Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 45
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 21
________________ FEBRUARY, 1918) MADHAVACHARYA AND HIS YOUNGER BROTHERS 17 MADHAVACHARYA AND HIS YOUNGER BROTHERS. By RAO BAHADUR R. NARASIMHACHAR, M. A.; BANGALORE. (Continued from p. 6.) « Vidyâragya's great literary fame has so completely eclipsed his career as a soldier that no writer dealing with his life has hitherto taken any notice of it." It is unthinkable that Vidyaranya, a sanyási and a writer on the Dharmaśdstra, could ever have exchanged the mendicant's staff for the sword. There is a Smärta matha of the Bhagavata-sampradaya at Talkad in the Mysore State, which is known as the Balakrishnananda matha. It is also sometimes called the Koppala matha from a village of the name of Koppala which belongs to it. The guru of the matha is said to be descended in spiritual succession from Padma pâdâcharya, the immediate disciple of Sankaracharya, the three gurus that came after Padmapadacharya being Vishnusvâmi. Kshîragvâmi and Kțish Anandasvami. The god worshipped in the malha is Gôpala. krishna. A palm leaf manuscript in the matha contains a copy of an inscription17 which registers a grant to the matha by Madhava-mantri in Saka 819. There is an anikat or dam across the Cauvery near Talkad which is known as Madhava-mantri's katle or dam. The above manuscript has likewise the following verse giving Saka 816 as the date of the construction of the dam by Madhava-mantri. शाके पोरशमिश्रिताष्टशतकेयानवसंवत्सरे वेशाखे सितसप्तमीभृगुदिने लग्नेच सिंहोदये। सेतुं माधवमंत्रिराट् करिवने ऽबभास्करात्मजां प्रत्युस्थामुदधि दशास्यरिपुववद्विजानां कृते ।। Kari-vana in the verse is a synonym of Gajaranya, the Puranic name of Talkad. A channel drawn off from the Cauvery near the Mâdhava-mantri dam, which is known as Madhavarîya channel, is also said to have been built by Madhava-mantri. This Madhava gantri is in all probability identical with his namesake of whom we have spoken above, and the dates Saka 816 and 819 are no doubt pious mistakes for Saka 1296 and 1299 corresponding to A. D. 1374 and 1377. Just as the military exploits of Madhava-mantri have been ignorantly attributed to Madhavacharya, some of his literary works also have been fathered on the latter. As an instance, the commentary called Tatparyadipiká on the Sútasamhita may be mentioned. The following extracts from the commentary unmistakably prove that Mâdha va-mantri, the disciple of Käsivilâsa-Kriyâsakti, was its author. xhereftfraroui karanterari श्रीमत्र्यंबकपादाब्जसेवानिष्णासचेतसा ।। वेदशास्त्रप्रतिष्ठात्रा श्रीमन्माधवमंत्रिणा। तात्पर्वदीपिका सूतसंहिताया विधीयते ॥ इति श्रीमस्काशीविलासक्रिवाशक्तिपरमभक्तश्रीमत्तबंबकपादाब्जसेवापरायणेन उपनिषन्मार्गप्रवर्तकेन माधवाचार्येण विरचितायां सूतसंहितासात्पर्यदीपिकायां । Still, the following verse shows the blind belief that promoz was its author. freceifarsarear four O T TATTI And in the Poona and Bangalore editions of this work the name of Sankarananda is substituted for that of Kriyasakti ! 17 Epi. Car., III, Tirumakud lu-Narsipu: 7.


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