Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 34
________________ KARMAYOGIN. 10 the truth behind. They had ever emphasised, the poodnem and the source of strength that lie one of the leader of the Movement on the unreason rod injustice of ancient thoughts and hidden underneath them, he seeks to remov Bangal side institutions, and bad, therefore, overlooked and remedy them from within, by work. In his own province, however, Egam Sur dar the moul of truth and the counterpoine of gooding up the latest truth and goodness and hus heen long known as very capable Bengali that lie mixed up everywbere with falschoods strength, and is in the meantime, lovingly journalist and writer. His paper the "I'RATI and evils. Those movements were also more tolerant of them. This is the character of wat BABI" oecupied the forebint place ng Leo or lena forced from the outside, throngh the may be called concrete patriotism. Syam galee weeklies, in regard to it thoughtfulness influence of imported ideas and ideals, and these Sundar's patriotism is of this kind, and conse sobriety, and operior literary character. But Hatler brought in their train their own necessary quently, it is characterised by an intense con popular and Mensational journalism liar, to a counterpoine of falsehoods and evils, which, be. vatism, which is the soul of natural, As distinvery large estent, destroyed the chances of ing foreign to the thought and life of the guinbed from philosophic, nationaliam overy. Docem of high-clan literary journals in Lengal, people, met with no natural antidote that wbere. u elee wher; and the "PRATIRANI" onerumbed, moelety almost unconsciously and automatically But Syam Sundar is by no means rigid after a few years, to the severe financial train Ways and everywhere providen against the and hide-bound conservative. He is alway and hide-bound conservative H under bich it lived and labound install necrary evils of its own native life and prepared to move with the time, and in through its life. When the HANDITA" WAS thought. All these combined to contribute to practical life, be has, like almost every started by the late Praha Landhal Upadhyaya the trength of the reaction which passed over Nationalint, given up many of the obsoleto Byar Fender joined its staff, and his simple the country during the closing decades of the institutions and usagen of his country and his and ney style ountaibuted very largely to the lust century. It olitructed the advance of the Caste. Born of very high-class Drahnsin prente Di e which that paper attained at ng kreative religious and social reform move -bie father was a well-known Adhyapaks or oso part of its life. When the “Basba MATA mint virilly ; but all the same contributed professor of Drahminical lore-ho obeer ves all RAYWanrganired ** Joint Stock rourern, to the general progress of thought and life, about the end of 1906. Syam Sundar left the be formaliems of Drahminical life, to the extent ainiost in every direction. The present SAXDRTA" and joided its staff, and he was that these are demanded by the public opinion Nationalist Movement in India is very largely to a very large extent, the very life and woul of his cante. Lut as far as that public opinion indebted to thin Reaction or Revival for good of that paper, until it We Huppered by the hav enimenced to become tolerant of heterodox deal both of its inder strength and its outer Government laut November. A few weeks halita and thoughts, Sypm Sunder does not influence. later, Ryan Burder was himself arrested and refuse to follow them. In fact, he does not even Syam Sundar in esentially child of this deported, under Ergulation 111. of 1818, with shrink from initiating these reforms, provided Tenction. He has alwaye clung to the spirit out any public indictwent or trial. they do not create any vital disruption in social Rnd tradition of his face with a tender tenacity, life. He is therefore, as much at home with By Bunder belongs to a generation that that while recognining their fruiltien, yet the orthodox Brahmin-Pundit us with the came very largely under the influeen of the Hank from ruthlessly rooting them up leat beterodox England-returned civilian or Larrister. Hindu Revival of the closing quarter of the the sacred organisi itself should lo wounded It is neither in eating nor drinking (though be last contury. Unlike Auvini Kumar, Krinha and injured in the operations. But ho has is a testotaller) that his Brahminirm ever seeks Kuner, or Manoranjan.