CXLI Paramatma or the Sarvagna, we find similarities and divulgence between the various other Indian systems. The Mimamsakas whose fundamental doctrine is that the Vedas are eternal and apourusheya not revealed by any individual person, do not believe in any Sarvagna or Omniscient being. In this respect the Mimamsaka system is wholly opposed to Jaina system of metaphysics and also the Vedantic school of thought. The Mimamsakas who deny the reality of the Sarvagna also go to reject the doctrine of a creator and the doctrine of creation-Iswara as the Shristikarta. In this respect the Mimamsakas entirely agree with the Jaina and Sankhya systems in rejecting the creation theory. The Sarvagna or Parmatma in Jaina system is not a Shristikarta or the creator As a matter of fact, the doctrine of creation may be said to have been completely rejected by all the Indian systems and not merely by the Jaina school of thought. No Indian system, not cven the Viseshikas and Nayayıkas who speak of an Iswara as the Shristikarta accept the doctrine of creation as bringing into existence of non-existing entity That form of creation is entirely foreign to Indian thought. This doctrine is vehemently opposed and rejected by the Mimamsakas as most ridiculous contradiction. All systems begin with the uncreated Atmas or soul and the uncreated world of physical objects Transformation in these objects, conjunction and separation between the living and the non-living in various forms are accepted and described by the Indian thinkers as the primary entities so combined or so undergoing transformations are all postulated to be uncrcated and indestructible having a permanent existence of their own. In this respect also the Jaina philosophy agrees with the other Indian systems in maintaining that the Jiva and Ajiva categories are permanent and uncreated and indestructible.
SELF IN MODERN SCIENCE Even the biological developments of lower organism may be said to be a preparation for building up a vehicle for the self to express itself. From the lowest mono-cellular organism and ameaba right to man, the process of evolution is a process of