Book Title: Reality English Translation of Sarvarthasiddhi
Author(s): S A Jain
Publisher: Jwalamalini Trust Chennai
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Avagraha (mere awareness of an
object ), 23-28 Avamodarya (reduced diet), 262 Avarnavāda (attributing faults), 179 Avasarpini (descending cycle), 97 Avāya (perceptual judgment), 23-26 Aversion, 192 Avigrahā gati (movement without a
bend), 70-71 Aviratí (non-abstinence), 215-216 Aurata (non-vow), 120 Acārya (chief preceptor), 184-186, 265 Ahāra (taking in of matter ), 71, 219 Ahāraka kāyayoga (activity of the
supernormal body ), 81 Ähāraka sarira (supernormal body),
75-76, 81 Akasa (space), 128-135, 137-140, 143 Akiñcanya (possessionlessness or non
attachment), 243-245 Alocana (confession ), 263-264 Arambha commencement), 172-173;
(infliction of pain), 180-181 Arjava (straightforwardness), 243-244 Ariadhyāna (sorrowful concentration),
267-269 Aryans (the civilized people), 103 Asrava, influx, 7, 167-188, 239 Avarana (covering ), see darśana
varana etc. under karma, 221-222 Avaśyakā parihāni (regular performance of the six essential duties),
184-186 Ayu (life-karma ), 180-183
Bhavanavāsi devas (Residential devas),
111-112 Bhava parivartana (cycle of incar.
nation), 58 Bhavya (a self with capacity for
liberation), 54 Bhāvamana (psychical mind), 145 Bhāvanā (observances or contempla
tions), 191--196 Bhāva nikşepa (installation by actual
state), 8-9 Bhāva parivartana (cycle of thought),
59-60, 171-172 Bhāvasamvara (psychic stoppage), 238 Bhāvendriya (psychic sense), 64-65 Birth, 72, 74–75 Bodhidurlabha (rarity of enlighten
ment), 248-249 Body, kinds of, 75-81 Bondage, see bandha Brahmacarya (celibacy), 243-245
Caitanya (consciousness), 2 Caksu (sense of sight), 65-66 Caritra (conduct), 2-4, 261-262 Caritramoha (conduct-deluding kar
mas), 179-180 Cetaná (consciousness), 55-56 Chadmastha vitarāga (saint of the
twelfth stage), 257 Charity, 213-214 Cheda (suspension), 263-264 Chedopasthā panā cāritra (conduct of
reinitiation), 190 Combination of atoms, 158-161 Compassion, 178, 195 Completion, 11-12, 71, 228-229 Complexion, thought-, 53 Concentration, 266-275; types of meditation, 267; causes of liberation, 267; sorrowful, 268-269; cruel, 269
270; virtuous, 270; pure, 271-275 Conduct, right, 2-4; kinds of, 261-262 Consciousness, active, 55-56 Contemplation, 193-196 Continent, see middle world Cycles of wanderings, of matter, of
space, of incarnation and of thought, 56-60
Bahuśruta (preceptor), 184-186 Bakusa (the spotted saint), 277 Bandha (bondage of karmas), 7, 215
237; causes of, 215-217; other views of, 218; four types of, 218-219; eight main types and subtypes of karmas, 220-230; duration of karmas, 230-232; fruition of karmas, 232-233; pervasion by karmic molecules, 234-235; space-bondage, 236-237; (combina
tion of atoms), 158-161 Barbarians, 103-104 Bādara sāmparāya (ascetic with gross
passions), 258 Dalatapa (austerities accompanied by
perverted faith), 182 Belief, right, 2-6, 47-50, 183, 276;
subsidential, destructional, destruction-cum-subsidential, 11-14; causes of, 13, 50; wrong belief, 4, 6, 50, 53,
170, 215-216 Bharataksetra, see middle world
Darsana, samyak, (right belief), 2-5,
47-50, 276 Darsanamoha (faith-deluding karmas),
179, 223-224 Darśananiohaksa paka (the destroyer
of faith-deluding karmas), 275-276 Darśana visuddhi (purity of right
faith), 184-185 Darśanā varana (perception-obscuring
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