Book Title: Agam 12 Upang 01 Aupapatik Sutra Ovaiyam Terapanth
Author(s): Tulsi Acharya, Mahapragna Acharya
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati
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The original commentator and Malayagiri had before them the intricacies of variant readings and different expositions ard in the times of later commentators also such discussions were often held. In this connection, a topic mentioned in the viti is of historical importance. The commentator writes that this sūtra is obscure on account of the peculiarity of aim and purpose. It can he explained only on the basis of the right tradition and solid ground. It is cheer repudiation of the sútra if it is explained carelessly and wbimsically, Due care had been taken that the sütra may not be repudiated or wrongly interpreted. Consequently, attempt was made to preserve the text and its meaning. Even then due to variation in intelligence and scribe's carelessness discrepancies in readings and expositions have taken place. On account of the variant readings we had to take great pajus in arriving at the correct text. The reader can estimate the labour involved by the variant readings and notes thereon appended in the edition.
The manuscript marked "ta" is an abridged version of the text, e.g. the
awing sūtra 1/41-1&im bhante kim pudam āhārenti apu goyamā putihä no apu. ogā no anogā anantaro pavaram aņuim pi ā bāyarāim pia uddham vi i ādin pi i savisae no avisae äņupuvvim no aņānupuvvim äcchaddi vāghātam pa siva tidisi ska. no vanpato kālā ni gandhato su 2 rasato no phāsaho tesim porä. na vipariņāmettä apuyva vapņa guna ska uppãetta ätasarira khettogadhe poggale savvappanattāe āhāramāhārenti,”
Due to the flaw in script the reading like koridisim (ka) has found place in place of kistidisim. We have not accepted the readings of the al manuscript in many places, because they are too much abridged. Variant words and forms Jinakkayam Jinakhāyam
Jinakhātam asuvii asuvītiyam
(ka, kba) roemāņā rotamāņā
(tā) 1/14 sanghayağa sanghatana 1. Ibid., Výtti p. 450 :
sūtrāni hyamūoi vicitrābhiprāyataya durtakşyāṇiti samyaksampradayādavasātavyāni, sampradayaśca yathoktasvarūpa iti na kāçidanupapattis, na ca sūtrabhiprāyamajñātvā anupapattirudbhavaniya, mahastanäyogato maha'narthaprasak teh, sütrakto hi bhagavanto mahiyansah pratānikstāśca mahiyastaraistatkalavarttibhiranyaicvid adbhistato na tatsutresu manāgapyaDupapattib, kevalam sampradāyāvasāye yatno vidheyah. ye tu sūträbhiprāyamajñātvā yathakathañcidanupapattimudbhāvayante te mahato mahiyasa aśätayantiti dirghatārasamsārabhājah, āha ca ţikākāraḥ--"evam vicittàņi sūtraņi samyaksampradayādavaseyānītyavijñāya tadabhipråyam nānupapatticodanā kāryā, mahāśāta nāyogato maba'narthaprasangaditi" evam ca yo samprati duşşamānubhavatah pravacanasyopaplavāya dhūmaketavs ivotthitah sakalakalasukarăvyavacchinnasuvidhimärgánuşthätssuvihitasadhusu matsariņaste'pi víddhaparamparayātasampradāyādavaseyam sutrābhiprāyamapāsyotsūtram prarūpayanto mahāśátanabhäjah pratipattavyapakarnayitavyāśca dūratastattvavedibhiriti kytam prasangena".
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