I. O. Catalogue Ms. No. 2551.
Peterson's Ulwar Catalogue, Ms. 2255.
( 2 ) Printed Editions :--
( 1 ) With Bengali version, Calcutta, Arunodaya ( Periodical Publications ), pt. I, No, 12, 1890.
2 ) Meerut, 1895.
No. 296
Size - 57o in. by 4 in.
Extent. — 6 leaves ; ts lines to a page; 27 letters to a line. Description.— Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand-writing good; marks of punctuation in red ink; paper old and musty.
Bhusuddhibhutasuddhi etc. 583.
Age.— Saka 1698.
Author. - Anonymous. Begins.
fol. 16
It deals with the tantric ritual for purifying the earth ( Bha ), the five constituents of the body ( Bhatas ), pranapratistha, antarmatrka° and bahirmatyka-nyasas. It is not correct to name it as Bhataśuddhi, which is only a topic in this work. This work is put under Dharmasastra is B. B. R. A. S. Catalogue, but as it contains tantric mantras it has been put under tantra, here.
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ केशवादिप्राणायामं कृत्वा ॥
सुमुखश्चेत्यादिसंकल्पः ॥ अद्येत्यादि ॥ श्रीपरमेश्वरप्रीत्यर्थं आत्मनोसुकस्य वाककर्मसिध्यर्थे अमुककर्मजपं करिष्ये ॥ यथा च शरीरशुध्यर्थे सूशुध्यादिन्यासांश्च करिष्ये ।। पृथ्विति मंत्रस्य मेरुः पृष्ठऋषिः ॥ कुम देवता ॥ तळं छंदः || आसमे विनियोगः ॥ पृथ्वि त्वया घृता लोका' || आधारशक्त्तयै नमः || अनंतासनाय ॥ कमलासना० || विमलासनाय० ॥ योगासनाय ० ॥ कूर्मासनाय ० ॥ मध्ये परमसुखायनाय ° ॥ स्वशिरसि ॥ etc. Ends. fol. 6b
टवर्गद्वयं पादसंध्यग्रेषु तथा न्यसेत् ॥ पवर्गे पार्श्वयुगुळं पृष्ठनाभ्युदरेषु च ॥ हृद्दोर्मूलककुकक्षे हृदादिकरपइये || जठराननयो वैष व्यापकं विनियोजयेत् ॥ ४ ॥