAti na kaH pratiSThA (?) / kSIrodakanyAM girirAjaputrI gopastathograzca yathA(s)dhigamya // 1 // iti tena maharSiNA pratibodhya tAnazeSAnabhigrahAn grAhayitvA tasyAH saMpradAnaM cakre / atha saMvat 1216 varSe mArga* sudi dvitIyA lagne balavati saMvegamataMgajAdhirUDho ratnatrayavastrAlaMkRto dakSiNapANibaddhadAnakaMkaNaH samyaktvAnucareNa samaM zraddhAsahodarayA kriyamANalavaNAvatAraNa gurUktidezaviratijAniNIbhyAM dIyamAnadhavalamaMgalaH pauSaH // N. B.- For additional information see No. 411. 20 Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 413 ] The Svetambara Works 123 prabandhacintAmaNi (prakAza 1-2) [ muJja-bhoja-bhIma-prabandha ] Prabhandhacintamani ( PrakasasI-II) [Munja-Bhoja-Bhima-prabandha ] 450. No.413 1882-885 Size.- 101 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 19 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional T8 ; small, legible and very fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; 10 red chalk and yellow pigment used; the 12th fol. seems to be lacking; otherwise complete so far as muJja-prabandha and bhoja-bhIma-prabandha are concerned; of them the first is the 6thlast prabandha of Prakasa I and the second, the only prabandha of Prakasa II; thus this No. partly deals with IS Prakasa I and entirely with Prakasa II; condition very good. Age.- Not quite modern. Subject.- Lives of three Kings : Munja, Bhoja and Bhima. This work is a part of Prabandhacintamani. 20 Begins.- fol. 1' 5 60 // zrIgurubhyo nmH| purA 'mAlava'maMDale zrI paramAra'vaMzyaH zrIsiMhabhaTanAmA nRpatiH / anyadA rAjapATikAyAM paribhraman zaravaNamadhye jAtamAtraM atimAtraM rUpapAtraM kamapi bAlakamavalokya putratvena putravAtsalyAdupAdAya devyai smrpyaamaas| tasya sAnvayaM nAma muMja iti nirmame etc. Ends.- fol. 19 tyAgaiH kalpadruma iva bhuvi trAsitAzai( ze)SadausthyaH / ___ sAkSAd vAcaspatiriva javAn dRSTavA(nA)nAprabaMdhaH / rAdhAvedhe'rjuna iva cirAt tasya kIyo kacittai) rAhUtaH zrIamaranikaraiH svaryayo bhojraajH| 3 // iti vidyApatikaviprabhRtimiraktAni zrIbhojasya nAnAvidhAH prabaMdhA yathAkrama maMtanyAH / iti zrImerutuMgAcAryaviracite prabaMdhaciMtAmaNau 25 30 Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [413. zrIbhojazrIbhImabhUpayo nAvadAtavarNano nAma dvitIyaH prakAzaH // 7 / iti zrIbhojarAjaprabaMdhAH samAptAH / zubhaM / N. B.- For other details see No. 411. prabandhacintAmANi Prabandbacintamani (prakAza 1-2) (Prakasas I-II) [muJja-bhoja-bhIma prabandha ] [ Munja-Bhoja-Bhima-prabandha ] 748 (b). - No. 414 1875-76. Extent.- fol. 140* to fol. 164". 10 Description.- For other details see No. 407. Begins.- fol. 140deg atha prastAvAyAta(ta) 'mAlava'maMDalamaMDanazrImuMjarAjacarita meva vyAkhyAsyAmaH // purA tasmin maMDale zrI paramAra vaMzyaH zrIsiMhabhaTanAmA nRpatiH rAjapATikAyAM paribhraman zaravaNamadhye jAtamAtramatimAtra rUpapAtraM kamapi bAlakamavalokya etc. IS Ends.- fol. 164* kaviSu vAdiSu yogiSu bhogiSu / draviNadeSu satAmupakAriSu / dhaniSu dhanviSu dharmadhaneSu ca / kSititale na hi bhojasamo nRpaH // 4 iti zrIbhojasya prabaMdhAH vividhAH // atha zeSA api yathAzrutaM maMtavyAH // 25 // iti zrImerutuMgAcAryaviracite prabaMdhaciMtAmaNau zrIbhojarAjazrIbhImabhUpatayo nAvadAtavarNano nAma dvitIyaH prakAzaH // 2 // saMvat 1931 bhAdrapadakRSNapratipadA guruvAsareNa la. vyAsaH sAMkalezvara ratanajI / paThanArtha // This is followed in a different hand by the line written as under: saMvat 1458 uparani nakala ch| N. B.- For further particulars see Nos. 411 & 413. Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 415.] The svetambara Works 125 prabandharAja Prabandharaja [ bhojaprabandha] [ Bhojaprabandha ] No. 415 723. 1875-76. Size.- ITI in. by 5g in. Extent.-- 145 folios; 10 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters; very big, legible, bold and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; foll. I. and 145deg blank ; white to paste used ; ends abruptly, so incomplete ; this Ms. corrected at times in margins; a major portion of fol. 145* blank; condition very good; this work is composed in V.S. 1517. Age.-- Not old. Author.- Ratnamandira Gani, pupil of Nandiratna Gani, a devotee Is . of Somasundara Suri of the 'Tapa' gaccha. Subject.- Life of King Bhoja. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 60 // akArA(raH) kalpakAraskaranikaratiraskAridAnAtirekaH zabdabrahmaikaratnAkarahimakiraNaH kAraNaM maMgalAnAM / 20 deyAd vaH zuddhabuddhiM niravadhimahimAMbhonidhiH sArvasiddhA cAryopAdhyAyasAdhUnabhidadhadadhikaM dhImadArAdhanIyaH 1 etc. zrIsomasuMdaragurusUrIzvararatnazeSarAcArya / zrInaMdiratnasuguruM vaMde bhaktyA trisaMdhyamahaM // 4 // dRSTazrutazrIlaghubhojabhUpa prabhUtasaMbaMdhanidhAnakalpaM / prabaMdharAja racayAmi gadyai vinodahetoH sudhiyAmanalpaM // 5 // etc. Ends.- fol. 144deg iti zrutvA rAjA svaM prakAzya tayozcauryaniyama pAritoSika dattvA svasthAna prAptaH ekadA DAmaranAmA sAMdhivigrahiko 'mAlava'maMDalA 30 Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [415. 'guurjr'dhritryaamaayaatH| zrIbhojasya sabhA varNayan namahAtamAyallakaM bhImasya janayati / tatra gatazca zrIbhImasyAmAtrarUpapAtratA(tAM) varNayati / taddidRkSA. taralitaH zrIbhojastaH (ends abruptly ). Reference.- Published by Pandit Bhagavandas in V. S. 1978. For additional Mss. see B. B.R. A.S. (Vols. III-IV, p. 443) and Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 265 ). 10 prabandharAja Prabandharaja . No. 416 788. 1892-95. Size- 99 in. by 48 in. Extent.- 45 folios ; IS lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrA; big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; foll. 1a & 456 blank; red chalk and yellow pigment used; incomplete. Age.- Old. Begins.- fol. 10 56 // akAraH kalpakAraskaranikaratiraskAridAnAtirekaH __ zabdabrahmaikaratnAkarahimakiraNaH kAraNaM maMgalAnAM / deyAd vaH zuddhabuddhiM niravadhimahimAMbhonidhiH sArvasiddhAcAryopAdhyAyasAdhUnamidadhadadhikaM dhImadArAdhanIyaH // 1 // ete. dRSTazrutazrI laghubhoja'bhUpa prabhUtasaMbaMdhanidhAnakalpaM / prabaMdharAja racayAmi gadyai vinodahetoH sudhiyAmanalpaM // 5 // etc. Ends.- fol. 454 ityAdi zukasaMvAdoditAni vacAMsi nareMdrasya purastA(t ) paThan __hiMsAzAstropadezino hiMsraprakRtIn brahmarUpeNa rAkSasAMstAn jJApayan sakopamapi bhojabhUSa(paM) purANopadezai() zrIjainadharmAbhimukhaM cakAra / tataH pazcAd valamAnAH svakA (ends abruptly). Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 417. ] The evetambara Works 127 Reference.- According to Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 299 ) this is the work of Subhasila named as HTHY. But it seems to be erroneous. N. B.- For further details see No. 415. prabhaJjanAcatuSpadikA Prabhanjanacatuspadika s ( TAHIRIYE ) ( Prabhanjanacopai ) 771. No. 417 1892-95. Size.-- 105 in. by 48 in. Extent.-- 4 folios; 12 lines to a page ; 30 letters to a line. 10 Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two in red ink; space between every two lines coloured yellow; some of the lines, 15 numbers for the verses and their dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 46 blank; complete; composed at Limbadi; condition very good except that edges of few foll. slightly gone. Age.- Not modern. Author.- Devacanda ( V. S. 1746-V. S. 1812), pupil of Dipa. canda of Kharatara gaccha. For his life and several works see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 473-496 and Vol. III, pt. II, pp. 1417-1420 ). Subject.-- Story of Prabhanjana based upon Vasudevahidam. 25 Beging.-- fol. 1a 11 Go Il siGETTI FA: || Azart igat lig eftir giri 'vaitADhya'ne upareM // 'cakrAMkA' nayarI lo // aho cakrAMkA0 // e rat vt fagi il oftcatafa aut et il anato II & II 20 Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [417. Ends.- fol. 4. e adhikAra kahyo guNarAgeM // vairAgeM mana bhAvI // vasudevahIDaM taNe anusAreM / muniguNabhAvana bhAbI re|| 13 // anubhava AtamacoM // muniguNa thuNatAM bhAva visuddhe // bhavavichedana thAveM / / pUrNAnaMda IhAthI ulasya // sAdhana sakati jamAveM // 14 // anubhava Atama // muniguNa gAvo bhAvanA bhAvo // dhyAvo sahaja samAdhi // ratanatrayI ekatveM Selo / meTI anAdi upAdhi // 15 // A(a)nubhava aatmco|| rAjasAra pAThaka upagArI // jJAtA dharamada(dA)tArI // dIpacaMda pAThaka 'paratara'vara // devacaMda suSakArI // 16 // anubhava aa| nayare lIMbaDI mAMhiM rahIneM // vAcaMjamastuti gAI // AtamarasIka zrotA jana mananeM // sAdhanaruci UpajAI // 17 // anubhava aa|| ima uttama guNamAlA gaavo|| pAvo harSa vadhAI // jeM jaina dharama mAraga ruci karatAM // maMgala lIla sadAI // 18 // ___ anubhava Atamaco aayo|| iti zrIprabhaMjanAcopaI saMpUrNa // gumAMnAMpaThanArtha / / zrI udayapura' nagare zrIRSabhajinaprA(pra)sA(dA)t Reference. - This work is not noted by this name in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. It is, however, named as prabhaJjanAsajhAya. Two extracts are given in Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, p. 492 ). For 25. additional Mss. see this page as well as Vol. III, pt. 2, p. 1419. prabhAvakacarita [ pUrvarSicaritra] No. 418 30 Size.- 8 in. by I3 in. Prabhavakacarita [ Purvarsicaritra ] 411. 1879-80. Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 418.] The Svetambara Works 129 Extent.- 204 +7-7-204 folios; 16 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description. - Foreign paper with watermarks; thin, smooth and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing: borders ruled in two lines in red ipk: / foll. numbered as usual; lacune on foll. 10 & 140: foll. 43,52, 55,76, 86, 155& 163 repeated; foll. 45, 51, 53, 81, 87, 153 & 164 lacking; really speaking there seems to be a wrong numbering ; complete ; composed in V.S. 1334; extent 5774 slokas. 10 Age.- Modern. Author.- IPrabhacandra Suri, pupil of Candraprabha Suri of Candra' gaccha. He was assisted by Pradyumna Suri, pupil of Kanakaprabha. Subject.- This work deals with narrations about the following 22 15 note-worthy Jaina monks:1 vajasvAmin 12 mAnatuGgasUri 2 Arya-rakSitasUri 13 mAnadevasUri 3 Arya-nandila 14 siddharSi 4 kAlakasUri 15 vIragaNi 5 pAdaliptamUri 16 zAntisUri (vAdivetAla) 6 vijayasiMhasUri 17 mahendrasUri 7 jIvadevasUri 18 sUrAcArya 8 vRddhavAdin 19 abhayadevasUri 9 mallavAdin 20 vIrAcArya - 25 10 haribhadrasUri 21 devasUri (vAdin.) 11 bappabhaTisUri 22 hemacandrasUri. For other details see H S L J ( Vol. II, pt. I, pp. 135-137). 20 1 The name entered on the title-page of the printed edition published by the Nirnayasagara Press is incorrect. 17 [J. L. P.] Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [418. 'Begins.- fol. 1. // zrIjinAya namaH / / mahattastvaM stumo vizvazAsanonnatikAraka yatprazA(sA)dena pUrve ('pi mahodayapadaM yayuH / 1 / etc. zrIvajrAnupravRttAnAM zAsanonnatikAriNAm / prabhAvakamunIMdrANAM vRttAni kiyanA(tA)mapi / / 14 // bahuzrutamunIzebhyaH prAgagraMthebhyazca kAni......... .........varNayiSye kiyaMtyapi // 15 // etc. Ends.- fol. 204 itthaM zrIjinazAsanAbhrataraNeH zrIhemacaMdraprabho rajJAnAMdhatamaHpracAraharaNa(Ne) mAtrAdRzAM mAhazAM / vidyApaMkajinIvikAzaviditaM rAjJo(s)tivRddhyai sphurad - ___ vRttaM vizvavibodhanAya bhavatAd duHkarmabhedAya vA // 54 // zrIcaMdraprabhasUripaTTaza(sa)rasIhaMsaprabhaH zrIprabhA caMdraH sUriranena cetasi kRte zrIrAmalakSmIbhuvA / zrIpUrvarSicaritrarohaNagirau zrIhemacaMdraH prathA ___ zrIpradyumnamunIMdunA vizaditaH zRMgo vikadvi22pramaH // 55 // graMthasya mAnamasya / pratyakSaragaNanayA sunirNItaM / paMca sahasrAH sapta zatAni / caturadhikasaptatiyuttAni // iti zrIprabhAvi(va)kacaritra saMpUrNam // 20 Reference.- This work was published by Nirnayasagar Press in A. D. 1909. It is also published in Singhi Jaina Series in A. D. 1940. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 266). 25 priyaGkaranRpakathA Priyankaranrpakatha 1108. ___No. 419 1887-91. Size.-7 in. by 4 in. Extent. -- 49 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 26 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper very thin, smooth and blue in colour ; Devanagari characters ; clear, bold, big, uniform and pretty fine hand-writing ; borders unruled; red chalk used; foll. numbered as usual; complete ; condition good. Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 419.] The Svetambara Works Age.-- Samvat 1917. Author.- Jinasara, pupil of Sudhabhasana, pupil of Visalaraja. Subject.- A narrative of Priyankara, a king. It illustrates the prowess of Uvasagga harathotta. Begins.- fol. 1deg zrIvItarAgAya namaH / / vaMzAbjazrIkaro haMso dattottamavibhAvasuH / sadAnaMdaM kriyAsAraM zrIvAmAsUnusaddhariH // 1 etc. Ends.- 49 upasargaharastotraM ye dhyAyaMti divAnizaM / ' teSAM priyaMkarasyeva saMpadaH syuH pade pade // 44 10 zrIpriyaMkaraH zrIjinazAsanaprabhAvako nahAzrAvako )bhUt . . itthaM priyaMkaranRpasya kathAM nizamya yatno vidheya iha dharmavidhau sudhImiH / dhyAne zubhe jinagurupraNatau ca dAne yenAtra rAjyasukhasaMtatisaMpadaH syuH // 45 vishaalraajsuuriishsudhaabhuussnnsdgurau(ro)| ziSyeNa jinasUreNa sukRtAya kRtA kathA // 46 'upasargaharastotra'kathAM kalyANakAriNIM / 'zR(za)Nvanti vAcayaMtyatra sukhabhAjo bhavaMti te // 47 iti upasargaharastavanaprabhAve zrIpriyaMkarakathA prathamA sarvavighnopazAMta / 20 kSudropadvanivAraNArtha upasargaharastotraM mahAsaprabhAvaM sukathAnaM samAsa // zrIAdinAthaprasAdAt zrIrastuH // shriiH|| saMvat 1917 mi| sAvaNa sudi 8 budhavAra zrI siddhAcala'jI mahArAjajIkI nInANU (99) jAtrA saMpUraNa karI tathA upasargaharastotra saMpUrNa kIyau zrIjinacaMdrasUrijI zAkhA paM / pra / zrItaSatamallajI tatzIjyavAcakazrIsAgaracaMdajIgaNi: 25 taziSyapaM / miThAlAlamuniH taziSya ciraMjIva kIsanacaMda saMtoSacaMda vAcanArtha zrI pAlItAMNA' madhye // shriiH| zrIH / / Reference.- Published in A. D. 1921 in "Saradavijaya Jaina Granthamala ". My edition of this work is published in "D.L.J. P. Fund Series" as No. 80 in A. D. 1932. A 30 Gujarati translation of this work was published by Jaina Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 15 25 132 20_Begins. 30 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 419. dharma prasaraka sabha. Later on the Gujarati translation by Ratilal Dipchand Desai is printed on pp. 150-228 by Sarabhai Nawab in mahAprAbhAvika navasmaraNa published in A. D. 1938. On p. 6 ( preface ) he has said that the former publication by Jaina dharma prasaraka sabha was erroneous. So this new translation was got prepared. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 280 ). priyaGkaranRpakathA No. 420 Size.- 93 in. by 4g in. Extent. - 25 folios : 15 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is fol. 25b; condition very good except that a corner of the first fol. is gone; complete ; extent 1000 slokas. Age. - Sarvat 1823. Priyankaranrpakatha fol. 1deg 5 60 // zrIjinAya namaH // vaMzAjazrIkaro haMso etc. as in No. 419. Ends. fol. 24b 9. 1869-90. upasargaharastotra etc. up to sukhinaste bhavaMti vai 3 practically as in No. 4 9. This is followed by the lines as under :iti zrI priyaMkaranRpakathA zrIupasargaharastotraprabhAve samAptA graMthamAnaM 1000 saMvat 1823 varSe / mArgazIrSamAse zuklapakSe dazamItithau gurau vAre revatInakSatre varIyAn yoge zrI' sUratibaMdare ' vRddhApaNe navyapAzraye zrI 'vidhi' pakSagacchAdhIzvarapUjya bhaTTAraka zrI udayasAgarasUrIzvarANAM vijayini rAjye ziSya paM / zrIdarzanasAgaragaNinA lipIca priyaMkaranRpakathA // zreyaH zreNayaH // Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42.] The svetambara Works 13 . . udakAnalacaurebhyo mUkha(Sa)kebhyastathaiva c| rakSaNIyA prayatnena evaM vadati pustikA // 1 zrIsaMbhavanAthaprasatteH N. B.- For additional information see No. 419. . . priyaGkaranRpakathA Priyankaranrpakatha s 389. No. 421 1880-81. Size.- Iol in. by 41 in. Extent.- 28 folios; I3 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Deva- 10 nagari characters with pRSThamAtrA ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; foll: numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1 blank ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; it is forms a design ; edges of some of the foll. gone ; the rightband corner of fol. 28b worn out; condition on the whole good ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 10 ai namaH vaMzAbjazrIkaro haMso etc. as in No. 419. Ends.- fol. 286 upasargaharastotraM etc. up to saMpadaH syuH pade pade // 44 as in No. 419. This is followed by the lines as under :___iti zrIpriyaMkaramahArAjA zrIjinazAsanaprabhAvako mahAzrAvako'bhUt 25 itthaM zrIpriyaMkarasya kathAM / mahAzcaryakAriNI dharmamayIM nizamya yata / itthaM etc. up to sukhabhAo bhavaMti te as in No. 419. Then we have : 47 iti zrIpriyaMkaranRpakathA zrIupasargaharastotraprabhAve // 'grNthaa|| N. B.- For additional information see No. 419. 1 This is not mentioned in the Ms. Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [422. priyaGkaranRpakathA Priyankaranrpakatha No. 422 364. 1871-72. Size. -- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.- 30 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. 5 Description.- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaioa Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders not ruled; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1a blank ; edges of the last fol. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good; complete. Se Age- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 16 490 falloutstart seit etc. as in No. 419. Ends. - fol. 316 upasargaharastotraM etc. up to sukhamAjo bhavaMti te as in No. 419. This is followed by the lines as under :___iti zrIupasargaharastavanaprabhAve zrIpriyaMkaranRpakathA prathamA saMpUrNAH zrIstAt lekhakapAThakayozca zrIrastuH jayacaMdranuM pustaka. Then in a different band we have in big characters : prIyaMkarakathAH graMthaH 20 N. B.- For further particulars see No. 419. priyaGkaranRpakathA Priyankaran,pakatha No. 423 752. 1875-76. Size.-- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent. -- 33 folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina. Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, perfectly legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing: borders mostly ruled in two lines and edges in one *5 Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 424.] The Svetambara Works 185 in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. ja blank; edges of the last fol. partly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; extent 1200 slokas. Age. - Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 10 // 50 zrIgurave namaH // .. vaMzAjazrIkaro haMso etc. as in No. 419. Ends.--- fol. 230 upasargaharastotraM etc. up to sukhabhAjo bhavaMti te // 3 as in No. 419. This is followed by the line as under :iti zrIpriyaMkaranRpacaritra saMpUrNam // graMtha 1200 10 N. B.- For other details see No. 419. / priyaGkaranRpakathA Priyankaranrpakatha No. 424 384(0). 1871-72... Size.- Io in. by 43 in. Extent.- fol. 40 to fol. 63'. Description.- Complete. For other particulars see sadayavatsasAvaliGgIkathA No. 384 (a). " 1871-72. * Age.- Not modern. Begins.- fol. 40deg zrIpaJcAsarapArzvanAthAya namaH // vaMzAjazrIkaro haMso etc. as in No. 419. Ends.- fol. 63 abhijAto(5)dhikastA(tA)t sujAtaH svasamaH pituH apajAtaH puna hani(ti) kulAMgAra(:) kulAMtaka: nAbhaurisahau(ho) paDhamo bIo a(A)ivva(ca)mahajamA(sA) dudhi taie a(A)ivva(ca)mahajamA(sA) cautthae hoi kuMDarI 25 Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 [424. Jaina Literature and Philosophy upasargaharastotraM yo dhyAyaMti divAnizaM teSAM priyaMkarasyeva saMpadaH syuH pade pade // 2 N. B.- For additional information see No. 419. / priyaGkaranRpakathA Priyankaranrpakatha ___No. 425 1109. 1887-91. Size.- 10 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 23 folios ; IS lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper grey, rough and not very thin ; Devanagari characters; bold, legible, uniform and elegant hand-writing; borders neatly and carefully ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered as usual; fol. !* blank; edges and corners of most of the foll. more or less worn out; so even the numbers in some cases have disppeared ; condition fair. IS Age.- Not modern. Begins-- fol. 16 ____ vaMzAbjazrIkaro haMso etc. as in No. 419. Ends. -- fol. 236 upasargaharastotraM yo dhyAyati divAnizaM / teSAM priyaMkarasyeva saMpadaH syuH pade padeH // 1 This is followed by the line as under :iti zrIupasargaharastotralaghuvRttiriyaM samAptAH // zubhaM bhavatu // liSataM sA0 meghajI // // N. B.- For further information see No. 419. 1 This name is not correct for this work is not at all & commentary on Uvasaggaharathotta, though so said here. Its subject is same 4s that of No. 419. Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 426] The Svetambara Narratives 187 priyaGkuranupakathA . Priyankarasipalatban 247. . No. 426 A. 1882-83. Size.- 10 in. by 4t in. Extent.- 28 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 49 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, smooth and greyish; Devanagari characters; quite bold, legible, uniform and elegant hand. writing; from the 12th tol. smaller hand-writing and ink a little bit faded; however, the hand is the same ; borders not ruled; every fol. numbered in two places : once at IP the top in the left-hand margin and once as usual at the bottom in the right-hand margin ; edges of almost every * fol. slightly worn out; foll. 13 and 14 partly eaten up by white ants in the body; a strip of paper pasted to the last fol.; condition on the whole good; red cbalk usod%3D IS complete ; fol. I blank. Age.- Pretty old. Subject.- The same remark as made for No. 425 ( foot-note ) _holds good here. Begins.- fol. 1deg mahopAdhyAyazrIzrItejasAgarama(sa)dgurucaraNakamalayamalesvo 20 namaH // namaH vighnahartRbhyaH vaMsAbjazrIkaro haMso etc. as in No. 419. Ends.- fol. 286 upasargaharastotraM / jo(ye) dhyAyatti vivAnizaM / teSAM priyaMkarasyeva / saMpadaH syuH pade pade // 4 // iti zrIupasargaharastotralaghuvRttiriyaM samAtA // lapitaM muni zAMti sAgara // N. B.- For additional information see No. 419. .. ___ 25 18 [I. L. P.] Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [427. priyaGkaranRparAsa Priyankaranrparasa No.427 1326 (6). 1886-92. Size.- 9 in. by 4g in. Extent.- IS folios; 14 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. 5 Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right hand margins ; in the left hand margins on foll. 1', 10 2 0 and sb the title is written as 399TTOTIA ; edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; this work is composed in Samvat 1678 ; this Ms. contains an additional work viz. vasudevakumararAsacaritra (vasudeva-copaDa) having 354 verses. * IS Age. - Samvat I732. Author.-- Gunavijaya, pupil of Kanakavijaya of the Tapa gaccha. His additional works are as under :1. kocaravyavahArIrAsa V. S. 1683(7) 2. jayacandra (jayantacandra)rAsa V.S. 1683 20 Subject.-- Story of Priyankara, a king in Gujarati in verse. - Begins.- fol. 1" 5 60 dUhA // mahimAnidhi 'gujara'dhaNI / zrI saMSesara'pAsa sarasati nija guru mani dhari / racau priyaMkararAsa // " saMvegIziramuguTamaNi / bhavanajalarAzijihAja / vijayavaMta vasudhAtali / kanakavijaya kavirAja // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. (?) 30 Reference.- For additional Mss. and extracts see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 1001-1002). Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 428. 1 priyaGkaranuparAsa No. 428 The Svetambara Narratives Age.- Pretty old. Author. Size. 9 in. by 4 in. Extent. 18 folios; 20 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. ra blank; so is the fol. 18"; yellow pigment used ro for making corrections; red chalk used; condition very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1696; the entire work is divided into four khandas; the extent of each of them is as under : Khanda "" "" "" I II III IV foll. Ib to 6a 9b 136 "" "" Priyankaranrparasa 36. 1877-78. "" "" dr "" 6" 9b Begins. fol. 1deg // 50 // aiM namaH // dUhA // praNamuM zrIAdIsaru / jasa kIrati vIkSAta / naMdana nAbhi nariMdano / marudevija sujAta // 1 // 189 736 surasizIsama kuMDalA murati mohanaveli / haMsAsaNi veNAratA praNamuM sAMhuM geli 2 kIratikAMtikalAnilu kalyANa sAgarasUriMda 'aMcala' gaccha sohi sadA tArAgaNi jima caMda 3 18a. Jnanamurti, pupil of Gunamurti of the Ancala gaccha. 20 His additional work is rUpasenarAjarSicaritracopai. I Subject. Narration pertaining to Priyankara, a king in Gujarati in verse. 15 25 30 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy dharamamUratisUrIsani pArTi pragavyo bhANa vidhananivAraNa vallaho praNamuM catura sujANa 4 praNamuM guNamurati guru vAcaka lIlAvaMta vidyAbali girau sadA sAgarasa( ma) gAjatu(ta) 5 prIyaMkara puNyesaru teha taNu saMbaMdha rasakArI racaM bhalu sarasa sA sugaMdha 6 etc. ... - fol. 6deg iti zrIupasargaharastotramahA(kA,vye zrIpriyaMkarakathAprabaMdha prathama khaMDa samAptaH // Ends.- fol. 18 saMvata sola channUhaM (1696) mAsa vimala vaizASa . jiNi rati aMbaI upajai suMdara miThI zASa 16 ku. miramala navamI dina thayaDa saMpatikaraNa saMpUra sarasa ghaNu 'sAcora'mAM cauthI paMDa catUra 17 ku. 'mera giri jAM mahItali jAM raNAyaratoya vaMdara vIjAM ugamai tAM lagi prata puloya 18 ku. bhaNatAM mIThI bhUsiriM jima sAkarano ghola sAMbhalatAM saMpati dIi mApai lIlakalola 19 ku. sarvagAthA 238 sarvazlokasaMkhyA 320 iti zrIpriyaMkararAjArAsaH saMpUrNaH zlokasaMkhyA 831 catuHSaDagAthA 440 iti saMpUrNaH // zrIra Reference.- This work is named as friaratug in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. III, pt. I, p. 1045). Extracts are given in it on pp. 1045-1046 from an incomplete Ms. 9 .. - priyamelakacatuSpadI 25 (priyamelakacopAi) [siMhalasutacopAi] No. 429 Size.-98 in. by 4t in. Priyamelakacatuspadi ( Priyamelakacopai ) [ Simhalasutacopai ] 1486. 1887-91. Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ____141 428.1 The svetambara Narratives Extent. -- 10 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; sufficiently big, quite. legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled indifferently in three lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered 5 in the right-hand margins ; fol. 10b blank; edges of a few foll. partly gone ; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Sanvat 1672 at Medata. Age. - Samvat 1:04. Author.- Upadhyaya Samayasundara. For his additional works etc. 10 see Vol. XVII, pt. 2, No. 520; Vol. XVII. pt. 4, No. 1356%3B Vol. XIX, sec. !, pt. 2, Nos.465 and 4903; Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, Nos. 195 & 222 and pt. 2, No. 392. Subject.-- A story about Priyan elaka. It deals with the life of the son of Simhala. It depicts the prowess of donation-charity. Is Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 6 // // zrIguruve namaH // rAga soraTha praNamu sadagurupAya / samaraM sarasati sAminI / 'dAna'dharama dIpAya / kahesi kathA kautaka bhaNI // 1 dharamA mAMhi pradhAna / detAM rUDA dIsIi / dIdhau varasIdAMna / arihaMtadIkSAbhavasarai // 2 etc. prathavI mAMhi prasiddha suNIyai dAnakathA sdaa| priyamelaka prasiddha / sarasa ghaNaM saMbaMdha chaha // 5 etc. Ends.- fol. 9 saMvata 16 bahutari (72) samai re| 'meDatA' nagara mjjhaari| 'priyamelaka' tIrathe caupaI re / mUla Agraha 'mulatAMNa' // 26 dA0 iNa caupaI eha vizeSa chai re| sagavaTa sagalI ThAmi / bIjI caupaI bahU deSajyo re / nahIM sagavaTana nAma // 27 daa0|| zrI'kharatara' gacchi sohatA re| zrIjinacaMdasUrIsa / sinya sakalacaMda subha disA re / samayasuMdara tasu siis||28 dA0 30 jayavaMtA gururAjIyA re / zrIjinasiMhasUrirAya / samayasuMdara sasu sAnidhi karI re|im pabhaNai uvajjhAya // 29 dA0 20 Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 To 15 20 25 30 142 Jaina Literature and Philosophy bhagatAM guNatA bhAvasuM re / sAMbhalatAM suvinoda samayasuMdara kahai saMpajai re / puNyaI adhika paramoda // 30 iti zrIdAnAdhikAre 'priyamelaka' tIrthaprabaMdhe siMhalasutacaupaI samAptA // DhAla 11 sarvagraMthAgra 305 saMvat 1704 varSe ASADhasudi 11 zukre zrI' AgarA ' zubhasthAne 'pUnama'gacche vA0zrIraMgasuMdaraziSya vA rUpacaMdaziSya lAlacaMda somajI hemajI meghajI nemicaMda paThanArthaM zubhaM bhUyAlekhaka pAThakayozca // kalyANamastu bhadramiti // [ 429. Reference. For extracts see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 347-348) and for additional Mss. see p. 348 of this Vol. 1 and Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 852-854). priyamelakacatuSpadI No. 430 Size.- ro in. by 44 in. Extent. - 7 folios; 16 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper, thin, tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; numbers for verses, their dandas, some important words and the last three lines etc. written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; edges of few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete. Age. -- Samvat 1763. Begins. fol. 1* // 60 // zrIgurubhyo namaH // dUhA // praNamu sadagurupAya etc. as in No. 429. Ends. fol. 7b Priyamelakacatuspadi 1301. 1886-92. saMvat sola bahuta etc. up to samayasuMdara kaheM saMpaje re puNya adhika paramoda // 7 // dA0 // This is followed by the lines as under : Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 431.] The Svetambara Narratives 143 . sarvagAthA // 230 // iti zrIdAMnAdhikAre prIyamelakacaupaI saMpUrNa samAptaH // paMDitottamapaMDitazrIzrImeghasAgaraga0 taziSyagaNi gajeMdrA nAyaM // I(?)ha sAgarajI lipIkRtaM // saMbaMta // 1763 // varSe asADhasudi 2 dine zanIzcaravAsare // "uTAlI'nagare // 1 // N. B.- For further particulars see No. 429. priyamelakacatuSpadI Priyamelaka catuspadi 373. No. 431 1871-72. Size.- 97 in. by 48 in. Extent.- II folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. 10 Description.- Country paper very thin and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; foll. numbered as usual ; fol. I' blank ; yellow pigment used; edges of all the foll. more or less damaged; several IS foll. partly worm-eaten ; condition tolerably good%3 complete ; extent 301 Slokas. Age.- Samvat 1786. Begins.- fol. 1 // 6 // dUhA praNamuM sadagurupAya samaruM sarasati sAmaNi / dAnadharama dIpAya kahisu kathA kautika maNi // 1 etc. pRthivI mAMhi prasIddha suNIyaI dAMnakathA sdaa| prIyamelaka aprasiddha sarasa ghaNuM saMbaMdha chaI // 5 // etc. Ends.- fol. 11 zrI paratara' gaccha sohatA re / zrIjiNacaMdasUrisa / ziSya sakalacaMda subha dizA re| samayasuMdara tasa zIsa // 5 // bhaNatAM guNatAM bhAvasu re / sAMbhalatAM suvinoda / samayasuMdara kaheM saMpaja re punye adhika pramoda // 6 // : 20 Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 10 15 20 25 144 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 431. zrIpriyamelakarAsa saMpUrNaH / graMthasya zlokaH 301 / sakalavAcakaaramahopAdhyAyazrI 5 munivimalagaNiziSyopAdhyAyazrIzrIbhAvavijayagaNiziSyopAdhyAyazrIzrIbhANavijaya gaNiziSyopAdhyAya zrIratnavijayagaNiziSya paMDitara vivijayagaNiziSya muniSusAlavijaya munijItavijayalikhitaM / saMvat 1786varSe zrI' nadulAI' nagare phAguNavade 5 dine / This is followed by the following lines written in a different hand : paMzrI 108 paM. devasaubhAgyagaNiziSya zrINa ( 5 ) rannasaubhAgyagaNi tat ziSya paM zrANaM ( 5 ) / lAvaNyasaubhAgya tat ziSyapaM. mANikyasaubhagyena svadravye (na) vikradhigrahItaM pustakaM saMvat 1832 vaizAkha zuddha 5 vAra budhe / grahItaM zrI N. B. -- For further particulars see No. 429. phAlguna caturmAsavyAkhyAna TabbA sahita No. 432 Size.-- rog in. by 47 in. Phalgunacaturmasavyakhyana with tabba 264. 1871-72. Extent.-- 18 folios; 6 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description.--- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; this Ms. contains the text as well as the interlinear tabba; the former written in big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; practically same is the case with the tabba except that it is written in small hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1a blank; condition on the whole very good; both the text and its tabba complete; the latter composed in Sarvat 1888. Age.- Sarevat 1888. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 432. 1 The Svetambara Narratives Author of the text. - Bhavaprabha Suri, pupil of Mahimaprabha Suri of Purnima gaccha. His additional 'Sanskrit works are as under : (1) godhUlikArtha ( gulikArtha ) ( 2 ) cAturmAsikaparvakathAnaka ( 3 ) jainadharmavarastotra ( 4 ) jainadharmavarastotravRtti ( V. S. 1791 ) (5) jyotirvidA bharaNaTIkA ( sukhabodhikA ) ( 6 ) nayopadezAvacUri ( 7 ) nemibhaktAmara ( 8 ) nevibhaktAmaraTIkA ( 9 ) paryuSaNASThAhnikAvyAkhyAna ( 10 ) pratimAzataka laghuvRtti (V. S. 1793) Author of the tabba. Subject. ( 11 ) mahAvIrastotravRtti ( 12 ) mAtRkAprakaraNa ( 13 ) zAntinAthastutiTIkA (V. S. 1765 ) ( 14 ) holirajaH parvakathA ( V. S. 1792 ). 145 Besides he has composed a number of works in Gujarati.2 For their names see my introduction ( pp. 7.8) to rs " jaina dharma varastotra - godhUlikArtha- sabhAcamatkAreti kRtitritayam " and Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. III, pt. 2, pp. 1424-1429, 31432 and 1639 ). Begins. -- ( text ) fol. 1 // 60 // zrIbhArati namaH // natvA pArzvajinezAya zrIbhAvaprabhasUriNA / satphAlguna caturmAsavyAkhyAnaM kriyate sphuTaM 1 S To Manikyavijaya Gani. Religious performances associated with one of the three 20 caturmasas viz. Phalguna-caturmasa. It begins on the 14th day of the bright half of Phalguna and lasts for four months. 1 navavADasvAdhyAya is in Gujarati and not in Sanskrit. Through oversight & mistake was committed by me. 2 One of them is 66 sabhAcamatkAra ". 3 Here several miscellaneous works are noted, 19 [J. L. P.] 25 Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [432. 5 10 iha phAlgunacaturmAsakaparvaNi samAgate parasparaM sApekSAbhyAM vyavahAranizcayAyuvAbhyAktaM zrIjinazAsanaM matvA yato bAhyakAraNayatIliMgatvaM Adarzabhuvanagato'laMkAravibhu(bhUSito'pi bharato viziSTabhAvanAmAvitAtmA san nirmalakevalajJAna prAptavAn etc. Begins.- (tabba ) fol. 10 5 60 // natvA 'zaMkhapurA'dhIza vAcakamANikyAkhyena phAlgunacAturmAsasya kathArtha ca kRtaM dhruvaM 1 zrIsarasvatIbhyo namaH namIneM pArzva jina bhaNi zrIbhAvaprabhasUriiM etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 18deg ato 'holIrajA' parva mudhA jAtaM jJAtvA bhavyaprANI vicakSaNaiH zubhAthai na karttavyamiti zreyothimirAtmahitArthinairbhavyai sakalajJAnAdhatizayavirAjamAnazrIjinarAjabhASitadharma eva sevya iSTasiddhidAyakatvena sa eva vijayate iti zrIphAlgunacaturmAsakavyAkhyAnaM saMpUrNamitiH // saMvata 1848nA mRgasira vada 2 bhome // , - (tabba) fol. 18deg zrIjinarAjano bhASyo dharma tehane ja sevavo iSTa vAMchita siddhino dAyaka che te mATe te ja dharma jayavaMto vattoM saMvatyaSTAdazASTAzIti( 1888 )varSe phAlgunazvetapratipadAyAM zanI mahopAdhyAyazrImANikyavijayaga(Ni)nA phAlgunacaturmAsakasya kathAyA TabArtha viracitamasti paM. narottamavijayasya vAcanahetave zreyo bhavatutarAM // Reference.- This work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I) so far as this very title is concerned. 20 bappabhATTisUrikathA Bappabbattisurikatha (bappahaTTisUrikahA) ( Bappahattisurikaha) 165. No. 433 1872-73. Size. -- 101 in. by 45 in. Extent. - 9 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description. -- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters ; big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 434.] The sveta mbara Narratives 147 of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; yellow pigment used for making corrections : fol. ya blank except that the title is written on it in Gujarati; condition very good except that some foll, are slightly worm-eaten ; complete ; the last verse iss numbered as 230. Age..- Not modern. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Life of Bappabhatti Suri and that of king Ama. Begins.- fol. 1. // 6 // sirihemacaMdasUri parovayArikakaraNattallicho / udayaNamuddisiUNa / evaM bhaNiuM samATa(Dha)tto // 1 // do purise dharau dharA / ahavA dohiM pi dhAriyA dhrnnii| uvayAre jassa maI / uvayaria jo na pamhusai // 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. Ja jaha bappabhaTTiNI(?NA) vi a uvayariyaM Amanari(ri)dassa / taha tumhANa vi jujjai / Thakkurakumarasya uca(va garaNaM // 29 // to udayaNa gurubhattibhArabharieNa taM taha tti kayaM / jaha loo na viyANai / bahukAlaM kumarapAlassa / / 230 // iti bappabhaTTikathA // Reference.- A work of this very name contains 685 verses. Vide Patan Cat. (I, p. 195). The corresponding Ms. is dated as V.S. 1291. 20 25 bappabhaTTisUricaritra Bappa bhattisuricaritra No. 434 1304. 1884-87. Size.- 98 in. by 48 in. Extent.-- 25 folios; is lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 10 .15 20 25 30 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 434. Description. Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, fairly uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; numbers for the verses, their dandas, the last few lines etc. written in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; fola blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; there is a beautiful design decorating fol. 1; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good ; complete; yellow pigment used for making corrections; in the left-hand margin the title is written as bappabha0 . 148 Age. - Samvat 1655. Author.-- Not known. Subject. - Life of Bappabhatti Suri. Begins. fol. 1deg e 60 // caturviMzatitIrthezAH / paMcApi parameSThinaH / maMtrA'mnAyA devadevyaH / praNave supratiSThitAH / 1 OM dhyAtvA zrIjinAn natvA / vaMditvA zrIgurukramAn / zrIbappabhaTTisUrIzacaritraM prathayAmyahaM / 2 / jayapasAyasamIraNasamAyaM galaI mehabiMdaM va / annANaM jIvANaM / taM namaha sarassayaM deviM / 3 / atha zrIbaSpabhaTTi / 'gUrjara' deze 'pATalIpure' / jitazatu (tru) rAjA rAjyaM karoti sma / etc. Ends. fol. 25deg tadupadezAjjinamaMDitAM medinIM vidadhau / duMdukasya tAdRg maraNaM smRtvA kupatheSu naarme| mathurAzatrujayAdiSu yAtrA (trAM) cakAra / ekAdaza vratAnuccacAra / pUrvarAjarSeryazAMsi uddadhAra / ciraM rAjyaM cakAra / ityevaM 'gopagirau bhojo dhamai lAlayAmAsa / prajAH pAlayAmAsa / ur3iyAya ca / anyairapi puNyapuruSairevaM bhAvyaM / iti zrIbappabhaTTisUricaritra saMpUrNaH / zrImat 'tapA' gacchAdhirAjajagatra (ya) guruzrIbhaTTAraka zrI 6 hIravijayasUri / tatpaTTAlaMkaraNabhaTTAraka zrIvijayasena sUrivijayarAjye / paM0 zrI nAkAmaNi sacchiSyapaM * harSa vijayagaNilikhitaM saMvata 1655 varSe 'mahima' nagare Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 435.] The svetambara Narratives 149 Reference. -- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 282 ). bappaTTisUricaritra Bappabhattisuricaritra 776. '. No. 435 1892-95. Size.- 101 in. by 41 in. Extent. - 28-1=27 folios ; 11 lines to a page ; 33 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagarf characters with occasional &Ags; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; dandas and a few lines at the to end written in red ink ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well so that it forms a design; on fol. 270a svastika is drawn on both the sides of the te central space ; fol. 28b blank except that there are some items about extent etc.; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten%3B condition on the whole good; the first fol. is missing; so this work begins abruptly; it, however, goes up to the end; extent 650 $lokas. 20 Age. - Samrat 1643. Author.- Not known. Subject.- Life of Bappabhatti Suri and that of king Ama. Begins. abruptly- fol. 20 tAH pracuraparicchadAH zatravaH saMti / tAn sarvAn haMtumahaM sannA calanAsaM / pitrA niSiddhaH / vatsa ! bAlastvaM 'smai karma na . pragalbhase ata: malaM ugramena / etc. Ends.- fol. 27b dharmAjanma kule zarIrapaTutA saubhAgyamAyurbalaM / dharmeNeva bhavaMti nirmalayazovidyArthasaMpattayaH / kAMsArAca mahAmavAya satataM dharmaH paritrAyate / 30 ___ dharmaH samyagupAsito bhavati hi svargApavargapradaH / / Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina literature and Philosophy [435. dharmaH kalpadrumaH puMsAM / dharmaH sarvArthasiddhidaH / dharma(H) kAmadudhA dhenuH[stasmAd dharmo vidhIyatAM // 2 // iti zrIAmarAjA / bappabhaTTisUrayo :zcaritraM // graMthAnaM // 35 // zrIvItarAgaprasAdAt likhito(s)yaM graMthaH // paMDitadevavijayagaNimiH saMvat // 1643varSe kArtikamAse shuklpksse| dazamyAM tithau / 'siddhapura' ngre| vAcyamAnaM jayatu // Reference. --- This very Ms. along with those of some other anonymous works is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, .. p. 282). 10 : balinarendrAkhyAnaka Balinarendrakhyanaka _ No. 436 1325. 1887-91 Size.- Iot in. by 4g in. Exteni.-- 40 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Devanagari characters with Tatar; small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too%3; foll. numbered as usual%3B fol. 40deg blank ; complete; condition good. Age.- Not modern. 20 Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Life of king Bali. It illustrates the 'anitya bhavana i. e. holy reflection about transitoriness (impermanence) of of sensuous objects etc. Begins. - fol. 1. 5 60 ||e 28 iya jaMja saMsAre ramaNijjaM jANiUNa tamaNicca / nicaMbhi ujjamijasu dhamma cima balinariMdu mva // 1 // 1 This is the first bhavana out of 12. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 487.] The Svetambara Narratives 151 ityuktaprakAreNa yad yad balarUpasamRddhi yauvanayuvatiprabhutvAdikaM saMsAre ramaNIyaM vastvavalokyate tat sarvamanityamiti jJAtvA nityasvarUpe dharma eva balinarendravat sadaivodyaccherudyamaM kuryAstvaM // etc. Ends. fol. 40 samaye ca nivezitaH kevalinA svapAdasamarpitazca tasya sarvo'pi gacchaH / AtmanAnudezonacatvAriMzatpUrvalakSANi sarvaparyAyaM paripAlya tadaMte 5 zailezIkaraNakaravAlena mohAribalasya hatazeSaM vedanIyAyurnAmagotrAkhyabhavopagrAhikarmacatuSTayaM niHzeSya cAritradharmasainyaM sarvamapi prakarSavatImunnatiM nItvA samastasaMsAraduHkhaprapaMcavipramuktaH sarvazarIrakarmasaMbaMdhaM pravihAya saMjAto nivRtipurIparamezvaro balirmahAnareMdrarSiH kevalI / iti balinareMdrAkhyAnakaM samAptaM // cha // tatsamAptau ca prathamA ( s) nitya- 10 svabhAvanA samAptA // cha // zrIH // cha // // cha // Reference. -- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 282 ). Here this work is named as balinarendra kathAnaka. balinarendrAkhyAnaka No. 437 Size.-- ro in. by 4g in Extent.-- 42 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and white; Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, and tolerably 20 good hand. writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins mostly in red ink; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; fol. r(c) blank ; so is fol. 42deg ; several foll. slightly 25 worm-eaten ; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete. Age. -- Samat 1498. Begins-- fol. 1. // 60 // OM namaH zrIsarvajJAya // Balinarendrakhyanaka 1255. 1884-87. balariddhirUvajovaNapahuttaNaM subhagayA a royataM iTThehi asaMjogA asAsayaM jIviavvaM ca / 15 30 Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [487. ... .uktArtheva tadevaM vyApake nityatve sthite yat kRtyaM tadupasaMhArapUrvakamupadarzavavAha iyaM jaM jaM etc. as in No. 436. Ends.- fol. 42 samaye ca nivezito kevalinA etc. up to iti balinareMdrA khyAnakaM samAptaM // cha // as in No. 436. This is followed by the lines as under : tatsamAptau ca prathamA(nityatvabhAvanA samAptA // ch|| zrI // saM0 14 // 98 varSe posa sudi 11 dine likhitaM / / zubhaM bhavatu N. B.- For further particulars see No. 436. 10 balinarendrAkhyAnaka Balinarendrakhyanaka 642. No. 438 1875-76. Size. - 94 in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 67 folios; 11 lines to a page ; 41 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper smooth, tough and white; Deva nagari characters; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 1. blank; complete ; condition good. Age.- Pretty old. 20 Begins.- fol. !" zrIvItarAgAya namaH // 50 // OM namaH // isa jaM jaM etc. as in No. 436. Ends.- 67deg niHzeSacAritradharmasainyaM etc. up to samAptaM / as in No. 436. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 436. - Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366... 489] The svetambara Narratives 158 balinarendrAkhyAnaka Balinarendrakhyanaka No. 439 1811-1. Size.- Iog in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 53 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; numbers for the verses, their aandas etc. written in red ink ; foll. numbered in to both the margins%3; fol. I blank; so is fol. 533; in the lett-hand margins the title is written as bhuvanabhAnukevalIcaritra ; red chaik used ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; condition good ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 1. // 6 // // namaH paramAtmane / ___ astIha 'jaMbU'dvIpe // meroH pazcimAyAM dizi // 'gaMdhilAvatI' nAma viSayastatra nivAsaH sarvasaMpadAM // nilayo niHzeSavilAsAnAM // gRhaM samastasadvyavahArANAM // anAspadamazeSapApApArANAM // dhAma dharmakarmaNAM // valayitaM prAMzukAreNa // etc.. . 20 - fol. 2. bhuvanabhAnunAmnaH kevalinaH samAgamena etc. Ends.- fol. 53. vedanIyAyurnAmagotrAkhyabhavopagrAhikarmacatuSTayaM niHzeSya cAritra dharmasainyaM / sarvamapi prakarSavatImuJcati nItvA / samastasaMsAraduHkhaprapaMcavipramuktaH sarvazarIrakarmasaMbaMdhaM viprahAya // saMjAto nirvRtipurIparamezvaro balimahAnareMdrarSikevalI // 25 iti balinareMdrAkhyAnakaM tatsamAptau ca prathamA(s)nisyatvabhAvanA saMpUrNA // Reference.- This work is noted as bhuvanabhAnukevalicaritra ( III ) in Jina ratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 298). For other details see No.436. 20 [J. L. P.] Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IS 154 20 balibhadrakathA No. 440 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Extent. - fol. 204. 5 Description.- Complete, 12 verses in all. For other details see mUladevakathA No. 10 Begins. fol. 20a 110 11 1310 (1). 1886-92. Author - Not known. Subject. Narration of Balibhadra, a Jaina monk. Is he described in balibhadrarAsa by Lavanyasamaya? Ends. fol. 20a asti tuMgIti vikhyAtaH zrRM(zRM)gairullikhitAMbaraH / parvataH sarvato vRkSairalakSIkRtabhAskaraH // 1 tatrAsId balabhadrAkhyaH purA munimatallikA | sa bAhyAbhyaMtareNApi svarUpeNa yataH smaraH // 2 etc. iti yo(s) mI samapuNyapuNyA dAtA grahItA'pi ca bhAvakazca / Balibhadrakatha 1310 (17). 1886-92. pa (pra) bhaMjanonmUlita vRkSapAtAnmRtvA yayurbrahmaNi devaloke // 12 balabhadrakathA // buddha [ hitazikSAprabuddharAsa ] [ 440. Buddhirasa [ Hitasiksaprabuddharasa ] 365. 1871-72. No. 441 Size.-- 97 in. by 4g in Extent.- 3 folios ; 43 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 41.] The svetambara Narratives i Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; big, fairly legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled indifferently in three lines in black ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; foll. numbered in right-hand margins; in the S left-hand margins the title is written once as CUTIA and in the remaining cases as TUTTA ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; this space as well as the central portion of each of the margins invariably decorated; complete ; 10 64 verses in all ; condition good. Age.- Not modern. Author.- Salibhadra Suri, successor of Vajrasena Suri of Raja gaccha. His additional work is bharahesara-bAhubali-rAsa composed . in V. S. 1241. 5 Subject.-- Advice given to the ordinary masses. Begins.- fol. 1. // 60 // zrIvItarAgAya namaH // praNamavi devi aMbAi / paMcANaNagAmiNi / samaravi devi sadhAI / jinasAsaNi sAMmiNi / 1 / DhAla / praNamima gaNahara goyamasvAmi // durIya paNAsi jehani naami| sahe(ha)guruvayaNe saMgraha kIji / bholA loka sISAMmaNa dIji / 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 36 guruuvaesaha atighaNAe kahitu na lahu~ pAre tu eha bola haIiDi dharAya / saphala karo saMsAra tu| 63 / sAlibhadra guru saMkalIi / e savi guruupadesa nu (tu)| paThi guNe je sAMbhalu e / te bhari Tali kalesa nu(tu)| 64 / iti zrIbudha(ddhi)rAsa saMpUrNaH liSataM RSi iNdrjaa| bA0kAnhApaThanArthaH Reference.- Published in A. D. 1941 in " Bharatiya Vidya " ( Vol. II, No. 1 ) as an appendix. For extracts and additional 30 Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kario ( Vol. I, p. 2). Here it is 20 35 Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 Jaina Literature and Philosophy . - 5 . said that hitazikSAprabuddharAsa may be same as this work. In Vol. III, pt. I, p. 395 additional Mss. are noted. Furthermore, . it is said here that hitazikSAprabuddharAsa is same as buddhirAsa. For a metrical discussion of this Rasa "ApaNA kavibho" (khaMDa 1, pR. 415) may be consulted. brahmAdacakathAnaka Brahmadattakathanaka 1116. No. 442 1884-87. Size.- Iot in. by 4t in. Extent.-- 16 folios; is lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. 10 Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters%3 small, clear and fair hand-writing: borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged ; condition tolerably good ; complete. Age.- Samvat 1668. . . Author.- Unknown. Subject. - Life of Brahmadatta and that of Subhuma. Both of these cakravartins had a downfall as they were engaged in raudra 20 - dhyana ( terrible meditation ). . Begins.- fol. 1* // 5 60 // paMDitazrIvarddhamAnagANagurubhyo namaH // zrUyate prANaghAtena raudradhyAnaparAyaNau . . . . . subhUmau(mau) brahmadattazca saptamaM naskaM gatau // 1 // . etadupari kathA likhyte| . . . dazAnAmapi dikpAlapurANAM rAmaNIyakaM / ' ' ' ' ' dAnamiva vikhyAtamAste 'dazapuraM' puraM // 2 // etc. Ends.-fol. 16deg . Utt .. kSiprayA sthAnakapatre svahastakamalema paapsubhttebhyH|| ___ai ( zreSmAnakamaNibhiradAt ghoDaza varSaNi phalitamayaM // 12 25 . Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 * The svetambara Narratives itthaM sapta zatAni SoDazayutAnyaSTAH samastAyuSaM ___ saMpUryaiSa nijaM bhujaMgama iva krUreSu dhaureyakaH / raudradhyAnamayAnvayaprasRmaraiH du( )karmavIraivR(h): kSemeNaiva jagAma vAmacaritabhraSTo pratiSThAnakaM // 513 // iti zrIbrahmadattacakravartikathAnakaM // saMpUrNaH // cha / saMvat 1668varSe posavadi aSTamIdine vAra some lakhitaM // 7 // sakalakalAmirAmANAM sarvavibudhacUDAmaNipaMDitazrIvarddhamAnagaNinAM teSAM ziSyagaNikRpAvimalena svavAcanArtha lakhito(s)yaM saMbaMdho brahmadattasya / kalyA(Na)mastu // zrIrastu // cha / Reference.- For an additional Ms. See Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, 10 p. 286). bhaktAmarastotramAhAtmya Bhaktamarastotramabatmya 1326. No.443 . 1887-91. Size.- II in. by 4g in. ___ Extent.-- 25 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari chara cters with HETTS ; spiall, uniform, legible and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines%3 the space between the pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the 20 right-hand margins only; unnumbered sides have a small figure like a spot mainly in yellow colour in the centre only; the numbered in the margins too; red chalk and yellow pigment used ; narratives composed in verse in Sanskrit; the first fol. slightly torn ; small bits of paper pasted 25 to several foll.; condition on the whole good; complete%3B composed in Samvat payodhipa-iSu-candra; it is not known as to which No. is meant by gathere; it may be any one out of 10 to 49. Ages - Samvat 1549. . .... 30 Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 443. To . Author- Subhasila, pupil of Munisundara Suri, pupil of Soma sundara Suri of Tapagaccha. For details about him and his additional works see pp. 45-47. His commentary on Dharmaghosa Suri's sittAkappa (zatralayakalpa) is published along with this kalpa in Agamoddbarakagranthamala as No. 4 in V. S. 2026. Subject. - Stories pointing out the importance of the verses of the __ *Bhaktamarastotra, a charming hymn. 'Begins.- fol. 1 OM namaH zrIsarvajJAya // ravIMdupAvakAmIzruryat puroNutulAM dviH| jyotistajayatAcchiSTaM vizvavizvAvabhAsakaM // 1 yaH skandhadeze'siyugaM dadhAti ___ lasajaTAyAmalakaitavena / dvidveSirAgAsahanauni hetuM __ so(s)stu zriye shriiRssbhprbhuvH|| 2 sadA namannekasurAsurAlI maulisthrtnaaNcitpaadpiitthH| zrIvarddhamAno vitanoti varddha mAnAM zvi(zri)yaM vo caravinivAsaH // 3 yasyAH prasAdato vidyAvettAraH syurjaDA api / sA zrIsarasvatIdevI jJAnavRddhiM dadAtu naH // 4 jinezvaradhyAnaniSevaNA ca mAhAtmyasaMvarNanagumphanAni / kRtAni bhaktyA manujairharaMti dAridyadausthyAdivipadvitAnAM // 5 stotre bhaktAmare nAbhiputramAhAtmyagarbhite / phaladAyaH kathAH kAzcit kathyate(nte) sAMprataM mayA // 6 etc. _Ends.- fol. 25deg iti stotrasrajamitikAvyamAhAtmyayuktA hAMsAkavaNikathA // 2 // zrI'caMdra'gacchAMva(ba)rabhUko(s)bhUt 'tapA'gaNo bhAnuriyeddhadIptiH / 30 1 It contains 39 verses. 2 See Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pt. 2, pp. 2-4. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 444.] The svetambara Narratives 159 prabodhayan bhavyajanma(nAM)bujAlIM svagovilI(lA)sairiva sAdhuvaggaiH // 27 tanAbhUvan vrgunngnnmnnirohnnmhiidhrprtimaaH| paramaguruso(ma)suMdaraguravo vidyAbdhipAragatA(:) // 28 tacchiSyA munisuMdaraguravo jayacaMdrasUrayo(s)bhUvan / svaparAgamapRthujalanidhipAragatA ruciraguNanilayAH // 29 abhava(vaM)stadvineyA shriivishaalraajaamidhaangururaajH| zrIyuktaratnazeSaragurava udayanaMdisUrivarAH // 30 cAritraratna-lakSbhIsAgaragaNi-somadevanAmAnaH / vijayaM(te) tatra(tro)pAdhyAyA ete saMprati lasatmunayaH // 31 zrImanmunIzamunisuMdarasUrirAjA(ja) ziSyo manISizubhazIla na(mu)mukSureSa enAM kathAM vitanute sma payodhipeSu. caMdrapramANasamaye kila vikramArkAt // 32 iti zrIbhaktAmarastotramAhAtmyaM samAptaM // cha / etc. saMvat 1549 varSe 15 caitravadi 7 some josI popA lakhataM // chaH // etc. Reference.- In Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 289) Jaina Granthavali (p. 268 ) is noted besides this very Ms. bharatabAhubalicarita Bharatabahubalicarita 1649. No. 444 1891-95. Size.- Ion in. by 41 in. Extent.- 47 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and grey; Devanagari characters; small, clear and good hand-writing ; borders 25 ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. I. blank; yellow pigment used ; some foll. worm-eaten ; fol. 18 slightly torn ; condition tolerably good; complete ; six khandas in all; the total no. of dralas 833; composed in Samvat 1667 30 at Jesalmer. Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Age.- Not modern. Author.- Bhuvanakirti, pupil of Inananandi of the Kharatara gaccha. He has composed the following works- . 1. aghaTitarAjarSicopai V. S. 1667 2. aJjanAsundarIrAsa ( bhajanAcarita ) V. S. 1706 3. gajasukumAlacopAi V. S. 1703 4. jambUsvAmIrAsa ( copaDa ) V. S. 1691. Subject. - Life of Bharata cakravartin and that of Bahubali, his step 'brother. Both of them are sons of Lord Rsabha. 10 Begins.