[S. 331.
Principal exceptions to the rules may be due to the lack of distinct forms of morphology: te sumiņapäḍhaga evam vayasi Nay. 1.12. those astrologers said thus or for an unknown cause pantam sejjam sevimsu Ay. He used a low bed'; with a collective idea: jattha jarāmaraṇarogadosä natthi Vas. 4.3. 'where there is neither old age nor death nor diseases nor faults', first person with a plural verb: tao ham tão lavamo Vas. 290.28. 'then I speak to them'; inclusive first person: avi yavi cittä jänissämo Ry. 18. Moreover O Citta, let us know'; dual subject with a singular verb: do vi tattha nimantae Das. 5.1.38 Both of them may invite him'; a change of number may occur in a relative clause aggi ciṭṭhai Goyama je dahanti sariratthe U. 23.50. There is fire in the body, O Goyama, which burns."
332 The subject and the finite verb normally agree as regards person. If the subject consists of more than one. word of different persons, the plural verb is in the first person rather than in the second or third and in the second rather than in the third. अहं च तुमं च मा कुले गंधणा होमो ।. Das 2.8. 'You and I, let us not become Gandhana serpents in our family'. già fà Kum. 53. 'Let you and
I both fight'.
Disagreement in Person is only occasional: bhikkhu amokkhae parivvaejjāsi Sut. The monk should wander till he is liberated.' na tumam jāne U. 26.16. You do not know'.
333 Usually the predicate agrees with the gender of the subject whenever it is an adjective or a verbal derivative. This agreement pertains to the grammatical gender of the word. Erz. 54.10. I married myself". Giàn U. 22.29. That I am abandoned by him.'
334 When the subject consists of words of Masculine and Feminine nouns AMg. uses masculine form of the predicate. माया य लोहो य पवद्रुमाणा । Das. 8.40. Deceit and greed growing'.