No. 74
1895-1902. Size.-91 in. by 4g in. Extent.-18 leaves ; ro lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper; Devanāgari characters; hand-wri
ting legible: four lines in black ink on each border; benedictory phrases, verse-numbers, topics and colophons are tinged with red pigment. Paper is old, worn-out and musty; margins are full of explantory notes ; fol. s has diagrams and illusteations. It is incomplete. Fol. 6 is missing.
Another copy running up to the middle of the sth
chapter. Age.--Appears to be fairly old. Author.-Srinatha Bhatta. Begins.- fol. 10
श्रीरामचंद्राय नमः । श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः । श्रीकृष्ण ...
सिध्यै समस्त जगतां चरणारविंदं। संसेव्यते विविधसिद्ध मधुव्रतेन || etc.
as in No. 72. Ends.- fol. 9b (abruptly )
अथ केशेंद्रलमादि निवारणं । कुंजा फलै क्षौद्रयुत विलिप्य ।। शिरः प्रदेश सकलेंद्र लुप्त । अनेन योगेन सदैव केशा ॥ रोहंति कृष्णा कुटिलाः विशालाः । शृंगाटत्रिफलाभंगी नीलोत्पलमयो रजः ।
सूक्ष्मचूर्ण समं कृत्वा पचेते-चतुर्गणे ।
तं लेपनदृडाः केReferences.--See No. 72.