[ 112.
this sheet is folded into 4 leaves. Thus two sheets comprise the Ms. In order to distinguish one side from the other, the scribe has devised a means. On one side on each border there is a thick red line accompanied by dots; on the other side the whole margin on each border is besmeared with red ink. The folios are not numbered, but the verses are.
Another copy of the work described under No. 114 which stops at verse No. 99. Our Ms. has one more verse, thus bringing the total to 100. Age. Appears to be old.
Taruņi Rṣi.
Begins. first verse :
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीभवानीशंकरउ !!
कुलारविंदाद कुलार बिंदं प्रविश्य चंद्रस्य सुधां निपीयं ॥
Ends. 100th verse
etc. as in No. 110.
जयतु जयतु देवि सर्वदा चक्रमध्ये भवतु भवतु पापं सुंदरीमाश्रितानां
हरतु हरतु पापं सुंदरीमाश्रितानां दह दह दुःखं संदरीपंडितानां १००
इति श्रीनरोत्तमारण्यमुनींद्र शिष्यतरुणीऋषिप्रणीतं कौलरहस्यं संपूर्ण
मस्तु ॥
References. See No. 110.
No. 113
Size. 6 in. by 4 in.
19 leaves; 13 lines to a page; 11 letters to a line. Description. Country paper; Devanagari characters; hand-writing very good; written in book-form, not in pothi form; two lines in red ink on each border; the external margin on right and left have additional red line border.
Kaularahasya 223 (2).
A 1883-84,