- fol. 1deg // 20 // OM namaH shriivincchide| zrIAdIsarasAminai / pahilau karIya praNAma / kInati etI vInavu / pUrejyo hita kAma // 1 // etc. bharata bAhubalinau bhalau / carita kahuM cita lAi / janama kara saphalau jagai / pAtaka jema pulAi // 15 // etc. - fol. 11' iti zrIbharatabAhubalicaritre zrI jesalamerusaMdhAbhyarthanayA kRte purIvarNana(1)cakraprace(ve)sanapravRttivicAraNa 2 suvegaprasthApana 3 . bAhubala(li)pratyukti 4 zrInR(?)suvegAgamanaM 5 zrIcakravartisaubhrAtradarzana 6 senAnIratnavAcyamAnahitazikSApratipAdakaH prathamaH khaMDaH // etc. - fol. 17' iti zrI0senAnyaviziSToktipreritazrIbharataprasthAna 1 sainya20 . nivezana 2 bAhubalisamAgamasainyottAraNa 3 zrIbharatabAhubalidAlijasubhaTazikSAsanmAna 4 zrIjinArcananijasainyasajjIkaraNa nAma dvitIyaH khaMDaH // 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 474 evaM kArai bharatanau / sarva AupramANa / : caurAsI laSa pUrvavara / jANau catura sujANa // 3 // saMvata sola rasA risi ( 1667 ) mAsai sAvaNai re| sudi paMcamI guruvAri suMdara re| siddhi joga dhramabhAvanai re // 4 // etc. bhuvanakIrti kahai e / carita bhalI parai re| vAcatAM sukhakoDi ucchava re| navanava maMgala ghari gharaha re // 17 // Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 445.1 The Svetambara Narratives 161 iti0 zrIpuMDarIkazivagamanapautrASTa kAdhikanavanavati sutasahita zrI RSabhanirvANa tatsUpaprAsAda vaktavyatAzrIbharataca kribhAvanApUrvaka kevalaprAptiziva saudhaprApaNabhAvanopazamadRDhIkaraNAdivAcakaH SaSThaH khaMDaH // 6 // sarva DhAla 83 // Reference. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 1050-1053). bharatarAsa [ bharatacatuSpadI ] ( bharatacopAi ) Bharatarasa [ Bharatacatuspadi ] (Bharatacopai) 781 (a).' 1892-95. No. 445 Size. 9 in. by 4 in. Extent. 34 folios; 14 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and 15 edges in one in red ink; dandas, some words etc., written in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 1 blank; so is fol. 34; yellow pigment rarely used for making corrections except on fol. 27b where it is used profusely; condition very good; in left- 20 hand margins of foll. 1-26 the title is written as t and aft; from the 27th fol. the title is written as viSNukumAra and viSNu ku0; this work ends on fol. 268 ; complete; composed at Jambupura in the Punjab in V. S. 1877; extent 558 slokas; this Ms. which seems to be 25 an auto-graph contains an additional work viz. fasywhich commences on fol 26b and ends on fol. 34*. Age Samvat 1878. Author. Nandalala, pupil of Rsi Ratirama, pupil of Rayacanda, pupil of Nathurama. His additional works are composed in V. S. 1876 at Husi 1 Is he the author of f() yarapur or his namesake ? 21 [J. L. P. J 5 10 30 Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [446. (1) jJAnaprakAza V.S. 1906 ( 2 ) labdhiprakAzacaupaI v.S. 1903. Subject.-- Narration pertaining to Bharata, son of Kaikeyi. Begins.- fol. 1deg // zrIpArsanAthAya namaH // . dohaa|| sumarUM jiNa cauvIsane / mana vaca kAya kari sudhH| karmasavaladala Saya karUM / pAvu nirmala budha // 1 // viharamAna arihaMtane / zrImaMdrAdi vIsa / vicare Setra 'videha'mai / jAsa nimAUM sIsa // 2 // etc. 10 Ends.- fol. 26 pujya zrI zrImajI jAMNa paMDatarAja SimA (1) guNaSANa / tehanA siSya aMtevAsI thayA / pUjya zrInAthurAmajI thayA 9 // tehanA hastadiSata aNagAra / svAmI zrIrAyacaMda vicAra // tenA siSyazrI zrIratIrAma / bhavya jIva samIre kAma 10 // tehanA siSya aMtevAsI thAya / naMdalAlajI eha guNa gAya desa 'paMjAba' 'jaMbU'pura mAhi gurUparasAda e graMtha vanAya 11 // ThArAM sai sattattara (1877) sAlaH // kAtika sudi tIja tithi kAla // paThe gUNe je naranAra // je(te)ko suphala hoya avatAra // 12 // kalasaH irbha bhartta naMdana kekaI mAtA // rAsa hu~ eha gAIyo / 'paMjAba' desa 'jaMbU'nagaramai eha graMtha vanAIyo 13 // je koI aSa(kSa)ra DhAla bhaMgai ehame jo mai khii| tiNa kANe micchA ma(mi) dukkamu(Da) huM jiyo mUDhane sahI 14 // iti bhartanI caupaI mamRtaM graMthAgraMtha // 558 // liSyatta // svAmIjI zrIzrIzrI 108 // zrIsvAmIjI zrIrAyacaMdajIH tatha(ta)sikSa aMtevAsI svAmIjI zrIzrIzrIratIrAmajI tatha(t)ziSya liSataM naMdalAla 'paMjAba'desa 'huMsiyArapura nagare madhye saMvat 1878 varSe // 5 N. B.-- This work is not at all noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. In its Vol. III, pt. I, p. 344 two works noted by me as 30 . additional ones are however mentioned. Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 446. 1 bharatezvara bAhubalisvAdhyAya -vRtti [ kathAkoza ] No. 446 The Svetambara Narratives 163 Bharatesvara-Bahubalisvadhyaya-vrtti [ Kathakosa ] 598. 1884-86. Size.-- 1og in. by 4g in. Extent. - 33 folios; 16 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper, tough and white; Devanagari characters ; big, legible and good hand - writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink; foll. 10 numbered as usual; a corner of the first fol. slightly worn out; condition on the whole very good; fol. 1 blank ; so is fol. 33deg; composed in Samvat rc9; incomplete as it ends abruptly; this Ms. practically ends with the lifesketch of Arnikaputra, the 6th mahapurusa. Age.- Not modern. Author. Subhasila, pupil of Munisundara Suri of the Tapa gaccha. For his additional works see No. 443. 1 Begins. fol. 1deg // 960 // namaH zrIsarvvajJAya namaH / zrIzAradAyai namaH / yugAdau vyavahArAdhvA sarvo yena prakAzitaH / Subject. Narrations about Bharata and other 52 saintly male characters (mahapurusas) along with 47 noble-minded ladies 20 ( mahasatis ). sa zrIvRSabhayogIMdro dadyAd vo'vyayasaMpadaM // 1 // etc. 'tapA' gachAdhipA zrImanmunisuMdarasUrayaH / tacchiSyaH zubhazIlAho bharatAdikathA (thAM) vyadhAt // 7 // tathAhi / tatra prathama gAthA - bharahesara bAhubalI abhayakumAro ya DhaMDhaNakumAro / siribho ani utto ahamutto nAgadatto a / 1 / ' ityAdi // 13 gAthA // S This is the 1st verse of the text named AS 'Bharahesara-Bahubalisajjhaya ( Bharatesvara-Bahubali-svadhyaya') and having 13 verses It remains to be ascertained as to how many additional verses, if at all, are assigned a place in this Ms. IS 25 30 Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [446. Ends.- fol. 33 jaM nArAyaNakamma khavA (?)taehiM taM khalu cautthabhoI jIvo nijjarai suhabhAvo / 2 yad dUraM yad durArAdhyaM yacca dUre vyavasthitaM / tat sarva tapasA sAdhyaM tapo hi duratikramam // 3 yakSA(6) tapastaptvA kramAt svarga gatA() iti zrIyakakathAnakaM saMpUrNa / matsu vairiSu yo(s)tyaMta kSamA kuryAt subhAvataH / anikAputrasUrIza Apnoti sa zivazriyaM 1 / . tathAhi pUrva 'rajagRha'nagare zreNiko rAjA rAjyaM kurvan zrIvIrajinapAdAMbuja sevayA (ends abruptly ). Reference.- Published. See Vol.XVII (pt. 3, p. 265). For addi tional Mss. see Vol.XVII, (pt. 3 Nos.888-894) Jinaratna. kosa ( Vol. I, p. 292). 10 bhavyakuTumbakathA Bhavyakutumbakatha No. 447 . 1310 (13). 1886-92.. "Extent.- fol. It' to fol. 12'. Description.- Complete; 64 verses. For other details see Maladevakatha No. 1310 (I). " 1886-92.. Author.- Not known. Subject.- A narration pertaining to bhavya-kutumba. Begins.- fol. 11' Asame paramapae0 // zrI zatrujaya'pAthodhau kai(kau)stubhprbhN| zrInAbheyaH zriyaM puSyAt / niHzreyasaphaladrumaH 1 ihaloke(s)pi jAyate / zuddhasambaksAlinAM / striyaH svayaMvarAH sarvAH / stutayazca suraiH kRtAH // 2 etc. Ende. - fol. 12deg zrutvemaM bhavikakuTuMbakaprabaMdhaM samyaktve bhavatu budhA nibaddharAgAH / Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 448.] The svetambara Narratives i6 deveMdrastavavibudharddhikevala zrImukhyAni spRhayanapadyalaM sukhAni // 64 - iti bhavyakuTuMbakathA // cha / Reference.- Cf. bhanyakuTuMbakathAnaka noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 394 ). bhAvanAsandhi Bhavanasandhi (bhAvaNasandhi) (Bhavana-sandhi) No. 448 127 (11). 1872-73. Extent.- fol. Iof to fol. 12'. Description.- Complete ; 62 verses in all. For other details see Upadesaratnamala (Vol. XVIII, pt. I, No. 264). Author.- Jayadeva, the first pupil of Sivadeva(?) Suri. 10 Subject.- Holy reflections. Begins.- fol. 10deg // 90 5 paNamavi guNasAyara bhuvaNadivAyara jiNavau(ru) vIsa vi ikkamaNu / appaM paDivohai moha nirohi| koi bhandu bhAvaNavasiNa // 1 etc. Ends.- fol. 12 vimalaguNabhUrihiM sivadivasUrihiM paDhamasIsa jayadeva munni| kIyA bhAvaNasaMdhi bhAvasuaMdhI nisuNau ajha vi dharau maNi // 12 // bhAvanAsaMdhiH samAptAH // cha / Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 05 .15 20 35 30 7 166 bhImakumArakathA No. 449 Jaina Literature and Philosophy - Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 7 folios; 17 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent s; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between the pairs coloured red; numbers for the verses, their dandas etc. written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; in the left-hand margins the title is written as ; edges and corners of each and every fol. more or less gone; fol. 4 torn; condition on the whole tolerably good; unnumbered sides have a small spot in red colour in the centre, whereas the numbered in each of the two margins, too; incomplete as it ends abruptly. Age. Pretty old. Author. Not known. Bhimakumarakatha 1328. 1887-91. [ 449. Subject, Narration of Bhimakumara illustrating the importance of ahimsa (non-injury to living beings ). Begins.- fol. 1 sarvadevA na tat kuryuH sarvadAnAni caiva hi / sarve tIrthAmiSekAzca yat kuryAt prANinAM dayA // 1 / kRmikITapataM geSu tRNavRkSAdikeSvapi / dayAM sarvatra kurvIta yathA ( ss) tmani tathA pare // 2 svayaM rakSati yo jIvAn rakSayatyaparAnapi / ihApi so (s) tAmRddhimeti bhImakumAravat // 3 // etc. Ends. fol. 7a svayaM prANivadhAdevaM vinivartya parAnapi / nivRtya paramAM siddhimApa lokadvaye ( s) pi saH // 92 Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 167 450.] The svetambara Narratives paco(s)pi hiMsAviSayaM mahAnarthavidhAyakaM // atra mAtRsutau caMdrAsahavAnI nidarzanaM // 13 // . iti zrIjinadharma. The Ms. ends abruptly. Reference. - For additional Mss. see Jinaratnkosa ( Vol. I, p. 297 ). bhojaprabandha Bhojaprabandha s . 1305. No. 450 1884-87. Size.- log in. by 4; in. Extent.-4 folios; 19 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey; Devanagari characters 10 with occasional pRSThamAtrA; small, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; foll. numbered as usual ; edges of all the foll. more or less worn out; condition fair;i. ends abruptly ; incomplete. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not known. He appears to be a Jaina from the Jaina style ; for here the word of occurring in the last line is used in the sense of 'near'. Subject.- Life of Bhoja, a king. This work begins with the narra- 20 tion of Govindacandra, a king. Begins.- fol. 1* 5 50 // svasti zrIgaNezAya namaH / ___ praNamya parayA bhaktyA haMsayAnAM srsvtii|| tasya(:) prasAdamAsAdya kariSyAmi kathAmimAM / 1 // etc. 'puSpAvatI' nAma nagarI / tasya rAjA goviMdacaMdro nAma / etc... 25 - fol. 3: viralA jANati guNavo etc.. - fol. 4' mAsA na dei maraNaM maraNeNa vinA Na labhae pimmaM etc. Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 450. Ends. fol. 4' kUSmAMDacAmuMDAH SarparaM rucirArtha kare gRhItvA nanartuH / tasmina (na) vasare yAvad yuddhaM bhavati / tAva bholo rAjA vikramAdityasya (1) zAM zirasi dhAryamANAM kRtvA kaMdalAM gRhItvA AkAzamArgeNa vikramAdityapArzve cAjagAma / tato rAjA // ends abruptly. 5 Reference. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 299). 10 IS bhojaprabandha ( prakrama 1 ) No. 451 25 Bhojaprabandha (Prakrama I ) Size.-- 1o in. by 42 in. Extent. - 6 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper, thin, rough and greyish ; Devanagari characters; small, clear and good hand-writing ; borders not ruled; red chalk used; foll numbered as usual ; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; condition good ; complete so far as it goes. Age.- Seems to be old. Author. Subhasila, pupil of Munisundara Suri. For his additional works etc. see pp. 46-47. 20 Subject. A story of king Bhoja. He succeeded king Munja in V. S. 1078 and became a king. Begins. fol. 1* // zrIgurubhyo namaH // tathAhi / 621. 1884-86. Ends. - fol. 64 'mAlavA 'vanikoTIrAvaMtI nAmnA purI varA / suparvazAlibhirge hai (:) nyakkarotyamarAvatI (m) // 1 tatra siMhabhaTo rAjA / 'paramAra' kulodbhavaH / vasudhAM nyAyamArgeNa prazazAsa mahI (hA ) yazAH // 2 etc. ityAdisUktibhiH zokaM tyAjito maMtribhistadA / balena sthApito muMjapade bhojanRpastadA // 51 Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 452.1 The svetambara Narratives 169 vikramAd vAsarAdaSTamunivyomeMdu(1078)saMmite / varSe muMjapade bhojo bhUpo paTTe nivezita: // 52 - fol. 6b iti zrImat tapAgacha( ccha )nAyakazrIsomasuMdarasUripaTTAlaMkaraNa zrImunisuMdarasUriziSyazubhazIlayativiracite bhojaprabaMdhe 'paramAra vi(va)ze siMhabhaTarAjaputrapAlitamuMjarAjaputra / siMdhulaputrotpattimuMjarAjyapradAna- 5 siMghulabhyabhojAbhidhaputrajanmamuMjadharaNamikSAbhUmaNakabhojarAjyaprAptivarNano nAma prathamaH prakramaH samAptaH // 1 Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 299). maGgalakalazacaritra Mangalakalasacaritra 1651. 10 No. 452 1891-95. Size.-- 10f in. by 44 in. Extent.- 13 folios ; 18 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; the first six foll. written in big, perfectly 15 legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; the rest comparatively in smaller hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol, 1a blank; yellow pigment used for making corrections; complete ; composed 20 in Samvat 1714: edges of a few foll. worn out; condition : on the whole good. - Age.- Samvat 1776. Author.- Jinaharsa, pupil of Santiharsa, pupil of Soma Gani of the Kharatara gaccha. For his additional works see No. 147 of 25 Vol. XIX (sec. 2, pt. I ). Subject. Narration of Mangalakalasa extracted from Santinatha caritra. Ir illustrates the progress of charity. 22 [I. L. P.1 Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [458. Begins.- fol. 1. 550 // zrIsAradAyai namaH / dUhA pAsajiNesarapayakamala praNamuM ANaMdapUra vidhanaharaNa maMgalakaraNa joti sakala sasi sUra 1 jAsu sujasa trayabhuvanamai gAvai bAla gopAla paratiSa paratA pUravai sevakajanapratipAla 2 etc. - fol. 10 dharma thakI maMgalakalasa pAmyA bhoga apAra vigathA parihari pArakI e suNijo adhikAra 7 etc. 10 Ends.- fol. 130 maMgalakalasa taNau caritra e kahyau bhalau re dharama taNe adhikAra / dharama karau bhaviyaNa jima saMpada varau re pAmau suSa saMsAra 10 so. zAMtinAthanA caritra thakI mai UdhauM re e anupama adhikAra guNiyaNa vAcau mili juDatai kaMThasu re rIjai sahu naranAri 11 so. saMvata satarai sai cavadotarai (1714) re prathama asita 'nabha mAsa navamI tithi divasai guruvAsarai re suprasAdai zrIpAsa 12 so0 zrI kharataragacchagayaNadinesasU(rU) re zrIjinacaMdasuriMda 'prema' sASa sAcI cihuM paMDamai re jANe jAsu nariMda // 13 so. vAcaka zrIguNavarddhanagaNi jasa niramalau re tAsu sIsa guNavaMta gaNi zrIsoma suzItala soma jyuM re sAdhuguNe sobhata 14 so0 zAMtiharaSa tasu sIsa vaSANIyai re ima jinaharaSa kahaMta / DhAla eha ikavIsamI rAga 'dhanyAMsI'ye re Adarijyo muNavaMta 15 so. iti zrIdAnadharmabhadhikAre maMgalakalasacaupaI samAptA saMvat 17760 varSe mAgha sudi 14 dine guruvAre zrI bIkAnera'madhye likhiteyaM prati 30. 25 zrIrAjasAgaragaNimiH zubhaM bhavatu // Reference.- For an extract and additional Mss, see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, p. 82 & Vol. III, pt. 2, p. H45 ). 20 . l It means zrAvaNa. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 453.] The svetambara Narratives maGgalakalazacaritra lakalasacaritra No. 453 1650. 1891-95. Size.- 5 in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 8 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 20 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled indifferently in three lines in black ink and the space between the last two lines in vermilion colour ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the 10 right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; condition very good ; complete. Age.- Samvat I549. Author.- Sarvananda Suri. Is he the author of Candraprabha- 15 caritra (V.S. 1302 ) or that of Jagaducaritra or is he some other saint? Subject.- Narration of Mangalakalasa. Begins.- fol. 1 // // sayala maMgala sayala maMgalamUla muNi naranAha / 'Ava(bu)' giri AdijiNapAyapatra(u)ma (pa)Namevi bhAvaNa(Nu) / 'kaccholI'mukhamaMDaNau / pAsanAha tuma rihiM dhareviNu / vAgha(?ga)vAli(Ni) maru vayaNale avaca(?ta)ri akSaramAlA(la) maMgalakalasacarittaha / bhaNisu rulAa rasAla // ' etc. Ends.- fol. 8b maMgalakalasa na(ni)vesiu rAji surasuMdara thiu saMjamakAji / valIu nA(?tA)ma nIsANe ghAu / maMgalakalasa mahAbala rAu // 26 pIta rAga vasaMta // rAju kariti naravara manaraMgi tihuNAsatIyasiNamaNisaMgi e pUchIya sahaguru jJAnI munivarU pa / yuva bhavaMtari sArUpa // 27 / 1 This verse is in "Vastu' metre. Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [453. jinazAsana jayajayakAra bhayallAsaMgraha jhalaha sunariMdU e| mahi mahiumaNuNa muhimahimA guNatilukka suMdara nAha pa(e) jina0 dr(dru)pd| Dalaharatu saMyama pAli valI mugatiramaNiuri hArU e| bhaNati dharmaphalu nirmala vANI zrIsaravANaMdasUri e // 28 jinazA(sa)ni jayajayakArU e.|| iti maMgalakalasacaritra samApta // saMvat 1549varSe mAhavadi 3 laSate // cha // zrIH // shriiH|| zrIH cha / Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara ___Kavio ( Vol. I, p. 35& Vol. III, pt. !, p. 444). 10 maGgalakalazacaritra Manga lakalasacaritra 367. No. 454 1871-72. Size.- 10_in. by 4g in. Extent. -- 13 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. 15 Description. - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional TEATTIS; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol. 1* blank; so is fol. 136; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, so that it forms & design; edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good ; complete ; composed in Samvat 1525 ; at the end there are puzzles. 25 Age.- Samvat 1633. Author.- Mangaladharma ( ? Jnanaruci ), pupil of Udayadharma, pupil of Jnanasagara Suri of the Ratnakara gaccha. Subject.- Life of Mangalakalasa. Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 10 454.j The svetambara Narratives Begins.- fol. 10 560 // // ahaM // AdijiNavara AdijiNavara sukkha(kha)dAtAra saMti jiNesara saMtikara / neminAha sobhAgasuMdara / pAsa jiNaMdaha vidhanahara varddhamAna kalyANamaMdira titthaMkara sahaguru namI sarasati aMbiki dai(de)vi samaravi maMgalakalasahuM(hu) caritra bhaNisu saMkhevi // 1 // ' cupii| etc. Ends.- fol. 13. tilukasuMdarI RSi pavitra jayaseSara nAmi tasa putrA taha naI Apiu rAjaha bhAra rAUrANI be saMyamadhAra // 21 // padavI pAmIra karaI vihAra bUjhavaI bhavIyAM dharma vicArata pabali / nirmaLa kevalanANa maMgala riSi naI ziba murivANa // 22 // dharamiM maMgala kuTuMbaha vRddhi dharAna maMgala rUDI buddhi / dharamiM maMgala rAjaha riddhi dharmi maMgalaghari nava middhi // 23 // dharamiM maMgala puhuvi prasiddhi dharamiM maMgala vA(cA)ritrazuddhi / dharamiM maMgala kevalariddhi dhammi maMgala mIpAM siddhi // 24 // ajara amara tihAM suSya anaMta maMgalakalasa bhogavai naciMta ima bhavIpA(yAM) jinadharma ji karu dhari maMgala sivasukha aNusaru / 25 / maMgalakalasanu e saMbaMdha e suNatAM hui puNyaprabaMdha e suNatAM nitu maMgalavRddhi e suNatAM maMdiri nava niddhi / 26 / 20 maMgalakalasa tINI cupaI ya saMvata panara[] pacavIsai (1525) huIya paDhaI guNaiM / saMbhalaI vicAra tasa ghari ucchava jayajayakAra / 327 iti rAjAthI(?zrI)maMgalakalazacaritraM samApta // graMthAna // 5 sa(saMvat 1633 liSa raghavA / cha // cha // zrI // Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara 35 Kavio ( Vol. I, p. 60 & Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 489-490). 1 This verse is in Vastu' metre. Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 10 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [455. maGgalakalazacaritra Mangalakalasacaritra No. 455 780. 1899-1915. Size.- to in. by 4 in. Extent.- 4 folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 44 le.ters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; edges of almost every fol. more or less worn out; condition on the whole good ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Pupil of Hamsacandra. Subject.-- A narration about Mangalakalasa. Begins.- fol. 1' // 6 // // zrIgurubhyo namaH / ||prnnmy svaguruM bhaktyA haMseMduvAcakottamaM // // kriyate maMgalasAdhozca caritraM maMgalapradaM // 1 // Ends.- fol. 4h so(sa) rAjarSi(:) sarvasiddhAntapArago'bhUt / guruNA ripade sthaapitH| trailokyasuMdarI sAdhvI pravartinI sthAyi(pi)tA tau mRtvA 'brahma'kalpe gatau / evaM tRtIye bhave mAnuSyabhavaM prApya mokSapadaM prApatuH / zrIhaMsacaMdraziSyeNa udha(Da)taM gadyabhASayA / caritraM paMDitaiH so(zo)dhyaM vAcanIyaM susaadhuti(bhiH)|| iti zrImaMgalakalasacaritra saMpUrNa / ga / devavijayavAcanArtha atha samasyApadAni // caDhi to na caDhI / na caDhatI to cddhtii| 1 paDI to na paDI (1) na paDatI to pddtii| 2 / mUha to na mUI / na maratI to marati / 3 / vahI to na vahI (1) na vahatI to vahati / 4 / uta zyAmaghaTA yuvatI alake baMka paMtIu teM / ita motIsiri / udata dAminI daMta camakkai teM uta cAtaka to bhruhayaMti dhrii| Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 456.] The svetambara Narratives 175 uta cAtaka topi pIu pIu kareM uta kaMta ma pIU visareM na dhrii| uta biMdu napaMta iteM aMsuA virahanni marnu dhana hora parI // 1 // hara hAra AhAra malAya saSIvI mujhakuM / vAyasa ajAzabda harI tannakuM / aMbuha bhakSaka zabda milA mujhakuM / caMda cauthu(?dhu) vAma samapyu tujhakuM // 2 // capalA camakata trAsa the taji mugata ihaM zasa 2 iti samasyA vistrti|| Reference. For an additional Ms. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 299). 'maNipaticarita Mani paticarita 754. No. 456 1875-76. 10 Size.- 11 in. by 58 in. Extent.-- 128 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper very thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and is very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; white pigment used for making corrections; condition very good ; complete; fol. 1a blank; fol 112* half blank ; fol. 12deg completely so ; on fol. u13a only one line is written but 20 there is nothing lacking ; composed in Samvat 1005 Age -- Samvat 1EURto ( ? ). Author.- Jambanaga. His additional works are : (1) candradUta and (2) jinazataka. Subject.-- Life of Manipati, a Mahasamanta( rajarsi ) embodying 25 ___sixteen stories. Begins.- fol. 1 // e 60 // ai vama // namo vistIrNavistIrNasaMsArArNavavAraye samastavastuvistAravedine paramAtmane / 1 1Some name this as munipaticaritra. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [456. 5 svargApavargamArgasya pradhAnasya prarUpakaM praNaumi praNato mUnA yugAdipuruSottama 2 payodharabharAkrAMtadivyayoSitsu mAnasaM na reme yasya taM naumi varddhamAnaM jinezvaraM 3 etc. - fol. 2 sA ca saMsArabhIrUNAM guNotkIrtirarUpikA yasmAnmaNipate rAjJazcaritaM varNayAmyataH 18 etc. Ends.-- fol. 128 tataH punaH samabhyastadvAdazapratimastapaH kurvan zrAmaNyaparyAya pAlayAmAsa nirbhayaH 16 paryate ca saMlikhya svaM samAdhAnasaMyutaH kRtabhakta parityAgo devo vaimAniko'bhavat 17 tatacyutvA kilAvAptasamyaktvaH punarapyasau nirvAdhaM nizcalaM sthAna siddhyAkhya(khya) prApsatIpsyitaM 18 iti zrImaNipatimahAsAmaMtacarite SoDazaM kathAnakaM samAsamiti samAptaM cedaM maNipatirAjarSicaritamiti etanmaNipate rAjJazcaritaM cArucetasaH dRSTAMtairaSTabhiH gadyaiH padyaistAvadbhireva ca / jaMbUnAga(gA)bhidhAnena racitaM zve(zve)tabhikSuNA bodhArtha bhavyajantUnAM spaSTArtha svalpavarNakaM na maMdabuddhayo bodhduM na vyAkhyAtuM ca jAnate yato'taH sugama dRdhva(bdha)midamevaM vibhAvyatAM kiMca pUrvAcAryairvidRbdhe maNipaticarite satyapIdaM mayA yat bhUyo dRdhvaM(bdhaM na na tatra pravarakavirahaM cetasItyeSa darpaH kSi(kiM)tveSAM kavInAmativimaladhiyAM dhIragaMbhIravAcA vaidagdhI prApsunAya svamativibhavA yA sa evaM vyadhAyi After a few lines we have :-- zrImAMzca nAgadatto vardrakirathacArabhayatho gopaH / siMhI zItAtahariH kASTamunizcApi SoDazamaH 2 Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 457.] The Svetambara Narratives 177 bhadraM bhavatu zrIjinazAsanAya lekhakavAcakayozca // saMvatvedAMgAt SaSTivatsare zreyase poSamAsake zuklASTamyAM ravivAreSu kRtA pUrNA supustikA sakalagaNavyomacaMdru(da)mA zrI pUnima'gaNe sakalabhaTTArakaziroratnAn bhazrIzrIzrIlakSmIcaMdrasUrijI tacchiSyavAcakottamaguNAlaMkRta vA zrIdayA- 5 vijayagaNi tasvi(dvi)nayau vA zrImeruvijayajI vA tIrthya vA zrIvinayavijayajI tatpaTTe sakalaprAptajaya vA zrInayavijayajI tacchiSya vA satyavijaya vA caturavijaya udayavijaya uttamavijayavAcanArtha lipIkRta zrImadaNahallaSu(pu)rapattane caturmAsa // 7 // Reference.- Published in Hemacandracarya Granthamala. For 10 additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 300 ). Matsyodararasa matsyodararAsa No. 457 - 38. 1877-78. Size.- 98 in. by 4g in. 15 - Extent.- 8 folios ; I3 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. ..Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; a part of the first line and the dandas written in red 20 ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1* blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides so that it forms a design ; in the left-hand margins the title is written as macchodara; condition very gocd; complete ; composed in Samvat 1553 25 particularly in Copai. Age.- Samvat 1655. Author.- Jayaraja, pupil of Municandra Suri of the Purnima paksa, Subject.- Narration pertaining to Matsyodara, 23 [J. L. P.] Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 to 15 178 20 ww 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends.- fol. 8 Begins. fol. 18 e 50 OM namaH vItarAgAya // vastu // deva arihaMta deva arihaMta siddha paNamevi / AcAriya uvajJAya savi / namUM a sAdha (dhu) sarasati sAmiNi / kavI jaNa muhamaMDaNI / dIi buddhi varahaMsagAmiNi / matsyodara suSa pAmIyAM puNya taNai paramANi / dukha pAmyAM te saMbhalau / aMtarAyaphala jANi' 1 // etc. [457 saMyama leI be tapa tapa / pApakarma savi helA Sapai / Aya puhutai lahI suraradhi / bhavabIjai pAmesi sidhi 52 'pUnima ' pakSa ma (mu) nicaMdrasUrirAja / tAsa sIsa jaMpai jairAja / panara tripannai (1553 ) kIdhu rAsa / bhaNai gaNai tasa pUjai Asa / 53 / rAsa bhaNAsi kAni suNasi / puNyanAM phala jANAsi / dhanadi kIdhAM dharmakAraNI / aMtarAyaha (? i) TAlasi / 'capaI' taNa baMdhi kIdhao / rAsa matsyodara taNau / harSa UlaTa hIi ANI / bhavIyaNa (!) ekamanAM suNu / 54 iti zrImatsyodararAsa samAptaM / zrIsaMvat 1655 varSe zrAvaNa zudi budhi gurau laSitaM zrI' rAjanagara' 'kAlapura' madhye parokSavanA suta vIradAsa AtmavAcanArtha // cha // zubhaM bhavatu / leSakavAcaka suSaM bhavatu / / ( 0 ) 256 Reference. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, p. 95 & Vol. III, pt. 1, PP. 523 - 524 ). 1 This verse is in Vastu' metre. madana- dhanadeva-rAsa No. 458 Size. 9 in. by 4g in. Extent. - 14 folios; 14 to 19 lines to a page; 32 to 38 letters to a line. Madana-Dhanadeva-rasa 606. 1895-98. Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 458.1 The svetambara Narratives 179 5 10 E Description.- Country paper very thin, tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters ; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing; some of the foll. written in big hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; some of the foll. have stuck together probably due to the presence of gum in the ink used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1 blank ; lacure on fol. 86; condition very good ; complete ; 19 dhalas in all ; composed at Rajanagara ( Ahamedabad ) in Samvat 1857. Age.-Samvat 1882. Author.- Padmavijaya, pupil of Uttamavijaya of the * Tapa' gaccha. His life is narrated in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 73-75) and his various works are there noted on pp. 75-100. Subject.- Life of Madana and that of Dhanadeva. Begins.- fol. 1 // 6 // vIharamAMna prabhu rAjatA vaMdU jInavara vIza padapaMkaja praNamuM pAsanA jehanI caDhatI jagIsa 1 guNadAyaka gUNasyuM bharyA praNamuM gurunAM pAya bhamatA je bhavasAyare pravahaNaza(sa)ma paraSAya 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 14deg ogaNIseM DhAleM karI re 'lA. saMpUrNa thayo rAsa saM0 munI pAMDava gaja caMdramA (1857) re lA0 varasa te zrAvaNa mAza(sa) saM0 13 paMcamI ujvala pakSanI re lA0 surja(ya)vAra suprasIdha saM0 'rAjanagara' mAhe rahyAM re lA0 eha manoratha sIdha saM0 14 'tapa'gacchagayaNadINesaru re lA0 vIjayadevasurIrAya saM0 vInayavaMta tasa pATavI re lA0 vIjayasIhasurIrAya saM0 15 paMDItarala(sna)sIromaNI re lA0 kIdho krIyAudhAra saM0 sA(sI)za tAza satyavIjayagaNi re lA0 sUbha kIrIyA bhAcAra saM0 16 / 20 30 1 This is an abbreviation of lAlA. Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 468. tAza kapUravI(ja)ya a kavI re lA0 SImAvIjaya tasa zIza saM0 pimAguNe karI sobhatA re lA0 ta(na)hI jasa rAga ne rIha(sa) saM0 17 paMDItasIracuDAmaNI re lA0 lakSaNalakSIta aMga saM0 zrIjInavIjaya sobhAgIyA re lA. tehanA sIza sucaMga0 saM0 18 tasa Asana sohAkaru re lA. jANe jaina sIdhAMta saM0 zrIguru uttamavIjayajI re lA0 vairAgI eka(kA)ta eka la saM0 19 tasa paTTapadmabhramarasamo re lA0 padmavIjaya vara nAma saM0 gurukIpAthI kIdhalo ra(re) lA0 aiha rAza abhIrAma saM0 20 paMcamA sumatI jINezaru re lA0 tehanAM caritra majhAra saM0 vaLI zrIvIjayAnaMdacarItrasA(mAM) re lA. bhASyo e adhIkAra saM0 21 zrImaMdhIrasvAmI tathA re lA0 tIma valI bhAtA(bhA)pAza(sa) saM0 sAnIdhe saMpUrNa thayo re lA0 madana ne dhanadevarAza saM0 22 je bhaNasye gUNasye valI re lA0 pAmasye pUnya vIsAla saM0 tai saghalAM suSa anUbhavI re lA0 lahIsye maMgalamAla saMjamaraMga lAgo re // 23 itI madanadhanadevarAza saMpUrNa 1882nA dhU(dvi)tIya zrAvaNa suda 10. Reference. -- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gorjara Kavio ( Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 88-90). 601 20 madanabharmarAsa Madanabharmarasa No. 459 1895-98. Size. - 10in. by 4t in. Extent.-- 12 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk profusely used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins%3; fol. I blank ; so is fol. 12; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well so as to form a design; a corner 25 Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 181 459.j The svetambara Narratives on the right gone in the case of the first fol. ; edges of the last fol. worn out%3; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete ; composed in Samvat 1696. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Viravimala, pupil of Devavimala. In Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 196-197 ) the author of bhAvInI karmarekhArAsa is mentioned as Viravimala, pupil of Manavijaya, pupil of Labhavimala, pupil of Simharimala. Is he the author of this 5 work? Subject.- Life of Madanabharma, a saint. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 50 // dUhA // prathama siddha save namuM // arihaMta namuM kara joDi / puMDarika goyama gaNadhara namuM / ya(?jya)ma hui vaMchita koTiM // 1 'kAsmIra'muSamaMDaNI // zrIsArada zrutadevi / 15. RSine uriu gAyatAM / vANi deyo heva // 2 / zrIgurupadapaMkaja namI gAyasiuM madanabhrama rAya etc. Ends.- fol. 12 jihAM lagi 'meru mahili jihA lagi sAyarapura / tihAM lagi pratapo mdnbhrmRssraas| zravaNe sAMbhalatAM nita upaji ulAsa / 39 zasi rasa nidhi darasaNa (1696) e saMvatsara jANa / bhAsau zuda terasiM caDhIu rAsa pramANa / pUrava bhadrapada nakSatra AdItyavAra sujANa / saMnyA si aDhIija bhAgalI eka pramANa / 40 / ___ DhAla rAga dhanyAsI zrIANaMdavimalasUri vaMdIi jeNi avatAra jaga saphala kIdhu / sudha mahAvrata dharI sudha krIyA krii| jeNi jagatramA jasa liidho| 41 zrI.. tAsa pATi vijiyadAnasUri sunno| hIravijayasUri tasa pATa suNIu // ja(je)Na akabara sulatAna pratiboghiu / 'jagaguru'nAMma barada tihAM 30 bhaNIu / 42 shrii0| Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 460. tAsa pATi vijysensuuriisro| zrIvijayadeva tasa pATi sohi / zrIvijayasiMhasUrisara rAjato / bhavaka sura asura nara nAma _ namohi / 43 shrii.| . zrIma(mu)na(ni)suvrata ja(ji)navara vIsamo / 'sIhapura maMDaNa jaganadIvu / tAsa pasAuli RSarAja gAiu / e rAsa bhaNi te cariMjIvo / 44 / zrI. paMDita parbata paMDitamuguTAmaNi / tasa zIsa paMDita sobhAgyavimalo tasa padapaMkajasevaka sabhAjanaraMjaka / paMDitapuraMdara devavimalo / 45 / zrI. kalasaM RSarAja gaau| sUSa pAu / surnbhiisudro| jasa nami sura nara asura kiMnara jeNi pAe rASo neuro| devavimalabudhasIza jaMpi vIravimalani sUSa kro| e rAsa bhaNa ani suNatA nava nidhi dha(gha)ri maMgala karo // 47 iti zrImadanabharmaRSarAsa saMpUrNa zrI madanarakhAkathA Madanarekhakatha 15 (mayaNarehAkahA) ( Mayamarehakaha) No. 460 790 (8). 1892-95. Size.- 98 in. by 4t in. Extent. - 11 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 33 letters to a line. 20 Description.--- Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva. nagari characters ; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; condition very good ; complete%3 composed at Jayapura in V. S. 1870. This work ends on fol. sb. This Ms. contains in addition the following six works: Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 460.] The Svetambara Narratives 183 (1) cAra pratyekabuddhanI DhAla Vol. XIX, .. ........ sec. 2, pt. 1, No. 195 foll. 50 (2) pada ___.. 7 , 7. ..... (3) ThamadanivAraNasajjhAya Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1, No. 37 , 7 , 8. 5 (4) vijayazeThaDhAla , 8 , 90 ...... (5) gurujAnInI sajjhAya " 90 , 10 (6) upadesIsajjhAya , 10 , 11. Age.- Samvat 190s. Author.- Vinaya, pupil of Anopacanda, pupil of Taracanda. - 10 Subject: A story of Madanarekha. It points out the importance i .. of ila ( chastity of a woman ). Begins.- fol. 1. // 6 // dUhA // Adi dharame dhorI prathamaM / rAjezvara jinarAya / 15 nama(mi) nAbheya ameyaguNa / kanakaAta(?bha)sama kAya / 1 / juvA khelana mAMsa mada / vezyA visana sikAra / corI paranArIgamana / e sAtu visana nivAra / 2 / etc. Ends. -- fol. 52 ema sIlavrata pAre jI dhAle je nitt(r)to| te t] (che) dhana saMsAro jI pAleM lacche carito 24 kalasa siddhAMtasAra vicArasAgara lokameM kIra(ti) tha(gha)NI saMvegaraMgavIseSa aMge sAdhu sAma[ma]ruSagaNi tArAcaMda guNadhara anopacaMdajI sIsa e tasa caraNAsevaka vinaya chahu~ e karI DhAla jagIsa e saMya(va)ta aya(Tha)re saya sittara adhika ( 1870 ) mAgha terasI dine jayapure jinavare prasAde suNo bhaviyaNa (!) ikamanI 1 . Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S IO 15 20 25 184 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 400. itI zrIsIlaprabaMdhe mayaNarehAkathAsaMbaMdha saMpUrNam // zrIrastu zrIzubhaM bhavatu saMvat 1905kA vasA vadI 2 kRSNapakSe laSatuM rAvatacaMdareNa javanararame // bhArajyAjI kuNaNAjIpaTaNAbhartha || Reference. For additional Mss. and extracts see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. 1, p. 308 & pt. 2, pp. 1548-1549). madanarekhAcaritra No. 461 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. -- Extent. 14 folios; 15 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gears; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; numbers for the verses, their dandas, the first line and some words written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; white pigment used for making letters illegible; fol. 14 blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1537. Age. Not modern. Author. - Madanarekhacaritra Matisekhara, pupil of Silasundara, pupil of Kalaka Suri. His additional works are as under : 1 kUragaDa ( kUraghaTa ) maharSirAsa 2 dhannArAsa 3 neminAtha - vasanta - phUlaDAM Subject. Life of Madanarekha. 166. 1872-73. V. S. 1537 V. S. 1514 V. S.? Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 483.] The Svetambara Narratives 186 Begins.- fol. 1. // 6 // // gaNicakracakravartigaNizrInayavimalagurubhyo nmH| zrIjina cauvIsaha namI / paNA(Na)mI goyamapAva(ya) // " karisu kavita ralIbhAmaNuM / guru-sarasati-supasAi // 1 // zrIarihaMta payAsiyA / dAna sIla tapa bhAva / bheda cyAra dharmaha taNA / sIli adhika suprabhAva // 2 // etc. 5 Ends.- fol. 14. zrI'uvaesa'gacchagururAya / kakasUra tasu padi vikkhAya / sAMprati devagupati guNadhAra / tehanA gurunA vacana bhAdhAra / 57 panaha saiM sAMtrIsai (1537) varasi / e prabaMdha kIu manai hasi / vAcaka matiseSara ima bhaNai / bhaNai guNai tema hU sukha lahaha / 58 / 10 iti zrImadanarekhAmahAsatIcaritraM samAraM // ch||7|| on. Reference.- Only this Ms. is noted in Jinaratankosa (Vol. I, p. 300) whereas in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, p. 51 ) this Ms. is noted and many more are noted and extracts are given in Vol. III (pt. 1, pp. 469-470). 15 20 madanarekhAsatIsandhi Madanarekhasatisandhi (mayaNarehAsatIsandhi) ( Mayanarehasatisandhi) No. 462 127 (14). 1872-73. Extent.- fol. Is to fol. 160. Description.- Complete ; 41 verses in all. For other details see ____Upadesaratnamala ( Vol. XVIII, pt. I, No. 264). Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Life of Madanarekha, a chaste woman. Begins.- fol. 156 // 60 e|| paNamUM sAmiNi sArada ( de)dhi arahaMta tittha gaNahara namevi / Ayariya uvajjhAyA karavi bhatti savi sAhu nasuM(muM) tiguttiguti // 1 etc. 24 [J. L. P.] Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [ 408. 186 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends. - fol. 166 jiNasAsaNimi ekalavihArI nami phirero // 30 // mahilA nayarI sAmahaM joi dIjai aMteura sayala loi|| maraNe Na dijja mahilA na koi / balakuMSTala iMda paccakkha ddoi| jiNasAsaNi nami jayavaMta hoi / 41 mayaNarehAsatIsaMdhiH ||ch 10 IS malayasundarIcasti Malayasundaricarita No. 463 622. 1884-86. Size.- 114 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 73 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper, very thin and yellowish in colour ; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; bold, legible, thick, handsome and sufficiently big hand-writing ; red chalk used to denote numbers for verses; yellow pigment used at times; borders ruled in four red lines ; foll. numbered as usual; fol. 1 blank ; both the margins right as well as the left of the numbered sides upto the zoth decorated with the same kind of pictures%3; the rest with the other kind; the central por. tions of one and all the foll, with different sorts of pictures in red ink; a part of the right margin of the I7th fol. torn; complete ; the total extent 2430 slokas; this work is divided into four parts, known as prastavas as under :- . Prastava I foll. b to 14 " II , 14 , 372 III , 37deg " , IV , 5 , 73. Age.-- Samvat 1536. Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 463.] The Svetambara Narratives 187 Author.- Jayatilaka Suri of the Agama gaccha. He has composed . . . Sulasacaritra. Subject.- Life of Malayasundari treated in Sanskrit in verse. In No. 465 the author says that he has narrated this story as was done by Ganadhara Kesin to k kha. ____ In " A History of the Sanskrit Literature of the Jainas" ( Vol. II, pt. I, p. 155) I have given the outlines of this work. Begins.- fol. 1 OM namo zrIvItarAgAya // caturaMgo jayatyahana dizan dharma caturvidhaM / . 10 catuSkASThAsu prasUtAM jetuM mohacamUmiva // 1 * jayaMtyAdyAhato raktAH karapAdAMgulInakhAH / viMzatisthAnakaH zrINAM kauMkumAstilakA iva // 2 etc. - fol. 149 ityAgamikazrIjayatilakasUriviracite jJAnaratnopAkhyAne malaya . suMdarIjA(ja)nmavarNano nAma prathamaH prastAvaH // cha // zrI // - fol. 370 ityAgamikazrIjayatilakasUriviracite jJAna0 malayasuMdarIcarite - tatpANigrahaNaprakAzano nAma dvitIyaH prstaavH|| - fol. 51' ityAgamikazrI. jJAna0 malayasuMdarIcarite sva(zva)surakulasamAgama- . prakAzano nAma tRtIyaH prastAvaH // cha // Ends.- fol. 73 ityAgamikazrIjayatilakasUriviracite jJAnarasnopAkhyAne malaya- 20 suMdarIcarite zIlAvadAtapUrvabhavavarNano nAma caturthaH prastAvaH // ch|| graMthapramANamatredaM vijJeyaM zlokasaMkhyayA / zatAni jinasaMkhyAni triMzatA(s)bhyadhikAni ca // 1 ch|| // 2430 grNthaan|| yAdRzaM pustake dRSTaM tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate // 2 la(bha)mapRSTikaTigrIvo badRSTiradhomukhaM / kaSTena likhitaM zAstraM yatnena paripAlayet // 3 saMvat 1536varSe vaizAkhazudi 6 kuje // zrIgaMdhAra maMdire baDAlaMbIAgamapakSe zrIzIlaratnasUrIzvaraziSyagaNisAdhuratnatatsalyamuninIsalayogya // 30 zrI // sANDAhAkena likhitaM // kalyANaM bhavatu Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 488: // saMvat 1722varSe // zrA( zrI )bhaSTArakazrIvijayANaMdasUrIziSya / paM / zrInayavijayaga / paM / vimalavijayaga // ziSyagaNiratnavijayena 'staMbhatIrtha'sya citkoze muktA pratiriyaM // ciraM naMdatAt / vAcyamAnA geftata: il ga Hag 294910et: 11 Reference.- Published in D. L. J. P. Fund Series as No. 34 in A. D. 1916 and also by Hiralal Hamsaraja in A. D. 1910. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa Vol. I, p. 302 ). S malayasundarIcarita No. 464 Malayasundaricarita 1285. 1884-87. 10 Size.-- 104 in by 41 in. Extent.- 33 folios ; 22 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with occasional TEATIT ; very small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some square space left blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; there is a small hole in the central place ; edges of a few foll. partly gone; several foll. slightly worm-eaten ; condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete ; four prastavas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Prastaya I foll. I to 60 II ~ 66 ,, 167 ILI 16" 226 IV 320 , 33'. Total extent 2430 Slokas. Age.-- Samvat 1445. Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 465. 1 The Svetambara Narratives 189 Begins.- fol. 12 g to go e giant stucada etc. as in No. 463. Ends.-- fol. 336 zrImatpAvajineMdra etc. up to mayedaM tathA // 25 as in No. 465. This is followed by the lines as under :- . ityAgamikazrIjayatilakasUriviracite jJAnaratnopAkhyAne malayasudarIcarite zIlAvadAtapUrvabhavavarNano nAma caturtha(6) prastAvaH graMthAnaM 2430 / saM0 1445 varSe / N. B.-- For additionl particulars see No. 463. malayasundarIcarita Malayasundaricarita 10 1284. No. 465 1884-87. Size.-- 103 in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 76 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina 15 Devanagari characters with occasional Teams; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides 20 as well ; fol. 1deg blank ; condition very good ; complete ; four prastavas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Prastava I foll. 10 to 13* 11 >> 13* ,, 33 . , III , 356 , 491 : 23 IV ,, 49* Total extent 3031 Slokas. Age.- Pretty old. Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (46b. Begins.- fol. 15 60 // namo vItarAgAya // caturaMgo jayatyahan etc. as in No. 463. - fol. 13 ityAgamikazrIjayatilakasUriviracite jJAnarasnopAkhyAne malava... suMdarIcarite malayasuMdarIjanmavarNano nAma prathamaH prastAvaH // cha / - fol. 35deg ityAgamikazrI etc. tatpANigrahaNaprakAzano nAma dvitIyaH prastAvaH __ - fol. 49* isyAgamika etc. zvasurakulasamAgamaprakAzano nAma tRtIyaH prastAvaH Ends.- fol. 76* zrImatpArzvajineMdranirvRtidinAd yAte samAnAM zA(za)te / saMjaze nRpanaMdanA malayataH suMdaryasau nAmataH / etasya(syA)zcarite yathA gaNavR()tA proktaM purA keshinaa| zrImacchaMkhata(na)rezvarasya purato'pyUce mayedaM tathA // 25. . lAkSaNikaziroratnajineMdratilako gnni)| ciraM jIyAd vinAyAso(?) graMthasyAsya vizuddhikRt // 26 : graMthapramANamAtredaM vijJeyaM zlokasaMkhyayA // zatAni jinasaMkhyAni triMzadabhyadhikAni ca / 27 // ityAgamikazrIjayatilakasUriviracite jJAnarasnopAkhyAne malaye(ya)suMdarIcarite zIlAvadAtapUrvabhavavarNano nAma caturthaH prastAvaH // // grNthaa| 3031(?) // // pra(praM)thAgraM // zubhaM bhavatu // Then in a different hand we have : -- paM0zrIvijayacaMdragaNinI prati ... : N. B.- For additional informatiou see No: 463. 20 . .. S malayasundarIcarita . Malayasundaricarita 1330. No. 468 . 1887-91. Size.- 10t in. by 48 in. Extent. -- 38 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 55 letters to a line. Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 467.] The Svetambara Narratives 191 S Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional s; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; in the left-hand margins the title is mentioned as milaya suMdarI ; edges of several foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; four prastavas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : Prastava Description. wr 99 dr I II III Ends. fol. 38b IV foll. Ia 7a 18b 26b " 99 .. Total extent 2430 slokas. Age. Not modern. Begins.- fol. 1. to 7a 18b 266 39 "" d. 4 to 11 e11 caturaMgo jayatyarddan etc. as in No. 463. 386 zrImatpArzvajineMdra etc. up to mayedaM tathA // 25 as in No. 20 465. This is followed by the line as under : ityAgamika etc. up to graMthAnaM 2430 // cha // as in No. 465. Then we have : caturvidhazrIsaMghasya zubhaM bhavatu // suMdarIkathA samAptA // N. B. For further particulars see No. 463. cha // zrI // cha // iti malaya malayasundarIcarita No. 467 Size. 10 in by 48 in. Extent. 89 folios; 12 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line, LO Malayasundaricarita -785. 1899-1915, 25 30 02 Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S TO 192 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 467. Description. Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent gs; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in one line in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right hand margins; a piece of white paper pasted to fol. 1; same is the case with fol. 89b; strips of white paper pasted to several foll.; some of the foll. slightly worm eaten; edges of several foll. partly worn out; condition on the whole tolerably good; fol. 1 blank; so is fol. 89b; complete; four prastavas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : M. Prastava I II III IV 25 30 "" rw Age. Not modern. Begins. fol. 10 e6 // aginta 20 Ends. fol. 89deg 39 Total extent 2430 slokas. foll. "" Hoegretiaka No. 468 dr Size. 10 in. by 4 in. 99 Ib 16 43b 60a to 19 "" "" etc. up to a as in No. 465. This is followed by the lines as under:ityAgamika zrIjaya tilakasUriviracite jJAnaratnopAkhyAne malayasuMdarIcarite zIlAvadAtapUrvabhavavarNano nAma caturthaH prastAvaH // cha // 4 graMthapramANamatredaM ti (vi) jJeyaM zlokasaMkhyayA / zatAni jinasaMkhyAni triMzatA (5) bhyadhikAni ca // graMthAprasaMkhyA 2430 cha // Reference. For additional details see No. 463. 16a 436 60 89b namaH zrIsarvvajJAya // // zrIgurave namaH // etc. as in No. 463. Malayasundaricarita 791. 1892-95. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 469.] The Svetambara Narratives 193 5 10 Extent.-- 54 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva. nagari characters ; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol. 1a blank; so is fol. 54; numbers for verses 1-44 written in red ink; the rest in black ink; edges of the last few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good ; complete; four prastavas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Prastava I foll. 10 to 100 JI 106 266 , III 266 , 366 >>. IV 365 Age. - Samrat 1769. Begins. -- fol. 16 11 gol siteftakime F#: Il ago FTTET etc. as in No. 463. Ends. -- fol. 540 zrImatpArzvajineMdra etc. up to mayedaM tathA 25 as in No. 465. This is followed by the lines as under : ityAgamikazrIjayatilakasUriviracite jJAnaratnopASyAne malayasuMdarIcaritre zIlAvadAtapUrvabhavavarNano nAma caturthaH sargaH prastAvaH samAptaH saM. 1769 phAlguna zudi tRtIyA some. N. B.- For further information see No. 463. 25 malayasundarIcarita . Malayasundaricarita 312. No. 469 A. 1882-83. Size.-- 104 in. by 43 in. Extent. -48 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. 25 [J. L. P. ] Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional TgATIS; small, fairly legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 485 blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment often used for making corrections ; edges of a few foll. partly gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; four prastavas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : Prastava I foll. 11 to 8b ,, II 86 23a III 234 , 316 IV 336 ,, 483. Total extent 2430 Slokas. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.-- fol. 1* l RON THAT THE H og caturmUrtirjayatyarhan dizan dharma caturvidhaM etc. practically As in No. 463. Ends. fol. 482 sfacute for tager etc. up to Had T44 11 24 as in No 465. This is followed by the line as under : Fem etc. up to age(s) ara: as in No. 465. Then we have : uri etc. up to tra(s)mafafa all 2 liter 2830 u 3 ll stya Hagl 5 | 6 Il as in No. 465. Thereafter the following verses are written in a different hand : jarA paDyAM(?) jaganAthakAtha kamalApati lpAvai / haraDi harihari taNI kRSNakiriAtUM bhAvai / / * Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 The Svetambara Narratives sUyala sahasAjanAma rAmarasa melU tAjau / mana mAha basiuM milItrAhi trIkama vaMsAnau / siva sAmaliu zavasuSaU uri bAMhavilaggu torddii| aMtakAli kuSa valIuM / tava goviMda gAruDI // ' N. B.--- For further details see No. 463. . malayasundarIcarita Malayasundaricarita (malayasundarIcariya) (Malayasundaricariya) . 1404. No. 470 1891-95. Size.- 10} in. by 44 in. to Extent.-- 28 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough aud white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, fairly legible and tolerably good handwriting; borders indifferently ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; IS in the left-hand margins the title is written as mAlayAdatI; edges of several foll. more or less worn out; so at times even letters are gone; conditon on the whole tolerably good ; complete ; 797 verses. Age.- Samvat 1628. Author.-- Not known. Is he Hemaprabha ? Subject.- A narrative of Malayasundari in Prakrit. Begins. - fol. 1 // 50 // ... ... namaH // paNayapayakamalasurayaNakinaranarAvaMdana // harakyarAhA ... ... ... paDiya Namo Namo tujjha jiNa isA // 1 // dhavalaM varasohayare vINA karajA suputhiyA ithe // gAyatI mahuraka ... ... hI sarasai majjhu // 2 // etc. 1 It seems that heroin some drugs are equated with the names of some of the deities. Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 Jaind Literature and Philosophy [470. Ends.- fol. 28deg pugvakahAanusari / raiyaM harIrAjamalayAvaracarIyaM / hemasa he u sukkhaM / hemapahavIrajiNacaMdo // 796 // saattk| soUNaM bhavapugvadikkhagahiyA sureNaM vIreNe(?Na) vaa| __ kAu kamma(mma)khayaM gayA sivapayaM pachA su paumAsuyu / laNaM malayA 'mahattarapayaM jAi gagaya sA siva / ___ hemapahariyA kiyaM paDalae sukkhaM cauhiM karo // 797 saMvata 1628 caittavadi 9 soma Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 302). 10 mallisvAmicarita Mallisvamicarita (mallinAthacaritra) ( Mallinathacaritra) 1306. " No. 471 1884-87. 15. Size.-98 in by 3g in. Extent. -- 181-13=168 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper old, thick and yellowish in colour; Devanagari characters with occasional TEHTATS ; clear, bold and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled in triple black lines; red chalk used to mark the numbers for verses ; some of the foll. doubly numbered ; foll. 11-180 stained to a greater or less degree ; foll. 139-145 blotted with blue ink; foll. 162-164 missing; fol. 161 ending with the words kautukAkSipta ; the beginning of the 389th verse of tbe 8th canto and fol. 165 commencing with patizciMtayAkulaH, a part of the 464th verse of the same canto ; incomplete as this work begins from the ith fol. ; corrected by Pradyumna Suri; this work is a 104 divided into 8 cantos as under : 10 Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 197 62 760 98. 1460 471.] The svetambara Narratives Sarga 1 foll. to ____II III IV V VI VII VIII 147 181. Extent.- 4750 slokas. Age.- Samvat 1491. 10 Author.- Vinayacandra Suri, pupil of Pradyumna Suri, pupil of Ratnaprabha of the Candra gaccha. Subject.- A piece of narrative literature dealing with the life of Lord Mallinatha, the 19th Tirtharkara of the Jainas. Even his previous births are here described. The colophon of 15 each canto throws light on the subject treated herein. Begins.- fol. 11 iyataH kalmaSAcchuddhiH kathaM mama bhaviSyati / vinA munIn zamadhyAnatatparAn bhavatArakAn ? // 49 // vimRzyate dayAnino vimuktaH pApavartmanaH / 20 prAvit kadA(s)zramaM padbhyAM sakhibhyAM saha bhUpatiH ? // 50 // etc. - fol. 21deg ityAcAryazrIvinayacaMdrasUriviracita(te) zrImadAcAryapradyumnazodhite zrImallisvAmicarite vinayAMke mahAkAvye prathamabhave pratyekabuddhazrIratnacaMdrasatyaharizcaMdragarbhitaH zrIbalanRpatipratibodhabaMdhuraM zrImahAbalarAjyAbhikotsavavyAvarNano nAma prathamaH sva(sa)H(rgaH) // 25 - fol. 45* iti zrIvinayacaMdrasUriviracite vinayAMke dAnazIlatapobhAvanAyAM jinadattavanamAlAzrIvidyAvilAsa kSitipatidRDhaprahArimaharSikathAgarmitazrImahAbalarAjarSiacaladharaNapUraNavasuvaizramaNaabhicaMdravratamahotsavabyAvarNano nAma dvitIyaH srgH|| - fol. 54deg ityAcAryaviracite. binayAMke nya(?) taraMgadezanAgarbhitaH prathamadvitIya- 30 bhavanyAvarNano nAma tRtIyaH sargaH Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 faina Literature and Philosophy [ 471. - fol. 62deg ityAcAryazrIvinayacaMdrasUriviracite zrImallIsvAmIcarite mahAkAbve vinayAMke vyavanajanmakalyANikadvitayavyAvarNano nAma caturthaH sargaH // - fol. 76- ityAcAryaviracite. vinayAMke dIkSAkevalajJAnotpatti(tti)saMkIrtano nAma paMcamaH srgH| - fol. 98* ityAcAryaviracite. vinayAMke samyaktvaphale davadaMtImahAsatI caritavyAvarNano nAma SaSThaH sargaH - fol. 1466 ityAcAryaviracite. vinayAMke samyaktvapUrvakaprANAtipAtAdivateSu vasudattavasubaMdhasaMgamakasudarzanabhogadattamitrAnaMdabhImabhImasenalobhanaMditArAcaMdracaMdrAvataMsakadhanasenazikharasenacaMdanabAlAphalavyAvarNano nAma saptamaH 5 10 sargaH Euds.- fol. 181b aranAthasya nirvANAcchrImallijinanirvRtiH / koTIsahanaiva(varSANAM samatikrAMtavatyabhUt // 86 caritaM zrImalliH zravasya yugapIyUSasarasI rasIbhUtAtmAno vinayavinatA ye bhave bhRtaH / vigAhaMte sarba sakalakamalodbhUtijanaka bhavet teSAM satyaM nijanijamanazcityitavidhiH / / 88 (?) ityAcAryazrIvinayacaMdrasUriviracite zrImallisvAmicarite mahAkAvye vinayAMke AstikanRpacaritakuMbhanaradevapAlagopAlayajJadattacilAtIputracaMdrarudrAcAryaziSyayazazcaMdrarAjarSijayadattAgrakathitamadanarekhAkathAnakagarbhito nigigyAvarNano nAmASTamaH sargaH samAptaH // cha / graMthAna 4750 // cha / saMvat 1491 varSe kArtika sudi 15 ravidIne vANisomasIlikhitaM // cha / yAvad vyomasara:krIDo rAjahaMso'dhirAjate / vibudhairvAcyamAno(s)pi tAvat naMdaMtu pustikaaH|||||ch / shrii| Reference.- Published in Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala as No. 29 in Vira Samvat 2438. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, P. 303). 25 Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 472.] The svetambara Narratives 199 mallisvAmicarita Mallisvamicarita 608. No. 472 1895-98. Size.