Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 32
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 18
________________ 12 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1903. "3 Julii aut al 21 Decembris. De tempore, quo Edessa tantum thesaurum accepit, nihil apud "antiquos legitur; Barinius autem ad a. 236 ait, incertam csso famam, hoc anno translationem "accidisse. Fontem suum non indicat, nec eum hucusque invenire potui." 8.- St. Gregory Nazianzen; born in Cappadocia about 329, bishop 372, died 389 or 990. Homily 33 aya nst the Arians: extract from chap. 11 : "What! Were not the apostles strangers to the many nations and countries among which they "were divided that the gospel might be spread everywhere? ...... Granting that Judaea " was the country of Peter, what had Paul in common with the gentiles, Luke with Achaia, Andrew " with Epirus, John with Ephesus, Thomas with Iudia, Mark with Italy ?" The Greek text is in Migne's Patrologia Graeca, Vol. 36, Paris, 1859, col. 227. 9.-St. Gregory of Nyssa; born about 331, bishop of Nyssa in Cappadocia about 872, died soon after 394. In Epist. 13 he writes : "Mesopotamiae incolae, tametsi inter ipsos ditissimi Satrapiarum rectores e sent, nihilominus "Thomam cunctis digniorem esse censuerunt, quem sibi ipsis praeficerent. Its et Titum Cretenses, "et Hierosolymae cives Jacobum in episcopum elegerunt, nosque Cappadoces, conturionem illum, qui "passiones tempore divinitatem Domini fassus est." This Latin translation of the Greek text is from R. Ceillier : Histoire Générale des Auteurs Sacrés et Ecclésiastiques, Vol. 6, Paris, 1860, p. 254. 10.- St. Ambrose ; born 340, bishop of Milan 374, died 897. "In Psalmum XLV. enarratio :" extract from chap. 21 (vers. 10): " Auferos bella usque ad fines terrae : arcum conteret et confringet arma : et scuta comburet "igni. Et vere antequam Romanum diffunderetur imperium, non solum singularum urbium reges "adversum se praeliabantur ; sed etiam ipsi Romani bellis frequenter civilibus atterebantur. ... "Unde factum est ut taedio bellorum civilium Julio Angusto Romanum deferretur imperium : et ita "praelia intestina sedata sunt. Hoc autem eo profecit, ut recte per totum orbem apostoli mitte"rentur, dicente Domino Jesu : Euntes docete omnes gentes. (Matth. xxviii. 19.) Illis quidem "etiam interclusa barbaricis montibus regna patuerunt, ut Thomae India, Mattheo Persia ...." Migno's Patrologia, Vol. 14, Paris, 1845, cols. 1142-3. 11.-St. Astorius, archbishop of Amases in Pontus; died about 499. This Greek writer bears testimony to the fact of the inartyrdom of St. Thomas, but does not specify any locality. In Homily 10, Eulogy of the holy martyrs, he says: "And see how many you dishonour in the one insult; John the Baptist, James who was called the brother of the Lord, Peter, Paul, Thomas; I name these as chiefs of the martyrs." The original is in Migno's Patrologia Graeca, Vol. 40, Paris, 1863, cola, 825-6. 12. - St. John Chrysostom; born 347, archbishop of Constantinople 897, died 407. Translation of a passage from Homily 26 on the Epistle to the Hebrews : "But tell me: do not the bones of Moses himself lie in a foreign land P And as to those of "Aaron, of David, of Jeremiah, and of many apostles, we do not even know where they are. The * graves of Peter and Paul and John and Thomas are indeed known (820x ol rádou); but of the "others, though they are so many, nothing is known," The original text is in Migne's Patrologia Graeca, Vol. 63, Paris, 1862, col. 179.


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