Lord, highest, his nature is Mâya 65 seq., 138 seq., 140, 344 seq.,
joined with time and karman, i, 291, 338, 339 seq. 357 n.
Lord, highest, stands in the realm -- cannot be reproached with of the phenomenal in the rela
cruelty, on account of his re- tion of a ruler to the individual garding merit and demerit, i, souls, i, 329. 357-360; ii, 180-183.
-- with a view to the efforts -- his essential goodness affirmed made by the soul the L. makes by Sruti and Smriti, i, 358.
it act, ii, 59-61. -- his position analogous to that - - as the soul is affected by of Parganya, i, 358.
pleasure and pain not so the, -- Scripture the production of ii, 63-65.
the omniscient L., and the - refutation of the view that omniscience of the L, based on a h. L. is not the material but Scripture, i, 437.
only the operative cause of the -- we are to meditate on him, i, world, i, p. li, 284, 434-439, 441.
440. - from him there result samsára - the world, according to the and moksha, ii, 58 seq.
Upanishads, is nothing but a - is the evolver of names and manifestation of the h. Li's forms, i, 328 seq. ; ii, 96-98.
wonderful power, i, p. cxix. - meant by the term 'he who --the cause of the world, i, 16, renders tripartite,' ii, 97.
17, 46, 48, 49, 61, 243, 254, is free from all qualities, ii, 340. 263-266, 270, 271, 328; ii, - there is also a form of the 183.
h. L. not abiding in effected -- dependency of the world on things, ii, 417 seq.
him, i, 242-245, 290, 370; ii, - the Bauddhas do not admit a 415 seq. ruling, i, 403.
- arranged at the beginning of - on the Sankhya and Yoga systems the present kalpa the entire
the L. acts as the ruler of the world just as it had been arpradhâna and of the souls, i, ranged in the preceding kalpa, 434 seq.
i, 215. Pasupati, Siva, i, 435.
the creation of this world is the pradhana cannot be ruled by mere play to him, i, 357. the L. in the same way as the -- may, although himself unorgans are ruled by the soul, i, moving, move the universe, i, 437 seq.
369. - such terms as L. and the like - is the creative principle
cannot be applied to the in- abiding within the elements, ii, dividual soul, i, p. xxxix.
34. seq. - highest, is not, like the individual - - is a causal agent in all activity,
soul, the cause of evil, i, p. xlix, ii, 59. 343-346.
- only is eternal and the creator - who abides within the soul, of the world, ii, 416. is not affected by the imper- - see also Isvara. fections clinging to the soul, i, - see also Brahman, and Self. pp. lxii-Ixiv.
Lords, such as Hiranyagarbha, &c., - -the intelligent Self is the, i, are able to continue their 15, 234, 290 ; ii, 337-340.
previous forms of existence in --- different from the individual each new creation, i, 213,
soul, i, p. xcviii, 70, 81, 159 215. seq., 187, 234; ii, 290 seq. Lotus, as the I. wanders from one - - the released soul, ii, 418.
pond to another without any - is himself the individual soul, means of conveyance, so Brahnot anything else, i, 379; ii, man creates the world, i, 348. [38]
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