459.) Tantra
481 श्यामारहस्य
117 (3). No. 458
1919-24 Size.-- 10 in. by 6 in. Extent.- 7 leaves ; 29 lines to a page ; 22 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper ; Śärada characters; band-writing
legible ; paper old, worn out and musty.
Incomplete copy, beginning in the middle of the 16th chapter and breaking off in the middle of the
19th chapter. Age. — Appears to be fairly old. Author.- Porņānanda ( paramahamsa ). Begios.- folio 85
FIT QTI(FI)Aro Tagad TAMIIT anergardanti CARIANT:
मध्ये-ही ब्रह्मणे लोकाधिपतये सवाहनाय पग्रहस्तायेत्यादि । Ends.-folio 916
भल्पायुषो भवेत्सयो देवता कंपतेति या नास्यस्य पूज्यो लोकेपि पितमात. असो नरः पहारसृष्टिस्थितिसंहारक्रमणेत्यर्थः सृष्टिरकारादिक्षातः स्थितिहा
Peruta: sgfa: arfacin: faià a wira eta: ( agua ) References.- See No. 456.
Śyāmārabasya No. 459
A. 1883-84. Size. – 124 in. by 61 in. Extent.-- so leaves ; is lines to a page; so letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand
writing good; four lines in red ink on each border; names of speakers and colophons at the end of every chapter in red ink. Paper is very old, musty, worn out and mutilated. Almost all the leaves have been repaired, Fol. 29th is supplied by some later scribe. Last two leaves are torn. Foll. 42-58 are missing and there is an unnumbered folio between foll. 61 and 62. Fragment.
Another copy ending with the 20th chapter and a part of the 21st chapter ). 61 (Tantra )