Had the body been not liable to ultimate destruction, bad tbere buen no rebirth of the soul after the body was buried or oremated, had tbere been no operation of Warmic energies ari sing out of good or bad acts, it would have been unnecessary to preach against exclusive porldly enjoyment and, in favour of seeking contact with the Supreme also.
But the thing is that the religious scriptures of all the theistic schools of thought, testify to the theory of transmigration of the soui and universal operation of Kärmic energies; moreover, bodies and other material things are actually seen as being liable to destruction. Such being the case, it is proper to refrain from undue attachment to exclusive worldly enjoyments, 4-5
विचार्यमाणः परिशुद्धबुद्धया भात्येष निस्सारतया प्रपञ्चः । परं महामोहतमोऽन्धलत्वे न वस्तुतत्वं प्रतियन्ति लोकाः
શુદ્ધ બુદ્ધિથી વિચાર કરતાં આ સંસાર-પ્રપંચ નિઃસાર ભાસે છે; છતાં મહામેહના અંધકારે ઊપજાવેલી “અન્ય” દશાની હાલતમાં લોકો વસ્તુતવને સમજતા નથી. ૬
If we dis passionately ponder over the bappenings of this phenomenal world, they appear to be of little consequence (because they have no eternal or permanent value). But people (crdinary) do not realise this. The real truth ascapes their comprehension beokuse they are blinded by the darkness spread over them by great illusion under which they labour, 6
कि नाम मोहात्म-ममत्वपात्रं विश्वत्र विश्वऽपि विचारयस्व ! परोपकारप्रवणो महात्मा निमोह एकः परमः सुखी स्यात्
Aho Shrutyanam