Sudarshan Kumar Sharma
According to Di. VS Agravāla 5 5 'Cakora' was situated to the South-West of Ujjayini the Capital of the Lata country where reigned Caştana. It was formerly included in the reign of Gautamiputra. Two generations before the reign of Gautamiputra Satakarni Cakora was the capital of Śātakarņi. He was probably known as Candraketu. It was he perhaps whom tle emissary of Sūdraka got killed. According to Prof. K. D. Bajpai 56, Cakora is identical with the Caraņādri or Sunara in the Mji zapur District of Uttara Pradesa. But the Vidyadharendra Candraketu contemporary of the Brahmadattas of Varanasi referred to in XVIIth Lambaka Taranga II(90-126)57 appears to be the most probable counterpart of the Cakoranatha killed by the emissary of Sūdraka in company of his councillors addicted as he was too much unto his Chamberlain or portress, preferred to by Bana being the ruler of Cakoia i.e. Caranadri or Cunāra in the Mirzapura district of Uttarapradesu. Hence Kaviputra being the Putra of Kayı i.c. Sūdraka or Bhāsa and Kavi 1.e. Südraka having a son Saumillaka or Bliāsa. Saumillaka and Kavi i.e. Sudraka having a Putra appeal to be the appropriate suggestive connotations of the line written by Kalidasa. Bhasa the poet having a son named Saumillaka brushes aside the name of Sadraka wlom Kalidasa could hardly omit through a covert allusion to be unravelled by the researchers of posterity. In the Colophon to the IVth Adhyāya of Sukraniti verse 42858 the writer has extolled the Niti of Kavi as unparalelled in the triod of worlds. "Kāvyo nitik' according to him is the real niti. Others according to him are the dicta of 'Kuottih' for tae Vyavaharins or law givers amongst whom he has referred to many as his predecessors in verse 426. He calls himself as 'Bhargava'59 the author of 2200 Verses in nttisära. If Kalidasa meant 'Kaviputra Sukrācārya the eighth son of Kavi, the first named also Kavi we can do well to place the author of this treatise in the early centuries before Christ or else how could he b: placed before Kalidasa even if taken down to the later centuries of the Christian era or how could Kalidasa dare to refer to him in his Malavikāgnimitram. Ušanak' is the third honorific title of Sukrācārya referred to by the Sanskrit writers,
In Paricatantra of Vişnusarina (5th or oth Century AD) Usanah is believed to have composed a sastra for Rāvana
"durgas trikütaḥ parikha samudro; raksāmsi yodha dhanadas ca vittam; Sastram ca yasya Ušanasā prantam sa Rāvano daivavaśad vipannah'60