is analogous to the case of a man who is as valiant as a lion being himself called a lion. Again, the word sraddhå may fitly be applied to water, because water is intimately connected with religious works (sacrifices, &c.) which depend on faith; just as the word 'platform' is applied to men (standing on the platform). And finally the waters may fitly be called sraddhà, on account of their being the cause of faith, according to the scriptural passage, 'Water indeed produces faith in him for holy works 1.'
6. (Should it be said that the souls are not enveloped by water) on account of this not being stated by scripture, we refute the objection on the ground of those who perform ishtis, &c., being understood.
Well, let it be granted that, on account of question and answer, water, passing through the forms of sraddhà, &c., may in the fifth oblation obtain the shape of man. But still we cannot allow that the souls when moving from one body into another are enveloped by water. For this is not directly stated by scripture, there being in the whole passage no word referring to the souls, while there are words referring to water. Hence the assertion that the soul goes enveloped by water is unfounded.—This objection is invalid, we reply, on account of those who perform ishtis, &c., being understood.' For in the passage beginning.But they who living in a village practise sacrifices, works of public utility and alms, they go to the smoke' (V, 3, 10), it is said that those who perform ishtis reach, on the road of the fathers leading through smoke, &c., the moon, 'From ether they go to the moon; that is Soma, the king. Now these same persons are meant in the passage about the five fires also, as we conclude from the equality of scriptural statement in the passage, 'In that fire the devas offer
? Âpo heti, asmai pumse s dhikârine samnamante ganayanti darsanamâtrena snânâdipunyakarmasiddhyartham sraddhâm ity arthah. Ân. Gi.
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