(S. 241.
महिं मही, महीओ . महीए . महीहि, महीहिं महीए महीहिन्तो महीए महीण, महीणं
महीए महीसु, महीसुं Other words to be similarly declined are:कोडी crore धाई nurse पुहवी earth गावी cow नई river सिरी Goddess of wealth छाही shade नलिणी lotus सेढी stair-case तणू body पडिहारी door-keeper हिरी shame.
242 Many nouns, adjectives and participles form their feminine with the suffix -i: denti 'giving' gacchanti 'going' karemāņi 'doing' bhagavai 'venerable' guvvini pregnant' ghariņi 'mistress of the house' assavini (nāvā) 'a leaking boat' bambhacārini 'a celibate woman' vagghi 'a tigress', migi 'a female deer', hatthini 'female elephant', kalabhi 'a female young elephant', māhani 'a Brahmin woman', samani a nun', nig. ganthi 'a nun'. With the sufix -ņi : bhikkhuni 'a nun' gāhāvaiņi 'mistress of the household', sāhuni 'nun ' sissini 'female pupil', khattiyāni wife of a Kh.' jakkhini ' demi-goddess', sāni 'bitch'. A few root-nouns extended : vai 'words' (vāc); gāvi 'cow' (gan).
243 THE POTENTIAL MOOD The terminations are:
___ I. p. एज्जा, एज्जामि __II. p. एज्जा, एज्जासि, एज्जाहि III. p. ए, एज्जा,
These terminations are applied to all the roots directly. They retain their -e- after the roots ending in -ā but. lose it after verbs ending in -e- and -0-. The -e- is often represented by -i-.