No. 76
Size.8 in. by 5 in.
Extent.91 leaves ; 14 lines to a page ; 23 letters to a line. Description. - Country paper ; Devanagarī characters; hand-writing legible ; two lines in red ink on each border ; topics, mantras and colophons are tinged with red pigment. The ms. is full of illustrations and diagrams in red ink with letters written in black ink. Paper is old, musty brittle and slightly worm-eaten. Foll. 1-2 are missing.
Age.-Appears to be fairly old.
Begins. -- fol. 3 ( abruptly )
The subject matter of this work is identical with Srinatha Bhatta's work bearing the same title. It has got 15 chapters. The author, Nityanatha or Nityanathasiddha is the son of Parvati and is a famous writer on Tantras. For the list of works composed by him, see Catalogus Catalogorum i, 2956.
Ends.- fol. 93b
606. 1899-1915
atri | कार्यसिद्धिर्भवेत्तेन वीर्यमस्ति च तत्र वै ॥ वल्मीक कूर्परस्थे तरुतल देवालये स्मशानेषु |
जाता अप्प विधि इत्या औषधयः सिद्धिदा म स्युः ॥ २२ ॥
अन्द (ख) रात्रे गते देवी समागत्य प्रयच्छति ।
निधानं दिव्य योगं च तस्मान्मंत्री इसी भवेत् ॥
ॐ ह्रीं पद्मिनी स्वाहा ।
इति श्रीनित्यनाथविरचिते कामरत्ने यक्षिणी साधनं नाम पंचदशोप
देशः । १५ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ followed by :- इंद्रपूर्ण समाप्तोयं ग्रंथः श्रीपरमेश्वरार्पणमस्तु | सदाशिवं कुर्यात् ॥