Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 27
________________ beer icime conesfull harts KARMAYOGIN, M re than other W avorj Hard world between his two hands and change Win The effect on India, of an ise on spory new development as it was the first visible nign to the World cumulation of al l the conditions nonna of self-expression, then the nation that India was swako not only to sur which bring ibont national death, has walcow;, lives and grow and whstovar vive but to conquet. Afterwards when been a new lease of life and a great dy tho pe volations and change of politioal. tho awakening was complete section Mahomedan races social, or intellectual forms and institu of the nationalist movement turned in not a single one is decadent. Persia risas tions, it is asured of its suriral and imagina imagination to a reconstruction of the from her weakness full of youthful enthu- grandisomont. recent pre-British past in all its siasın and courage though not yet of | The nineteenth century in India details. This could not bo. Ineria, capacity. Arabia in her deserts surges was imitative, soll-forgetful. artikisl. the refusal to expand and alter is with life: Egypt after her calamities is It aimed at a successful repr duction of what our philosphy calls "tamas", undergoing new birth; as far as Morocco Europe in India, forgetting the deep and an excess of "tamas" tends to the stipy of life is seen. And to-day saying of the Gita :"Better the law disentigration and disappearance. Tarkey the sick man, has suddenly risen of one's own being though it le badly Aggression is necessary for self-presorup vigorous and whole. What is the done than an alien dkarma well-follow vation and when force ceases to source of this difference? Is it not i ed: desth in one's own dharm is conquer, it sages to live-that which this that Asia has developed her spiri- better, it is dangerous thing to reinains stationary and stands morely tuality and Emporc has turned from it ? follow the law of another's naturo." on the dofonavie, that which retires Europe has always tended to live more For death in one's own dharma brings into and keeps within its own'" kot " or in matter and in the body.than within : now birth, success in an alion path base, as the now defunct "Sandhya" and mattes when not inert is always means only successful suicide. If we used graphically to put it, is dooined changing; the hody is bound to perish. had succeeded in Europeanising ourselves to defest, diminution and final eleminaThe high pressure at which Europe lives we would have lost for over our spiritual tion from the living things of the only tends to disintegrate the body more oapacity, our intellectual force, our nati. world. Hinduism has always Hoen rapidly when the spiritual sources within onsl elasticity and power of self-renova pliable and aggeresive; it has thrown Arct resorted to for stability. tion. That tragedy has een cnacted itself on the attacking force, carried its more than once in history, only the positions, plundered its treasures, made worst and most mournful example of its own everything of value it had and THE AWAKENING SOUL OF INDIA. all would have been added. Had the ended either in wholly annexing it or whole 'motivity of the country been of driving it out by rendering its further the derivative and alien kind that result continuation in the country purposeNo national awakening is realy vital would have supervened. But the life- less and therefore impossible. When. and enduring which confines itself to a breath of the nation still moved in the ever it has stood on the defensivo, it single field. It is when the soul awakens that a nation is really alive, and the Panjah, in the political pirations of and showed temporary signs of decay. life will then manifest itself in all the Maharastra and in the literary activity Once the soul of the nation was manifold forms of activity in which of Bengal. Even here it was an under awake in religion it was only & matter man seeks to express the strength and ourrent, the peouliar temperament and of time and opportunity for it to throw delight of the expansive Spirit within. Fitality of India struggling for self-pre-- itself on all spiritual and intellectual It is for a nd that the world exists: servation under a load of foreign ideas crivities in the national existence and for joy that the self pu's Himself into and freign torns and it was not till, in i take possession of them. The outburst the great and serious game of life; and the struggle between these two elements, of anti-European feeling which followed the joy which He sees is the the j'y of the balance tumed in the fovour of the on the Partition national dharma that the salvation of gave various self-expression. the required For this reason opportunity. Anger, vindictiveness and India was assured. The resistance of it is that no two men are alike, no two antipathy the conserratire element in Hinduism, are not in nations are alike. Each has its own themselves tamasir, separate nature over and above the inert, laudable feelings, but God ignorant, uncreative uses them for His though it was, saved the country by purposes common nature of humanity and it is and brings good out of evil. preventing an even more rapid not only the common human impulses They drove listlessness and and thorough disentigration and activities but the satisfaction and apathy away and replaced them by than actually took place and by giving respite and energy and development of its own separate character powerful emotion; and time for the persistent nationl self to and capacities that a nation demands. that energy and emotion were seized upon by the national Self and turned Denied that satisfaction and develop emerge and find itself. It was in religion first that the soul of India awoke to the uses of the mont it perishes. By two tests therefore future. The anger and triumphed. There were always in against Europeans, the vengeful turning the vitality of a national movement can upon their commerce and its producdications, always great forerunners, but be judged. If it is imitative, imported, it was when the flower of the educated tions, the antipathy to artificial then what over temporary suocess everything associated with youth of Osloutta bowed down at the them it may have, the nation is moving to engendered wards nolf-sterilisation powerful stream of tendency turning foot of an illiterate Hindus ascitio, a selfand death illuminated extatio and "mystio" with away from oven to the nations of ancient Europe the immediate Anglicised past, and the spirit which had already porishod when thoy gave up their own ouit single trace or touch of the alien declared itself in our religious life individuality as the price of Roman thought or education upon him that the ontored in by this broad door-way into dvilisation, Roman peace, Roman prosbattle was won. The going forth of polition and substituted a positive powerpority. If, on the other hand, tho post Vivekananda, marked out by the Master tal yearning towards the national past, diar individuality of a race stampo itself the heroio soul destined to tale the still more mighty and dynamio


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