Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Dr. Sukumar Sen
10, Raja Rajkissen Street, Block No. 2, Suite No. 32,
Caclutta-6. Dt. 14-3-73 Dear Dr. Chandra,
......I regret to say that it will not be convenient for me to attend the Seminar and join in your deliberations which I am sure will be fruitful.
I trust the papers read there and discussions on them will be readily published for the benefit of the learned world. With kind regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Sukumar Sen
Lokmanya Tilak Road, Post Box No. 75, Baroda.
Date 17-3-73 Dear Dr. Chandra,
Please refer to our previous correspondence. I had accepted your invitaion to deliver an extension lecture in the Prakrit Seminar. But I am sorry to inform you that unavoidable personal circumstances have prevon. ted me from going out of station.......Inconvenience caused to you is vory much regretted. ......I wish the deliberations of the Seminar a grand success.
Yours sincerely B. J. Sandesara
Prof. F. B. J. Kuiper Leiden University.
Leiden Date 18-3-73
Dear Professor Chandra,
...... There can be no doubt about the important place of the Prakrit languages in the field of Indo-Aryan linguistics. The attention so far pald to this subject at most of the Indian and Western Universites stands in no proportion to its importance for historical Indian linguistics and the cultural history of India.
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