JANUARY, 1885.]
lines,—33 of which are not in the Bháshya which | College Library last year, and called No. 487
accompanies it, whilst others appear there in a different order. The first Anuváka of manu
script A evidently ends on page 785, and the praticas, or memorial words, follow on page 786; but the second is glued on to it, in a most unscholarly fashion, so that the chapters may be in conformity with those of Sâyana.
In some MSS., the text now under notice is styled the Narayana-Upanishad; and Sâyana gives it also the name of Yajniket (तत्र कर्मणां बाहुल्याद्याज्ञिकीत्युच्यते ). In two of the College MSS. it is called the Brihannarayana-Upanishad; whilst in the other three it bears the title adopted at the head of this paper.
Before proceeding to examine the one in hand, it may be well to notice briefly another Upanishad of the same name, but differing entirely as to its contents. It is otherwise known as the Paramatattvarahasya-Upanishad (Burnell's Catalogue of Tanjore MSS., page 34), and commences thus :
ओ श्रीमद्विश्वाधिष्ठानपरमहंससद्गुरुरामचन्द्राय नमः । औं भद्रं कर्णेभिरिति शान्तिः । अथ परमतत्त्वरहस्याजितासुः परमेही देवमानेन सहस्रारं तपश्धचार सहस्रपती युतीगतपसा मसनं भगवन्तं महाविष्णुं ब्रह्मा परिपृच्छति भगवन्परमतत्त्वरहस्यं मे ब्रूहीति ।
The following is a résumé of its contents as appended to each of the eight adhyayas :—
1. इत्याथर्वणमहानारायणोपनिषदि पादचतुष्टय स्वरूपनिरूपणं नाम प्रथमोऽध्यायः
2. परब्रह्मणः साकारनिराकारस्वरूपनिरूपणं 3. मूलाविद्यालयस्वरूपनिरूपणं
4. महामायातीताखण्डाद्वैतपरमानन्दलक्षणपरब्र ह्मणः परमतत्त्वस्वरूपनिरूपण
5. संसारतरणोपायकथनहारा परममोक्षमार्गस्वरूपनिरूपर्ण
6. परममोक्षमार्गस्वरूपनिरूपणं
7. परममोक्षस्वरूपद्वारा त्रिपाद विभूतिपरमवैकु ण्ठमहानारायणस्वरूपनिरूपणं
8. परमसायुज्यमुक्तिस्वरूपनिरूपणं
In style and matter it is thus wholly unlike the older Upanishads, and should rather be classed with the later Vêdântic treatises based on those works. There is a MS. of it in the. set of 108 Upanishads added to the Deccan
of 1882-83.
Sayana tells us that the number of Anuvákas in the tenth book of the Taittiriya-Áranyaka varies from 64 to 89; but that he himself followed for the most part a text consisting of 80 (वत्र वयं पाठान्तराणि यथासंभवं सूचयन्तो अशीतिपाठ प्राधान्येन व्याख्यास्यामः) Dr. Rijla dralÂl Mitra's edition comprises only 64, but seems to exhaust the whole of the Bhashya. The divisions in the College MSS., however, differ from all the above, and they also vary amongst themselves. The Dipika divides it into 25 sections, as stated in Nârâyana's opening words :- महानारायणीयेऽत्र तैत्तिरीये शिरस्यपि । पञ्चविंशतिसंख्याकाश्चातुस्त्रिंशे तु खण्डकाः ॥
The matter included in each Section, together with the portion that corresponds with it in the printed text, is indicated below:1. अंभस्यवारे.....यटी (p. 752-763) 2. एष हि देवः मा परिपातय (763-769) 3. पुरुषस्य विद्महे तन्नो ब्रह्मा प्रचोदयात् (769 to end of invocations, which differ mate[rially).
4. सहस्रपरमा देवीयं च वयं द्विष्मः ( 772776, omitting what Sayana omits, and following his order. This Section therefore includes part of 777 !)
5. नमोऽप्रये सुमते
पुनात्वघमर्षणः (778 to footnote on 785; omitting what Sayana omits).
6. अक्रान्समुद्रः सौभगमायजस्व (785-790; omitting, of course, page 786 ).
7. भूरमये पृथिव्यै............ममामुष्य ओम् (791-797, omitting what Sayana omits). 8. ऋतं तपः अन्तरात्मा (797-804). 9. ब्रह्मा देवानी.......अवमीहोर एतत्
............ स महेश्वरः
10. चत्वारि शृङ्का (813-820).
11. सहस्रशीर्ष ........ परमस्वराट्र (Anuváka 11, omitting the clause that Sâyana omits).
12. ऋतं सत्यं ....इत्युपनिषत् ( 829-834). 18. घृणिः सूर्यः इति वसिष्ठः (835-842).