- 12 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 89 folios; IS lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick and grey ; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs%3 small, legible and good hand-writing: red chalk used; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; the unnumbered sides have a small spot in red colour in the centre; the numbered, 10 in each of the two margins, too; foll. numbered as usual; . fol. 1a blank; the right-hand portions of foll. 1b and 2a kept blank perhaps with a view to decorate them with pictures of some of the Jinas; edges etc. of most of the foll. damaged; in some cases, they are even worn out; the Isth is fol. seems to have been exposed to fire ; a piece of white paper pasted to fol. 34; so the corresponding written portion wanting; foll. 35-49 have small pieces of paper pasted to their edges ; fol. 49 torn; fol. 55 very badly; condition unsatisfactory; incomplete. Age.- Fairly old. Author-- He may be Vinayacandra Suri. Subject.- Life of Mallinatha, a Tirthankara of the Jainas. Begins.- fol. 1 // 56 // // o (7) ahaM namaH // mahAtejaHprAptaH sarvamaMgalollAsakAraNaM / arhan gaNazriyaM prINan jayatAd vRssbhdhvjH||1 kuMbhajanmAsitadhyAnAMjalipItabhavodadhiH / zrImanmAllarjito(no) bhUyAt pApavAtApitApanaH // 2 o(?)mahIno dvijihvo(s)pi kSamAbhArakSamo(5)jani / AzrayAd yasya sa syAd vaH zriye pAzvajinezvaraH // 3 vNdaarusurkottiirvkottiickrcubitaaH|| jIyAsurvIranAthakha kramadvaMdvanakhaMdavaH // 4 20 30 Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ *S 10 IS 122 20 25 200 Jaina Literature and Philosophy anyAnapi gatatrAsAn sacchAyAna'malAnalaM / naumi muktAvalImadhyanAyakAn nanAyakAn // 5 tripadyapi jinAnA (nAM) gaurjagadgocaracAriNI / sAlaMkArAMginI me syAt tattvapIyUSavarSiNI // 6 rajaHkSodapayoda zrIvidyAhRdyAvataMsakaM / praNamyahaM bhavodyAnabhaMganAgaM guruM svakaM // 7 AdyAMtyAkSarairgurornAma kaveH zodhayituzca jagajjaitrasya yasyaite kiMkarAste surezvarAH / taM jigAya jino mAraM kaumAre (S) pi javena yaH 8 // etc. Ends. fol. 89b dadhurlAvaNyapuNyAni tadaMgAni zriyaM paraM / muktAphalamanojJAni taTAnIM ca payonidheH // 56 aMgAnAM vRddhimAlokya mene dakSasakhIjanaH / akAlaM phalasaMvittirbhUruhAmiva bhItidAM // 57 This Ms. ends abruptly. Reference. - For p. 303 ). [ 472. additional Mss. see_Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, Mahabala-Malayasundari-katha mahAbala - malaya sundarI - kathA No. 473 Size - 10g in. by 5 in. Extent. - 17 folios; 17 lines to a page 54 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters; bold, clear, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in double red lines; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 14 blank ; a border on the right hand of the first fol. slightly damaged; condition good; corrections occasionally made in the margins; complete; this work is divided into 4 parts, each styled as ullasa as under : 793. 1892-95. Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Svetambara Narratives Ullasa I foll. 1 to 40 , II ,4 90 , 120 , IV , 12 , 17. Age. Samvat 1918. Author.-Manikyasundara Sari, pupil of Merutunga Suri of the Ancala gaccha. For his additional works ses Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, p. 241. Subject.- A story of mahAbala & malayasundarI in prose in Sanskrit. Begins.- fol. 10 560 // namaH zrIsarvajJAya // jAto yaH kamalAkare zucikule zrIazvasenezituH prekhadrogiphalAvalIvaradalaH pronmiilniilcchviH| satkIrtyA surabhirdadAtu sumanorAjIvarAjI vibhuH sa zrIpArzvajinezvaraH surataruH zreyaHphalaM naH sadA // 1 // taM praNamya prabhu pArzva sarvakalyANakArakaM kathA malayasuMdaryA sauMdaryasahitocyate 2 jJAne zIla(le) kSamAyAM ca jinAzAtanavarjane / kathA malayasuMdaryA jJeyA ca vratapAlane 3 zrIpArzvanAthadevasya kezinA gnndhaarinnaa| pUrva zaMkhanarendrAgre kathiteyaM kathA prathAM // 4 prAkRtaiH saMskRtaiH padyaiH kRtA pU: svistraa| kathA(s)sau gadyabaMdhena saMkSipya kila kathyate // 5 . Ends.- Eol. 170 'mahAdhidehe ' samutpaJca siddhiM yAsvati iti malAyasuMdarIkathA bhusvA malayasuMdarIvat jJAnaM zIlaM ca pAzyaM vivekimiH yathA tAbhyAM(bhyA)mAzAtanA muneH kRtA tathA(s)nekenApi va(na) (ka)rtavyA 25 zrImatpArzvajineMdra nivRttidinAd yAte samAnAM zate saMjaze nRpanaMdanA malayataH suMdaryaso(sau) nAmataH etasyAzcaritaM yathA ma(ga)NabhRtA proktaM purA kezinA zrImazaMkhanarezvarasya purato(5)pyUce mayedaM tathA // 1 // saMkSepo nAvabodhAya vistaro dustaro bhavet / . na saMkSepo na vistAraH kathayAmiha taSTAH (ttkRtH)||3|| 28 J. L. P.] Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 15 20 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 478. iti zrI'aMcala'gacche mANikyasuMdarasUrikRtAyAM mahAbala - malaya suMdarIkathAyAM caturtha ullAsaH // zrImaMgalaM zubhaM bhavatu // // saMvat 1998nA mAgasara suda 11 zukre likhitaM zrI' bhuja' nagaramadhye mahArAo zrI 7 prAgamalajInA rAjamAM moDha brAmhaNa travADI lIlAdhara jIvarAma tena lipIkRtaM idaM pustakaM lekhakapAThakayo zubhaM bhavatu / / samApto ( s) yaM / liSAvitaM dhArivA (bA) I 'bhUja' nagare / paM / pra / muktilAbha saMvegIkuM bo (vo) rAI // 5. subhaM bhUyAt // zrIrastu // kalyANamastu // Reference. 10 mahAbala - malayasundarI - kathA No. 474 25 202 Published at Bombay in A. D. 1918. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, pp. 302 & 305 ). Ullasa I II III IV Size-- 11++ in. by 44 in. Extent.- 20 folios; 13 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with qarars; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used at times for making corrections; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; extent 892 slokas; four ullasas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : rd 29 dr Age. -- Pretty old. foll. 14 4b II 15a " Mahabala-Malayasundari-katha " "" to " 22 313. A. 1882-83. " [Ia 15 a . 200 Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 476.] The Svetambara Narratives 20% Begins.-- fol. 1* 4 gol 7A: starta Fra 1: 440747 etc. as in No. 473. Ends.-- fol. 205"Herala' ayaqa etc. up to Fernfaa tiga: 117 practically as in No. 473. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrI aMcala' gacche zrImANikyasuMdarasUriviracitAyAM mahAbalamalayasuMdarIkathAyAM caturtha ullAsaH ||ch // graMthAgraM 892 // zubhaM bhUyAt // stera il 3 1 3 1 3 1 N. B.- For further particulars see No. 473. 10 mahAbalAkhyAna [ Helecce ] No. 475 Mahabalakhyana [ Mahabalarasa ] . 756. 1875-76, Size.- 9. in. by 45 in. Extent. -- 29 folios ; 11 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. 15 Description.- Country paper smooth, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent TYAFITS ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; dandas written in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; 20 fol. pa blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; corners of a few foll, slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; extent 725 slokas, Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Pupil of Rsi Laiya. Subject. -- Story of Mahabala in Gujarati. Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1418 10 Begins.- fol. 1 // 6 // ___ rAga kedArau / gautama deva namo sadA / lhIi su(sa)vi suSasaMpadA / sAradA vANI bhApu nirmalIi / / / [3] ullaas| nirmalI vANI mujhani mApu / yuktii sahita guNavatI / suravara naravara madhye dIpai / ehakI sahI somaMtI / 2 / teha taNA prasAdathI kahuM / mahAbalanuM ASyAna / bolisi yukti karI ti suNayo / puruSottamaparadhAna / 3 / etc. Ends.- fol. 29 eha rAsa zrImahAbala keru / yugati sahita je gAi re / sohAmaNA / teha ghari sayala siddhi suSa mAvi / dina nisi sUSIyA yA(thA)hare sohAmaNAM // 1 // -ol. 29 dayA taNA phala moTAM kahIi / tehanA rasa atimIThA re / sohaamnnaa| kumara mahAbala ima suSa pAmyA te zrAvIre dIThA re dA(dI)ThA hai| sohAmaNA 2 vegi0| zrIRkSi lAIyA moTA munivara / teha siSi raciuM rAsa re| sohAga(ma)NA bhaNi gaNi bhAvi karI ava(ba) / suNati mami ulhAsi ri(re)| sohAmaNA / gi03| veti mAhArA bhAI jaya / dayA rUDI pari rASi re / sohAmaNA / iti zrImaha(hA)balarAsa saMpUrNa // cha // 9 // 725 Reference.-- For extracts and additional Mss. (one of them dated V. S. 1640 ) see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 240 & Vol. III, pt. I. pp.730-731). Here this work is named as "mahAbaLarAsa". 25 Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 496 ) The svetambara Narratives 205 mahAvIracarita (Herereafte) ['greret Azfreierat ] No. 476 Mahaviracarita ( Mabaviracariya ) [Duriyarayasamira'thotta ] 251. 1873-74. . Size.-- 104 in. by 4} in. Extent.-- s folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, brittle and greyish ; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional TGATTIS ; big, quite legible, 10 uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; dandas written in red ink; foll, numberd in the right-hand margins ; unnumbered sides decorated with a spot in red colour in the centre; the numbered in each of 15 the two margins, too; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of several foll. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; fol. gb blank; complete; 44 verses in all. Age.- Pretty old. 20 Author.- Jinavallabha Gani of the Kharatara gaccha. He is the successor of Abhayadeva Suri and guru of Jinadatta Suri. He died in V. S. 1167. For his additional works etc. see DCGCM ( Vol. XVII, pt. , p, s and Vol. XIX, sec i, pt. 2, p. 312). Subject. - Life of Lord Mahavira in Prakrit. Begins.-- fol. 1a II GOL namiya jiNamusabhamumayasadesavilasaMtakasiNakesacayaM / muhasasijoNhAtaNhArasabhamaracakorajuyalaM ca // 1 / asuriMdasuriMdanariMdaviMdavaMdiyadhuyassa tasseva / atautoane Panter gafa far pas ardi FT3 U 21 etc. 30 Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [4762 Ends.- fol. 5. . evaM vIrajiNesaNesara tuma mohaMdhaviddhaMsaNaM / bhanvaM( vAM )bhoruhabohasohajaNayaM / dosaayruccheynnN| .. . thovaM jaM kusalANubaMdhikusalaM patto mhi kiMcI to| ___ jAijA jiNavallaho maha sayA pAyappaNAmo tuha // 44 // iti zrImahAvIracaritraM saMpUrNa // ||ch|| Then in a different hand we have : ___ zrAvakAratnAMpaThanArtha // rUpAMpaTa(3)nArtha / Reference.- Published with Samayasundara's commentary by the manager of Jinadatta Suri Bhandara of Surat. For additi.. onal Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, pp. 179 & 306). - mahAsatIcarita Mahasaticarita . (mahAsatIcariya) ( Mahasaticariya ) ... ' [ mahAsatIsandhi ] [ Mahasatisandhi ] Is No. 477 127 (8). 1872-73. , Extent. - fol. 6deg to fol. 7'. Description.- Complete ; 44 verses in all. For other details see Upadesaratnamala ( Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 264 ). Author.-Unknown. 20 Subject.- Information about all the mahasatis ( highly chaste women ). Begins.- fol. 6deg // 6 // e . kallANanihimaNappaM kappadumakAmadheNusayakappaM / . kaMdappadaliyadappaM jayai jaisIlamahappaM // 1 etc. as Ends - fol. 70 iya siddhipayAsiNi sirijiNasAsaNi kahIya mahAsaicariu vihA / ja(je)maNi pabhAvii te suhu pAvai / guNasAyarasAyararucirA // 44 iti sakalamahAsatIvarNanasAMdhaH // cha / Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 478.] The Svetambara Narratives 207 mahIpAlakathA Mahipalakatha (mahivAlakahA) ( Mahivalakaha) No. 478 795. 1892-95. Size.-- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.- 55 folios, 13 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin, tough and white%3; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing : borders ruled in three lines in red ink; dandas and practi* Io cally last two lines written in the same ink ; foll. numbered : in both the margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used at times for making corrections ; in the left-hand margins the title is sometimes written as 15 malihapA0 and sometimes as mahipAlaca0; fol 1 blank ; so is fol. 556; edges of few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good ; complete ; 1817 verses in all. Age.- Samvat 1631. Author.- Viradeva Gani, pupil of Municandra of Candra gaccha. 10 Subject.- Life of Mahipala. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 67 // OM namaH sarvajJAya // cha / namiUNa risahanAhaM / kevlvrnaanndNsnnsnnaaii| . vihiyasuresarasevaM / kaNayaM va sayA niruvalevaM // 1 // suragirisArasudhIro / saMpattatavodahissa prtiiro| kaMva(ca)NavanasarIro / so jayau jiNesaro viiro|2 paNayajaNapUriyAse ciMtAmaNikapparukkhasaMkAse / ajiyAI bAvIsa / namiUNa jiNe tihuyaNese / 3 // karayalagayasu(mu)ttAhalasirisaM picchaMti sayalatiyaloyaM jIha pasAeNa narA sA jayau sarassaI devI // 4 etc. Ends.- fol. 55% ettha ya ja ussuttaM bhaNiyaM taM suyaharehiM pasiUNa / soheyavvaM sammaM guNANa vuTThI(DDi) karatehiM // 13 // . . . . . .... Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 Jaina Literature and Philosophy siri'caMda'gacchagayaNe / jAu siridevabhahasUri ravI / payaDiyapasasthasacho / cittaM jaM so na sttaaso|14 / tassisso sirisiddhiseNasUrI samaggaguNagaNagdha(gha)vir3a munnicNdsuuripvro| bAuloyaMmmi vikkhAu // 15 // sirimuNicaMdagurUNa pypNkyraayhNssaariccho| paMDiyatilau AsI supasiddho vIradevagaNI / 16 / seNaM esA raIyA mahivAlakahA viyaTTamaNaharaNA nimmalapayasthakaliyA / niyayagurUNaM pasAeNa // // cchaM // 1817 ||ch|| iti zrImahIpAlakathA samAtA // saMvat 1611varSe caitra vadi 7 ravivAre 'sAraMgapura'nagare vAcanArya gaNizrIjJAnasAgarataziSyagaNizrIharSasAgaravAca (nA)thaM // liSavitaM sA kAnhajI // liSataM paMDe dAsU // 2 // Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 308). - mahIpAlakathA. Mahipalakatha 796. 1892-95. Is No. 479 Size:- 9 in. by 4g in. Extent.- so folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white%3B Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent TEHS; sufficiently big, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good handwriting ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol. 1a blank; red chalk used; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well so as to form a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; 817 verses in all, Age.- Pretty old. Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 480.] The svetambara Narratives 209 Begins.-- fol. 16 gol TASUT fragtii etc. as in No. 478. Ends. fol. 506 I gra a gegei etc. up to Aayat Target II (680) as in No. 478. This is followed by the lines as is under : __ iti zrImahIpAlakathAcarI(ri)traM saMpUrNa jAtaM 'pattane' zrIrastu HT 790 sft ET II 3 il soft II B II N. B.- For further particulars see No. 478. mahIpAlacaritra Mahipalacaritra 10 ( Healafta) ( Mabivalacaritta ) 783. No. 480 1899-1915. Size.-- 114 in. by 4} in. Extent.-- 45-6 = 39 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. is Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, brittle and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; there is some square space kept blank 20 in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; there is a hole in the central space ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. I to 6 missing ; so the work begins abruptly; it ends also so as the Ms. terminates abruptly; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole tolerably good. Age.- Pretty old. Author.-- Is he Viradeva Gani, pupil of Municandra of the Candra gaccha? 27 [J. L. P.) Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 210 TS Jaina Literature and Philosophy s Ends. fol. 45b 20 Subject.- Life of Mahipala. Begins abruptly. fol. 7* [480 sahasa tti mayaNavA (bA) NehiM / ciMtiya saJciya dhannA jIse sattAime suhabho // 13 (213 ) etc. iya mahivAlacaritaM leseNaM kipi sAhiyaM etthaM // guNakkhAyanasa / samajiyAtucchapunnaphalaM // 4 guNiNo vi macchareNa paraguNa niMdAparAyaNA dhaNiyaM dr (a) suhakameNaM viguNANa siromaNI huMti // 5 ( 1805 ) guNAvi narA guNapakkhavAya putreNa huMviM (ti) bhai suhiyA / jaha eso mahivAlo paccaikkhaM sAhiA tumha / tApuriseNaM guNiNA guNANubhAo avassa kA // The Ms. ends thus abruptly. mAnatuGga-mAnavatI - rAsa No. 481 Size-- 11g in. by sh in. Extent. - 35 folios; 16 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and beauti ful hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1 blank; so is fol. 35b; white pigment used for making corrections; condition very good ; complete ; composed at Patan in Samvat 1760 in 47 dhalas. Manatunga-Manavati-rasa 371. 1871-72. Age. -- Sarvat 1867. Author.--- Mohanavijaya, pupil of Rupavijaya. For his additional works see p. 17. Subject. A story of Manatunga and that of Manavati. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 481.j The svetambara Narratives * Begins.- fol. 10 ||e 6 / / duhA // RSabhajiNaMdapadAMbujai manamadhukara karI lIna AgamaguNasaurabhyavara ati AdarathI lIna 1 yAnapAtrasama jinavarU tAraNa bhavanidhitoya Apa taryA tAre apara tehaneM praNepati hoya 2 etc. mRSAvAda tyajatAM thakAM dharIiM apratibaMdha satya vacana upari suNo mAnavatIsaMbaMdha 10 etc Ends.- fol. 34deg mAnatuMga meM mAnavatIno rAsa racyo meM rUDo he sa.. 10 lejyo kavijana ! eha sudhArI hoiM jo akSara kuDo he sa0 10 / meM to karI chai bAlakakrIDA hu~ syuM jANU joDI he sa. hAsI koya na karasyo kovida mata koi nAMSo viSoDI he sa0 " covIha saMgha tanA AgrahathI meM kIdho rAsa rasIlo he sa0 je koI bhaNasya suMNasye prAMNI te lahasye sivacIlo he sa. 12 15 pUrNa kAya mUMnI caMdra (1760) suvarSe vRddhimAsa sudi pakSe he sa0 aSTamI karmavATI udayika saumavAra sudi pakSe he sa0 13 zrIvijayasenasUrIpayasevaka kIrtivijaya uvajhAyA he sasana0 tAsa sISya saMyamaguMNalInA mAnavijaya budharAyA he sa014 tAsa sIsa paMDitamugaTAmaNi rUpavijaya kavIrAyA he sa0 ..... 20 tAsa sIsa karuNAthI karIne akSuraguNaM meM gAyA he sasana0 15 'mA(a)TA(Na)halapura'pattanameM rahIneM mAnavatIguNaM gAyA he sa0 dUrmadAsa rAThoDane rAje ANaMda adhika upAyA he sa015 - saDatAlIseM DhAle karIne kIdho rAsa rasa(sA)lo hai sa0 mohanavijaya kahai nita ho jyo ghari ghari maMgalapmAlA he sasane017 25 iti zrImAMnatuMga-mAnavatI-rAsa saMpUrNa // saMvat 1867nA varSe mAha sudi 6 chaTha dine lakhItaM ga(Ni lakSmIvijaya 'khaMbhAta 'baMdare zrIpArzvanAthapra(sA)dAt zrIrastu zrIkalyANamastu // zrIgaNezAya namaH // zrI // zrIsAradAyai namo namaH // zrImAMka' coka madheH / zrIH // shriiH|| Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 'TS Jaina Literature and Philosophy [481. Reference. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 435-438). On p. 442 ft is mentioned as Mohanavijaya's work. I think it should be teft published in "atatait atat du" (pp. 84-110). This covIit is incorporated in " 1151 stavana maMju ( jU ) SA". 25 212 30 mitracatuSkakathA No. 482 10 Description. Country paper characters with Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 27-1-26 folios; 17 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. 20 Age.- Old. C Author. thin and yellowish; Devanagari s; clear, bold and rounded handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red F chalk used; parts of the lower borders of almost every fol. worn out; condition on the whole good; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1 blank; fol. 15 seems to be missing; foll. 16 & 17 not numbered; fol. 18 does not appear to be the continuation of the 17th since the number for verses does not tally; almost complete; composed in Samvat 1484; corrected by Laksmibhadra. Mitracatuskakatha 623. 1884-86. Munisundara Suri, successor of Somasundara Suri. For his additional works see D C G C M (Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, P. 134 ). Subject. A story of four friends, one of them being Sumukha, a king. * Begins. fol. 1deg // 60 // OM namaH sarvajJAyaH jayazrIprAptito dvaidharipUNAM syuH sadA sukhAH / yaddharmavidyayA bhavyAstaM zrIvIraM jinaM stuve // 1 // mAlAkArA iva prAptairyasyAH kAvyasumairbudhAH qerifa zvaroi ai aprgi(afi) sermai as etc. Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 482. 1 Ends- fol. 27. The Svetambara Narratives tattadanugrahahetoryatidharmaM dazavidhaM jagau bhagavAn / dvAdazadhA gRhidharma darzanamUlaM ca suvyaktaM // 1 // UcurnRpAdayo yathA yatidharme na prabho ! vayaM zaktAH / tadanugrahaM vidhAya zrAddhAnAM dehi dharmma naH // 2 bhagavAnatha gRhidhammaM vidhinA datte sma te ( s) pi taM nidhivat / prApya vadhuH pramadabharaM vyajijJapad gurumatho nRpatiH // 3 bhagavan ! ko (S) haM bhavitA bhavAdato bhAvi me zivaM no vA ? gururAkhyat svarloke bhAvI devaH sabhAryastvaM // 4 cyutvA tato nRjanmani dharmaiH kimaritaM sukhaM bhuktvA gaMtA (s) si svaH punarapyevamitaH saptame nRbhave // 5 muktvA rAjyaM prApya vrataM kRtA'zeSakarmamalaghAtaH prApsyasi zivazarma tvaM saha patnIbhiH sahAnaMdaH // 6 yugmaM // suhRdo'pyarhatAd dharmAt kramAt samyagupAsitAt / bhavaiH katipayai rAjan ! prApsyati zivasaMpadaM // 7 zrutveti bhUpaH samuhatsabhAryaH paurAzca dharmAn vividhAn prapadya / guruM praNamya prakRtArtha bhAvA yathAgataM svaM svamagurnivAsaM // 8 suzrAddhadharmaM suciraM prapAlya prabhAvya tIrtha bahughA sabhAryaH / kAle divaM prApya nRpo guru (rU) ktakrameNa naiHzreyasamApa zarma // 9 evaM namana jinamunIn parameSThimaMtra dhyAyan sRjaMzca satataM nijadAratoSaM / rAjyAdisaMpadamavApya parAkrameNa prAoti muktimapi karmajayazriyAMgI // 510 // (d) dASTamanumite 1484bde munisuMdarasUrimiH samukhe vRttaM / bhavyAnugraha hetoH zreyaH prAptyai vyadhAyIdaM // 11 zabdAnuzAsane dakSo lakSmIbhadramunirmudA / kathA etA catasro'pi gurubhakterazodhayat // 12 213 To IS 20 25 30 Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina literature and Philosophy 8. __ iti zrIjinamuninamananamaskAraguNanasvadArasaMtoSaphale sumukhanupAdimitracatuSkakathA // jagatprasiddhazrItapAbRhadgacchamaMDanazrIdevasuMdarasUrizrIjJAnasAgarasUriziSyaiH zrIsomasuMdarasUripaTTapratiSThitaiH zrImunisuMdarasUrimiH kRtA // cha // miti bhadraM // zubhaM bhavatuH // cha // samastazrIsaMghakalyANaM // guruprsaadiii||ch|| cha ||ch||ch|| Reference. -- Published by Jaina Armananda Sabha as No. 75 of its Series. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 309). 10 * ! mitracatuSkakathA Mitracatuskakatha No. 483 279. 1883-84. Size.- 101 in. by 4g in. Extent. -- 30-1 = 29 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with TEATAT ; small, legible and elegant handwriting ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins%3; fol. 5 lacking; otherwise complete 3 extent 2800 slokas%3; condition good. 20 Age.-Not modern. Begins.- fol. 1. // 50 // OM namaH sarvajJAya // jayazrIprati etc. as in No. 482. Ends.-- fol. 306 tadanugrahaM vidhAya etc. upto munisuMdarasUribhiH kRtA // as in No. 482. Then we have : cha graM.2800 paM.hemanaMdanagaNinA(s)vAci svaparasaMvide. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 482. " Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76. 484] The Svetambara Narratives 216 .. munipaticatuSpadI Munipaticatuspadi (munipaticopAha) ( Munipaticopai ) No. 484 1898-99. Size.-98 in. by 43 in. Extent.-- 25 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters ; uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; there is some space to kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; in the left-hand margin the title is written as manapati; edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat 1550. Age.- Samvat 1673. Author.- Simhakula, pupil of Devagupta Suri of the Bivandanika gaccha. Subject.- Life of Munipati, rajarsi. Begins.- fol. 1* // 6 // // zrIgurubhyo nmH| goyama gaNahara goyamagaNaharapAya paNamevi // . 20 nAmi nava na(ni)dhi saMpaji // sayala sidhi sa(se)vakaha appi|| ekamanAM jeu lagai // dharai dhyAna tasa lavadhi thappai / ' doi kara joDI vInavU // dau majha vAMNi viseSyiH bolasu rAya munipaticarI // kathAbaMdha savaseSA / 1 // etc.' Ends.- fol. 250 duhA vastu cupai jAsa / kahitA kavi upajai uhalAsa / sAMbhalatAM Upajai pramoda / eha caritra vairAgyavinoda / 4 saMvata paMnara paMcAsu (1550) jI(jA)Ni / vadi vaizASa mAsa mani aannii| dina sasamI raciu ravivAra // bhaNai guNaha mani haraSa apAra // 5 // 10 iti zrImunipatiRSicupai samAptaH // saM01673varSe phAgaNa vadi 8 dane // stuHzrIra klyaannmstuH|| chaH 'masAuligrA'madhye lsstu| 1 This verse is in Vastu' metro. Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (484 Reference.-- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. 1, p. 90 & Vol. III, pt. I, pp. SIS-517). munipaticarita Munipaticarita (muNivaicariya) (Munivaicariya ) s No. 485 372. 1871-72. -- Size.- 9 in. by 4t in. Extent.- 19 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line Description. - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used to denote the numbering for the verses ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins%3B fol. 1 blank; condition very good ; complete ; 646157) verses in all ; composed in Samvat 1172. Is Age.- Samvat 1847. Author.- Haribhadra Suri, pupil of Jinadeva, pupil of Manadeva .... of the Brhad gaccha. Subject.- Life of Munipati. Begins.- fol. 19 ahaM // namiUNa mahAvIraM cautIsAisayasaMjuyaM vIra muNivaicariyaM vucchaM susAhuguNarayaNapaDihatthaM 1 bhatthi iha 'bharaha'vAse 'muNivaiyA' nAma niruvamA nayarI tIe muNivairAyA payaIjaNavacchalo Asi 2 etc. Ends.:-- fol. 190 muNivaicariyaM evaM gAhAhi samAsao samuddhariyaM puzvacariyAu sugamaM rammaM haribhaddasUrIhiM 42 ettha u muNivaicarie raie saMkhevo mahatthaMmi gaMthaggaM gAhANaM chacca saya ceva teyAlA 43 (643) Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 486.] The Svetambara Narratives 217 nayaNamuNirudda(1972)saMkhe vikkamasaMvacharaMmi vaJcate bhaddavayapaMcamIe samachi(tthi)yaM cariyamiNamo tti 44 yAva ya caMdAiccA jAva ya nakkhattamaMDiyaM gayaNaM jAva ya jiNavaradhammo tA naMdau muNivaIcariyaM 46(15) iti zrImunipaticaritraM samAtiM paphANa vAcyamAnaM vaktRmiH 5 zrotRbhiH zrUyamANaM u| zrImuktisaubhAgyaga(Ni)mirlekhamANa shi| paM / rAjasaubhAgyaga(Ni )miH paThamAnaM ciraM jIyAt sN| 1847 va / po / shu|' budhe zrI staMbhatIrtha' zrIH / Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 311 ). Some of them seem to belong to the work No 487, though 10 here included. Munipaticarita or munipaticarita No. 486 314. A. 1882-83. Size.- 10% in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 16 folios ; 15 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white%3 Jaina Deva-.. nagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrA; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used: 20 dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-handc: margins ; unnumbered sides decorated with a small spot in red colour in the centre ; the numbered in each of the two margins and that, too, artistically ; yellow pigment used for making corrections%3; fol. 16deg blank except that 35 there is a design in the centre ; edges of a few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good ; complete; extent 775 lokas. Age.- Pretty old. 28 [J. L. P.] Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 486. Begins.-- fol. 1* EO II AAST HETti etc. as in No. 485. Ends.-- fol. 16* (g)foagafi etc. up to 4 fa avant 11 848? practically as in No. 485 and then we have : fa A (H) farqlagraaf Aal(a)afa 13 II ARATA Trei Il Tu Hadi s N, B.--- For further particulars see No. 485. 10 munipaticaritrasAroddhAra Munipaticaritrasaroddhara 1331. No. 487 1887-91. Size.-- 104 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 17 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, tough and grey; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; dandas on one or two foll. written in red ink ; foll, numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1 blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; edges of the first and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete, Age.- Samvat 1720. 20 Author.- Not known. Subject. Life of Munipati. It contains the story of Kastha, a monk. It is 16th. For names of other stories see No. 488. 1 The last verses are interchanged. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 488.1 The Svetambara Narratives 218 Begins.- fol. 10 5 60 // zrIpArzvanAthAya namaH // namiUNa vaddhamANaM / cauvihAI(i)sayasaMjuyaM dhIraM muNivaicariyaM buMchaM / susAhuguNarayaNapaDihatthaM // 1 // ___ munipaticaritrasAroddhAraH kriyate / 'jaMbU'dvIpe 'bharata'kSetre 'munisu vratA' nagarI tatra munipatI rAjA tasya pRthivI raajnyii| etc. Ends.- fol. 17' iti muninoktaM SoDazamaM kASThamunikathAnakaM / tad bhoH kuMcika ! enaM tavArtho gRhItaH etc. up to haribhaddasUrIhiM // 3 // practically as in No. 488. This is followed by the lines as under :__iti zrImunipaticaritraM saMpUrNa // saMvat 1720varSe azvanimAse zuklapakSe / dazamyAM tithau vRhaspativAre // zrI vRhadkharataragacche // zrIsAgara- 16 caMdrasUrisaMtAne / mahopAdhyAyazrIdayAratnagaNi tatzi(vya)vA0zrIzivadevagaNi taziSyavA0zrIsahajakIrtigaNi tatziSyavA0rAjacaMdragaNi tatziSyavA0zrIjayanidhAnagaNi taziSyazrIkamalasiMhagaNi tatziSyapaM0kamalaratna tatziSyapaM0jJAnacaMdralikhitaM gurubhrAtRpaM0dAnacaMdrapaThanArtha / / zrI // // shrii|| 15: Reference.-- In Jinaralnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 311 ) this Ms. is recorded under Munipaticaritra by Haribhardra Suri. munipaticaritrasAroddhAra Munipaticaritrasaroddhara 612. No. 488 1895-98. 20 Size.-9 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 8 folios ; 18 lines to a page; 58 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, perlectly legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two 25 lines and edges in one in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; red chalk used; condition very good%3B complete. Age.- Sarivat 1874. Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [488. 220 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins.- fol. 1. // 60 // zrIparamAtmane namaH // namiUNa ba(va)ddhamANaM etc. as in No. 487. Ends.- fol. 8' iti yatinoktaM SoDazamaM kathAnakaM 16 tadbho tuM(kuM)cika ! yatinA tavAthe(\) nigRhItaH sa parivrAjikAvat kSayaM yAtu iti kruddhena muninA mukhaM prasAritaM mukhAt dhUmraH nirgataH zreSTiputreNa bhayabhrAMtenoktaM mune ! krodhenAlaM he pitaH ! tvadravyaM mayA hRtamasti tena zreSTI svaM niMdan sAdhupAdayoH patitaH punaH punaH sAdhuH kSAmitaH sAdhurapi prazAMto jAtaH zreSThinA svapApamAlocya muneH pArzve dIkSA gRhItA kuMcikasutaH zrAvakatvaM bheje munipatisAdhuH pratimAM vidhAya kRtAnazA(za)mo(no) devatvaM prApa punaH mAnuSyaM prApya mokSaM yAsyati hasthimi 1 susthiyA sIsA 2 sIhe 3 meyajamuNivaro ceva 4 sukamAlikayA 5 basahe 6 gharakoyalaM 7 mitta suvivekIsu 8 baDuyami 9 nAgadatte 10 ba(va)Dui 11 cArahaDi 12 gaya 13 sIhIsu 14 siMhe 5 kaThamuNiMde 16 kahANayA sola vi kammeNa 2 muNivaicariyaM eyaM gAhAhi samAsao samuddhariyaM / puyvacariyAo sugamaM 1 (ra)iyaM haribhaddasUrihiM // 3 iti munipaticaritraM samAptam // saMvata 1874 prathama zrAvaNa sudi / N. B.- For other details see No. 487. 20 munipatipArthivacaritra Munipatiparthivacaritra (muNivaipasthivacariya) ( Munivaipatthivacariya) 1309. No. 489 1886-92. Size.- 11} in. by 3} in. Extent.-57-3=54 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 54 letters to a line. 25 Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white ; Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs%3; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 489.] The evetambara Narratives 221 lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins%3D fol. I blank except that munipaticaritra prAkRta sUDa written on it; fol.57b blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; in some cases this space as well as the central portion in each of the two margins are decorated with a small spot in red colour; foll. 25, 26 and 33 missing; edges and corners of several foll. worn out; so in number of cases the numbering of foll. is gone; some on the foll. slightly worm-eaten%3; condition on the whole tolerably good; there is some blank 10 space kept on the right-hand side on fol. 14 probably with a view to decorate it with an illustration of one of the Tirthankaras; foll. 28 and the following do not seem to belong to this work. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not known. Subject. -- Life of king Munipati in Prakrit. _Begins.- fol. 10 5 60 * namaH sarvajJAya[:] // kamaladalavipulanayanA / kamalamukhI kamalagarbhasamagaurI / kamale sthitA bhagavatI dadAtu zrutadevatA siddhiM // 1 siddhaM siddhatthariMdANaM siddhasAsaNaM pyo| namiUNa vaddhamANaM pavaTTamANaM guNagaNehiM // 2 vocchaM muNivaipatthivacariyaM supasatthavicchayamahatthaM / phuDaviyaDapAyaDatthaM guruvaiTTa samAsa(se)NaM // 3 etc. Ends.- fol. 270 mahilANaM esa payaI savvassa kareMti va maNussAI / tassa na kareMti navaraM jassa yalaM kAmiyaTveNaM // majjhatthaM acchaMtA sayaNoja payasi jjhAyase kiMtu / kiMs Begins abruptly.- fol. 28deg suhaM va asuhaM va iha bhave jIvA / so tassa phalaM bhuMjaha paraloe appaNo ceva // to mA rAgadosavasagayA paharaha sattesu aNavarAhesu / etc. Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [489. Ends.- fol. 57 dhiddhI esa pamAo galahatthaha jo jIyANa jiNadhamma / nalinIdalaggadholirajalalavaparicaMcale jIe // 1 // iti tasyAnavasaropadezAt sa nRpaH kimetaditi pRcchan maMtriNA'bhANi yadadya mayA vane cAraNamuniH bhavadAyuH pRSTo mAsamekaM jgau| iti tadvacanAdavu / atha nizAzeSe saMbhinnazrotRpramukhairamAtyairahamaMdhakUpe pAtito'pi svayaMbuddhasataikena uddhRtaH / iti sadyaH svamaphalaM saMvAdI / mamAyabhavadupadezaH This Ms. ends abruptly. N. B.- The author of this work is mentioned as Haribhadra Suri ( see No. 485 ) in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 311 ). Is it so? munisuvrata-jinendra Munisuvrata-jinendra- : caritagatagAthA caritagatagatha No. 490 741 (a). 1899-1915. 15. Size.- Iot in. by 4t in. Extent.- 5 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 67 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin and white; Devanagari .. characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs, small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders neatly ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered as usual ; edges of all the foll. somewhat damaged; all foll. slightly wormeaten ; condition tolerably good; complete ; ends on fol. 5.; this Ms. contains an additional work viz. devotpattiprakaraNa commencing on fol. s' and ending on fol. s. 25 Age.-- Not modern. CRAuthor.- Not known. Subject.- Verses extracted from Munisuvratajinendracarita. They pertaiu to the eighth birth of Munisuvrata, a Jaina Tirthankara. Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 .491..] The svetambara Narratives Begins.- fol. 1. // 6 // vimalappahe vimANe joANalakkhAiM taM aNegAI / vikkhaMbhAyAmeNaM caurassaM samvarayaNamayaM / 1 // AgAsapaiTANaM dagarayakudiMdudhavalame assa / puDhavIe bahillaM tevIsaM jojaNasayAI // 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 5a - titthayarasamosaraNAI sukayA ei adhyaNA ceva / ___ isa so suraloasiri aNuhavamANo gamai kAlaM // 17 // : iti zrImunisuvratajineMdracarite'STamabhavagrahaNagatA gaathaaH|| / paNA cv| 15 mUladevakathA Muladevakatha 10 (mUladevakahA) ( Muladevakaha ) No. 491 1310 (1). 1886-92. Size.- 10F in. by 48 in. Extent. --- 38 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough, greyish and somewhat . brittle ; Devanagari characters ; legible, uniform and good i hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered 20 .. and unnumbered sides as well; condition very good ; complete ; this work ends on fol. 3'; this Ms. contains in ... addition the following 34 works : (1) kurucandramantrikathA No. 1155 foll. 3. to 4. "(2) padmAkarakathA No. 365 , 4 , 5. 25 pRthvIpAlakathA No. 59 , 5 , 50 kanakarathakathA No. 109 pAnakaviSayadRSTAnta , 6 , 7. .1 This No. as well as others mentioned here belong to Vol. XIX, sec.2. Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [491. fol. 72 4 .. (6) revatIkathA (7) dhvajabhujaMgakathA No. 310 foll. (8) dhanapatikathA No.295 (9) vAlirAjarSiprabandha (10) dRDhaprahArikathA No. 286 (11) bhavyakuTumbakathA No. 447 110, 120 (12) jAvaDikathA No. 238 (13) vIrabhadrakathA (14) maNicUDanRpakathA (15) balibhadrakathA No. 440 fol. (16) mRgasundarIkathAnaka No. 492 foll. (17) gopakathA No. 192 , (18) parikathA No.368 (19) pradezakathA No. 400 (20) zrIkathA (21) kUlavAlakakathA No. 163 (22) dhanyakathA No.297 (23) kRtapuNyakathA No. 164 (24) zIlavatIkathA (25) tArAkathA No.258 (26) viSNukumArakathA (27) zAlamahAzAlakathA siMhavyAghrakumArakathA (29) godhanakathA No. 191 (30) nAginIkathA No. 345 (31) sAgarazreSThikathA (32) devapAlakathA No. 287 (33) sudhanamadanAkathA ( 34 ) kalAvatIkathA No. 110 Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Not known. Subject.- A story of Muladeva, a king. He became a gambler. 30 Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 492..] The svetambara Narratives 225 Begins.-- fol. 1. Qoll asthi purI 'udhe(jje)NI' / 'avNti'visyaavyNssaaricchaa| saraktavavAvipamuhA / jalAsayA va uNa jattha jaNA // 1 . tattharitha mUladevo rAyastuupavararUvalAvaNNo / nIsesakalAkusalo vinANanihI guNasamaggo // 2 // so pADaliputtAo jUyapasatto vamANibho piuNo / nIharao puhavIe bhamamANo Ago tattha // 3 // etc. Ends.- fol. 3' aha kappaDio keNa vi bhaNio jaha tAriso tahiM e| diTro suviNo tArisau ciya diTro keNAvi ameNa // navaraM zcA esa phaleNa so sa narAhivo jaao| puNyarahio tumaM puNa bhamaDa(u)si mikkhaM taha ceva / / kappaDio suviNa'cchI puNa puNa bhutU(tU )Na gorasaM sutto| avi so lahigha(ya) suviNaM / taha vi niruttaM puNa vi dulaha // cha / iti muuldevkthaa|| Reference. - Additional Mss. are noted for alle 41 in Jina r ainakosa ( Vol. I, p. 312 ). 20 mRgasundarIkathAnaka Mrgasundlarikathanaka 1310 (17). No. 492 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 20* to fol. 200. Description.- Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA No. 491. Author.- Not known. Subject.- A story of Mrgasundari. Begins.- fol. 20 caMdrodayaM ca kurvati / culhakopari ye narAH teSAM tatphalamAhAtmyA(t ) / svaggoM nUnaM prajAyate // 1 'zrIpure' zrISeNo rAjA tasya putro devarAjo etc. 29 [J. L. P.] Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy (4.02. Ends.- fol. 200 putro rAjye vinyasya dIkSAgrahaNaM vividhatapaskaraNaM / tara hI gatau // iti culakopari caMdrodayadAne mRgasuMdarIkathAnakaM // cha / Reference.-- In Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 313 ) four Mss. for an ano nymous mRgasundarIkathA and one for mRgasundarIkathA composed by Kanakakusala Gani in Samvat 1667 are noted. One or inore of these Mss, except the last may be dealing with the pertinent work. mRgAGkalekhAcaritra Mrgankalekhacaritra 1654. No. 493 1891-95. 10 Size.- 100 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 9 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges and corners of several foll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat 15233; based ___on Samyaktva-saptatika. Yo Age. - Samvat 1592, Saka Samvat 1456. Author. - Vaccha, pupil of Jnanasagara Suri of the -- Vada-tapa' - garcha. He has composed jIvabhavasthitirAsa in Samvat I) 23. Subject.- A story of Mrgaikalekha, a chaste woman. Begins.- fol. 1. // 6 // // mahopAdhyAyazrIanaMtahaMsagaNigurubhyo namaH // // goyamagaNaharapaya namevi / bahu buddhi lheso| . mRgAMkalekhAsatIyacarita / manasuddhi kaheso / sIlasiromaNi guNanilau e / mani nA(mA)na na ANai / manasA vAcA kAya karI / te sIla vakhANai // " Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 493.] The Svetambara Narratives nayara ' UjeNI' atibhaluM / jisyu hui 'amraapur'|... rAyAM rAu avaMtisena / maMtrI mtisaagr| vasai vAsi vivahArIyau e / nAmahaM dhanasAra / raMbhA gharaNi syu manaharaMgi / vilasai savicAra // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 90 mRgAMkalekhA taNau caritra / sami(ma)ka(ki)tasatarI mAhi : ya(pa)vitra / teha thyauM kavyauM satpate AdhAri / asatpate micchA dukaDa sAri // 23 kAla anAdi jIba jagi vasai / e pari gharNa jIva huI du(?hu)syh| isau bhAva jANI mani kasva(?ra )uM / bihu jaNa taNau carita 10 vistaryauM // 25 bhaNai guNai nai je sAMbhalai / kahai vacha teha saMkaTa ttlii| bIjIi satI taNAM je nAma / tihaM savihuMnai karauM praNAma // 25 . iti zrIzIlavipaye mRgAMkalekhAcaritraM saMpUrNa samAsaM // zubhyaM bhvtuH|| shriirstuH|| bhamapRSTikaTigrIvAstIvadRSTiradhonmuSaH / kaSTena lakhitaM zyAstraM / yatnena parapAlayet // 1 yAdRzaM pustake dRSTvA / tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamasuddhaM vA / mama doSo nIyate // 2 // tailAd rakSejalAd rakSed rakSe sithalabaMdhanAt / parahaste na dAtavyaM / evaM vadati pustikAH // 3 // // saMvat 15 ASADhAdi 92 varSe / zAke 1456 pravarttamAne / mArgasarasudi 12 dine somavAre kRtikAnakhatre / zubhanAmnayoge likhitaM / mahopAdhyAyAdhirAjazrIhakSetraM. Then perhaps in a different hand we have: - zirovataMsamahopAdhyAyazrIzrIzrIvijayahaMsagaNibhiH / bhAvikAdo bhaNanagaNanakRta // shriiH|| Reference. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp.63-65 & Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 497-499). Here this work is named mRgAMkalekhArAsa. 30 25 -- Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ s 10 228 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 494. mRgAGkalekhAcaritra Mrgarkalekhacaritra No. 494 1487. 1887-91. Size.-- 91 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 15 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, brittle and grey ; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional TEHTATS ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space beween these pairs coloured red; dandas written in red ink; foll, numbered in the right hand margins; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; unnumbered sides decorated with a small spot in red colour in the centre only; the numbered in each of the two margins, too; edges of several foll. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.-- fol. 1deg y toll styrt TH: 1 JPTATTET etc. as in No. 493. Ends.- fol. 156 mRgAMkaleSA taNau caritra etc. up to praNAma // 91 practically as in No. 493. Then we have : iti zrImRgAMkaleSAcaupai saMpUrNa // N. B.- For further particulars see No. 493. * 15 mRgAvatIcarita 25 [SAar ] No. 495 Mrgavaticarita [ Dharmasara ] 798. 1892-95. Size. - 12 in, by 4in. Extent. -- 36 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 495. 1 The Svetambara Narratives Country paper old and somewhat thin; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; clear, bold, beautiful and uniform hand-writing; borders doubly and thickly ruled with red ink; corrections occasionally noted in very small handwriting in the margins; foll. numbered as usual; the s central portion of each numbered side has three small circles one in the middle and two in the margins whereas the unnumbered only one in the centre drawn with red ink; red chalk used to indicate the numbers for verses condition good ; complete. ; Description. Age. -- Samvat 1480. Author. 229 Devaprabha Suri, successor of Municandra Suri and guru of Naracandra Suri of the Maladharin gaccha. His other two works are as under : (1) anargharAghava kAvyAdarza, a com. on anargharAghava of Murari. 15 ( 2 ) pANDavacaritra No. 318. Subject. Life of Mrgavati narrated in Sanskrit in verse. The work is divided into five parts designated as visramas, each having almost the same ending; e. g. the 1st ends on fol. 6a as follows: iti zrI' maladhAri' zrIdevaprabhAcArya viracite dharmmasAre mRgAvatIcarite mRgAvatIsamAgamo nAma prathamo vizrAmaH / samAptaH cha // graMthA 269 // cha // Begins. fol. 14 OM namo vItarAgAya / 10 20 jayaMti varddhamAnasya jitadvaMbholivaibhavAH / mohAMdhatamasaddhaMMsahelayaH sattvakelayaH // 1 // sArasArasvatA modA madaskArarasAyanaM / gurUNAmupadezasya mahima mahimA ( S) dbhutaM // 2 // etc. Ends. fol. 36 iti zrI maladhAri devaprabhAcAryaviracite dharmmasAracUDAmaNau mRgAvatIcarite paMcamo vizrAmaH samAptaH // cha // cha // saMvat 1480 varSe 30 bhAdravAvadi 5 paMcamyAM tithau budhe ' gaMdhAra 'velAkule mRgAvatIcaritraM pavitraM saMpUrNa jAtaM // vipratrivikrameNa likhitaM // zubhaM bhavatu lekhakapAThakayoH kalyANamastu // 25 Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 3 Reference.- Edited by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A.D. 1909. tional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 313). [498. For addi 1 mRgAMvatIcarita Mrgavaticarita 757. . No. 496 1875-76. . Size.- 128 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 36 folios ; 15 lines to a page; 58 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and grey; Devanagari characters with occasional TEATATS; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered as usual; fol. 1 blank; a corner of the 19th fol. slightly torn ; such is the case with foll. 22, 25, 31 and 36%3 condition tolerably good%3; complete ; extent 1853 slokas. Age.- Not modern. 15 Begins.- fol. 10 ___ jayaMti varddhamAnasya etc. as in No. 495. Ends.- fol. 360 budhabhramaracuMbitaM sakalamAgamArAmataH / viciMtya kusumojvalaM sarasamarthajAtaM myaa| idaM kila mRgAvatIcaritapuSpamAdAhataM / dizat kimapi saurabha suciramastu kaMThe satAM // 6 // gfa etc. up to fama: ll as in No. 495. This is followed by the lines as under : zubhaM bhUyAt pAThakaleSakayozca // cha // shrii| cha / graMthAnaM 1853 zubhaM bhUyAt // cha / N. B.- For further details see No. 495. Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 49.1 The Svetambara Narratives 231 mRgAvatIcaritra Mrgavaticaritra [mRgAvatIcopai] [ Mrgavaticopai ] 1311. No. 497 1886-92. Size-- 101 in. by 4} in. Extent.- 31-1=30 folios ; i3 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devapagari characters; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 1 blank ; this Ms. seems to have to been exposed to rain ; for, foll. 5, 6 and 28 have become less legible ; fel. 29 lacking ; otherwise complete ; 3 khandas and 38 dralas in all; composed in Samvat t668. Age.- Seems to be old. Author.- Samayasundara. For his additional works etc. see No. 15 ... 392 (p. 94). Subject.- Life of Mrgavati narrated in Gujarati. Begins.- fol. 1. 550 // dUhA 9 samaru sarasati sAmiNI praNamuM sadagurupAya / be kara joDI bInavU / mAguM eka pasAya // 1 // etc. tiNa kAraNi bhagati bhaNuM mRgAvatIcaritra / / sAvadhAna thai saMbhalauM janama karUM supavitra // 9 // etc. Ends.- fol. 31b te bhaNI hyala rAga sukahijyo / catura tumhe jasa lahijyo be / mR0| 25 vA(bA)ramI DhAla SaDa trIjAnI / samayasuMdara mana mAne be / 32 / solaisaI aThasaThyA varape / hui caupaI ghaNe / mR0|| mRgAvatIcaritra kahyAM nihu khNdde| dha(gha)Ne ANaMda ghamaMDe ve // 33 // mohaNaveli caupaI suNatAM bhaNatA nai guNatAM be // samayasuMdara yaI saMgha AsIsAM riddhi vRddhi sujagIsA be // 34 // mRgAvatI rANI guNa gAyA Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [497. tRtIya khaMDa saMpUrNa // sarva DhAla 38 / gAthA 745 zlokasaMkhyA 1155 // zubhaM bhavatu / cha // zrI cha sAdha bAlA(?)lamAlA zrAvikA mAdhAMpaThanArtha Reference. -- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 343-346). mRgAvatIcaritra . No. 498 Mrgavaticaritra 799. 1892-95. Size.- 10] in by 41 in. Extent.-- 28 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. 10 Description.- Country paper thick, tough and white; Devanagari characters ; bold, big, legible and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; all the four edges coloured red; red chalk used; white paste, too; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins 3; foll. 28b blank; complete; condi tion good. Age. - Not quite modern. ... Begins.- fol. 1 5 60 samarUM sarasati etc as in No. 497. Ends.- fol. 28 mRgAvatIcaritra etc. up to sujajIsA be // 29 practically as in No. 497. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrImRgAvatIcaritre caMDapradyotananavaprakArAyaNazrIvIrAgamana2 mRgAvatIdIkSA3udayanazrAvakavratagrahaNa(4)mRgAvatIcaMdanAkevalopta(pa) ttipanirvANavarNano nAma tRtIyaH khaMDaH samAptaH // chaH chaH chaH 25 N. B.-- For additional information see No. 497. Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 499.) The svetambara Narratives 233 mRgAvatIcaritra Mrgavaticaritra No. 499 39 ( a ). 1877-78. Size.- 94 in by 41 in. Extent.-- 28 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick and white ; Devanagari chara cters; small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered as usual ; complete; condition good ; this Ms. contains an additional work named as steutetun uge 10 beginning on fol. 28* and ending on fol. 28b; this is described by me in Vol. XVII (pt. 3, pp. 14-15). Age.- Samyat 1751. Begins.-- fol. 1* toll dUhA 15 ART Acana ana etc. as in No. 497. Ends. fol. 28* madeira etc. up to gata: Ar: sigot as in No. 497. This is followed by the line as under :- . sarvagAthA 745 naM. 1200 / zrIrastuH saMvat 1751 varSe laSitaM 20 N. B.- For further particulars see No. 497. mRgAvatyAkhyAna Mrgavatyakhyana 614. No. 500 1895-98. Size.-- 10 in. by 4 in. . Extent.- 14 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. Description - Country paper rough and greyish ; Devanagari chara cters; big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; 25 30 [J. L. P. ) Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 JO Is 234 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [500 foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol 1 blank; complete; composed earlier than Samvat 1643. Age. -- Pretty old. Author.-- Sakalacandra. He is a pupil of Hiravijaya Suri and the author of Pratisthakalpa ( Sk.). His additional Gujarati works are as under : (1) RSabha - samatA - saralatA-stavana ( 2 ) ekavIsaprakArI pUjA (3) kumatadoSavijJaptikA - zrIsImandharastavana (4) gaNadharavAdastavana gautamapRcchA bAra - bhAvanA - sajjhAya' mahAvIra - hiMca-stavana vAsupUjya jina- puNyaprakAza - rAsa vIrajinastavana ( gautamadIpAlikAstavana ) (5) ( 6 ) (7) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) vIravarddhamAnajinavelI ( 11 ) sattarabhedI pUjA ( 12 ) sAdhukalpalatA ( 13 ) sAdhuvandanA 20_Subject.-- A story of Mrgavati, a nun. Begins. - fol. 1b // 50 // zrIgurubhyo namaH / rAga guDI // siddhAratha narapati kulai / ASADhI sudi chaThi / Au supana deSADato taba tizalA hui tru (tu) Ti ( Thi) // 1 // truTakaH // caitra va (su) di terasi jAyo / surI gAyo harI namiu / mAgasira sudi dasamI vIro / je jano saMyama ramyo / vizeSa sudi dasamIya kevalajJAna tribhovana yazi bhamyo / kArttI vadi amAvAsyA / tasa namanau jeNi abha (?) gamyo // 2 // 1 Over and above this Sajjhaya, many more Sajjhayas are composed by him. Their names are mentioned in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 283-284). Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .604.1 94: 2: la Ends. 354 The Svetambara Narratives kuNa sAhavIre mRgAvatI / caMdanabAlAnI mAsI / samarI jeNi jiNa teDIu / jA zIlina virAMsI // etc. fol. 14b -- guru zrIhIravijayasuraMda vaMdI / sUkrata bA ( bAM) dho gAMva (Tha) DA / mRgAvatIASyAna nisUNI / bharo punya taNA ghaDA // 17 // iMti zrImRgAvatIAkhyAna saMpUrNaH // saMbhaM bhavatuH // saM. 1652 varSe Aso vadi 6 dine // pasAgarIrAjapA laSataM // zubhaM bhavatu // 1 // bAikarakAM paTavA arathaM A. devakIbuvara para vihirAvI chap Reference. For exracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 275-276). dr "2 meghadUta No. 501 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 9 folios; 15 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description. Country paper very thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent gas; small, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the 20 right-hand margins; unnumbered sides decorated with a small spot in red colour in the centre; the numbered in each of the two margins, too; edges of several foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; the entire work is divided into four cantos ( sargas); the extent of 25 each of them along with the no. for verses included therein is as under : Sarga dr I II III IV Age. Pretty old.. foll. ,, 39 "" 1337 7a to 3a Sa 12 r "" p 235 9b Meghaduta 1396. 1887-91. Verses 1-49 1-51 1-55 >> I-42, rd dr. S 10 15 30 Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [501. Author.- Merutunga Suri, successor of Mahendra Suri of the Ancala gaccha. A detailed account of his life and works is given in " aJcalagaccha digdarzana " ( pp. 199-235 ). So I simply note as under his additional works ( along with their dates where possible): I. Grammar ( 1-3) / ( 18 ) zatakabhASya (1) 'kAtantrabAlabodhavyAkaraNa' ( 19 ) saptatibhASyaTIkA V.S. 1444 V. S. 1449 (2) dhAtupArAyaNa 5. Ethics ( 20-22) 10 ( 3 ) merutuGgavyAkaraNa ( 20 ) upadezacintAmaNivRtti 2. Hymnology ( 4-6 ) ( 21 ) laghuzatapadI V.S. 1453 (4) RSimaNDalastava ( 22 ) zatapadIsamuddhAra ( zatapadI(5) jIrApallI pArzvanAtha - stava sAroddhAra) (6) 'namutthu NaM'TIkA 15 3. Narration (7-16) 6. Kalpas ( 23-25) (7) kAmadevacaritra V. S. 1469 ( 23 ) padmAvatIkalpa (8) jesAjIprabandha ( 24 ) sUrImantrasAroddhAra (9) nAbhAkanRpakathA V.S. 1464 (25) sUrimukhyamantrakalpa (10) nAmivaMzakAvya (sUrimantrezavivaraNa) 20 (11) nemidUta 7. Miscellany ( 26-30) ( 12 ) meghadUtavRtti (?) (13 ) yaduvaMzasambhava (kAvya) ( 26 ) aGgavidyoddhAra ( 14 ) rAjImatI-maimi-sambandha (17) kalpasUtravRtti (15) sambhavanAthacaritra V.S. 1413 (28 ) rasAdhyAya(rasAlaya TIkA' 25 (16) suzrAddhakathA V.S. 1443 4. Doctrine of Karman ( 29 ) vArivicAra (17-19) ( 30 ) SaDdarzanasamuccaya ( 17 ) bhAvakarmaprakriyA (SaDdarzananirNaya ). 1 For details see "jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa" (bhA. 5, pR. 52 ). This work is named as "G o " in Jinaratpakoda (Vol. I, p.83). 3 Herein works 1,2 and 3 along with Meghadata are mentioned. 4 This is a com. on Kankalaya's work pertaining to science of medicine. Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 501.] The Svetambara Narratives 237 Subject. - A poem in Mandakranta in imitation of Kalidasa's Meghaduta. It deals with the life of Neminatha and that of Rajimati in v. I-196. For details see HSLJ ( Vol. II, pt. I, p. 250). Begins.- fol. 1' // 50 // ne aI( hai ) namaH // shriiH|| kazcit kAMtAmaviSayasukhAnIcchuratyaMtadhImA nenovRttiM tribhuvanaguruH svairamujjhAMcakAra / dAnaM dattvA surtrurivaatyuccdhaamaarurukssuH|| puNyaM pRthvIdharavaramatho raivataM' svIcakAra // dIkSAM tasminniva navaguNAM saiSaNAM cApayaSTiM / pradyumnAyAmabhiripucamUmAttavatyekavIre tadbhaktaticchalitajagatA klizyamAnA nikAmaM kAmenAzu priyavirahitA 'bhoja'kanyA mumUrcha // 2 etc. - fol. 3- iti zrI vidhipakSa'mukhyAmidhAnazrImadaMcalagacchezvarazrImerutuMga sUriviracite zrImeghadUtamahAkAvye prastAvanApariskRtaH pativirahavivaza- 15 rAjImatIvihitadevAdhidevazrInemIzvarabAlakelivarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH saMpUrNaH // graM. 1044 (1) // fol. 5* iti etc. zrInemIzvaravasaMtakelivarNano nAmaH dvitIyaH sargaH ||ch / graM. 100 // fol. 7b iti etc. zrInemIyaravivAhamahotsavapratyAvRttivarNano nAma 20 tRtIyaH sargaH // cha // graM 116 // Ends.