members of the sacrificial action with activities of the mind, &c.; viz. in the passage, With mind only they are established, with mind only they are piled, with mind only the cups were taken, with mind the udgâtris praised, with mind the hotris recited; whatever work is done at the sacrifice, whatever sacrificial work, was done as consisting of mind, by mind only, at those fire-altars made of mind, piled by mind,' &c. For that connexion has for its result an imaginative combination (of certain mental energies with the parts of the sacrifice), and the obtainment of the parts of the sacrifice which are objects of actual perception cannot be made dependent on such imaginative combination?. Nor must it be supposed that, because here also, as in the case of the meditation on the udgîtha, the vidya is connected with members of the sacrificial action, it enters into that action as a constituent part; for the statements of the text differ in the two cases. For in our case scripture does not say that we are to take some member of a sacrificial action and then to superimpose upon it such and such a name; but rather takes six and thirty thousand different energies of the mind and identifies them with the fire-altars, the cups, and so on, just as in some other place it teaches a meditation on man viewed as the sacrifice. The number given by the text is originally observed as belonging to the days of a man's life, and is then transferred to the mental energies connected therewith.–From the connexion (referred to in the Satra) it therefore follows that the agnis piled of mind, &c. are independent.—The clause
and so on' (met with in the Satra) must be explained as comprehending 'transference' and the like as far as possible. For if the text says, 'Each of those Agnis is as great as that prior one, it transfers the glory of the fire-altar consisting of the work (i.e. the real altar piled of bricks) to the altars consisting of knowledge and so on, and thereby
1 Kimartham idam anubandhakaranam tad âha, sampad iti, upastyartho hy anubandhas tathậpi manaskidâdînâm akriyângatve kim âyâtam tad aha, na keti, teshâm kriyângatve såkshâd evådhânâdiprasiddher anarthikâ sampad ity arthah. Ân. Gi.
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