Book Title: Doha Giti Kosa
Author(s): Sarahpad, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: Prakrit Text Society Ahmedabad

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Page 116
________________ 99 कपदिकां न गृह्णाति बोड्डिकां न गृह्णाति स्वच्छंदं पारं करोति । यः रथे आरुह्य वहितुं जानाति कूले कूले निमज्जति ।। ५ (14) The boat is streered through the middle of the Gangā and the Yamunā. The Mātangi effortlessly ferries across the Yogin who is sunk therein (1). Steer on O Dombi, steer on, oh dear, It became twilight on the way, (yet) by the grace of the feet of the True Guru I have to go to the city of the Jinas (2). Five oars ply. The rope is tied to the platform behind. With the water-skin of the sky the water is sprinkled, but it does not enter through the joints (3). Sun And Moon are the two wheels, creation and destruction, the masts. Steering the boat at will, she does not take note of both the courses, the left and the right. She does not charge a Kapardikā or a Boddikā. She ferries you across at her own will. He who mounting on the chariot does not know how to drive would sink down on this or that bank. चर्यागीति १५ [शान्तिपाद] [राग : रामकरी] सइँ-संवेअण-रूवु विआरे अलक्खु ण लक्खिउ जाइ । जो जो उज्जुएँ वट्टएँ गउ अणवट्टउ होइउ सोइ ॥ १ कूले कूले म भर्विं रे मूढा उज्जु-वट्ट संसारु । वाल-भिण्णु एहु वंकु म भुल्लहि राअ-पहहिँ खंधारु ॥ २ माआ-मोह-समुद्दहो अन्तु ण [तासु] ण बुज्झसि थाहु । अग्गएँ णाव ण भेलउ दीसइ भंति(?तु) ण पुच्छसि णाहु ॥ ३ सुण्णहो पंथहो कउह ण दीसइ भंति ण पाससि जं ते । एअ अट्ठ मह-सिद्धि सिज्झहिँ उज्जुएँ वट्टएँ जंतें ॥ ४ दाहिणु वामु वट्ट छंडेवि संति जु बोल्लइ सो किअइ । घट्ट ण गुम्मु ण खड तडि होअइ अक्खि बुज्झि वट्ट जाइअइ ।। ५ Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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