Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 38
________________ KARMAYOGIN. defeat, a new life in the apparent necessry or that particular individuals can happen just now will tond to the process of disintegration. are not more necessary than other fulfilment of His purpose. In other indiridoak. And the writer seks words, there is now an upward tendency hot bor sa onhan in justified in catting in the nation with an immense Mature Deliberatios. itself off for the wake of the organism, force behind it and, in such condi. That the movement is from God to sod immediately sowers his own tions, it is part human experi. been apparent in its history. Our question partially by saying, yes, when ence that the force makes use of contemporary does not believe that God the interests of the organism requiro it. every event to assist the progress of created and leads the morement, be The metaphor is falue ono; for the the tendency until its contribution thinks that Srijut Surendra Nath individual is not an organ, he is to buman development is fullfilled. Baporji created it and leads it. Only simply so atom, and stoms not only That is the idea of Kala or the Oran explain the extraordinary can be replaced but sro daily replacer, Zeitgeist working, and, put religiously. statement, "every step that has been and the replacement is Deensary for it means that God being Supreme Wisdom taken in construction has been preceded the continued Nse of the organism. Ia uses everything for His supreme purposes hy mature deliberation. I thit so time of stress or revolution the replace. and out of evil cometh good. This is Was the Swadeshi morement preceded ment is more rapid, that is sll. true of our private life as every man of hy mature deliberation ! Everybody Whatover the importance of particular spiritual insight can testify: he can knows that it was scouted by our leaders individush-ad the importance of mon name and estimate the particular good »nd, if it had been again proposed to like Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta or Sj. which has come out of every apparent them a month before it suddenly seized Krishna Kumar Mitra is not denied by evil in his life. The same truth applies the country, would still have been any man in his senses and was got to the life of the nation. mouted. It came as a finod comes and denied but dwelt upon by the speaker swept away everybody in its mighty at Jhalakati.--they are not necessary, God's ways. current. Was the Boycott preceded by in the sense that God does not depend maturn deliberation ? Ecerybody knows When it is said that God's ways aro upon them for the execution of His inscrutable, it is simply meant that how it came, advocated by obecure purposes. Our contemporary does not mau's reason, on which the Bengalee lays tuofussil towns, propagated by a Oslcutta expressly dony God's existence or His Veroncular newapaper, forced on leaders 80 muoh streas, is not always sufficient omnipotence or His providence, and if who shrank from it with uningivings, to estimate at the time the object He he accepts them, he is debarred from scoepted it with tremours and even then red from has in a particular dispensation of insisting that God cannot save India would only hare used it for short time calamity or defeat. It seems to be nothwithout Sj. Surendra Nath Bannerji or 18 means of pressure to get the ing but calamity and defeat and it is sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, that he is Partitiog rerersed. Everybody knows only afterwards that the light of reason unable to remove them and find other how it spread over Bengal with the looking backwards is able by the illuinstruments or that their doportation or impetuosity of a cyclone. Was the mination of subsequent events to uo. disappearance will defor the fulfilment National Education movement preceded derstand His doings. Therofure we of His purposes to future centuries. hy nature deliberation It came must have faith and an invinciblo frith suddenly, it came nexpectedly, un or elue the calamities will be too great fur weloquo to many and still damped The Fatalism of Action our courage and endurance. Is this false with halfhearted support by the Our contemporary dues however doctrine or fatal doctrine ! Will the leaders of the country. This is what we seem to doubt these qualities in the country be injured by it or helped by nean by saying that God to in the Ruler of all. He holds it to be a it? Srijut Aurobindo novor said that notement and leads it. It is greater fatal doctrine that we are none of us God would step in to fill the plabe of than human force, incalcalable, sudden necessary, that everything that is Srijut Aswini Dutt or others retured and impetuous, which has swept over the happening or can happen is for the from the areon. His position that country shattering and recreating, hest, that God is seeking His fulfilment God has been driving on ho murement transforming cowards into herjers, lovers in inscrutable ways, that He will Himself from the beginning and was alwayo the of char into martyrs, self-soekers into lead the country when our prominent leader when they were with us and self-sacrificers, changing in a few year men are renoved from the arena." This remains the leader when they are taken the whole outlook, tempor and character he says, is fatalism, and by, flinging the from us. of a nation. word fatalism at Srijut Aurobindo, he thinks he has damned his position. The word fatalism means usually a resigned Adequate Value. The Importance of the ladividual. tot passivity, and certainly any leader who The Bengale insists bowore It is not surprising that with these preached such a gospel would be injuring individual life is quite as sacred for its ilan to Bengals should doprecate the the country. That would be indeed a own purposes of national Nfo fur ins call for continul courage and all rotal doctrine. But our contemporary higher purposes, that the gation bighor purposes, sadrifon which has been made by frijut u t that it is a fatalism of action 1 get adequate wolne fur sack scrisoo that Aurobindo Chose in bis «poooh at an I not of inaction he is censuring, he the individusls mako, and that groot Jhalakati, for to that appech the article b me the speaker for advocating too e the speaker for advocating too mon munt protect thonnores from is ontroversial answor. Tho ory fr u ch action and not too little. All that danger because their remonl stori#xpediency terres itself into an the "fatalion" cenoured moatte Is a firm loal mobient may mean incalculable Argumoift for individual prudence on faith in the love and wisdom of God and injury. Wo deny that indindyblo th part of the leaders. It rem t a hrini buwd on past experience that is as soled as national life; the wira Her to bresfital idya tb for thn Arg i t i flis purine to raise up India, tal l e med i Lyr , of the nation individusla 219 tiver: thing that hapnens or wolleunot los burtu ....


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