Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 30
________________ KARMAYOGIN covery of Yoga", its final contradic. But this to not all. Not werely do we love There was a love for India in those days, but tion of materialism. It is followed by love through Western eyer, for westerained our mother land me she oxista today and deriva India. We rend of Europe- gront, glorious, quloite joy from that love, but more than the crowning realisation that there is free penple, and in our mind's eye wo pictured that we are proud of her. We are proud that within us a source of immeasurable force mother Europe in India, loved it and wo of we are her sons we are proud that we bove such immeasureable intelligence, immea- it. Naturally there ww dowpair and positiam mother. sutable joy far above the possibility of for there never was a more imposible, more वाचनमम पानार, बबिए weakness, above the possibility of utopin dream than that of a westernised India! The au wan, Then woning - ignorance, above the possibility of grief we were in which we can bring into touch with "of& THERE WITH Bleaned an I in muy brith that I have been ourselves and, under arduous but not born in this land, blowned am I in my life that बुभि पिता तार से मेव तुमि। impossible conditions, habitually utilize I have loved thes-Oh my mother." "Whut darknew it in this land of India, or enjoy. This is what the Upanishads The Agnostic choicjaim that the purely hout thou forsaken it then, oh our father." call the Brahman and the primal entity intellectual teaching of the west led us into her "fanga awita Amft. from which all things were born, in altogether disappeared. We are no longer which they live and to which they trafen w doubters and cynic. We no longer cry. ifi return. This is lod and communion "l'ale in the beauty of thy face, 0 India, finem ift af, with Him is the highest aim of Yoga- night and day from thine eyes the town Ale futurg, sum fer a communion which works for knowledge falling." चानिए चाचार, विपद पाचार, for work, for delight. Thunt was the patriotism of 20 years ago and our wingers faithfully roproduced it in their VIR TV inge. It was wholly Artificial and unreal. We indulge in noble fancier without the We look to all siden, but find no salvation, we are utterly forsaken and alone and find no wichtert letter to the actualities of lifeNATIONAL SONGS OF without the rightest knowledge of our history rofugo in this darkness and surge of calantity BENGAL. anl Luulition today, to whose feet shall we cling to." A different note is struck in the nationa 1 We my rather, Mong of this the new period of our bistory, cofre , to w wife, The life of a nation in always manifest through there there is no commir, no pessimis? We Do its literature. Poetiy, muie and the dama पाक्षाये जाहिक परपर दीपति रायो।" longer MCU vor mother, woeping, sad or are the burnt and went unmistakenlilo prof loony ! Where today is thy par attire, where today of the thought-currents of nation. As therus Ate various periods in the history of a natin, it is thy pale and clouded smile, the light and - marked by various events and movements, 4 beauty of thy feet have filled heaven with their तोमाय देखे देखे नयन ना फिरे, there are the different perion in literature radiance." ench correponding to a historical stage. The ner gute wifery & etue #fit "प्रबार तोर मरा गा माण पसेछ predominant thoughts and ideas of wh ich * * "Oh Mother, we kok at thee and look again in the historical solution of nation can always * he dincorerul through its songs, ils dranus, its and are you can turn from gaxing upon Thin time the waters had poured into the general litortute. All historical movements theo, Thy do have opened today into thy dend Ganges of thy life; launch, launch thy hout are esentially movement of thought, and in wilden templo." Nationalism has brought to with the shout of victory." une petite priete and thinkers are more respon our people a nd bunt of triumphant hope ilile for historical event than thu mero men of anil our twther appears to us, not with her But Although we have learned to have faith ation. The history of the poneral literature of F r in our plver and in the mentity of onr move, hevelled and her head bowed in ment, although our goal is in view and we have Euro abounds with thít chevanoti HOW raulinnt glorious and beautiful There is not the frinteat chord of sorrow in our caught more than a glimpse of it, yet we necils Intween the outer life of the nation and the new tution expron il nonn its inner life. But we had not must suffer for our cause. Without suffering lyminology, there in hope, there in jur, there in fnith. the godhend in u cannot grow. That suffering o beyond the National Nongs that Benal in an errential factor and wo must proceed with hyprucell from time to time. Dream of twentornined India have vanished, out any fear. There were National song in Bengalut we will be of it. Wo love our mother :30 or 30 yonte ago, but how different to throw AN who in. "सरिस्मै लान करिस्ने भय, चापमानावर नय।" today in thought, in feeling in relian. The Ven 21 WIBY. W N ie. 16. not whamel, mit afraid conquer all patrioti-in of qutern Artur Merkneme, master thyself." 1 sort of vaguo indefinite love for Indis, et "Teke, the tough are cloth that our entimental than emotional, and therefore until 194 at 7, wie the gives 14,14 blewing, my besther." man We wore Irunk with the wine of Encan Though all who are Here there is no artificiality, not merely # civilization. Our une dear to you forin was to tranaplant Europiot Indi. Enman sake yotl, it will not to do to filter And one of woulstimtameterince the songs of lenin wer: the the riterion of all ambition. Therefore when we I peril. for that." There it real depth vend that patriotinu wana ilion in the of feeling " gar Cafe &, safu fer free, went, we thought, it wil sien of reputability, "यो पामार देगेर माटि, नीमार परे ठकार माथा, end we envineul de tint wo were यो तोर बार बार ठे ली गई, जयत र हार टावै नाtriotic too. We it fequit a t." तापी भाषमा बरापी मा।' TW , cara, "Ol wil of my entry pre my face npon "Will you come back becaune you And the for wo, ww, door shut to you ? you put pash at it again the and I feel pead ot in thce the rainiento wit." We of the universul tether." and again. It nay be the door will remain "Sing the prine of Pudin, Author in there! irumorenble" it will not do to falter and 14 Ciek ai te sifa and I woul, xing the praise of India. We were anxio tu for that." Prove that we too Inveil our country and wang futrem HK 412, Theme, And that suffering will bring us victoryter pruimen. There was notriotic touch in it START 7914 att" 10 oulit, but * purely sentimental one, and nay tuore, the greater the suffering the nooder coming, as it did, from a nation will tho goal be reached. exped from "Oh my willen lingal, very dearly do I love hewl to fout in Antillid low, thee evet thy l a tly air kwake A "Per a 71 177 sifa na tak Low unreal It wounded! of gladhen me Leart." . चोदर मापन यन मन ए, मोदर पाचन वा दुई।


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