-Syam Hundar had aho been waitive to liberal influencer, and to assert itself. Neither is it in his prido o never broken away from the ancient thenghts has been sincerely respectful towards the birth that it comes out. He mixes freely with and traditions of bie people, and, consequently leaders of the Erahmo Samaj and other men of all caste, and in private life treats the while Aarini Kumar and Manoranjan represent reformu tuovements; but being enkontially Pariab with almost the same respect u he what may be called the return movement in man of sentiment, be bas never permitted would render to. Brabnin, provided, of course, Bengaloe thought w..d life of our time, Syam hin intellectual ideus and appreciations to the former occupies in education and character Burdar representa the type of staunch nation. weaken the hold of his affection upon his own the same position as the latter. But all the slist that en unes through the natural and inscountry and people. His patriotism has inherent pride of race in the man comes out the tinctive onervation of every people. He always controlled bis reason and prevented u, of course, come under the rationalistic moment were wealth seeks to Brert itaelt over him from making any violent protest in the influens of his age, and has had, therefore, culture or character. In one sens, therefore, name of Feason against the thoughts, beliefs, to work out sono mort of Syam synthesin lietween traditions and institution of his race. Sundar's spirit is perhaps the most old ideua and institutions on the one side, and democratic among the leading Nationalist Patriotism is really of two kinds, abatract the new tinghals, aminations, and conditions workers in Bengal. Dut it is the democracy of and concrete. The social and religious reformer on the other. But it did not conin throurb the Brahmin, the claims of the intellect and the loven hin country and his people as ardently any open anithrain or protest but grew natur real man to equality, despite all differences and devotedly as any other person ; but bia ally, and aluciat unconsciously, throngh the worldly position due to wealth or rank. It is patriotism is of the abstract kind. He loves por levoution of hin intellectual and social the proud protest of the old spirit of intellectual only the good, the beautiful, and the true, rimenta and spiritual aristocracy of Hinduism, against * his own country. He has no toleration ravival can really revive the part, just the Britisb-created aristocracy of land and lucre. for the end, the ugly, and the false. He is i war in the past. 11 hm to ndjunt the past Along with thin pride of Intellect and culture, more or less of an iconoclast. He is cast in the to the living conditions of the present. A Syam Sundar has also inberited from his mould of the prophet ---rigid, uncompromising, S val miat, therefore, ofer new Brahmin ancestors a tender humanity, which is faithful to wbatever is true and good, relentles vi #1.W wynthesis. It is is such almost feminine in its care for the weak and the in his war against whatever, in his eyen, is heee.. the Hindu Revival in Iudin of beresved, Extremely sensitive talue and evil. His country to the least into bim w century bas had its main suspicion of slight or Deglech, Syam Sundar is of an ideality that a reality. Krishna Kumar's bunt be admitted that the alvo among the most selfless of our pullie wen. riotism is essentially of this type, Among U It of thin Revival has more Vory coor himself, he bas never refused to part Lut there is another class of patriotism also 1 Unsciously uken note of the It may be bent characterined as with his last penny, to any one, friend or concrete. It ained by the Delmo Bauinjio not the love of an abtraction called country acquaintance, who stood in greater or even equal reform movements of our need of it. Poverty makes misanthropea in of nation. It lover ita people in the concrete Europe, his own poverty has made something just as they are, a miature of both remos aod mit in called, not really of pbilanthropist of this chip of an old and ubrur. On, of both good and bad. It loves 3 fathers; it is a Dew phase, aristocratic Enabmin block. How much of it is ita natin with pure love, which sees the ** . wew interpretation, and a due to his inberitance in the supremely spirit al whole, seines the totality, and in that lotality, De old and traditiv al ideule, civilisation of his nation, and how touch to his finde an explanation for both ita reason and Dla , lig ' st needs and cuudition rearon, it good and evil, and seeing both the Own personal finperament, it is difficult to my. r . 44, M Emerwn my, the light and the shade together, it is able to realise But whatever may be their origin and cause, all b . Ito movement lekward to the proper perspective of both. It fo bot bilad bo LAVO come into intimate contact with Byas pe r plected truth that had been to the farlts and errors, the evils and the weak Sundar, hare found hia impulses to be almoel pt vioadJok xht of and left on the way. Bone of its own nation, but only witamy noble, and his idea lofty. their The vincuts of protest, inaugurated under natural explanations which other fail to in Ialosaun, bad left bany precious and the recognising the spirit of truth and B


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