S. 349.]
347 The -dual is lost and its place is taken by the plural even when the numeral at may be used : ce quis AVON a Stele 1eggel Das. 8.20. 'He hears many things with his ears and sees many things with his eyes.' afi Que A GA GET THAT I U. 22.2. “Their two dear sons were Rāma and Kesava.'
348 The plural primarily denotes multiple things when the speaker wants to emphasise its plurality. Hoa IAT gargal 1 U. ‘All pleasures bring misery. The plural is used to make a general statement : से जहानामए बीयाणं
fregiu gorêt Blyth a Hag | Aup. 155. “Just as there cannot arise the sprout from seeds burnt with fire.'
Natural objects may be used in the plural : salila na sandanti na vanti vāya Sut. 1.12.7. Waters do not flow and winds do not blow'. Abstract things : aniccam devasokkhāi Aup. 50. "The happiness of gods is momentary.' tesim sikkhā pavaddhanti Das. 9.2.12. Their instructions increase.' Substances : mamsesu mucchiyā Upa. 240. addicted to flesh.' Names of countries : tam jahā angānam vangānam .... ghāyāe Bhag. 15.1.28. just as for the destruction of Angas, Vangas ....' Constellations : aha nikkhamai u cittāhim U. 22.23. He then becomes a monk at the time of Citta'. Objects naturally plural : kesā pandurayā havanti te U. 10.21, * your hairs grow white'. A curious usage is : bhanai sumitto nisasu vanamaları Pau. 12.19 Sumitta says to Vaņamālā in the night.'
IV CASES 349 NOMINATIVE. It expresses the subject of the sentence. Be a FIETTI Das. 2.11. "Thus act the enlightened men.' It expresses the object of the passive construction ; aut AT HOTETT I He said to her.'
Nom. of the word in apposition to the suppressed subject : jāvajjīvam bambhayārī viharissam Vas. 3. 28. 'I will live as a celibate throughout the life.'