- fol. 9. mA vizvasyAmatimativaraprApadAM varNiNanI tAM / rAgotsRSTAnupalazakalAn raMjayaMtI nirIkSya / cUNoM nAmnA sa khalu bhagavAneSa jAtyaMtuvajJaM / no rAgAMgairavikalabalai rajyate jAtu kaizcit // 41 sadvI(?)cInAM vacanaracanAmevamAkarNya sAdho patyuAnAdavahitamatistanmayatvaM tathA(ss)pat / saMkhyAtAhairadhigatamahAnaMdasarvasvasadmA / tasmAd bheje(s)nupamiti yathA zAsvatIM saukhyalakSmI // 42 30 Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (501. iti zrI vidhipakSa'zrImadaMcalagacche zrImerutuMgasUriviracite meghadUtamahAkAvye pativirahavivazarAjImatI vitIryamANopAlaMbhavarNano nAma age arri: il 8RCI Then in a small hand-writing we have : atiriyaM gRhItA suguNacaMdreNa 'pAlI'madhye paM.labdhinidhAnapArzve // Reference.- Published along with Silaratna's commentary by Jaina Atmananda Sabha as No. 76 in A.D. 1924. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 314) and for various commentaries ou Meghaduta see HSLJ (Vol. II, pt. 1, p. 230 ). 10 20 meghanAdakathA Meghanadakatha 1307 ( a ). No 502 1884-87. : Size.-- 9f in by 44 in. Extent.- 14 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. 15 Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with frequent q«S; big, quite legible, le fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. nunbered in the right hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; fol. l blank; in the left-hand margins on foll. 11 to 10* the title is written as 11 AStar II afgo; and on foll. 100 to 14. as FTTH13151 and A 14T TIHTI aft; edges of a few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; Aga13 ends on fol, 10*; this Ms. contains an additional work viz. AT Taigafa which commences on fol. 10deg and ends abruptly on fol. 146 (see p. 32 ). Age.- Not modern. 30 Author.- Unknown. ni Subject. -- Life of king Meghanada and that of Madanamanjari. 25 Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 503.] The Svetambara Narratives 239 Begins.- fol. 1b dAna supAtre vizadaM ca zIlaM tapo vicatraM zubhabhAvanA ca / bhAvArNavo tAraNajAnayAnaM / dharma caturthA munayo vadaMti // 1 // / 550 // pAtradAne 'raMgAvatI' nagarI lakSmIpatinRpaM / kamalA rAjJI tayoH putraH SaTtriMzadaMDAyudhazramavedinA zabdavedhI dhanurvedI pAragaH sarvavidyApravINaH / sarvabhASAnipuNaH / sarvavijJAnavit 2 // kalAkuzalo meghanAdanAmA sa cAnyadA savayomitrabhiH udyAnabhuvaM prAptaH etc. ... . nds. - fol. 10- iti zrIgurumuSAt svapUrvabhavaM zrutvA samutpannavairAgyaraMgaH / zrImegha nAdo nareMdra() svaputrAya rAjyaM dtvaa| zrIjinaprAsAdeSu aSTAhnikamahotsava sAdharmimakavAtsalyaM dInAdidAnaM ca vidhAya madanamaMdarIyutaH / pravavrAja bahUni varSANi cAritramArAdhya zrIkevalajJAnaM ca prApya dvAvapi mokSaM prAptau / anaMtamavyayaM saukhyamavApatu(:) / zrIpAtradAnaprabhavataH mahAnaMdapadaM // cha // 15 iti zrIpAtradAne meghanAdarAja-madanamaMjarI-kathA / vivekadAnazIlaprabhAvakathA samAptaH // cha // zrI rAjJIpure' zrIzAMtinAthaprasAdAt zreyo(s)stu / 276 // zrI ||ch / pararamaNI deSi kari / je ajjhe lAkha dharati / sukAM hADa sIAla jima lAlA peTa bharaMti // 1 // Reference.- For an additional Ms. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, ___p. 314). 20 (meghamAlAvatAkhyAnaka) ( Meghamalavratakhyanaka ) [ambudamAlikA [ AmbudamalikavratakathAnaka] vratakathanaka ] 1121. No. 503 1891-95. Size.-- 114 in. by 5 in. Extent.- 6 folios ; 9 lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. 1 This verse seems to be written in a different hand and just above the Actual beginning. Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [503. Description.- Country paper thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins in two sets : 1.2 etc. and 169. 17. etc.; fol. 1. blank ; so is fol. 60; corners of several foll. gone edges of the last fol. partly worn out; condition on the whole good ; complete ; the letter & artistically written. Age. - Pretty old. to Author.- Not known. Subject.- A story illustrating the vow of Meghamala also named as ____Ambuda-malika. __Begins.- fol. 1 // // 6 // zrIvarddhamAnaM tridazesva(zva rairnutaM / nasvA(s)dhunA vacmi sudharmabhUSitaM // pApApahaM dharmavivarddhinaM ca taM muktipradaM cAMbudamAlikAvataM // 1 yat purA munimiH proktaM bahubudhyA suvistaraM // tat saMkSipya mayA maMdamedhasA(s)tra prakAzyate // 2 etc. 20 Ends.- fol. 50 yo vrataM kurute(s)nyeSAM kArApayati dharmadhIH // so(s)pi tatphalamAsvAdya muktiM yAtu nijecchayA // 69 iti bhavyajanasya vallabhA kathitA yA munimiH pradarzitA // iha sA jinavIrazAzino nanu dAsena vRSAmivAMchayA // 70 // iti meghamAlAvatAkhyAnakaM samAptaM // cha // zubhaM bhavatu // // cha / Reference.- Only this Ms. is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 315). Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 505.] meotrayodazI kathA No. 504 Size.- 10 by in. 4 in. Extent.-- 10 folios ; 14 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, legible and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; foll. numbered as usual; fol. rob blank; condition good; complete. Age. - Samvat 1886. The Svetambara Narratives Is he pupil of Ratnavijaya Gani ? Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject. A story pertaining to Merutrayodasi, the day of the salvation of Lord Rsabha. It is the 13th day of the dark half of Magha. Begins.-- fol. 1* // 60 // praNamya bhArathI (tI) bhaktyA natvA gurupadAMbU (bu) jaM / meratrayodazAvAkhyA gadyabaMdhena kirtayet // 1 // ' caMpA 'midhaM pure 2 sa ca kIdRzo'sti etc. 241 Merutrayodasikatha 827. 1895-1902. 'jaMbudvipAmidhe dvIpe vistIrNa lakSayojanadakSiNArddha bharato'sti tatra merutrayodazIkathA sArtha iti mera (ru) tnatrayodasIkathA saMpuraNam / saMvat 1886 nA varSe vaisA vada 3 daneM vAra maMgale // No. 505 Size - 10g in. by 4g in. 31 [J. L. P. ] N. B. It seems that this Ms. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I ). Ends. fol. 10(c) tadanaMtaraM sU ( su ) varNamerukRta ( : ) tadanaMtaraM rUpayamerukRtaH adya 20 paMcamArake ghRtamerukRtaH ya sa muktisAdhanakRtaH 5 Merutrayodasikatha with artha 800. 1892-95. ro IS 25 ox Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [508, Extent. - ( text ) 13 folios; 8 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. 39 ;" " " ; 52 33 - ( artha ), Description. Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, clear and good hand - writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used; white paste, too; the text in Sanskrit and the explanation in Gujarati; lines of its latter written above the corresponding lines of the former; both complete; condition good; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins. 10 Age.- Not modern. S IS 20 25 30 242 "" Author of the com. - Not mentioned. Begins. -- ( text ) fol. 1 32 dw dr " " ( com. ) fol. 1 // 60 // OM arihaMta siddhAya / Ends. -- ( text ) fol. 13b wr // 60 // hu~ namaH // atha mera (ru) trayodazIkathA kathyate // praNamya bhArata (tI) bhaktyA etc. as in No. 504. zrI RSabhadevasvAMmIno nirvANakalyANaka mAgha vadi terasa dine tehano mAhAtma kAMika kahe che / praNAma karUM chu zrIsarasvati prateM bhaktiiM karIneM etc. itthaM meratrayodarzi guNagaNAcchAstre kathitvA ghanaM / eSu kicid bhAsItaM bhavihitaM saMsAravucchedakaM / samyaktaM ( ktvaM phalamuktibhuktabhavinA svalpaM bhavaM bhramyate / zrI'zetruMjaya'svAmIsevanaguNAd ratne guro (:) sevane // 1 // iti zrImeratrayodazIkathA saMpUrNa / zrIpAdaThIpsa' nagare / zrI5ratna gaNi vijayaziSya paM0 dharmavijayena AtmArthe lipIkRtaM // 33 - ( com. ) fol. 13deg ratnasamAMna guru zrIratnavijayagaNi guNavaMta tehanI sevA thakI / ima saMpUrNa merutesIkathAha che / zrI' pAlItANA nagare | lepyo cheH / sakalapaMDita ziromaNI paMDitazrI 108paMzrIhitavijayaga / tatsiSyapaMzrI 21paM / zrIvijayaga / tatsivyapaM / zrIpaM0 zrImunivijayagaNi / tatsidhyavaM / zrIparala( na ? ) vijayaga / tatsidhyapaM / zrIharSavijayaga / tatgurubhrAtA paM / dharmavijayaga | lIoyo mu / bhaktivijayaga / vAcanArtheH // Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 506.1 The Svetambara Narratives Reference. -- This Ms. along with many more is noted in Jina - ratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 315 ). N. B. -- For additional particulars see No. 504. mauktika - kArpAsika-prabandha (motI- kapAsIyA - prabandha ) No. 506 Extent. - fol. 18 to fol. 21b. Description.- Complete; composed in Samvat 1686 ( ? ) at Phalavardhi ( Phalodhi ). For other details see zAlibhadra catuSpadikA ro No. 40 (a). 1877-78. Mauktika--karpasika-prabandha ( Moti--kapasiya-prabandha ) s 40 (b ). 1877-78. Age. - Sarvat 1733. Author.-- Srisara, pupil of Ratnaharsa. For his additional works see Vol. XIX, see 2, pt. 1, No. 43. A dialogue between a pearl and a cotton-seed. fol. 18' y tol Subject. Begins. dUhA suMdara rUpa suhAbhaNo AdIsara; arihaMta paratA pUraNa praNamIyai bhayabhaMjaNa bhagavaMta 1 jiNavara covIse namI samaruM sarasati mAya eha prabaMdha mAMDayo sarasa zrIsahagurusupasAya 2 etc. Ends. fol. 21deg kapAsIyo motI iNi pari milyA re sayaNa teNe saMbaMdha saMvat solai saya nai chAvasIyai ( 11686 ) re kIdho eha prabaMdha 5 saM0 zrI ' phalavadhi' puranagara mo (so) hAmaNo re jihAM zrAvaka (suvi) sAla nyAyavaMta beU paSi nita (ra) malA re jIvadayApratipAla 6 saM0 zrISema' sApa vAcaka dIpato re ratanaharSa munirAya nAma liyAM suSa saMpati saMpajai re tiNe sadagurusupasAya 7 saM0 eha saMbaMdha surisa sohAmaNo re kahyo muni zrIsAra rai yA (la) sahUnai saMpajai re catura narAM ta (ca) makAra 8 saM0 15 20 25 30 Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [506. iti zrImotIkapAsIyAsaMbaMdha samAptam saMvat 1733varSe posa badi 13 dine zrI siNadharI'grAme paMNDittottamapravarazrIzrIzrIudayaharSagaNivarANAM na(?) ziSyamativimalena livIkutaM zrIrastuH Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 536-537). Here this work is dated as V.S. 1689. Maunaikadasimahatmya maunaikAdazImAhAtmya No. 507 229. 1871-72. 10 Size. -- 101 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 8 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin, rough and white ; Jaina Deva nagari characters with rare pRSThamAtrAs, big, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol. 1a blank ; so is fol. 86 there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; edges of a few foll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good ; complete ; composed latest in Samvat 1654 at Unnatapura. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Ravisagara, pupil of Rajasagara. For his additional ____works see No. 401. Subject.- Prowess of Maunaikadasi, the 11th day of the bright half ___of Margasirsa. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 60 // zrIgurave namaH praNamya vRSabhaM devaM vRSabhAMkasamanvitaM zrIzAMti(ti) neminAthaM ca zrIpAzvaM vIrapAraga 1 yatra stokamapi zreyaH kRtaM bahuphalaM bhavet mAhAtmyaM sukhadaM vakSye zrImaunaikAdazItithe 2 etc. 20 25 Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 508. ] : Ends. fol. 7 The Svetambara Narratives eSa mUlavidhiH prokto yathAzakti prakurvate tasyAM ArAdhanaM bhavyA mahAnaMdaika saMpade 95 zrIvIrasya jinezastha zrIgautamagaNeMdunA vicAraH parvvatithyAdeH pRSTo nizIthasUtrake 96 tadaivaikAdazIbhUyo mahimA ( 5 ) yaM nivedita: muktikAmukajaMtUnAmupakAravidhAyakaH 97 zrI zrIhIravijayagurupaTTe zrIvijayasenasUrIMdrAH teSAM svasthe gacche vibudhazrIrAjasAgarakAH 98 teSAM ziSya bhujiSyo nijamatyanusAratazca mAhAtmyaM maunasyaikAdazyAzcakAra ravisAgaro vibudhaH 99 yatrAjhAharapArzvo yatra stUpazca hIravijayaguroH yatropAMte 'dvIpA 'midhabaMdiramasti zastakaraM 200 'unnata' nagare tasminnetat pUrNIbabhUva vidvadbhiH saMzodhya vAcyamande sAgarazararasazazi ( 1654 ) pramite 201 245 iti zrIravisAgaraviracitAyAM maunaikAdazImAhAtmyaM saMpUrNa samAptam likhitaM zrI'vRnapure' vare // Reference. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 316). Here this work is named as maunaekAdazIkathA: and it is dated as Samvat 1564. yazodharacaritra No. 508 - Size. - 10 in. by 4g in. +- Extent. - 31-4 = 27 folios; 15 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used , yellow pigment, too.; edges of some foll of the first rather more; condition Yasodharacaritra 1308. 1884-87. RS 10 15 20 80 285 worn out ; those tolerably good ; 30 Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy BO8. marginal notes added at times; foll. numbered as usual ; foll. 12-15 lacking; otherwise complete; extent 1350 Slokas. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Manikya Suri. Is he the author of arter dated V.S. 1338? Subject.- Life of Yasodhara in 14 cantos. For a list of other works dealing with the same subject the reader may refer to the introduction ( pp. 24-28 ) to the Karanja Jain Series ( Vol. I). 10 Begins.- fol. 1* // 6 // namo jinAya // karAmalakavat vizvaM kalayan kevalazriyA / aciMtyamAhAtmyanidhi(:) suvidhirbodhaye'stu vaH // 1' etc. - fol. 3' iti yazodharacaritre zrImANikyasUriviracite prathamo'dhyAyaH // 1 // __Ends.- fol. 310 ___IF . dhyAnenaivaM bhasmI (?)tvavidhAya karmANyaSTau kevalajJAnamApya jagmurmokSaM zAzvatAnaMdapUrNa madhyAvAdhaM janmapaMcatvamuktaM // 22 iti zrIyazodharacaritre zrImANikyasUriviracite caturdazamaH sargaH ||ch // graMthAgraM sakhyA 1350 ch|| The last line is written in a different band as under : paM0kSemamAlAgagiNi / sagaNI / cAritralakSmIgaNi(NI ) / Reference.- Edited by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1910. This Ms. is referred to in the introduction (p. 26 ) to Karanja Jain Series ( Vol. I.). For additional Mss..see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 319). 1 This verse belongs to Sakalarhat (v.9) and also to a mangalacarana of Trisastigalakapurusacaritra, Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50B.] The Svetambara Narratives yazodharacaritra Yasodharacaritra No. 509 804. 1892-95. Size.- 104 in. by 4g in. Extent.-16 folios; IS lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and white; Devanagari chara cters with pRSThamAtrA; small, legible, uniform and good handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; space between the pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the righthand margins only; the unnumbered sides have a spot in 10 red colour in the centre only; the numbered in the margins, too; an edge of each of the foll. slightly worn out; condi. tion tolerably good; fol. 166 blank; complete ; total extent 588 slokas. Age.- Samvat 1581. 15 Author.- Manikya Suri. Subject.- Life of Yasodhara in 4 cantos. It is based upon Hari ___bhadra Suri's Samaraiccakaha. Begins.- fol. 1. zrIlabdhisAgarasUrigurubhyo namaH // zRMgAraH siddhivadhvA vivasanazubhatA hAsyaheturdayAlu dardAnoddhAre'pi raudraH kacanicayahutau mohamallaikavIro'bhImaH kAricakre sadasi bhavaghRNAdarzakaH prAtihAthaicitraH zAMtaH svadRgbhyAmiti navarasavAn vIradevo mude vH||1|| etc. yAkinIsUnavaH pUrva shriihribhdrsuuryH|| 25 hatvA saMkalpataH kruddhA bauddhAn khAbdhimanu1440 pramAn // 3 // zAMtA gurogirA zuddhayai graMthAn nirmAya tanmitAn / sarasAn samarAdityacaritrAdIn divaM gatAH // 4 // tanmadhyAd bIjamAdAya tene mANikyasUribhiH / prAcyapApaparIpAkabaddhASTabhavagumphitaM // 5 // yat bhIyazodharAkhyAnaM vyAkhyeyaM navarAtriSu / sAmyaramyasudhAbhoSimuddharAmi tadapyahaM // 6 // etc. 30 Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [509. Ends.- fol. 16 iti maaridttbodho'bhyyutgnndhrshivaaptisNvaadii| : ajani yazodharacarite caturthasa(?)'samazamazrIH // 7 graMthA0 232 evaM graM0 548 // cha // zubhaM bhavatu // cha // 1 // yazodharacaritraM // saMvat 1581varSe lekhitaM paM0lAvaNyasamudra gnnimiH|| Reference. -- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 319). 3. This Ms. is referred to in the introduction (p. 26 ) to the ... . .. Karanja Jain Series ( Vol. I ). 10 yazodharacaritra (jasodharacarI) No. 510 Yasodbaracaritra (Jasodharacari) - 1489... 1887-91..... Size.- 10 in. by 4g in. Extent.-13 folios; 16 a page 3 56 letters to a line. . 1s Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanagari characters; small less legible and ordinary hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used ; yellow pigment, too ; foll. numbered as usual ; fol. 3o partly torn through negligence by some one who tried to separate it from fol. 26; condition fair ; fol. 136 blank; complete; composed in Samvat 1643. Age.- Not modern. . 20 Author. - Jayanidhana, pupil of Rayacandra of Kharatara gaccha His additional works are as under : (1) aDhAra nAtAM sajhAya V. S. 1636 (2) kUrmAputracopAi V. S. 1672 (3) covIsa jina aMtarA stavana V. S. 1634 (3) Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 249 10 510.] The svetambara Narratives ( 4 ) 'dharmadattacopAi V. S. 1658 (5) 'dharmadatta-dhanapati-rAsa (6) sametazikharastavana V. S. 1650 (7) surapriyacaritarAsa V. S. 1665. . Subject.-- Life of King Yasod hara in Gujarati. Begins.-- fol. 70 !! jina AnyA re milatI jIbadayA bhalI / tumhi pAlahu re bhaviyaNa bhAvaI mana ralI / mAnavabhava re sahalaDa iNi dhari kIjiyai / sivaramaNI re helaI jima paraNI jie // 1 // Ends.- fol. 13. iNi pari carita jasodhara taNau / rayaNamAlapraznotari bhaNija / jIvadayA pAlIjai sadA / jIvahaM vadha nahu kIjai kadA // 53 // bhavasamudra tarivAnaiM kAji / jIvadayA bolI jinarAji / nAvAsama dukha dUraI karai / lahukaramA niya mana mahiM dharai // 55 // 15 'kharatari 'gacchi jinabhuSakara zrIjinacaMdra prasaredaM / udayau aminava suratarukaMda / tAsu pasAi jsodhrcrii| solaha sai teyAlai ( 1643) karI // 55 // cakazrIgururAyacaMdrasIsi / jayanidhAna muni e suha diisi| 20 bhaNata guNata suSa Apau sadA / jaina dharma zrIsaMghahaM mudA // 56 // ___ iti zrIyazodharacaritram // Reference.- This Ms. is referred to in the Karanja Jain Series . ( Vol. I ) but the information about the author etc. given there seems to be wrong. For an extract and an additional 25 Ms. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. III, pt. I, p. 735). 1-2 Are these two works different? 32 [J. L. P.] Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ( 5 ib 15 ? # 20 250 30 anter afte No. 511 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. Jaina Literature and Philosophy line. 25 Age. Old. Author. 35-1+1=35 folios; 13 lines to a page; 36 letters to a Description. Country paper thin and grey; Devanagari characters with ; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; white paste used; foll. numbered as usual; the first fol. lacking; fol. 23 repeated; fol. 33 ends abruptly with v. 240; fol. 34 begins abruptly with v. 27; a strip of white paper pasted to fol. 6b and the letters covered up are written thereon; practically complete ; condition on the whole good; composed in Samvat 1536 in 8 cantos; the extent of each of them is as under : Sarga foll. 2a I II III IV 14 V 18a VI 226 VII 25b "" "" VIII The total extent is 1018 slokas. 30a 29 "" rd dw wr 11 d. 93 "" "" dr ww Yasodharacaritra 167. 1872-73. 7a Iob to "" wr 33 wr dr dr dr 7a 10b 13b [ 511. 18a 22b 252 30a 35b. Somakirti Suri, pupil of Ramadevasena of the Nanditata gaccha. For another opinion see p. 251. Subject. Life of Yasodhara in eight cantos as in Sakalakirti's work. Begins abruptly. fol. 2a raMbhAphalAnAmAzanaM kRtvA pItvAMbu bovajaM / sutavA pallavazayyAyAM pAMthA yatra vizazramuH // 15 / etc. Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 512. ] The svetambara Narratives 251 - fol. 7iti yazodharacaritre zrIsomakIrtyAcAryaviracite dezapurarAjyavarNana devIbhuvanaM kSullakayugmaM(ma)samAgamavarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH // 1 // - fol. 10" iti yazodharacaritre zrI0 yazodharaamRtamahAdevIvivAhavarNano nAma dvitIyaH // fol. 13" iti zrI0viracite yazodharasya amRtamahAdevyA saha vairAgyo- 5 tpAdano nAma tRtIyaH sargaH samAptaH // - fol. 18' iti zrI. yazodharacaMdramatImaraNavicAravarNano nAma caturthaH srgH| - fol. 22" iti zrI0 yazodharacaMdramatibhavapaMcavarNano nAma paMcamaH sargaH // 5 // - fol. 25* iti yazo. caMdramatiyazodharaku(kku)TotpAtadharmalAbhasaptamabhavo- .: tpAdavarNano nAma SaSThaH sargaH // 6 // 10 - fol. 30' iti yazodharacaritre / zrIsomakIrtyAcAryaviracite yazodharamitrA didIkSAgrahaNAnAM nAma samAptaH sva sarga saptamaH / cha / Ends.- fol. 350 varSe SaTtriMzasaMkhe(khye) tithi(1536)parigaNanAyuktasaMvatsare vai paMcamyAM pauSakRSNe dinakaradivase cottarosthe hi caMdre gauDhilyAM medapATe jinavarabhavane zItaleMdrasya ramye somAdikIrtinedaM nRpavaracaritaM nirmitaM zuddhabhaktyA 79 graMthAgraM tu sahasraikamaSTAdaza(1018)samanvitaM / caritredaM ciraM jIyAt pavitra pApanAzanaM / 80 / iti zrIyazodharacaritre zrIsomakIrtyAcAryaviracite abhayaruci- 20 bhaTTArakasvargagamano nAma aSTamaH sargo liSitaM Reference.- This Ms. is referred to in the introduction (p. 25) to Karanja Jain Series ( Vol. I ). For additional Mss. see' Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 320). Here the author is said to be pupil of Bhimasena, a descendant of Ramasena of 25 'Sarasvati' gaccha. 15 yazodharacaritra Yasodharacaritra No. 512 549. 1884-86. Size.- 103 in. by 43 in. Extent.- 27 folios ; IS lines to a page ; 47 letters to a line. 30 Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 15 20 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [512. Description. Country paper rough and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; edges of several foll. badly damaged ; condition unsatisfactory; foll. numbered as usual; fol. 1 blank; yellow pigment used; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins. fol. 1 252 <Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 253 513. ] The Svetambara Narratives Author.-- Ksamakalyana, pupil of Amrtadharma. His several additional works are noted by me in Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1, So I may here add the following : No. 194. aimattAriSisajjhAya covIsI 'jaya tihuyaNa'thottabhASA thAvaccAcopAi sthUlabhadrasajjhAya V. S. 1856 V. S. 1847 V. S. 1848. Subject.-- Story of Yasodhara in prose. Begins.- fol. 1deg // 60 // sakalasura nareMdra zreNisaMsevyamAnAt samajani kila yasmAd vizvalokavyavasthA / himavata iva ramyA svargasiMdhuryugAdau / sa jayatu jagadAryo nAbhisUnurjinezaH // 1 // etc. zrIharibhadramunIMdvairvihitaM prAkRtamayA tathA'nyakRtaM / saMskRnrapadyamayaM tat samasti yadyapi caritramiha // 8 // tadapi tayorviSamatvAdarthAvagamo hi tAdRzo na bhavet / tadahaM gadyamayaM tat kurve sarvAvabodhakRte // 9 // yugmam // etc. Ends. fol. 33 paramAnaMdapadaprAptizca saMpadyate iti sadgurUpadeze zrImattIrthapatirjagatrayamataH zrIvardhamAnaH prabhu jayAt tatpadapaMkajaikamadhukRt zrImatsudharmA guruH tassaMtAnasamudbhavaH yugavarA devarddhimukhyAstata (:) pUjyazrIharibhadrasUrigaNabhRdvaryA gaNAdhIzvarA (:) 1 zrIgaNezAya namaH // sajjJAnAdbhutavardhamAna suguruzcAritriNAmagraNIH zrImatsUrajanezvaraH suviditaH zrIjaina caMdrastataH saMvigno'bhayadevasUrimunirATa ( TU ) zrImajjinAd vallabhaH pUjyazrIjinadattasUrigaNabhRnmukhyA munIMdrAstata (:) 2 sUdrAH sutarAM jinAdikuzala zrI jainabhadrAdaya ste sarve(s) pi jayaMvamI dhruvayugaprAdhAnyasA (?) bibhrataH 5 to 15 20 25 30 Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 IO 01 15 20 0. 25 (30 254 Jaina Literature and Philosophy yeSAM sarvahitaiSiNAM sumanasAM sadvAksudhAsvAdato mA Reference. api ca yanmAdRzo ( s) pi mUDho mahatAM guNavarNanodyato bhavati / tatra jJAnadayAnidhiguruprasAdo hi saddhetuH 4 iti sadgurustutimaMgalaM mohavimUrcchito (s) pi jhaTiti prAptaH prabodhAMkuraM 3 tribhiH saMbaMdha: vaMde naMdakRzAnusiddhivasudhA ( 1839 ) saMkhe (khye) nabhasye site pakSe pAvana paMcamI sudivase zrI' jesalAdvau ' pure zrImacchrIjinalAbha sUrigaNabhRt tulyapratApoddhare kAMte zrIjinacaMdrasUri munipe dharme sanA bibhrati 5 sUrizrIjinabhaktiniratAH zrIprItitaH sAgarA stacchiSyA (S) mRtadharmavAcakavarAH saMti svadharmAMdarAH tatpAdAMbuja reNurAptavacanasmarttA vipazcit kSamA naMdatu // [513. kalyANaH kRtavAn mudde sumanasAmetaccaritraM sphuTam 6 utsUtramiha yaduktaM mohAt tadduritamastu me mithyA yadavApi puNyamasmAt tuSyatu sakalo ( s) pi tena janAH (naH) 7 iti paramapavitraM zrIyazodharanareMdracaritraM sadbha (dbhi )rvAcyamAnaM ciraM This very Ms. is referred to in the introduction ( p. 36 ) to the Karanja Jain Series ( Vol, I ). For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, P. 319 ). yazodharacaritra No. 514 Size.- 11g in. by 5 in. Extent.- 65-1= 64 folios; 12 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description. Country paper rough and white; Devanagari characters; small, clear and good hand-writing; foll numbered as usual; the last two foll. not numbered; borders of Yasodharacaritra 1161. 1891-95. Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 514.] The Svetambara Narratives 255 foll. I to 36 ruled in three lines etc. and edges in one in red i nk ; fol. 1a blank; red chalk used , condition very good fol. 14 missing; otherwise complete : nine cantos in all; the extent of each of them is as under :- . ..-. Sarga I foll. 10 to 7. II 7* , 10 204 IV 20 , 290 374 " 37 VI VII VIII IX , , , 44 5 59 , , 59. 64. Age.- Not modern. Author.- Padmanabha kayastha. Is hea Digambara ? Subject.- Life of Yosodhara composed at the instance of Kusaraja and due to the advice of Gunakiri Muni. Begins. - fol. 10 OM namaH siddhebhyH|| paramAnaMdajananI bhavasAgaratAriNIM // satAM vitanutAM jJAnalakSmI caMdraprabhaH prabhuH // 1 // nirmalaM viSayAtItaM zuddhacaitanyarUpiNaM / caMdraprabhaM sadA vaMde trilokIjanapUjitaM // 2 etc. - fol. 7. iti yazodharamahArAyacaritre dayAsuMdarAbhidhAne sAdhuzrIkuza--- rAjakArApite mahAkAvye zrIpadmanAbhaviracite munikumArarAjamelApakavyAvaNanaM prathamaH sargaH // 1 // . 25 - fol. 10deg iti zrIyazodhara0 vivAhavarNano nAma dvitIyaH sargaH // 2 // - fol. 20deg iti zrI0 kulaTAkulaTAcaraNavyAvarNaNo(no nAma) tRtIyaH sargaH // 3 // - fol. 29" iti zrI0 samAtRmahAnRpatiyazodharavipattivarNano nAma caturthaH sargaH // Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 256 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [514. - fol. 37' iti yazodhara0 yazodharacaMdramatIbhavAMtaravarNano nAma paMcamaH sargaH // - fol. 44deg iti yazodhara0 yazodharacaMdramatImanu(nuSyajanmalAbho nAma SaSThaH srgH|| - fol. 51 iti yazodhara0 yazomatidIkSAgrahaNaM nAma saptamaH sargaH // 7 // - fol. 59deg iti yazodhara0 devyA mAridattayoH pratibodhana(:) bhaSTamaH sargaH // Ends.- fol. 64 upadezena graMtho(5)yaM guNakA kIrtimahAmuneH / 'kAyastha 'padmanAbhena racitaH pUrvasUtrataH // 7 // saMtoSajaisavAlena saMtuSTena prmodinaa| atizlAghito graMtho(s)yamarthasaMgrahakAriNA // 8 // sAdhorvijayasiMhasya 'jaisavAlA'nvayasya ca / sutena pRthvirAjena graMtho(s)yamanumoditaH // 9 // iti zrIyazodhara0 abhayaruciprabhRtisarveSAM svargagamanaM navamaH srgH|| jAta(:) zrIvIrasiMhaH sakalaripukulavAtanirghAtavAto vaMze zrItomarANAM nijavimalayazovyAptadikcakravAlaH / dAnanirvivekairna bhavati samatA yena sAkaM nRpANAM keSAmeSA katInAM prabhavati dhiSaNA varNane tadguNAnAM ? // 1 // IzvaracUDAratnaM vinihatakaraghAtavRttasaMhAnaH / caMdra iva dugdhasiMdhostasmAduddharaNabhUpatirjanitaH // 2 // . yasya hi nRpateryazasA sahasA zubhrIkRtatribhuvane(s)sin / 'kailAze'tigirinikaraH kSarati nIraM zucIyate timiraM // 3 // tatputro vIrameMdraH sakalavasumatIpAlacUDAmaNiyaH / prakhyAtaH sarvaloke sakalabudhakalAnaMdakArI vizeSAt / tasmin bhUpAlaratne nikhilanidhigRhe 'gopa'durge prasidhdaM / bhuMjAne prAjyarAjyaM vigataripubhayaM suprajaH sevyamAnaM // 4 // vaMse(zeDa)bhUdagravAle vimalaguNanidhibhUlasAH sAdhuratnaM ___ sAdhuzrIjainapAlo bhavaduditayAstatsuto dAnazIlaH / jaineMdrArAdhaneSu pramuditahRdayaH sevakaH sadgurUNAM loNAkhyA satyazIlA(s)jani vimalamatijaurNapAlasya bhAryA // 5 // jAtAH SaT tanayAstayoH sukRtinoH zrIhaMsarAjo(5)bhavat teSAmAdyatamastatastadanujaH sairaajnaamaajni| rairAjo bhavarAjakaH samajani prakhyAtakIrti hAn sAdhuzrIkuzarAjakastadanu ca zrIkSemarAjo laghuH // 6 // Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 514.] The Svetambara Narratives jJAtA zrIkuMzarAja eva sakalakSmApAlacUDAmaNiH zrImattomaravIramasya vidito vizvAsapAtraM mahAn / maMtrI maMtravicakSaNaH kSaNamayaH kSINAripakSakSaNA kSoNyamI (bhI?) kSaNarakSaNakSama matijaineMdrapUjArataH // 7 // svargasyarddhasamRddhiko (s) tivimalazcaityAlayaH kArito lokAnAM hRdayaMgamo bahudhanaizcaMdraprabhasya prabhoH / yenaitat samakAlameva ruciraM bhavyaM ca kAvyaM tathA sAdhuzrIkuzarAjalena sudhiyA kIrtezvarasthAyakaM // 8 // tisrastasyaiva bhAryA guNacaritayutAstAsu ralho ( s) midhAnA patnI dhanya - caritrA vrataniyamayutA zIlazaurcena yuktA / dAtrI devArcanAcyA gRhakRtikuzalA tatsutaH kAmarUpo dAtA kalyANasiMho jinagurucaraNArAdhane tatparo ( 5 ) bhUt // 9 // lakSaNAzrI dvitIyA ( s) bhUt suzIlA ca pativratA kauzIrA ca tRtIyeyamabhUd guNavatI satI // 10 // zAMtirdezasya bhUpAt tadanu narapateH suprajAnAM janAnAM vaktRNAM vAcakAnAM pratidinamadhikaM kartRkArApitAnAM / zrotRRNAM lekhakAnAM bahuvimaladhiyAM dravyalikSApakAnAM tadvacchaddhAparANAM vividhabahumatairbhAvikAnAM tathaiva // 11 // yAvat kUrmasya pRSThairbhujagapatirayaM tatra tiSThed gariSThe / yAvat tatrApi cacadvikaTaphaNiphaNAmaMDale kSoNireSA / yAvat kSoNI samastatridazapativRtazcArucAmIkarAbhi stAvad bhavyaM vizuddhaM jagati vijayatAM kAvyametazcirAya // 12 // paMDitena padmanAbhena budhapAdAbjareNunA / kRtireSA vijayatAM stheyAdAcaMdratArakaM // 13 // This is followed by an eulogy of the 24 Tirthankaras 25 with the mention of their lanchanas (emblems) in a different hand-writing: - vRSabhaM vRSabhaM vRSadAtAraM ajitaM tvajitaM vaMde karipaM saMbhavadaM jitasaMbhavapaM yadyekaM tvatha vaMde ( S) haM 1 257 1 He was a minister of king Vikrama of the Tomara' family of Gwalior who lived in V. S. 1412. 33 [J. L. P. ] To IS 20 Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4 $ " 6 25 258 Reference. yazobhadrasUri caritrAdi Jaina Literature and Philosophy abhinaMdananAthaM devasudevaM kIzAMkaM sumatiM sumateiM kokAMka jitapadmasukAMti kAsArajacihnanaM devaM sumAnyaM 2 vaMde pArzva 'svAdi svastika cihnaM pArzvasucAruM zazyaMka jinapaM caMdra suvidhiM makarAMkaM suvidhiM 3 zItala cihna zItalanAthaM zreyAMza (saM) jinapaM gaMDAMka vaMde ( s) haM pratibaMde(s) haM bhavyasuhRnmanaHprasannakaraM 4 va (vA) supUjyaM mahiSAMka kI kaM vimalaM nAthamanaMtaM sedhAcihna vaMdeM jaya jaya punarvade 5 dharmabhidukaM sudharma zAMtiM vRkAMka zAMtisuzAMtiM kuMthuM chAgAMkaM vaMde ( s) raM matsyAMkaM daradadakaM (?) 6 maliM (lliM) divyaM kalazalakSmaM sumunisuvratakaM suvrataduddIkaM namme (?) zyAmotpalabhaM nemiM zaMkhapralakSmabhaM devaM 7 pArzva nAgAMkaM jagati prakaTaM vaMde devaM mAyAdaM vIraM catyaM devaM haryakSAMkaM varddhamAnayazodaM 8 // This Ms. is mentioned in the introduction (p. 26 ) to the Karanja Jain Series ( Vol. I ). For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 319 ). No. 515 ghattA // iti jinadevAnAM kRtvA nutiM punaH punaH kRtvA dIyeta mahArgha cAruM gRhNIta jinAH prasIdaMtu 9 'dayAsuMdarA bhidhAnayazodharapatra 64 [ 514. 1 supArzvamityarthaH . 2 Is 'Dayasundara' another name of Yasodhara? Yasobhadrasuri caritradi Size - 103 in by 44 in. Extent.-- 22 folios; 18 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. 1312. 1886-92. Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 515.] The svetambara Narratives 236 Description.- Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari chara. cters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, clear and fair handwriting ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk and white paste used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; contli- tion on the whole good; complete; extent 960 Slokas. 5 Age.- Samvat 1683. Author.- Unknown. Subject.- Life of Yosobhadra Suri etc. Begins.- fol. 1* 60 // 'saMDera 'gacche paMcazatIyatIzaH zrIIzvarasUrinijAyuSo- 10 'vasAne SaTU varSANi SaTUvikRtityAgaM kRtvA 'muMDADake' pure svaziSyasya sUri- . padakRte badIdevIpAtre'vAtarat / anyadA devI pAtraM tyaktvA yAvat prayAti tAvad guruNA saMghAjJAM datvA saMsthApyeti bhASitA devi ! madgaccho vyucchitti gaMtA na beti zrutvA devyoktaM / etc. Ends.- fol. 22b brahmacaryAdAnAvasare 14zatabaddhapaTTakUlamaDipradAnaM / tenaiva devagirau 15 . prAsAdaM cikIrSuNA tatsthAnagrahaNArtha 56koDidravya svAmirAmadenupamaMtrihemAde avarjanArtha / tannAmnA jaikArapure varSatrayaM yAvat satrAkAro viditaH / dharmasiddhyartha // saM. 1683 caitra sudi 1 tithau guruvAre / zrIjinarAjasUrivijayirAjye / zrI kSema'zAkhAyAM / zrIzivasuMdaropAdhyAyazi0vA0zrIpadmanidhAnagaNizi0 zrIhemasomagaNizi0vA0jJAnanaMdigaNizi0vA bhuvana- 20 kIrtigaNizi0kuzalavijayapramukhavAcanAya likhitaM zrIsvarNagirau / 960 graM.. Then we have the following verses belonging to some other work : zvAnamAMsaM citApakaM / caMDAlI ca rajasvalA / bhojaH pRcchati mAtaMgi ! / kimarthaM dIyate chaTA ?" caMDAlyA pratyutta( ttaraM ) dattaM // mitradrohI kRtaghnazca / ye ca vizvAsaghAtakAH / te narA nirgatA mArge / tetai(nai)tA dIyate chaTA // 2 gocaraM grAmasImaM ca / vRttilopaM tathaiva ca / gurupUrvajalopI ca / tenaitAH dIyate chaTAH // 3 etc. Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 260 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (515. Reference. - This work is noted in Jaina Granthavali (p. 258 ). For an additional Ms, see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 320). - 'raghuvilAsa Raghuvilasa No. 516 760. 1875-76. s Size.-- 8 in. by 13} in. Extent.-- 118 folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 26 letters to a line. Description.- Modern paper with water-marks, tough and white; Devanagari characters; big, clear and good hand-writing; borders not ruled ; numbers for foll, written at the top on the right-hand side ; a portion of fol. 11a blank ; fol. 12a entirely blank; matter written on one side of the paper only; a major part of fol. 14* blank ; so is the case with foll. 504 and 61o ; foll. 95-118 written on a bluish paper ; this Ms. corrected in the margins; condition good; in complete. Age.- Not quite modern. * Author.- Ramacandra, pupil of Hemacandra Suri. His additional works along with those attributed to him are mentioned in No. 150 of Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1. So I add only two works viz. Sudhakosa and Prabandhasata and cancel the following line printed on p. 19o and belonging to No. 150: He is the author of 100 prabandhas. 25 Subject.- A narration about Rama. This is the 4th prabandha, a drama. For details see "A History of the Sanskrit Literature of the Jainas " ( Vol. II, pt. I, p. 573 ). Begins.-- fol. 10 satIM yaH kevalAM dRSTiM hRtAmatyugrakarmaNA / Deaf Alegria de ICTATE FIFA: II etc. 1 It sooms that this work is wrongly named as "Raghuvilapa' by Dr, Buhler. Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 517.1 The Svetambara Narratives 261 sUtra. 'mAriSa ! zrIsiddhahemacaMdrAbhidhAnazabdAnuzAsanavidhAnavedhasaH / zrImadAcAryahemacaMdrasya ziSyaM rAmacaMdramabhijAnAsi etc. sUtra0 prajAnAM raghuvilAsanAmani caturthe prabaMdhe anurAgaH / etc. Ends.- fol. 1180 ___ rAmaH- (jAMbavataM prati ) amAtya tarhi sviikaarmrhti| jAMba0-deva ! kaH saMdehaH / / rAmaH-savinayaromAJcaM sItAM prati prANAn yadvirahe(5)pyahaM vistavAn devi ! priyaprANita statkRtsnavyapadezameSa samayaH smerAkSi ! naiva krudhAm / saumitreH kapibharturasya ca me ends abruptly. Reference. --- This Ms. is noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 326 ). - ratnacUDakathA Ratnacudakatha 1333. 1887-91. No. 517 Size.- 101 in. by 4g in. Extent.- IS folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very think and white; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible and elegant handwriting ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered as usual; edges and corners of some 20 foll.-slightly worn out; condition on the whole good ; complete. Age.--- Old. Author.- Jhanasagara, pupil of Ratnasimha Suri of the Tapa gaccha. . Subject.- A story of Ratnacuda illustrating the importance of 25 charity. For details see " A History of the Sanskrit Litera. ture of the Jainas" ( Vol. II, pt. I, pp. 251-255). 1 This term is used for principal characters in a drama, Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 taina Literature and Philosophy [5i7. Begins.- fol. 1. OM namaH // svastizrIsaukhyasa(sra)STAraM sAraM saMsArapAradaM // dAnadhammai pravi(va)kSyAmi natvA zrIjJAtanaMdanaM // etc. Ends.- fol. 150 ityavetya bhavikA ! munidAna saMbhavaM phalamudAramanadyayaM / yatnamatra satataM prakurudhvaM - yena vo bhavati saukhyamanaMtaM // 40 / zrImattapogacchaziromaNInAM zrIratnasiMhAkhyagurUttamANAM // ziSyeNa dAnopari ratnacUDA kU(kathA) kRteyaM bhuvi naMdatAJciraM // 11 // iti zrIratnasiMhasUrIzvaraziSyazrIjJAnasAgaraviracita(tA) dAnopari zrIratnacUDakathA saMpUrNA // paMnnemiratnagaNiziSyeNa likhitaM IS Reference.- Published in Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala in V. S. 1974. This work is translated into German by Johannes Hertel. It is published in " Indische in Marchenromane" from Leipzig in A. D. 1922. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 327 ). to 231. ratnacUDakathA Ratnacudakatha No. 518 1902-1907. Size. -- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.- II folios ; 19 lines to a page ; so letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari chara cters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, clear and good hand.writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered as usual; strips of paper pasted to all the foll. except the last; every fol. more or less worm-eaten; condition fair ; complete. Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ / 519.] The Svetambara Narratives 263 Age.- Samvat 1611. Begins.- fol. 1. e 6 // zrIsA(zA)radAyai namaH svastizrIsaukhyasRSTAraM etc. as in No. 517. Ends.- fol. 11 ityavetya bhavikA ! munidAnasaMbhavaM etc. up to bhuvi ne(naM)dayA ci(cci )raM // 46 as in No. 517. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIratnacUDakathA saMpUrNA samAptA saMvat 1611 varSe stra(vi)ni vadi pakSe caturthI ravidine likhitaM // // zrIrastu // zu(zu)bhaM bhvtu|||| kalyANamastu // leSakapAThakayo(:) ciraMjIyAt // // yAdRzaM pustake dRSTvA tAdRzaM likhitaM myaa| yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyate // 3 // // shrii|| // zrI // // shrii|| // RSigareNa likhApitaM // N. B. - For further particulars see No. 517. - Io ratnacUDaprabandha Ratnacudaprabandha 15 168. No. 519 1872-73. Size.-- 10 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 13 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, rough, tough and white%3 Jaina 20 Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; the first line and dandas written in red ink ; foll. numbered .. in the right-hand margins; edges of a few foll, slightly gone; condition on the whole good ; complete ; fol. 136 25 blank ; composed in Samvat 1500+1=1501. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Pupil of Ratnasekhara Suri of Vada-tapa gaccha. Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [519. Subject.- A story of Ratnacuda. It points out the importance of charity. Begins.- fol. 1. 5 60 // paMDitaziromaNipaMDitazrIpazrIbhaktikuzalagaNigurubhyo nmH|| sarasati devI pAya namI / mAgu ucita pasAu / ratanacUDaguNA varNavu / dAnaviSaya jasa vAu / 1 / 'jaMbU' dvIpa majAri vara / 'bharaha ' pitta aticNg| 'tAmalatI' nayari tihAM / rAjA ajita narida / 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 13 10. dAMna zIla tapa bhAvanA sAra / dAna taNu tIma vistAri / dAMnai jasa kIrati vistarai dAMnaprabhAva dutara tarai / 20 / panara ekotari (1501) nIpanu saMbaMdha / ratnacUDanu eha prabaMdha / bahUlabIja bhAdravai hatI kavita nIpAyUM bhRgu revatI / 21 / 'vaDatapa' gaccha ratnazeSarasUri(ri)da / udbhutakalI abhinavu caMda / . 15 tAsa sevaka zrImuSi ucarai / SaTapada caraNakamala aNasarai / 22 / sarva suSa hui eNi bhaNi / naranArI je zva(?)i guNii / tINI ghari laSimI sadAi tapai / caMdra sUrya jA niramala tapai / 23 / e maMgala e jaya kalyANa bhaNu maNAvu jihA Ugi bhAMNa / ratnacUDacaritra e sAra / zrIsaMghani nitu jayajayakAra / 24 / iti ratnacUDarAsa saMpUrNaH // Reference.- For extracts, variants and additional Mss. see Jaina Guijala Kavio (Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 464-467). Here on p. 464 the author is said to be pupil of Ratnasimha Suri. 20 ratnacUDaprabandha Ratnacudaprabandha 41. 15 No. 520 1877-78. Size.- 99 in. by 4 in. Extent. -- 17 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one 30 Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 520, The Svetambara Narratives 265 ::: in red ink ; foll, numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1 blank; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; condition very good ; complete; the last verse numbered as 342. Age. - Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 16 11 80 | eifdafarztaforifeasiteit enterremot: TER TH II Acela-arafor-94 art etc. practically as in No. 519. Ends. -- fol. 17 tes 9 H1791 ATT etc. up to 9FTOTT 382 iti zrIratnacUDarAsa saMpUrNa // N. B.- For other details see No. 519. 15 20 Tes-Afer Ratnacuda-Mani- cUDa-catuSpadI cuda-catuspadi -( -AT ( Ratnacuda-Manicame) cuda-copai) No. 521 306. 1871-72. Size. - 10 in, by 41 in. Extent.-- 23 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description. Country paper, somewhat thick, rough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters, big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; some of the foll, numbered and unnumbered as well, decorated with one spot in red colour in each of the two margins only; fol. ra blank; in the left-hand margins the title is written as Toafoto and at 34 [J. L. P.) Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [il times as a forge:; condition very good ; complete ; 24 dhalas in all; composed in Samvat ISIS (? 1728' ). Age.- Sarivat 1807. Author.- Vacaka Kanakanidhana, pupil of Carudatta Gani, pupil of Hamsapramoda of the Kharatara gaccha. Subject.- A story of Ratnacida and that of Manicuda. Begins.- fol. 1deg // 5 60 // sAradAI nmaH zrIRSabhAya namaH svasti zrI sobhA sumati lIlA labaddhibhaMDAra paratA pUraNa praNamIya bhabha(Da)vaDibhAM AdhAra 1 etc. - fol. 10 brahmAputrI hitakarI praNamuM sArada mAya ali vidhana duri hari japatAM pAtaka jAya 5 te mAtAni praNamI karI dAna upari bhaddhikAra ratmacUDA-maNIcUDano punyavaMta addhIkAra 6 etc Ends.- fol. 234 saMvata panara panarottarA (1515) varSe zrAvaNa vadi dazamI guruvAra re puSya nakSatra ruDI velAM rAsa raciyo uMdAra re 20 'paratara' gacchanA dva(dha)NI bhaTTAraka zrIjinarAjo re zrIjinaratnasurIsaruM gacchanAyaka vaDeM dIvAji(jo) re 101 yugapradhAna jagi parava(?ga)DA vijayamAMna gaccharAjo reM zrIjiNaMha(caMda)surIsaraM gacchanAyaka guruM tAjA re 20 4 zrIjinakuzalaparaMparA jihAM kaNi moTA munIrAyo re vidyAguNagaNasAgarA zrIhaMsapramoda ku(u)vajjhAya re 50 tAsa sIsa pAThaka jayo cArudattagaNIrAjo reM tehani sAMnidie caupAI e to purI thai zubha kAjo re 6 20 kanakaniddhAMna vAcaka raci e caupAI covIsa DhAlo re sapara saMmaMda sohAmaNe saSarI caupaI causAla reM 7 20 I See Reference '(p. 267 ). Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kan.] The Svetambara Narratives bhaNatAM guNatAM vAMcatAM e to suguNa mANasa haraSi reM rAgaratana java(hara) bhalA paNi javaharI mAMNa paraSi re 820 zrIjinakuzalapasAuli muja camyA(byA) vaMThita paramANo re kanakaniddhAMna kahi saMyyo suMSa saMpata lIla kalyANo (re) 9 ItI zrIratnacUMDa-maNIcUMDa-muni-caupai saMpUrNa pNdditshriishrii108-| zrIvinayahaMsagaNI tasiSyapaMzrI zrIratnahaMsagaNi tatzISyapaM0 zrIzrIudiyahaMsagaNi taziSyapaM0 zrImAnahaMsagaNilaSItaM saMvat 18 sAtA varSe zrAvaNa zudi disamI buddhavAsare laSItAM 'daSyaNa' desa mAMhi gAMma 'bArAmatI' madhye cartumAsakeM sthitaH vAstavyaH yAdrIsaM (pustakaM dRSTvA tAdrIsaM laSitaM mayA 10 yadi suddhaM mama suddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyatAM 1 Rpa...prasAdAt pArzvanAthaprasAdAt sarasatImAtaprasAdAta suSaM bhavatuM shriishriishriishriirstuH||ch // Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss, see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 263-264). On p. 263 this work is named as 15. ratnacaDavyavahArIrAsa and its date is mentioned as Samvat 1728. ratnapArAsa Ratnapalarasa 42. No. 522 1877-78. Size,-10 in. by 4, in. Extent.-- 31+1=32 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. 20 Description.- Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; small, perfectly legible, fairly uniform apd very good hand-writing; borders ruled mostly in three lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 13 repeated ; 25 fol. 1 blank; white paste and yellow pigment, too, used for making corrections; edges of a few foll. partly gone ; condition on the whole very good; composed in Samvat 1760% Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [522 Io complete ; the total extent 1285 Slokas; 4 khandas and 66 dhalas in all; the extent of each of the khandas is as under:Khanda I foll. b to 6. II 6 , 13 III , 13 , - 23* IV , 23 , 31 Age.- Samvat 1803. Author:- Mohanavijaya, pupil of Rupavijaya of the Tapa gaccha. For his additional works see p. 17. Subject.- Life of Ratnapala, a sage narrated in Gujarati in verse. Begins.- fol. 1deg // aiM namaH // // 6 // // zrIgurubhyo namaH // // dUhA // sakala zreNa medUra taNI dAyaka anudina beha te je koI rupa cha / tehathI dharIiM neha 1 etc. .... dAna pari saMbaMdha atha kahIsa pramAda niivaari| ratnapAla kero carItta / sahu suNi karI mana ThAri 13 // etc. Ends.- fol. 31 ratnapAlanuM carItra suNInai sAdhu dAna papa karayo jI / 17 raa0|| .. hIyaDo maMhe e sadaguruktaM / kathana hIyAMmAM dharayo jI // 18 raa0|| ... saMvata radhyAM(khAM)ga saMyama (1760) karI jaaNnno|maagsiir mAsa sUhAyo jii| tIthI paMcamI guruvAra taNe dina / vijaya muhutta mana bhAyo jI // 19 20 // 'sapa'gacchamaMDaNa kumatIno paMDaNa vIjayaratna guru rAje jii| : jAsa dIvAjeM pIsuNA taNA mada / sahasA dUre bhAje jI / 20 / 20 // . vAcakakIrtivIjayapayasevaka / mAnavIjaya kavIrAyA jii| tAsa sIsa budha ru(rU)pavijaya guru tehanA praNamI pAyA jI 2120 mohanavijayeM rAsa e gAyo / pU(pu)rava(ra) 'pattana' mAhe jI / ratnapAla zu(mu)nIrAya taNA guNa / cyAre paMDe bhAyA jI / 22 20 // cotho paMDa aDhArai DhAla / pUro thayo suvIsAla jii| pyAre paMDanI sUpareM melI nautana cchAsabi(Thi) DhAla jI 23 20 // 20 30 Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 523.1 The Svetambara Narratives 269 varNavIneM jo kahaize vaktA / hIta dharI zrotA suNaseM jii| to ku(u)pajase rasa hI jananeM / dUSa dauhaga avagaNaze jI // 24 20 // hoseM gharaghara maMgalamAlA / sAMbhalatAM e rAsa jii| dhaNa kaMNa kaMcana lIlA lacchI / mohanavijaya vIlAsa jI 25 20 // ratnapAla 20 // // iti zrIratnapAlarISIcaritre caturtha paMDa saMpUrNa // 5 graMthAgraMtha // 1285 sarva DhAla 63 sadhyAI chai // sakalapaMDitazrI 108zrIpaM lAlavIjayagaNI / paM0Rddhivijaya0 / taziSya / vIvekavijaya yainAlamadhye / saMvat 1803 varSe mAsa bhAdravA vidi 4 dine liSyo che // 1 Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, p. 432-435 ). 10 ratnapAlarAsa Ratnapalarasa 374. No. E23 1871-72. Size.- 103 in. by 4g in. Extent. -- 32 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 30 letters to a line. IS Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white%3 Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-wriring; bordets ruled in two lines and "edged in one in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; white pigment used at times ; 20 edges of the first and last foll. gone; condition on the whole good ; complete ; composed in Samvat' 1736 at Baramhana pura ( modern Baranpur ) in 3 khandas. Age.- Samvat 1823. Author.- Suravijaya, pupil of Siddhavijaya of the 'Tapa' gaccha. 25 Subject.-- Life of Ratnapala. Begins.- fol. 1" e 60 // sAradAi namaH / RSabhAdika jInavara namuM vartamAna je covIsa sImaddhara pramuSa namuM viharamAMna valI vIsa 1 1 For another date see 'Refcreuce' (p. 270 ). Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 270 Jaina literature and Philosophy [ samarU huM zrIsAradA triNa jaga mAhi jasya khyAta vINApustakaddhAraNI subha mati Api mAya 2 ___After 2 verses we have :tAsa taNo supasAya lahI racasyu rAsa rasAla ratanapAlaguNa gAvatAM muja mana thayo ujamAla 5 etc. Ends.- fol. 32b 'tapa'gacchanAyaka bahusuSadAyaka zrIvijayaANaMdasuraMda (ra) zrIvijayarAjasUri tasa pa(pA)Ti saMprati sohi muNiMda re bha05 tasya rAji paMDita guNavatAM siddhavijaya buddharAya re saMvegI nai suddhA vayarAgI nAMmithI pApa dUra palAya re bha. teha taNo supasAya lahIneM rAsa pUro kIddho re ratnapAlaguNa gAtAM manaha manoratha sIddho re bha07 'barAMhAMnapUra' nagara majhAri pIThA mAMhi rahIyA comAsa re zrI manamohana'vIraprazAdathI racyo mi e saMbaMdha re bha08 Uchau addhiko je mi kahIu micchA dUkaDa tAsa re vIjA paMDanI DhAla mi AThamI kahi ulAsi re bha0 (9) saMvata 17 chatrIsA varaSe zubha muharata zubha vAra re sUra kahi e saMpUraNa kiiddho| bIjo paMDa udA(ra) re bha0 10 vinatI kara hu tumani kara joDI ko vi na bhanacita dharajyo re azudha hoe to tUme sodhajyo paNi hAsI mata karajyo re bha0 (11) bhaNatAM gaNatAM ani sAMbhalatAM thuNatAM harSa apAra re guNa gAtAM guNavaMta kerA varatyo jayajayakAra re 12 ma0 manaha manoratha savi phalyA pugI mamaha taNI Asa re suSa saMpada AvI malyAM dinadina jayajayakAra re 13 bha. ratnapAlarAsa saMpUrNa // saMvata 1823 varaSe kArtika zudi 9 dIne some paMDita mAMnahaMsa tatzISya vaSatahaMsa vaMcanArtha // jAdrIsaM pustakaM dRSTvA tAdrIsaM laSItaM mayA yadi zuddhaM(kha)masudhaM vA mama doSo na dIyataM Reference.-- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, pp. 294-296 and Vol. III, pt. 2, pp. 1232-1283). On p. 294 the date of composition is given as Samvat 1732. Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Svetambara Narratives 271 ratnazekharanarapatikathA Ratnasekharanarapatikatha ( TAUTATE CACAEMET) ( Rayanaseharanaravaikaba ) parvatithivicAra Parvatithivicara [geefaleratsire ] [ Pavyatibiviara ] 1318. No. 524 1886-92. Size -- 104 in. by 45 in. Extent.-- 21 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible, fairly uniform and 10 tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; fol. 21* blank; some of the is dandas written in red ink; edges of a few foll, slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; composed at Citrakuta. Age.- Sarovat 1614. Author.- Jinaharsa, pupil of Jayacandra Suri. His additional works 20 are as under : (1) ITIATHTER (2) afastafe V. S. 1525 (3) 1691eafa V. S. 1497 (4) faafara afatiadhETE V. S. 1502. 25 For further information the reader may refer to my introduction (pp. 8-9 ) to " stateracatararat". Subject.- A story about Ratnasekhara, a king. Begins. fol. 1' 60 BE kalyANasthinilayaM / namiUNaM vaddhamANaM jiNacaMdaM / pamvatihINa vibhAraM / bhaNAmi aNimAnusAreNa // 1 // Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 Jaina Literature and Philosophy __[524 aha acayA kayAI / tiamiMdanariM ca namia payakamalo / mohatimiraMsumAlI / suhaheU sayalajIvANa / 21 etc. Ends.-- fol. 21 siri cittakUDa'nayare jiNabhavaNasaehi samvo bharie sirijayacaMdamuNIsarasIseNa suassa bhattIe 41 pAgayabaMdheNa kahA lihiA jiNaharisasAhuNA esA tA naMdau jiyaloe jAya jayai vIrajiNatitthaM 42 247 ... iti zrIratnazekharanarapatikathAH saMpUrNAH samAptaH // ...... saMvat 1614 varSe mAgha vadi 11 ravI maMdadvAra laSitaM / zubhaM bhavatu kalyANamastu // // Refernce.- Published by Jaina Atmananda Sabha in V. S. 1974 and also in " Jaina vividha sahitya sastramala " as No. 10 in A. D. 1918. For additional Mss. see Jinaratanakosa ( Vol. I, p. 328). 10 15 ratnazekharanRpakathA Ratnasekharanrpakatha No. 525 1309. 1684-87. Size. - 114 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 17 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional TEATAS ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins in the space between these pairs of lines; fol. 17deg blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; this forms a design; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good ; complete ; black ink applied at the end to make some of the letters illegible. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 526.] The svetambara Narratives 218 Age.- Samvat 1553. Author.- Unknown. Subject.- A story of king Ratnasekhara. It mentions holy days and their importance. Begins.- fol. 1 // 20 // namaH // bhatrAMtare gaNadharaH samyagAnamya gautamaH / papraccha bhagavan ! kAni parvA(Ni) eva tatphalaM ca kiM ? // 1 iti pRSTo jaganAthaH pAthapatigabhIragIH / uvAca tatpuraH parvadivasAMstatphalAni ca // 2 etc. . ... Ends.- fol. 17. .. .. 10 kevalatve tayoH svasvaphalalAbhaH prajAyate / mizratvena phalaM tAdRgU bhAvapUjAprabhAvajaM // 76 . ... evaM shriiprvpunnyaanaamaaraadhnvidhau|| yatadhvaM zrAvako yadvad rAjazrIratnazeSaraH // 77 iti parvadharmArAdhanaviSaye zrIratnazeSaranRpakathA // cha // saMpUrNaH ! .. // 7 // saM0 1553 varSe poSasudi 1 some zrI... ... zreyo bhavatu // 7 // ___yArazyaM pusta0 // 1 // Reference. -- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 328 ). 20 'ratnazekhara RatnasekhararatnavatI-kathA Ratuavati-katha (parvatithivicAra) (Parvatithivicara ) [ pavvatihiviyAra] [ Pavvatihiviyara] No. 526 1310. 1884-87. Size.-- 103 by in. 44 in. Extent. -- 7 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. 1 This seems to be the same work as one described as No. 377. 35 [J. L. P.] Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy Description.- Country paper, very thin, tough and greyish;. Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA ; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used ; foll. numbered in both the margins ; in the left-hand margins #9197 is written; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; .. edges of some of the foll. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete. 10 Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Dayavardhana. For details see p. 71. Subject.- A story of Ratnasekhara and that of Ratnavati. Begins.- fol. 1' 5 659 ____sayalakallANanilayaM / etc. as in No. 377. HP Ends.- fol. 7deg evaM zrIvardhamAnaprabhuva(4)hUn janAn parvatithidinapAlane kRtvA vikRtisaJcittAdityAgAdyakArayat / zreNikAdyA hRSTAH // svasthAnaM yyuH|| prabhurapi catustriMzada[da]tizayasameto vasuMdharAM vyavaharat / dayAvaddhanavijJenoddhRtaiSA pravarA kthaa| samu(ma)yAMbunidhermadhyAd vidha)ra(ri)vyAM jayatAJciraM // 1 iti parvati(thi)pAlane zrIratnazekharakathA saMpUNNAM // cha // // cha / zubhaM bhavatu // cha // kalyANamastu // jaha lohasilA appaM pi bolaI taha cilaggapurisaM pi / iya sAraMbho a gurU / paramappANaM ca bolei // 1 jA jassa ThiI jA jassa saMtaI / puvvapurisakayamerA / so taM aikkamaMto / bhaNatasaMsArio bhaNio // 2 jiNANAe kuNaMtANaM / nUNaM nivvANakAraNaM / sudaraM pi sabuddhIe / savvaM bhavanibaMdhaNaM // 3 Reference. - See p. 72 20 . . Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 527.1 ratnazekhara ratnavatI - rAsa The Svetambara Narratives 278 Ratnasekhara Ratnavati-rasa Ends. fol. 13b 43. 1877-78. No. 527 Size. 10 in. by 43 in. Extent. - 13 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs 10 coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margins ; fol. ra blank ; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; condition very good; complete; composed in Samvat 15 14 ( 7 ) in Gujarati. Age.