Book Title: Reality English Translation of Sarvarthasiddhi
Author(s): S A Jain
Publisher: Jwalamalini Trust Chennai
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karmas), 175, 222 Dāna (charity), 213-214 Dānāntarāya (Obstructive karma of
gain), 155-156, 187, 229 Decay (destruction), 47-51, 155-156 Degrees of smoothness and roughness,
161 Demerit, 7, 168-169, 237 Deśacaritra (small or partial vow),
190 Desaghāti (obscuring partially), 67 Deśaghāti sparddhaka (karmic matter
which obscures only partially), 67 Destruction, disposition of, 47-51 Destruction-cum-subsidence, disposi-
tion of, 47-49, 51-52 Detachment, cultivation of, 195-196 Devas (celestial beings), 107–127; four
orders of, 107; subclasses of, 108, 111-117; ten grades of, 108-109; nature of happiness of, 110-111; distinctions in lifetime, motion, etc of, 117-119; thought-complexions of, 119-120; Laukāntikas, 120-122; of two final births, 122; lifetime of,
123-127 Dharma (medium of motion), 128-135,
137-139, 141; (tenfold virtue), 241
245 Dharmasvākyatattva (truth proclaimed
by religion), 245, 249 Dharmyam (virtuous concentration),
267, 270 Dhārand (retention), 23-24 Dhyaunya (permanence), 155-156 Dhyana (concentration), 266-275 Dissociation, 7,234; efficacy of, 275-277 Dravya (substance), 8, 129-134,
162-163 Dravya nikşepa (installation by sub
stance), 8-9 Dravya parivartana (cycle of matter),
56-57 Dravyārthika naya (standpoint of sub
stance), 10, 42 Dravyasarıvara (obstruction of kar
mic inflow), 238 Dravyatva (substanceness), 129-130 Dravyendriya (physical sense), 64 Dues 1 (aversion, antipathy), 192 Dvicarana (deva with two final births),
122 Dvi pasamudrā, 89 Duyan! (a molecule of two atoms) *. 153-154
Evarbhutz naya (the actual stand
point ), 45 Evil, 168 Existence, 155-156 Faith (belief), 2-7, 47-50, 276 Falsehood, 189, 191, 197, 201. 207! Feminine sex, 82. Fire creature, 62 Fruit of knowledge, 17-18 Fruition of karmas, 209, 232-234 Gang (a congregation of old ascetics),
265 Garbha (uterine birth), 72-74 Gati (condition of existence), 52-53,
225-226, (transit from one body to
another), 68-72 Ghrāna (sense of smell), 65-66 Glāna (an ailing monk), 265 Good, 168 Gotra see influx and karma, 186-187 Great vow, 190-191 Guna (attribute, quality), 162, 165-166 Guna (degree), 159-161 Gunahāni (decreasing series), 134 Gunasthānas (spiritual stages), 238-241 Gunavrddhi (increasing series), 134 Gupli (control), 241-243
a. sow. 1918, qua 161 series): 238.2
Himsa (injury), 188-191; 193–194
196-197 Homeless ascetic (ana gāra), 200-201 Householder (agāri), 201-220 Hrada (lake), 92 Human beings, 52-55. 225-226; in
regions of enjoyment, 99; their region, 102; regeneration and dege. neration of, 97-98; two kinds of, 103-104; lifetime of, 105-106
Ignorance, disappearance of, 18 Thā (speculation), 23-25 Immaterial (amurta), 131-132, 144-145 Immobile beings (sthāvara ji vas), 62 Incompletion (aparyāpti), 11-12, 229 Indra (lord of devas), 108-110, 116-117 Indraka vimăna (the central position
or car of the heavens), 117 Indriya (sense), 22-23 Indriya paryāpti (completion of the
senses), 228-229 Infatuation, 199 Infernal beings, their regions, 84-85;
their abodes. 85; their thoughtcolouration etc., 86; sufferings of, 87-88; maximum lifetime of, 88; minimum lifetime of, 126-127 Infinite, 77, 135, 137-138, 140, 165, 235
Earth creature, 62 Ekatva (loneliness ), 246-247 Ekatva vitarka vicāra (pure concen
tration on one aspect), 271-275
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