Begins.- fol. 10
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ नमो नित्यावनद्याय जगतः सर्वहेतवे
ज्ञानाय निस्तरंगाय लक्ष्मीनारायणात्मने ॥१॥ etc. Ends.- fol. 95.
शुचिभूताय वक्षाय सदनुष्ठानशीलिते। एतत्ते कथितं सर्व यत्प्रहृष्टाहमिह त्वया ३५ प्रतीहं त्वयि त्वं देवेश कि भूयः प्रोतुमिच्छसि ॥ २३६ ॥
इति श्रीनारदपंचरात्रे महालक्ष्मीतंत्रे श्रीसूक्तप्रभावप्रकाशो नाम पंचाशत्तमो पटल ५०॥ संवत् १९२८ शाके १७९: ज्येष्ठ शुक्ले १ शनिबारे लीपतं शाकंभरपुरमध्ये जोपटगोरधारी स्वपठनार्थ श्रीरस्तुः शुभं भवतु
यल्याण ॥ References. See No. 377.
लक्ष्मीसंहिता or
Lakşmisamhitā or लक्ष्मीप्तन्त्र
.. .... .491. No. 377
1895-98. Size:- 12 in. by 4g in. Extent.— 148 leaves ; 10 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand-writ
ing good ; three lines in black ink on each border, except on foll. 1-6. There are three hand-writings in the codex: ( 1 ) foll. 1-6; ( 2 ) foll, 63-97; right and left hand borders are repaired; and ( 3 ) foll. 7-62 and 98-149.
Nos. I and 2 have the verse-numbers and colophons tinged with red pigment. Fol.86 is missing.
The work forms one of the six parts of the Naradapañcaratra (see Bhandarkar's Report 1883-84, p. 8). It is in so chapters and deals with the praise and worship of Laksmi, as the Sakti of Vişnu, and the ultimate cause of the world and representing itself as having been revealed by the goddess herself to Sakra-Indra. For a detailed analysis of the chapters, see I.O. Catalogue, No. 2533.