S. 473.]
469 The causal relation is expressed by . a ageg एवं धम्मा हि पाणिणो 'Do not lament for him for all living beings are subject to this fate.'
470 Adverbs of the demonstrative pronoun are used as conclusive particles चोरग्गाहा तं न सन्ति गेण्हिउं । तओ नयरे बहुरवो जाओ। Erz. 'The police were not able to catch him therefore there arose a great uproar in the town.' संखयमाहु जीवियं तह विय बालजणो पगब्भइ | Sut. 'Life is not to be prolonged and yet the ignorant man boasts.'
Sometimes the first sentence may contain a word referring to the following sentence: savve te evam parūventi savve pāņā na hantavva Ay. All of them preach thus that all beings. are not to be killed.'
471 When an affirmative sentence is joined with a negative one the negative particle is followed by others like तु, उण etc. विणणं य सप्पुरिसा नमन्ति न कस्स वि भएन । Vaj. Good men bend with modesty but not from fear of anybody.'
With two negative sentences the second contains a particle beside the negative. न एक्कम्मि पडियारे दोन्नि करवालाई मायन्ति न य अलोणियं सिलं कोइ चट्टेइ । Erz. 'In one sheath two swords do not remain nor does one lick a slab without salt.'
472 SUBORDINATION: a syndeton: araqui
Ay. Enough of friendship with a fool, by which one increases hatred.'
473 The subordinate clause is introduced by the relative pronoun. â sì si facenas Erz. Is there somebody who can teach me?' or pronominal adjectives like जारिस • मूलदेवेण वि एरिसो सुमिणो दिट्ठो जारिसो मए । Erz.. 'M. saw a dream as I did' or pronominal adverbs: Hug a ♬ a कहियं ति | Erz. 'Do not say that you were not warned.'