S. 227.]
224 ADDITIONAL FORMS of the future are : I. p. sing. hokkhāmi, hokkham; pāhāmi, pāhan ; daccham; kāham ; essāmi; I. p. plu. pāhāmo ; vakkhāmo; kāhāmo ; II. p. sing. pāhisi ; nāhisi ; Il. p. plu. kāhiha, dāittha ; III. p. sing. kāhi ; nehi ; III. p. plu. uvanehinti.
225 The first person pronoun अम्ह (अस्मद् ) is declined as follows: N. अहं, हं
अम्हे, वयं A. ममं, मं, मे
अम्हे, णे I. मए, मइ, मे
अम्हहिं Ab. ममाओ, मत्तो
अम्हेहिन्तो. G. मम, मह, मज्झ, मे · अम्हाणं, अम्हं, णो L. ममंसि, मइ
226 Sk. forms continued are aham, vayam, mam (mām), mama, mai, N. sing. ahayam comes from ahakám, ham from aham after vowels; A. mamam is G. mama with analogical anusvāra ; I. mae (weakened form mai) is according to Bloch either a combination of mayā and me or due to nominal inflection. Ab. mamatto is from G. mama and tas, matto from mat and tas, mamāo analogically after devāo with mama as the base ; majjha is Sk. D. mahyam, and maha goes back to I-E. * meghe ; the plu. amhe is Vedic asmé (Pischel); G. amham is the base amha with the consonantal ending -ām; amhāņam from *asmānām and similarly all plural forms after the -a- declension.
227 . The present active participle is formed by adding अन्त or माण to the root. कर to do करत, करमाण seeing चर to move . चरंत, चरमाण moving चिट्ठ . • to stand चिटुंत, चिट्ठमाण standing जल to burn जलंत, जलमाण burning पास to see पासंत, पासमाण seeing