135 References.-(1) Mss. -A - Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum :
i,4° and 133°; iii, 29'. B - Descriptive Catalogues :I. O. Cat. Ms. No. 6116. Madras Govt. O. Mss. Library pp. 4231-4, Nos. 5434-8. Burnell's Cat. of Tanjore Mss. p. 2072 (2) Printed Editions :Parts of it printed at Madras in 1904 and 1912 in South Indian characters, edited by K. Shanmukha-Sundara Mudaliyar.
क्षमाषट्क ।
101 (2). No. 117
Vis. (ii) Size.- 8} in. by 3 in. Extent. - 2 leaves ; 7 lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. Description.-Country paper ; Devanāgari characters ; hand-writing
legible ; two lines in red ink on each border. Paper is old and musty ; marks of punctuation in red ink.
It is a hymn to देवी चण्डिका praying exemption from all faults. It is ascribed to Šamkarācārya and consists of
six verses. Age.- Appears to be old. Author.- Sarikarācārya. Begins.- fol. II
देव्याः क्षमाषदकारंभः ॥ न चाह्वानं ध्यानं तदपि च न पूजासनविधि । नचाप्य न्यासं कथमपिच मुद्रार्पणविधि ।। न मंत्रं नो यंत्रं तदपि च न जाने स्तुतिकथां । परं जाने मातरस्वतनुशरणं कष्टहरणं ॥१॥ विधेरज्ञानेन द्रविणविरहेणालसतया । विधेयाक्यत्वात्तव चरणयोर्या ज्युतिरभूत् ।