Ceremonies, laws, numbers, measures, with all the minutiae of jurisprudence, the ancients had ; but it is by these that inferiors serve their superiors; it is not by them that those superiors nourish the world.
6. Anciently, Shun asked Yão, saying, “In what way does your Majesty by the Grace of Heaven exercise your mind?' The reply was, 'I simply show no arrogance towards the helpless; I do not neglect the poor people; I grieve for those who die; I love their infant children; and I compassionate their widows. Shun rejoined, ' Admirable, as far as it goes; but it is not what is Great.' 'How then,' asked Yão, 'do you think I should do ?' Shun replied, 'When (a sovereign) possesses the virtue of Heaven, then when he shows himself in action, it is in stillness. The sun and moon (simply) shine, and the four seasons pursue their courses. So it is with the regular phenomena of day and night, and with the movement of the clouds by which the rain is distributed. Yão said, 'Then I have only been persistently troubling myself! What you wish is to be in harmony with Heaven, while I wish to be in harmony with men. Now (the Way of) Heaven and Earth was much thought of of old, and Hwang-Ti, Yâo, and Shun united in admiring it. Hence the kings of the world of old did nothing, but tried to imitate that Way.
7. Confucius went to the west to deposit (some) writings in the library of Kâu?, when Zze-lû coun
1 So, in the Spring and Autumn ' Chronicle, the rightful reigning sovereign is ordinarily designated, 'Heaven's King.' It is not a Tâoistic mode of speaking of him.
? It is supposed that Confucius, disappointed by his want of
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