-- Old. Author.-- Vibudha (?) Suri. Subject. A story of Ratnasekhara and that of his wife Ratnavati. This work deals with four parvans. Begins. fol. 1b // 60 // zrIvItarAgAya namaH / vastu / vIra jiNavara vIra - jiNavara pAya paNameva / sarasati devI mani dharI niya-suguru - sAnidhi pAmIya capu (pa) bvI UparihiM ratnazeSara rAjA sudhAmIya / vinnasu hUM ekacittiyaI ku ( ? U ) laTa pa ( ? ) rI apAra / bhavI loya ! tujhe sAMbhalau ratnavatIbharatAra 1 / etc. 15 20 25 30 rUDI pari caupu ( pa ) bvI pAlu krodha mAna mAyA mada DhAlu sivasukhakAraNa e sahIya / veda vANi tithi (? 1514) saMkhyA varase / ujjala mayaNamitra mAse zavatithi kara rakSi sahIya / 12 / vibudhasUri hUMDa varavAsU / siddhi yogi raciu rAsa udArU varNavIu e naravarU ya bhaNai gaNai je rAsa rasALa / tasa maMdira maMgala suvizAla / RddhivRddhi sukhajanakarU ya / 13 / Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 527 . . fa 75g(q)-aft sur Twater-Tranfit-tre i liquor u 3 u . 15 l3 lg sterea ga 791 7 3 sf sf sft II 4-tofte quartu Reference. - It seems that this work is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. ratnasArakumAracaritra Ratnasarakurnaracaritra - No. 528 811. 1892-95. Size,- 109 in. by 45 in. Extent. 35 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. io Description.-- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with rare TSHS ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll, numbered in both the margins; fol. 1a blank; so is fol. 25b; numbers for the verses, their dandas, a part of the first line etc. written in red ink; in the left-hand margins the title is written as Tawar ; in the case of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; fol. 25 torn; condition on the whole good ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; this work is divided into two khandas as under : Khanda I foll. 10-18* ,, II 184-254 Age.-- Samvat 1686. 25 Aathor.- Vijayasekhara, pupil of Vivekasek hara, pupil of Satya sekhara of the Ancala gaccha. His additional works are as under : His 00-pupil ( gurubandhu ) is Bhavasekhara, Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 528.] The $vetambara Narratives 277 1. RSidattArAsa V. S. 1707 | 4. candralekhAcopai V. S. 1689 2. kayavanA(kRtapuNya)rAsa V. S. 1681 | 5. vraNamitrakathAcopai V. S. 1692 3. candarAjAcopai V. S. 1694 | 6. sudarzanarAsa V. S. 1681.1 Subject.-- Life of Ratnasarakumara narrated in Gujarati. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 60 // aiM namaH // duuhaa| sarasati subha mati niti dIyai / tiNi maja adhikau vAna / yoDi karUM jugataI karI / kavijanamaI lahU yA(mA)na // 1 / dAna sIyala tapa bhAvanA / cyAre dharmapradhAna / cyAre mAMhi salahIyai / premi karInii dAna // 2 // etc. - fol. 10 ratanasAra kumaraI jisiMu / dI* dAna UdAra / sukhasaMyoga lahyA ghaNA / dAna taNi adhikAri // 5 // etc. Ends.- fol. 25 da(de)sa 'soraTha' zRMgAra / 'zerbujau' gira dhana mAnava gaNi jii| 15 girUu zrI giranAri' / tIratharAyani jAuM bhAmaNaI jI // 13 // zrI aMcala' gacchi caMda kalyANasAgarasUriMda vaSANIyaha jI / tasa e(pa)Si paramANadi / vivekazeSaragaNi vAcaka jANIyai jii||14|| rUhava rAgaI DhAla / paMcamI vijayazekhara vibudha kahi jii|| bhaNatAM maMgalamAla / suNatAM suSa saMtAna saMpati lahi jI // 15 // 20 iti zrIratanasArakumAracaritre / dAnAdhikAre / tathAI parimANavate dvitIyaH khNddH| saMpUrNaH // tatsamApte ca samApto'yaM graMthaH // gAthA 187 // . sarvagAthAmelane 611 // zlokasaMkhyA / / saMvata 1686 varSe / mAgha vadi 10 bhaumadine likhitaM / zrI navAnagare' // yAmazrIlASArAjye // vAcakajanasya / bhadraM bhavatu // zrIH // zrIH zrIH // cha 25 Reference. It seems that this work is not described in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. 1 See "aMcalagaccha digdarzana" (p. 400 ). Here the following two works are mentioned :gautamasvAmIlaghurAsa & jJAtAsUtrabAlAvabodha as 'lakhyAM': Does 'lakhyo ' mean composed ? Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ To IS 20 25 278 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ratnasArakumArarAsa No. 529 Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 14 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. s Description.- Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, perfectly legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used for making corrections; condition very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1582. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Vacaka Sahajasundara, pupil of Upadhyaya Ratnasamundar. For further particulars see Vol. XIX ( sec. 2, pt. I, p. 240). Subject.- Life of Ratnasara (kumara) in Gujarati. Begins. fol. 1* // 60 // prathama vidyAvilAsanI DhAla // sarasati haMsagamaNini ya ( pa ) yaM praNamI / avirala vANi prakAso re / 'seja' maMDaNa zrIrisahesara / zrI' jIrAuli' pAsa re / nemikumara 'girinAri' alaMkRta / rAjImatIbharatAro re / 1 bhanayara 'thaMbhaNa' paramesara / 'phalavadhi' pAsa kumAro re // 1 // etc. 'aMcali'gacchi garUA gacchinAyaka siddhAMta sAgarasUrI (ri) re sAMprati guNanidhAnasUri thabha rmiije| pUre manaha jagIsa re' / etc. [ $29. Ratnasarakumararasa 616. 1895-98. 1 Instead of this verse we have the following in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I ) on p. 124 : 66 6 'uvaesa 'gacha giruA gachanAyaka rayaNappahasurIsa re saMprati zrIsiddhasUri namIjai, pUrai manaha jagIsa re". Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 279 530.] The Svetambara Narratives Ends.- fol. 140 saMvata panara biyAsIyA (1582 ) vacchari / e racIu maI rAsa re| vAcaka sahajasuMdara ima bolai / bhANI buddhiprakAsa re // 30 // iti zrIratnarAsakumArarAsaH samApta // cha / zubhaM bhavatu // iti kalyANa . mastu // zrI // cha // cha // cha // cha Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 124-125). rAjasiMhakumArakathA Rajasimhakumarakatha TabbA sahita with tabba No. 530 1321(f). 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 21 to fol. 314. Description.-- Both the text and its explanation complete. For 1321(a). _ further particulars see zrImatIkathA No. 1886-92. Author of the text.- Not mentioned. " " , tabba.-Unknown. Subject. - A story of Rajasimhakumara together with its explanation in Gujarati. It points out the efficacy of Navakara' : mantra. 20 Begins.-- (text) fol. 21 tathA punarnamaskAraprabhAvena mokSapadaM prApyate // ythaa| siMhakumArarAjavat tathA tasya saMbaMdhaM procyate // etc. ,-( tabba ) fol. 21 tima ja valI / navakAramaMtranaha prabhAva mahimAi karInai etc. Ends.- ( text) fol. 31 tatastaddevalokAzrutvA mAnuSyatvaM prApya pravajyAM lAtvA 25 sakalakarmakSayaM kRtvA ca kevalajJAnamutpAdya dvAvapi mokSaM yAsyataH // iti zrInavakAraviSathe zrIrAjAsiMhasukathA saMpUrNaH SaDAvazyakavRttau sukhabodhikAnAmnAM SaSTho 5)dhikAra jAtaH // zrI'jAlora'durgaH zrI. 'pUnima'gacche / bhazrIharSacaMdrasUrI liSatAH // Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [530. Ends.- ( tabba ) fol. 312 iti zrInavapadadhyAnanai vippa(Sa)i rAjasiMhasu kathA saMpUrNaH // SaDAvazyakavRttau sukhabodhikAnAmanAM iti thakI SaSTho(s)dhikAraH saMpUrNaH TabAmAtra artha saMpUrNaH // likhitaM 'mahilANa'grAme // navInakRta TabArtha / lavalesamAtra .. Refererence.- No additional Ms. is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 331). S 10 15 rAjAvalIvaktavyatA Rajavalivaktavyata No. 531 1392 (159). __1891-95. Extent.- leaf 238deg to leaf 240. Description.- Complete so far as it goes. For further details see arhatstotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pt. 1, No. 15). Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A list of kings commencing with Srenika and ending with Bhimadeva. I may add that Kunala is son of Asoka, grand-son of Bindusara and great-grand-son of Candragupta, the conqueror of Nanda IX, a king. Begins. - leaf 238deg zrImahAvIrakalyANake 'bhasmaka grahodaye dvivarSasahasragrahodaye zrIrAjagRha'nagare zrIzreNika iti nAma rAjA saMjAtaH // tasya vaMze navabhirnedaiH rAjyaM kRtaM // etAnucchedya zrIcaMdragupto nAma mahArAjaH sNjaatH|| tadanaMtaraM asyaiva suta(to) biMdusAranAmA mahArAjaH saMjAtaH // tadanantaraM asyaiva suta(:) zrIazokanAmA mahArAjaH saMjAtaH // tasya sutaH kuNAla nAmA putraH saMjAtastadA(s)sau aMdhaH saMjAtaH etc. . Ends.- leaf 240* anaMtaraM asminneva varSe mArpazudi 4 upaviSThasutabhImadeve(va) sutaravI(kSe)marAjasutadevaprA(pra)sAdasutatribhuvanapAlakuma(mA)rapAladeve saM 1229 pauSa zudi 12 niruddhaM rAjyaM kRtaM varSa 30 mAsa 1 dina 2 asyAmeva tithau upaviSTaH zrIkumArapAladevabhrAtRmihapAladevasutaH / ajayapAladevena saM 1232phAguNa zudi 12 niruddhaM rAjyaM kRtaM varSa 34 mAsa 2 anaMtaraM asyAmeva tithau upaviSTasutamUlarAjena saM 1234 caitrazudi 14 niruddhaM rAjya kRtaM anaMtaraM asyAmeva tithau upaviSTaH zrIbhImadevo narapatiH // iti rAjAvalIvaktavyatA // cha / - Reference.- This work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. 1). Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 532. ] The svetambara Narratives 281 rAtribhojanadoSacatuSpadI Ratribhojanadosacatuspadi ( teruthazaratus) ( Ratribhojanadosacopai ) [Umagtaat ) [ Jayasenacatuspadi ] [ Jayasenacopai ] 1656. No. 532 s 1891-95. Size.-- 10} in. hy 43 in. Extent.-- 12 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very 10 good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in red ink; dandas, the last ihree lines and some important words etc, written in red ink; foll, numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol. ja blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; IS this space is decorated in some cases ; in some cases even the central portions of margins decorated with some sorts of designs in red colour ; edges of a few foll, slightly gone; condition on the whole good ; in the left-hand margins sometimes the title is written as That 759% and some- 20 times as Tratto; complete; composed at Pancalasa.1 Age.- Samvat 1613. Author.- Vacaka Dharmasamudra, pupil of Vivekasimha. His additional works are as under : . 25 . 1. afrag 14 V. S. ? 2. kuladhvajakumArarAsa V. S. 1584 3. sumitrakumArarAsa V. S. 1567. Subject.- Blemishes arising from taking meals at night. 1 See Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 119 ). 36 [J. L. P. 1 Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [532. Begins.- fol. 10 // 6 // // OM namo zrIvItarAgAyaH // paNamisu goyama gaNahararAya / samarIya sarasati-sAmiNa-pAya rayaNIyabhojanadoSavicAra / bolisu te saMbhaLu udAra 1 / eha ja mani avadhArau jUgati / mANasa Dhora kisI chai vigati / rAti divasa jU caratUM rahai / viratinirata kehI navi la(ha)i / 2etc. Ends.- fol. 12b zrI'paratara' gacchi rAjIu e| zrIjina jinasAgarasUri ki / zrIjinasuMdara suMdaru e / nAmai e nAmai e nava nidhi puri ki / zrI'Saratara' gacchi rAjIu e / 54 / rAjIu 'paratara' gachi girUuM zrIharaSasUri ytiisro| jayavaMta zrIjinacaMdrasurisIso laba(ba )ghi goymgnnhro| suvivekasiha sujANa pAvaka / sugurupAyapasAu lai / pratibodha dharmasamudra vAka(ca)ca(ka) / bhaNai manaraMgai bhae(Na)i / 55 / ___ iti rAtrIbhojanacaupaiH saMpUrNaH // saMvat 1613 varSeH Asu sudi 3 dine vAra zanauH liSataM sevaka varajUH pUjyabhAryAzrIsabhojIpaThanArthaH vAcaka ciraM jIva(yA)At / yAdazaM pustake draSTvA / tAdRzaM liSataM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyate 1 / zrIzubhaM bhavaMtuMH // Reference. - For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaipa Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 118-119). 20 rAma-kRSNa-catuSpadI Rama-Krsna-catuspadi 232. No. 533 1902-1907. 25 Size.- 10 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 34 folios ; 16 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, brittle and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 533.] The svetambara Narratives 283 S numbers for the verses, their dandas and some important words etc. , written in red ink ; foll. numbered in the righthand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; fol. I. blank ; corners and edges of almost every fol. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete%3B composed in Samvat 1617; the entire work is divided into six khandas ; the extent of each of them is as under :Khanda I foll. b to 8. II 8 , , III , 15deg 22. IV , 22 , 25 " 150 254 30. VI 30. " 34. Age.- Samvat 1715. Author.- Lavanyakirti, pupil of Jnanavilasa of the Kharatara gaccha. His additional works are as under : (1) gajasukumArarAsa (2) devakIchaputracopAi. Subject.- Life of Rama and that of Krsna. The former is praised 20 for his penance and the latter for his right faith. This work is based upon Hemacandra Suri's Neminatha- . caritra and prepared at the instance of Ratana. Begins.- fol. 1' 5 60 // zrIzaM(zAMtinAthAya namaH // duuhaa|| jagAdikara jagataguru / AdIsara arihaMta // vighana harau sevaka taNA / bhayabhaMjaNa bhagavaMta // 1 // saMtikaraNa sAhiba sadhara / solama jiNavara zaM (zAMti / sevaka Upara hita karI / Apau budha anaMta // 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 34. 30 tiNa kAraNi tapa sama kitanai viSai / rAma anai goviNd| caritaI yArau mUla janama dha(tha)kI kaNiyau sohagakaMda / bha (2) Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 Jarna Literature and Philosophy [533. rAjaha sUrijasiMha nariMdanai / 'vikramapura' gahagAha / saMvata solaha saya satahattarai(1617) / sudi paMcami vaisAha bhA. / 3 / sohamasAmiparaMpara sohtaa| (vaDa)vaSatI siratAja / yugapradhAna jinarAjasUrIsaru / vijayamAni tasu rAji / bhA0 4 // saihadha (sahaja?) dhA(thA)pyA AcArijapaNai / zrIjinasAgarasUra / tAsutaNA yuvarAja sohaamnn| badhataha adhika paDUra / bhaa05| 'usa' vasai vi(bi)ruda vaSANIyai / dInahInapratipAla / rAgI deva suguru jinadharmanA / bhaNaru(sA)lI bhUvAla / bhA0 // 6 // jayatamAla sata dhIra sadhara shii| vAghamala varI yAma / putraratana 5 tasu pArasa paragaDau / dharama karamadhuri nAma / bhA // 7 // teha (taNe) Agraha mani ANinai / jAMNI laabhvishess| hemasUrakRta nemIsara taNau / carita bhalI pari deSi (1) bhA // 8 // 'ma' sApi jANItA jagau mai / vAcaka shriigunnrNg| tAsu sIsa vAcaka guru jayau / jJAnavisA(lAla (sa) abhaMga ( / ) bhaa||9 tAsu sIsa lavalesai upadisai / lAvaNyakIrati ema / bhaNatAM guNatAM sAMbhalatAM chatAM pA(thA)yai avicala pema // bhA 10 kusalasugurusupasAyai AThamI / DhAla 'dhanyAsI' raag| lAvaNyakIrati pabhaNai vAcatAM / adhika vadhai sobhAga / bhA 11 / caturacittaraMjana pa(e) dASIyai / italai chaTThau pNdd| bhuvanakIratibaMdhavasaMgama sadA dinadina sujaU (a)khaMDa / bhA 12 iti zrIrAmakRSNacatuHpadI samAptAH / iti zrISaTU SaMDA samAptAH // zrI // saMvat 1715varSe jeSTamAse suklapakSe lipI cakre // RSirAjazrIzrIzrImUlacaMdra tacchiSyazrImanacaMde taziSyapremacaMdreNAgleSiH // zrI // 'vanapure' // shrii|| Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, p. 217 & Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 692-693 and pt. 2, p. 1507). Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 534. ] The Svetambara Narratives 'rAmacaritra Ramacaritra [ refta] [ Padmacaritra ] 308. No. 534 1871-72. Size.-- 103 in. by 43 in. Extent. -- 148 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin, very brittle and grey ; Jaina Devanagari characters ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; foll. 10 numbered in the right-hand margins; strips of white paper pasted to edges of several foll. ; so in a number of cases foliation is gone ; in some cases foll. are numbered in the lefthand margins when the toliation in the other margins is gone ; condition on the whole tolerably good ; red chalk 15 used; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; complete; ten sargas in all ; a piece of white paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 19; fol. 1 blank. Age.- Samvat 1695. 20 Author.- Devavijaya Gani ( see No. 361 ). Subject. -- Life of Ramacandra. Begins. -- fol. 1deg y coll EftoTUTETIT AA: || sakalabhaTTArakaprabhuzrIpazrIvijayANaMdasUrIzvaragurubhyo namaH // 873 sfigarafart, etc. as in No. 361. Ends.- fol. 1466 Taalt aga ga1... ... etc. up to aafa ary. This is followed by the lines as under : ___ bhavatu zriyAM padaM 4 iti prazastiH samAptAH cha _ 30 1 This is same as Padmacaritra No. 361. 2 This is not reproduced as letters on fol, 147a are indistinot, Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 534. sakalabhaTTArakaprabhuzrI'tapAgacchAdhirAjasabhAbhAminIbhAlasthalatIlakAyamAnasakalabhaTTArakaparaMparApuraMdarazrI'tapAgacchaudyotakArakazrIyugapradhAnasabhAzrRMgArarAyaraMjanabhaTTArakaprabhuzrIzrIzrI75zrIvijayANaMdasUrIzvaracaraNAravi(vi)darasakahRdayena gaNizrIpazrIkanakavijayagaNizrIpazrIzAMtivijayasahodareNa gaNizivavijaya lipiviracitamidaM pustakaM ciraM tiSThatu cha / karacaraNanayanabhUjAkupparAMgulIkadhu( ? Tyu )daragrAMvAvayavAtiprayAsakaSTena likhitamida pustakaM tau zau vibudhai ; sodhyaM zrIvijayANaMdasUrI vijayini rAjye saMpUrNamidaM pustakaM // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu // cha // lekhakapAThakayoH // zrIrastuH // cha / saMvata 1695 varSe kArtika zudi ravI zrI'sANaMda'nagare gaNizivavijayalikhitaM zubhaM bhavatu cha kalyANamastu cha // zrIrastu // cha // zrI // ... ch|| shrii|| etc. Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, pp. ..-331-332). 15. rAmacaritra Ramacaritra [rAmAyaNa] [Ramayana] 169. No. 535 1881-82. Size. -- 10 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 90 folios ; 20 lines to a page 40 letters to a line. 20 Description.- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters ; big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing ; only letters of some of the lines of some of the foll. blurred probably because this Ms. was exposed to rain ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins%3 fol. , blank except that the title Tiara is written on it ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; a few foll, slightly worm-eaten ; condition on the whole good ; complete. Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 536.] The svetambara Narratives 287 Age.- Samvat 1753. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 50 // zrIgautamAya namaH // atha zrIsuvratasvAmi etc. as in No. 534. Ends.- fol. 90 ___ tata[:]stAn tatraiva muktA etc. up to iti prasa(za)sti(6)| as in , No. 534. This is followed by the lines as under : __ sakalabhaTTArakazrA(zrI)5zrIvijayaprabhusurisvaraziSyamahopAdhyAyazrI5udayavijayagaNiziSyagaNitattvavijayaliSitaM zrIdvIpa'baMdire zrIlavalakSya. pArzvaprasAdAt zubhaM bhavatu lekhakapAThakayostu[:] zrI cha / saMvat 1753 varSe vezASa sudi 3 dine maMgalavAre iti maMgalamAlikA 10 likhitaM svaparopagA(kA)rAya N. B.-- For additional information see No. 534. 180. rAmacaritra Ramacaritra No. 536 1881-82. 15 Size.- 114 in. by 54 in. Extent.- 489-1-55-28-13-177=215 folios ; II lines to a page ; 37 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and grey, Jaina Deva. nagari characters with occasional TGATITS; big, quite legible, 20 uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used to mark out the numbering for the verses; yellow pigment profusely used for making corrections: foll.' numbered in the right-hand margins%3; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the 25 whole good; foll. I, 3 to 57, 62 to 89, 298 to 310 and 312 to 488 missing ; so the work is incomplete; it ends with the 4th verse of the 63rd sarga. Age.- Old. Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 988 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [536. Author.-Not known as this work begins and ends, too, abruptly. Subject. - Life of Ramacandra. Begins abruptly.- fol. 20 vittaM pApanAzanaM // 13 zaktazcaritraM gadituM tasya syAcchrutakevalI // brUte yanmAdRzo(5)pyetat tatprasAdo jineshituH|| 14 etc. - fol. 489deg iti zrIrAmacaritre sItAyAH zrIjineMdrapUjAdohadapUraNavarNano nAma dviSaSTitamaH sargaH // 62 // cha / _Ends abruptly.- fol. 489deg kathitaM pratihArI miH kramAt jJAtvA prajAgamaM / spaMdaM dakSiNanetrasya saMprApa janakAtmajA // 2 dadhyAviti ca kittanivedayati me paraM / duHkhasyAgamanaM cakSuradhastA(t) spaMdanaM bhajan // 3 karmaNA prApitA pUrva duHkhaM vAridhise kaTe / tena duSTa na saMtuSTaM ki ... ... This Ms. ends thus. Reference. - It seems that this Ms. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). 10 20 rAmayazorasAyana Ramayasorasayana No. 537 1657. 1891-1895. Size.- 10 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 43+ 78= 121 folios ; 14 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper thin, tough and white : Jaina Deva. nagari characters; small, perfectly legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing ; foll. 1-43; written in big handwriting; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used ; foll. numbered in both the margins; there are two sets of foliation : I-43 and 24-101 ; the hand Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 537.] The svetambara Narratives 289 writing of both the sets are different ; fol. 1. blank ; edges of a few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; composed in Samvat 1680 in 4 adhikaras in 62 dhalas in Gujarati at Antarapura. Age.- Not quite modern. Author.- Kesaraja, pupil of Gunasagara of the Vijaya gaccha. Subject.- Life of Ramacandra. Begins.- fol. 1" // 6 // // zrIgurubhyo namaH // zrIsAradAya namaH // 'delAvala' (?)raage|| dUhA // zrImunisuvratasvAmijI / tribhuvanatAraNa deva / tItha(tha)kara prabhu viismo| suranara sArai seva 1 putra mu(su)ni(mi)va(tra) nari(roM)drano / pomAvai tasa mAya / janmabhUmi jinavaraM(ra ta)NI / 'rAjagrahI' kahavAya / 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 101 zrIrAma RSIzvara ajara amara kahavAi / / tInI lokamai mAthai baiThA sAsaya suSa lahAya sI0 87 saMbata solai asIyai (1680) re Acho bhAso mAsa tithi terasi 'aMtarapura' mAMhiM ANi ati ulhAMsi sI0 88 'vijaya' gacha gachanAyaka giruo goyamano avatAra vijayavaMta vijaya RSirAjA kIdho dharma udAra sI0 90 zrIguru padma pha(munIsara moTo moTo jehano vaMza / corAsI gachameM jAMNIto paragaTapaNe parasaMsa sI0 91 tAsa pa(pA)Todhara guNa kari gAjai guNasAgara jayavaMta kaDusyutana kalpataru 'kali'mai sUriziromaNi saMta 92 e gurudeva taNe supasAya graMtha caDhyo supramANa graMthaguNA giri 'meru' starISo nava rasa mAMhi varmANa sI0 93 evaM vA(bA)saThi 'DhAla' sudhArI vacana racana suvisAla rAMmayazo re rasAyaNa nAmA graMtha racyo surasAla sI. 94 kavijana to kara joDi karai re paMDitasyu aradAsa pAMcAM bhAgai to vAMcevo jo huvai rAgaabhyAsa sI0 95 37 [J. L. P.] Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 990 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [537. akSara bhaMgai DhAla ja maMgai rAga bhaMgai joi vAcatA re vacanaja bhaMgai rasa nahI upajai koi sI0 96 akSara jAMNI DhAla ja jAMNI rAgaja jAMNI eha pAMcAM Agai vAMcatAMthI upajasyai atineha sI0 97 jaba laga sAyarano jala jaba laga sUraja caMda kezarAja kahai taba laga e graMtha karau ANaMda sI0 98 kalasa rAMma lakSmaNa anai rAvaNa satI sItAnI carI vistAri bhASI carita sASI vacajaracana karI parI saMgha raMga vinoda vaktA anai zrotA sukha bhaNI kezarAja muniMda japai sadA harSavadhAmaNI 99 iti zrIDhAladvASaSTayA rAmayazorasAyane caturtho(s)dhikAraH saMpUrNa // Reference.- Published in " Anandakavya mahodadhi" ( Vol. II). For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 1522-524& Vol. III, pt. I, p. I015). 20 rAmAyaNa Ramayana [ rAmacaritra] [ Ramacaritra ] No. 538 309. ____1871-72. Size. - 9} in. by 4} in. Extent.-- 99 folios ; 19 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margins the title is written as rAmacaritra; fol. 1 biank; so is fol. 996; condition very good ; complete ; composed in Samvat 1791; the entire work is divided into 7 kandas ; the extent of each of them is as under : 25 1 Here the date of composition is given as 1683, Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18. 380 420 570 570 VI VII " , 588.] The Svetambara Narratives 291 Kanda I foll. b to 18 ____ III 27 , 38b ___ IV , ___v , 47 89 99. Age.- Samvat 1922. Author.-- Cara(?i)tadharma(?) & Vidyakusala Gani. The former is pupil of Anandanidhana. - 10 Subject.-- Life of Ramacandra narrated in Gujarati in seven kandas. They are here named as under : bAlakANDa, ajodhyAkANDa, AraNyakANDa, kekIdhA(?)kANDa, sundara kANDa, laGkAkANDa and uttarakANDa. Begins.- fol. 1deg // 6 // // zrIgaNezAya namaH // atha rAmacaritra liSyate // dUhA // meM namo paramAtmane / avyaya akala acita // diNayara jalakuMbhAM jihii| vyApaka sakala zranita // 1 // amita anAdi alekha prabhu / paraMjoti paradhAma / trikaraNa suddha hoya tiNahIsu / pahilI karuM praNAma // 2 // etc. - fol. 1 sAsa nAma joDe sukara // vaMdu sadagurupAya // ___ AgyA to mujhanai daI / rAmacaMdraguNa gAya / 7 / - fol. 18' iti rAmAyaNe / rAmajanmadhanubhaMgasItApANigrahaNe prathama 25 bAlakAMDa // 1 // - fol. 27' iti zrIrAmAyaNe dazarathaparalokarAMmavanavAsavarNano nAma ayodhyAkAMDa dvitIyaH // 2 - fol. 38' iti zrIrAmAyaNe sItAharaNazrIrAma paMpAsara'bhAgamano nAma / bhAraNyakAMDa tRtIyaH3 15 . 20 30 Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IO 15 20 25 30 292 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 538. iti zrIrAmAyaNe sItAsodhana kekIdhA nAMma kAMDazcaturthaH 4 // iti zrIrAmAyaNe suMdarakAMDa gaNividyAkuzala ragamAnaviracite suMdarakAMDa paMcama saMpUrNa // 5 // - fol. 475 fol. 57b -- fol. 89 iti zrIrAmAyaNe rAvaNavadhaH rAma ' ajodhyA Agamana laMkAkAMDha SaSTama saMpUrNam // Ends. fol. 99a yAra padAratha zrotAkara caMDhe loka ubhaya bhava sAdha vidyAkuzala zrIrAghava gAvatAM janma saphala bhava lAbha va0 14 saMvata satarai saya IkAMve (1791) AsU mAsa udAra sudi dazamI tithi suraguruvAsarai pUraNa graMthavicAra va0 15 corAsI gaccha puhavIparagaDA 'paratara' gaNi paramANa pappA AcArija gacchanAyaka bhalA lahIyai jugaparadhAna pa ( va 10 16 zrIjinamAMNikasUrinA pATavI zrIjinacaMdrasUriMda guNa chatIsa virAjai jehamai vijayamAMna diNaMda va0 17 bhaTTArika maNidhArI jasa dhaNI zrIjinaharSasUrIsa tAsa prathama siSya 'pAThaka' padadharA sumatahaMsa sujagIsa va0 18 tatziSya uvajhAyai pada sobhatA mativarddhanaM mattivaMta tehanA siSya dIpaka sama jAMNIyai tra (brahmacArI satavaMta va0 19 zrI AnaMdanidhAna pasAya lai tasu siSya cAratadharma vidyAkuzala Ubhai milI gAvIyo pAMmI vaMchita marma va0 20 desa savalaSa maMhi dIpato lavaNasurai suSa pAI caityAlaya kuMtha ( g ) nAthanI sAMnidhai eha kahyau jasa gAi va0 21 copai sarasa baMdha e racyo bhalai karo sukaMThI re gAMna manavaMchita lIlA saMtati lahai kuzala maMgala kalyAMNa va0 22 je naranArI ikacita prItisuM suMNai rAmAyaNasAra ihaloka parabhava suSa lahIyai ghaNA kavijana karojI vicAra va0 23 iti zrIrAmAyaNe nagara ayodhyAuddharaNazrIrAmamahAprasthAMnasItAdikSAparalokano nAMma uttarakAMDa saptama saMpUrNa // 7 // saM 1922 miti podda vda ( vada ) 10 caturtha prahare likSo phUlacaMda grAMma 'bhAvI'madhye caturmAsa kIno zrIpArzvanAthajIprasAdAt // Reference. It seems that this work is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 539.] The Svietambara Narratives 293 rUpakamAlA Rupakamala avacUrNi sahita with avacurni 1219. No. 539 1884-87. Size.- Iol in. by 4g in. Extent. -- 7 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 47 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; to yellow pigment used while making corrections; both the text and the avacarni complete; the former has 32 verses%3 the latter composed in Samvat 1663 at Vikramapura; edges of some of the foll. gone ; condition on the whole good; this Ms. was presented by Samayasundara to Harsa-kusala 15 in Samvat 1695. Age.- Samvat 1664. Author of the text.- Upadhyaya Punyanandi, pupil of Ganesa, pupil of Vira, pupil of Upadhyaya Samayabhakta, pupil of Vacaka Ratnakirti Gani of the Kharatara gaccha. 20 ,, of the avacarni.- Upadhyaya Samayasundara. For his addi tioval works see No. 429. Subject.- A work dealing with chastity along with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.- ( text ) fol. 1. AdijiNesara Adisau / sarasati dasaNa dApi / sIla taNAM guNI gAisu / tihuyaNasAmiNisApi / / AtamArAma sIla dharo / sIlai paramANaMda / ima pabhaNai puNyanaMdi mA0 etc. ,,- ( com. ) fol. 11 vyAkhyA / he zrIAdijina ! Adiza / he sarasvati ! / 30 darzanaM samyaktvaM darzaya nizcalaM kuru mahaM zIlaguNAn / Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 294 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [539. devadANavagaMdhavA(vvA) jakkharakkharaakiMnarA / vaMtayAviM namastati / duSkaraM je karati ta / 1 / ityAdirUpAn 2 gAsyAmi / tribhuvanasvAminI siddhAntAdhiSTAtrI tatsAkSikaM yadyAsyAttagha / eSA rUpakamAlA / zAMtarasamayI / paMcamapriyA sUtrarAgaNa gIyate / etc. Ends.-- (text ) fol. 7a kusIlauthApaka sIlasaMthApaka sAgaracaMda / sUrirAya vA(?vaya)NAyarI / rayaNakIrati gaNicaMda / 31 / samayabhagata vara vAcakAM / viirvineyaannNd| rUpakamAlA sIlanI / pabhaNai zrIpuNyanaMda / 32 / - (com.) fol. 7' tasya vA. ratnakIrtigaNeH ziSyAH / samayabhaktavaravAcakAH shriismybhktopaadhyaayaaH| teSAM ziSyo vIravineyo gaNezaH / tacchiSyAH shriipunnynNdyupaadhyaayaaH| te / zIlasya / rUpakamAlAmevaM pUrvoktiprakAreNa prabhaNati / 32 // 'vRhatkharatare' gacche / zrIjinacaMdrasUrayaH / yugapradhAnanAmAno / vijayaMte kriyodytaaH|| zrIjinacaMdrasUrIMdrA // yuvarAjA jyaanvitaaH| bhUrisadbhAgyasaubhAgyA / jayaMti ca yazasvinaH / 2 zrIpUjyamukhyaziSyAH / paMDitavarasakalacaMdragaNidakSAH / tacchiSyasamayasudaragaNiravacUrNiNa varAmakarot / 3 / saMvati guNarasadarzanasoma(1663)pramite ca 'vikrm'deNge| kArtika zukladazamyAM / vinirmitA svaparaziSyakRte / 4 zrImadratnanidhAnAdvaiH / pAThakapravarairiyaM ramyA ruupkmaalaayaa| avacUrNiNarazodhi ca / 5 // iti zrIrUpakamAlAvacUrNiNa saMpUrNA / likhitA ca / saM 1664 varSe caitrapUrNiNamAyAM / shrii'caattst'(?)ngre| subhaM bhavatu lekhakapAThakayoH zivamastu zrotRdhArakayoH // 44 // Then in a different hand we have :-- - saM 1695 varSe poSasudi 14 dine / 'mAMDali'prAme / zrIsamayasuMdaropAdhyAyaiH / paM0harSazakulamunaye pratiriyaM dattA(s)sti paraM mayi jIvati mamApInA 30 Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 540. ] The Svetambara Narratives 295 Reference.- For an extract see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 61 ) and for an additional Ms. of the text and that of the avacurni see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 332 ). Ratnaranga Upadhyaya has composed balavab hodha of Rupakamala in V. S. 1582. rUpasenakathA Rupasenakatha No. 540 44. 1877-78. Size.-- 95 in. by 4; in. Extent. - 37 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. 10 Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva - nagari characters with occasional TBAITS; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders of a few foll. ruled in two to three lines in red ink; dandas written in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol. 14 15 blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, so that it forms a design ; a portion of an edge of the first fol. worn out; edges of some of the foll. partly damaged ; condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete ; 1150 slokas in extent. 20 Age. - Old. Author.- Jinasuri, pupil of Sudhabhusana, pupil of Visalaraja Suri. His additional work is Priyankara-n;pa-katha ( No. 419). Subject.-- A story of king Rupasena, son of Manmatha and that of Kanakavati. 25 Begins.-- fol. 10 g coll sifatn 74: zrImaMta viduraM zAMtaM / lkssmiiraajyjyprdN| efte aar(s)gai gooi i fui kirilgarigi Pl. SIT174741(277)F31*YCH: gyei sattvaM zarIre ca jane mahatvaM / 30 Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 296 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [540. tattvaM ca citte sadane ca saMpadaH / saMpadyate yatzravaNAca puMsAM / 2Netc. Ends.-fol. 370 yena jIvaH sadA sukhI syAt / __ ye pAlayati niyamAn paripUrNAn / rUpasenanRpatiriva / te sUkhalakSmI ___ bhAjaH pade pade sthuurjnshlaaghyaa(6)| 12 / vizAlarAjasUrIza / sUri(sudhA)bhUSaNasadguroH / ziSyena jinasUri re)NA(ga) sukRtA kathitA kathA / 313 / ghattAni / kathitAni iti zrIniyamapAlane zrImanmatharAjJAM naranAthaH putro rUpasenarAjJaH kathA smaaptaa|| graMthAprazlokasaMkhyAyAH ekAdaza zatAni ca / paMcAzadadhikA jJeyA graMthasaMkhyA mudA hRtA 1 iti zrIrUpasenacaritraM samAtaM // 7 // Then in a different hand which is not quite legible we have : jadI sAtaM dhanaM nAsitI puravIduktatakramaNimuSe salIlatI vANI vasenaikyaM dalItAnu(pra)tA(?tI) Reference.- Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in V. S. 1968. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 333). F rUpasenakathA Rupasenakatha 375. No. 541 1871-72. Size.- 10 in. by 4g in. Extent.-45 folios ; II lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with frequent TEATS; big, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 512.) The Svetambara Narratives 297 in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between the pairs coloured red ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; unnumbered sides decorated with a small spot in red colour in the centre; the numbered in each of the two margins, s too ; edges of the first and the last foll. slightly gone; condition on th@ whole good ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 1a & all stad fagi via etc. as in No. 540. 10 Ends.- fol. 450 da ofita: argi get ara etc. up to FYRIGE AHTAT gsfto practically as in No. 540. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 540.. 336. rUpasenakathA Rupasenakatha 15 No. 542 1871-72. Size.- 114 in. by 5 in. Extent.- 35 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva. 90 nagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines and edges in one in red ink ; numbers for the verses, their dandas, a part of the first line etc. written in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; fol. rblank; yellow 25 pigment profusely used on fol. 66; some of the foll, have stuck together probably due to the presence of gum in the i. ink used ; condition very good ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins. -- fol. 101. 4 a Oll-sfreiesa para TA: 11 . 30 sftia fagii aia I etc. as in No, 540, 38 [J. L P.) Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 998 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [54% Ends.- fol. 35 sta sfracy (Fr)ey gest era etc. up to sftE(E) TAPPFYNafa als sigut: 11 practically as in No. 540. This is followed by the line as under : fora: 11 gaviragada 7970'S 11 N. B.-- For other details see No. 540. 10 rUpasenakathA Rupasenakatha No. 543 48. 1874-75. Size. -- 10} in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 23 folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white ; Jaina Deva nagari; characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing: borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; this space forms a design : yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of the first fol. slightly gone ; same is the case with the last fol.; condition on the whole good; complete ; a few words from the last line have become illegible. Age. Samvat 1650. * Begins. fol. 1deg 119 0 Il situamu TA: 1 staa fagi stia etc. as in No. 540. Ends. fol. 236 eta agi dia er etc. up to HAUTUEETAGIOTT FATET W practically as in No. 540. Then we have : AOT7 fo ... Aga ?eyo ato N. B.- For additional details see No. 540. 35 Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 544. ] The Svetambara Narratives 209 rUpasenakathA Rupasenakatha 318. No. 544 A. 1882-83 Size.-- 10 in. by 4} in. Extent.-- 34 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, thoroughly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; numbers for the first few verses, their dandas etc. written in red ink ; red chalk used; foll, numbered in the co right-hand margins ; fol. 34" blank ; lacun on fol. 336; condition very good ; complete ; on fol. r' in the left-hand margin the title is written as rUpasenacarItra. Age.-- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 19 4 80 01 sfiye*iTA: 11 sta a faggi etia etc. as in No. 540. Ends.- fol. 34" i grosifat etc. up to gai *911 as in No. 545. This is followed by the line as under : 78 // iti niyamapAlane zrIrUpaze(se)nakathA N. B.- For additional information see No. 540. 25 28 rUpasenakathA Rupasenakatha 1311. No. 545 1884-87. Size.- 10 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 35 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 41 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva nagari characters with rare TEHTATS ; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 J Jaina Literature and Philosophy [545. - pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins ; in the left-hand margins the title is - written as // rUpasena // ' ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well ; fol. !' blank ; edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition .: very good; complete ; yellow pigment used for making . corrections... . .. . Age:- Samyat 1683. . Begins.- fol. 1. e 60 // ahN|| * zrImaMta vidura zAMta etc. as in No. 540. : Ends.- fol. 350 . .. ye pAlaya(ya)ti niyamAn paripUrNAt(n) nRpatirUpasena iva // te sukhalakSmIbhAjaH / pAdapajhe syujanazlAghyAH // 1 vizAlarAjasUrIzasudhAbhUSaNasadguroH / ziSyeNa jinasUreNa sukRtAya kRtA kathA // 1 // saMvat 1683 varSe jyeSThamAse kRSNapakSe tra(tR)tIyA bhUmivAsare // zubha bhava(tu) TN, B.- For additional details see No. 540... - 20 rUpasenakathA Rupasenaka tha 1812 No. 546 1884-87. Size:- Iot in. by 4g in. Exterit.--- 26 folios ; IS lines to a page ; 4t letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with rare 8tis; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; in the centre of the numbered and un numbered sides as well, some space .. Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 547.] The Svetambara Narratives 301 is kept blank so that it forms a design; each and every fol. more or less worm-eaten ; condition on the whole tolerably good; yellow pigment used for making corrections; anusvara when occurring in the first line on a fol. is at times ornamentally written; complete. S Age. - Pretty old. Begins. fol. 1* // e6 // OM namaH zrIgurubhyo namaH // zrImaMtaM viduraM zAMtaM etc. as in No. 540. Ends. fol. 26b revatakathA No. 547 Extent. ye pAlayati etc. up to sukRtAya kRtA ya ( ka )thA[ : ] // 2 practi- to cally as in No. 545. This is followed by the lines as under : N. B. For further details see No. 540. iti niyamacatuSkapAlane zrImanmatharAjaputra zrIrUpasenanareMdrakathA saMpUrNa (rNA ) // zubhaM bhUyAt / zrIrastu [ : ] - fol. 7" Description.- Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA No. 491. Author - Unknown. Subject. A story of Revati, a Sravika who will be born as the 17th Tirthankara named as Samadhi. What was given by her acted as a medicine in curing Lord Mahavira. Begins.-- fol. 7*. Revatikatha 1310 (7). 1886-92. atha bheSajakathA // bhesaSaM (jaM) puNa dito / suhapatte lahai uttamaM lAbhaM / jaha tANA vIrassa / revaI sAvayA paramA // 1 // etc. Ends. fol. 7 saptadazatIrthaMkaraH samAdhinAmA bhavitA / tasmAdauSadhAt zrIvIro nIrogo jAtaH // bheSajadAne revatIkathA // 6 // IS 20 25 30 Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [548. revatIkathA Revatikatha No. 648 823(e). 1892-95. Extent.-- fol. ga to fol. 10%. Description.-- Complete. For other details see 1941 No. 154. Author.- Not known. Subject.- A story of Revati, a Jaina lay-woman. What she gave acted as a medicine. Thereby Lord Mahavira got cured of his disease. 10 Begins.-- fol. ga intent' praf stegt valerat() et atha: ae wref ('pi) damazrIdhIH tayoH putrI puNyazrI // anyadA tasyAH pANigrahaNotsavaH arou: Il etc. : Ends.- fol. 100 Thierrast arv]a: 11 #Tart herefts: ii' qucra tadita597(er) II II 15 Reference.- Cf. tadtaatsen in Sanskrit, an anonymous work of which there are three Mss, at Limbdi. See Jinaratnakosa : (Vol. I, p. 333 ). rohaNamunicatuSpadI Robanamunicatuspadi (tugfaithe) (Rohanamunicopai ) 20 No. 549 1491. 1887-91. Size.- 94 in. by 4 in. Extent.-- 6 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 52 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and greyish ; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform 25. and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margins the title is written as Tevft; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 549.] The Svetambara Narratives 303 numbered and unnumbered sides so that it forms a desiga; some of the foll. partly worn out; condition on the whole very good; complete ; composed in Samvat 160s in Gujarati at Vikanayari. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Vacaka Vinayasamudra, pupil of Harsasamudra of the Upakesa gaccha. For his additionrl works see Vol.XIX ( sec. 2, pt. I, No. 201 ). Subject.- A story of Rohana, a sage. Begins.- fol. 1 // 5 6 // ||cupii|| surapatibaMdita suvratasAmi / ta(na)minai te(ne)mi namauM sira nAmi / pAsa pratApI guNa amirAMma / vIracaraNa jiNaMdacaraNa vaMdAmi // 1 // gaNadhara guru nai saasnnsurii| dio muja vynncaaturii| jiNavaravacana ji karaI pramANa tehanA karisu kevi vaSANa / / 2etc. Ends.- fol. 6. phalasI ihaloki hiMsaMdI(?) TalasI duSa sayala ApadA rohaNa pusparayaNi jima kiiyo|tim kariyo suNiyo bhAviyo / zrI'uvaesa' hi gacchi guNaMda saMpai siddhisUri guNacaMda / / kakkasUri Sevai gaNadhAra / tAsu caraNasevaka suvicAra // 4 // 20 haraSasamudra tasu sIsa muNiMda / vAcaka vinayasamudra janavaMdya / sutsaagrthii| lahi lavalesa re(ra)vI(cI) kathA nija buddhivisesa // 5 // paDu (1) gayaNa ritu vidhu vatsaraI 1605 'vIkAnayari' bIja vaasrii| vAra suraguruvara kalyANamAlAvistara suSanidhAna // 6 // phAguNa mAsihiM naya naya Asa phalao sadA dhau ghaNA ulhAsa / 25 jiNavara cautIsa mai gae(?Na)dhAra / saMgha sayala ghari maMgala cAra // 7 // // iti zrIrohaNamunicatuSpadI samAptAH // // zrIrastu // kalyANa mastu // // subhaM bhavatu // Reference.- Only this Ms. is simply noted in Jaina Gurajara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. I, p. 629 ). No extracts are given. Here 30 this work is named as rohiNeyarAsa. Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ rohiNyazokacandrakathA . . 304 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [550. Rohinyasokacandraka tha No. 550.. 319. A. 1882-83. Size.- 10g in. by 4g in. Extent.- 7 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. 5 Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva nagari characters ; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; all the foll. except the ist numbered in both the margins%; the Ist in the right-hand margin only; in.the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; in the lefthand margins the title is variously written e.g. rohiNIkathA, rohiNikathA, rauhiNikathA.and rohiNinIka; fol. 7deg blank; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole good ; complete : composed in Samvat 1657. Age.-Samvat 1693. Author:- Kanakakusala, pupil of Somakusala. Vacaka Santicandra is his vidya-guru. For his additional works etc. see Sec. I of Vol. XIX (pt. I, No. 35 and pt. 2, p. 309). 30 Subject.- A story of Rohini and that of king Asokacandra, her : . husband illustrating the penance named as 'Rohini'. Begins.- fol. 1- // 560 // zrImAn pArzvajinassarvAbhISTasiddhividhAyakaH / bhanyAnAM bhUtaye bhUyAt tamAlazyAmaladyutiH // 3 // 25 . kavInAM jananI nityaM / pustakanyastahastakA / marAlavAhanA devI / zAradA varadA(s)stu me // 2 // nasvA vidyAguruM prANipratibodhaikahetave / tapasi zlAdhite sdbhiH| procyate rohiNIkathA // 3 // etc. . Ends. - fol. 7. rohiNyazokayovRtta / nizamyeti gurUditaM / satataM kriyatA bhavyAH ! // prayatno 'rohiNI'tape // 20 // Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 561.] The svetambara Narratives 305 zrImat'tapA'gaNagaganAMgaNadinamaNivijayasenasari(rINAM / . ziSyANunA katheyaM / vinirmitA kanakakuzalena // 1 // . zrIzAMticaMdravAcakavicAgurumAdarAM(rAt) praNamya mayA / hapabhUtaraseMdu1657mite / varSe dIpoccha(sa)ve lilikhe ra (2) / iti zrIrohiNItapomAhAtmyaviSaye rohiNyazokacaMdranRpakathAnakaM 5 saMpUrNa // zrIgaNadIvI'madhye laSItaM // saMvat1693varSe mAgasarazudi 5 mome laSItaM // Reference.- Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A.D. 1912 and also by "Jaina Atmananda Sabha" in V. S. 1971 ( Series No. 36 ). For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 10 334). rohiNeyakathA Rauhineyakatha 1334. No. 551 1887-91. Size.-104 in. by 4g in. " Extent. - 51 folios; 16 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper very thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional T5478 ; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used to mark 20 out the numbering for the verses; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides of foll. I to 8 there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; edges of several foll. slightly worn out; condition on the whole good ; complete ; extent as 468 slokas, Age.- Not modern. Author.-- Upadhyaya Devamurti, pupil of Devacandra Suri of the Kasadraha' gaccha. His additional work is Vikramacaritra. Subject.-- A story of Rauhineya, a thief. 39 . L. P.1 30 Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [551. Begins.-fol. 1:510 // dveSe()pi bodhakavacaHzravaNaM vidhAya - syAda rauhiNeya iva jaMturudAralAmA kvAdho'priyo(s)pi sarujAM sukhado ravi(vI)vA(ba) 5.... . saMtApako(5)pi jagadaMgabhUtAM hivAya // 1 // .. .tad yathA // astyatra 'magadhe deshe| 'gaMgA'pAramanoharaM / puraM 'rAjagRhaM' nAnA maharddhinarabhUSitaM / 2 / etc. ___Ends.- fol. 110 10 jineMdravacanaM zrutvA rauhiNeya ivAnvahaM / stainyaM tridhA(s)pi satyAjyaM jinadharmaratairnaraiH / 66 / 'kAsada'gacchacUDAratnanibho devacaMdragururAjaH tachiSyadevamUrtirjinapadasturyapIThakRtavasati // 67 / ... cakrA(ke) tena kathA(s)sau va(ba)hularasA smayakarI budhajanAnAM / 15. . . naMdatu tAvad rucirA yAvacchasi(zi) meru'sUryajalanidhayaH // 68 / iti zrI'kAsadra'gacche zrIdevacaMdrasUriziSyaupAdhyAyazrIdevamUrti racitA rauhi[kaNeyakathA // graMthAnaM 468 // chaH // . . . Reference.- Published by Hiralal Harhsraj in A. D. 1908 and by the " Atmananda Sabha " in A. D. 1916 ( Series No. 45). This work is translated into English by H. Johnson in "Studies in Honour of M. Bloomfield" (p. 159ff.), New Haven in A. D. 1930. It seems that no additional Ms, is noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I). 35 laghutriSaSTizalAkA LaghutrisastisalakapuruSacaritra purusacaritra No. 552 816. 1892-95. Size.- 101 in. by 41 in. Extent. -- 103 folios ; 17 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line.". Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 353. ] The Svetambara Narratives 307 Description.- Country paper very thin and yellowsish in colour ; Devanagari characters ; borders uniformly ruled in three lines with red ink up to the 30th fol. only ; red chalk used to mark out the numbers for verses etc. ; ink faded ; letters undiscernible ; rounded, bold, big and very 5 beautiful hand-writing ; small from the 13th fol, to the 30th ; foll, 31-103 written by a different hand and in very small letters ; there is more than one numbering e. g. fol. 31 is numbered as 28 Taard, too; fol. 32 as 29, foll. 33-39 as 30 up to 36; then fol. 40 as 29 STA, 41 as 10 29 fatti, fol. 42 as 30 ; from fol. 43 there is double numbering, it being also numbered as i etc. ; this arrangement lasting up to the 46th fol. ; once more fol. 47-69 are also numbered as 1, 2 etc. up to 23 ; again foll. 70-78 renumbered as 1-9, too; foll. 79-82 renumbered as I to 4, IS foll, 83-88 as I to 6, then again foll. 92 to 103 renumbered as 1 to 12, too ; foll. 98 to 109 triply numbered e. g. fol. 98 numbered as 98, 7 and 1 ; yellow pigment used from fol. 31 onwards; a part of the lower border of the 6th fol. and a portion of the 59th fol. pasted with a strip of paper; 20 condition tolerably good. Age.- Seems to be old by two centuries or so. : Author.- Meghavijaya Mahopadhyaya, pupil of Kspavijaya. His additional works are noted by me in "A History of the Sanskrit Literature of the Jainas" (Vol. I, pp. 83, 201, 214, 25 216, 219, 223 and 224 & Vol. II, pp. 48-49). An alphabetical list of his works is given in Vol. XIX ( sec. 2, pt. 1, pp. 384-385). Leaving aside this work ago I classify the remaining works as under : vyAkaraNa 1. Ataqa71 Latest V. S. 1557 2. ANECAESAT c. V. S. 1577 3. Haiget ( 77891) V.S. 1757 30 Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [552. V.S. 1755 4. vRttamauktika jyotiSa 5. udayadIpikA 6. prabhasundarI 7. varSaprabodha ( meghamahodaya) V. S. 1752 V. S. 1755 Not earlier than V. S. 1732 8. ramalazAstra V. S. 1735 sAmudrika 9. hastasaJjIvana (siddhazAna) V. S. 1735 kAvya 10. digvijayamahAkAvya c. V. S. 1750 11. paJcAkhyAna V. S. 1716 12. bhaviSyadattakathA V. S. 1732 V. S. 1760 13. vijayadevanirvANarAsa ( Gujarati) 14. sasasandhAnamahAkAvya V. S. 1760 pAdapUrtirUpa kAvya 15. kirAtasamasyApUrti 16. devAnandamahAkAvya (mAvasamasyApUrti) V. S. 1727 17. meghadUtasamasyAlekha _c. V. S. 1727 18. zAritanAthacaritra ( naiSadhIyacaritra samasyApUrti) c. V. S. 1728 vikSatipatra 19. citrakoza 20-21. pANinIyadyAzraya-vijJasilekha __ stavana-stuti-stotra 22. covIsI (G.) 23. dazamatastavana ( G.) 24. paJcatIrthastuti 25. pAzrdhanAthanAmamAlA (G.) V. S. 1721 Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 552.] The Svetambara Narratives 309 26. zivapurI-zadhara-pArzvanAtha-stotra 27. sImanparatAmi-stavana (G.) sajjhAya (svAdhyAya) 28. mAhAragaveSaNAsajjhAya (G.) 29. jainadharmadIpakasajjhAya (G.) 30. pAvApunasajhAva (G.) 31. bAsanadIpakasajhAva (G.) TippaNa-TIkA 32. pAtIrthastutiTIkA 33. bhaktAmarastotraTIkA 34. vijayadevamAhAtmyavivaraNa 35. vidhatiyantravidhi (bhUvizvetyAdikAmyavivaraNa) 36. saptasandhAnamahAkAvyaTippaNa 37. hakhasakajIvanaTIkA (sAmudrikalaharI) . nyAya 38. maNiparIkSA (tattvacintAmaNiparIkSA) AlocanA 39. kumatinivAraNahunDI (G.) 40. dharmamamjUSA 41-42. yuktiprabodhanATaka ( juttipamohanATya ) saTIka adhyAtma 48. mahaMgItA (tattvamItA or bhagavadgItA) 44. brahmabodha 45. mAtRkAprasAda V.S 1747 prakIrNaka 46. bapAgacchapahAvalI Subject.- Epitomes of the lives of 63 towering personalities of the present avasdrpini (eon) narrated on the lines of Pretor TpArita of Hemacandra Suri, a contemporary of Kumara. pala. The entire work is in Sanskrit in verse intercepted by 30 certain results arranged in tabular forms (vide foll. 7-9). The life of the first Tirthankara is completed on fol. rob; on fol. SI there is janmakuNDalI of Hanumar and on fol. 93' that of Lord Mahavira. This work is composed in 10 parvans at the request of Vanaraja, the treasurer. Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 810 5 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [352 Begins.- fol. 1 // mahopAdhyAyazrIzrI108zrIznImeghavijayagaNi / taziSyapaMDita zrIpazrImeruvijayagaNigurubhyo namaH // sarasvatyai nmH|| zrInAbheyajino jIyA(t ) kalyANazrIniketanaM / / yaM vAsudhAjayAdikSurasaH zivAya pAraNe // // etc. Ends.- fol. 1026 ahaMkAro'pi bodhAya rAgo'pi gurubhkt| .. viSAdaH kevalAyA'bhUt citraM zrIgautamaprabhoH // 46 // dhRtvA dvAdaza varSANi kaivalye svAyuSaH kssye| sudharmaNe gaNaM datvA gautamo'gAnmahodayaM // 8 // zrIhemacaMdroditajainavAkyAM____ bhodhervizodheriva zuddhabodhe / uddhRtva medhena bhRte sudhAyAH ___kuMbhopame'bhUd dazamaM suparva // 88 // sudharmasvAminaH paTTasthitau viNshtivrsraa|| .. kaivalye cASTavarSANi bhuktvA siddhiM jagAma sH|| 89 // jambUrjambU dvIpabhAnuH svAmI siddho jinAdanu / . vatsarANAM catuHSaSTayA tatpaTTe prabhavaH (3) prabhuH // 9 // zayyaMbhavo 4 yazobhadraH 5 sNbhuutivijystthaa|| bhadrabAhuH SaSThapaTTe sthUlabhadrazca saptamaH 7 / / .91 // 'mahAgirizcAryapUrvaH suhastI cASTame pade / navamaH susthito(s)pyanyo gaNI supratibaddhakaH // 92 // iMdradina 10stato dinnaH11 zrIsiMhagiriritvataH 12 vajra(jra)svAmI 13 vajrasena14zcaMdraH15 sAmaMtabhadrakA 16 // 93 // vRddhadeva 17stata: pradyotano'to18 mAnadevavAra 19 - mAnatuMgo 20 vIrasUri jayadevo gaNApaNIH 22 // 9 // devAnaMdo 23 vikramazca 24 narasiMha25: samudrakaH 26... mAnadevo27'pi vibudhA(dha)prabho 28 naMdo jayAdimaH 29 // 95 // raviprabho 30 yazodevaH 31 pradyumno 32 mAnadevavAra 33 tatpaTTe vimalacaMdra 34 u(ddyotanazca tatpade 35 // 96 // . zrIsarvadevaH 36 zrI devaH 37 sarvadevaH punargaNI 30 30 1 AryamahAgiriH / 3 jayAnandaH / 2 aarysuhstii| 4 asyAparaM nAma 'ruupshrii'| Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bi.] SH The svetambara Narratives yazobhadro 39 nemicaMdro municaMdro (40) munIzvaraH // 97 // tatpadde'jitadevo'bhUt 41 jagacaMdra (42)stapArhanaH // tato vijayasiMhavAk 43 somaprabho maNirajo(no) gacchapI dvau babhUvatuH // 98 // zrIdeveMdra45stataH paraM dharmaghoSaH 46 'ssomapUrva prabhaH 47 stilakavAk 48 tataH // 99 // 14 devasuMdara49 ityasmAt gaNabhRt somasuMdaraH 50 munisuMdarasUrizca 51 ratnazekhara52 ityataH // 600 // 15 zrIlakSmIsAgaragaNI 53 sumateH sAdhu sUrirAT 54 zrIhemavimala55stasmAt AnaMdavimalaprabhuH (16) // 601 // 16 10 sUrivijayadAnAkhyaH 57 zrIhIravijayaprabhuH / prabhAvakaH zrIyuvanaM rAjA(5)kabarabodhakaH 58 // 602 // (17). zrImAn vijayaseno 59'smAt sUrivijayadevadhAk 60 mahAtapAH svataH zastaH sUrizrIvijayaprabhuH(bhaH) 61 // 18 tatpaTTodayazailamaulikamalA'laMkArabhaTTAraka(:) 15 zrImAn zrIvijayAdiratnabhagavAn udbhuutpuutprbhaaH|| . bhUtaH zrIpuruhUtasaMsadi sadApyAhUtadivyApsaraH- ... ? zreNyA puNyavareNyasadguNagaNaiH prastUyamAnaH stutau // 12 // 19 tadrAjye jayazAlini jajJe zrIsadguroH kRpAvijayAt / ' zrIvijayaprabhu(bha)sureravApta vAcaka 'padaH sa muniH // 20 ... 10 zrImeghavijayanAmA vinayavilAsaM laghutriSaSTIyaM . .. cakre koSThAgArikavanarAjAbhyarthanAyogAt // 21 ... tadguruparaMparA caivaM reje rAjAdhirAjo akabarayavanAdhIzvaraH pAtisAhi yastaM svastiprazastyAM vacanaracanayA'bUbudhad dhrmmaarg| zrIsUribhUrikIrti zramaNagaNatapAhvAnabhUpasvarUpaH . . zrImAn zrI'hIrapUrvo 'vijaya'padadharaH shriidhraabhyrcniiyH||22 . 1 somprbhH| 4 vijyrtnH| 2 somatilakaH / 5 hiirvijyH| 3 sumtisaadhuH| ... Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [652. jAnakavijayanAmA vAcakaH prauDadhAmA pyamavadiha vineyaH zreyasA(sA)mekapA / badanu vizadazIlaH zIlanAmA kavIMdu sitayamapi tadaMtevAsinA prAdurAsa // 23 kamalavijayanAmAdho dvitIyazca siddha vijaya iti tRtIyazcArucAritrapUrvaH / prazamasamayasiMdhuH sindhurastakeSu samajani janitazrIrvAcako'smin gaNe'pi // 2 // zrIkRpAvijayanAmakavIMdrAH sAMdracAMdramahaso yazasA te pahinevanayavAgU vinavA jyotirmamorjitapavitracaritraM // 25 Reference.- Is Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 338) Jaina Granthavali (p. 218 ) is mentioned. It is said that this mahakavya is translated into Gujarati by Mafatlal J. Gandhi and published by Chotalal M. Shah in V. S. 2005. 761. lalitAlcaritra Lalitangacaritra No. 558 1875-76. Size.- 11 in. by 5T in. Extent.