nation only. In the celestial state, all the three are present in heavenly beings with completion and without completion. How does subsidential right faith arise in the case of heavenly beings without completion? It arises in the case of a person, who dics with subsidence of conduct-obscuring karmas and is reborn as a deva. Right faith resulting from destruction does not arise in celestial beings of both sexes belonging to the first three classes of Bhavanavāsi, Vyantara and Jyotiska devas and in celestial women of Saudharma and Aiśāna kalpas. Aiaong them the subsidential and the destruction-cum-subsidential arise in those with completion.
From the point of view of the senses, all the three are present in those possessing the five senses and the mind and not in others. From the point of view of the bodies, all the three are present in those with trasa bodies, and not in others. From the point of view of activities (yogas: vibrations), all the three are present in those with the three activities. But that from destruction alone prevails in the souls devoid of the three activities. All the three arise in living beings of the three sexinclinations. And in the case of those bereft of the sex-inclinations, the subsidential and the destructional right faiths alone exist. From the point of view of the passions, all the three arise in those with the four passions. And in the case of those bereft of the passions, the types of right faith arising from subsidence and destruction alone prevail. From the point of view of knowledge, all the three are present in those possessing the first four kinds of knowledge, viz. sensory knowledge, scriptural knowledge, clairvoyance and telepathy. But that arising from destruction alone prevails in the omniscient. From the viewpoint of self-control, all tho three are present in those characterized by equanimity (sāmā yika) and recovery of equanimity after downfall (chedo pasthā panā). In the case of the saints with pure and absolute non-injury (parihāravisuddhi), the other two are present except that arising from subsidence. The two types of subsidential and destructional arise in the saints with slightest passion and perfect and passionless con
1 Not one of the three types of right faith arises in the others.
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