504 .
Age.- Appears to be very old. Author.-Anonymous. Begins.-- fol. .
श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ भीशिवोवाच॥
समयाष्टकं प्रवक्षामि अणुवक ने
येन विज्ञानमात्रेण सिद्धिर्भवति साधके॥१॥ etc. Ends.- fol. 20
विमुत्रं शोणितं के हिनांगी पिशितं पुरा । कपालाहरणं चैव अष्टो नैव जुगुप्सयेत ॥१०॥ इत्येवं समयाचारं यः करोतीह साधकः।
संप्राप्य देविसद्भाव जीवन्मुचि विंदति ॥११॥
( fol. 2 )ति समयाष्टकं ॥ References.- See No. 481.
997. No. 483
1884-87. Size.— 870 in. by 41 in. Extent. - 25 leaves; u lines to a page ; 26 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper: Devanagari characters; hand-writ
ing legible; two lines in black ink on each border; Ms. is written only on one side of each leaf except fol. 7 ; foll. 3-6 missing ; paper old and musty ; ink bad and there are many illegible letters.
The work belongs to उडामरतंत्र and a ms. of this is described by Weber in his Berlin Catalogue, p. 358. It describes the method of offering a lamp to Fraaif or
सहस्रार्जुन. The name of the scribe is बालकृष्ण. Age.- Sam. 1843.
Author,- Anonymous.