- 34 folios ; II lines to a page ; 39 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and white; Devanagari chara. cters; big, clear and fair hand-writing ; borders not ruled; foll. numbered as usual; fol. I' blank; the first fol. not numbered ; this Ms. corrected in the margins; complete ; composed in Samvat 1961 at Dasapura ( Mandsor); this work is partly in Prakrit and partly in Gujarati ; composed at the request of Punja, a minister and son of Sonaraya Jivana and extracted from Parsvanathacaritra. 28 1 siddhivijyH| Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 553.] The Svetambara Narratives 318 Age.-- Not quite modern. Author- Isvara Suri, pupil of 'anti Suri of the Sandera gaccha. His additional work is zrIpAlacopAi i. e. siddhacakracopAha (V.S. 1564). Subject.-- Life of king Lalitanga composed by the grace of Santis Suri. Begins.- fol. 10 zrIvarddhamAnAya nmH| vimalakarakamaletisAgaradattazreSThirAsakAdau gAthA yathA tayAtrApi prthmgaathaa| paDhamaM paDhamajiNaMdaM paDhamanivaM pddhmdhmmdhurdhrnne| vasahaM vasahajiNesaM namAmi suranamiyapayadesaM // 1 // siriAsaNe(se)NanaravaravilAsakulabhamarabhogiMdo / bhogidasahiyapAso disau siriM tumha pahupAso // 2 // sirisAlasUripAyA niJca me huja guruasupsaayaa| anANatamatamobharaharaNe da(s)ruNasAru ra)hi ca (mva) samA // 3 // sAlaMkArasamartha(tthaM) sacchaMdaM sarasasuguNasaMjuttaM / laliaMgakumaracariya lalaNAlaliya ca (vva) nisuNehaM // 4 // daDhaduggamUlakosIsapattanararayaNabhamarapakhiliyaM / rehahaka yasirivAsaM sirivAsaM nayara'tAmarasa' // 5 / duhaDa // tiNi puri purajaNaraMjavaNa rANIkamalAkaMta / naravAhaNa niva nayaniuNa bhahiNavakamalAkaMta // 6 // etc. Ends.- fol. 340 mahi mahati 'mAlava' desa dhaNakaNayalachinivesa / tihaM nayara 'maMDavagga' ahiNavau jANa ki sagga // 67 // 25 tihaM atulabala guNavaMta zrIgyAsasuta jayavaMta / samaratha sAhasadhIra zrIpAtasAha nisIra // 68 // tasu raji sakalapradhAna guNaru(rU)varayaNanidhAna / hiMduA rAyavajIra zrImuM(? puMja mayaNaha vIra // 69 // 1 He has composed Sagaradattarasa partly in Prakrit and partly in Gujarati in A. D. 1561 in various metres, 40 [J. LP.] Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 814 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [553. 'sirimAla'vaMsavayaMsa mAninImAnasahaMsa / soni(?nA)rAya jIvanaputta bahuputtapariyarajutta // 70 // zrImalika naa?maa)phrpttttii| haya gaya suhaDa bahu ghaTTi / zrIpuMja puMjanariMda bahu kavita kali suchaMda // 71 // navarasavilAsa ulola nvgaahg(ge)yklol| niya buddhi bahua vinANi gurudhammaphala bahu ANI // 72 // iha puNyacariyaprabaMdha laliaMganRpasaMbaMdha / pahupAsacariyaha citta / uddharihA eha caritta / / 73 // 'dasapura'ha nayara majAri zrIsaMgha taNai AdhAri / zrIzAMtisUrisupasAI / duha durIya duri palAi // 74 // jaM kimavi aliya asAra gurulahuavarNavicAra / kavi kaviu i(I)zvarasUri taM raca(kha)mau bahuguNa sUri // 75 // sa[sa]si sa(ra) (61) suvikramakAla e cariya raciuM rasAla / jI(jAM) dhrubha ravi sasi 'mera' tAM juyu gaccha 'saMDera' // (76) // vAcaMta vIracaritta viccharau jagi jayakitti / / tasu bha(ma)Nau(Nu'abhava dhana dhanna zrIpAsana(nA)he ha) prasanna // 7 // iti zrIlalitAMganarezvaracaritraM samAptaM / tasmin samApte samApto'yaM rAsakacUDAmaNipuNyaprabaMdhaM / tathA(s)tra rAsake zrIlalitAMgacaritre prathama gAthA / 1 dUhA 2 nA(rAsA?)Taka (3) SaTa(da)pada 4 kuMDaliyA 5 rasA. ulA 6 vastu 7 iMdravajropeMdravajrAkAvya 8 aDIla(lla) 9 maDila(lla) 10 kAnyA bolI 11 aDIlArddhabolI 12 sUDabolI 13 varNanabolI 14 yamakabolI 15 choTaDA dUhA 16 soraThI (17) Reference.- For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 105-106 and Vol. III, pt. I, p. 532). 20 - 25 lIlAvatIcatuSpadI Lilavaticatuspadi (lIlAvatIcopai) ( Lilavaticopai) 45. No. 554 1877-78. Size.- 9 in. by 41 in. Extent. - 21 folios; 14 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 554.1 The Svetambara Narratives 315 Description. - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very 1 good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margins ; complete; composed in Samvat 1728 in 29 dhalas in 600 gathas; condition very good. 5 Age. -- Samvat 1770. Author.- Labhavardhana alias Lalacanda, pupil of Santiharsa of the Kharatara gaccha. His additional works are as under : 1. upapadI 2. dharmabuddhi - pApabuddhi-rAsa 3. pANDavacaritra copAi 4. vikramacopAi Subject.-- A story of Lilavati in Gujarati. It points out the importance of chastity. Begins. - fol. 1* 60 // V. S. 1711 V. S. 1742 V. S. 1767 V. S. 1723. vIsama tribhuvanatilo / jaganAyaka jinarAya / dAyaka sivasuSa sAsatA / sevai sura nara pAya // 1 // praNavi caraNajuga tehanA / zrIsarasatisupasAi / sIla taNI mahimA kahUM / suNahu bhavika ! cita lAi // 2 // etc. sIlai lIlA saMpajai / jyuM lIlAvatI nAri / carita suNau tenau tuhe | jyuM thAyai nistAra // 5 // etc. Ends. fol. 21 'zrI' paratara' gaccha gahagahai rI / zrIjinacaMdasUrIMda / catura 'copaDAM ' vaMsabhai / pratapai jANi ki dinaiMda // 4 // ma0 // zrI'' sAthai paragaDA rI / vINArasa varIyAma | zrIguNavaradhana gaNivarU / bhaluM nAma tisuM paraNAma // 5 // ma0 // siSya tehatA sudhakarU / vANArasa [ zrI ] zrIsoma / sAdhuguNe kari sobhatA / suprasana muSa jANi ki soma // 6 // ma0 // 10 IS 20 25 Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 IS 20 25 316 Jaina Literature and Philosophy sAMtiharaSa siSa tehanA / 'vAcaka' padavInA dhAra / iNa ('kali') kAlai jovatAM / etau gautamanai avatAra // 7 // ma0 // suMdara varaNa sudAmaNA rI / jaNa jaNa muSa jasa vAsa / te sadaguru pasAu hai / e racyau saMbaMdha ulhAsa // 8 // ma0 // prathama siSa tehanA bhalA / jinaharaSa jehanuM nAma / kaThina kriyA jiNa AdarI / ika tapa saMyamanuM kAma // 9 // ma0 // rAgI siSa tehanA / suSavaradhana sahaja sujANa / vinayavaMta vASANIyau / etau sakalakalAsuvidhANa // 10 // ma0 // lIlAvatInI caupaI / taji Alasa karahuM tayAra | 1 ee Agraha tiNa kIyau / tiNa rajyau sarasa adhikAra // 11 // 0 // navanavI niratI DhAlasuM / jau eha caupaI hoi / camatakAra caturAM narAM / suNi haraSa dherai sahu koi // 12 // ma0 // saMvata satarai se gayA / valibha Upari aTThAvIsa | kAtI sudi cavadisi dine / e saMpUraNa sujagIza // 13 // ma0 // saharase bhAvai sobhatA / bhalA vasai mahAjanavRMda | 'paratara' gaccharAgI ghaNuM / jiNadharama taNai sAnaMda // 14 // ma0 // yAra mAsa suSasuM rahyA zrIsaMgha taNai supasAu | dharamI zrAvaka zrAvikA / dina dina adhikau hI ja bhAu // 15 // ma0 // vihAM e kIdhI caupAI | gAthA cha sai ( 600 ) paramANa // guNatIsa (29) DhAla guNe bharI / suNatAM haraSa sujANa // 16 // ma0 // subha je bhAvasuM / e satI taNu adhikAra / kahai lAbhavaradhana tehanai / ridhi vRdhi sadA suSakAra // 17 // ma0 // [554. sarvagAthA // 619 // iti sIlaviSaye lIlAvaticatuSpadI samAptA // saMvat 1770 varSe AsUvadi 4 zanau || liSitaM devacaMdreNa // 'bIlADA'madhye // zrIrastu [:] // kalyANamastu [:] // Reference. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, pp. 213-215 and Vol. III. pt. 2, pp. 1218-1219 ). Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Svetambara Narratives 555.] lIlAvatI catuSpadI No. 555 Size-- 72 in. by 4g in. S Extent.--- 24 folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white ; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; yellow pigment profusely used 10 for making corrections; fol. 24deg blank ; complete; condition very good. 317 Ends.- fol. 23b Lilavaticatuspadi 817. 1892-95. Age. It could not be exactly known. It may be V. S. 1860. Begins. fol. 1* // aiM namaH // vIsama tribhuvanatilo / jaganAyaka jinarAya / dAyaka sivasuSa sAsatA / seve sura nara pAya / 1 // praNavi 'caraNayuga tehanA / zrIsarasatisupazAya / sIla taNI mahimA kahuM suNahu bhavika ! cita lAi / 2 / etc. 15 zrI'kharatara' gaccha etc. up to riddhi vRddhi sadA sukhakara || 13 | ma0 20 as in No. 554. This is followed by the lines as under :sarvagAthA 601 iti zrIsIlaviSaye lIlAvatIcatuppadI samAptA // likhitA mANikyasAgara muninA // Then in a different hand we have : // viyatyakakumibhabhezitRpramitAyanasthatapaso (s) nsyapakSASTamI karmma- 25 vAvyAmasau catuSpadI lipisAtkRtA sukRtotpAdaparAparaMparAparAyaNavAcakazrAvakAdisakala zrIsaMghasyAghasya conmUlikAtUlikayA vizAradamANikyasAgarejAtyAdareNAtyAdareNa sAmrAjyena rAjitAyAmaribalAjitAkAM zrI' siNadhaya' va pu // N. B. For additional information see No. 554. 30 Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [556.. lIlAvatIcatuSpadI Lilavaticatuspadi No. 656 619. 1895-98. Size.-10 by in. 5 in. Extent.-- 19 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; dandas, some words etc. written in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins ; some of the foll. have stuck together probably due to the presence of gum in the ink used; in the left-hand margins the title variously written as lIlAvatI, lIlAvati and lIlA0; red chalk used ; complete ; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone ; condition very good ; at the end there is one verse composed by Sobhacandayati, the scribe. ___Age.- Sarivat 1852. Begins.- fol. 1* // 5 6 // dUhAH nevisama tribhuvanatilau / jaganAyaka jinarAya / dAyika zivasuSa sAsatA / sevai sura nara pAya / 1 / 20 praNavi caraNayuga tehanA / zrIsarasatisupasAya / zIla taNI mahimA kahuM / suNahu bhavika ! cita lAya / 2 / etc. Ends.- fol. 13. zrI'paratara' gaccha gahigahairI etc. up to ridha vRddha sadA suSakAra 11 ma0. practically as in No. 554. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIlIlAvaticopaI saMpUrNAm // ___ saMvat 1852rA vara mItI AsA 8 vadi 5 tI(ti)thau sUryavAsare liSataM / sobhAcaMda devacaMda R / padamasI cai / rupacaMdavAcanArtha zrI jaisalamera duraMge' zrIrastu leSakaM ciraM jIyAt // savaIyo 23sau|| Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 557.] The Svetambara Narratives 19 nema jiNesara hai guNasAgara Agara gyAMna ja pola rahai hai vaMchitadAyaka hai nita prata sadA suSa saMpata vaiNa kahe hai rAjula nAra tajai palame sIvanArasuM heta sadAi vahai hai| seva karuM nitameva sadA kara joDa jatI sobhAcaMda kahai hai // 1 // kalyANamastuH // zrI // zrI // zrI // zrI // zrI // zrI // N. B.- For additional information see No. 554. lIlAvatI-sumati Lilavati-SumaiivilAsa-rAsa vilasa-rasa . 620. No. 557 1895-98. Size.- 10 in. by 4g in. Extent.- is folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and : white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in is three lines and edges in one in red ink; soll, numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margins the title is mostly written as lIlAvatIno rAza and once as maibhArI lIlAvatIno TIA ; red chalk used; the last two lines dealing with a proverb written on fol. 15 seem to be written by some one 20 else than the scribe of this Ms.; condition very good; complete; composed in 21dhalas in Samvat 1767 at Unai ( Patan). Age.- Samvat 1857. Author.- Udayaratna, pupil of Sivaratna, pupil of Amararatna of as the Tapa gaccha. For his additional works etc. see No. 36 of Vol. XIX (sec. I, pt. I). Subject. - A story of Lilavati and that of her husband Sumativilasa. Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 820 [557. Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins.-- fol. 1. // zrIgaNezAya namaH // parama puruSa prabhU pAsa jina sarasati sadagurupAya vaMdI guNa lIlAvatI boluM budha banAya 1 lIlAlahira lIlAvatI sumati vilAsa samudra digya gAzuM pa(e) da(daM)patI je uttama guNe akSudra 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 150 'tapa' gacchanA rAjadhAnI kero zrIrAjavijayasUrIrAyA jii| zrIratnavijayasUrivara tasu pATe 'meru' samI jasa mIjasa mAjA jI 3 // gurumA hariratnasUrI girUu jIvahiramAM jima hIro jI tasa pATi jayaratnasuriMdo 'maMdara' giri pari dhIro jI 4 saMprata bhAvaratnasUrI pratape zrIhIraratnasuri kero jI paMDIta labadhiratna mAhAmunIvara vAru ziSya vaDerA jI 5 tasu anucara 'vAcaka'padadhArI zrIsidhiratna suSakArI jI zrImegharatna gaNivara tasu vinItajIamararatna bhAcArI jI 6 zivaratna tasu zIza savAyA pAMmI tAsa pasAyA jI e meM vAru rAsa baNAyA Aja adhika suSa pAyA jI 7 varasa satara se satasaThi (1767) Aso vadi chavi(hI) niM somavAri jI mRgazira nakSatra aneM ziva jogeM gAma 'unAU'bhA makA(zA)ra jI 8 'bhIDabhaMjana' prabhU pAsa prasAdi lIlAvatInI lIlAjI sumativilAsasaMjoge gAMI suNatA ApI zivalIlAjI 9 e kathA je bhAvi bhaNasya ekasanA sAbhalasya jI duSa tehanA dUra Talasya mananA manoratha phalasyeM jI 10 'dhanyAsi' rAgeM sohAvI ekavIsamI e DhAla jI udayaratana kahi Aja meM pAmI suSa saMpati suSa sIla jI 11 iti lIlAvatIsumativilAsarAsa saMpUrNaH // saMvat 1857nA kArtika vadi 9 vAra maMgala dine liSyo chai zrI dhorAjI' madhye // puja RSi zrI5 velajI taziSya puja RSi zrIpa devacaMdajI Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 557.] The Svetambara Narratives 321 tat ziSya puja RSi zrI 5 premacaMdajI tatzISya / rAacaMdena rUpIkRtaM // zrIrastu // kalANamastu zubhaM bhavatu // zrI // zrI // zrI Then in a smaller hand we have: // athaH // uSANoH // DhAlavo DhI (DhIM' )kabo ne pholavA ulAH pe (pahe) vo bA (vAM) jaNo ne 5 vAlavo So (kho) loH mAthe karavalA ne ANa pANI ujalA lugaDA ne besavuM vANI / rAta aMdhArI ne baladIyA kAlA vaDhakaNI nAri ne bhAMgaNe sA vA ( vAM) kI pAghaDI ne pagaraSu (khu) kANu tima ThAlI ThakarAi ne bagalamA chA Reference.-- Published by Bhimsi Manek. For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavic ( Vol. II, pp. 404-466 and Vol. III, pt. 2, PP. 1354-1355 ). 1 nadI ke taLAvanA sUkA taLiyAmAM pANI mATe khodelo khADo ; vaDavo. 2 coraNA ; ijAra. 3 In several places there should be ' LU' instead of 'lU'. 41 [J. L. P. J TO Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Supplement Vol. XVII, pt. 4 . azAtanAmadheya (1) Ajnatanamadheya (1) (aNNAyaNAmadheja ) (1) ( Annayanamadhejja ) (1) ___1200 (b). 5 No. 558=1425 (8) 1887-91. Extent-ol. 17* to fol: 17'. - Description.- Complete ; 16 verses in all. For further particulars see No. 1246 of Vol. XVII pt. 4, Author.- Unknown. 10 Subject.- Religious tenets. Begins.- fol. 17. jaha sUrassa pabhAvaM dahuM varakamalapuMDarIAI bujhaMti udayakAle tastha u kumuA na bujjhati 1 evaM bhavasiddhIsa jiNavarasUrassuippabhAveNaM bujjhati bhavibhakamaLA abhavibha mubhA na bujjhati 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 176 sacchaMdavattiA jahi sagguNehi jaDhA jddhaa| . apaNo te posi va nimbaM(cha) suvihiM AhimA 15 // jai doso taM chiMdai asadIdAsaMmi nijaraM kuNai. kusalatigiccharasAyaNanuvaNI ami paDikamaNaM 16 cha / AdijinezvarajanmAbhiSeka (AijiNesarajammAbhiseya) No. 559 =1342 (a) Extent,- fol. s!* to fol. 51'. Adijinesvarajanmabhiseka ( Aijinesarajammabhiseya ) 1269 (57). 1887-91. Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 659.1 Supplement .38 Description.-Complete; L verses in all. For other details see ___No. 735 of Vol. XVII pt. 3. Author.- Unknown. Subject.- Bath ceremony of Lord Rsabha at the time of his birth. Begins.- fol. 51 "viNIya' nayarI / 'viNIya' nayarI nAbhinivvagehiM / marudecI(vI)Uyari sirirAyahaMsasAriccha sAmIya / risahesara paDhamajiNa / paDhamarAuvara vasahagAmIya / vasayalaMcchI kaNayataNu jjAuyaujjagi bhaadhaar| tasa paya cadIya tasa taNau kahisu jammavicAra // 'sava(bva)Ta'vimANahavaviyanAha / avajjA uri AvIu gaya vibAhu / kuligari sirinAbhinariMdagehiM / sUsama dUsama tahaya ariyacchehi // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 510 vAjaMtihiM mAdalavilinAda / varajalari sUM(bhUgalarimaisAda / gAjati aMbara devanAdi / jiNamajjIya nazcIya karai seva / 10 risahamajjaNa risahamajjaNa karIya / surarAya apADIya jaya jaya karIya / jaNiNipAsi melha vi juttaa| naMdIsari bhaTTa divasa karIba niyavANi pattA iNa pari sayalajiNesaraha / nhavaNa karaha bahubhatti / maNirayaNAyara pAvahara / jima tamha diiM varamutti // 11 iti zrIAdijinezvarajanmAbhiSeka / ch|| 1 This verse is in Vastu metre. 2 The metre of this verse seems to be Vastu'. If so, the verse shoud b. written accordingly. Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 824 Jaina Literature and Philosophy i 600. .. . . Vol. XVIII, Pt. I saptanayacatuSpadI Saptanayacatuspadi (sAta nayanI copAi) . (Sata nayani copai ) No. 560=43 (6) ___1478 (b).. 1887-91. ___Extent.- fol. 22 to fol. 200 Description. - Complete ; 9 verses in all. For other details see Vol. ____XIX ( sec. 2, pt. I, No. 169 ). Author.. MuniRsabhadasa, pupil of Kalyana. Subject.- Exposition of the following seven nayas (view-points) : Naigama, Sangraha, Vyavahara, Rjusatra, Samabhi rudha and Evambhata::. .... ___ Begins.- fol. 22 . ___ DhAla copaInI zrIkalyANa guru samarI sAra naigama saMgraha nai vyavahAra Rca(ja)sUtra zabda samamirUDha evaMbhUta sattama atigUDha 1 naigama sAmAnyavizeSasamAna ghaTapaTAdika kahaha vidhAna bhUta bhAvi nai vartamAna paMDita vU(bU)mai iNa parijJAna 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 22 sattama naya chaha evaMbhUta zabdano artha kahai sadabhUt / je dIjai te kahIyai dAna mAMgI jara neSaM galamAna // 8 // pahilA arthanaya kahIyai cyAri / R(?za)bda naya AgaI tIna sudhAri / mapa sAteiM saMpei kahA / RSabhadAsa muni guru mukhi (?la)mA / 9 / iti zrIsAtanayavicAsatvAdhIya (1) / Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 562.] Supplement 325 anyayogavyavaccheda Anyayogavyavaccheda dvAtriMzikAvacUri dvatrimsikavacuri [mahAvIradvAtriMzikAvacUri] [ Mahaviradvatrimsikavacuri ] No. 561=115 (a) 1414 (b). . . . 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 3: to fol. 6deg. Description. - Complete. For other details, see Saldarsanasamuccayavacurni No. 1414 (a). ( Vol. XVIII). - 1887-91. Author.- Unknown. Subject- A small commentary of Anyayogavyavacchedadvatrimsika. Begins.- fol. 30 zrIvarddhamAnaM jinaM stotuM yatiSye iti kriyAsaMbaMdhaH kiMviziSTa anaMta apratighAtiviziSTaM sarvadravyaparyAyatvenotkRSTaM jJAnaM kevalAkhyaM vijJAna tato(s)naMtaM kevalavijJAnaM yasya sa tathA tamanaMtavijJAnaM etc. Ends.- fol. 6deg kathaMbhUte aMdhakAre tamasa iti dravyAlaMkAranyavacchedArtha prAha tattvA- 15 tattvavyatikarakarAle iti tatvaM ca atatvaM tattvAtatve tayoyaMtikaro myatikIrNatA vyAmizratA tattvAtattvavyatikarastena karAle bhayaMkare yatrAMdhatamase tattvAtattvAminivezo'tattve ca tattvAminiveza ityevaMrUpo vyatikaraH saMjAyate ityarthaH // 32 // ___ iti zrImahAvIradvAtriMzikAvacUriH samAtA // cha / 10 ... ila Agamastuti (?) . Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. I ___Agamastuti (2) (Agamathui) (1) ... . (Agamathui ) (1) No. 562 =25 (8) .. . ... 826 (y). 1892-95. 25 Extent.- fol. 339* to fol. 339"... Description.- Incomplete; the last verse numbered as 19. For further information see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). . Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 Jaina literature and Philosophy [562. Author.- Is he Haribhadra Suri? Subject.- Eulogy of the Jaina canon (2). " Begins. - fol. 339a nimmahiyamohamAeNa / kaNayakAeNa vigyraaenn| uvaladdha vimalakevalanANeNa / visuddhappANeNa // 1 loyAloyaM suNiUNa / jaNatitthapavattaNakhaNami / cauvihadevaviNimmiya / usarANa tijayajiyasarANa // 2 etc . Ends.--fol. 339 jagapavarAgama haribhahasUriraiyANi caudasa sayANi / saddhammasatthamasthayamaNipayaraNapamiicittANi // 19 nadimaNuuMgadArapamuhasuttaM jamittha sumahatyaM / asthi supasatthavistharaja The Ms. ends here. - 648. is RSimaNDalastotra Rsimandalastotra No. 563 =54 (6) 1875-76. Size.- 84 in. by 4g in. Extent.-7 folios ; 8 lines to a page ; 25 to 27 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper white and tolerably good ; Devanagari characters; legible and good hand-writing; foll. numbered as usual; fol. r blank; condition good ; complete ; 80 verses in all. Age.-- Not modern. Begins.- fol. 10 namaH siddhebhyaH // zrIjinAya namaH // atha zrIRSimaMDalajIstotra likhyate // bhAvaMtAkSarasaMlakSyamakSaraM vApya yat sthitaM // bhagnijvAlAsamaM nAdaM // vi(bi)dureSAsamanvitaM // 1 // bhagnijvAlAsamAkrAMtaM / manomalabi(vi)sodhanaM / dedIpyamAnaM hRtpane // tat padaM naumi nirmalaM // 2 // etc. Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 564.1 Supplement Ends.-- fol. 76 aSTamAsAvadhi yAvat // prAtaH prAtastu yaH paThet // stotrametat mahAtejasvaI (hiM)va(ba)saM(sa) pazyati // 79 // dRSTe satyahato vi(bi)va(ba) bhavet saptamake dhruvaM / padaM prApnoti vizvastaM paramAnaMdasaMpadA // 8 // iti zrIgautamasAmIviracitaM zrIRSimaMDalastotraM saMpUrNa // N. B.- For other details see No. 54 of Vol. XIX (sec. 1, pt. 1). 10 RSimaNDalastotra Rsimandalastotra 278. No. 664=56 (a) 1871-72. Size.- 94 in. by 4g in. Extent. - 4 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 28 to 32 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper whitish and thin; Devanagari characters ; bold and legible hand-writing; foll. numbered as usual; fol. 1. blank; condition on the whole good; complete%3; 95 verses in all. Age.- Samvat 1901. Beginse- fol. 10 // 6 // // zrIjinAya namaH // ___ atha RSimaMDalastotra li| AyaMtAkSarasaMlakSyamakSaraM vApya yat sthitaM // agnijvAlAsamaM nAdaM // biMdureSAsamanvitaM // 1 // agnijvAlAsamAkrAMtaM / / manomalavisodhanaM // dedIpyamAnaM hRtpanaM // tat padaM naumi nirmalaM // 2 // se namo(s)haMdabhyaH IzebhyaH // OM siddhebhyo namo nmH|| OM namaH sarvasUribhyo |ne upAdhyAyebhyo namo namaH // 3 // Ends.- fol. 40 vizvavaMcau bhavetU yA(dhyA)tA // kalyANAni ca so(s)zru(znu)te // gatvA sthAnaM paraM so(s)pi // bhUyastu ma(na) nivartate // 94 // Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 928 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [564. idaM stotraM mahAstotraM // stutInAmutta[ma]meM paraM // .. .. . paThanAt smaraNAt jApAlabhate padamavyayaM // 95 // iti zrIgautamasvAmIviracitaM // RSimaMDalastavanaM saMpUrNa // saMvat 1901 vaisApasuda 2 guruvAre / la / paM / caMdradatta . B.- For further particulars see No. 54 of Vol. XIX ( sec. I, pt. I). S N RSimaNDalastotra RsimandalastotravivaraNa vivarana No. 565 =72 (8) 146. 1881-82. 10. Size.- 101 in. by 4g in. Extent. -- 479-1 = 478 folios ; 13 lines ro a page ; 35 to 42 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper somewhat thick and white ( whitish yellow); Jaina Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margins; they are left blank on both the sides in the centre so as to form a design ; condition very good ; the first fol. missing ; otherwise complete so far as it goes; this entire work is divided into two khandas as under : Khanda I foll. 2 to 2040 ., II ,. 204b , 479*. Age.- Samvat 1587. Author.- subhavardhana Gani, pupil of Sadhuvijaya Gani of the Tapa gaccha. His additional work is Vardhamanadesana. Subject.- A Sk. commentary of Rsimandalastotra, a Prakrit work, Begins abruptly.- fol. 20 (ta)trAdau maMgalArtha lezato yugAdidevacaritraM kthyte|| . tad yathA // Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 566.] Supplement harSita viSTapalokaM / prAduH kRtasarvadharmakarmapathaM / kiMciccaritrabaMdhAd vRSabhamahaM varNayiSyAmi // 1 // pUrvi ( ) 'videha' varSe kSitipratiSThAmidhe mahAnagare / dhananAmA sArthapatirbabhUva dhanavAn dhanatulyaH // 2 // etc. Ends. fol. 4792 pitrAdIn svajanAn vibodhya nikhilAn yo dIkSayAmAsa yo vyAkhyAtaH khalu zakravaMditapadaH sImaMdharasvAminA / sUtre yena caturvidho (S)tha vimatiM matvA ( s) nuyogaH prathag / cakre sadgurumAryarakSitamahaM vaMde zrutAMbhonidhiM // 91 // iti 'tapA'gacchAdhirAjazrIsomasuMdarasUri saMtAne zrIlakSmIsAgarasUri - 10 zrIsumatisAdhusUripaTTapratiSThaparamaguru zrIhemavimalasUrivijayamAnarAjye paMDitaprakAMDamaMDalI ziromaNipaM0 zrIsAdhuvijayagaNiziSyaparamANupaM0 zubhavarddhanagaNipraNItAyAM RSimaMDalavRttau dvitIyaSaMDe zrI AryarakSita saMbaMdhaH // cha // Reference.-- See p. 93 of Vol. XIX ( sec. I, pt. 1 ). 329 This is followed by the lines as under :-- 15 // zrI // saMvat 1587 varSe caitra zudi 3 vAre bhaume / zrI' aNahalapura -' pattane / jozIrAjalakSataM // cha // zrI // cha // 'RSimaNDalastotra [ siddhacakrastavana ] No. 566 = 60 (8) Extent. Rsimandalastotra [ Siddhacakrastavana ] 925 ( ). 1892-95. S fol. 153b to fol. 1560. Description. - Complete ; 40 verses in all. For other details see iSTopadeza ( Vol. XVIII, pt. 6 ). Author. - This work is attributed to Gautamasvamin. Subject.- Practically same as that of No. 54 of Vol. XIX ( sec. 1, pt. 1). 1 This may be a Digambara work. Anyhow it is tentatively treated here. 42 [J. L. P. I 20 25 Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 880 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [506 Begins.- fol. 1536 OM namo()hadbhyaH IsebhyaH , siddhebhyo namo namaH / OM namaH sarvasUribhyaH upAdhyAyebhyo OM namaH // 1 // OM namaH sarvasAdhubhyaH na jJAnibhyo namo namaH / OM namaH tattvadRSTibhyazcatvAritrebhyo namostu e hai // 2 // zreyase(s)stu zriyetvetadyahaMdAdyaSTakaiH zubhaM / sthAneSvaSTasu vinyastaM pRthavI(gbI)jasamanvitaM // 3 // etc. Ends.- fol. 1560 zatamaSTottaraM prAtayeM paThati dine dine / teSAma myAdhayo dehe prabhavaMti ca saMpadaH // 38 // 'aSTamAsAvadhi yAvat prAtaH prAtastu yaH paThet / stotrametanmahAtejA bhaIdi(diba)vaM(ba) sa pazyati // 39 // dRSTe satyAIte vi(bi)ve(be) bhave saptamake dhruvaM / padaM prAmotyavisastaM paramAnaMdanaMditaH // 40 // cha / iti zrIgautamasvAmiviracita RSimaMDalanAmA siddhacakrastavana samAsamiti // // ch|| // Reference.-- Cr. No. 54 of Vol. XIX ( sec. I, pt. 1 ). . IS 20 gaNadharasArdhazataka Ganadbarasardhasa taka (gaNaharasaddhasayaga) ( Ganaharasaddhasayaga) 1142. No. 567 =120 (a) 1887-91. Size.- 103 in. by 4} in. Extent.- 5 folios ; 13 lines to a. page; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters ; tolerably big, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; unnumbered sides have mostly a spot in red colour in the centre only; the numbered in each of the two margins, too; condition excellent : complete ; 150 verses in all. Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 567.1 Age. Not modern. Author. 1 Supplement Jinadatta Gani, successor of Jinavallabha Suri of the 'Kharatara' gaccha. He was born in Dhavalaka (Dholaka) in V. S. 1132. The name of his father was Vachiga and that of his mother Vahadadevi. He was named as 'Somacandra'. Upadhyaya Dharmadeva initiated him at Dholaka in V. S. 1141 when he was nine years old. Subsequently he was given vadi diksa' by Asokacandra Suri. Harisimha Suri was his vidyaguru. He was given the status of 'Suri' by Devabhadra Suri in V. S. 1169 and named as 10 Jinadatta Suri'. He was highly respected by Arnoraja, ruler of Ajamer. He died in V. S. 1211 at Ajamer. His additional works are as under :-- 1. avasthAkulaya ( avasthA kulaka ). 2. kAlasarUva kulaya ( kAlasvarUpa kulaka ), 32 stanzas. 3. gurupAratantathotta ( gurupAratantryastotra ), 21 stanzas. 4. caJcarI ( carcarI ), 47 stanzas. 5. cehayavandaNa kulaya ( caityavandanakulaka ), 28 stanza 6. 4 dhammarasAyaNa ( dharmarasAyana ), 193 stanzas. 7. vigvaharaNathota ( vighnaharaNastotra ), 14 stanzas. 8. ' sandeha dolAvalI, 150 stanzas. 9. savvAdhiTThAiyasaraNathaya ( sarvAdhiSThAyikasmaraNastava ), 26 stanzas. 331 Of the Mss. of these nine works those of Nos. 3, 7 and 9 are described by me in Vol. XIX (sec. 1) and those of No. 5 in Vol. XVII ( pt. 4). He has composed Ganadharasardhasataka. See Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, p. 675). He was a minister. 2 3 This is technically named as 'upasthapana'. 4 This is named as Uvaesarasayana ', too. 5 This Prakrit work is also called Samsayapadaprasnottara'. 5 15 25 I may add that the late Upadhyaya Sukhasagaraji has not only noted these nine works but has mentioned the 20 Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [567. following 14 works, too, in his article " yogIndra yugapradhAna dAdA zrIjinadattasUri":1. ajitazAntistotra 8. pArzvanAthamantragarbhitastotra 2. adhyAtmagIta 9. mahAprabhAvakastotra 3. bhArAtrikavRtta 10. vADIkulaka 4. utsUtrodghATanakulaka 11. vizikApadamyavasthA 5. upadezakulaka 12. zAntiparvavidhi 6. gaNadharasaptatikA 13. zrutastava cakrezvarIstotra 14. sarvajinastuti. 10 . While doing so he has said that 'Ganadharasardhasataka' is the best amongst all the hymns composed by Jinadatta Suri. Deva Suri's Jivanusasana and its were corrected by Jinadatta Suri. Subject.-- Praise of the Jaina pontiffs beginning with that of Indra bhuti alias Gautamasvamin and ending with that of Jinavallabha Suri. In v. 63-84 Vardhamana Suri and his successors etc. up to Devabhadra Suri are extolled. In v. 85-147 a detailed account of Jinavallabha Suri is given. A brief summary of the contents is given in Bhandarkar's Report III. A (p.45 ff.). Begins.- fol. 1. OM namo vItarAgAya / guNamaNirohaNagiriNo risahajiNiMdassa pddhmmunnivinno| siriusabhaseNagaNahAriNo(s)Nahe paNivayAmi pae // 1 // AjiyAijiNiMdANaM jaNiyANaMdANa paNNayapANINaM / thuNimo(s)dINamaNo(s)haM gaNahArINaM gurugaNohaM // 2 // etc. Ends.-- fol. 56 te mahasave paramovayAriNo vaMdaNArihA guruNo / kayasivasuisaMpAe tesiM pAe sayA vaMde // 149 // 25 1 This is published in "maNidhArI jinacandrasUri aSTama zatAbdI smRtigrantha (saM. 1223-2027)". Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 568.1 Supplement jiNadattagaNiguNasayaM saMpanaM somacaMdaviMba va / bhabvehi bhaNijaMtaM bhavaravisaMtAvamaya(va)harau // 150 // gaNadharasaMthavaNasayaM sardU sammattaM // Reference.- Published along with L. B. Gandhi's Sanskrit rendering of it as an appendix in Gaekwad's Oriental Series as No. 27 S in A.D. 1927. It is also published with Sarvaraja's com. by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A.D. 1916. For extracts etc, see Weber III, No. 1979 wherein this text and Sarvaraja Gani's commentary are dealt with. While giving reference to Surparaka ( Sopara ) J. Klatt has referred to to this Ganadharasardhasataka. See his article 'Surparaka' published in the Indian Antiquary ( Vol. XI, p. 293 ), Bombay, 1882. For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 102 ). For an additional Ms, which is however incomplete see is Limbdi Catalogue ( No. 671 ). 20 gaNaMdharasArdhazataka Ganadharasardhasa taka 820 (n). No. 568=120 (b) 1892-95. Extent.- fol. 298* to fol. 304deg. Description.- Complete : 1so verses in all. For other details see zAzvatajinastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). Begins. -- fol. 298* guNamaNirohaNagiriNo risahajiNiMdassa pddhmmunnivhnno| siriusabhaseNagaNihAriNo(s)Nahe paNivayAmi pae // 1 // etc. Ends.- fol. 304 te mahasamve paramovayAriNo vaMdaNArihA gurunno| kayasivasuhasaMpAe tesiM pAe sayA vaMde // 149 // 1 1 This is named elsewhere as 'gaNadharasaMstavasArdhazatakaprakaraNa'. Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [568. jiNadattagaNiguNasayaM sappanaM somacaMdabiMbaM v| bhagvehiM bhaNijaMtaM bhavaravisaMtAvamavaharau // 150 // iti zrIgaNadharasaMstavanaM sArdhazataM samAptaM / bhagavadbhiH zrImajina dattasUrirAjapAdaiH kRtaM // .. . B.- For additional information see No. 567. 5 N 10 gaNadharasArdhazataka Ganadharasardha ataka 1359. No. 569 =120 (c) 1891-95. Size.- 9f in. by 44 in. Extent.- 8 folios ; II lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, very rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders seem to be ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs indifferently coloured red; red chalk used; foll, numbered in the right-hand margins ; unnumbered sides have a small design in red colour in the centre whereas the numbered in each of the two margins, too; fol. 86 blank; complete ; 150 verses; condition very good. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 1. 60 . guNamaNirohaNa etc. as in No. 567. Ends.---- fol. ga te mahasamve etc. up to sNtaavmvhro(u)|| 50 (150) // practically as in No. 567. This is followed by the line as under : iti zrIgaNadharasArdhazatakaprakaraNaM kRtaM zrIjinadattasUrimiH ||shrii| N. B.- For additional information see No. 567. 20 Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 570.] Supplement 335 gaNadharasArdhazataka Ganadharasardhasataka 'vRttisahita with vrtti 565. No. 570%D120 (d) 1895-98. Size.- 103 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 128-4-6=118 folios ; 21 lines to a page ; 74 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional TgATIS ; small, legible and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black 10 ink ; red chalk used ; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in both the margins; edges and corners of some of the foll... gone; condition on the whole very fair ; foll. 5, +8 and 84 torn in more than one place ; foll. I to 4 missing ; so are foll. 6, 47, 107 and 109 to III; this Ms. contains both the text and its commentary ; the latter composed in V. S. 1295. Age. - Pretty old. Author of the commentary.- Sumati Gani, pupil of Jinapati Suri of the 'Kharatara' gaccha. Subject.- The text together with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.-- ( com. ) fol. 5" yasamudakkhiNaM kiM vi(?) desinajAM // 10 // evamahikkhiviUNaM nUNaM runyAyaleNa sayaleNa / jassa sayA sA addhaM saddhammaparaM sayAlaMddhAM // 11 // punaH prakArAntareNa 'bharata' kSetrasya dvaividhyamAha / re ityadhikSepagarbhasaMbo. dhanaM bharata ko(s)rthaH / " naTabharatA ityapi naTA" ityamarakozavacanAt / khitta tti kSipta bhaM(?)ditamAyAzIlatvena zailUSANAmaneSAM vairAgyotpAdanenApiti sarya(1)vairAgyamAgrgAbhAvA nistrapa nirlajjA pareSAM vairAgyapadavIpradAnai mAtmanA kAryapratiSevaNAt tathA ca ptthyte|| 30 " paDhai naDovaraggaM nivijijjhaavkunujnnau| je gAyami kuNa-taM taha saMDhojaleNa jalaM samoyaraha" .. 1 This is named as vivrti, too by the commentator, Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336 ___Jaina Literature and Philosophy [570. ___yadi vasteya iti saMbodhanaM naTAnAM paraluTakonAM virateraMzazya mAtrasyAcyabhAvAt / na jAnAsi svAmidhyAnayAthArtha / bhAtmanAmasatpAmi | etc. jahi jajjhito si nu duyajjhuvANo jaNo ramai saMbhUsio vivhshiraasaihiyaamrjnno| jattha u phalai kalai surA nayarAloo ghaNo // 13 etc. Ends.-- ( text ) fol. 1276 te mahasamve etc. up to sayA vaMde // 149 // jiNadattagu(ga)NiguNasayaM sappannaM somacaMdabiMbiM vA (ba) // bhagvehi bhaNijjataM bhavaravisaMtAvamavaharau // 150 // 10 -(com. ) fol. 128deg somacaMdrabiMba da(va) somasI(zI)talasvabhAvaM nayanAhAdakaM yacaMdrabiMbiM(ba) / amRtakiraNamaNDalaM tadiva / yathA kila caMdramaNDalaM bhISmabhISmodhmasaMtaptaM nikhilamapi jagat 'kSIrasamudrAvisRcarakSIraparaMparAyaNamANAmRtAIkaumudIdhavalapaTTenAcchAdya mUrcchadanucchA(?)mRtarazmicchadAbhirnirvApayatyevametadapi prakaraNaM gaNadharaguNasmRtipuraHsaraM susvaraM saMvegasAraM niruddhAzuddhabuddhipracArapavyamAnaM samAnaM bhavodbhavamImaniHsImajanmajarAmaraNarogazokadArikhadaurbhAgyAdikRtavittakhedavicchedamudyanmedasvipramodasaMpAdanenApanudatItyarthaH / atra []jiNadattagaNIti kavinA zliSTaM svanAma nirdiSTaM tatrAcAyamarthaH jinadattagaNina jinadattAcArya ityAtmasaMbodhanaM / guNazabdenAdAvupalakSita gAthAnAmiti dRzyaM guNazatamiti agre tu yaH pUrva pratipAditaH sa evArtha iti gAthArthaH // 150 // iti zrIjinadattasUriyugapravaraviracitasya zrIgaNadharasArdhazatakAsyaprakaraNasya vRtti() samAtA // cha / jajJe zrIjinadattasUrisuguroH paTTAcalodyotana sphuurjjjnyaanruciprtaantnutaaniitaantodyttmaaH| . sUriH zrIjinacaMdra ityapamalapracitsuvRttAnula: saudaryAdikavarya nirmalaguNaizvitrAyitakSmAtalaH // 1 // tasyAbhUd bhUpamUddhodbhaTamukuTataTIkoTi(gha)TAMviSa(pa)maH ziSyaH zAsyAbudhodhai jinapatiriti sannAmataH sUrirucaiH vikhyAtaH kSoNipIThe suvihitayatirAT...cakrAdhinAtha zchaMdo(s)laMkAratarkapramukha nikhilasaiMthavistAritArthaH // 2 // Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 337 670.] Supplement pratidinamapi siddhipreyasIsaMgasaukhyA nugatanavakathAsvAkSiptacittaM nirIkSya / kSaNamapi dayitaM na jJAnacAritralakSmyai mumucaturuditAtmabhItyeva yaM ca // 3 saguNanijapatInAM kAladoSAdabhAve dhu(dhru)vamatiguruzokAt sarvavidyAH sametya bata hRdayasamudre stAghagAMbhIryabhAji prakaTitagurusattve yasya sadyo nipetuH // 4 // tasya svAcAramiSTA prasaragurutarA baddhakakSyasya zazvana- ni:klezaH ...... sumtignniritijyaaprsiddhaamidhaanH| 10 nirdezAt sadgurUNAM suniviDajaDatAzliSTadhIrapyaMdhItA (s)lpagraMthastatprasAdAt racayadamalAM vRttimetAM sucetAH // 5 // prArabdhA zrI staMbhatIrtha'velo tkale kule zriyAM / maMDapadurge vibudhaiH svarge ceya marthitA // 6 // tathA prAyaH / prathamAdarza likhitA vRttiriyaM zrIjinezvaragurUNAM / asmadgurugurupaTTapratiSThitAnAM prabhAvatAH // 7 ziSyeNa paropakRtau tapasi ca baddhodyamena sadamena / kAyotsargo'taMdreNa sAdhunA kanakacaMdreNa // 8 // kiMciccAhamaprabhaHzAlibhadrezmRtabhUtirihAvanlekhanAt paTTikA mASTiM dhuMTanAJcopakAriNaH // 9 // iha yadanavAvAdhAd rAmasikyAnmayA dhA(vA) uta etadupayogAdanyathA kiMciduktaM / vatadamalasA sAyAtasiddhAMtatatvA ___ maya(1yi) kiMkRtakRpAH / zrIdhIdhanAH zodhayaMtu // 10 // 25 kRtvA(?tve)mAM vivRti yat puNyaM samupArjitaM mayA kimapi / tena vidhadharmarAgI bhUyAllokaH samasto(s;yaM // 11 // zaranidhidinakara(1295)saMkhye vikramavarSe gurau dvitIyAyAM / rAdhapUrNIbhUtA vRttiriyaM naMdatAcciraM // 12 // iti zrIjinapatisUriyugapravaravineyapaMDitasumatigaNinAmadheyaviracitA 30 zrIgaNadharasArdhazatakavRttiH samAptA // zubhaM bhavatu // shN| 43 [J. L. P.] Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 10 15 20 35 338 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Additional Mss. of this com. are noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, pp. 102-103 ). Reference. For additional information see p. 49 of R. G. Bhandarkar's "Report on the search for Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Presidency during the years 1882-83, Bombay, 1884 ". gaNadhara sArdhazataka vRttisahita No. 571 = 120 (e) Size - 102 in. by 4 in. Extent. 241 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three to four lines in black ink; foll numbered in both the margins; fol. ra blank ; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; condition on the whole very good; this Ms. contains the text as well as its Sanskrit commentary ; both complete; red chalk rarely used. Age. - Samvat 164r. Begins.~~~ ( text ) fol. 3 [ 570. guNamaNirohaNa giriNo etc. as in No. 567. Ganadharasardhasataka with vrtti " - ( com. ) fol. 1 60 namaH zrIsarvajJAya / eSo (S)STApadadarpakhaMDana paTurnaSTApadASTApadAn 1 One letter is missing in the Ms. 20) 1877-78. mA rakSiSyati vIryamaMDitabhujAdaMDapracaMDaH prabhuH / ityAlocya samAzrayad dhruvamaho yA lAMchanacchadmanA haryakSo dizatu kSapAkaramukhaH kSemaM sa vaH zrIjinaH // 1 // dimuparamA ramA jinadharAH sarve (S)pi bhavyAtmanAM yaja (janmakSaNabhRttavaibudhavadhUvakSaHsthalebhyaH zyutAn / hArAnU mlAnapayazca vIkSya vidadhuH zaMkAM vimugdhAMganA nA (?) rAH kSoNitale luThati jaladhinyomApramArohati // 2 // etc. ' Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 672.] Supplement 339 Ends.- ( text ) fol. 240. te mahasavve paramovayAriNo etc. up to harau // 150 // as in No. 567. "- (com. ) fol. 240deg somacaMdrabiMba da(i)va / somaM sItalasvabhAvaM nayanA hAdakaM etc. up to sa eva gAthArthaH // 150 // practically as in 5 No. 570. Then we have :__iti zrIjinadattasUriyugapravaravi(raci)tasya zrIgaNadharasArdhazatakAkhyaprakaraNasya vRttiH smaataa| . jajJe zrIjinadatta etc. up to zubhaM bhavatu as in No 570. This is followed by the lines as below: saMvat 1641 varSe zAke 1507 prarva(vartamAne veshaakhshudi|| ravivAsare laSyataM / ch|| zrI cha // ch|| Then we have in a different band : sA. vAghajI zrIpAla bhaMDArasarakA N. B.- For other details see No. 570. ____10 IS gaNadharasArdha GanadharasardbazatakavRtti (?) satakavrtti (2) 426. No. 572 =120 (f) 1882-83... Size.- 10} in. by 4fo in. 20 Extent. - 23 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick and greyish; Devanagari chara. ters with pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible and good hand-writing%3B borders ruled in double lines in blank ink; foll, numbered on one side in right-hand margins ; blank space at the 25 centre of foll. on both sides is left so as to form a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; complete ; condition quite satisfactory. Age.- Not very old.. Author.- Sumati Gani, pupil of Jinapati Suri according to Jina. 10 ratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 102). Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [572. Subject. The sampradaya of Vacanacarya Purnadeva Gani : lives of Jjnacandra Suri, his pupil Vardhamana and others up to Jinadatta Suri. Begins.- fol. 10 // 6 // zrImadyogIMdrayugapradhAnajinadattasUrikRtasya zrIgaNadharasArddhazataprakaraNasya zrIjinapatisUriziSyapaM0sumatigaNidRbdhAyA bRhadvattyAH // bhatra cAyaM vAcanAcArya pUrNadevagaNimukhyavRddhasaMpradAyaH // 'aMbhohara'deze jinacaMdrAcAryo devagRhanivAsI caturazItasthAvalanAyaka AsIt / tasya ca vyAkaraNatarkachaMdo(s)laMkAravizAradaH zAradacaMdrikAvadAtanirmalacetAH varddhamAnanAmA ziSyo(s)bhUt tasya ca etc. Ends.- fol. 22 ityanekAzcaryanidhAnAnAM niraMtaraM kiMkarairiva suraiH sarvadopAsyamAna___pAdAnAM karuNApadasamudrANAM 'dhArA'purI gaNapadrAdisthAneSu pratiSThitavIrapArzva zAMtyajitAditIrthakRddhiMbadevagRhazikharANAM svajJAnabaladRSTanijapaTToddhArakArirAsalAMgaruhANAM bhAskaravadvibodhitabhuvanamaMDalabhavyAMbhoruhANAmetacchAstrakArANAM zrIjinadattasUrINAM caritalezaH pratipAditaH iti vRddhaparaMparayA zrutaH pUrvAcA. niAyaH samarthitaH // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu // shriiH|| Reference.- For further particulars see No. 567. 10 20 guruguNasaMstavalava Gurugunasaistavalava (guruguNasanthavalava) ( Gurugunasanthavalava ) [gurustuti [ Gurustuti guruthui ] Guruthui ] 76 (7a). No. 573=124 (a) 1880-81. Extent.- leaf 68deg to leaf 69". Description.- Complete ; 11 verses in all; they end on leaf 696. They are followed by two works : guruguNasaMstavalava (leaf 69deg or so ) and Tarafa ( leaf 696 to leaf 706 ). For further parti culars see No. 711 of Vol. XVII (pt. 3). . Author.- Is he Mahendrasimha Suri? Subject.- Eulogy of a preceptor. Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 574.1 Begins.-leaf 686 Supplement nara sura asuranamaMsiyapAe vaMdiya jiNavariMdagayarAe / aviralabhattilayAnavapallava ullavAmi guruguNasaMthavalava // 1 dhanna ti gAmanayarabhasamapaya / khaDamaDaMbasamAkuDajaNavava / jahiM jiNa viharai suraguru suhasAyaru / uttAriMtu bhaviya bhavasAyara // 2 // etc. Ends. -- leaf 69b iguNatIsa pAvassuyasAraNa / mohabaMdhatI savihanivAraNa | egatIsaguNaccuya taha / battIsa jogasaMga juya // 10 // evamAi jAva aTThArasa sAlatvaMga sahase suvidiyarasa | bhaviyaloyasaMthu joIsarA naMda mahiMda siMhasUrIsara // 11 iti gurustutiH // guruguNasaMstavalava ( guruguNasanthavalava ) [ gurugIti ( gurugIi ) ] No. 574=124 (b) Extent. - leaf 69b (?) Description. Complete verses are not numbered. information see No. 711 of Vol. XVII ( pt. 1 ). Author.- Unknown. Subject.~~ Thirty-six qualities of a spiritual preceptor. Begins.-- leaf 69deg (?) Gurugunasamstavalava ( Gurugunaeanthavalava) [ Gurugiti (Gurugii) ] 76 (7b). 1880-81. 341 narasuraaviralabhattilayAnavapallava ullavAmi gurugaNasaMthavalavakulajaNavaya / For additional S 10 IS 20 25 30 Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ jaina Literature and Philosophy (674. jahiM jiNa viharai suhaguru suyasAyaru / uttAssaMjamu toDai rAgaposabaMdhaNakamu / uttama timi gutti na vi bAhai cauvihadhammajhANu ArAhai // etc. s Ends.- leaf 690 guNasayakaliu juttAi cauguNA navari huMti battIsaM / ..... viNauyavaubbheu chattIsaguNA vi hoya Thiikappe // bArasavaya bArassaga sUriguNA huMti chattIsaM // Novi hoi gurugii(ti)| cha ||ch|| guruSaTpada Gurusatpada ... (guruchappaya ) (Guruchappaya) No. 575 =131 (8) - 1270 (44). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 19- to fol. 22'. Description.- Complete ; 18 verses in all. For additional informa tion see No. 734 of Vol. XVII ( pt. 3 ). Author.-- Is he pupil of Upadhyaya Rajakirti of the Raja gaccha? Subject.- A poem as a panegyric of a spiritual preceptor. ___Begins.- fol. 19 bAla taNi jigahavi dikkhimau malio kasAyaha / jiNavidiyaM varu ajayameri maNu raMjiu raayh| paDibohavi vIsalanariMdu / jiNabhuvaNu karAviu / divasa igyArasi abhau jeNi jIvaha ghosvio| sarasainivAsu jasa muhakamali / dhammasUri pAyaDa uthara / je namahi bhatti pahupayajuyala / te pAvai sivamukha nara / 1 // surasarisarisana sariya / amarakara(?ri)sarisa na karivara taru na kappatarusarisa 'meru'giri / sarisa na mahiyara / Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 376.] Supplement 343 kala na vijakalasarisa viNagha(?ya)guNasarisa na kivi guNa / rasa na lavaNarasasarisu / sarisu nayaNahaNa karaNaghaNa / dayadhammasarisu na hu dhammu jagi / sIlasarisa maMDaNa na / nisa arahaMta sarisu na hu deu jgi| dhammasUri na hu sarisu guru // 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 220 dsvihmnnivrkmmdhmmdhrdhrnndhurNdhr| desaNavANi ya bhaviyaloya raMjai gunnsuNdru|| pAlai nimmalasIlu / carai tavacaraNa duruttara / sasiharu suhasarisukittipuriyabhuvaNaMtaru / sirirAjAkatti uvajhAya karu / 'rAja'gacchu ujykru| 10 bhaNudiNu namo hu tasu payakamala jima pAvahu bahusuSa bhktru| 17 // caurAsiya jiNa jiNa vivadavadiya nikaMdiya / paMDiyapaMDiyagagva samvasajaNANaMdiya / ninavahatara turiyavasaha sai paMca paMcA(?)siya / suSAsaNasayasa? / dAsasayasattavayAsiya / sikirisaupaNayAla / sahasadui sevahi dudhara / achulaSa paNavIsa sahasa dura sevai dudhara / (10) ., iti guruchapaya // Reference.-- It seems that this work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). 15 gurustuti Gurustuti _No. 576 =131 (b) 76 (70). . - 1880-81. . . Extent.- leaf 696 to leaf 706. Description.- Complete; 9 verses in all. For further particulars see No. 711 of Vol. XVII ( pt. 3 ). Author.---- Not mentioned.. Subject.-- Praise of a spiritual preceptor... Begins:- leaf 69b ajJAnAzrati ramAna3 lobharatayaH 5 SA(pA)NAtipAto 6 mRSA 7 nidrAzoka9bhayAni 10 matsara 11madArakrIDAprasaMgA3krudhaH 14 / Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [576. hAya(sya) 15 prema ca 16 cauryakarma 17 nikRtI 18 cASTAdazAmI sphuTaM doSA yasya na saMti saiSa jagataH svAmI bhaved devatA // 1||ch|| . trivedhAbhratapAtraSaTUkapAlanaparaH SaTkAyarakSAkaraH piMDopAzrayapAtravastuviSayatraidheSaNAtatparaH / paryakaM gRhibhAjanaM gRhanicayA snAnazobhA sadA // yo vai varjayatIhAsaSasuguruH saMsAravistArakaH // 2 // cha / etc. Ends. - leaf 700 mAyAra-vAya aTTa ya taha ceva ya dasaviho ya Thiikappo / bArasavaya bAsssaga sUriguNA huMti chattIsaM // 8 kAlAiMdosa uvasau itto ikAi guNavihINo vi / hoi gurugIyastho ujjutto sAraNAIsu // 9 // ___7 iti gurustuti // 7 // 7 // 10 Is 'gaurakSetrapAlanIsANI Gauraksetrapalanisani 575 (41). No. 577=136 (a) 1895-98. Extent.- fol. 35d to fol. 374. Description.- Complete ; 26 verses in all. For additional details see No. 737 of Vol. XVII (pt. 3). Author.- Kailasa alias Vrdhamana. Subject.-- A poem - a hymn pertaining to Gaura ( Gora ) ksetrapala. Begins.- fol. 350 meM namo zrIgaurakSetrapAlAya namo(s)stu // atha chaMda 'ghgghrniisaannii'caali|| sarasattI mAtA akkaladAtA mUDhamatI mAgaMdA hai| tUM akkhara apyai jaga saha japya vAhana haMsa vanaMdA hai 'khiMvADI'vasIyau rammai rasIyau raSata vaDA rAjaMdA hai / devala bhati dIpai unnata upai kavi kailAsa kahaMdA hai| 1 / 20 1 This nisani may remind one of Jinakusalasuripisani (V. S. 1874) and 'Parsvanatha-gha-gghara-nisani. Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 578.] Supplement 345 cAmuMDAcelo atialabelo cAcarapITha calaMdA hai cosadvi(TThi) caritAlI madamatavAlI yogaNirUpa jagaMdA hai home havikuMDI maraDe muMDI jvAlA agana jalaMdA hai| sIceM paMcAmRta DorAsu ghRta dArU dhAra dIyaMdA hai / 2 / etc. Ends.-fol. 37 dArimale dASAM Ane ASAM phali hala phala DhoyaMdA hai gohUM dAgolA bAkisa bAmallIdAma salaMdA hai saivADI thAMnai vadhate vAne daragahIyauM dIpaMdA hai guNa kahitAM gorA! nAva torA pAra na ko pAvaMdA hai 25 sidhiAdhaka soi haraSita hoI dhyAna Sa(kha)ro dharaMdA hai dIe sarava sAtAM sagalI vAtAM hAjara hI hoaMdA hai sevaka sAdhArai dukha nivAre doliti teNi dIyaMdA hai nirUpama nIsANI akkhara AMNI kavi vRddhamAna kahaMdA hai 25 hati gorASetrapAlanIsANI saMpUrNaH / ro - catuSSaSTiyoginI Catussastiyogini- 15 __maNDalastuti mandalastuti (causaTijogiNI. (CausatthijoginimaNDalathui) mandalathui) [catuHSaSTiyoginIyantra [ Catuhsastiyoginiyantra (causaTThijogiNIjanta)] ( Causatthijoginijanta)] 20 No. 578-158 (a) 685 (8). 1892-95. Size.- 10 in. by 41 in. Extent.-- I folio; 25lines to a page; 60 to 66 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper white and durable; Devanagari chara. 25 cters ; legible hand-writting; the ist fol. numbered as usual; condition good; complete ; IS verses in all. This Ms. contains two additional works. They are as under :(1) catuHSaSTiyoginImantrastotra v. 1-13, No. 577. catuHSaSTiyoginIstuti No. 578. 30 1 The name of all these three works as recorded in the Catalogue is cata: SaSTiyoginIstuti. 44 [J. L. P.] Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 846 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [578. Is On fol. 1b there are 4 magic squares, one of them being of the eighth order and below them there are some mantras. The magic square of the 8th order mentioned above is as under:8 7 59 60 61 62 2 1 16. 15 51 52 53 54 109 41 42 22 21 20 1947 48 33 343029. 2827 30 (39)40 25 26 38 37 36 35 31 32 17 18 46 45 44 432324 56 55 11 12 13 1450 49 6436 (63) 3 4 5 6 58 57' Age.- Samvat 1697. See No. 580. Author.- Dharmanandana. Subject.- A hymn- a yantra pertaining to 64 yoginis. For their names the reader may refer to Vihimagga pava, Acaradinakara ('devIpratiSThA' adhikAra ; pt. 2, pp. 2074 to 209*)and my article I was alforaftent" published in "Atmananda Prakasa" ( Vol. 66, No. 2). Begins.- fol. "OM namaH jagamajjhi vAsiNINaM / jagasaDiviNAsabhAvajuttANaM / causaTThiyogaNINaM / sacaTTImaMDalaM pabhaNe // 1 // aDasattaI guNasaTThI / saTThI igasaTTi taha ya baasttttii| do ega yogaNIu / haraMtu chattIsa phoDIu // 2 // etc. Ends.--- fol. I' jo puNa evaM jaMtaM / niyadevagihami pUae niccaM / tassa causaTTidevI / pasannacitsA suhA huMti // 14 // siridhammanaMTaNeNaM / causaTe maMDalaM pabhaNiyaM ca / bahavisamavAhinAsaM / uvayArakara jaya jaya jaya loe // 15 // iti zrIcausaThiyogaNIyaMtra samAptaM // zrIrAjanagare liSitaM / RbhavAna svaartha / 20 23 1 This magic square is written in Devanagari bumerals in the Ms. It is published in Arabic numerals in my article "A Note on Jaina Hymns and Magic Squares" published in " The Indian Historical Quarterly " (Vol. x, No. 1; 1934 ). Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 580.] catuSSaSTiyoginImantrastotra No. 579 = 158 (b) Extent. fol. 14, Begins.- fol. 17deg aa: () Supplement Description.-- Complete ; 13 verses in all. For other details see No. 578. Author. - Not known. Subject.-- A hymn of 64 Yoginis accompanied by their names and mantras. Ends. - fol. 14 (OM) divyayogI mahAyogI / siddhayogI yugezvarI / pretAMzI DAkinI kAlI / kAlarAtrI nilezvarI // 1 // huMkArI raudravaitAlI / kaMkAlI bhUtaDaMbarai / UrdhvakesI virUpAkSI / zuklAMgI narabhojanai // 2 // etc. Catussastiyogini mantrastotra 685 (b). 1892-95. aputro labhyate putrAnnirddhano dhanavAn bhavet / zAMta zAMtatkarya (?) / svatprasAda (de ) na na saMsaya // 12 // bhUtavaitAlasAdhyAya / yakSagaMdharvarAkSasI / catuSpaSTiyoginIstuti No. 580 = 158 (c) nasyaMti sakalAn rogAn stutimaMti na saMsaya // 13 // iti zrIcatuHSaSTIyoginImaMtrastotraM samAptaM // cha // 347 Catussastiyoginistuti 685 (c). 1892-95. Extent. - fol. 14. Description.-- Complete. For additional particualrs see No. 578. Author. Is he Dharmanandana ? Subject.- Eulogy of 64 yoginis along with their names. 1 For comparison see p. 348. 5 IO 15 20 25 Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 348 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [580. Begins.- fol. 1 aiM namaH // catuHSaSTiyoginInAM nAmAni // divyayoginI 1 mahAyoginI 2 siddhayoginI 3 yugezvarI 4 zretakI 5 etc. Ends.- fol. 1 rAjadvAre tato durge / saMgrAme ripusaMkaTe / ahicaurAgnipAteSu / srvkugrhnaasinaa(nii)||3|| ri(?) japyameva japati / zarIre bhayamAgate / / smRtvA nArAyaNI devI / sarvopadravanAsinI // 4 // ___ iti zrIcatuHSaSTiyoginIstuti // saMvat sola 97 varSe / phAlgunamAse suklapakSe ekaadsiitiyau| zrIrAjacaMdrasUri tasiSyavAcakamuSyAnAM zrIzrIzrIdevacaMdra tasiSyamunibhavAna lipikRtaH // zrIrAjanagare liSitaM // zrIrastu // leSakapAThakayoH kalyANamastu // zrIpUjyazrIzrIzrIpArzvacaMdrasUrinaI prasAdiI liNyauM / / -: Reference.- For an additional Ms. containing this work as well as two previous ones see Jinaratnakosa Vol. I, p. 117). devakAba Devakaba No. 581= 250 (a).. 1270 (43). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. 17deg to fol. 19'. Description.- Complete ; lo verses in all in Satpada' metre. For additional particulars see No. 734 of Vol. XVII( pt. 3). Author.- Vilha Kavi. Subject.-- Eulogy of Lord Rsabha and praise of Lord Nemi and that of Parsva along with the mention of his images. __ Begins.- fol. 17deg 60 // 25 . siri setuMja giriMdasiharasehara ! paramesara ! / . paDhama ! dhammadhuri dhavalanAbhikulakamaladiNesara ! / kaNayavana! vasahaMka! paMkapakkhAlaNajalahara ! / paMcacAvasayamANa ! maannmymohkhyNkr!| Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 582.9 Supplement 349 'ikkhAgu'vaMsamottiya ! payaDapayapaNamirasurAsuranara ! / jaya risaha ! dusahaduhaniTThavaNa ! / siddhiramaNiurahAravara ! // 1 // vAmabhuyaggavilaggu / kanhu lIlai aNdoliu| mayaNu jeNa varasIla / SaggijubvaNaNi dhNdholiu| rAimaivarakannapunalAvannasacitiya / rAimai rAimai milhi kevalasiripattiya / sivadevisamuddavijayaMgusaha / kheyamaMDaNu sukayanihi / so nemi nAhu aNudiNu namahu / sAmalaMgu sohaggani / 2 // etc. Ends.- fol. 19 'vANArasi'uppannu nayari pahu pAsa jinnesru| 'thaMbhaNapuri' avayariu pAsa tihuyaNi paramesaru / 'nAgaddahi' saMThiyau supAsa sueyaDa u jANijjai pAsanAhu 'phalavaddhi'nayari tasu uSama diji| ahiNavau pAsu 'jAtilaura'puri cAliya je tau navi claa| acalu ThAsu saMgahi rahiu / avara biMbu na vi saMsahai // 9 // oha dhajA lahalahai / gayANi varakalasu jhlkh| uha daMDa uttaMgu kiraNa ravi sasi jima mukkA mAmalasArau ohu sAvasovana khalIsai / kamasIsA jhaMlahalai jANa kiri 'laMkA' dIsai / vipalAliva vikkhavipAlihi cauvi / oha risahasAmiya bhuvaSu 20 'vimala'giri dii vilha kavi / hoi saMgha mANaMda maNa / 10 // iti devakAba samApta // cha / Namaskaragita (Navakaragita ) 69 (b). 25 namaskAragItA (navakAragItA) No. 582 = 262 (a) Extent. -- fol. 7b. Description.- Complete ; 9 verses in all. XIX ( sec. 2, pt. I, No. I71). 1898-99 25 . For other details see Vol. . Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [-582. . 15 Author.- Padmaraja. He seems to be a pupil of Punyasagara of the Kharatara gaccha. If so, his additional works are as follows: (1) abhayakumAracaupaI V. S. 1650. (2) kSullakakumAra-rAjarSi-caritra V. S. 1667 (3) sanatkumAracopAi V. S. 1650. Subject.- Eulogy of Navakara embodying a salutation to each of the five kinds of paramesthin '. Begins.- fol. 70 zrInavakAra japau manaraMgai / zrIjinasA(zA)sanasAra rI maaii| savi maMgala mAhi pahilau maMgala / japatA jayajayakAra rI mAI / / zrI mAM pahilai padi / tribhuvanajana prajita / paNamuM zrIarihaMta rI maaii| bhaSTakaramavarajita bIjai pahi(di) dhyAvau siddha anaMta rI mAI / 2 / zrI AcArija trIjai padi samarau / guNachattIsanidhAna rI mAI / cauthai padi uvajAya japIjai / subhasUtrasiddhaMtasujAna rI maaii| 3 / zrI sarva sAdhu paMcama padi samarau / bhaSTa paMcamahiM vratadhArI maaii| nava pada aSTa iha chai saMpada sAta / ihAM guru akSara iha nai / aSTa savivaraNa saMbhArei maaii| 4 / zrI Ends.