गुरुणा प्रवक्तव्यं न तु वितंडादि मागोतर इति नियमः ॥ स एव पंचधा चोद्यमागें उच्यते ॥ सूत्रसिद्धांतप्रकृतपदाध्यायेष्वीति तत्र तावत्सूत्राविषये दर्यते पाक सूचितमित्यादि ।। सूत्रस्यास्य वाक्यरूपत्वाच्येति ॥ शुभं ।
॥लिखितं मया राजानरामभक्तन ।। References.- (1) Mss.-A-Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum: -
i, 422°; ii, 96°; iii, 91'. B-Descriptive Catalogues :Calcutta Sanskrit College Catalogue III. 91. For the textMatangapar amešvaramahātantra vidyapada, see I. O. Catalogue Ms. no. 2606 (c).
291. No. 338
1887-91. Size.-- 98 in. by 4g in. Extent - n leaves ; 10 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper; Devanagari Characters; handwrit
ing legible ; two lines in black ink on each border; benedictory phrase, numbers of verses, topic-headings, topicendings and the colophon are tinged with red pigment. Paper is old and musty. Six lines in the centre of fol. 4" have been disfigured with yellow pigment.
The work which is a collation from older works like Laksanasangraha, Sivarahasya, Mantradevaprakašika, etc. deals with various hasta-mudras ( particular portion of hands) employed in the worship of Siva, VISNu, Sakti, etc
There are notes on the margin. Age. -- Appears to be fairly old. Author.- Anonymous. Begins.- fol. 1
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अथ मुद्रालक्षणं ।लक्षणसंग्रहे ॥ हस्ताभ्यामंजलिं बध्वा नामिकामूलप्रवणी।। अंगुष्ठौ निक्षिपेतोयं मुद्रा त्वावाहनी मता ॥१॥ अधोमुखीत्वियं वै स्यात् स्थापिनीति निगद्यते । उच्छितांगुष्ठमुष्ठेस्तु संयोगात्संनिधापिनी ॥२॥
अंतःप्रवेशितांगुष्ठो सैव संरोधिनी मता ॥ 'उत्तानमुष्टियुगला संमुखीकरणी भवेत् ॥३॥ देवतांगे षडंगानां न्यासः स्यात्सकलीकृति ।। etc.