PREFACE Muni Mabáraja Ngayavijayaji is one of the greatest of the Jaina Monks of versatile genius. I have had the good fortune of coming in close touch with this great and noble personage and all the time I have been much impressed by his soholarship. He has written mueb on different phases of life in Sanskrita-a dead language, thus keeping the language alive. Munishree has mastery over Sanskrita language, His sanskrita verses are simple but dignified. The smooth and unchecked flow of language will certainly fascinate the readers.
In this brochure viz. Jeevang-Bhumi' of 32 verses, Mabaraja Shree points out that happiness does consist in the power of somen, coupled with discrimination. He exhorts man to bridle his mind, speech and actions, and to keep himself away from malpractices. He impetuously shows that man must observe celibacy which is the soul of his development, mental as well as pbysical. And even after entering into the second order of a householder from that of & Brahmacbarin, he must increase the proportion of celibacy as much as he cav, nourishing the idea of control, He should firmly remember that the elevation of life consists in being greedy in the acquisition of the vow of celibacy, without the proper observance of which he will ever be rotting in the weltering
This tract ( Fian-21#) ia translated into English by Gunavantray Pratāpardy Rindāni B. A., Assistant Master, High Schoci, Kbambbalia ( Kathiawar ).
Aho! Shrutyanam