- fol. 70 ika akSara uccAra rI bhAI / sAta sAgaranA pAtaka jAyai / pada paMcA suvicAra rI mAI // 5 / shrii| saMpUrNa paNAsaya sAgaranA pAva pulAI duri rI maaii| iha bhavi Semakusala manacaM(vaM)chita / para bhavi sukha tara prara ramAI |6|shrii iha rati sovanapure sau sIdhau / siMvakumAra iNi dhyAna rI bhaaii| sarapa phITI huI puphamAlA zrImatinai paradhAna rI mAI / 7 / zrI jakkhau pahu bakaratau vAsyau / parata eha sAnidha rI maaii| cora caMDa piMgala nai hu kika pAmai / narasurarigha rI mAI / 8 / zrI e paramiSTamaMtra jaga utama / cavadapta(pU)ravauddhAra bhAI / guNa volai zrIpadamarAja guru samahimA jAsa apAra bhaaii| 9 // zrI . nvkaargiitaa| 20 30 Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 583.1 Supplement 351 navapadastuti Navapadastuti No. 583=273 (8) 1573 (6). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. Is to fol. 16*. Description.-- Complete ; 11 verses in all. For other details sees viMzativiharamANajinastavana No. 596. Author:- Devacandra. He was born in V. S. 1746 in a village near Vikaner in Marusthala. The name of his father was Tulsidasa and that of his mother Dhanabai. He was initiated by Vacaka Rajasagara of the Kharatara' gaccha in V. S. 10 1756 when he was ten years old and was named 'Rajavimala'. Later on he was given --vadi diksa' technically known as 'upasthapana ' by Jnanacandra Suri. According to Devavilasarasa composed in V. S. 1825 by Rayacanda, a pupil of Devacandra, he was given 'Saasvata' mantra by IS his guru Dipacandra of the Kharatara gaccha. He studied various important works, non-Jaina and Jaina as well. He died in V. S. 1812 at Rajanagara ( Ahamedabad ). He has composed the following additional 38 works : Sanskrit ( 1-5=5) / 9. aSTapravacanamAtA-sajjhAya 20 1. karmagranthaTIkA |. 10. AgamasAra V. S. 1776 2. 'jJAnamaJjarI V. S. 1796 ATharuci-sajjhAya 3. dezanAsAra 12. AtmahitazikSA 13. nayacakra 5. vicAragranthaTIkA ( svopajJa) 14. gajasukumAla-sajjhAya Prkarit ( 6=1) 15. giranArastuti 6. vicAragantha ( viyAragrantha ) 16.. "guruSaTtriMzikA-bAlAvayodha Gujarati ( 7-37 = 31 ) 17. covIsadaNDakabicAra 7. atItajinacovIsI 18. covIsI 8. bhadhyAtmagItA Vol. XVIII, pt. 19. covIsIbAlAvabodha (svopajJa) 30 1, Nos. 87-88 V. S. 1803 1 This is a com. of Jnanasara composed by Yasovijaya Gani. 2 The original work is in Prakrit. It is named as Guruchattisi' and composed by a pupil of Vajrasena. Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 352 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [583. * 20. jinastavana Vol. XIX, I, I, | 30. praznottara No. 217 31. viMzativiharamAgajinastavama . 21. jinasaMvana Vol. XIX, I, I, 32. vicAragrantha-TabbA No. 218 33. vIrajinavaranirvANa .522. raNDaNamuni-sajjhAya / 23. dvAdazAGgI 34. zatruJjayacaityaparipATI-stavana 24. 'dhyAnadIpikAcopAi 35. sAdhuvandanA 25. mayacakrasAra 36. siddhAcalastuti 26. nijaguNacintavanamuni-sajjhAya 37. snAnapUjA 1027. pAMcabhAvanA-sajjhAya 28. pArzvajinanamaskAra Hindi ( 38=1) 29. prabhaJjanAcopAi (sajjhAya) 38. dravyaprakAza V. S. 1768.' Vol. XIX, 2, 2. No. 417 | Subject.- Apoem praising the nine padas viz. (1) Tirtharkara, ( 2 ( Siddha or the liberated soul, ( 3 ) Acasya or the preceptor, (4) Upadhyaya or the sub-preceptor, (5) Sadhu or the saint, (6) Darsana or the right faith, (7) Jiana or the . correct knowledge, (8) Caritra or exemplary conduct, and (9) Tapas or penance in the right direction. 20 Begins.- fol. 15 ___ DhAla ulAlAnI deshii| tIrathapati arihA namI dharamadhuraMdhara dhIro jii| desanA amRta varasatA nijavIrajavaDavIro jii| varaaSayanirmalajJAMnabhAsana sarva bhAva prkaastaa| nija zuddha zuddhA AtmabhAveM caraNathiratA vAsatA / jinanAMmakarmaprabhAva atisaya prAtihAraja shobhtaa| jagajjaMtukaruNAvaMta bhagavaMta bhavIka janane thobhtaa||||etc. Ends.- fol. 16a kalasaH 30 . iha sayalasuSakara guNapuraMdara siddhacakrapadAvalI / saviladivijAsiddhimaMdara bhavika ! pUjo manaralI / .. 1 This is a versified translation of Jnaparnava. 2 Almost all these works are included in " zrImada devacandra" (pts. 1-2) published by " Adhyatma-jnana-prakasaka-mandala ". Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 584.] Supplement uvajjhAyavara zrIrAjasA ( ga ) raha jJAMnadharma surAjatA / gurudIpacaMdrasu caraNasavaka devacaMdra susobhatA // 11 // iti navapadastuti // S Reference.-- Included in 'navapadajIpUjA arthasahita attributed to Upadhyaya Yasovijaya Gani and published by Jaina Atmananda Sabha in V. S. 1981. This work is named as Navapada - puja in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, p. 487 ) Herein extracts are given and the last verse is numbered as 21. nAbheyajinastuti No. 584 = 274 (8) Begins. samagrazItadyutisannibhAnanaM sadaya (?ga) tAraMkamanaH prasAdhanaM / stavImi taM zrIjinanAbhinaMdanaM sadaMgata riMkamanaHprasAdhanaM // 1 Extent. fol. 297b to fol. 2984. Description. - Complete ; 4 verses in all. For additional information see zAzvatacaivyastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pt. 2, No. 509 ). Author. Visvasena according to Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I,p.210) 15 Subject A hymn of Lord Rsabha and at the end eulogy of Gomukha, a yaksa. In each of the 4 verses the 2nd foot and the 4th are same in wording. Thus this hymn is an example of ' Yamaka'. fol. 297b jayaMtu te tIrthaMkarA natAmarAH vilAsamAnA karaNAvalAyatAH / tamopahAye dinapA ivAvanA 45 [J. L. P. ] 353 vilAsamAnA karaNAvalAyatAH // 2 Nabheyajinastuti 826 (m). 1892-95. 10 20 25 Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 20 354 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends. fol. 298a sajJAnabhAjAM bhavinAM zivazriyAM kalyANatAlaMkaraNaM mahAmitaM / jainAgamaM sAdhugaNairupAsitaM kalyANatAlaMkaraNaM mahAmitaM // 3 tamAzraye gomukha ja (ya) kSanAmakaM samastavairaMcitapuNyanAmakaM / zrIzAsanasthAMgi sukhapradAyakaM / samastavairaMcitapuNyanAyakaM // 4 // // iti nAbheyajinastutiH // cha // neminAthastuti No. 585 = 284 (8) 15 Extent.-- fol. 295# to fol. 295b. Description.- Complete ; 4 verses in all. For additional information see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509 ). Author.- Unknown. Reference. It seems that this work is noted in Jaina Granthavali (p. 282 ). [ 585. saMsArarAgasaMhArI kAmakuMjara kesarI / nemI tamAlasacchAyo hetu me bhavasaMbhavaM // 1 bhinnabhAvArisaMraMbhacchina mohamahIruha ! | arkevalisodAha kuru me maMgalAvaliM // 2 Subject. - A hymn praising Lord Nemi, the 22nd Tirthankara of this avasarpint period, all the Tirthankaras, the Jaina canon and (Sruta )devi. Begins. fol. 2954 Ends. fol. 295 bhUrisaMgagamaM bhUyo nayasaMcayasaMkulaM / raNarAgAgamaM vaMde (S) haM saMdeha timire raviM // 3 Neminathastuti 826 (e). 1892-95. Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35b 366 586.1 Supplement . nIhArahAradhavale ! phullatAmarasAlaye ! / saroruhakare ! cAru subuddhiM dehi devi ! me // 4 shriineminaathstutiH||ch|| . Reference.- See No. 1003 (49) noted in Bhan. IV. paJcakalyANakastuti Pancakalyanakastutis (pazcakallANathui) (Pancakallanathui) 826 (c). No. 586%D289 (8). 1892-95. Extent.- fol. 294deg to fol. 2950. Description.- Complete; 4 verses in all. For further particulars 10 ____see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). Author - Unknown. Subject. A hymn dealing with the five kalyanakas-the epoch making events in the life of each of the 24 Tirthankaras beginning with Lord Rsabha and ending with Lord Maha. 15 vira and at the end mention of the goddesses... Begins.- fol. 2940 nAbheyaM saMbhavaM taM ajiyasuvihiyaM 'naMdaNaM subvayaM vA suppAse paumanAI sumaisasipahaM sIyalaM vaasupujj| seyaMsaM dhammasaMtiM vimalaari(ra)ja(ji)NaM mallikuMthu aNataM nemi yA(pA)saM ca vIraM namimavi namimo pNckllaannesuN|| gambhAhANe sujamme vayagahaNakhaNe kevalAloyakAle pacchA nivvANaThANappagamaNasamae saMthuyA bhAvasAraM / devehiM dANavehi bhuvaNavaNasamaM kiMnara(re)hiM narehiM te mamaM kiMtu mukkhaM sayalajiNavarA paMcakallANaesuM // 2 25 Ends.- fol. 2950 he titthaMkarANaM jamiha aNuvamaM bhAvatitthaMkaraM te savaNaM ca pAsA ahamavi niyamA jAyae sabvakAlaM / 20 1 Does this mean. Ahinandana'( Abhinandana ) ? Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 356 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [58. anumnappattiheuM nayagaya(?ma gamaNaM vIyaaMkUrarUvaM anvAvAhaM jiNANaM jayau pathayaNaM pNckllaannesuN||3 gorI gaMdhArakAlI naravaramahisI haMsamaggorahatthA samvatthA mANaviM vA varakamalakarA rohiNI saMtighaM vA / panattI chuttapaumA dhaNayasarasaI khittagehAyavAsA saMti saMghe kuNaMtu pra(ga)hamaNasahiyA paMcakallANaesuM // 4 paMcakalyANakastutiH // cha / pArzvajinastuti Parsvajinastuti No. 587 =321 (4) . 1106 (89). 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 44b to fol. 45*. Description.- Complete , 4 verses in all. For further particulars see No. 736 of Vol. XVII ( pt. 3). Author.- Jinabhakti Suri. Is he 'Kharatara' and one about whom a few details are given in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, p. 687)? Subject.- A hymn of Lord Parsvanatha and some other Tirthan. karas, mention of the Jaina canonical treatises and those of Padmavati and Pariva, a yaksa. Begins.- fol. 440 azvasena-naresara-vAmA-devInaMda nava kara tanu nirupama nIlavaraNa suSakaMda ahilaMba(cha)Nasevita pau(pau)mAva(vai) dharaNiMda praha UThI praNamuM nita prati pAsa jiNaMda 1 kulagiri veyaDhaI kaNayAcala amirAma mAnuSottara naMdI ruci(ca)ka kuMDala sukhaThAMma bhuvaNesura nyaMtara joisa vemANIya nAma ___ varatai je (2 te) jinavara pUrau mujha manakAma 2 Ends.- fol. 45* jihAM aMga igyArai bArai upAMga cha cheda dasa pahanA dAkhyA mUlasUtra caumeda Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 588. ] Supplement nigama - dravya-saita-padAratha-jutta sAMbhala saradatAM chUTai karama turata 3 paumAvai (vaI) devI pArzva yakSa paratakSa / sahu saMghanA saMkaTa dUra karevA dakSa te samaro jinabhaktisUri kahai ikacitta sukha sujasa samA putra kalatra bahu vitta // 4 // iti pArzvajinastutiH // Reference- Included in Panca pratikramana' published by " zrI AtmAnaMda - jainapustaka-pracAraka maMDala " in A. D. 1921. pArzvanAthastuti (pAsanAhathui ) No. 588 = 334 (8) = sayalajayapayAsaM bhavvasaM pUriyAsaM jaNamayaNaviyAsaM naTunIsesatAsaM / jalabhara bhariyAsaM khuTTasaMsArapAsaM Author.- Unknown. s Subject.-- A hymn in honour of Lord Parsvanatha, the 23rd Tirthankara of the avasarpini period and at the end praise of vani. Begins. fol. 295b Extent. fol. 2950. Description.-- Complete ; 4 verses in all. For further details see 15 zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). paNamaha siripAsaM duTThakammaTThanAsaM // 1 vihaDiyapaDivakkhe sabvasaMpattidakkhe 357 Parsvanathastuti ( Pasanahathui ) 826 (f). 1892-95. nayasuranarajakkhe pheDiyANaMtadukkhe | kayanayajaNarakkhe titthanAhe sulakkhe vihiyaparamasukkhe vaMdiyo pattamukkhe // 2 S 10 20 25 Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [588. Ends.-fol. 2950 bhuvaNayalapahANaM jammabhUmimahANaM payaDavaranihANaM sagja(nva?)siddhisuhANaM / maliyakunayamANaM nizcamakkhebhamANaM viyarau varanANaM sAsaNaM me jiNANaM // 3 guNagaNapaDiputrA hAranIhAravannA ___ varakamalanisabA devsNghaannvnaa| phuriyarayaNakrayA vahiyA saMkhaputrA mama vimaliyapunA hou vI(vA)NI pasanA // (4) cha // zrIpArzvanAthastutiH // cha / * Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pt. 2 bhaktAmarastotra Bhaktamarastotra 350(f). No. 589 = 865 (a) A. 1882-83. Extent.- fol. 3" to fol. 4'. Description.- Almost complete, for there are in all 44 verses%3B the last verse nambered as 42. For additional details see No. 739 of Vol. XVII ( pt. 3). Begins.-- fol. 34 bhaktAmarapraNatamaulimaNiprabhANA mu(d dyotakaM dalitapApatamovitAnaM / samyak praNamya jinapAdayugaM yugAdA vAlaMbanaM bhavajale patatAM janAnAM // 1 // etc. Ends.-- fol. 46 udbhUtabhISaNajalodarabhArabhunAH / zocyAM dshaamugptaacyutjiivi(taa)shaa()| tpatpAdapaMkajarajo(5)mRtadigdhadehA / mA bhavaMti makaradhvajatulyarUpAH / 41 / Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358 590.] Supplement ApAdakaMThamuruzRMkhalaveSTitAMgA gADhaM bRhatri(ni)gaDakoTinighRSTajaMghI(ghA.) / tvajJAmamaMtramanizaM manujAH smaraMtaH sadyaH svayaM vigatabaMdhabhayA bhavaMti // 42 // This work ends abruptly. Reference.- See p. 4 of Vol. XIX ( sec. I, pt. 2). mahAvIrastuti Mabavirastuti No. 590%=413 (a) 826 (g). 1892-1895. Extent.- fol. 2950 to fol. 2964. 10 Description.- Complete ; 4 verses in all. For other particulars see zAzvatacaityastotra (Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). Author.- Unknown. Subject.- A hymn of Lord Mahavira and praise of (i) the omni scient personages, (ii) the canon of Lord Mahavira and is (iii) Vani. Begins.- fol. 2950 sucaMDimADavarapaMcavA(bA)Ne daavorudaahaasmvaarivaah| saMsArakArAlayabhaMgasajja devaM mahAvIramahaM namAmi // 1 duraMtarAgodayamattadaMti hiMsAkuraMgArisamAbhareNa / guNAvaliM kevalipuMgavA me - niraMtarA yA vahumAvahaMtu // 2 Ends.- fol. 296 uhAmavAmAvahadehamoha niihaarsNhaartmorubiNb| akhaMDabhUmivalayAmirAma vIrAgamaM bhaMdakaraM namAmi // 3 .. Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [590.. sugaMdhalolAlicayAviruddha bibuddhapaMkeruhacAruvAse ! / saMphullarAjIvakare ! ciraM me buddhiM nikAmaM kuru vANi ! devi // 4 shriimhaaviirstutiH|| ch|| mahAvIrastuti Mahavirastuti No. 591= 413 (b) 826 (i) 1892-95. Extent.- fol. 296. Description. - Complete; 4 verses in all. For additional particulars see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). Author.- Unknown. Subject.-- Panegyric of Lord Mahavira and at the end description of Brahmasanti, a yaksa. Begins.- fol. 296. 550 // natAzeSaleSa kRtadveSapeSaM jagattoSapoSaM lasadoSamoSaM / ayoSa sajoSaM vinitaroSaM / namasyAmi vIraM dharAdhIzadhIraM // 1 // prasa(za)staprasAdaM samastapramAdaM samastapramAdaM sugaMbhIranAdaM / stamastvAmudAraM mahattApadAra mahattApadAraM jinastomasAraM // 2 Ends.- fol. 296 sadaMga sadaMgaM sadaMgadyapadya pradhAnaM nidhAnaM mudaH prAtu sadhaH / mataM me mataM me durakrodhayodha* pramANe sanAthaM gamaijainanAthaM // 3 Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 592.] 861 Supplement mahasvallalATastatoraskapATaH ___ sphurazcaMDadaMDakSatArAtikhaMDaH / zubhacchatrahastaH kavistomazastaH syatu brahmazAMtirmiyaH svarNakAMtiH // 4 shriimhaaviirstutiH|| ch|| 15 mahAvIrastuti Mahavirastuti (mahAvIrathui) ( Mahavirathui ) " ['vardhamAnastuti] [Vardhamanastuti] [parasamayatimirastuti] [ Parasamayatimirastuti ] 826 (j). No. 592 =413 (c) 10 . 1892-95.. Extent.- fol. 296* to fol. 2960. Description.- Complete; 4 verses in all. For further information see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509 ). Author.- Unknown. Subject.- Laudation of (i) Lord Mahavira, (ii) all the Tirthankaras, .. (iii) the Jaina canon and (iv) (Hruta)devi. This poem may remind one of Samsaradavanalastuti, which, too, is in 'sama Samskrna'. Begins. - fol. 2964 950 // 20 parasamayatimirataraNiM bhavasAgaravAritaraNavaratarANi / rAgaparAgasamIraM vaMde devaM mahAvIraM / / niruddhasaMsAravihArakAri duraMtabhAvArigaNA nikAmaM / niraMtaraM kevalisattamA vo 25 bhavAvahaM mohamaraM haraMtu // 2 Ends.- fol. 296 saMdehakArikunayAgamarUDhagADha saMmohapaMkaharaNAmalavAripUraM / 1 This name occurs in Vol. xVII (pt. 4, No. 1462 ) where this work in completely reproduced. 46 [ J. L. P.] Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 362 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [692. saMsArasAgarasamuttaraNorunAvaM vIrAgamaM paramasiddhikaraM namAmi // 3 parimalabharalobhAlIDhalolAlimAlA malakamalanivAse ! hAranIhArabhAse ! / aviralabhavakArAgAravichi(cchi)ktakAraM kuru kamalakare ! me maMgalaM devi ! sAraM // 4 zrImahAvIrastutiH // ch|| Reference.- This work is included along with its Hindi 'bhavartha' in Pancapratikramana' published by Atmananda-JainaPustaka-Pracaraka-Mandala ', Agra in A. D. 1921. 15 20 yugAdidevastuti Yugadidevastuti (jugAidevathui) (Jugaidevathui) No. 593 = 427(a) 826 (d).. 1892-95. Extent.--- fol. 2954 Description.- Complete ; 4 verses in all. For other details see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). Author. -- Somamarti Gani. Is he Kharatara and same as the author of 'jinezvarasUridIkSAvivAhalau' composed sometime after V. S. 1331? Subject.-Eulogy of the following : Lord Rsabha at Arbuda mount, all the Tirthankaras, the Jaina canon and Santa devi. Begins.- fol. 295* 5 60 // varamuttiyahArasutAraguNaM __ pricttklttsupttdhnnN| payapaMkayachappayadevagaNaM siribhavu(bbu)i vaMdaha AijiNaM // 1 tiyaloyanamaMsiyapAyajuyA pnnmohmhiiruhmttgyaa| paripAliyanicculajIvadayA mama iMtu jiNA kayamukakhasayA // 2 30 Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 594.1 Ends. --- fol. 2954 Supplement paNa yaMgi mahAtimarohaharaM / kalanANapayoruhaviddhikaraM / suddamagga kumaggapayAsaparaM paNamAmi jiNAgamamunhakaraM // 3 sarayaMdusamujjalakAyalayA sujhANaviNimmiya egalayA / asuriMdasuriMdasurIpaNayA mama vANi ! suhANi kuNau snayA // 4 zrIarbuda girirAjazira (:) zekhara zrIyugAdidevastutiH // cha // kRtiriyaM paM0somamUrttigaNInAM // cha // - viMzativiharamANajinanamaskArasAra (vIsaviharamANa jiNana mukkArasAra ) No. 594 = 446 (a). Extent. fol. 297. Description. Complete; one verse only. For further details see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pt. 2, No. 509 ). Author. - Not mentioned. Begins & Ends. fol. 297deg // 50 // 363 sImaMdhara jugagaM (maM) dhare supahuvA (bA) hu jugappahu / sirisuvA (bA) hu sAmiu sujAu tisthagara sayaMpahu / S Virsativiharamanajinanamaskarasara ( Visaviharamanajinanamukkarasara) IS 826 (1). 1892-95. 10 Subject.-- Salutation to the 20 Tirthankaras who are in Mahavidehas at present. Their names are mentioned by me in Vinaya-saurabha (pp. 87-88), Yasodohana (p. 83 ), in Vol. XIX (sec. 1, pt. 2, pp. 87-88 ) and suggested in No. 596. 25 They are given in bhaTThottarI ( saya ) thavaNa v. 36-39 ) ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. I, No. 25 ). 20 30 Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 364 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [5945 risahANaNu taha(5)Nataviriya sU(su)rappahu jiNavaru / sirivisAlu vi(va)jjaharu devu caMdANaNu suhakaru / siricaMdavA(bA)hu taha bhuyagu jiNu / Isaru nemippahu nmuN| sirivissaseNa mahabhadda jiNu devesarajasa ridvisauM // 1 // iti vIsaviharamANa(jina)namaskArasAraH samAsaH / 10 viMzativihara VimsativiharamANajinastavana manajinastavana (vIsaviharamANa ( VisavaharamanajiNathavaNa) jinathavana) No. 595 = 446 (b) 826 (k). 1892-95. Extent.- fol. 296deg to fol. 297'. Description.- Complete ; 25 verses in all. For additional particulars see zAzvatacaityastotra ( Vol. XIX, sec. I, pt. 2, No. 509). Author.- Merunandana. Is he same as Merunandana Gani, pupil of Jinodaya Suri of the Kharatara gaccha? If so, his additional works are as under : (1) / ajita-zAnti-stavana / (2) jinodayasUrivivAhalau V. S. 1432 (3) 'jIrAMuli'pArzvanAthaphAgu V. S. 1432 (4) sImandharastavana. Subject. - A hymn of the twenty Tirthankaras who are in Maha videhas at present. Four of them are in Jamdu dvipa, eight in Dhataki khanda and eight in Puskara dvipa. The colour of the body of each of them is yellow and each of them is soo dhanusyas in height. The emblem of each of them is a bull. . 20 . 1 The name of the 19th Tirthankara is Devajasa. The name of the 20th Tirthankara is Ajiyaviriya. It seems to be left out here. Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 596. 1 Begins. fol. 296deg // 67 // Ends. fol. 297b bhattisarovaru UlaTiu jAgiya hiyai jagIsa / hiva ANadihi saMvu (dhu) Niso (mo) viharamANajiNa vIsa // 1 'jaMbu'dIvi cattAri ja (ji)Na 'dhAIya' saMDihiM maTu / ' pukkhara' ddi (hI) ta (va) haM aTTha ima vIsa namauM gayakaTTha // 2 etc. viMzativiharamANajanastavana (vIsa - viharamANajinastavana ) [ vIsI ] No. 596 = 446 (c) 1 sImaMdharastavana 2 yugamaMdharastavana 3 bAhustavana 4 subAhustavana dehamANi dhaNu paMca saya savi jiNa kaMcaNavaca / ca utIsaha aisayasahiya vasahaMkiya siripuna // 24 suratarusuMdara iya dhu (dhu) Niya viharamANajiNasAra / vasa merunaMdaNihiM jima mahumaNi suhaphalakAra // 25 iti zrIvIsaviharamANa (jina) stavanaM sarvabhAsaM // cha // Supplement fol. 1a foll. 14-15 16-2a 22-26 "9 ,, Vimsativiharamanajinastavana ( Visa-viharamana Size-- 104 in. by 4g in. Extent. - 54 folios; 16 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; bold, clear and sufficiently big hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used as usual; condition good; complete ; ends on fol. 84. This Visi is a collection of 20 stavanas. Their correct names and 25 extents are as nnder : 5 sujAtastavana 6 svayaMpramastavana 7 RSabhAnanastavana 8 anaMtabIryastavana 365 jinastavana ) [ Visi ] 1573 (1). 1891-95. fol. 2b foll. 2"-3" 3-3b 3b-4 " "" 5 10 IS 20 30 Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366 . Jaina Literature and Philosophy [596. __120 13 16b foll. " 17. " 9 sUraprabhastavana foll. 4a-40 (15 (I)zvarastavana fol. 6. 10 vizAlastavana , 40-5 |13 namiprabhastavana foll. 6-7" 11 vajradharanastavana fol. 5 17 vIrasenastavana fol. 7. 12 caMdrAnanastavana fol. 5-5deg18 mahAbhadrastavana ,7deg 5 13 caMdrabAhustavana , 50-60 | 19 devayazastavana , 70-8. 14 bhujaMgastavana , 64-6deg | 20 ajitavIryastavana foll. 8. This Ms. contains 29 additional works as under :(1) paJcabhAvanA foll. 8 to 12b (2) kalyANaprApti (1) 130 (3) dodhakabAvanI 15. (4) navapadastuti No. 583 , 15. (5) managupta(pti)sajjhAya 16 (6) vacanagupta(li)sanjhAya fol. 160 (7) kAyagupta(ti)sajjhAya 18 (8) adhyAtmagItA Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 88 foll. 17deg , 130 (9) paramArthapantha (?) 194 19. (10) adhyAtmaphAga Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 93 fol. (11) bhavasindhucaturdazI (12) karmachattIsI foll. 20deg to (13) adhyAtmabattIsI Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 90 foll. 22deg 220 (14) ajJAtanAmadheya (15) dhyAnabattIsI 250 26. 25 (16) tithiSoDazI (17) nAmanirNayanidhAna 270 (18) bhavasthASTaka Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. foll. ( 19 ) SaDdarzanASTaka ___fol. 28deg (20.) jinadharmasvarUpa foll. (21) daza bola sthAnakasajjhAya 200 D 22 240 26 274 270 280 280 29 , , 28 29 Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 396.] Supplement 367 340 ( 23 ) sacittAcittakAlasajjhAya foll. 31 to (24) zikSAzata(ka) , 32deg .. (25) 'bhAtmajJAnaprakAza Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 142 foll. 35deg to ( 26 ) jinastavana Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pt. 1, No. 219 foll.. 41b to 420 (27) SaDdanyavicAra | , 43* , 44b (28) prakIrNaka (?) ___fol. 440 ( 29 ) adhyAtmamAlA Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 99 _ foll. 45 to 54. 10 Age:- Samvat 1812. Author- Devacandra, pupil of Dipacandra. For additional infor mation see No. 583. Subject.- Panegyrics of twenty Tirthankaras from Simandhanra up to Ajitaviriya moving about at present in Mahavidehas. 15 Begins.- ( stavana I ) fol. 1. // aiM nama // zrIM // zrIsImaMdhara jinavara svAmI / vInataDi bhavadhAro suddha dharmA pragavyo je nu(?tu)mace / pragaTo teha samAro re svAmI vInavIye manaraMgeM // 1 // je paraNAmika dharma tumhAro tehavo amaco dharma .... / zraddhAbhAsanaramaNavijoge / valago vibhAva adharma re // svAmI02 // etc. 20 Ends.- (stavana I ) fol. 1. suddha deva bhavalaMvana karatAM paraharIye parabhAva AtamadharmaramaNa anubhavatAM pragaTe bhAtamabhAva re svA0 8 bhAtama guNanIrmala nIpajatAM dhyAna samAdhi sabhA purNAnaMda siddhatA sAdhI devacaMdapada pAve re svAmI // 9 // iti zrI(sI)maMdharata(sta)vanaM // 1 // 5. 1 This work is same as dharmanAthanI vinatirUpa stavana' also named as 'laghu upamitibhavaprapaMcakathA ' composed at Surat in Bamvat 1716 and published in 'jaina kathAratnakoSa' ( Vol. III, pp. 106-138 ). Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 368 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [396. 15 Begins.- (stavana XIV ) fol. 6. 'pukkharavaI' dIve hoke vIcare tIrthapatI / prabhucaraNane sevo hoke surnrasurntii| jasa guNa prakavyA hokiM sarvapradezasamA / bhAtamaguNanI hoki vIkasI anaMta rmaa|| sAmAnya sabhAvana hoki paraNati asahAi / dharmavIzeSanI hoke guNane anujAi / guNa sakala pradeze hoki nija nija kArya kre| samudAyapravRtte ho kiM karatA bhAva dhare / 2 / etc. 10 Ends.- ( stavana XIV ) fol. 6* grAhakavyApakatA hoki prabhu nu (tu) ma dharma ramI / AtamaanubavathI hokai paraNati anya vamI / tuma sakati anaMta / hoki gvatAne dhyAtAM / mujha sakativikAsa / na hokiM thAe guNa ramatAM / 6 // ima nijaguNabhogI hokiM svAmI bhujaMga mudA / je nitya vaMde hoki te nara dhanya sdaa| devacaMdra prabhujInI hokiM punye bhagati sadhe / bhAtama(a)nubhavanI hoki nita nita sAkti vadhe / 7 // // iti zrIbhujaMgajineMdrastavana // 14 // 20 Begins.- (stavana xV ) fol. 6deg DhAla anaMtAnaMta e desI / sevo i(I)zvaradeva / jiNe i(I)zvaratA ho nija adabhuta vrii| tIrobhAvanazakti AvIrbhAve ho sahu pragaTI krii| 1 / astitvAdika dharma nirmala bhAve ho sahune srvdaa| nityatvAdi svabhAva te paraNAme ho jaDa cetana sadA / 2 / etc. Ends. - ( stavana xV ) fol. 6b vAraMvAra jinarAja ! ho tujha / padasevA ho hojyA niramalI / tujha sAsana anujAi / vAsana bhAsana ho tasvaramaNa vlii|| suddhAtama nija dharmaruci anubhavadhI(thI) ho sAdhana stytaa| devacaMdra municaMdra bhakte pasAtye ho hosye tyaktatA // 8 // // iti i(I)sva(zva)rajinastavanaM // 15 // etc. Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 596.] Supplement Begins.-- ( stavana XX ) fol. 84 ajItavIraja jIna vicaritA re manamohanAM lAla ' pukkhara' aragha videha re / bhavibohanAM lAla / jaMgama surataru sArISo re manamohanA lAla / seve dhana dhana teha re / bha0 / 1 / 1 5 jina [0]guNa amRtapAnadhI ( thI) re ma0 / amRtakriyA supasAya re / ma0 / amRtaanuSThAnathI re / ma0 / Atama amRta thAya re / bha0 / 2 / etc. Ends.- ( stavana XX ) fol. gb 369 saMsaratArayAnastavana ( ? ) (saMsaratArayANathavaNa) (?) paramAtamaguNasmRti thakI re / ma0 / pharasyo AtmarAma re / bha0 / niyamA kaMcanatA lahe re ma0 / loha jyuM pArasa prema re // ma0 // 8 // niramala tatvaruci thai re / ma0 / karajyo jinapati bhakti re / ma0 / devacaMdrapada pAmasyo re / ma0 / paramamahodayayukta re bha0 / 9 // iti zrIvI saviharamAnajineMdrasata (sta) vanaM // saMvata ( t) 1812 varSe kArtika vadi 6 li. / R / bhavAMna AtmArtheH Reference. Is this work same as Visi of which kalasa' is given in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. II, p. 491 ) and which is publi-15 shed Samsaratarayanastavana (2) ( Sarsaratarayanathavana ) (?) 1157 (a). 1887-91. 10 No. 597 = 519 (a) Size - 104 in by 44 in. Extent. - 4 folios; I lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description Country paper white and somewhat tough; Devanagari characters; bold and legible hand-writing; borders ruled ; foll. numbered as usual ; complete ; 35 verses in all; 25 condition good. This work ends on fol. 24. It is followed by two additional works as under : 47 [J. L. P. ] 20 Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [587. (1) ekonatriMzadbhAvanA ( bhAvanAkulaka) ( Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 299 ) fol. 2deg to fol. 3. (2) jIvasambodha ( Vol. XVIII, pt. 2 ) fol. 3deg to fol. 4. s Age.-- Pretty old. Author.- Siddhisena Suri. Subject.- A topic treated in Caityavandanabhasya etc. For details see jaina sAhityakA bRhad itihAsa ( pt. '4, p. 280 ). . Begins. - fol. 1 // 50 // ni(na)miUNa vaddhamANaM / michannamadhapAradiNanAI / ciyavaMdaNavarabhAsaM bhaNAmi pujvattagAdAhiM / 1 / dahatiya 1 ahigamapaNagaM 2 du 2 disi 3 tiugra'gga)ha 4 tiha u / caM(vaM)daNayA 5 paNivAya 6 namukkArA 7 vanA solasai sagayAlA / 2 igasAisayaM tu payA 9 saganauI 5 sapayAu 10 paNada(da)DA 11 / bArahi gArA 12cau vaMdaNija 13 saraNija 14 cauha jimaNA // 15 // etc. Ends. -- fol. 2 kittama bhakittamA viyatitthayarovaM diyAmae sabve / jiNabhuvaNe suniviTTha / sAhAraNabhattirAeNa // 34 // bharahAya muNuya vihiyA / nimmahiyA mohAridappamAhappA / sirisiddhisenasUrA(ri)hiM / saMghu(thu)yA sivasuhaM di(diM tu // 35 // - iti saMsaratArayANastavanaM / cha 1 Herein pp. 143-324 are the Hindi translations of what I have written in Gujarati. Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Supplement 371 598.] sarvajinastuti No. 598=542 (a) Sarvajinastuti 828 (b). 1892-95. Extent.-- fol. 296. Description.-- Complete ; one verse only. For additional parti- s culars see zAzvatacaityastotra (Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pt. 2, No. 509). Author.- Jinapati Suri. Is he same as one about whom the follow ing details are known ? Jinapati ( Kharatara ) was born in V. S. 1210. The name of his father is Yasovardhana and that of his mother 10 Suhavadevi. He took diksa at Delhi in V S. 1218. He was given the status of Surit?) by Jayadeva Suri in V. S. 1223. He died in V. S. 1277 at Palanpur. Subject.- A hymn praising one and all the Tirthaikaras. Begins & Ends.- fol. 2964 vAsavastutapapo mahAmahA bhaktadattavilasanmahApadaH / vAgapohitasa(ma)mastamA ___ jina[:] svAmino vidadhatAM sukhaniyaM // 1 // sarvajinastutiH // vArakahiyaistutipaMcakaM // kRtiriyaM zrIjinapati- 20 sUrINAM ||ch|| Reference.- This hymn is mentioned in Jaina Granthavali (p. 294) and in Pet. V. No. 826. Vide Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 427). Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 372 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [599. Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1 anantakIrtikathA Anantakirtikatha 1339 (d). No. 599 =11 (a) 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 6* to fol. 126. Description.- Complete. For other details see samAsU(5)rakathA 5 . Vol. No. XIX, Sec. 2, pt. 3 ) No. - 8 339 (2). 0 1886-92. Author.- Is he Dayavardhana Gani, pupil of Jayatilaka Suri? If so, he is definitely the author of the following works :- (1) parvatithivicAra No. 377. (2) ratnazekhara-ratnavatI-kathA No. 526. . (3) Do (dif.) No. 633(2) But it remains to be ascertained if he is the author of any one or more of the following works :(1) kurucandrakathA - No. 606 fol. 25 to fol. 26 candralekhAkathA No. 607, 18 , , 15 (3) dhanasenakathA No. 609 , 26deg , 28* mahApadmakumArakathA No. 623 fol. 18deg(?), , (?) (5) ratnasArakathA No. 630 (6) lalitAGgakathA No. 631 (7) vajrabAhukathA 20 (8) 'vasantakumArakathA , 23deg , 25 ... (9) 'zaikhakumArakathA (10) saGgrAmasU(? zU)rakathA , 1 , 2. (11) ...kathA No. fol. ? , , ? Subject.-- Narration of Anantakirti, son of Ananatasena, a king. 25 . In course of time he became Pratyeka-buddha and attained omniscience and salvation. This story illustrates the advantage of observing chastity ( ila ). 230 18 1-3 None of these works is noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol.1), . Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 599.] Supplement 378 Begins.- fol. 6a paradAravirattANaM iheva mahima-havei suravihiyA iha acche diTuMto aNaMtakittissa kumarassa . bharate 'vijayaMtI' purI tatra anaMtasano nAma rAjA jayalakSmI bhArya() aparAparadevIsa(saM)bhavAH amarakitti-anaMtakittipramukhA sutAH 5 sifa etc. Ends. - fol. 12 so(s)pi varSalakSANi rAjyaM paryapAlya samaye saudho paryAsIno meghapaTalamadrAkSIt / tato vAtahataM tamavalokya ciMtitavAn nUnamabhrapaTalavat sarve bhAvA gacarA tataH paMcamuSTikaThAnuddharavAn hariNIbhavA'dhItazAstroktajJAnamunikriyaH pratyekabuddho jAtaH kamalAvatI susImA ke'pi kumArAH 10 kevalisakAze dIkSAM jagRhuH / pratyekabuddhaH kevalajJAnamutpAdya zivaM yayau // iti zIlavate'naMtakIrtikathAH // cha / . Reference. - This Ms. is not mentioned in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p.7). Is this same work as Anantakirtikathanaka written in IS Prakrit and noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p.7)? amaracandrakathAnaka Amaracandrakathanaka No. 600 =16 (a) 1201 (d). . 1887-91. Extent.--- fol. 120 to fol. 14. Description.- Complete. For other details see Parvatithivicara (No. 20 . 377 ). Author.- Unknown. Subject.- A narrative pertaining to Amaracandra, a king. It points out the importance of holy reflection ( bhavana ). 25 Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 374 __Jaina Literature and Philosophy [600. Begins.- fol. 120 bhAvanA sakalalokapAvanA saMbhavet bhvvinaashkaaritaa| bhAvinAmasumatAmatipriyA / sarvapApanicayakSayaMkarI // 1 // bhAvanAsadRzI dUtI na bhUtA na bhaviSyati / yA karotyamarastrINAM mAnuSaiH saha saMgamaM // 2 // bhAvanAviSaye amaracaMdrakathAnakadRSTAMtA // etc. __Ends.-fol. 14 ataH kAraNAt sa devaH tatraiva pratyakSo babhUva / devenoktaM tava yodha. nAya ahaM AgataH / rAjA upari virUpaM na ciMtanIyaM / etAni mama rUpANi / iti zrute rAjJA jAtismaraNaM utpanaM / devena rAjA svasthAne muktaH / putraM rAjye nivezya amaracaMdro(Da)pi vrataM pAlayitvA mokSaM gataH / bhAvanAviSaye amaracaMdrakathAnakaM // Dha (?) // // 'azokacandrarohiNI-rAsa AsokacandraRohini-rasa 15 No. 601 = 32 (8) 169. 1872-73. Size.- 94 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 33 + I = 34 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. 20 Description. - Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva nagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 1 blank ; unnumbered sides decorated with a small spot in red colour in the centre; the numbered in each of the two margins, 100; strips of paper pasted to edges of several follo; condition on the whole good; yellow pigment used for making corree Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 600. ] Supplement tions ; the work is almost complete ; this Ms. ends abruptly ; there is an extra blank fol. at the end; the title is written as 'rohiNI' in the left-hand margins; composed in Samvat 1774 at Sendapura ( modern a Saiyaydpura ) near Surat in 31 dhalas. Age. - Pretty old. Author.--- Jnanavimala Suri (previously known as Nayavimala ), pupil of Dhiravimala of the Tapa gaccha. This Suji was born in V. S. 1694. He renounced the world in V. S. 1702, became Suri in V. S. 1748 or 1749 and died in to V. S. 1782. For further particulars see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 308-309 ). 1. covIsI 2. jinapUjAvidhi 3. 5. 6. For his additional works see Vol. XIX ( sec. 2, pt. 1. No. 32 ). Besides, he has composed the following works: 4. narabhavadiTThantovaNayamAlA dhyAnamAlA - bAlAvabodha ( jJAnavilAsa ? ) ( narabhavadRSTAntopanayamAlA ) prabhAtiyAM bhaktAmara stotrapAdapUrti ( RSabhajina caityavandana ) 375 "C 7. lokanAla-bAlAvabodha 8. vIsasthAnakata pavidhi 9. zAntijinajanmA miSeka kalaza 10. saMyamataraGga 11. sakalAI - bAlAvabodha V.S. 1773 12. tai (?) 13. sImandharasvAmivijJapti 14. sUryAbhanATaka This Suri has composed 60 sajjbayas of which 19 are published. Their names are mentioned by me in my article jJAnavimalasUrikRta sajjhAyo : prakAzita ane aprakAzita ". This S article is to be published in Atmananda Prakasa, ( Vol. 72 ). Subject. - A story of Rohini, wtie of Asokacandra, a king. 1 Now a days this forms a part of Surat. 15 20 25 Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 376 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [600. Begins.- fol. 10 560 // aiM namaH zrIpArzvaparamezvarAyaH dUhA sukhakara zrI'saMSesarU' / pAsa jiNaMda dayAla / praNamI padayuga tehanA / manavaMchita su(kha) rasAla // 1 // paratA pUraNa prgddo| mahimA mahimanivAsa / dharaNarAya padamAvatI / pUre vaMchita Asa // 2 // etc. Ends.-fol. 330 dhana dhana suvihita tapa'gacchasAdhuparaMparA re / ANaMdavimalasUrirAya / kriyA uddhAra karI // karyo zAsana UjalaM re / niramohI niramAya 22 dhana 20 / zrIvijayadAnasUrIza tasa pATiM thayA jI / te paNi tasa prtiruup| zrIhIravijayasUri tasa pArTi sohIiM jI / pratibodhyo akabara bhUpa / dhana0 23 thokiM thokiM lokA tasa guNa gAvatAM re / Aja lagaI viSyAta / zrIvijayasenasUrI suragurusAriSA re / buddhi sarasatI sAkhyAta / dhana0 24 zrIvijayadevasUrIsara tasa paTadhArakU re / AcArija vijayasiMha / aminava jANe surapati suraguruneM jisyA re / suvihita mAMhiM lIha dhana0 25 tasa paTiM udayAcala udayaprabhA jisyA re| zrIvijayaprabhasUri (bhUra) saMprati samayeM jotAM tehanA guNa ghaNA jI / kahatAM vAdhe nUra / dha0 / 5 have zrIANaMda vimalasUri taNA vaDasIsa je re| dharmasIha bhaNagAra / vayarAgI gItAratha guruguNarAgIyA re / saMvegIsiradAra / dha0 6 tAsa ziSya gaNi jayavimala nAmeM bhalA jii| kIrtivimala kavisIsa zrIvinayavimala kavi tehanA sIsa sobhAgIyA re dhIravimala kavi tasa sIsa gorI jAsa jagIsa / dha07 sIsa tehano nayavimala nAmi kavI jI / vinayI vahe guruAMNa / upasaMpadathI tiNe 'AcArija' pada laghu jI / lahI zrIvijayaprabha sUrIANa / dha0 8 nAma laghu tiNe zAnavimalasUri isyu re tiNe racIo e (rA)sa Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 602. 1 Supplement: Narratives DhAbaMdha e bhavi janane bhaNavA bhaNI re jehathI buddhiprakAza dhana0 9 saMvata yuga muni muni vidhu ( 1774) vardha (rSa) nA nAmathI ro ( re ) 'sUrati' baMdira pAsa / 'saidapura ' che baMdiratilakane sAriSu re / tihAM rahI comAsi dhana0 10 vimalazAMtijina caraNasevAsupasAyathI jii| saMpUraNa e kIdha / mAgazira zudi jJAnapaMcamI divasa sohAmaNo re / mana The Ms. ends thus abruptly. kAmaghaTakathA [ pApabuddhi dharmabuddhi-kathA ] 377 Reference. Published in Anandakavyamahodadhi (Vol. I, pp. 179-318) in A. D. 1913. For extracts and additional Mss. see DCGCM (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. I, No. 32) and Jaina 10 Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 325-328 & Vol. III, pt, 2, p. 1305). On p. 325 of Vol. II the title of this work is written afgoft' and on its p. 327 its ending portion is completely given. S 276 (a). 1871-72. Kamaghatakatha 15 [PapabuddhiDharmabuddhi-katha] No. 602-110 (a) Size. 10 in. by 4 in. Extent. 28 folios; 9 lines to a page; 35 to 40 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thick, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with gas; big, bold, legible and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two double lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; written in the left-hand corners; yellow pigment used at very few places; a few explanations given in margins and meanings of words on their heads; condition good; complete. This Ms. contains (1) a stray verse from Nandi fol. 27(?) and (2) Cintakulaka foll. 27(?) to foll. 28. 25 48 [J. L. P.] 20 30 Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S 10 15 20 378 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins Age.- Not modern. Author.- Is he Manavijaya, pupil of Jayavijaya? Subject. A story about Papabuddhi, a king and his minister Dharmabuddhi. Cf. No. 380. Is this work a part of the author's work called Dharmapariksa ? [ 602. fol. 1* // 60 // vItarAgAya namaH | dharmataH sakalamaMgalAvalI dharmataH sakalasaukhyasaMpadaH / dharmataH sphuravi nirmalaM yaso dharma eva tadaho vidhIyatAM 1 dharmazciMtAmaNiH zreSTo (STho) dharmaH kalpadrumaH para (H) / dharmaH kAmadugga / dhenuH dharmaH sarvaphalapradaH // 2 // tathAhi zrIpure nagare jitAripRthavIpati tasya matisAgaranAmA maMtrI etc. Ends. fol. 27 dvAvapi dIkSAM lAvA tapastaptvA kriyAcAritrAdhArAdhya kevalajJAna mutpAdya mokSaM jagmatuH / yataH ArogyaM saubhAgyaM dhanADhyatA nAyakatvA kRtapuNyasya / syAdiha sadA yo vAMchitavati // 1 // iti zrI dharmaparIkSAyAM pApabuddhirAjAdharmabuddhiM maMtra yoH saMbadhaH saMpUrNa // This is followed by the verse as under : selaghaNa 1 kuDaga 2 cAliNi 3 paripUNagU ( ga ) 4 mahaMsa 5 hisa 6 mese bha 7 maga 8 jalUga 9 bilADiya 10 jAhaga 11 go 12 bheri 1 3 AhIrI 14 ' gAhA Reference. Is this work same as one published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1909 and 1922 as well ? For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 84 ). 1 This verse is printed on p. 291 of Vol. XVII ( pt. 2 ). Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 603.] Supplement: Narratives 378 'kumArapAlacarita Kumarapalacaritra(pAda 1-6 vivRti) (pada 1-6 vivrti ) 1266. No. 603 = 131 (a). . 1886-92. Size.-- 102 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 11 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; so to ss letters to a line. Description.- Country paper yellowish ; Devanagari characters with * pRSThamAtrAs; clear and legible hand-writing ; in the blank space at the centre of the fol. there is a red spot; borders ruled in broad lines in red ink ; the verse-numbers too, in red 10 ink ; nos. for foll. entered in right-hand margins; fol. " blank ; complete ; in all 384 verses; condition good. Age.- Not very old. Begins.- fol. 1deg 5 6 // ahaM / zrIzAradAyai nmH||. zrIbhUrbhuvaHsvastritayAhitAgni gehe'bhito yasya vibhAsvarasya / bhAtaH sphuliMgAdiva pussydNtau| ___ tajAtirekaM paramaM nmaamH|| 1 etc. Ends.- fol. 11 yuvAmayauM gRhAlakSmyA yUyamasya bhUjAviti / kalyANatilakAkRSTAdArAjaguribAlinaH // 83 gaudAprAmaM khalaMtikaM vanAni dezamazmakAn / bhoktAro(s)nye(s)pi bhUpAste namaskRtyagrato bhavam // 84 iti zrIdvAzrayasUtre SaSTaH pAdaH saMpUrNaH // N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 123. 1 This is a commentary of dyAzraya-mahAkAvya in Sanskrit. Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 380 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (604. kumArapAlacaritavivRti Kumara palacaritavivrti [dvayAzrayavRtti ]. [Dvyasrayavrtti ] 380. No. 604 = 131 (b) 1880-87. Size.- 94 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 173 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper yellowish; Devanagari characters ; big and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; numbers for foll, entered in right-hand margins; fol. I" blank'; complete ; composed in V. S. 1307%; condition good. Age.- Pretty old. s 10 IS Begins.- fol. 1deg 60 UM namaH sarvajJAya / namaH mahopAdhyAya // zrIzAMtisAgara gaNigurubhyo namo nmH| zrIbhUrbhuvaHsvasmitayAhitAni etc. as in No. 123. Ends.- fol. 173 nIrAjyANa pUrva marakataghaTite bhAjane ghomni dhRtvA puSpAegha(?)NyakSANi sarvi kumudavanasuhRnmAMgaliyakapradIpa dhAtA zAMtyai vidhatte sakaladigajAdhipAnatvakaM yAvadeSa / statto vanmauktikazukabudhahRdi vivRti prAkRtabdyAzrayasya // 1 // samarthitA vikramarAjavarSe ___ hyaaNtrikssjvlneNdu(1307)sNkhye| puSpArkazasyAmalaphAlgunaika dazItithau dvayAzrayavRttireSA // cha // cha . N. B. - For further information see No. 123. Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 606.] Supplement : Narratives 381 'kumArapAlaMcarita Kumarapalacarita(pAda 1-16 ) vivRti ( Pada 1-16 ) vivrti No. 605 = 131 (c) 406. 1879-80. Size.- 101 in by 41 in. Extent.-- 39-8=31 folios ; 22 lines to a page ; 70 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper yellowish; Devanagari characters; clear, neat, small and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled in two black lines; right-hand edges broken ; nos. for foll. entered in right-hand margins%3; foll.7, 14, 22, 30, 31, 33, 36 and 38 10 missing , otherwise complete ; 16 padas in all ; condition good. Age.- Samvar ISI2. * Begins.- fol. 1" 60 // maularAjiH so(s)tha pRthvIM pArtho svailonumAlayan / rAjJAM prabhavati smoccairgunnvRddhimnohrH|| ( com. ) atha sa maularAjizcAmuDarAjo rAjJAM prabhabati saetc. Ends.- fol. 39 atrAha itIs // bhkssmaapit| bhakU(?)tadidivadityatra yvorityAdinA vayavolaMkU / yavarjanaM kiM kUya'te viniSetyase / vyaMjana iti kiM sevanaiH / kIrtitetyatra kRtaH kIttiriti kIrta SoDazaH paadH|| ___ bhadraM bhavatu zivatilakamunelekhituH // cha // saM0 1512 varSe / N. B.- For additional information see No. 123. . 15 20 - - 25 kurucandrakathA Kurucandrakatha No. 606%D153 (a) 1339 (k). 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 250 to fol. 264. Description.- Complete. For other details see saGgagrAmazUrakathA No. 1339 (a) 18869 (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 3). . 1 Is this a commentary on dayAzraya-mahAkAvya in Sanskrit, toot . 2 See Canto. VI. Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 382 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [606. Author.- Is he Dayavardhana? If so, for further particulars see p. 372. Subject.- A narrative of Kurucandra. It points out the fruit accruing by observing Pausadha-vrata, one of the four siksavratas (disciplinary vows ) meant for the Jaina laity. ___Begins.- fol. 25* e 60 // siddhaMtasiddhava(vi)hiNA jo paripAlaMti posahaM paDima kuruvaM(ca)da bva na tesiM dare saggopavaggovA 1 10 . bharate''yodhyA'purI haricaMdrastatra nRpaH bhaja yazomAtyAH kukSijAta kurucaMdrasutaH itazca 'draviDa'deze 'kAMcanapura'svAmino vikramadhanatasya sutA gaMdharvasenA sA pratijJAmiti cakAra yaH ko(s)pi mAM bINayA jesyati etc. Ends.- fol. 26* tato bhacalitaM vijJAya kumAraM kSAmitavAn maunaM kumAre sthite sa maNikAMcanavRSTiM vidhAya gataH prage pauSadhapratimA prapArya tena vibhavena devagRhaM kAritavAn tato rAjyaM pratipAlya samAdhinA mRtvA priyAyuktaH svarga gataH tatazcato mokSaM yAsyati // cha / iti poSadhavrate kurucaMdrakathA // cha / Reference.- This work may be compared with the work No. 154 and with Kurucandrakathanaka noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p.94). 20 candralekhAkathA Candralekhakatha No. 607 =215 (a) 1339 (i). 1886-92. Extent. - fol.? to fol. 23deg. Description.- Complete. For other particulars see sagagrAmazUrAkathA No. 1339 (a). 1886-92 ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2. pt. 3) 25 Author.- Is he Dayavardhana? If so, see p. 372 for additional information. Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 608.1 Supplement : Nurratives 388 Subject.-- A story of Candralekha. It points out the advantage of practising samayika, the ist of the four disciplinary vows ( siksavratas ) meant for the Jaina laity. Begins'.- fol. Ends. - fol. 23deg bhakhaMDavata ca nAtaM tato'haM niyama na syajAmi evaM ciMtayaMtyA tasyAH / karmakSayakRto jJAnaM kevalamutpade tata AsanasurailiMge arpite paMcamuSThilucanaM bidhAya gRhItayativeSA surakRtakAMcanakamale nividhaSTA lokonAM dharmamuvAca tayA gyaMtaryA kSAmitA durlalitapramukhaM lokaM pratibodhya 'zatrujaya'girau zivaM gtaa|| - iti sAmAyike caMdralekhAkathA // cha / Reference.- This work may be compared with Candralekhakatha 10 (anonymous) in Prakrit and one in Sanskrit by Matiku. sala mentioned in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 120). dIpazikhakathA Dipasikbakatha No. 608 =278 (8) 1201 (h). 1887-91. 15 Extent.- fol. 21 to fol. 22b. Description. - Complete. For additional information see Parvati. thivicara ( No. 377). Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A story pertaining to Dipasikha. It mentions the merit 20 of performing dipa-paja, a kind of worship. Begins. -- fol. 21a ne namatrijaga tuvI(vI)rasyAgrimasUnave / samastalabdhimANikyarohaNAyeMdrabhUtaye // 1 // pAdAbhoja bhagavato gautamasya namasyatAM / vazIbhavati trailokyasaMpado vigtaapdH||2|| etc. 1 The Academio Supdt. informs me as under : "Between fol. 18b to fol. 23b of 1339 of 1886-92 there is no indication as to where mahApadmakathA ends and where candralekhAkathA begins and it will not be possible to copy out the untraceable material". Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 384 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [608. adhunA dIpapUjAviSaye dIpazikhakathA // atra bharate 'zvetavikA 'nAma nagarI / tatra vijayavarNo nAma rAjA vijayavarmA nAma rAjJI gaMdhabhadrA nAma karmakarI anyadA tayA jinasya dIpapUjApuNya phalaM zrutaM / Ends.- fol. 22 dIpazikhA rAjyaM karoti / anyadA evaM ciMtayati / pUrvabhave mayA kiM puNyaM kRtaM / yena iMdRzaM saukSyaM mama saMjAtaM / IhApohaM kurvatastasya utpana jAtismaraNaM tato dIpapUjAphalaM dRSTaM / vizeSato dharma karoti / __ iti dIpapUjAyAM dIpazikhakathA // Dha(? cha) // zrIH // N. B.- This work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I). 'dhanasenakathA Dhansenakatha 1339 (1). 10 No. 609=299 (a) 1886-92. Extent.-fol. 26 to fol. 28+. Description.- Complete. For further particulars saGgAmasUrakathA No. 1330(a) 29 ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 3). 1886-92 " Author.- Is he Dayavardhana Gani? If so, for details see p. 372. 15 Subject.-- A story of Dhanasena. It points out the importance of observing 'atithisativibhaga vrata, the I2th vow of the Jaina laity. This vow is the 4th ( last ) disciplinary vow. Begins.- fol. 26. paMcaaiyArahiyaM atidaMcibhAgavayaM sumittu vva jo pAlai so pAvai bhavasurkha mukkhasukkha ca 1 'gaMgA'viSaye 'vijayasthala'purAsane 'zAligrAma' nAma grAmaM / tatra prAme sumitro nAma dAnAdizriddhaparo daridraH pumAn / anyadine kASTa()nimitta siddhasaMbalamAdAya prAmadurastha giriM gato etc. Ends.- fol. 28. zraddhA sudAnamAhAtmA hemaratnamahezvaraH jAto(s)si kuru taddharma paratreha sukhAvahaM 1 Is this Sumitrakatha ? Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 610.] Supplement : Narratives 885 munitidAvasenaiSA tava pUrvabhavapriyA vezyAkule samutpannA svakRtaM karma bhujyato zrutvA muneH pUrvabhavaM jAtismaraNamApa saH sadArastasyaiva munehi dharma samagrahIt tataH svagRhamAyat saH praNamya munipuMgavaH apAlayad gRhadharma samyak samyaktvabhAvitaH vidhinA mRto jaga(gA)mA(ma) sadAranidazAlayaM saptASTamirbhave mokSaM sa yAsyati na saMzayaH ityadhasaMvibhAgavate dhanasenakathA saMpUrNA // zreyo(s)stu // cha / N. B.- This work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I ). 10 Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 2 mAmirAjarSisandhi Namirajarsisandbi (nami-rAyarisi-sandhi) (Nami-rayarisi-sandhi) No. 610=333 (4) 1489 (8). 1887-91. Size.- 10 in. by 4g in. Extent.- I3 folios ; 16 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Complete%3 22 verses in all. For other details see p. 248. Add thereaftoi complete this work ends on fol. 76 and it is followed by Yasodharacaritra No. Sto composed in 20 Samvat 1643. Age.-Not modern. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject. - Life of Namirajarsi narrated by taking into consideration Uttarajjhayana (ch. IX ) and its commentary. 25 Begins.- fol. 10 varddhamAna-jinapaya paNamevI / suha guru sArada mani samarevI / rAyarisi nami taNau caritta / maM(saM)dhibaMdhi paNisu supavitta // " uttarAdhyayana navama ajjhayaNaiM / sUtravRtti bhASiu jinvynnii| suhama jaMbunai arathi vicAraiM / ravi( ci ) saMbaMdha teha 30. 20 aNusAraI // 2 etc. 49 [J. L. P.] Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 386 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [610. Ends.- fol. 7b pUrava munivaranA adhikAra / zravaNi suNata lahie bhavapAra / dhana dhana je karaNI anumodai / tasu ghari saMpada hoi pramodaI // 21 vidhana burAi Talaiti harai / mili saba sura manavaMThita pUraI / saMdhi eha sukhataruvarakaMda / vAcata paDhata sadA ANaMda // 22 iti shriinmiraajrssisNdhiH|| 10 nara-nArAyaNAnanda Nara-NarayananardamahAkAvya mahakavya 1351. No. 611= 334 (a) 1884-87. Size.-- 11} in. by 49 in. Extent- 19 folios; 19 lines to a page; 55 to 6c letters to a line. Description.- Country paper brittle, and blackish white ; Jaina Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs%3 quite big, uniform, legible and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; foll. awfully worn out and torn; condition very bad and precarious ; complete ; 16 cantos. Age.- Samvat I485. Begins.-- fol. 1 // 50 // ahaM // bhAste purI zakrapUrapurIva madhye vArAMnidherivatI prtiitaa| goNAzmavezmAMzudalantimizrA ___ yA durgabhUmI ca babhau dinasya // 1 jyotsnISu nRtyAni tanoti raMgat taraMgapANirdayito nadInAM / yanmadhyacaMdropalanadvasaudha sudhAdhunInAmiva saMgamena // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 19b uda(d )bhAsvadvizvavidyAlayamayamanasa: kAcideMdrA vitaMdrA maMtrI baddhAMjalirvA vinayanatazirA yAcate vstupaalH| Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 612.] Supplement : Narratives 387 navyaprajJAprabodhAdapi sapadi mayA kalpite'smin prabaMdhe bhUyo bhUyo(s)pi yUyaM janayata nayanakSepato doSamoSaM // 41 iti zrIgurjarezvaramahAmAtyazrIvasaMtapAlaviracite nara-nArAyaNAnaMdanAmni mahAkAvye 'prazastiprayovA'(?) nAma SoDazaH sargaH // cha // cha / This is followed by a verse and a few lines of a post. S colophon as under :dRzyaH kasyApi nAyaM prathayati na paraM prArthanAdainyamanya stucchAmicchAM vidhatte tanuhRdayatayA ko'pi niHpunnypnnyH| itthaM kalpadrume'smin vyasanaparavazaM lokamAlokya sRSThaH ____ spaSTaM zrIvastupAlaH kathamapi vidhinA nUtanaH kalpavRkSaH // cha 10 saMvat 1485 varSe caitravadi 13 zukre ayeha zrIstaMbhatIrthe zrI pUrNimA'pakSIyatRtIyazAkhAyAM bhaTTArakazrIkamalacaMdrasUriziSyazrIvimalacaMdrasUri... ||g // graMthe // N. B. For additional information see No. 334. nalakathAnaka Nalakathanaka 15 1317. No. 612 = 338 (a) 1887-91. Size.- 10} in by 4] in. Extent- IS folios ; IS lines to a page ; 52 to 54 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters; 20 sufficiently big, legible and good hand-writing ; bordera ruled in two double lines in black ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; condition satisfactory; incomplete. Age.- Not very old. Author.- Not known. Subject. A narrative of Nala, son of Nisadha and husband of Davadanti ( Damayanti). Begins.- fol. 1 // 5 6 // ___ atra bharate 'kozala'deze 'kozalA' nAma nagarI / tatra 'ikSvAku'kulotpanno niSadho nAma rAjA tasya suMdarI nAma rAjJI / nalakUbarau dvau putrau / itazca 30 'vidarbha'deze 'kuMDinapuraM' nAma nagaraM / tatra bhImaratho rAjA / tasya puSpadaMtI bhAryA / etc. 25 Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [612. Ends.- fol. 15" iti bhaNan gato nijasthAnaM tApasaH / zreSThinA ciMtitaM / nizcitaM ayaM mahAnaimittiko muniH / tat anena jJAnabalena kiMcit asmAkaM raSTaM akuzalaM / tato nyAkulacittena asmattAtena tasya maMte gatvA ekAMte tApasaH pRSThaH / tata stApasaH prAha / kiM karomi / ekato The Ms. ends here. Reference.- For comparison see Nos. 337 and 338 and for additional __Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol I, p. 205). s 10 19 nAgadattakathA Nagadattakatha No. 613=344 (a) 1201 (b). 1887-91. Extent.- fol. Io* to fol. It'. Description.- Complete. For other details see Parva-tithi-vicara (No. 377). Author.- Unknown. Subject.-A story of Nagadatta, son of Nagacandra, a resthin. It points out the influence of a penance lasting for 8 days. Begins.- fol. 10 // 5 // tapaH sarvAkSasAraM vshiikrnnvaaguraa| kaSAyatApamRdvIkA karmAjIrNaharItakI // 1 // atra tapoviSaye dRSTAMtaH / atraiva bharate 'kusumapuraM' nAma nagaraM, tatra nAgacaMdra iti nAma zreSThI vasati / tasya nAgadattanAmA putraH / vinIta() satatotsAhI mAtRpitRpriyaH sudhIH / puNyavAn sukRtI dakSaH suto bhAgyena jAyate // etc. Ends.