આભામંડળ : વીજ ચુંબકીય ક્ષેત્ર
concentration. The difference in the bio-energy glow is dramatic: the bio-charged water has more than 30 times stronger Aura vibration. .
(http://www.thiaoouba.com) 31. Contemporary physics cannot explain the above change in water glow, which, technically speaking, is a purely physical process involving an electrical discharge in air around the drop. The main reason for this is that a great majority of "scientists" on Earth completely ignore our consciousness in their perception of Reality. Prof. K. Korotkov says that the increase in the Aura around a drop of water cannot be explained without considering the energy and vibration of our conciousness. Water Aura experiments are indisputable evidence that our mind when properly trained, can actually change the matter. (http://www.thiaoouba.com)
32. The ability of water to remember "conscious" information, is mind-boggling. Not only water is the main ingredient of our diet, but also our bodies are composed from more than 70% of water. It is not surprising that our concsiousness and ability to concentrate may greatly influence our physical well being. Some examples how dramatically mental exercises can change the human Aura and accelerate self healing presented here.
(http://www.thiaoouba.com) 33. It is interesting to note that in every culture on Earth there is a tradition to concentrate positive feelings on food before commencing a meal. This usually takes a form of being grateful to Nature, God or the Universe. In view of the recent Russian Aura research such concentration may have a very profound reason. Charging the food with a positive conscious energy before consumption possibly makes it more harmonious with the body and also more nutritious to consume.
(http://www.thiaoouba.com) 34. It is quite likely that the secret of life is very closely related to the ability of water to store and update conscious information. Ancient tales of "living" or "blessed" water with miraculous properties may have a solid scientific reason in the view of newly discovered secret of water.
(http://www.thiaoouba.com) 35. The great news is that such water can actually be made on the Earth now and its Aura can be observed and examined using Kirlian effect
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