Satya (trusali (the Oniritual stage),
Sarvajña (the all-knowing, tbe omni- 72-74; points of view, 157-158; penescient), 155-156, 277, 279
tration in space of, 140; contraction Sarrāvadhi (the perfect clairvoyance), and expansion of, 141; liberated soul, 38
282-289 Sat (existence), 155-156
• Sound, 151 Sattva (living being), 195
Space (akaśa), 128-130, 132, 133-135. Satya (truthfulness), 243-245
137, 139-140; function of, 143 Sayoga kevali (the omniscient with
Sparsa (touch), 66
Sharka (touch vibration, the 13th spiritual stage), Sparsana (sense of touch), 65-66 279
Speech, 14$ Sadhāyana sarira (common body of Standpoints (nayas), 10; description of several souls), 228
the, 41-46, 157 Sadhu (a saint of long standing),
Stealing, 189-190, 197-198 185, 265
Steya (theft), 189-192, 197-198 Sadhu samādhi (protecting the saints),
Sthāpanā niksepa (representation of 184-186
one thing by another), 8 Sāgara, 106
Sthāvara jiva (immobile being), 61-62, Sägaropama, 106
67 Sāmāyika caritra, (conduct of equani- Sthitibandha (duration of karmas), mity), 190, 261-262
218-219, 230-232 Sāmāyika vrata (vow of self-contem
Stoppage of karmas (samvara), 7, 238, plation), 203
262 Sām parāyika (mundane inflow), 169
Striveda (feminine inclination), 81-82 Sāsādana gunasthāna (the second
Study, 265-266 spiritual stage of Downfall), 238 Scripture, 28-30
Subsidence, 11-14; disposition of, 47-49 Self, see soul
Substance (dravya), 129-140, 162-165;
definition of, 155, 162-163; points Senses (indriyas), physical and psychi
of view of, 157 cal. 64-65; names of the, 65-66; Substratum, 171-175
objects of the, 66 Service, respectful, 265
Sukşma kriyāpratipāti (pure concenSex-inclinations, 81-83
tration of subtle activity), 271-275 Shedding of karmas, see karmas, 7
Suksma sāmparāya (10th spiritual Siddha (liberated soul, God). 51
stage of slight delusion), 261-262 Skandha (molecule), 153-155, 158-161 Suksmasāmparāya caritra (conduct of Smooth quality, 158-159
slight passion), 251, 261-262 Smrti samanvāhāra (repeated think Svadhyāya (study of the scriptures), ing), 268
263, 265–266 Snātaka (the omniscient in the 13th and 14th stages of spirituality), 278
Taijasa sarira (the luminous or electric Snigdha (smooth or sticky quality), body), 75-80 158-159
Taijasa varganā (molecules forming Soul (java), 7, 130-132, 135, 137, 140
the electric body), 75-76 141; distinctive characteristics of, 47; Taiyyagyona (life-karma of animals), divisions of, 48-49; subsidential, 49;
181 destructional, 50-51; destruction
Tanurāta (the atmosphere of thin air), cum-subsidential, 51-52; on the rise 84-85 of karmas, 52-54; inherent, 54-55; Tapas (austerities), 262-275 differentia of, 55; divisions of cons Tattvam (reality), 6-7 ciousness, 55-56; transmigration of Tattvārtha (things ascertained as they souls, 56-60; with and without minds, are), 4-5 61; mobile and immobile beings, 61 Tejas (fire creature), 62 64; immobile lives, 62-63, 67; mobile Time (kāla), 148-150, 163-165 lives, 67; with minds, 68; transit, Tiryagyonija (of subhuman birth), 106 68-71; ways of birth, 71; kinds of 122-123 and other details, 75-81; the projec- Tiryanca (subhuman beiogs), 122-123 table body, 81; the three sexes, 81-83; Tirthakaratva, 184-186 lives that cannot be cut short, 83; Tirtharkara (the Lord of the three function of, 147: kinds of nuclei, worlds, the upper, the middle and
, 158-161
, 158-159
ini saman
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