Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 29
________________ KARMAYOGIX. the worid.lou the hypnotia power should corretny have declared the "cham Yogins was man of analysing the be misused by ignored or perversity or rund witwant in matter with no un experiences of the mind and the hourta abused in the interests of solAhnow and curtain voios. La so doing they have | By Yogs one oan isolato mind, watch its crime, so the Yogins hare w ally pre merely resfformed the discovery made working as under a microscopo, separate served the knowledge of these much by Indian masters of the Yogio scienon overy minute function of the various greater foroos within w in Seorboy thousade of your ago. But the parts of the "antahkamna", the inner broken only when they were sure of the European scientists have not dinowered orgin, prery mental and moral faoulty, previous ethical and spiritual training any sure and certain methods, such as test its irolated workings as well as its of the neophyto and his physical and they have in deling with gross mitter, relations to other functions and faculties moral fitness for the Yogio practices. for investigating payahical phenomena. and trace backwards the operations of It became therefore an established rulo They can only observe the most exter. mind to subtler and stor subtle sources for the learner to observo strict reserve nal manifestations of mind in action. until just as material analysis arrives as to the inner experienpos of Yoga and But in these manifestations the mind at a primal entity from which all for the developed Yogin as far as possible is so much enveloped in the action proceeds, ao Yoga analysis arrives at to conceal himself. This has not of the outer objects and scems so and scems so primal spiritual entity from which all prevented treatises and manuals from dependent on them that it is very proceeds. It is also able to lootto and being published dealing with the physi. difficult for the observer to find out distinguish the paychical centre to which cal or with the moral and intellectual the springs of its action or any regu- all psychioal phenomena gather and to liarity in its working. The European sides of Yoga. Nor has it prorented to fix the roots of personality. In this great spirits who have gained their Yoga scientists have therefore come to the analysis its first dinoovery is that mind not by the ordinary careful and soionti- conclusion that it is the stimulations of an entirely in late itself from oxternal fic methods but by their own strength outside objects which are the cause of objects and work in itself and of itsolf. and the special grace of God, from psychical phenomena, and that even Thin dreannt, it is true, carrry up Tory revealing themselves and their spiritual when the mind seems to act of itself far bocause it may be that it is morely knowledge to mankind and in their and on its own material it is only using the material already stored up by intense love for humanity imparting associating, grouping associating, crouping together together and and its past experiences. But the next something of their power to the world. manipulating the recorded experiences discovery is that the farther it removes Such Were Buddhs, Christ, Mshomod, from outside objects. The very nature itself from ohjects, the more poworfully, Chaitanys, such have been Ramkrishna of mind is, according to them, a creation Bumaly, rapidly can the mind work, with and Vivekananda. It is still the ortho of past material experience transmitted swifter dlarity, with a victorious and dox view that the experiences of Yoga by heredity with such persistence that anvereign detachment. This is an ex must not be revealed to the uninitiated. we have grown steadily from the savage perienon which tends to contradiot the But a new era dawns upon us in which with his rudimentary mind to the soientio theory that mind oan withdraw the old laws must be modi ied. Alrendy civilized man of the twentieth century. the sontes into itself and bring them the West is toginning to discnter the As a natural result of these materialistic to besr on a mass of phenomena of which secrets of Yoga. Some of its laws have theories, science has found it difficult it is quite unaware when it is oocupied revealed themselves however dimly and to discover any true psychical centre with external phenomena. Soience will imperfectly to the scientists of Europe for the multifarious phenomena of mind naturally challenge these as hallucina while others through Spiritualism, and has therefore fixed upon the brain, tions. The answer is that theso pbedo Christian Sven Clai.& ce telepathy the material organ of thought, as the mena are related to ench other b and other in den forms ifccu'tism re only real centre. From this materialistic regular, simple and intelligible laws and .leing almost discorered by necident philosophy have resulted certain form a world of their own independen if by men gruping in the dark and theories very dangerous to the moral of thought soting on the material world stumbling over truths they enant Here too Science has this possible ansve fatur: of mankind. First, man is a that his supposed world is merely understand. The time has almot come creation and slave of matter. He can ! when Indis can no longer keep her light only master inatter imaginative reflex in the brain of th by obeying it. to herself but munt pour it out upon the Secondly, the mind itself is a form of material world and to any argument drawn from gross matter and not independent of the definiteness and ur world. Yoga must be rever'el to man. expected news of these subtle phenomen kind because without it mankind cannot and master of the senses. Thirdly, there and their independence of our own wil take the next step in the humann evolution is no real free will, because all our action and imagination it can alsays "ppoi The puychology of the human race is determined by two great forces, its theory of unconscious cerebration an has not yet been discorered by Soience. heredity and environment. We are the we suppose slaves of our nature, and where we seem unconscious imaginatio All creation is essentially the same and The fourth discovery is that mind proceeds by similar though not identical to be free from its mastery, it is laws. If therefore we see in the outside because we are yet worse slaves of our not only independent of external matte but its master :, it can not only rejer material world that all phenomena pro- environment, worked on by the forces and control external stimuli, but oved from and oan be reduced to a single that surround and manipulate us. can defy such apparently univers causal substance from which they were it is from these Also and dangerous material laws as that of gravitutic born, in which they more and to which doctrines of materialism which tend to and ignore, put aside and mal they return, the same truth is likely subvert man's future and hamper his nought of what are called laws to hold good in the paychical world. evolution, that Yoga dvos up a means of nature and are really only the laws The unity of the material universo has escape. It sorts on the contrary man's material nature, inferior and subject now boon soknowledged by the scienti- freedom from matter and gives him a the psychical laws because matter is fe intellet of Europe and the high means of asserting that frondom. The priests of this and matorialism in first great fundamontal dinoovory of the of matter. This is the decisive di


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