Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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(FEB., 1921
Burhan Nizâm Shah then returned to Ahmadnagar, where he was received with much joy by his subjects, who came to pay their respects to him, but although he took his seat on his throne, his weakness increased day by day and he was attacked by a variety of diseases against which the skill of the physicians was of no avail. LIII.-AN ACCOUNT OF THE QUARRELS BETWEEN THE PRINCES BEFORE THE DEATH OF
BURHẦN NIXM SHAH, AND OF THE END OF THAT AFFAIR. Historians of the Sultans of the Dakan relate that Burhan Nizam Shah had six sons, 121 tach of whom was worthy of a crown and a throne. (1) Miran Shah Husain was the eldest son and was superior to his brothers in wisdom, generosity, and bravery. Most of the amírs and officers of state, but especially Qasim Beg and the rest of the foreigners, were in favour of his elevation to the throne. Next came (2) 'Abdul Qadir, on whom Burhân Nizâm Shah, for the love which he bore to him, hac bestowed an aftábgfr and an umbrella, and who had married a daughter of Darya 'Imad Shah. The honour which the king haul bestowed on him induced the people to think that he was destined for the throne, and his marriage had strengthened his position. Next came (3) Miran Shah 'Ali, who was, through his mother, the grandson of Isma'il Adil Shah. Next came (4) Miran Shah Haidar, whose marriage to the daughter of Makhdam Khyä ja Jahân has been mentioned. Then came (5) Miran Muhammad Baqir, who fled and took refuge with Ibrahim 'Adil Shah and is yet (A.H. 1,000-A.D. 1591) living. Then came (6) Miran Khudábanda.
Of all these sons the two most worthy of the throne were Miran Shah Husain and Miran 'Abdul Qadir, of whom the latter was at first the favourite of the king, who for the love that be bore him, bestowed on him an umbrella and an aftabgir and thus distinguished him above his brother. Later, however, when Burhân Nizam Shah was guided into the way of truth and became couvert to the religion of the twelve Imâms, Mîrân Shah Husein, who was predestined to happiness in both worlds, and to the kingdom, followed his example, while Miran Abdul Qadir, led astray by the unworthy Maulana Pîr Muhammad, strenuously refused to accept the faith and became disaffected towards his father, and was awaiting an opportunity of rising in rebellion and throwing the kingdom into confusion. The king naturally withdrew his favour from Mîrên 'Abdul Qadir and now inclined wholly to Miran Shah Husain, whom he treated with more honour both in public and in private, though as a matter of precaution, he still gave Miran 'Abdul Qadir a place beside himself in darbar and Miran Shah Husain & place behind himself. He determined, at the same time, that Miran Shah Husain should succeed him on the throne.
For this reason the two princes were extremely jealous of each other and there was perpetual enmity between them. The king gave the fort of Danlatâbâd to Miran 'Abdul Qadir, Jurnår to Miran Shah Husain, and Pali to Miran Shah 'Ali, and established a rule that whenever the royal army assembled for an expedition, the princes should be excused from
131 Firishta (ii, 235) gives the following list and description of the song of Burhan Niram Shah I. (1) Husain, and (2) Abdul Qadir, by the courteban Amina ; (3) Shah All, by Bibt Mariyam, daughter of Yuf. Âdil Shah ; (4) ShAh Haidar, who married the daughter of Madam Khyája Jahan the Dakan; (6) Miran Muhammad Baqir, who died in Bijapur ; and (6) Prince Sultan Muhammad KhudAbanda, who died in Bengal.
Sayyid Ali's account of the strife between the brothers does not differ materially from Firishta's (ii, 236). Firishta says that 'Abdul Qadir was supported by his other brothers and that the Foreigners and Africans supported Husnin, and the Dekanis and Hindde, 'Abdul Qadir. The Dakan ia and the Africans wually followed the same policy. 'Abdul Qadir took refuge with Darya 'Imad Shah in Berar, where he died.