(S. 407.
407 In conjunction with a noun it has the force of the definite article, though its demonstrative sense is not quite absent.ag op te treuren I Vip. 50. ' then the guards of the town.' तस्स णं विजयसत्तस्स रण्णो महेसरदत्ते नाम पुरोहिए। Vip. 106. The king V. had a priest M. by name.'
408 It is frequently used as the correlative of the relative pronoun ज. जंचिय विहिणा लिहियं तं चिय परिणमइ सव्वलोगस्स । Vaj. 674. “Whatever the fate has written, all that happens to
409 Used alone it points out the thing to be well-known or famous. à FIRMAET I Vaj. 221. those peaks of mountains.' Anaphorically it may refer to preceding noun or pronoun. Apen foreni... Are à Ta aprI U. 6.3. 'Father and mother, they are not able to protect you.' In such cases it is often followed by the personal pronoun. Ay. 1.1.1. 'that I.'
410 Forms of a are often used in adverbial senses. ARMI
Y ART aur sig far | Sut. ‘M. spread his magic and therefore the world is transitory.' et go fareni for I Das. 6 46. 'therefore knowing this.' .
411 The pronoun ge refers to what is in the presence of the speaker. It is used as a correlative: goi fare un propri yun
Tadi Vaj. 36. 'The creator did this well that he created good men in the world.' Deictically it refers to an object before one. mi fa gatasi GETI U. 12.28. * This man, when angry, may burn the world also.' It is used with a emphatically: get 3 g graat 6971 U. 12.22. * This is that great-souled man of austere penance.' It may anaphorically refer to preceding nouns : ववहारे उवमा एसा। U. 7.15. This is the simile in everyday life.'