Book Title: Doha Giti Kosa
Author(s): Sarahpad, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: Prakrit Text Society Ahmedabad

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Page 128
________________ 111 शून्य-नैरत्मा कण्ठे विलागिता महासुखे रात्रिः प्रभाता ।। ५ सद्गुरु-वाक्य-पिच्छेन धनुषा विध्य निज-मन:-बाणेन । एकेन शर-सन्धानेन विध्यति विध्य विध्य पर-निर्वाणे ॥ ६ उन्मत्तः शबर: पागल: शबरः प्रेरितः गुरुणा रोषेण । गिरिवर-शिखर-संधौ प्रविशन् प्रत्यागच्छति कथम् ॥ ७ 28 High and lofty is the mountain. There dwells the Śabara girl. Peacock's tail-feather she wears. The Sabari has on her neck the necklace of Guñjā berries. (1). O introxicated Sabara, maddened Śabara, do not raise a hue and cry. Your own wife is beautiful Sahajasundari by name (2). Various trees are in bloom, their branches reaching to the sky; alone the Śabari roams about in the forest, wearing ear-rings and the Vajra. (3). The Sabara has stretched himself on the couch of three Dhātus. The bed of Mahāsukha is covered (with the bed-cover), The Sabara is the lover, the Nairātmā is the harlot, the night dawned through love making. (4). The betel of heart and the camphor of...was eaten in Mahāsukha. The void-Nairātmā embraced the neck and the night downed in Mahāsukha. (5). With the words of the True Guru as its tail-feather and with the arrow of your mind pierce (the target); aiming only one shaft pierce, O pierce the highest Nirvana. (6). The Sabara is intoxicated, the Sabara is maddened. Urged by furious anger, entering the crevice of the peak of the best of mountains, how will he return ? (7). चर्यागीति २९ __ [लूईपाद] [ राग : पटमञ्जरी] भावु ण होइ अभावु ण जाअइ । अइसें बोहे को पतिआअइ ॥ १ लूइ भणइ दुल्लक्खु विणाणउँ। तिअ-धाउहिँ विलसइ ऑहु ण जाणउँ।। २ जसु वण्णु चिन्हु रूवु ण जाणिअइ । (सो) किस आगमे वेएँ वखाणिअइ ।। ३ Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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