- fol 11 nijamAtRpi maulito nAgadattaH pravaharaNAni AgatAni |vrdhaa panakaM babhUva / nAgadattena jinaprAsAdaH kAritaH / tatra jinapratimA sthaapitaa| svayaMkAritaprAsAde trivelaM yAti / tatra jinabiMbe pUjAM racayati / puNyaM kurute / aSTAnhikAtA(ta)paviSaye nAgadattakathAnakaM // Dha // Reference. - There is one Ms, of Nagadattakatha in the Limbdi Bhandara ( No.770). Is that work same as this No. 613. 20 Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 614.] Supplement : Narratives 589 paJcadaNDAtapatraprabandha Pancadandatapatraprabandha [vikramArkacaritra] ( Vikramarkacaritra ] 1316. No. 614 =358 (a) 1884-87. . Size. -- 113 in by 4g in. Extent.- 57 folios ; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description. Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; good, big and legible hand writing ; borders ruled in two double lines in black ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; red chalk Io used ; condition good ; complete ; extent 25 so slokas; com posed at Stambhatirtha in V. S. 1490. Age.- Samvat 1626. Begins.- fol. 1. 5 67 // praNamya jagadAnaMdA(da)dAyakAn jinanAyakAn / IS gaNezAn gautamAdyAMzca gurUn saMsAratArakAn // 1 sajjanAn zobhanAcArAn zAstrazodhanakArakAn / paMcadaMDAtapatrasya kathA(thAM) vakSye samAsataH / / 2 tathAhi mAla deze'vatyAM zrIvikramo nRpH| rAjyaM karoti sattvAtmA karmasAkSIva bhUtale // 3 etc. Ends.- fol. 570 zrIvikramakAlAkha (?)yaratnanidhiratna(1490)saMkhyake / varSe mAdhasite pakSe zuklacaturdazIdine // 51 puSpe(jye) ravau staMbhatIrthe rAmacaMdreNa suurinnaa| gadyAt padyamayo(s)kAri prabaMdho janaraMjakaH // 52 yAvat bhUdharasAgarA ravizazI khaM bhUdhruvastArakAH dharmAdharmavicAriNaikanipuNo yAvajjagad rAjate / tAvad vikramabhUparAjavilasatkAntiprabhAmizrito graMtho(s)yaM jinazAsane suhadayaM citte ciraM naMdatAt // 53 Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 5 padmacaritra IS 20 390 25 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 614. iti zrIvikramArkacaritraM samAptaH // graMthAgraM zloka 2550 zubhaM bhavatu // chaH // saMvat 1626 varSe caitrazudi 13 somavAsare // mu0 manarAje nalaSitaM // zrIrastuH // chaH N. B. -- For further particulars see No. 356. No. 615 = 360 (a) Size-- 10 in. by 4g in. Extent. - 398 folios; 12 lines to a page; 39 letters to a line. Description. Country paper thick and yellowish; Devanagari characters with gas; bold, uniform and very good handwriting; borders ruled in double lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; the first two foll. written in left halves, right halves left blank; foll. 125 to 132 worm-eaten and so also others but slightly ; fol. 126 torn ; condition on the whole satisfactory; fol. 14 blank ; extent ro500 slokas; complete ; 118 parvans. Age.- Samvat 1597 (?) Begins.-- fol. 1deg // 60 // OM ( ? ) namaH vItarAgAya / siddhasurakinnaroragadaNuvai bhuvarNidaparimahiyaM Ends. - fol. 3984 Padmacaritra 1296 1884-87. tu ( u ) sahaM / jiNavaratrasahaM avasappiNibhAititthadharaM // 1 ajiyaM vijiyakasAyaM apuNanbhavasaMbhavaM bhavabiNAsaM / abhiva (naM) daNaM va (ca) sumaI paumAbhaM paumasacchAyaM // 2 etc. jehi suyaM ca (va) vagayamaccharehi ta ga(mA)Nehi / tANaM vihe vo (bo) hiM vimalaM cA (ca) riyaM suva (pu) risANaM // 85 samattaM / ... iha paumacarie nivvANagamaNaM NAma aTThadasuttarasayaM ( 118) pan Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 616.] Supplement : Narratives 391 iti padmacaritraM samAptamiti // cha // graMthAnaM 10500 / ch| saMvatta 1597( ? )varSe zrAvaNazudi some / 'uzavAla'jJAtIyavya0 ... ... zIlavatyA svabhuktadravyeNa Atmazreyase padmacaritraM likhApya zrIrastu // N. B.- For additional details see No. 360. . padmacaritra Padmacaritra s 1281. No. 616 = 360 (b) 1886-92. Size.-- 104 in. by 4} in. Extent. -- 233 folios ; 15 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper tough and yellowish white; Jaina 10 Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; big, uniform, legible and good hand-writing, borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; foll. numbered in right-hand margins ; foll. rand 2336 blank ; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged ; condition good ; complete; extent sioks ! 0600. 15 Age.-- Not modern. Begins.- fol. 1' // 6 // // zrIjinAya namaH // siMhasuranarakiMnaradaNuvaibhuyaNaNiMdacaMda... etc. as in No. 360. Ends.- fol. 233 tANaM viheu bohiM savimalacarimANa jiNayaM(caM)do // 116 etc. up 20 . to zrIpaumacariyaM samaktaM // cha // iti zrIpadmacaritraM saMpUrNa as in No. 360. This is followed by the lines as below : namulAInagare paMcolIUdA likhitaM // zrIzubhaM bhavatu // kalyANaM bhavatu // cha // graMthAgrasarvasaMkhyA 10600 zloka zubhaM bhavatu // zrI tapa'gacchavibhUSaNasUrIzaiH prnntsklsuuriishaiH| zrIrAjasAgaramidhasUrIzairguNamaNidhunIzaiH // 1 // zrIrAmacaMdracaritaM mahattamaM rAjadhanyapure nirmuktaM / citkoze jayatu budhairvAcyamAnamidaM // 2 // N. B.- For additional particulars see No. 360. 25 30 Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 392 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (617. s pANDavacaritra Pandavacaritra No. 617 =379 (a) 410. 1879-80. Size.-13 in. by 4 in. Extent.-442 folios; 9 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; tough and brown white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with pRSThamAtrA; big, legible and good handwriting ; borders ruled in thick lines in red ink ; foll. divided in two halves with a red spot with middle and red border lines; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins from fol. 4 onwards ; red chalk used ; foll. 19 and 4426 blank; complete ; 18 cantos; condition good. Age.-- Not modern. Begins.- fol. 1. 6 // // OM ahaM namaH // zriyaM vizvavayatrANaniSNaH puSNAtu ca prbhuH| zaMkaraH puMDarIkAkSaH shriimnnaabhismudbhvH||1 puNyaprasUtiH zrInemeH pAtu vo dezanAgavI / ghA(!)saH smarAdayo yasyAH kSIraM mokSasukhaM punaH // 2 etc. as in No. 378. Ends.- fol. 4420 SaSThAMgopaniSatriSaSTicaritAdyAlokya kautuhalA etc. up to mahAkAvyametad vinotu // 281 // as in No. 378. This is followed by the lines as under : iti 'maladhAri'zrIdevaprabhasUriviracite pAMDavacarite mahAkAvye baladevasvargagamanazrIneminAthapAMDavaniryA(i)NavarNano nAma bhaSTAdazaH sargaH smaaptH| iti zrIpAMDavacaritraM / samAptipapazivacaMdramuNInAM zrIrastu / N. B.- For further particulars see No. 378. - Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 618.] Supplement I: Narratives 398 pArzvanAthacaritra No. 618=381 (a) Paravanathacaritra 444 1882-83 Size.- 101 in. by 4g in. Extent.-- 191-2=189 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. S Description.- Country paper thick and yellowish; Jaina Deva nagizi characters with TEAFIS ; bold, uniform and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled with two double lines in black ink; foll, numbered in the right-hand margins ; foll. i and 181 missing; otherwise complete ; 8 cantos ; fol. 2 slightly 10 damaged ; condition satisfactory ; red chalk used. Begins abruptly.- fol. 2a .. ... ...ddhaM dazamirbhavaiH / caritaM kIrti(ta)yiSyAmi zrImatpArzvajinaprabhoH // 16 // kulkN| astyatra 'bharata'kSetre pavitre pRthiviitle| nAnArAmapuragrAmasaMkAsAvAsamaMDitaM // 17 etc. Ends.- fol. 1910 avezayan svAmidaMSTrA AnabuMzva niraMtaraM / tAsAM prabhAvotteSAM ca sadA vijayamaMgale // 93 iti zrIkAlikAcAryasaMtAnIyazrIbhAvadevasUriviracite zrIpArzvanAthacarite mahAkAvye aSTamasarge bhAvAMke bhagavadvihAravarNa nirvANavarNano nAma aSTamaH srgH| as in No. 381. This is followed by the lines as under : kalikuMDe mathurAyAM staMbhanake caaruvprshNkhpure| nAga hade lATanhade 'svarNagiri'pramukhatIrtheSu // 1 kliklussgrvsrvkssnkhmnnikirnnsjlpdpiitthH| ekAtapatramahimA jayati zrIpArzvanAthaH / 2 yugmN|| 50 [J. L. P.] Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 394 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [618 kalAsthAnakabhAvena kalimAnakadarthana / kajArcana kavitvena kalpitAnaka te jina / 3 anteita fait ends abruptly. N. B.- For additional information see No. 381. . pRthvIdharaprabandha Prthvidharaprabandha , [pethaDacaritra ] [ Pethadacaritra] tathA , along with jhAJjhaNaprabandha Jhanjhanaprabandha TabbA sahita and tabba 163. 10 No. 619=391 (a) 1872-73. Size.-- 10 in by 48 in. Extent.- 146 folios ; 4 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper ; Devanagari characters; bold and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled in two red lines ; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. ! blank ; both the text (8 tarangas in all ) and the interlinear tabba complete 3; condition good. - Age.- Saka 1741 i.e. V.S. 1876. Author of the text.-- Ratnamandana, pupil of Nandiratna Gani of the Tapa gaccha. His additional work is Sukrtasagara. Author of the tabba.- Not mentioned. Subject. -- Pious life of a Jaina merchant called Pothvidhara ( Petbada ) and his son Jhanjhana. This work seems to be an abridgment of Sukstasagara in mixed prose and verse. 25 Begins.- (text) fol. 1b kalpadravadraveSTavaH kurvatu parimiSTinaH puSpapallavakiMjalkavRdaSaDAdasUMdarAH 1 vidyAvijAnijAneyA nemuSAM dAtumudyatA Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 620.] Supplement I : Narratives . 395 akSamAlAcchalAd va(dha)tte pANI sA pAtu bhAratI 2 etc. Begins.- ( tabba ) fol. 1deg kalpavRkSa sariSA ja paMcaparameSTInokAra je tei tuhmArA manovAMchitane pUrA karo te nokArarUpa je kalpavRkSa te arihaMtarupa ujalAM siddha etc. Ends. - ( text ) fol. 145a dRSTaH zrIgurunaMdI(di)ratnacaraNaMbhojAlitAM bhejuSA vidyAmaMDitapaMDitaprabhuzrudhAnaMdairadoSikRtaH taMdrAtItavinitanaMdIvIja 4 prAduSkRtAdyapratI __ graMthaH sadbhirayaM 'marutparimala'nyAyena vistIryatAM 33 iti zrIyU(yu)gottamaguruzrIsomasuMdarasUripaTTAlaMkArazrIratnazeSara- 10 sUrivineyapaMDitaprakAMDanaMdiratnagaNiva(ca)raNareNuratnamaMDanaracite maMDanake sukRtasAgare zrIpethaDasUttazrIjhAMjhaNaprabaMdhakathanAmASTamastaraMga se pUrNa // iti zrIpethaDacaritra saMpUrNaH // This is followed by the following lines : saMvat 1876nA zAke 1741nA pravarttamAnnye kArtikamAse zuklapakSe 15 . paMcamItithau zanIvAsare sakalapaMDitasIromaNIpaMDIttazrI55 / / hi(hI)rakuzalaga / taziSyapaM / zrI5vidyAkuzalaga / taziSyapaMzrIpapraso(bo)dhakuzalaga / tatziSyapaMtat ziSyazalaga(?) / lIpicake svAtmArthe zrIzAMti- :: nAthajIprazAdAt zubhaM bhavatu kalyANamastu // zrI // // *zrI // // shrii|| "-(tabbat) fol. 145deg ehavA sUdhAnaMdagaNi tehuNe doSarahita zuddha kapyo(?) 20 Alazarahita vinayavaMta ehavA naMdIvijaya teNe pragaTa karI che etc. Reference.- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 256 ). This very story is narrated by Jayasagara, Manikyasundara and Labdhisagara, pupil of Udayasagara. bRhatpuNyAhavAcana No. 620 = 442 (a) Brhatpunyahavacana 25 602. 1896-98. Size.- 101 in by 41 in. Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 396 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [620 Extent.- 5 folios; 9 lines to a page; 38 to 42 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters; bold, good and legible hand-writing; borders ruled with three lines in red ink; foll. I and 2 numbered in the lefthand margins and remaining in both the margins ; fol. / ' blank; dandas in red ink ; condition good ; complete. Age.- Samvat 1897. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A detailed reading (reciting ) of the meritorious day. to This may be compared with the 96th chapter of Rgvedika Brah makarmasa muccaya. Begins.- fol. 1 // 5 60 // atha puNyAhavAcanA likhyate // zrInirjarezAdhipacakrapUcya / zrIpAdapaMkeruhayugmamIzaM // zrIvarddhamAnaM praNipatya bhaktyA / saMkalparIti kathayAmi siddhaye // 1 // OM yajamAnAcAryaprabhRtisarvabhavyajanAnAM saddharmazrIbalAyurArogyaizvaryAmi vRddhirastu / etc. 10 Ends.- fol. 5deg tava puSTisamRddhirastu / kalyANamastu / zubhamastu / abhivRddhirastu / dIrghAyurastu / kulagotradhanaM sadA(s)stu / iti bRhatpuNyAhavAcanA saMpUrNAH // saM 1897 caitramAse zubhe kRSNe pakSe pratipadA 1 / caMdravAsare / / zubha mastu vAcakAnAM Reference.-- Only this very Ms. is noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, 28 p. 285). bhAvanAsandhi Bhavanasandhi No. 621 = 448 (a) 1269 (52). 1887-91. Extent.-- fol. 46deg to fol. 48. Description.- Complete ; 63 verses in all. For other details see namaskAramantra (Vol. XVII, pt. 3, No. 735). Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 621.] Supplement I: Narratives 397 10 Author.- Jayadeva, the Ist pupil of Sivadeva Suri. Subject.- A metrical composition in Apabhramsa dealing with spiritual thoughts and meditations. Begins.-- fol. 466 paNamavi guNasAyara bhuvaNadivAyara jiNa cauvIsa vi ikkamaNI / appauM paDibohaI moha nirohai __ kohibhavabhAvaNavasiNa / 1 / re jIva ! nisuNi caMcalasahAva / milheviNu sayala vi bajjhabhAva / navabheyapariggahavihavajajalu / saMsAri sahura iMdiyAlu / 2 etc. Inds.- fol. 48b vahabaMdhaNamAraNa bhjbaaii| sIuNDa buhbNdhnnaai| kskskskppiyaaii| . tiriesu ciMtaha jiya pAviyAI // 5. etc. jjhAyameTaM ca rudaM ca taavije| jeNa jogeNa mukhi saahije| istha puMDario marudavi bhrhsero| pasannacaMdo ya dihaMtu sumaNohaze(ro) // 57 etc. ,- fol. 486 dukaya nariMdesi kari sukayaaNamoyaNaM / sayalajIvesu mittI ya suNi vAyaNaM / jeNa bhattUNa sura sakkha ti sallayaM / lahu lahasi kevalaM kallANabAhullayaM // 62 nimmalaguNabhUrihiM sivadi(de)vasUrihiM / paDhamasIsajayadevamuNi / kAyabhaveNa saMdhI bhAvasugaMdhI nisuNa hutpranana vi dharahu maNI // 63 // iti bhAvanAsaMdhi samAtA / Reference.- Published in ABORI (Vol. II, No. 1). This work is edited by Madhusudan Modi with Sk. rendering, vocabu 30 Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 398 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 621. TET (S T ) lary and introduction. It is noted by me in HITTA A CT' (p. 205 ). N.B. - For additional information see p. 615. s bhAvanAsandhi Bhayanasandhi No. 622=448 (b) 1213. 1884-87. Size - 10} in. by 4s in. Extent.-- 2 folios ; 17 lines ro a page ; 57 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white ; Jaina Deva nagari characters with frequent TEHETS; small, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders of the ist fol. ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink and the space between the pairs coloured red; those of the 2nd fol. are dpractically ruled in a thick line in red ink ; foll, numbere in the right-hand margins; every unnumbered side decorated with a small spot in red colour in the centre only; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; the first fol. partly worn out; so a few letters are gone ; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; the last verse numbered as 62. Age.- Old. Begins.- fol. 195609 quafa Tuterat etc. as in No. 621. Encis. fol. 26 dukaya niMdesu etc. up to dharayau maNi // practically as in No. 621. This is followed by the line as under : EUR? 11 H o tet: 11 3 11 N.B.- For other details see No. 621. 20 * 25 Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 624.] Supplement I: Narratives 399 maNicUDanRpakathA Manicudanrpakatha No. 623=455 (a) 1310 (15). . 1386-92..... Extent.- fol. 17b to fol. 196. Description.- Complete. For other details see Muladevakatha No. 5 491. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject..- A versified story pertaining to Manicida, a king. Begins.-- fol. 17b jaya vigayarAgadoso / ti vaMdaNe niMdaNe ya samarUvo / 10 tahavi jigiMdo ciMttAmaNi bca minaM phalaM dei // 1 jiNayaM(ca)daM vaMdaMtA / lahaMti jIvA samIhiyaM sukha / niMdatA puNa pAvaMti / duhabharaM somabhIru bva // 2 // etc. Ends. - fol. 196 jiNamaMdira jiNapaDimA / jiNarahajattAkarAvaNujuto / .. 15 muNipayasevAsatto so paripAlai ciraM rjj| subhasaMkAmibharajjo dikkhaM gahiUNa aNasaNeNa mau / muNibhUlamuNI patto / sa ca kameNa mukkhaM ca // ch|| iti pUjyasnu(stu)tau maNicUDanRpakathA // Reference.-- This work is not noted in Jinaratakosa ( Vol. I). 20 mahApanakumAra kathA Mahapadmakumara katha.. 1339 (g). No. 624 = 472 (a) 1886-92. Extent. -- fol. 186 (?) to fol. 25 Description.- Complete. For other details see saGgrAmasUrakathA No. 1339(a) 1886-92 (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 3). ..... kiyA N. 25 Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 400 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [624. Author.- Is he Dayavardhana Gani ? If so, he is the author of Vratakathakosa and that of works noted on p. 372. Subject.-- A story of Mahapadmakumara, son of king Ripukunjare and his wife Manmatharekha. It points out the advantage of observing the vow of upabhogaparibhogaparimANa i. e. limting one's enjoyment of consumable and non-consumable things. Begins.- fol. 18deg e 60 'bhogova(bho)ganiyama pANavvAe vi jeNa bhNjNti| neti ya sanivaha pudyA hoti mahApaumakumara vva // 1 'mithilA'purI ripukuMjarastatra nRpaH manmathareSA tasya priSA(yA) padmasaraHsvamasUcito mahApadma naamaa| sutaH adhItakalAkalApaH krameNa yauvane prApa etc. ' 10 ratnazekhara RatnasekhararatnavatIkathA Ratnavatikatha 15 [parvatithivicAra] [ Parvatithi-vicara] 1339 (m). No. 625 = 526 (a) 1886-92. Extent. - fol. 28 to fol. 39". Description.- Complete ; extent 1050 slokas. For other details see 8 1339 (a). .... ___No. 1 saGagrAmasU(zU)rakathA (Vol. XIX, sec, 2, pt. 3). 20 Author. - Dayavardhana Gani, pupil of Jayatilaka Suri of the Tapa gaccha. For his additional works see p. 372. Subject.-- Narration about Ratnasekhara and his wife Ratnavati. Begins.- fol. 28* // 5 60 // zrIsamadhvajagurubhyo namaH // praNamya zrImahAvIraM surAsuranamaskRtaM / vivA(cA)raM parvaghasrANAM kurve guruprasAdataH // 1 i Bhoga' means articles which can be used over and over again and 'upabhoga' articles which can be used only once. Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 626.] Supplement I: Narratives 401 10 rAyagihe guNasilae samosaDhaM jiNavaramahAvIra pucchai goyamasAmi ya suranarakhayariMdapalakaliyaM // 2 etc Ends.- fol. 39deg evaM zrIvarddhamAno bahUn janAna parvatithipAnakRtavikRtisavi(ci)ttA dityAgaM prAbodhayat zrIzreNikanareMdraprabhRtayo janA hRSTA nijaM sthAna(na) yayuH prabha(bhu)rapi catustriMzada'tizaye sameto bhavyajIvaprabodhAya vasuMdharAM vyaharat / kathAmenAM nizamya ye parvatithau 2 savi(ci)ttAdityAgaM 1 brahmacaryAdipAlanaM 2 na kurvati te du(dU)rabhavyA sacA(vA) jJAtavyA dayAvarddhanavijJo(jJe)nAtaiSA pravarA kathA samayAMbunidhemadhyAd dharitryAM jayatAcciraM 1 nyUnAdhikaM mayA kiMcinmUDhena pratipAdita kSatavyaM vibudhaiH sarva mithyAduHkRtamastu 2 iti mahApratibodhadAyinI zrIparvani(tithivicAre zrIratnazekharanRparatnavatIkathA bhaTTAri(ra)kazrIjayatilakasUriziSyapaM0 dayAvarddhanama(ga). NinA rcitaa|| iti zrIvatanI kathA saMpUrNaH // graMthAgraMtha 1050 saMvat 1813nA gharSe 15 jyeSTha vadi 4 dane vArabudheH zrIAmodayArAme laSitaM // cha // // shrii|| // ch|| // shrii|| On fol. 396 the following line is written : ||prvni(ti)thivicaarH' dayAvarddhanama(ga)NikRtaH // N. B.- For further particulars see No. 526. 20 ratnasArakathA Ratnasara katha No. 626 =527 (a) 1339 (e). 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 12deg to fol. 16. Description:-- Complete. For additional details see saGgrAmazUrakathA 25 1339 (a). IN No. 1 ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 3 ). 1 This work is named as parvatithikathA too, in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 240). 51 [J. L. P.] Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 402 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [626. Author.- Is he Dayavardhana? If so, see pp. 3:2 and 400 for further particulars. Subject. - A story of Ratnasara whose parents are Vasusara (asresthin ) and Vasundhara. It is connected with the observance of the vow of setting a limit to one's belongings (aparigrahaparimana ), the fifth minor vow of the Jaina laity.. Begins.- fol. 12 5 6 7 // . itthA(cchA)parimANavayaM nirIhavitto karei jo puriso ihaparaloyasuhAyaM so pAvai rayaNasAru vva // 1 ___ 'vizAlA'purI samarasiho nRpaH citralekhA priyA tatra pure vasusAraH zreSThI tasya strI vasuMdharA suto ratnasAraH itazcAparasArthezo vasudattaH, vasumatI strI etc. Ends. - fol. 16' kumAracaritaM zrutvA sarve jinadharma prapedi(ra)re ratnasAraH saukhya manubhUya samyag jinadharma pratipAlya samAdhinA mRtvA svalyA (1) samayacyute suro jAtaH tato mahAvidehe utpanno mokSaM yAsyati // cha / // iti parigrahapramANe ratnasArakathA // Reference.- Is this work connected with Rainasaramantridasikatha mentioned in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 328)? 15 20 rUpakamAlA Ripakamala 1411 (e). No. 627 = 538 (a) 1891-95. Extent.- fol. 4 to fol. 4. Description.- Complete; 30 verses in all ; composed in V.S. 1586 at Ranakpur. For other details see Sadhuvandana No. 1411 (a) 25 Vol. XVIII, pt 5). 1891-95 Author.-- Parsvacandra Suri, successor of Sadhuratna Suri of the ' Nagori Brhat-tapa gaccha'. He was born in V. S. 1537. The name of his father is Velhaga saha and that of his mother Vimalade. He renounced the world in V.S. 1546. Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 627.1 Supplement I: Narratives 408 He was given the status of Upadhyaya in V.S. 1554, that of Acarya in V.S. 1565 and that of Yuga-pradhana in V. S. 1599. He died in V. S. 1612 at Jodhapur. His additional works are as under : o 1. amaradvAsaptati Vol. XIX, sec. | 20 caritramanorathamAlA 2, pt, 1, No. 19 21. citrakUTa-caityaparipATI-stavana 2. bhAgama-chatrIsI (SatriMzikA) 22. covIsa-atizayagarbhita-stavana 3. AtmazikSA 23. jinapratimAsthApanAvijJapti(rAsa )= 'bhAdIzvara-stavana-vijJaptikA (jina)sthApanAdvipaJcAzikA ArAdhanA ( nAnI) 24. dUhA-zataka 10 (moTI)= ArAdhanArAsa 25. nizcaya-vyavahAra-stavana V. S. 1592 26. niyatAniyata-vyavahAra-stavana uttarAdhyayana-chatrIsI 27. pAkSika-chatrIsI 8. upadeza-rahasya-gIta 28. pArzvanAthastavana, covIladaNDakagarbhita 9. ekAdaza-bola-sajjhAya 29. brahmacarya-daza-samAdhi-sthAna-kula(ka) IS. 10. ekAdazavacanadvAtriMzikA 30. bhASA-chatrIzI 11. ekonatriMzadbhAvanA 31. mahAvIrasvAmI-stavana, AjJAgarbhita 12 eSaNA-zataka | 32. muhapattI( mukhavastrikA )-chatrIsI 13. kalyANakastavana 33. vandana-doSa-batrIsa-kulaka 14. kAussagga(kAyotsarga)nA 19 doSa 34. vastupAla-tejapAla-rAsa V.S. 1597 20 15. kezi-pradezi-bandha | 35. vidhivicAra 16. khandhakacaritra-sajjhAya V.S. 1600 36. vidhi-zataka 17. gItArthapadAvabodhakula(ka) 37. viveka-zataka 18. guru-chatrIsI | 38. vItarAgastavana 19. 'gautamasvAmIlaghurAsa 39. vIralaghustava 1 Are AdIzvaravinati and nAbheyajinavijJaptikA same as this? 2 This is not same as saGakSepaArAdhanA ! 3 Is this the same work as No. 9? If so, the 9th work should be dropped. 4 Is this the work of this very Parsvacandra ? 6 Is this work same as cotrIsaatizayagarbhita mahAvIrastavana included in the 10 work noted fn. 2 of p. 405. 6 This work is included in 'zrIpraznottaraprakAza published by'zrIpArzvacandrasUrijJAna maMdira'(Chembur, Bombay 71 ) in A. D. 1968. Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 404 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [627. 10 40. vIrastava | 48. saMvegabatrIsI 41. vIsaviharamANajinastuti 49. saMkSepaArAdhanA 42. zAntijina-stavana 50. saGgamaraGgaprabandha 43. 'zrAvaka-pAkSikAdi-aticAra 51. sajjJAya(pAsacandra ne pUchelAbolanI) = aticAracopAi 52. sattarabhedI-pUjAgarbhita-stavana 44. zrAvakamanorathamAlA | 53. saptadazabhedapUjAvicAra-stavana 45. zrAvakavidhi |54. samyaktvasvAdhyAya 46. saMvarakulaka 55. sAdhuvandanA. 47. saMvegakulaka 156. sAmAyikadoSakulaka (carcA)Besides these works this author has composed balavabod has in prose on each of the following works :1 AyAra 8 paNhAvAgaraNa 2 ovavAiya 9 bhASAnA 42 bheda 3 causaraNa 10 rAyappaseNaija 4 jambUcaritra 11 sAdhupratikramaNasUtra 5 tandulaveyAliya 12 sUyagaDa 6 dasaveyAliya (suyakhandha I) 7 navatattva His other works in prose are as below : (1) carcAo' (pratimA-sAmAcArI-pAkSika-lakSI ) (2) loMkA sAthe 122 bolanI carcA. Over and above these works, the following works are said to be composed by this very Parsvacandra :__ 1 This work is named as 'aticAracopAi' in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I p. 139). - 2 What is the exact title of this work ! 3 Is this work same as No. 52 ! 4 All these works except those numbered as 31, 9 and 56 are noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. I, pp. 140-47, & Vol. III, pt, l, pp. 586-595 and pt. 2, pp. 1587-1589 ). 5 In this connection my article 'AgamonA bAlAvabodha' published in "Jaina Satya Prakasa " ( Vol. XIII, No. ll ) may be consulted. It pertains to canopical treatises only. 6 Its balavaboelha is published. 7 Its vartika is published. See Vol. XVII. (pt. 1, p. 26 ). 25 35 Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 627.] Supplement i : Nurratives 405 (a) Sk. hymus ( 1-4) |(11) mahAvIrajina-stavana (1) (jAlorapratiSThita)RSabhajinastuti / (34 atizayagarmita) (2) neminAthastuti ( 12 ) zatruJjayatIrthabhAvanA-stavana (3) pArzvanAtha jinastuti | ( 13) zatruJjayatIrthamAhAtmya-stavana (4) vardhamAnajinastuti | (14) sumatinAthajinastavana (b) Gujarati stavanas (c) Gujarati sajjhayas (5-14 ) (15-17 ) (5) giranArabhAvanA-stavana | (15) guruAzAtanAvarjanasajjhAya (6) cotrIsaatizayagarbhita-stavana cetanA rANInI sajjhAya' (7) phalodhIpArzvanAthajina-stavana (8) mallijina-stavana (17) jIvadayAnI sajjhAya 10 (9) mahAvIrajina-stavana (d) Aradhana ( 10 ) mahAvIrastAmI-svavana (18) laghuArAdhanA' Of these 18 works the author of each of the works numbered as 1-4, 10 and 14 is. Parsacandra' whereas that of each of the works numbered as 9-11, :6, 17 and 18 is definitely is mentioned as 'Parsvacandra Suri'. In Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I ) the following works are noted as composed by Parsvacandra Suri : ( 1 ) catuviMzatijinastava p. 115 (2) caturviMzatinamaskAra p. 116 (3) saMsAradAvAnalavRtti p. 407 (4) Sadhusamacarivstti ( Svopajna p. 431 ). (5) Sahusamayari V. S. 1591 p. 431 1 All these works along with those numbered as 19, 22, 43 and 50 are included in 'zrImannAgapurIya bRhattapAgacchIva paMcapratikramaNasUtra' published in 28 V.S. 1979. Is this the same work as one wherein ( v. 25 ) the name of its author is mentioned by way of a puzzle ? This verse is as under : "kaH pAnavAcI kila dhAtuvarNo vibhAti bhUtI sa kimakSareNa ? // itthaM tadAhvena jinaH stuto'yaM dadAtu siddhiM laghusAdhubhaktayA / " - p. 97 of the work mentioned in fn. I. . 20. 30 Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 406 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [621. Subject. - Narration pointing out the importance of charity (Sila ). Begins.- fol. 4 hiva bhAvazyaka paMcamau re / pNcmgtidaataar| jANI sUdhau pAliyairo bhaviyaNajaNasuhakAra / / 1 re jIvaDA ! uguNIsa dUSaNa TAli / kAusagi niratai nija(ja)rA re Agamavacana saMbhAli / re jIvaDA! uguNIsa dUSaNa TAli // 1 bhaaNcli| UMcai nIcai pAu lai re / je ghoDAnI ghoDi / kariyai bhAgami te bhaNI re| guruI pahilI SoDI // 2 re jiivddaa|| etc. 10 Ends.-fol. 40 pramadA mUla saMsAranau / jANi pramoda ma maMDi / praNamau te ji sukhI thayA / ihanI saMgati chaDi // 27 mA // 'rANigapura' raliyAmaNau / AdIzvara jinarAu / zrIpAsacaMdrasUri vInavai / prabhu kari eha ra pasAu // 28 bhaa|| hojyo nArinirAsamaya / paramAnaMda ulhAsa / bhavi bhavi mujha manabhamaraI / tumha payakamali nivAsa // 29 bhAtamA saMvata panara chayAsiyai (1586) / kIdhI ruupkmaalaa| uttama te kaMThi dharai / jasu vi mani sIla rasAla // 30 / bhAtamA / iti zrIrUpakamAlA / sa(saM)pUrNA / ' saMvata 1656varSe bhASADhamAse kRSNa ......'kumaargnninaa| zrIrAjacaMdrasUriNA ziSyeNa ...... graMtha 36 // Reference. This Ms. is noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 332 ). For extracts copied from some Ms. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, P. 147). 20 rUpakamAlA Rupakamala 25 avacUrNisahita with avacurni No. 6283539 (a) 813. 1892-95. Size.- Io in. by 4 in. Extent.- 6'folios; 16 to 20 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. 1-2 The portion is worn out, Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 628.] Supplement 1 : Narratives 407 Description.- Country paper yellowish white; Devanagari chara. cters; good and legible hand-writing; borders ruled with two double lines in black ink ; fcll. numbered in the righthand margins; both the text and its avacurni complete ; the former has 32 verses; the latter composed in Samvat 16635 at Vikramapura; condition good. Age.- Not modern. Author of the avacurni-Samayasundara Gani. For details about him see Nos. 429 and 497. Subject.- Rupakamala and its smal! commentary. 10 Begins.- ( text ) fol. 1 e 60 // AdijiNesara ! Adisau / sarasati ! dasaNa dApi / sIla taNA guNa gAisuM / tihuyaNasyamaNi sAri va // 1 // AtmArAma sIla dhare / sIlaha paramANaMda / bhaa0| ima pabhaNai sutapanaMdi / mA0 / soha sIla chAjaha lahai / ' bhUSaNa bhArima aMga / asAdhuvAdinI sNskRtaa| kima giri gAhai raMga // A0 // 2 // etc. ,, - (avacurni ) 9 60 // namo jinAya // he Adijina ! Adiza / he sarasvatI ! darzanaM samyaktvaM darzapa nizcalaM kuru / ahaM zIlaguNAt / 20 devadAnavagaMdhabvA jkkhrkkhskinnraa| baMbhayAriM namasaMti / dukkaraM je karaMti taM // 1 // etc. 5 Ends.- ( text) fol. 6deg kuzIlaughAyaka sIlasaMbhApaka sAgaracaMda / sUrirAya vANAyarI / rayaNakIrati gaNacaMda / 31 aa0|| samayabhaga tada / khAcakA vIravineyANaMda / rUpakamAlA zIlA / pabhaNai zrIpuNyanaMda // 32 // iti zrIrUpakamAlA / sa(saM)pUrNAH // zrIH // Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 408 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [823. Ends.- (avacurni ) evaM vidhaH zrIsAgaracaMdrasUrivaro(s)bhUt / kiMviziSTaH kukSIka pakSotthApakaH / zuddhaprarUpakatvAt / punaH kiM0 suzIlapakSasaMsthApakaH etc. up to rUpakamAlAmevaM pUrvoktaprakAreNa bhaNaMti / / 32 // iti shriiruupkmaalaavcuurnniH|| After this we have the following verses : - , 'bRhatkharataragacche shriijincNdrsuuryo| yugapradhAnanAmAno vijayaMte kriyodyatAH 1 // zrIjinasiMhasUrIMdrA yuvarAjo jayAnvitAH / bhUrisadbhAgyasaubhAgyA jayaMti ca yazasvinaH / 2 // zrIpUjyaziSyAH paMDiteva sklcNdrgnnirkssaaH| tacchiSyasamayasuMdaragaNiravacUNi varAmakarot / 3 / / saMvati guNarasadarzanasoma( 1663 )pramite ca vikrmdNge| kArtika zukladazamyAM vinirmitA svaparaziSyakRte // 4 // zrImadrala(?tna)nidhAnAdvaiH pAThakapravarairiyaM / - ramyA rUpakamAlAyA avacUrNirasodhi ca // 5 // // iti zrIrUpakamAlAvacUriH // zrIH // N. B.- For additional information see No. 539. lalitAGgakathA Lalitangakatha 1339 (b). No. 629 =552 (a) 1886-92. Extent.- fol. 2' to fol. 4. Description.--- Complete. For further details see saGgrAmazUrakathA No. 20 . 1886-92 ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 3 ). Author.:- Is he Dayavardhana? If so, see pp. 372 and 400 for additional particulars. Subject.- A story of Lalitanga, king of Ratnapura. It is connected with satya-vrata, the 2nd vow out of 5 minor vows of the Jaina laity. Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 629. ] Supplement I : Narratives 409 Begins.-- fol. 2. 5 6 // gokanA'vaNivisayaM nAsavahAraM ca kUDasakkhi va vajjija paMcameyaM aliyaM laliyaMgarAya bva // 1 ratnapuraM nagaraM lalitAMgo nRpastatra rAjA vIradhayA~ bhramati rAtrau lIlAvatI rAjI(jJI) zRMgArakRtauparitanu gavAkSasthitA yAvadadhaH pazyati / tAvat tasyA netragocare ekA strIsvarUpA madhyamavayasI prAptA etc. Ends.-- fol. 4. munirAha rAjA saMmyaka niyama pAlayiSyati palyaMkAdi sarva mayA mAtrayA darzitaM ityuktvA surasthAne gataH rAjA(s)pi rAjyaM prapAlyAMte vihitasaMlekhanA mRtyA saudharbhe suro jAtaH tato mahAvidehe'vatIrya mokSaM yAsyAti 2 iti satyavrate lalitAMgakathA 6 10 Reference. This work may be compared with an anonymous work having the same title and Lalitangakumarakatha, Lalitangacaritra and Lalitanganaresvaracaritra mentioned in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 337 ) as well as Isavara Suri's Lalitangacaritra noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol I, p. 106). 19 52 [J. L. P.]. Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SUPPLEMENT II Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 2 5 .. IS kathAkoza Kathakosa 583. No. 630=90(a) 1884-86. Size.- 10% in. by 5 in. Extent.-- 55 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 45 letters to a line. Description- Country paper thin and yellowish ; Devanagari chara cters with occasional pRSThamAtrA; bold and legible handwriting; borders ruled in three lines%3; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. I missing; fol. 24 numbered twice ; red chalk and yellow pigment used ; incomplete ; condition good. Age. - Old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- A collection of narratives. This may remind one of Samyaktva-kaumudi. Herein there are some quotations in Sanskrit and some in Prakrit. Begins.- abruptly fol. 2 te / tAvacchrati / sukhamanobhirAmaparamaramaNIkadevaduMdumi ninadamizritajayajayAraviparipUrNadigaMtarAlasachatratrayacAmareMdradhvajAdisaMzobhitaM ratnakanakarUpyazAlaM vyAkozasvaHprasUnastabakaparimalodgArasaMbhAralolanthAlIna mattabhramarakulakalArAvasazrIkAzokazAlaM / etc. Ends.-- abruptly fol. 55deg tathApi mama manasi jinadharmavrataprabhAvazravaNAnmahad vairAgyaM jAtamasti pAraNAdanaMtaramavazyaM jinadIkSAM lAsye / kuTuMbamanujJApyeti citte nizcayaH kRto(s)sti etairyadi jinavratamAhAtmya zruta(taM) dRSTaM bhavatyanubhUtaM tadA(s)mISAmapi vairAgyamabhaviSyat / paramupavAsAdibhiH zoSa mutpAdayati / saMsArabhogalaMpaTatvaM naiva tyajati / Reference. - The introduction of Bihatkathakosa may be consulted. 20 Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 631.] kathAkoza No. 631 = 90 (b) Supplement II: Narratives 411 Size - 10 in. by 44 in. Extent.- 70-1 = 69 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description. Country paper white and thick; Devanagari chara cters; quite uniform and legible hand-writing; borders ruled in two red lines; foll. numbered in the right hand margins ; fol. I missing; fol. 7o blank ; red chalk used ; incomplete ; condition good. Age.-- Modern. Kathakosa 1324. 1891-95. Author.- Unknown. Subject.-- A number of narratives. Some of them written in prose pertain to Prasannacandra, Sulasa and Cilatiputra. Begins.-- abruptly fol. 24 Ends. abruptly fol. 70a dharmasthAMna mahAMzca vIkSya suguroH zrutvA ca dharma kvacit / bodhaM yAti kulotthanAstikapratIbhUtaH pradezI yathA / satyaM caMdana saMginaH kSitiruho nAnye (s) pi kiM caMdanAH 1 // 4 // AryaderuhAraM 1 dharmarahito ( 5 ) pi ko ( s) pi jIvaH Arya dezaM avApya bodhaM yAti upadezaM gacchati kiM kRtvA anyasya dharmaprakriyAM etc. Reference. - Same as noted on p. 410. naivedyaiH sajalaiH zivA'dhvasuSadaM spaSTaM samaM zebalaM dhUpenordhvagati: sugaMdhitadizA vAsena zubhraM yazaH / svargAdiphalaM kalaizva kamalaijainADhakAsrcA (ss) tmanaH puSpairlokaziraHsthitiH zivatanu dvI ( dI ) pairjinAcaphalaM / 78 aSTavidhapUjA S 10 15 20 25 Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 412 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [632 kathAkoza Kathakosa 1267... No. 632 =90 (c) 1884-87. Size.- 10} in. by 4g in. Extent. -- 75 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 39 letters to a line. 5 Description.- Country paper white; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; bold, beautiful and legible handwriting ; borders ruled in three red lines ; foll. numbered in right-hand margins ; fol. 1 a blank ; decorated with red spots at the centre and at the middle of both the margins ; complete ; condition good. Age.-- Not very old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Narratives. * Begins.- fol. 10 605 // namaH // zrIvarddhamAnAya namaH // anhIM // zrIvarddhamAnamAnasya jinadevaM jgdguruN| vakSye(5)haM kaumudI(dI) nRNAM samyaktvaguNahetave // 1 // 'gaudd'deshe| 'pADalIpura'nagare / bhAryasuhastisUrIzvarAH / tri (paM)khaMDa bharatAdhipaM saMpratirAjJo(s)gre dharmadezanAM cakrurevaM / bho bho bhRtyA apAra20 saMsArakAMtAre etc. Ends.- fol. 75deg iti tAbhyAM puNyamapuNyaM (u)pArjitaM / tato(s)yaM kanakabhAjana bhAk dva(dvi)tIye sudaridro ahinA daSTo akAle mRtazceti / zrute jAtismaraNa jAtaM / satpAtraM sAdhubhyo dAtavyamityamigrahaH zrAvakadharma ca prapannaH / tRtIyabhave mokssH| iti pAtradAne dhanapatikathA // iti ca sahIsayaNAsaNamRti aSTau dharmA(oM)paSTaMbhakadAnAnAM viSaye udAharaNAni samAptAni / subhamastu / liSataM punaramala kAistha // Reference.- Saine as noted on p. 410. Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 633. ] . Supplement 11 : Narratives 418 kumArapAlacarita Kumarapalacarita [prAkRtadvayAzraya ] [ Prakrta-Dvyasraya ] No. 633 =134 (a) 412. 1879-80. Size.- 13 in. by 81 in. Extent.- 72 folios ; 8 lines to a page ; 31 letters to a line. Description.- Machine-made ruled paper white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, legible land-writing: borders ruled in pencil only on first five foll. ; foll. numbered at the centres of the upper margins; the text written on the 10 numbered sides only; complete; condition good. Author.- Hemacandra Suri. For details see No. Xix, sec. 2, pt. I, p. 157. Begins.- fol. 1. ,,-(text) aha pAiAhiM bhAsAhi saMsayaM bahulamAri saMtataM / IS avaharamANaM sirivaDDamANasAmi nmsaamo| asthi aNahilanagaraM aMtAveIsamAi nivanici sattAvIsamuktiprabhUsiM(?si)a juvaijaNapai harayaM 2 etc. ,,- ( com.) aMtAveI / sattAvIsasamuttiabhUsibha / 'dIrghadvasvI mitho vRttau' ( siddha08-1-4) iti svarANAM samAse dIrghahrasvau / kvacinna / juvaijaNa 20 kvacid vA / paiharayaM / vaIhara / dIrghasya hrasvaH / silsihro| etc. Ends.- ( text ) fol. 72a tA ina unAvaijaNi jaNu ivA0 / liguM aMtaMtrau // jai no kRtvA lahai kRvAla nivvu dini vA // 82 // ibha samvabhAsavimimayaparihi paramatattu samvuvi kahavi // 25 tia kaMThamAlaThabinRvaurasi gaima devi maMgulu bhaNivi // 8 // -(com.) vinimamAghamuktaM(?) urasi zeSaM saMskRtavatta(t) siddhaM / zeSaM yadatra prAkRtAdibhASAsvaSTamAdhyAyenoktaM tat / saptAdhyAyInibaddhasaMskRtavadeva siddhaM etc. F- fol. 72 caturthaH pAdaH saMpUrNa evaM ca dhyAkaraNaSTamAdhyAyalakSyabhUtAH prAkRtAdi- 30 bhASA smrthitaaH| // che Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S to IS 20 25 414 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ityAcArya zrIhemacaMdraviracita zrI kumArapAlacaritaprAkRtadvayAzrayAmahAkAvye'STamaH sargaH cha0 // 245 // cha // zrI // cha khumANarAsa No. 634=171 (4) [ 634. Khumanarasa 258. A. 1882-83. Size - 10g in by 42 in. Extent. 139 folios 15; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description. Country papar grey white; Devanagari characters; bold and good hand - writing; illegibly worn out; borders ruled in five lines in red and yellow colours; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. r blank ; foll. 50, 57, and 78 illustrated ; yellow pigment used; incomplete; condition good. Age. - Pretty old. Author.--- Dalapata alias Dolatavijaya, pupil of Santivijaya, pupil of Jayavijaya. Subject. A legendary account of Rana descendants given in three khandas. Begins. fol. 1deg // e6 // zrIaMbikAya namaH / sakalapaMDita ziromaNI paMDitazrI 108 zrIhimattavijayaga / caraNakamalebhyo namaH / gAhA / Ends.- ( abruptly ) fol. 1396 UM ( 3 ) e maMtra apAraM / sArada praNamAM (mA) mi mAyaraha prasannAM / siddhaRddhabuddhi siraM / pUre vara bedapaDipunaM // / 1 / etc. AI yo akSara acala / adhikI budha katti / dalapatiMsu kIje dayA / sevaka jANI sukanti // 6 etc. hakadina rAjasI / sahale caDhyAM zikAra / gaMga triveNI gomatI / ana'vice apAra // 74 // 1 nadI niraSI nAgadraho / cita hUM rAja'rAMNa / nadI baMdhA nAMma kara to huM sahIhIM davAMNa // 75 // Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 695.1 Supplement II: Narratives 415 turata manadhara teDicA / dIdhA tyAM zirapAva / tIna ndiibaaN| Reference. - Extracts from Dolata vijaya's Khumanarasa are given in Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 165-167). Verses 1-12 are given here from khanda 1 and the last six lines of s khana II. bilhaNapazcAzikA BilbanapancasikacopAI copai 1648. No. 635 = 440 (a) 1891-95. 10 Size.- 10 in. by 4} in. Extent.-- 8 folios ; 22 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper white ; Jaina Devanagari characters; good and legible hand-writing ; borders ruled with two double lines in black ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand is. margins ; red pigment used; complete ; composed in V. S. 1649 during the reign of Jnanasagara Suri of the Madabada gaccha. Age.- Pretty old. Author.- Saranga, pupil of Govinda, co-pupil of Padmasundara of 20 Madahada gacha.' His additional works are as under :(1) Bhoja-prabandha-copai (Guj. ) composed in V. S. 1651 at Jalora. (2) Subodha-manjari, a Sk. com. on Pothviraja's Krsna-Rukmini-veli. It is comopsed in V. S. 25 1678 at Palhnapura by utilizing Lakha's Balavabodha.2 1 Soo Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. 1, p. 303 ). ? See Jaina Gurjara Kavio (p. 303 ). Here it seems to be said that this com. is based upon Lakha's Balavabodha on Prthiraja's Krsna. Rukmini-veli, Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 416 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [635. Subject.-- A love-story. Begins. - fol. 1. zrIzAradAI namaH / praNamauM sAmaNi zAradA sakalakalA supasiddha / brahma(bhA) ... ... ... ujI / kA rA(mA)paI bhavarala buddhi // " susara alApaI nAdarasa / hasta bajAvaI viinn| dina (dina) atimANaMdabhari / saya(va)lasurAsuralINa // 2 etc. Ends.- fol. 8 zrIma(DA)straha(?ga)Da gacchavara / vidyAmuni jayavaMta / jJAnasA(ga)rasUrI sadhara / guhira mahira mahAguNavaMta // 9 tAsa gaccha vAcika vidura / padmasuMdara tamasIsa / kavi sAragaI NayaMri kahai / A x x manaha jagIsa // 10 ugaMNacyAlIyai ya(va)rasaI upari chaI vali sola / sudi sADhI pradipadA / kathA kavila kalola // 11 yu (pu) ... ... ... ... I vAra gura / yogaI amRtasiddha / zrI'jAlora'pura pragaTa / konikakAraNa kiddha // 12 sajaNa jaNa je(saM) sa bhalai / paMrIpAti mati mANi / Rddhi vRddhi pAmaI sadya / kaMsa(?) Sema kalyANa // 13 iti zrIbIlhaNapaMcAsikA catupadA saMpUrNA / saM 1649 varSe bhAdrapada mAse zukle paSye(kSe) 14 tithau ravivAre liSataM / vAsAgrAme0 SelAMsera0letA (?) lisstH|| Reference.-- For additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio ( Vol. III, pt. 1, p. 802), and see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 283). 'yogIvA0 (?) No. 636 = 515 (a) Extent.- fol. 509 Yogirao (?) 1269 (55). 1887-91. 25 1 It may be 'puSya nakSatrai'. 2 The complete title is not given in the Me. It is not possible for me to mention it. Is it Yogivakya ? Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 838:] Supplement II: Narratives 417 gescription.- Complete ; 13 verses in all. For other details, see ____Vol. XVII, pt. 3, No. 735. Author.- Unknown. Subject. - Maxims (?) Begins.- fol. 50 baMbhaNa pAMtha na mAriyA re / gAmi na lAI aggi / mAyA na mArI thApaNI / ho kima jAevaM saggi? // 1 kAvA (cA) caNA na cAvIyA re / jIbha na khaMDI deti / AMbA vAra na sIciyA re kina jAiesi logaMti ? // 2 jiNa harakUma na khelIDaM re / ghari na ANI ves| sAta vasaNa na posiyA re / suSa na deSaiM lesa / 3 te jIya pAMca na dAmiyAM re / vAJ na khAMcI gaaddhii| navai nAda na jANiA ho / goraSa te nara kADhI / 4 mAMkaDu eka na mAriu re / Ahuti na dIdhI deve / mAMDI mUDi na na nAmII ho / kAMI karai ukka leve / 5 nAgAM suDinivAI ire / bhAgi balai hiyamAlai / AdhailA kaDavAlI iho / jogIrApana laaii||6| jogI baMdho liiue| hosADUkAhana deSai / je nArI naMga jIyAho / goraSadIdhA leSaI // cyAri cora naI jaI mAriyA re / dharI Atrini vyApArI / pAMca huM dhanaU dAliDaM ho| sAdhuloka mA dhArI // 8 mAM kaDihaM samanA ghIDa re| pANi eha pNssolii| trini rayaNa tali rASiA ho| sivamAragi ahU AlI // 9 Ends. -- fol. 506 nirmala nIra na pAmIu re / sIla salhAtana kIrcha / nadI mAhi navi nAhIu ho / mo DaMkA jana kiibuuN| 10 gADauM gAmi na na gheDIu re / nIra na pI-- jaadduu| jAtai jaMta na TAlIA re / niragaraghiuM tasu aDauM / 11 bAMbhaNikA damu SaMdIu re / mAhimanA dhAu / nadInIra na nAhIu / AMdhaiM Adhu boiu // 12 jiNavari jAgu na mADiDa re / bAMbhaNa pAMta na homii| baMbhadhAra navi te gebhA re / te nara paDIA bhUmI // 13 iti yogIvA0 // // 53 [I. L. P.] Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ COMPLEMENT Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1 Add at the end :- gaurI-kamalA-saMvAda haragharaNI jau nivarI huii| gaurI kanhali gor3hi gii| bolai sudhi pUchaMtI baadd| hAsU karatI bhAMjai haadd| 261 4 Add after v. I: kamalA puuch| shailkukaari| hUMtu balada tumhArai baari| ceciu kiri vahI taraha giu / ghaNA divasa harU diSiu 2 261 I Add after fol. 50* : jANiuM patitA haru jldhaar| ghANi taNI te saghalA vAra SANi taNI te ghasalA vaar| mAharai mu(ma)ti pahutuM ahinANa / pIhari sahI hui pASANa / 2(1 22) tuM UpanI teja lhtii| mI cUlAsara muhi boltii| 23 kohI(ThI) ghotAM kAdava bhAi / harihara vici iMma paaddi| rAmo nivaNavArU nAradi kIuM / varasaMga bhaNai bhalU ghii(?thii,u|24 iti caupaI // Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ADDEN DA DCGCM: The Jaina Literature and Philosophy Vols. XVII-XIX 'New Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Mss. Jesalmer Collection' is compiled by Puoyavijayaji and published along with six appendices by L. D. Institute in A. D. 1972. It may be consulted as it furnishes S us with the description of Mss. dealing with several works treated by me in DCGCM ( Vols. XVII-XIX ). The following Catalogue edited by Muni Punyavijayaji and published by stichina star rautas', too, may be consulted in this connection: 'zrIhemacaMdrAcArya jainajJAnamaMdirasthitaM jainajJAnabhaMDAronuM sUcipatra (prathama bhAga)'. 10 Vol. XVII, pts. 1-5; Vol. XVIII, pt. 1 ; and Vol. XIX, sec. 1, pts. 1-2 and sec. 2, pts. 1-2. Add: For additional Mss., extracts, Appendices etc. of some of the works out of those so far treated by me in the printed portions of the Jaina Catalogue mentioned above, the reader may refer to Part is III of the following Catalogue of which Parts I-IV are already. published : 'Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts : Muniraja Shri Punyavijayaji's Collection'. This Part III published in A.D. 1968 by L. D. Institute furnishes 20 us with 14 indices. Of them the first is a collection of colophons etc. The rest may remind one of Appendices I-VIII out of ten prepared by me. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts Ac. Vijayadevasuri's and Ac. Ksantisuri's Collections ' numbered as Part IV may be 25 also consulted. This part is compiled by Muniraja Punyavijayaji. It is published in A.D. 1968 by L. D. Institute of Indology as done for Parts I-III. This Part IV deals with some of the canonical and non canonical works of the Jainas. Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 420 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Vol. XVII, pts. 1-3 ; Vol. XVIII, pt. 1; and Vol. XIX, see. 2 Add in References : 'P.V. Research Institute (978914 PUTA site fierta HaiTA )'has published from Banaras Jaina Sahitya ka Bshat Itihasa' in six parts in A.D. 1966, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 and S 1973 respectively. Part I furnishes us with a detailed account of the eleven angas ( Ayara etc. ), the foremost Jaina canonical extant treatises ; Part II with a similar account of the 12 Upangas, s Malasutras, 6 Chedasutras, 2 Culikasutras and 12 Prakirnakas ; and Part III with exegetical works viz. Niryuktis, Bhasyas, Curnis, Vsttis ( in 10 Sanskrit ) and explanations in Gujarati and Hindi. Part IV is useful for Vol. XVIII. In Part V Vol. I ( secular literature ) of 'A History of the Sanskrit Literature' is freely utilized. This is what the publisher has remarked in Vol. II, pt. 2 (Religious Literature : Works on Philosophy etc.) on p. 9. Part VI ( Kavya sahitya ) deals with 15 dharmakathanuyoga. It may be consulted for comparison with Vol. XIX ( sections 1 and 2 ) of DCGCM. Contents of the 45 canonical texts and those of supernumerary Prakirnakas are given in Pravacanakiranavali,3 Therein some portions of my work. Agamonu digdarsana' are freely utilized. Vol. XVII, pt. 1 Page Line Add after present': and that of the 12th anga extinct since several centuries. He was born in Kollaga'sannivesa. His father's name is Dhammilla and that of his mother Bhaddila. The name of his gotra (lineage) is 'Agnivesyayana'. He was a 20 1 It is practically divided into two sections: (1) TEE and (2) atraftrek eur. The latter is the Hindi translation of what I wrote in Gujarati 2 This Vol. I as well as Vol. II, pts. 1-2 (pt. 1: Belles-lettres) are com. piled by me and published in Sri Mukti-Kamala-Jaina-Mohadamala' as Nos. 58, 64 and 68 in A.D. 1956, 1968 and 1970 respectively. 3 It is published by Jaida Grantha Sabha' from Ahmedabad. The year of publication is not montioned. Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Addenda of Vol. XVII, pt. 1 421 Page Line Brahmin by birth and well-versed in the Vedas. He renounced the world at the age of so and was initiated along with his soo pupils into the Jaina monk's order by Lord Mahavira. He became s omniscient at the age of 92 and attained salvation after 8 years in B. C. 519 and thereby became entirely free from all the shakles of birth and death for ever. He has composed 12 angas, 12th named as to Ditthivaya.' Names of the remaining i angas are mentioned by me in Vol. XVII ( pt. 5 ) on pp. 17-18. As he was to survive other 10 Ganadharas he was made the head of the Jaina church by Lord is Mahavira. Add at the end. For details see Vol. XIX (sec. 2, pt. 2, pp. 402-40; & Addenda'). He belonged to "Pracina' lineage. He renounced the world at the age of 45 and became a pupil 20 of Arya Yasobhadra. He is the co-pupil of Arya Sambhutivijaya and a preceptor of Sthulabhadra to whom he taught all the 14 parvans, the last four without explanation. He died in B. C. 357 at the age of 76. 25 He is the author of Dasa ( No. 479 ), Kappa (No. 568 ) and Vavahara ( No. 462 ). He has composed 10 Nijjuttis, one on each of the following canonical treatises :___ Avassaya, dasaveyAliya, uttarAyaNa, AyAra, sUyagaDa, 30 dasA, 'kappa, dhabahAra, sUrapaNNanti and isibhAsiya, S 20 7 23 1 The 12th onga is not available since a number of centuries. 2 It seems that there is no separate Ms. of its Nijjutti in the Govt. MSS. Library. Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 422 Jaina Literature ana Philosophy Page Line Of them the nijjuttis on the last two works are not available. Those of the first 7 Nijjuttis are described by me.' It may be noted that Ohanijjutti is after all an offshoot of Avassaya-nijjutti and Pindanijjutti that of Dasaveyaliya. They, too, are described by me. Some other works are attributed to this very Bhadrabahu. For instance, Nisiha is his work according to the author of Pancakappa whereas as stated in the Ms. of Nisiha written in V. S. 1430 its author is Visaha Gani Mahattara. According to Silanka Suri this Bhadrabahu is the author of Caturvimsatistava ( Yogassa ). For he has said in his com. (p. 84') on Ayara as under : " AvazyakAntargatabhUtazcaturvizatistavastvarAtIvakAlabhAvinAstugal ThatSaIR". Devacandra in his Santinabacariya and Maoikyacandra in his santinathacaritra have mentioned Vasudevacariya as the work of this Bhadrabahu, the last srutakevalin. Some include the following works, too : uvasaggaharathotta, prahazAntistotra, bhadrabAhusaMhitA and saMsattanijjatti. 25 114 Add at the end - Author' : He is Jinadasa Gani Mahattara according to some. But, really he is some other Jaina saint who is posterior to Nagarjuna (A.D. 300 - A.D, 313). 1 See Vol. XVII, pt. 5, p. 9. Four more works are mentioned here. They are 3 ATT Fals, and targia, TT ( CT ) and PPT fagft. Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Addenda of Vol. XVII, pt. 1 423 Page Line 12 20 12 23 16 31 Add after 798 (this is the date for the 2nd srutaskandha ; that of the ist is Saka Samvat 772 i.e. V.S. 907). To be explicit : Part I was composed in V.S. 907 s and Part II in V.S. 919 or 933. Vahari Gani assisted Silanka Suri when he composed a com. on Suyagada. This Suri is different from Silanka, the author of Cau pannamahapurisacariya. Some identify him in as 'guru' of Vanaraja of the Capota dynasty. See Prabhavakacarita ( XIV, v. 1os ff.). My article "zIlAMkasUri te koNa" is published in Jaina Satya Prakasa ( Vol. XVII, nos. 1-3). Add after 17 : The names of his father, mother is. and lineage are respectivaly Saha Megharaja, Kamaladevi and Copada. He was born in V. S. 1524. He took diksa in V. S. 1535 and died in V.S. 1982 at Patan. Add in Reference : For comparison see 'A:9- 20 farrafannurafa (sec. 2. pp. 1-3) and 'attaci staviSamapadaparyAya ( also called siddhAntakoza) composed by Jinabhadra Suri, pupil of Jinaraja Suri. Add after Harsakula : pupil of Kulacarana, grand. One of his additional works is Vasudevacarita 25 dated V.S. 1557. For his other works see Vol. XVII. (pt. s, p, 19, fn. 3 ). 23 13 33 18 1 This is compiled ( ? composed ) by Candrakirti Gani, pupil of Vimala Suri in about V. S. 1212. He wrote Paryayas when he was studying kosa under Dharmaghose. This work is edited Paryayas by Labhasagara Gani and published in 20 * Agamoddharaka Granthamala 'as No. 53 in V. S. 2029. Its section I deals with Siddhanta vicaras and section Il with paryayas. On pp. 90-94 of sec. I, gathas and paryayas of Pancavatthuga are given. This is followed by parisista'. 2 This is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 421 ). 3 Ibid., p. 421, Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy Page Line 46 48 13 5i 20 57 24 Add at the end : Author of the vartika-Parsvacandra Suri. For his life etc. see p. 421. . For details see pp. 421-422. Add. after ' :' Reference. - Published. cf. Aitao gafat: ( pp. 3-4). For details see Vol. XVII, pt. 5, p. 7. For his life and works see M. D. Choksi's article gainat sfteraueath' and Vijayapadma Suri's article TTANTRATA19EUR stere aglift'. Both these articles are published in Jaina Satya Prakasa' (Vol. VII, Nos. 1-3). This topic is treated by Bechardas J. Doshi in his 'pamphlet named as 'navAMgIvRttikArazrImabhayadevasUri' and published by Vadilal M. Parekh from Kapadvanj in A. D. 1954. The article named as above by B. J. Doshi is written by Agarchand Nahta. Herein there is a 3life-sketch of Abhayadeva Suri followed by a list of 34 works prepared by him. Of them 19 seem to be attributed to him. This Suri had two pupils : Jinavallabha Gani and4 Vimala Gani, As regards works of Abhayadeva Suri Mss. of his commentaries (9 on 9 angas and r on an upanga) along with two Sangrahanis ( one on Art and another on 931971qataya ) are described by me 25 . 1 Herein a detailed account of the life of Abhayadeva Suri along with a list of his genuine 15 works with their extents is given. 2 This is published in OTTICA F&FT 39 Tat Flats (pp. 17-19). 3 He firmly believes and maintains that Abhayadeva Suri belonged to Kharatara gaccha but this Suri bas himself said that his is Candra' kula. So the assertion is debatable. Soo Vol, XVII, p. 88, 1, 11. Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _